Rachel and Shanna Presentation

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Rachel and Shanna Presentation

Effects of technology on an aging population

Shanna Macpherson & Rachel Reeds

This presentation will discuss issues that the aging population faces as technology advances


Modernization theory claims that the interactions and positions the elderly hold in society decline as technology advances (Cowgill and Holmes 1972)

Modernization Theory

This theory claims that the aging population disengages because they are structurally segregated from society, they are isolated and they have few opportunities to take active roles in their communities.

Activity Theory

No experience using new technologies Poor understanding of how technologies

work Negative attitude towards technology

Issues the aging population faces

In 2011, census showed that there were higher amounts of people of the aging population (age 45-64) in the workforce than that of people aged 15-24.


As new technologies are introduced, the elderly population is faced with a lack of experience each and everyday.

Many Doctor’s and Dentist’s now use iPads connected to WIFI to check in! Many elderly people don’t know what an iPad is let alone how to use one.

These types of technologies can make simple appointments embaressing and potentially stop the elderly from returning.

No Experience

The elderly love to help other people. But with a lack of knowledge on technology it is almost impossible for them.

This in turn makes it difficult to maintain a job. Most stores, restaurants and even medical offices use very advanced POS systems compared to writing down a receipt and manually adding taxes as they are accustomed to.

Poor Understanding

Another example of how technology prohibits the elderly from living an average life is the amount of technology that is placed in new vehicles.

With built in navigation, sirius radio, bluetooth and touch controls; many elderly would just rather not be in that vehicle.

These types of technologies are very distracting and can be dangerous while used by an inexperienced person (in this case the elderly) while operating a motor vehicle.

No Experience

Technology Usage

Due to lack of usage, people 65+ lack the experience needed to perform simple daily tasks within the modern world!

A possible solution would be to offer free of charge classes for the aging population on how to use new technologies

The classes could also go into some detail on how the technologies work so they could have opportunities to be more efficient in a workplace setting and within everyday life!


Because of the lack of knowledge, many of the aging population have negative feelings towards technology!

They don’t understand it so they become aggravated and lose interest in learning about it


This would tie into the previous solution of having a class to educate them more about how awesome and helpful technology can be!

The aging population is more than often unaware of features such as google maps and endless app possibilities for online banking, health tips and so much more!


Mooney, L. A. (2008). Understanding social problems. Australia ; Canada : Thomson Nelson, c2008.

Older Adults and Technology Use. (2014, April 3). Retrieved April 3, 2015, from http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/04/03/older-adults-and-technology-use/

Technology and elderly Jared Wright (2009) Retrieved from http://ezinearticles.com/?Technology-and-Elderly---Embracing-Technology-to-Improve-Your-Life&id=3266364

Technology Fear Stops Older Adults From Logging On Computer - AARP Bulletin. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2015, from http://www.aarp.org/technology/innovations/info-08-2011/elderly-fear-of-technology.html

The Canadian Population in 2011: Age and Sex. (2011, January 1). Retrieved April 3, 2015, from http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2011/as-sa/98-311-x/98-311-x2011001-eng.cfm
