~;r~~, - JECHS · ....r I. Coop~ratives Punjab. The·approval of requ~red for allotment/...

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Transcript of ~;r~~, - JECHS · ....r I. Coop~ratives Punjab. The·approval of requ~red for allotment/...



" ' " '" ,~~;:Jutlicial EIIlPloy¢es C:O~Op(!rati;y,~..•.. Housing Society (Regd.) I~Ph'~~=

Umar Pla;za; 1~Mc)zangRoad, Lahore. ~;(, f""". :t~E_,'D~ted.,/R';tfJE· ;)p/6

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It is certified that the proposed Bye' Laws of!1tlieJudicial. -~.:,;

,J ,_!.'

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Eniploye~s Cooperative Hou'sing Society incorporatihg Model Bye

Laws (9irculated by the 'CooperativeDepartment) w~re drafted 'by. ." .' . .0.;;- " , y reg


.. the Committee 'cons~ituted by the' Registrar Coope~ativ,esfor' this

purpose vide letter No.ReS/HIL-237/680 dated 20·9.5.20 15.

These proposed BYI?Laws are not contra~ictorY to the

, unci'

,Co-operativeSocietyAct 1925andthe rules 1927·~;r~~,¥.i~.... " ",t~,'li. , ARY.l .:,J' .

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.' -In exercise of powers vested in me, under S~'ctiOl116 of tile Cooperative-. . J~, 'Societies, Ac~ 1925, I, Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Pl\l1jab,fJ;iahoredo hereby register the

.:~ . . .' : .'. , ~;~;.." . '.

amendnlents, l1~adeill tile bye-laws,pf Judicial Employees CO()~;~rativ~Housing Society, Ltd;'.. . " . JlH !.

Lahore as approved in MUual General Meeting of the societxtl,~ated 10.10.2014, under my..... ,·:5;: .. ... ',' '. ," "IMn .. . ....

hand: and seal; . ~'~'".•...~ ..ii REG~~Cbop~ra.tiveSocieties, Punjab,

. ' Lahore. . ......."-,,

Dated:, '7 10812015.:. Copy of the above is forwarded.to the:-. '. " .

'. "


.' .Deputy District 'Officer Cooperatives, Lahore for inforl11atioll~Secretary judicial Emp)oyc:es'Cooperative Housing Society, Ltd; Lahore, forinfonl1atioll.' . . .... '. ". ~' . ''. tI!h.' ."-. .....,. '.' . ,t 6'

CIRCLE . 'GISTRAR~!LinW;.. Cooperative Societies, Punjab, .

Lahore, . . "

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-.. r \\ Gujranwala .


..•,..'..'....., .

Whereas the Bye Laws of the' Judicial Employees Cooperative Housing. . '.-

Society Lahore, were framed a~d registered on 24th November-1979, when

the society was' officially registered With Coope~a:tives Department of

Government of Punjab.. .

Arid whereas in view of the day. to day changed circumstances it has

. become expedient to reframe the ByeLaws ofSociety.

Therefore, the amended Bye Laws so proposed, approved by the

Annual General Meeting and duly registered with Cooperatives Department

ofGovernment of the Punjab, have now been incorporated,.:I (2).. SHORT TITLE, EXTENT AND COMMENCEMENT

.These bye laws shall be called "Bye Laws of ~udiciaI Employees

Coopera.tive lIousing Society (2015~Edition)",.'

. '. (i)' '•.It-extends to the Province of Punjab and areaund6r the jurisdiction bf~,~),,.0.b~"dt'f;High Court. . -: ..,. -. .' . ' '.

't ..q,C . . . .,. . :\.'\)~ ~\o"ie"~;,;;.1)~:'I)~U; . '.. '. " .y~~~ ~:?o\ ~;:\,,>t~1",-,: iJ.~~ . (ii) -JI!> It shall come into forcewith immediate effect.lll~\c.t\" p....";(}y: : ...•.({).\\ . '... ,'):\\}'\).~'\:.:~l,~i::"~. 3),co'!fAME OF SOCIETY~~$.O·~~1c::.\,\,:~,:::~;·;··:,·"..:,I}(1)The society shall be called "The Judicial Employees Cooperative

~"N' "~0ff)~\~•.:J.:.~:\~\'~' .', . \\\{e'. Housing Society, Ltd. Lahore" (hereafter referred to as Society)

o·O\,er~I'\/.. eeSC :-.(2) The society shall consist of the followingphases/colonies..-I;Jr.' 1(,\'\i':;l~O:.,(1;..e'J.C:)UO\C\a c 01;.\;;"') , .

~" ,

Secretary ", , . ii)Judicial Employees Co-operativeHOusingSociety (Regd.) .-'tlma~,Plaza l-Mozang Road; .~AHORE,' iii)

i) Judicial Employees Cooperative Housing Society Phase-land Phase-I Extension, Lahore.' ",_.

. ",' -,,' ....-r:...~::....:.:.;:.;.~;~".., Judicial Employees CooperativeHousing Society·Pl}~~~~.:r.f;··--",::,,:~,8\.

;.:t~'.. , < '0'", \.'~i.\Lah t (f ...• - ..... ~\."

ore. , ~'J! .~',,- »-: ~~?\Judicial Employees Cooperative Housing Society ~. se~il(·..,-::,~"~~i·;. ... \ ,. .~. ", J";;~Iand Phase-III Extension, Lahore. \;\. .../..~t~'

. r. "'~/""''''of''~\'5\;')iv) Judicial ErnPl_?yees Cooperative Housing Soc·f.e...tyo~!~"

Gujranwala, '\ "v) Judicial Employbes Cooperative';' Housing Society .

J"\'" ' ••• ~/ R' al ',.,.rI' 1• ',J •• ",,,.t, .. '~: ,.."t~.:.' aw Pl;L~).l~'~"f".::,g.s'ICiCI)~.(Re-&ft:) . _"'" :.1. :: .':. : ,~,,,-I,, IV

Zl.,·,J .... ":; .... ,' .. ; ;_.I' .'. ".

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. :::. ... : .



vi). ' Judicial Employees Cooperative Housing SocietyFaisalabad. . .

. And other Colo~ies/Phases which may be developed in future inany District of Punjab 'or ~nias under the Juri~e-iction'of Laho~e

HighCourt Lahore.


(1) . 'Theiregistered Head.Office·of the Society sh'a1lbe situated at':Um~ Plaza I-Mozang Road, .Lahore or at.auch other place at. Lahore as may be decided by the Managing 'Committee of theSociety subject to the approval of General.bodymeeting and theRegistrar which shall be duly 'notified thereafter. The Phasessituated out of Lahore shall have their separate Sub offices at....their respective places..

. (2) .Any change in address will be communicated to Registrar under

proper receipt and all members within 30 days.

5) DEFINITIONSIn .the construction of these Bye-Laws the following words andexpressions shall have respectively the followingmeanings unless thesubject matter or context is inconsistent therewith:-. a. Words importing the singular or plural number respectively

=.':,,~I1.allinclude the" plural and singular number and works~l'~.

.~. .' ~!'oCl)~;~a.mportingthe masculine gender shall include the femininer 4,,\1-. ~,o<1c~~~Il.1."""'J~o. .


