R E V A L U A T IO N C O M P L E T E D MEADOW VALUES SOAR · 8/19/1971  · Don’t try to eepante...

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Transcript of R E V A L U A T IO N C O M P L E T E D MEADOW VALUES SOAR · 8/19/1971  · Don’t try to eepante...


h m strious conmquance* for the future o f Toyota m o to n in th k country.

It k o f particular U m a to South B*rg*a beceum Toyota only tw o y a a n ago pitched i t i giant eeatara h e a d q u a r t e n i a th a L y n d h u n t m eadowkad*.

l a t President Nixon’i desperate gatnbk to pu t tha aooaom y hack o a th e tracka bafora tha 1972 election haa aaade th e whole Toyota

BIO DAY FOR KIDS Lyndhurat'a Day Camp haa aome wonderful daya. But laat week w hen Kiwaniana partied kid* It wee niper. Under guidance o f Jim Guide, d irector, end Joyce Bam rta, am ktant. youngsters staged e play. Then Kiwaniana, Asnm blvman-Commissioner Peter J . Ruaao, left ■end Guide helped aerva aa distributors In picnic for yotinptors.


M E A D O W V A L U E S S O A RL y n dhun t Meadowland

am*mm*nta d i n bed aa much aa 400% in the newrevaluation completed hi reeent weeka by Aaeodeted Surreya o f Wayne.

Tha mad thia week carried to aB polata o f L y n dhun t the

M id g e t F o o tb a ll R e g is tra tio nLYNDHURST M IDGET FOOTBALL LEAGUE

REGISTRATION wU be held e t th e L yn d h u n t PaHia D epartm ent, 250 C lereland Avenue a a Sept. 7 th , ( th , » th , 10th - b o m 3 :30 P J I . to 5 :0 0 P K . and a g a iao o Saturday, Sept. 1 1 th -f ro m 10:30 A M . to Noon.

Boya muat be betw een the a g u o f 10-13 hi order to participate. Boya cannot ba 14 y e a n o f eg* before January 1 ,1972 .

It ia neceeaary to bring b irth certificate when regietering. Weight daaa ia SO Iba -1 1 5 Iba.

A fter ragk tra tioa boya will m eet e t William LeadeOa Recreation Area, D elafkB Avenue on M onday, Septem ber 1 3 th -5 :3 0 P J I .

Lyndhurst Curfew ?d tfe e n s e n • peaking ou t

m o n and m a n freely e t L y n d h u r e t C om m iaaion maetinga. Many aepecta o f cM c aad aoctal life which trouble our people e n brought before ihe board by b o th man and woman, aa w a l

by ihe tow n 'i young Leat Tueaday’a

m eeting evidenced greet concern over the behevioua o f

by recent eventa hi the locel tow n perk d im etenad “vigilante" action photo*. aad uae o f police doge to eliminate lata hour re v e l riee which annoy n rtg h b o n in to early morning h o u n

The Commiaaion itaelf introduced en ordinance which may lead to curfew h e a n tt the enicbcherioiM continue*. The ordinance provider for action in extrei and wfll have pabiic hearing a t the next Commleaion meeting, Auguat 26.

Speaking against the n m p e n t vandalkm and rowdyiam w e n eeveral local badnaeam en and public aafety commissioner Peter J. Ruaao. Hlf remark! were prom pted hy a citizen who dem anded “someplsoe for the young people to go for re c n e tio n .” Ruaeo pointed o u t that Mayor Joaeph A Carucci ia trying to com plete th e W illiam Landafla Memorial recreation a m b u t th a t the contractor building a retaining wall had finally to eefl fo r police protection

eaah. o f three timee he the well, vandala had

deatroyed It.Arnold Holzherr told the

C o n m W o n he wee driving to a f in Ihe previoua evening at 11:3S and had to wait untfl four c a n o f teenagen got out

T h a n a n night ttaee aadiee In Lyndhurat’aMunicipal P ark-e acant 100 yarda from police

Thua w u tha teattaaoay o f Aaaiatant Fire Chief Arnold Holzherr who oom pU ned to the Board o f C om adaalonen abou t the aituatkin.

Holzherr livee neer th e park aad mid tha nok* at night ie annoying. But in recent nighta, he deck the young f o k who gether nightly under the u have been given to dadiing th ither aad y o n -ia akogathar.

o f hia way b e fo n he could proeeed. He *ko raid he hedbed to “patch up e father whoee eon hed pudied him In to the atreet a t one-thirty in th e m orning."

He mid “goinge-on in the park a n dhguating. Beginning tom orrow I am becom ing a vigilante com m ittee. I will take picturea and will uae my Germ a t Shepherd dog and no one wfll atop ma. T h e n a n p eo p k running nude through the park and in the mominga th e n a n beer can a, wine bo ttle i and broken glam ell over. Something ha* to be d o n e ”

A lbert Wolff, w ho owna a laundrom at on Ridge Road •Poke o f the inaolence and vandalkm on the part o f “young men” near life place o f buaia —

Mayor Carucci rem arked, I f thie continuea ere will

have to enact a curfew. Seventeen end eighteen yeer-old adi ‘W hen can we go?’ I think perantal reaponnbihty ia kcklng. W han diould thee* young people go bu t hom e at 2 o 'clock in the mornlngT”

Cheater Gutkowdci eaked if the commfeeion thought the new G lno’a on Ridg* Road win a ttract the “kind of crowda Ik e the Dairy Queen in N orth Arlington.'’

R u a a o aaid o th e r

o p en tio n a o f the n e ta n n q t a n being checked ao a* to preclude trouble.

