Radioamateurs du Luxembourg a.s.b.l. (RL) · 2020. 1. 7. · amateur radio operators were already...

Post on 24-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Radioamateurs du Luxembourg a.s.b.l. (RL) · 2020. 1. 7. · amateur radio operators were already...

Radioamateursdu Luxembourg


The Luxembourgish amateur radio association RL defends the interests of about 350 amateur radio operators in Luxembourg. There are more than 3 million amateur radio operators worldwide.

The RL is your partner to be considered for: - instruction for the exam- services for radio amateurs - advocating at the ILR- advocating worldwide as member of the IARU

Contact: rl@rlx.luRadioamateurs du Luxembourg a.s.b.l.P.O. Box 1352L-1013 Luxembourg

Image transmission

ATV is a radio mode where the operators use their own television transmitters. They may make contacts with other amateur operators via video-radio-conference. This mode is somewhat special as the operator cannot only hear his partner but also see him.


Radio amateurs build relays which operate in the VHF and UHF range and they are installed in geographically exposed areas. Relays allow fixed or mobile stations to cover distances from 50 to over 100 km.

New possibilities exist with digital transmission

Picture: possibilities with D-STAR (source ICOM America)

Working with electronic circuits

is a major part of this interesting and versatile hobby. This includes experimenting with antennas, building one's own equipment, antennas, amplifiers as well as the programming and use of computer software for digital transmission.

Radio contact with the ISS

The international space station ISS is equipped with an amateur radio station. Among other, it is used for regular contacts with schools.

Satellite Radio

Radio amateurs have their own satellites, as “AMSAT- OSCAR 40" for example. With this satellite, it was possible several years ago, to demonstrate by experiments that the global positioning system (GPS) may also be used in space.

School stations

Several schools in Luxembourg are equipped with Amateur Radio stations. This is another possibility to gain some experience with the callsign of the school station.

RL - Radioamateurs du LuxembourgFounding Member and Member of the IARU

How can I become a radio amateur?

A certificate is needed prior to transmitting.

This certificate may be obtained after having passed with success the radio-amateur's exam at the ILR (Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation)

There are two different certificates:

Novice exam : degree of difficulty: medium, with restricted access to the amateur radio service.

HAREC exam : degree of difficulty: high, without restrictions to the amateur radio service

Preparing the amateur radio exam

Every year, the RL organizes an instruction course together with the Service National de la Jeunesse (SNJ) for the amateur radio exam.

This course starts in October and is open to all ages. The course is held in Luxembourgish language. The exam at the ILR takes place about 4 months later.

The RL course provides the candidates with the necessary knowledge concerning radio technology, operating and regulations for the license exam.

Special activities

Non-licensees may operate under supervision of a licensed radio amateur with the RL's club callsign and during the JOTA (= Jamboree on the air). This allows a more practical insight into this hobby.These events are announced under:

Amateur radio, a versatile Hobby

Contacts are in phone (speech)...telegraphy (Morse code)...or data transmission.

Be it Japan, New Zealand, Africa, Brazil, USA, India, Australia or the Fiji islands...

With a wire antenna in the backyard, you can make worldwide contacts with other radio amateurs over short wave, make new friends and enhance your knowledge in foreign languages.

Long before there were wireless computer networks and cell phones, the Luxembourgish amateur radio operators were already interlinked with the neighbouring countries! The operator could log himself into the net and exchange data and information over the so-called packet radio network. This network as evolved to the current HAMNET.

HAREC stands for "Harmonized Amateur Radio Examination Certificate"

Having obtained the certificate, you may ask your own callsign at the ILR.