• ~§fo~.l~'~J~~~-'::);~":.,;.,;"". ,:gender11t.~\,. ~ c,'l.:!.)" ,,~,~, t '~•.....;,......1 . _ 'b.\'\'


~''';\}.:Ji;;:-.~...~;\....:>;.· to b... c~. "'~society means. ""The Judicial Employees Co-operative"'f;.I). ;TO', 'ec'" 0::-' .....,\..J~ ,..\':Jl .l';'~ • S· L d L h ."..,..,/ ,.', ";::;\">1' ..,~':i'.!':'Frousmgociety td. a orea: e"•• ~. ,:..r,J""'\¥. . . ./J:?! -~~9";~::e:::U::h~o~::::::~v:o~::::::t~~:s~"'1927"and

."'/) /,; <:.':,';'':..\~~:~\.~~"~',"'~''1rules made by the Provincial Government under Section 71 of~ .. )\)C.I"~ • r .::, ..d#':' .c.: .' .:the ibid Act. .'. . . .:Secretary e. The Registrar Cooperatives Punjab means a person appointed to .Judicial Employees Co-operative ,. . " . . . ,. HousingSociety (Rcgd.) .• perform the duties of a Registrar Cooperatives, Punjab -:1(~~~~, Umar Pla:-~~17M:::;::r.n~Road,..' thoe CooperativeSocieties.AC.t 1925 . . <'~·.·f' -.....'\~.c;~'.\'LAICl'OpTJ" . . .. .,. . ;,,<'<' ....... , "~.\

:'1 .....a;JI. . .' 11J~' ••~, "" \

f. ....T.he. Registrar means 't.h.e.per.son apPoint.e..dunder. . ,A~.t:;\i'~;~~.·~~.·~'.A\Y.;~.'~perform the duties of a RegistrarCooperatives Lahore. 'io .. "~.: fl. ""-\ ".. .....l

g; . The Committee meruls "the Managing .Committee" ~~~~~~., "~J'e·("'.·l·~·

directing body to whom .the management· of the' affair~'o· "..,

society is entrusted:He, him or person includes a company or Society.

. .' ::,;(;;.;~?~.-~:;J. . .""".',..WQ...;...........·i4,:e......';:;:::~_'Iii._'_·:t'''~;.;40......;, ........ ".0 •.,,;; r=......:...:...,....__~, ,.x.,,~.t:.. ~• .'•..;,.. , ~•. ::.•. ;.:.

, .,''.',;i'3

, ' "i., Developmentmeans constructions, use, maintenance of public.buildings, roads, water eupply.sewerage, elec~~citydistribution

. . ~~linesand Sui gas etc. (;7. , ~Social recreational works, means to .include. :~eas Jor, .parks,



schools, 'Mosque, Library' and Residing R0'l~r.ns,Con:munitycenters and DispensaryjHospital. ~'.,'.Service includes provision of transport.' facilities and post,


-.telegraphs and telephone facilities.!~,',

A founder membermeans a member who coritrlbuted towards, " . . \.,;.:;

formatio'nof the Society and has been its mew,'berf~omthe 1stday of its operation. ~\~~

it4,~.\, .. - V.- !f.


: ::':.


The object of the Society shall be to develop Housing Colonies onModern.lines to the best advantage of the Judicial Officers and itsemployees ,in particular and other members of the ,society. To, .'

establish and carry out social recreative and educational work indifferentdistricts of the Punjab or .area in the jurisdiction of LahoreHigh Court Lahore. It shall have power to do all things it deems.necessary or expedient for the accomplishment of all objects specifiedin the bye laws, including the powers to purchase, hold, selljwith fullproprietary rights)" exchange, mortgage, rent, surrender, acceptsurre~~s of lands and to erect, pull down, repair, alter or otherwise

,~o> i

,~_a!i<;{;.rithany building or landin the Societyor its phases. '..-e> i,IJ,':\.....v;::·· f').':C.

.\r·;~\~'·4)':,' ' AREA,~¥ OPERATION ,\~(j : ;",,) , erSt '"d,:' .,)",ce",~~? society shall operate within the area of Province of Punjab, and

rJ ;'J\ r.~\'(\\l~'.,:,~lV...c~ • , ,'''('t' ~\)6\o:." '\ ~,(,c"-" under jurisdiction of Lahore High Court can with the previous

\-\.o\.\~'\.\1,·,c g:: tr ;r~ sanction of the Registrar Cooperatives Punjab establish its housingd S ::: P.-: ~ .3 ~ lA, 2, :J' scheme or officein that area.d ~~ciq t_ ~

r1 f' ell tl1 '<1,:1 ~:~ J~~t·,' __• ,......

. n "'~:~;;'t~I~o~ o0'1 Po 0/O..:.,_,Oo 'dIII (0po, ~



For the achievement of its objects, the Society may perfo :,~'iiW:te".t;,followingfunctions:-' '}'<.;r.':I.:·~::;~~~"'~~;tj.:\

.1''' \--'\a) To layout, establish arid maintain residential colonies ~ , ''::~'.':,',,(:',-...:,'~)b) To invest funds as envi'sage in Rule 27 and 54 of C :"~rati~ew":' ')jIj ,

\~, .,I ~~.'" '~~ "" ,"\,:rSocieties Rules 1927. ' ~ ...~~';,~-\,:Pj~~,,.~.::...tw.f\~

(\Y.••.........c) ::::e:~:;O:;l=:~:::::;:::;:~C:=f:::~ ... ~

JudIcial Emp;loyees ~.)ljj'. .~ern IVCapproval of General Body Meeting and' the RegistrarHOlUltng.s~CW!¥~)r. .

/.. . '....


... W"' ..'W.itiliWUUI••¥N..... ...... .---....-......:.


"'- .....r

I. Coop~ratives Punjab. The· approval ofrequ~red for allotment/ registration/ lease / trarisfer of plots in

favour of members.d) ',To con.truct residential houses and other buildiIlgsfor private

and public use and to provide amenities. ~uch .as schools,

hospit.als, dispensaries, Masjids, parks and playgrounds for the

. convenience of members.e),,' To develop parks, playgrounds and gardens in the colonies and

maint~nance thereof.f). To provide measures for the protection, safety and better living

ofmembers residing in the colonies of the society.g) , To regulate the construction, use and maintenance of all

buildings, roads and other structures of various kinds within

the colonies of the society.h) ,To exercise such powers and perform such functions of a local

. . .body, as may be vested in· it by the provincial or Federal

qovernment.if To lay down building regul8.tions and to impose fines for the

violation of breach of any bye-laws or regulation including

;.;:.~~di:6'tonnectionof utilities. ..~','/.dt;.' ,;,,4':..,),1'<' pass the constructiori plan in accordance with the rules of''<'''''' ,-,'" ~,....' '~~~f<:,:;'~~~:"'P'"''the ,.levant devel~pment authority lagency of the area,\;;~:;,'t' ,ki''C',4ct~e' measures for the protection" saf~ti and better living'of

, , .~n',. ,."".",p " "" ""p~.' (,; Il' 'cmembers residing in the colonies of the soc;;,CY,"~__\~; C.\"!~ . . ... . . .~'~~~':"""" 1)' .To levy fees and charge. for the' maintenance' of roads,

.'~,'. c".av""""';se';'erage,water supply, .treeUigh'", Masjids, parks, securicy

y;t. .;/"'/ ~- ~('_>:,$ .~:\ .'»1" -r.~~~"'jl)'-" ' and other services rendered to the members of the societies

'II '. ,~l,\1lJ~O\ iQlM ~ppl'\lYill oflllano.jlingComtnittee,i!liliI~~ ", "1lI) 'fo l~ ~~I P'~.~~~ftil!'\lj§ ~ll1!e!l1 ~f Plqli, l!'~3fer o.! ,luo1'i~~r.iI~Ii\'~'16i'i'il!iIl!V1!llijl§IRijjl§~§P,IIi filii"~R sf iB~11fl!i~MI! il\lIl'iU illfRousing Socl_r::'-~ICl.c.gd.;) . .Umar l'lilZIl 1·'",lvzang Road., thereof.LAl{ORE.


To 'supervise the' affairs of its phaseS and issue n~c&~'-""'<'~,-::::,.....:~~,.~,n)

To provide·for levying of surcharge and. penalties for the. . .

directions to the management of Sub co'inmittees.p) To allot plots 'as' per approved master plan, If any change in

(\\ ....... . master plan is~ . /Body meeting.

, .l_ - I T- , !'If0_....~,r,..('~;; A~'i.n'\w.).x;;~..Q.PcJ'atl«~Housl:ng S(.c,ielY (Re~


inevitable, it'Sl1,all require approval of General


Su~division of plot will be subject to rules ind regulations of.loca). development authority or local body. The .managing

committeewill decide this issue. . t!;

••~r q)

·f .'"



. .'


