Ram Katha overall ethos of his Katha is universal peace and spreading the message of truth, love and...

Post on 09-Mar-2018

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Transcript of Ram Katha overall ethos of his Katha is universal peace and spreading the message of truth, love and...

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Ram Katha

T H E S S E A R E N A , W E M B L E Y1 2 T H A U G U S T : 4pm - 7pm

9.30am - 1.30pm1 3 T H - 2 0 T H A U G U S T :Prasad will be served daily

“Katha is not a religious gathering; it is a

conversation about life.” Morari Bapu

www.ramkathalondon.co.uk • www.moraribapu.orgRamKathaLondon • info@ramkathalondon.co.uk • 07404 572 022

Morari Bapu is a renowned exponent of the Ram Charit Manas and has been reciting Ram Kathas for over fifty years throughout the world. The overall ethos of his Katha is universal peace and

spreading the message of truth, love and compassion. While the focal point is the scripture itself, Bapu draws upon examples from other religions and invites people from all faiths to attend the discourses.

Katha is a gift for all - open to all.

“Ramkatha does three things. It comes bearing a new message; it gives advice according to the need of the time and it also gives us direction.”

Morari Bapu

To volunteer at Ram Katha London please visit www.ramkathalondon.co.uk