Rain, Rain, go away! by: Kelley Bradley, Brittany Fox, and Julia Frasch.

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Rain, Rain, go away! by: Kelley Bradley, Brittany Fox, and Julia Frasch.

Rain, Rain, go away!

by: Kelley Bradley, Brittany Fox, and Julia Frasch

Mr. and Mrs. Worm were on their way to the Hampton puddle, it was a rainy day, and there were many worms on the street, and Mr. Worm and Mrs. Worm didn’t want to be there caught dead. Mr. and Mrs. Worm were newly weds, they were so excited to be going on their honey moon to the world famous Hampton puddle. This 5 star puddle is the most expensive puddle in the UK and ever worm’s dream is to go there.

On their way back to the their underground home, they inching slowly down the side of the road. Mrs. Worm lost her balance on a drop of precipitation, then ZOOM, Mr. Worm saw a flash of red, and then his wife’s body next to him, and her head spinning on a wheel of a car. He cried for a while, and then decided to head back home, alone.

He decided to go back to his underground tunnel to have a cup of dirt to take his mind off things. When he peeked inside his hole in the ground, he was livid to see that water was rising from the mouth of his house! He yelled to the sky ,”Curse this groundwater!” Then he made a new hole under a leaf, and hid there for a while.

Mr. Worm was up all night in his new home, making plans to destroy the water cycle . He decided to make plans for his brilliant idea, to exterminate all of the clouds in the universe forever. He would get revenge on the cycle that killed his beautiful wife! “I will avenge her, I will AVENGE her!” said Mr. Worm

He had to use a potion to make himself and the vacuum giant. He added a giant’s toenail, his mothers lemonade, a picture of him at community college, some run-off from the roads, and his wife’s green scarf. When he added all of his ingredients together, he came up with a green liquid.

Once he drank the green potion he poured some on the vacuum. He was greatly increased along with the vacuum, into a size taller then the Empire State Building. He could see Mt. Olympus from this view! He suddenly grew white hair, and started to have a tiny little mustache that was also white.

Mr. Worm now went by, The EVIL Worminator! He could finally complete his master plan of destroying the water cycle. He would start sucking the clouds in, but the weight of the vacuum was so heavy, that sweat started evaporating from his forehead. The EVIL Worminator, was on his way to Grand Central Station, to eliminate all the clouds from that part of the world first!

The EVIL Worminator was so happy to see that his invention worked. When he turned on the vacuum it started to suck up all the clouds and pretty soon, all of the clouds in the world were gone. The EVIL Worminator went over to the vacuum and dumped out all the clouds into his mouth. This way, no one would be able to let them out anywhere. Just then, he heard some screams below.

The humans on earth were very surprised when they looked up and saw no clouds for many many days. Soon, there was no water cycle. Plants were dying, and humans were running out of water to use for themselves. People were getting very smelly for taking no showers. Kid Patowski smelled the awful stench from his underground hideout and came to the rescue.

Where did all the water go! All of our plants are dying! Kid Patowski Please COME!

When he flew above earth and ask what was happening, they explained all about the EVIL Worminator and his evil plan of destroying the water cycle. Kid Patowski said he would go and check out the clouds and sky.

When he got there, there was a villain he had never seen before. It was a giant worm. It was totally unexpected. He was eating all of the clouds from a giant vacuum, and Kid was frightened.

Then Kid Patowski got an idea, he would trick The EVIL Worminator into drinking prune juice but he would put it in a grape soda can to disguise it. Then The EVIL Worminator would drink the grape soda, and then throw up the clouds and save the water cycle.

When Kid Patowski gave The EVIL Worminator the can of soda, The EVIL Worminator asked what it was. Kid Patowski lied and said that it was grape soda, so The EVIL Worminator drank it all in one gulp. Then The EVIL Worminator realized that the soda didn’t taste like soda, He said to Kid Patowski, “Hey this isn’t soda,” then Kid Patowski said, “ Haha it’s prune juice!”

Then the clouds started coming out of the EVIL Worminator mouth, like pouring lemonade from a pitcher. The EVIL Worminator was so mad that his plan was ruined, that he started to turn red in the face. Now water would be transpirating from the plants, and water would be condensating to the clouds. Kid asked him why he would do such a thing to the water cycle and The EVIL Worminator replied “it killed my wife!”. “Well, I can help!” kid said.

So Kid shrunk down the EVIL Worminator, found both halves of Mrs. Worm, sewed her together, and renamed The EVIL Worminator back to just Mr. Worm. After that he told Mr. Worm about the harms of destroying the cycle. Also he warned him never ever to do it again, and to next time go to Kid Patowski first. From that day on the clouds never disappeared again!

Never ever, ever,

ever, ever, ever,

ever, ever, ever,

destroy the

Water cycle


THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Precipitation-water that moves from the atmosphere to the land and oceanEvaporation-the change of state from liquid to vaporRun off-water that flows on the earths surfaceGround water-water stored in underground cavernsCondensation-when water vapor reaches high, cool air it turns into water drops and falls to the groundTranspiration- water helps regulate the body temperature through precipitation returning it to the environment