The following categories .of persons shall be:,.'j

members of the Society:-. ", ,

to become

, . :,fA): "REG'uLA~ MEMBERS"A Regular member will be of the age.of 18 years or above and having good moralcharacter including following persons: - "

. ."i) , """'-Serving/retiredand Judges of Superior and subordinate

Judiciary." ii) Public servants who are or have been in the service of the

Central or Provincial Government or any statutory body

set up or controlled by such Government.iii) Officers and employees of Lahore High Court, ex-cadre

and attached Judicial' departments and staff of the

subordinate judiciary.iv) The wives" family members or widows of the officers

purchased by the Society, may become regular memberswith the recommendation of Managing Committecy~~f.~~)'..

'. ;:: ",. 7(" "'-1',::,,,approval in General Body.Meeting., ' . lif~'':::.>\,,, ~;~}

.'viii) Members shall be admitted by Managing C\~ i~!~.e..,)~ j'~subject to confirmation at General BodyMee~ng. "';~,; ......: ~/~{

• 'l~ ," '.\'.!I'(B) NOMINAL MEMBERS' . ' , ' <:. - ,- ...... ,.. ::;'~i";,'

Temporary residents including tenants, employees of t1~~,:,:,,:).>", ' Society or contractors during the continuation of such status'

~ /' and with the approval ofManagingCommittee.Judr(:it:! 1. IJjJl yees C()-Q[J$.-+,Housing SQciel'f(Rc:gd.) , .

'/ .

transferee from a member or as legal heir or as nomineeof the decease member or who is declared with any of said


status by the competent court,Owners of li..J.J..i.J bounded by the' land of society oradjoining thereto' and which, has been acquired or

" '

..c·•.~..~.•.•.J.••.• " ...~.,.. ... ~ ... a~"'=.)', ...C"~ .... Qii......;"._L ........... ;..... ~, " , "., ,.........

.» 1•.-..-:6

.~..•HI~:.> -',' . • i;I- 10)' APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP

i) . Application for membership shall be in writing in the prescribedform and shall be accompanied by membership fee of Rs.

5,000/- (five thousands) which shall hot be refundable, even if

the application is rejected.ii) . The application shall be kept in a me to be maintained for every

application and in case the membership is allowed, the file shallbe maintained permanently and shall irrchrde all papers relating

to that member.iii) There shall also be maint9.ined a Register of Membership of the

Society in which shall b~ entered the name and otherparticulars of the Member, the No. of the plot or other propertyallotted to him, ifany, and the record of all other subsequent

changes in respect thereof.

11) TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP(1). The membership shall be terminated by.-

i) Resignation ..

.Ii) Death .. "iii) Ceasing to hold a share. .'. .' .

. .i~,"''withdrawal, provided it is done after six months notice. to. . . . C~'·\).· .'~_ . ; ...e:'t,;,;.:~r::~:~(:~:I)~t>.the secretary. of the Society and tile member is not

'I\' .1T~~~~,~;";..··iP~>.:>.:v. indebted to the. Society or is not a surety .for an unpaid. \1.';1,,0 \;'-;',1;- •

(:,;<;'~~,4:;': . ..c~~\\'tiebt.. . ~'(2r.:c~1~· the event of the termination of membership' by .death, or. fii;f.: ..·.~.,·... ,> < declaration from the CivilCourt will be required to be enrolled

. ,··c-..···· .' .0;;;;/<. ~s a member and' in case the termination is. due to his ceasing

..f( ~ '. . ..ov<-.. u'to hold any plot or property, the transferee; at the discretion of

. "~,(:.,.,~eq_r::,,,, the Managing Committee, may be admitted to membership.):,~,~:.;c",o" '. (3) .The membership may also be terminated bythe Society subject

to the approval of. General Body Meeting. and the· R_~~~a.r.: .':/ ". . . .~~~.W.,' . cooperativesl'unja.bon the.following&fOunds:- .~·.i~G-.~~:~~\.

8",0\11')" . .• i) Foiling to pay the sbare money, developme Yf<h~ei;-<><. \1\Ju.dl~~I\\'em.p~"":Co.i)l'"..t.... debt duo !rom him to tho Socloty In a6cordan· ~Witr;.~a'~:~:l~~JHOO.Ullg Soo.. dy~a· .d' . . ,., . "', '.',unW pt."" ' .;,,""" Roa.. bye-laws . . . '9; i '\I ;LAHORB • ~,,, -., .0'

. ii) Insolvency or application for insolvency. "'-':-:i:::::~;~:'~. . iii) IntentiOnallY.doing any act detdmen ...tal to the interest of~, ;/ the Society, or willfullydisobeying ~y bye-law or decision.

;'";~:".,..;.;.~.c.~~ -:.y~ F" -,

::': . '.:... :'

.""\., , ~..-, t:}l

~'''''''''''.~.. ,III .......{.....

I '


the Society,,theManagingCommittee-orof any properlyappointed officerof the Society,and

iv) .Gravely misusing any dwelling occupied by him in thecolonyor habitually acting in a disgraceful manner or inmanner which causes serious offence.or annoyance to

any resident of the Society.

12) LIABILITYOn liquidation, to make up any deficit in the Assets .of the Society, theliability ofthe members shhu be limitedto ten (10) times the value of

shares purchased by them.I

13) CAPITAL AND FINANCES. The capital and finances consists ofr-1. AdmissionFee.2. .Shares.3. . Deposits frommembers.4. Loans from non-members, which shall be subject to such.

restrictions as the Registrar, mayimpose from.time to time andofwhich approval is taken from Regiatrar..

5. '. Realizedprofits.

PUrdiN' or JiHADI MONEY(1) 'Every member shall have to purchase' at least one full share

amounting to Rs.1, 000/- which shall be paid in lump sum at

.the time of admission.(2) No' individual member shall hold shares, the value of which

excee.ds Rs.20, 000/- or 1/5th of the total share capital of the/' Society, whichever i~ less. If an individual member, by

judrcia] p~_ce.qpcTauv~HO\i5'in1S~(¥)

..•....•_. ---..-::.. -",- "i1I'~iI''i:m

-. 8

.,.inheritance .or otherwise,. comes .in possession of more than themaximum ·holding. permitted by this rule, the ManagingCommittee shall have the power to sell the excess number orI

purchase them for the 'Society.(3) ,The Committee shall keep a share register in which there shall

be entered the name, father's name, occupation and address of.the member to whom' each share-was originally allotted, and ofsuch successive holder of the share with the date of sanction of

....transfer under this Bye-law and when the share is repaid,. forfeited or cancelled,·the date of such repayment, forfeiture or. cancellation,

15)' GENERALBODYMEETING,The Supreme Authority .shall vest in the General Body Meeting of theSociety which shall be held at least once a year within a period ofthree months after carrying out annual audit by the auditors'

. appointed by the Registrar Cooperatives Punjab. The proceedings ofthe meeting shall be recorded in the Minutes Book'and signed by thePresident. The following business shall be transacted only in a

General.Body Meeting:-a. .TQ;:~.u:rame,add or amend or rescind Bye-Laws of the Society

~' l' ~'/" . ....,1:{~ _.",(:;<IC'.'l~;'\l~Thbjectto the approvalofthe Registr~r.


• . ..:<·I)'J ~':I>\;"~·,oO.,r.;(b 'Q.,.'C~.' .". ~~...~;"~;.\\'i;.;~;~.&.tK;';ii"''1Y;Toconsider the audit and inspection memorandum and any

.~\\u.",'" r. ~j" .~.......... . .. '\.'\..!1l~~;~'~~1':~::'. . other communication' from' the Registr'ar and taking necessary\~~1!..:)o~-·~ .. .\.>~l-'I.' '.. ~~I)."..action thereon. '.

. . co..ot>" .. ..\o'gce'i> .~;'\ Prescription of pay and 'r.A~.scales for the employees of the, ..~\':::2v. \~ .").(;l...G".: . .l\.,~\·I;:.,~~)oy"'. . Society and working members. .

