·r-:r91 ROYAL GOVERNMENT OFBHUTAN · \3\·~%"9·"9~~·C1O\;q~---·-?9·~d\·r-:r91 ROYAL...

Post on 24-Aug-2020

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Transcript of ·r-:r91 ROYAL GOVERNMENT OFBHUTAN · \3\·~%"9·"9~~·C1O\;q~---·-?9·~d\·r-:r91 ROYAL...

\ ----~~~·~'3\·~%"9·"9~~·1CO\;q~·?9·~d\·r-:r91ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN

MINISTRY OFWORKS & HUMAN SETILEMENTHuman Resource DivisionjThimphu Bhutan

MoWHSjHRMSj06j2015-016j I bo<6 December io-, 2015


As per the decision of the Special Human Resource Committee Meeting of the Ministry of

Works & Human Settlement, held on 10th December, 2015 in the chamber of the Hon'ble

Secretary, the Ministry is pleased to Transfer the services of the following officials as follows:

Position Transfer Requested

SI Name Emp.IDTittle Level From To


Engineers/Architects/Building Inspectors

Lhendup Junior Engineer Tashigang Lhuntse

1 Tshomo 20140103492 S2-A Dzongkhag Dzongkhag

Ganga Devi Asst. Engineer IV S1-A Wangdue Samtse

2 Chettri 201001724 Dzongkhag Dzongkhag

Sonam Asst. Engineer IV S1-A Haa Tashigang

3 Dukpa 2009010110 Dzongkhag Dzongkhag

Sangay Asst. Engineer IV S1-A Chhukha Haa

4 Phuntsho 200807203 Dzongkhag Dzongkhag

Uma Devi Asst.Architect III P5-A Bumthang Tsirang

5 Ghalley 9601081 Dzongkhag Dzongkhag

Choki S1-A Tsirang DOR,

6 Wangmo 200507208 Asst. Engineer IV Dzongkhag Sarpang

Kelzang Building Inspector S2-A Samtse Bumthang

7 Lemo 200403006 11 Municipal Municipal

Samten Bumthang Tashigang

8 Galey 20140103468 Junior Engineer S2-A Dzongkhag Dzongkhag

Kiba Mongar Tashigang

9 Wangchuk 200307008 Engineer P4-A Municipal Dzongkhag

....,..-~z:.J(""r~d\·~~~T~~"·1<O\:q~·?~·czg.3\·r-::Y-qHROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN

MINISTRY OFWORKS & HUMAN SETILEMENTHuman Resource Division/Thimphu Bhutan

Ran Bdr Samtse Thimphu

10 Biswa 200407022 Asst.Engineer III P5-A Dzongkhag Dzongkhag

Jamyang Executive P2-A Daganna Thimphu9207043

11 Dorji Engineer Dzongkhag Thromde

Bumthang Daganna

12 Yeshi Dorji 9307017 Asst.Engineer III P3-A Dzongkhag Dzongkhag

Technicians/Basic Operators

Pabitra Samtse Tsirang

1 Acharya 200501032 Sr.Techinican III S2-A Dzongkhag Dzongkhag

The official concerned shall properly execute handing taking of charges, including

Government Properties and files/records, before being relieved.

Issued for compliance with effects from 1st January, 2016

~-»:(Pem Tshewang)

Chief HR Officer

1. Hon'ble Secretary, MoWHS, Thimphu for kind information

2 .Dzongda, Dzongkhag concerned for kind information

3 .Director, Department of Engineering Services, MoWHS for kind information

4. Executive Secretary, Thromde concerned for kind information

Copy to:

5 .Chief HR Officer,RCSC,for kind information

6 .Chief Executive Officer,NPPF,Thimphu for information

7. Chief Executive Officer,RICBL,Thimphu for information

8 .People Concerned for Compliance

9. HRMs-06 file for Record