Ralph Character Analysis: Lord Of The Flies

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Transcript of Ralph Character Analysis: Lord Of The Flies

Ralph Character Analysis Lord of the Flies

Ralph Represents

Leadership CivilisationSocialisation

The name Ralph means “Brave”

(or vomit – look it up!)

Ralph is a natural leader

•He is originally chosen as chief over Jack •He is chosen yet again when Jack tries to make himself chief over Ralph later in the novel•This shows that he is popular•Ralph is the first to blow the conch, which is a symbol of power, leadership and order (Though, Piggy does have to tell him how to do it)•Ralph is always holding the conch during a meeting/assembly

“Jacks in charge of the choir{…} What do you want them to be?”“Hunters,”

He realizes that he needs Jack:

“The fair boy”

His description suggests that he is a fair leader. “Fair” is repeatedagain and again during the novel:

He has a greater focus on getting rescued rather than hunting

“The best thing we can do it get ourselves rescued,”

•He understands the importance of keeping the fire going.•He is single minded in the fact that the benefit of getting rescued is greater than that of hunting (like Jack)•He demonstrates obvious common sense by deciding to start the fire.•Recognises the fears and superstitions as a barrier to their survival.

He is good

“A mildness about him that proclaimed no evil”

•Ralph defends Piggy and listens to his advice and realizes his worth.•Ralph recognizes that Piggy is intelligent, therefore tolerates him.•Ralph is loyal to his group

Ralph is a weak leader

•Ralph loses his power of organized thoughts•His mental workings are subject to the same decay that his clothes go through too.•He is not very good at making decisions.•Ralphs tribe collapses and he fails to defend it, especially when Samneric are kidnapped.•He is too trusting of the wrong people: He gave Jack the task of keeping the fire going, yet Jack let “the bloody fire out”

Ralph has morals

•He wants to be back in a world of adults •He doesn’t just follow the rules, he makes them•He realizes that he needs Jack:” Jacks in charge of the choir”•He often doesn’t want to fight Jack verbally •He doesn’t fight anybody physically • Is the most mature of the boys

He doesn’t swear (except for this no no:)

“Ralph reached inside himself for the worst word he knew, ‘They let the bloody fire out!’”

•When he is rescued, he is more discomforted by his appearance than the fact that he almost died.• Is always polite, even in tense situations •When Simon mumbles that he doesn’t believe in the beast, Ralph “answered him politely, as if agreeing about the weather,”•Although he contributes to Simons death, he feels guilty about it, whereas nobody else does.

He identifies Simons death as murder:

“That was murder,”

He is disciplined and follows the rules:

“Jerked his stockings with an automatic gesture,”

Ralph is a survivorHe will survive!

•Ralph is hunted down by Jack and his tribe, but narrowly escapes his death.•He is the last boy standing who is not a complete savage, which shows that he is strong.• In exchange for his innocence, Ralph gained an understanding of human kinds natural character: that evil is universally present in everybody.

“Ralph wept for the end of innocence”