.DlJV,c.~rPY........•'. '.' d~.,;,:\\.~,.Anyexcess of receipt over expenciiture in.:Yariyyear ·shal~.)2~ .."If{'{~~/:.' ~ "'Ii"" " . - . 'I"~r'~'""',, " .. ' ;f.!,,'~:\\I~;~;\ carried to the reserves created by the Soci~~ for dey . ,"·n:t';:"\t.!~~;.~<:\

!"w;.":':":")":;; •... ;.,: "" c. :;:::::~~:~m li.b!llCY to bC incurredd~~ng the~ . ~~:\.,1, /t)f. Framing of rules and regulations to ensure the achie~~~m~ 01 1 ./..:::'~/. .' . ," :', ".::..?~:~...."...:..~.....,;~:~.:?,:""

stated 'objects of the Society and its efficient working esp"ecla,i~y.~·::.:·\.>Secretary

: Judicial Employeea Co-opcrativ.t;inrespect of:­Housing Socjc~::l{R(:gd.) .Umar Plaza l..i'.,i,:(,:.;~.:lgRoad,LAHORE. (2)

Election of Committee Member.Making and submission ofplans ~d?proposais for roads


i':"')\ ...~.<yt.• ".\.lr.~"If.;... !\ ..e.1vl,.\ .._.·· 'r .....;"1" ve.tJf.~n~~·htzj.1:~~i~J~f~O';;~i~f·:,,1. /.::_:.

.. '_, ,_-,

. (3)

and buildings including out houses. .;,

Arrangements. for water supply, eIe~tricity,:....... .sewerage,


. lighting (Strc:;ets)etc.Disposal. of sullge~


. . .(5) 'ProvidingCivicand Municipal services in the Colonies.(6) , , Use of road sides andcommon places.(7) 'Assess~en~ of contribution, taxes, cesses, etc.

16) At a Gene~a1 Meeting, all questions shall, subject; to, artY-" special, "

provisions in the Act, the rules and these Bye-Laws :.,bedecided by. simplemajority of those present and voting; the .vatin~·wi1lbe through '

shaw of hands: In case of equality af votes, the President shall have acasting vote. Each member ~hall"notwithstanding the amount of hisinterest in tl)e share capital, have one vote only in the affairs of,the

Society.i'Nc proxy shall be allowed.17) Special General Meetingmay-be called at any time ,9Y the Managing'

Committee; upon a requisition signed byone-fifth of the members of,the Society, or at the instance of the Registrar and; it shall be heldwithin one month of the receipt of such order or requisition arid at the


,,'ASpecial.General Meeting shall not transact any business ather than':l··

th.atmentioned in the notice convening the meeting. ,,','18) Notice of convening the General Body Meeting shall state the date,

, time, place and a summary of the agenda to be .considered, and shall

be t;.~'io~dor sent to the last known addresses ofthe members under

~, .L:'~~f>~;~~\".i,:,~;~~\~!~'~er~ficates at least, ~5~days ,~efare ~d 'tas well as by ,J"\f~~~~t~~~t~~lica~::.U1any one of the leading national dally Nf"paper. ,

'\\'"" ",~','~l' QllORUiVi , .'. ', ',', , ' ";;' .'" ,", •.J'::~~\':~:::i~:'~:Q'G~fu~,aLthe General Bad/Meeting shall nat be i~;rissthan twenty

-f{~"~:.'~_~&1.'Olttlt of the total membership of the Society.,If theJf~quired quorum

,~ddi/L\.c.\.~l,':';~:'~~\~{;(l~er,d'),,,s'not,p,',resePtwithin one hou,r 6f,"the,,schedule¢itime,,~,'~,;,th'e m,eetingwillrlo'':-5\;'~c I . • . '.. 't::,:-," ~I ..

," , , ' ,be: adjourned for half an hour and, after expiry of that ti~~~ln·.90;;;~,.,

'secretary,' , " " " 'meeti,'ng,,W,ill, be adjaurned, meeting and the members pre!.·e;rr,r.{t sli#I'.U1~""0~J d' '. 11:;mployeesco-operatlv.t. , . , (.?:: ~ ", ' , .;U lCl(l.., . .' . ,~ i, . "

Housin~ Soci;:ty C"...cgd.), farm tfe quarum. ' , , ,~\ ~"'" 1::',.;.1. • )\'''''. __)'' Road ' I I . IUmarl)i.aza! ~ ~ , '. \..:~. .' \.' l,,,?·J·_ ' "." • ".. 1 " '. ;LAHO'ili \ ';:-.• , i ", ,I'

•. 20) PATRON , , ~~0:r:t::~:i:r?;·",The GenerfllBodymay appoint / nominate any serving / retired juoge"

of the Superior Court to be the Patron of the Society., 21) QUALIFicATIONS' AND' DISQUALIFICATIONS 'FOR MANAGING

"COMMITTEE OFFICE BEARERS/MEMBERSNatwithst::rndinganything contrary to.these bye-law&,no. persan shan

be eligible,for eleqtion as an,Office,'bearer/mem,ber, of the Mat?-agingCommittee who is not a Regular Member af the Society and who:-

,A. i) . Is 'Under21-years af age.Jucliclru Ll' ~l<>:~~~'(i1,tlVe Has been declared insolventor has applied far the same.flolJ;sing SGciet":ft\Rr


place and time mentioned in the notice.

" -~

- ,

"," Hi)'iv]

.'" i:~':::

. .. 11Has been declared of unsound mind. l~'if

'. .'. . .. ' . . ,~#. Hasbeen convicted of any offence involving di~ponesty or moral., ~. . •.turpitude or has been dismiesed.or removed ~~~plservice.'.: .. ,;' .' . .. . 'ltfl.Is In arrears of any dues of the Society; and ifI ;:... , ...._

. '. -,' -;"",:-,:;"

-.Does not own one fully paid up share and. at-least one plot or.pie~e of property in the colony/phase wherefr~mhe intends to


. v)


contest the election. '.Every member shall. sign' an agreement to the effect that in".consequence of being a member of the Society, he will be bound toabide by the bye-laws of the Society and by such r}lles as are framedby. it in a General Body Meeting for the purpose ~~;carrying out itsstated objects, and in the event of a breach of thislundertaking, he

" . ," ':"". " .. ' . . . . . " ;;,:''".iwillibe liable to be expelled from the membership of the Society

. . '.' . '.' i~:1. .'subject to, the approval of General Body Meeting Lard the Registrar

.' :,'.,.,.. " _':. .' , ,._.. . ....' " ¥:2;:"1' .,'. •.•.. Cooperatives Punjab. ;: .

.Nomember shall be.allowed.to participate in ~rvoteat any election' ofat a~y.meeting, if he is in arrears of any dues payable by him to the

. Society....... ..' .. ,,'I.\~I:..EXPLANl\'1'IONS. .

~' ~';....~~.;.t"'~"';'~'1.~.~~;.~~!1~~Q~~he·'rightofvote.sha1l.ve~t in the Regular Members only.

• ' <1$>- -<l~" ~~ '.,,-;;.'l.>~. . "..


.P .~ '" ",\~,.."' -,,. .~~~"'';'~~...'b<;'.'~"v';'·2) "Arrears" mean the s.ums. payable to the Society, on any\).I}\}\) y_¥' . .~~'f, ... .. . ""il~~adc'ount,and' hot paid within the initial or extended period asj.>~ .,r.(.0--: . . '. .

. , . , .<'.<~~;::::\:/..\ allowed by the Managing Committee." _...: ..f!' :"_.. " " .~_'.; . .

•...' ~'~/': '2~\)p;f~~AGING COMMITTEE.tY / L~.t')')"'C'i> ,i:'\' ..~ ',~, .1.,\ ,;:,\'::~;.:t_:;~t,,;,ci:• 1) ManagIng Committee shall consist of Chairman and Secretary of

a\l..o,\(.. ':: •. , ~.;,.::" .• : ,. . . • . . .. .....-.::;-;:;-,~ -:~~'.,j..... . .. ' . A;,r,i;,\~,...ar I,,~:::~. \\0"" . each ppase I suobCOhlrrii.ttee as. rep.resentative memberr!&',.:~'ll' ru~.~ ~~~::;:;>>--

. ~. • '. ~ I. \. \~~~t1\rrU founder / central members and the tenure of commit1f!:r~tshi:at'b I '~t~. Secretary \~;:.\ l' I ;.;JJudicial EmployeesCo-op\!cativfhreeyears. \t..10\ .\. .~,,/:;:j1Io~lSil1n:S;Jcit:~::'(~tegd.) '. ..' -",. \~'~~12'''to. • ; .. .r'~.~~~:;/Umar Plnzr1.l-:.>:~,'..;1gRoad. '.. J d :':·;"iVLAHORE. 2) To erisure continuity and to maintain liaison with u .:.as~'

folinding Institution the present members. Managing Committee

shall continue as such along-with representative mem~ers for next

three years subject to the approval of the .General Body Meeting

after' promulgation of these bye-laws and offices. of President,

(\\ Senior Vice President, Secretary and Finance Secretary / Treasurer

~ /' ~hall beJrom serving or-retired Judicial officers.

