R svocablist3

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Transcript of R svocablist3

RS List 3Thanks to Lin, Fatimah, Eiman, Ileana, Yo,

Shay, Mohammad, Luisa, Kyoung, Jacky, Chune and Bank

Optimum (adj.)

Definition: most favorable or

advantageous; best: optimum conditions Example:

The optimum policy will make the best use of those investments

rather than ignore them.

Predisposition (n.)

Definition:1.A condition that makes sb/sth likely to

behave in a particular way or suffer from a particular disease.

2.A genetic predisposition to liver disease.Example: Our predisposition is to be aware of as

much of what's going on around us as possible.

Sanction (v.)


1.To give permission for sth to take place.

2.To punish sb/sth.


The government refused to sanction a further cut in interest rates.

REVITALIZE Re-vi-tal-ize (v)

Revitalize: to put new strength, power, or life into something.

Synonyms: Refresh.

Antonyms: Enervate, Ruin.

Relaxation is a technique to revitalize body and mind.

They hope to revitalize the neighborhood by providing better housing.

RETICENT Ret-i-cent (adj)

Reticent: unwilling to talk about what you feel or what you know.

Synonyms: uncommunicative, silent, secretive.

Antonyms: communicative.

He was reticent to tell the truth for fear he would be punished.



Unwilling to talk

PROLIFIC Pro-lif-ic (adj)Prolific: a prolific artist, writer etc produces many works of art, books.

Produce a lot of.

Synonyms: productive.

Antonyms: unproductive.

Isaac Asimove is a prolific writer. 506 of his works being published.

The more productive we can be, the more money we earn .

I am a prolific writer. I wrote all these

books in short time.

Exacerbate (v)• Make it worse ; aggravate - irritate

Germane (adj)•Relevant to a subject under consideration ; relevant .e.g: Please only bring up topics that are germane to our discussion.

Objective (adj)• Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts , unbiased .

e.g: It is hard to establish an objective viewpoint on emotional subjects.

Paramount (adj): 1. More important than anything else; supreme.2. Having supreme power.

Synonyms: principal, superior, outstanding.Antonyms: Inferior , last, minor, trivial

Decorum (n): 1. Behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety.2. Etiquette.

Synonyms: appropriate behavior, good manners.Antonyms: impoliteness, bad behavior.

“Picking Pete” lacks decorum.

Synonyms: distort, exaggerate, misinterpret.Antonyms: perceive, get , understand, discern

convert (v.)to persuade to change to one's religious faith <young missionaries who go door-to-door trying to convert people>

to change in form, appearance, or use <the old factory was converted into an apartment building>

Synonyms: proselytize, make over, metamorphose,transfigure, transform, transmute

Antonyms: secularize; dissuade,

e.g.: An example of convert is when you exchange dollars into Euros.

static (adj.)fixed in a place or position <the static installation of the statue in that niche means that no one will ever see its back, which is also of interest>

Synonyms: immobile, nonmoving, standing, static

Antonyms: mobile, movable (or moveable), moving, nonstationary

e.g.: Prices are likely to remain static rather than fall.

stimulate (v.)to give life, vigor, or spirit to <research into alternative energy sources has been stimulated by this funding increase>

to rouse to strong feeling or action <the government crackdown has only stimulated the citizenry to more acts of violence>

Synonyms: amp (up), brace, energize, fire (up), invigorate, jazz (up), juice up, jump-start, liven (up)

Antonyms: burn out, debilitate, drain, enervate, enfeeble, exhaust, fag, fatigue, harass, knock out, undermine, wash out, weaken, dull, kill

e.g.: Stimulate thinking about what current trends mean for practitioners and their organizations ' activities.

Def. - to change something to suit different conditions or uses

Part of Speech◦ Adaptation/ Adaptability (N)◦ Adapted/ Adaptable (Adj)

Example◦ She has adapted herself to college life quite



Def. - a sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction

Part of Speech◦ Catastrophic (Adj)

Example◦ They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come.


Def. - to give a possible but not yet proved explanation for something

Part of Speech◦ Hypothesis (N)

Example◦ Biologists have hypothesized a relationship

between the two species.


Stern (adj.)1. serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someone's behavior: sterner penalties for drug offencesstern look/voice/expression etc 'Wait!' I shouted in my sternest voice.stern warning/rebuke His actions have earned him stern rebukes from human-rights organizations.

2.be made of sterner stuffto have a strong character and be more determined than other people to succeed in a difficult situation: Ann, made of sterner stuff than I, refused all offers of help. —sternly adverb —sternness noun [uncountable]

Rage (n) 1. a strong feeling of

uncontrollable anger: Sobbing with rage, Carol was

taken to the hospital. 2. be all the rage informal to be very popular or

fashionable: DiCaprio became all the rage after

starring in the film 'Titanic’. 3. rage for something a situation in which something is

very popular or fashionable: the rage for mobile phones


1. performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another: vicarious punishment. 2. taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a substitute. 3. felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of others: a vicarious thrill.


Adjective 1. harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being: noxious fumes. 2. morally harmful; corrupting; pernicious: a noxious plan to spread dissension.


Verb (used without object) 1. to struggle in opposition: to contend with the enemy for control of the port. 2. to strive in rivalry; compete; vie: to contend for first prize. 3. to strive in debate; dispute earnestly: to contend against falsehood.


YEARN (v) : to have a strong or deep desire.

UNPARALLELED (adj) : without parallel, unequaled.

·Definition: Something that is implicit is expressed in an indirect way·Synonyms: implied, undeclared, unspoken, hidden·Antonyms: expressed, explicit, specific·Example sentence: No one has yet answered in im-plicit question in the end of my column.

Implicit[im-plis-it] (adj.)Implicitly (adv.)

Infraction [in-frak-

shuhn] (n)·Definition: An infraction of a rule or law is an in-stance of breaking it·Synonyms: violation, infringement, misdemeanor·Antonyms: obedience, observance, upholding·Example sentence: Accuse them of some infraction or other on their website, and have them shut down.

Prime[prahym] (adj.)

·Definition: You use prime to describe something that is of the best possible quality.·Synonyms: best, elite, primary, top·Antonyms: last, secondary·Example sentence: Summer is the prime time to make this drive, though spring and fall can also be pleasant.

Modified (adj.)

Def. changed in form or characterExp. GMO fruits are the genetically modified organism.

Demise (n.) /d m z/ɪˈ ʌɪ

Def. • a person’s death• the end or failure of an enterprise or institution• [mass noun] Law conveyance or transfer of property or a title by

will or leaseExp. A demise of some local bookstores was occur when everything

is in the online market.

Attributed to ; Attributable (adj. )

Def. If somthing is attributed to an event, situation, or person, it was likely to cause by that event, situation, or person.

• Synonyms: ascribe, impute, credit, assign, referExp. The success of students was attributed to their hardworking.