.I\](~~J.'.:.~1;\'l,l.Pll)y.~/~~n)l!yeHousi:ngSociety (Re.gti,l·...~.

DIle' C1ety h.J..'··I' Tilth!;) I vv.{J1chI . .... eVer

i.<:: 7_ - .......~'"'r_.

''-...1 .


h."., , :3} The OfficeBearers / Members'M'anagingComil1.itteeincluding ex-


j~ificiomembers (representatives ofphases) sh~l elect nine central

members for next three years before expiryof.i~s tenure. The newly. . ;..' -: , .._" ...•-

'elected central members may assume the charge subject to the

approval ofGeneral BodyMeetingof the Society.

4) In the first meeting. all representative and central members of

Managing Committee (totaling 51) shall elect-the officebearers as

detailed at rule 34( 1).:

. 5) These bye-laws shali immediately come into fJ~ceafter having been

approved by the Registrar CooperativesPunjab.. . . - ~"


': 'a) The Managing Committee may exercise its power and' perform its'~" ,

functions, notwithstanding any vacancy o.r any office' or any


correct and up-to-date.. .

To prepare and lay before the General BodyMeeting the receiptsof payments, audited balance sheets, profit and loss account

etc.(\\ ....'.' (e) .' To prepare annual budget including expenditures and income

~ .~ . . and seeking its approval from the General Body Meeting .

.!i1~(1:r:;.::'~·:.'.;!T.,.sp·f\l~-y~;;"",,,<)pf!rr~11¥e;'·h.n.i~;ilig;Society fi'{egd.} .


•• .'

. (1), .-'

, . (il



,To examine accounts,' sanction contingent e!~enditure up tothe i,imit laid do~ by the generalbody meeJ~ andsupervise," . . r: .tt\{the ~aintenance of registers. " :~;.'To consider the audit and inspections report:i:'of.the.Auditors,

, :W"the Registrar and Inspector. I;'"

"(h) To f~:the amount of imprest inone~ to be kep~~y the Secretary, '. or ti}¥ Finance Secretary or theAdrin. officer!l.To ~rll, mortgage, loan or otherwise' 'dispo:~~,of immovable

:)< t, ' ' , ,," .i!:i1~,pr0!3Jyrty belonging to .fhe Society subject t9Af,theapproval of

U' ' ","', I ~'General BodyMeetingand the Registrar Co-operatives Punjab.3 ~

TO enter 'into agreements, or contracts in fllI:thera):'lceof the.~l;;~ . . '{l;:):~ .

. obje~ts of the Society. " ' "":4

(k) . To appoint sub-committees from amongst its members or othermembers of the Society and to. delegate any of its powers to


I ~

them.(1) , To issue new and transfer old shares: \(m) To summon general bodymeetings whenever required.(n) To" sanction posts with remuneration/ honorarium not

exceeding Rs.l, 00,000/- (one hundred thousand) including.~~ , .

, .,l)~~O'.vancesper month. All positions of higher scales of pay shall, , ~ C,"'·, '.i\

~• '1""(' :~~ .,.;:,!€''';~!t~f»'~~e-·sanctioned' by the general body meeting subject' to the

, ~.r;j'lf.;.J4 ./(>,.-;.,'1> '\"'l l~.:-.·~'~"{," -,' .. '\ ~-t;'S-:~~';'~~~::;;;';;:;"~~.:!V approval of the Registrar CooperativesPunjab., ~~~;,.)t.~~~:.(0) 'T'p,d:~vycess, taxes etc. for the provision of amenities in the

-(;j'Co-.;r oV' ~;O'·~' "h""",,,~J•• Y(:.(\'1<;t\_c~~0""-f,~dcietysubject to the approval of the General BodyMeeting.'

',',',V ~:~":'(;) To fill vacancies are occurring in the Managing Coinmit~ee

~~oyce5 Co~opefaUvfuroughcooption before the next General Body Meeting and"'1di:llC~31 t1\~'~l-Y(It.cgd,) ki. lflcati . f th c thcomi 1b d till.o\1SU1.g. J":'~"'J . see ng rati ication rom e lor commg genera 0 y mee ~_g,.""("'..~ ....

. / ~~ (,a."p~.~frlel (q) To remunerate any member of the Society other than a l;.r~~~\..f th M . C itt c . d d'·~r'~t\.ll-..' .\'k\(i~\Secretary C rativc:. 0 e anaging ommi ee lor any servIce ren ere !., 9,\' ,,;,~..,:' \.~~,t,,~

Judicial Emplc,yces o,~ope '" •1:JDUf,!'Il~,"."SocL;:YZD.."g;d,') • rendered to the Society, ~ .~. \',' 1:~i} .. n ~ ~\;? '\ "\ .. I':;:'U

' ,- '';:'1~7'1 1..l\:~'~\·::I"lb","oa( :!Ii\. be ' ,,'L~~(3F£:'- ' , r To check that the resolutions passed at the gene ~-t,~~!_;,~~~~~~:/meeting are given due affect. ""'::.i..:!~;:;):-".'

(s) To accept or reject resignations of its member/members.(t) To prepare or amend a master plan' for the development of the·

Colony in accordance ~ith rules of the concerned developmentauthority/agency, to assess and collect, the developmentcharges accordingly subject to the approval of the General Body

/" Meeting and to carry through its execution properly., ~~

Judu.:ial EJJ1PjO)~'tl.oP'~r<ltl'leil·lQUGiDl5..$~I~'f.e'.!1)4Er.J!if~}·


, :::

13•.j"'" '. "(u) .

(v) . .... Tomake provisions for'the inspection 'of books' and accounts ofthe society by.Its members.

(w) Toapprove plans for constructions and to' enforce building bye­laws in accordance with rules of the concerned developmentauthority/agericy and "impose·..penalties .-for 'violations:includingdisconnection' ofutilities. ,

(x) (i) To approve/flx the required strength of regular employees

any change is otherwise inevitable, the approval of general bodymeeting and Registrar will be compUlsory. However, spaces

~~,): I'"'c""'."~\\" reserved for open places, parks, mosque, hospital and graveyard.....:.~'£;';~\);:;<je~?.~;{J~;\~()~~.'etc;' will not. be reduced/ changed in any case; School and

1lf;(~:;i~:;·~:~t~":'~·~'·»."~ho.sQi~wilI be run as decided by the general b.·.OdYmeeting Of.~n'\' '('\.Il-'~" . ,;' ".Il\':''', .'. ','\'> "c, ~.. " . ,. ·r~·: •..l . '. , . . .,\)\"3-. o~· ,' .:'.',.. .: t);1'C' socrety. . . , ....'.... '.'• 'j,oISI.! ,.,)""c,;.~.::. ";",'" . ': '.:"

... ~ .. (Zj. Toallot residential plots to membe~sin a GeneralBodyMee~g .:-#. ; Ir:,,·.drvC'cs <::O'-oper"l:Wl& to auction CommercIal plots ill presence of representative. ~~:,,,;;,:.;,,, O',g,j.) of Registrar. Change of plot if so agreed by the conce~ /'(JO\. . . ". ', .. ~0r C{l,..,~." .member and to approve sub-division of plots if alloul'.~'j.~timer:~,.,:/>-Secretary '. ' ; ~ ,.... ,I \ ~'\

Judicial Employees Co-operative r,elevant develo.pment authority/agency ru,,les. . " ~.<;>!.l.~fll-.· :;', ....\ ..,.,'.,.,'\..U\~.,-p,o;,...;:.,..':.\..~:Housing Socic.'::<;l.ezd.) "I' <

Umar Plazc !--M;;zr::-;gRoad. .•_ I , 1."

LAHORE. '.' '. .... . . .'. :;;::~\, .T\ \_ "j('?/24) Meetingof the Managing Committee shall be held whenever\t-e.s:e~.~~_._<>;~.

. - ,. - _ ,.;;:'· ........:t..a '_'0.at the Officeof the Society or wherever decided by the President ......C5:rth~..'Committee, The written notice for hOldin~ ora 'me~ting must bereau1ilrly. communicated to all, members. The Ittendil.~ee of At le&ltseven Members shall' be required for disposal of business. Each

in each cadre, abolition of posts where deerned necessary.(iir In case. of resig~ation or termination of services' of an

. ' .. ~mployee due notice shall be"given where after hearing,inatter shall.be.disposed of.I -,

(y) .To allpt plots to members as per approved master plan.

Allotment of plots will not be made till the approval of masterplan of the housing' scheme from the concerned developmentauthority, Whenonce the allotment. is so .rnade the allotted plot

: or its site or its area will not be changed without his consent. If. .

~. ~ :::~:~::::v:a::::::::::e v:te~aseof equal.votes chairman of

hir.::.: ,: '.;, ,:' ..,,;'...:1;, ':;": '.:, "...lll'(~·Ff.ousjIJjj, S.Q...ic.(;yr(Rt:g~.)

......,.......".,...,.",.-.-,...'-=-"':'-~~;.,..,.,....-.o:.,.:;....._~~_-....,-..._.,-,..,.~,....,.._ ...... ~, ...I.-;.......... -~......:,;,...~~--,-,':"'''1'.'~-::,\,....~.,----~ _


' ..., .

. 14

',."':'"'.'~~l. Before the 'holdtrig of GOmmitt~eMeetirig, the: presis\entwill approveth,e Agencia,which will be sent to all- members at}ieast three daysbefore the holding of the Meeting, Unless otherwise;:ipermi~teqby thePresident and majority of the. committeein' case of: some-emergent'. . .' ". ~

..... '

'.matter. Only items of agenda willbe discussed in ili~;.meeting.

. 26)' Presicient can call the Meetin~oftheCommitteewh~'r.i~ver.there is any .. ' . '0;emergent matter for discu·ssi?n/decision.· . ~;:r~.:.


;Z7) .The .minutes of'the .Managing Cornniitteemeetirig~{>shallbe recorded.in .the Minutes Book of the Society arid shall' be signed by all the

members present in the meeting.28)' For reasons to be recorded, subject to hearing of the concerned

persons, the Registrar max suspend the execution of any resolution ororder' if illegal or is likely to waste or damage society's fund orproperty or such proceedings are against Act, Rules or Byelaws oragainst the collective interest of its members. The General BodyMeeting of the Managing Committee may move the Registrar to re-

consider his decision.

29) PRESIDENT~\.\~r:.....,.~e M.n~ging Committee shall b~ headed by. a President who shail

I. . )t ..<!~~~,:t.F-~)G'I>~conductthe business of the society and perform such acts as are.:Cl~.~~,~.-.~..~.>' )i,..+ . .. .'"'v:""'::'~:'J)''''~C~'':Z'1fi''~':::;:''~~ considered necessary for carrying ou..t the.'purpos.es'of the Society. He.... ~r;,> :J ..... ....j~~ ,~, ~'" ~\.'\.G~'o\-<.t:-!::;:. . shall perform the functions and exercise the followingpowers:-.1;j'\i}'" o'Y . ..'~i$ .' " __...~.\O"cJ(:..:--,.tI'P~~'1"assall bills, vouchers, receipts etc. for payment by .~e.. . cl c···1\ ~'" • (~,,~6~ . ." .~~

.' •.J~~l:;~::w;';:'t'.:~:'~;"') SOciety.All ,such.documents.. shall b.,epresented tO~~i~~~~.·~'::~.,.:,. H~ -.: ...., Secretary, Finance Secretary or Admin.Officerof th $ 1$:" '. ,~Y . .. .(~.,""rl;l\\ve, . .' ~, \'~, "l~ \ ". '.,

~,!"", ~:";c};;\\Ii) To superintend the maintenance of proper andt p-to\~,;tv •l"'''''~/ ' , accounts, registers ofmembers, other registers andil't'~e"ts;. /_':()'ri . iii) To appoint, punish, remove' or discharge any memBei:'~-Il!,f;~'

Sec~c,tmI1' 1 "~"." Co_operati"<.1C:staff. The Presiderit may delegate all or any ofhis powers to anyludlcml Erop o_",..:> . ." . .Housing So(:.e·~\~:~:.:_~~t~."d member of the Ma.p.agingCommittee .through a resolutionUnlz.r 1)1~'Z~i.. ..•~,~v.~-.··t.__Oa •

LAl-lORE,passed in the Committee,To order allotment of a surplus residential plot to any personwho is enrolled as .a member subject to the approval of the

ManagingCommittee.. . . v) To ftx amount of imprest money to be kept with the Secretary or, . ....• any other staff or employee of' the society subject to the

. .. . '.' '. ~~.~. '. approval of the ManagingCommittee.J\Jd:~ialErt1ploytcsC(H.;:p~mtt¥eHousing Society (f{cgd.) .'

; .


• .q",aa=;::q

, ,



I "vi), To supervise and regulate construction, use and maintenance of, all buildings, roads, water supply, sewerage, 'electricity system,etc, .and other properties of the Society and take ..appropriatedecisions in this behalf subject to' the confirmation of theManaging Committee... '.!

vii) To impose such penalties on members or residents of differentphases of the Society, which are approved by; the Managing,Committee for'contravening any of the rules, regulations or Bye­Laws of the Society.

viii) To take other necessary steps to 'achieve the stated objects of'1:li"eSocjety in accordance with the Bye-Laws.


He shall, in the absence 'of, the -President, perform .all ,'his functions"and 'preside over the meetings of the Managing Committee' or of such.other Committees as may be formed from time to time. He shall alsoperform such functions independently as may be delegated to him bythe president or the Managing Committee.


In the absence of the President and, Senior Vice-President, he shallperform their Junctions. He shall also perform such functions as may

./I,' "be assigned to him by the President or the Managing Co~mittee.1) . /" " 'I.\.,e,r-L'"' _lcfpe"~SECRETARY . " '.

~$;;~~:~~~t~;:;~{~,:~~~J~!1J~~eSecretary, assisted by a'joint' Secretary, shall w?rk under' the~\i.\1.t.~~~i;'::~;>l;:~';.J" :~~p~¥Vision of the Managing Committee and the President. The \."y.;'!).' • 'j!:,.: "'wl\ ',' '\

~1'\';"~O).1.> ";,,,: :'::',~.~~Secretaryshall exercise .the following powers and perform the :.\"r.: ;..'i:-\\"\ '¢."':' , ~~ f.. ~.\C;;~·c.o' ,.' followi~gfunctions and duties:- , "~;\'lN 'Silp,]Ii>~ \,;. '.~ .,~,,\,,\.1 .J t?t\\ q 'ff;"i.,.:p..:, ~ '~~,:'-\0'" o\'lc ,,., "\' ""'~~f).....'al . 'G~\)\::"iC:~~~~:'I To supervise the proper running of the office and to 10 '~~rt~J<C~ \l.

~ -\1\\.... 'c\':I\. theenti k f th . . ",...., . \ 1 •r.).'\)0\".' \1SOCi. e entire wor 0 e SOCiety. ',!E. ~''-.''''\.l:',;,

I r. tt;,', \'''' ~ _..,:, ii) To summon, with the consent of the president; all a:~~ral \ . .I'<:>~'/

I , "\ ..~~ ~"'...."'.. ,,;

Meetings, meetings of the Managing Cornmittee,r,,'¥ldto recoi;:gl_~~_.~·.,;.;Cy);'''Secretary , . " , ," ....... .. _.Judicial Emp~c:r:.c~Co-operative the proceedings of all such meetings and get them confirmedHousing SOG:ic"!.Y(.:'tcgd.). . . . ". .:. ,_ ..' 'j,._'},'Umar Plaza l ..lVIC:i;c::::zRoad, and signed in accordance with these Bye-Laws. , fY

...... .' ::t,?,:" _., ..iii) ....,. To carry out' the resolutions adopted at the' l11:,eetirig'and '''to

, . prepare ;statements, ,reports, acc,ounts ,etc reqtllred" by the, General Meeting, the Managing Committee or sub-committee orthe Registrar of the Cooperative Societies.

iv) To prepare and submit all agreements and contracts for and on

:__ behalf of the Society for approval by' the Preside,nt, theJuchdal EI¥lt)I~..ck.'~).n~l'attWanagipgCommittee or the General Body, as the case may be.Housing Soci~~' -(~gd.) .


. ~._ .._-,'


(l ,-. tJ

,...., '··'.v)··

·k\~~·'IF 16. .. iF

To settle the te'rmsofpetty contracts. Iif>""

To suspend any member of the staff subject to t;!1esubsequent. .,'. ' t},!,j.

approval of the President or the ManagingCommittee as may be

necessary.vii) To certify' copies of entries in books under rule 15 of the

. cooperative societies Rules 1927, subject to the instructions of


. vi)

the ManagingCommittee.. vm). To institute, defend and take all other reiev~t and necessary

steps in the legalproceedingsby or on behalf of the s.ociety.ix) '., Generally to conduct the current da~ to day business of the

society according to the provisions of the. cooperative SocietiesAct of '1925, the Cooperative Societies Rules :i927, Bye-Laws

.and decisions of the ManagingCommittee.':1

The Treasurer (Finance Secretary shall be responsible for keeping theSociety's money in his custody and spending the sarpe subject to the. General or Special Control of the Managing Committee. The

.'Treasurer/Finance Secretary will have the foll6wihg powers and.' .' . .' " _ TI~" _-L' .

perform the' followingfunctions-and duties> jf:~. . . kr~

.. i] To receive all moneys for,and on behalf of an~~in.the name of

, (' ...;~ the Society and to givereceipts and ~the~efi'ec~al dischar~es in, ~~ \~,.., , ('<),o~'I,,"" 'l"espeftof such money!and to deposit th~ sam~m the Bank....~~ ,>\.,'~:-~':.}':"~:.()'2>~i)'.re make payments from imprest money in cash or through

"l.~:;!f;~~~~::~,~:;{f:('i>,c~~t' against vouchers, bills, 'etc. countersi~ed and attested*Q.v.•. 0::;' ~ JIf~:'.' -,40l·;'- .~ ",...-;\:"..,,;,;; , .:., b';~"'" . ...--:::-- .........

,1;.\0 ~-:."<->c'k' --:\<. '. " YUleSecretary and duly passed by the President, ~:~'i.ta\: ",(l.1,~~....."....i~SP" \ ;"::'Yr ' .' '/,,-r.;,,~"~-":""(;~""'\.0' _A!:~~'>~~~:'::'~;iii) .,\'J(.P be responsible for the safe custody of Banks ch~fi': ho~'I<~'\:~,~_ ...eta.. .... '\ . , '1,:\

. 1"'"0..0'(-. ~.t \: '... " \ 1\"\~. ,,',s:r:,v ')..1 and the record relating to all withdrawals from the ,..:. t.q.a:de\ 1~'1

\,;,~J~"'._\'J (V"c..7, , ' :t.::; \' ..' ,..\ \" \ 1:' (.~~i~.,.:'bSO';~''. by him as and when needed under the provisions of~;~e BY~:~:';rLU .,Laws. '<i;;;";;'':.,7'.\::,:.;i.~,;},''V~ . . . " " ~~/

SccJrctm-y, . " lvl., To be responsible for the safe custody and proper maintenanceJudicial Eml?:(iyc:~Co-operaL'lv.e,HousinS Socl:;:i:y i,.',~r.d) .of tl:leaccounts of the imprest money.Umar Plaza 1..1o/:',2;mg !!.oad.. "LAHORE. '. v) To prepare and maintain all Registers'ofAccounts and draw up


yearly balance sheets', statements of annual profit and loss.vi), To keep up to date all the accounts and other registers as

prescribed in these Bye-Laws.The registers will be presented to" .

the president· for checking in a manner to be decided by' the·t~\ ~"~:~gComnlltree.

J-Je'U;{I1Jg Society (Rcgd.)

-..___---_._. -..._ .._


.. ,




'-., vii) To' ensure the .proper execution of all receipts, dischargevouchers, acknowledgements, contracts and other documentsand to keep such documents in safe custody .


. .34) .SUBCOMMITTEES1) •Every Phase as referred to in bye-law '3 (2)&shallelect seven

....members from amongst. the ~ottee::>,of plcts in that Phase

through election ~ond~cted'by the C~-~perati~~~department by~..', 'means of secret ballot to fo~ "Sub Co~ittee" to run its. ;::-...-. -

.affairs. Aft~rtheir election; the elected members shall elect one.of them as Chairman of the Residents Welfare Committee andanother as Secretary. The Chairman and Secr.etary of each Sub

Committee shall. be' ex-officio members of the Managing, Committee as laid down.under Bye-Law N~. 22 (1).

2) The President of the Sub Committee shall ensure propermaintenance of record of the' working of the Committee'including its income and expenditure and' shall report all"important events to the Managing Committee of the Society at',Lah~re and comply With all directions 'issu~d to him for the

."successful operations of the Committee.. 3) The' Sub Committee subject to' the 'preceding sub Bye-Laws

9.',.r e,('l>'I.\'1IQ shall be free 'and competent to carry'~ut its:day to day affairs

v , v (.,yf,,'O] ,

<"""~"~';'~\,:.;",~~~}.:~'J.~'f>.~'and to implement devel~pmenf plans for',its uplift including'1.;,~Y,.':;' :~.~'1."..".!~-;;:~

y.~ ll:f.:':t,·", .~~I'" v....;./ appoin~ent of contractors, hiring the services of' security~,~,~. . '

"~~;.~~. ' ..\ 'f:)'::/ -, 7;~~~dS, supervisors, clerks, sweepers, mal~s,'stc, and fixation of\Ji1". ' .l'\.l,"c,<:<.'.', ",' , ,. their remuneration or salaries 'for which a reasonable amount,~l~::~o.~~~tv.~thfn their generated.funds subject to. the a:~provalM~~~i·

. '''e,'(I\'i\Q ~ . [RI:/,c,'f" ': .' . . . .; ':.' . ,.{i.X~L.<iJlJp:'!..)UC\C,\a.\ (~o'::ie';'j\.,1-, C'., Committee. ' .' C~••... .~~~ -:;--~';::'"

~O~S\t)'1 ~ .' ,:4) ..' ;he:Sub Committee sr~lll:generate i~s fUIl.dsMselr.':c'ru:~\:~~~ ,\~~.\,

SQ~~·~t!ll·~I'. Co rin ,oJ~.... any'development workxccstine more .th...' an. ·.rhp:ees ::~~0 rdmi\:" ~~ !.i~lJ\ll.Hf.lll\ d'>lUpoyeOi D~,. l.lo'''' . . _. . , . 0;;0 . " ,: . .." \,' ~:' , ' •

}1oullm.JlSo~i,.Y(Y(11.0£16.), (Twe'nty Lacs); " ,'";.;,..."~" "i'<.,i//,.", ... • ""!O"'~"" Ilea;.!' . '~."'" .•,/,.:., ,,'U~ar J:).a.<..,l .'·.1.• "".......&:J __ wt ' .'- .;_':f.~,i;.~'~;\,,,,,.,,\,..

LAHORE. 5)' The' rules regarding election and functions' of th€"...stib~'"Committee are annexed herewith as ANNEX-A.


1) All moneys received for' and on behalf of the Society shall bedeposited'in the Banks or invested in any profit bearing'scheme

(\\ ..' as approved by the Managing Committee. All payments shall be, \~, ,maae through cheques and the petty cash out of the imprest

)'...."..:",:,;,l~.!~l)'Qt-_rat~~oun t.Housing Society (ftegd.)


e· ...:. 18

~ .. .2).' The Bank Accounts' shall be opened and operated jointly either '.. '. ,.': . . :(;1.. .

by .any of the two. members of the M""c,wagingCommittee. . - .... _' ,',' . ',_ .'~q.{. ",. ..

.nominated for such purpose. by the'Man:~Fg Committee or·..... ' .: .' . .~;.\ '.

Secretary and Finance Secretary ITreasure~~of the society.. . . . ',' ~ ,f,":':::; .• "., -. ,.M .

36) '.PR:OFlTS.',-


The profits of the Society' shall :be distributed .a.rnongst the members" .' . _', " "

strictly in accordance with the provisions of the C()-operativeSocietiesAct 192$, the Cooperative Societies Rules, 1927: and subject to thedecision by the General BodyMeeting.

37) .: REGISTERS.The followingregisters 'and papersshali be-maintained and open to

. I . ~

'.inspection by the conce~ed member.. ~ . fu~a) A register of members showing the name, address and. . 1:-:;..

..occupation of everymember, the number o~.?hares held by him,:;': .;''the date of his admission to .rnembership' and. the ...nominee

. ~'\:

. A.·cashbook showing income, expenditure and ~alance on each

.day on which any business of the Society is..done.. ..t~r . ..~~..A ledger amount of ~ach member, deposit and credit and of

. . e't90 . .

..•. ~i<;,C_~~;~G. '. miscellaneous and contingent expenditure.~"O ~~~:;I ('9.~.!)~.,iJ....o~ . ~(.. . .

-rt<:'1. ~.",. '~j ...,,,~.. A --1'.:l.\_\~t boi k to . d . ding of th Managing''lw':'~i>'i/.\ ·~Gr.':Z·;r:',_';;r . 'CO-L"~LlUes 00 ..0, recor procee s e . b·

1>.:,.\1> ;..~1,.. ,:."\: • _ ,rd!-" . A:'l .' .•~o",.. "If,\"J.1' (I.; '. T:~"'.,,\O:"I\.~ammlttee and the General BodyMeeting.\)~~"{o~·, ~.\c:.,1!- ..' .e...,

",l'I-"t>! ~.: .. ·e) .:o~~~f~er showing the property held by the-Society..~, \)")~\Jiet'~~YI~ register showing the development schedule and its timely

o/ . .\tC\~\-r.~ ,: .;,1:1 ~)!.! • .;.. . ...-;::-;:.- .....gn .' )'(Iu> .t\'l.~;.;:"' e~ecution. .'. . 6'1)~·vf)J).l)l:i;~;:., .

Sccf~tary . :O\1!',~"_ eMive' Any.other acc;urtts b. ook or register prescribed bY/~r~~gi~~ '_:..Judicial Emp~oyees 0 OP .' .' .' . . .. ' 1-.; ~.'-.). ;~\ .' .Housing So'~.,;\Y(Regd.). d;...' Commlttee or the Reglstrar. I...,. '\,'-'1;..:,k.:

1'.' "o-<'ng Rca . \.,"!., .. \,Umar P ::':;:.i.'. -: .. ;, ,.... .' .'!:. \ ';:'\ ' .

LAHORE. .' . .;r.. \. ".', 'J'38) GENERAL. '.~<~:.:"'":::~.:~~:':~~~,~~'(1) The Society shall operate in following manner in respecf" o[,..·lS:rid

within the area of its

appointed by him. !',


purchased. or acquired to develop a phaseoperatiqn as referred to in rule (7).above.

.~ •.... ~.....''''4. . r, ...... \

i) The price of plot shall be recovered from the members in themanner as may be' determined by the Managing Committeesubject to the approval of general body meeting. The price ofplot means cost of land and the expenses incurred on its

d~velopment, etc, including surcharge for the dela)'ed payment,

~.~ ,~_. ifany ...':..P:'·'.f':' ;·i'·i\·

:'). ,.'f ':, ,:.,.;.' ~: .,:~./ ":~ •

m:;;;.miWiij ••••••• -,._' ._ • .,..._..__ ..,,..}f;;;$i ......"""'"'wm:= ...........,.~_~.....,.....wa.mw -....- ......--:-:... - <_ .~.----.-:.~~--~.---..-


•~I~ ,, ..... 1· "':, ... '-';:~~




ti) .In.caae of corner plot being served by a minimum of two roads.• t • ..'

., or/streets,. the cost wil~~e fivepercent more than the actual cost

. -ofthe ordinary plot.iii) Each member on allotment, in addition:to the cest-of land shall

also ~e required to pay developmentcharges-at the rate or rates

to be determined by the ManagingCommittee.iv) Allotteemembers' shall have proprietary rights of the plots, after. .

full cost including development charges has been paid and

.agreernent executed. . " . .

v) Amember shall be liable to pay all impositions and taxes made, incumbent from time .to time since issue of allotment letter orany thing relating thereto by any competent"'authority including. Federal Government, Provincial Government;· 'DistrictGovernment concerned under any law, rules; Bye-Lawsor order

for the time being in force. .... .vi) .' A:d.'y Officer of the Society'authorized in 'this: behalf shall have

the right to enter upon and inspect the plot or building under

construction thereupon at all reasonable timings.vii) Elections of the Society shall be governed by the election rules

approved by GeneralBody Meetingand the Registrar.'( viii) .The member shall be liable to pay such maintenal;'lcecharges as'. ~3:-;;'"c;r-t,·t may be fixed by the Managing Committee ofthe Society and or

<.'O"i.'fJ.' •. ~~. ,",~>.".(\.l..~".~,:v.0~ tho . e Management of Phases concerne d, strbject to approval by'\.,'\~•. \_.p ioo-:, ...(~:1.. ~"~'''~/~ - "... o.'.c"''I> I.~.,. 'I~""''''' . . . ;',':.;o~..\...~\"':p\::. ,the ManagingCOp1mit,tee.. ."~o"'" .0 o,~!.,coA>ll'l'tl\1;'powers relating \0 the municip~ ~enitie~f~7~;\"

. x.,r:;," 'lle~,j..).th th S· thro hi .M' . C itt i:~'./ T \ "'\'" \. '. . N'\\C~~ i'-i,;det'}~'" .W1....... e. ociety rougi 'Its .anagmg ,.•o~~: ee. f if' .;''.1 ._\ : .:~~\

.... ~- ... x) ,i,,~,~!lmembers shan "agt:eeinwriting at the tim,eOf~.~iO~,,~~\J~:. ~ i':"'\.";~:.'~"'<;'~';~"abide by all Bye-Laws ·.andregulations of the so'cie~ al}d\~/I~[(

~\.C\\c:~~~,.'/.~-::;.:.::/"-= ...' ainendments and modifications. thereof which may' ~e'·I;~'!'t~.~J.f>'. 'V,<')\}" .",: '--" .'......

. 'from time to time;'. xi). A member iri arrears 'after 3D-daysfrom the date of issuance of

notice, under proper' receipt/ acknowled~ement shall pay

=:;~,".IO'-Got".'~""markup/ surcharge as may be fIXed/ levied by the Society on'B.o\lsi1~~B~I'I~'·~:~,(Reg,.,.~Qlld, .. the outstanding dues. In the case of non-payment of arrears\J\'tU1X );,;,": .•U1.....\ .Qle.t!.,..·. ',' .t,Al:10r;.:~(. after due notice, the Managmg' Commlttee/Welfare Sub-

Committee concerned may suspend or discop.nect water supply

or any other facilities a,nd serv,ices.pro.videdb.y it. The ~ocietymay also have the pow~r to cancel allotment of plot subject to

,/ Section 17-B and Rule 4S-Aof the ibid Act& Rules.

J'.r'l";!,,j !.:"~; CA:-;J::~rat.rve .HOllsi:.'l-gSGciety (Rcgtt}

':'~I"'~'~'.,.....",=-i4\,- --=-:..;':;c."1'~:~-.=..===-=-.:-c.:.-=''';-;:::'.:-::::.. ~::::-.:-:.. --.,.--~-.--:-,-------'--7.-:-. ----------;__--" :"__ -~- " ....._.~......,.....,.,,,:...~~.~oor.:'_'''''''''''''.'''~~'''~'''''~'''"":-":'::.:;!'::.:::..-.~''''''''''._