G u tk o w d tl concluded, "When en officer k performing h k d u ty , nad a kid can take hhn to coart, there’a aom ethiag wrong there’a aomething w rongl”

B a r b a r a D a o u a t ,ap ok earn an fo r the YAM (Y outh Action Movement) begged the com m M onei* . Don’t try to eepan te ua from you. D on't forget wa need undem anding. If the copa cham ua from the parka th e n wfll be a bigger genen tion (*P-

Ruaeo replied “ I appreciate all you aay, b u t when youngateia rip a truck apart, aa wa* done thfe week, and vanddize business** we heve to give the p eo p k police pro tection .” And Carucci aaid he undentanda the type of group B arben repreeenta and n ite ia te d the Commiaaion h a to pro tect the righta ot tax pay era. He auggmted that her group m ight try to p enuade other* to realize the good thing* they a n trying to do and and atop aome o f the wanton d e tra c tio n .

Roeachke afeo atkea me num ber o f erreeta m ade of c io la ton o f the dog ordinance and R u » o replied th a t a com plaint wa* necemary b e fo n an arreat could be

m ade. Roeechke atated he though t Ih* poke* could be m a la . Roaachk* atated h* thought the poUca could m ake em et* if they tew v io k tio n a He a k o requeued * Ik t o f change orgders on c o n tra c tio n o f thc flnhouaa aad th a Laadaife Recreation B uldlng.

A pe tition fo r piecing the quaatioa o f Civil Service on th e Novem ber ballot waa reported aubmitted by C o m m M o n er Pater Curcio, w ho w m abaent from th* Mm ting.

Both Mr. and M n. Harry T bgrath o f Naw York Avenue •aid they did not want ddewalk* aad cutba along their property a* planned by the Board Edward Roeachke afeo tpok* against it *s did M n. Lao Stankiewicz. The la tte r aaid d ie ha* planted dirub* and nurtured them for y e an and they will be uprooted to m ik e way for the watt*. She aaid their loal will force upon her the view o f the blenk walk o f th* Penick building oppoaite her haane which ahe had tried to screen out. Roeachke raid a petition hed bean presented tha board againit aidewalk* a a d aaked “ fe thia D am ocracy?"

(It wm later aacertained that Tinnth, who owna aa electrical budaaaa haa been parking two truck* alongsid* th* road and this would not be poedbk when walki wen inat ailed).

P u b l i c W o r k s C o m m i a a i o n e r Wal t e r Janowaki stated the walka w e n for thc safety of school c h ld n n who uae the a tn a t •n d o f o ther p*d**tri*na and th a t contract* have already been awarded fo r the work.

Ed Roeachke. whoee rear (C ontinued on Page 12)

How k your tax bill to be affected by the revaluation*?

Here k an eaay way to figure it o u t. Your p n m n t tax bill k pndfea ted on a $3.35 per S I0 0 of valuation* n t* . Had th e revalued ameaamant figure been u n d it would have been *2.02. T h iu , by multiplying y o u r amemment by S2.02 In aagment* o f $100 yon can determ ine how you will fare under the new a m flm en ts .

The old aaaeaementa am ounted to $132 million. They have bean incraaaad to $220 million. Tha 1971 tax levy w u $4.4 million.

oould be offaet.The tax rate ia baaed upon

the tax levy fo r local, achool and county p u rp o au divided by the am ount o f n ta b k a .

Tha* th* greater tha am ouat o f n ta b k a tbe lower

the tax n te .T h a n k a o d oub t th a t thc

tax n t a will be reduced next year. Whether th e reduction k su ffickn t to reduce the to ta l ta x paym ent k a

Although industriea have SB hard by the

it k believed the e n due to

tty ro ck e tin g property values In the meadows. Purchaaea made in recent y een have m t the value o f the Und at about $50,000 an acre. Thia h u been m fketed in the new aannm aota .

Property ail through L yndhun t h u reflected the in fk tionary spiral Housea which sold for several t h o u u n d d u rin g the dep reason are now aaaeaeed a t $25,000 to $30,000.

Naw two-family houaea have ako been hit hard.

T h a n w a n many q u u tio n * r a is e d throughout the

tow ndiip by the new asaeaamenta.

However, the publication o f the new aaeeasmenta ahould go a long way tow ard reducing complaints. The •uppkm ant showa how all pro pert iea were treated. It ibow s what neighborhoods are being aaeeaud .

Associated Surveys k composed o f expert property a p p n k e n who go from community to community ueeasmg the valuea o f properties.

To those who p k n to complain they muat have answers ready for one question: “Are you willing to s e ll i t the aaarund valuation?’’

A r e a Y o u t h s A r e N o t R u s h i n g T o R e g i s t e r F o r N o v . V o t i n g

Eligibk young voters in B e rg en County a re n t n g k te rin g unksa they are

That appean to be Ihe story o f the re g k tn tio n experience in the county ao far.

South Bergen towna h a v e n 't pudied. Their regiatrationa are low.

In Heabrouck Height* the Leegue o f Women V o te n aad D em ocnta, taking advantage o f t w o - o u t - o f - o f f i c e ng lclc rtag spot*, kad the o ouaty with 51% o f th*

N orth Arlington

Est. Registered* RegisteredPop'.

725 74 10.20L yndhunt 1,068 131 12.26Rutherford 1,101 290 26.33E. Rutherford 332 33 9.93Caristadt 370 31 8.38Wood-Ridge 386 n o 28.49Haabrouck Haight* 666 389 58.40WilUagton 443 45 10.15M oonachk 263 50 19.01,

T h a n k Mill time.Th* youth* may go to their

local ck rk office* through Sept. 23.

But th a t k the laat d a y -if they wish to vote in the November elections.

M on than 10 ,000 County r e a i d e n t a i n t h c 18-to-21-y*ar-old category have n g k te re d , according to statiatic* raleaaed today by tha Bergen C ounty Board o f Electiona.

The to ta l repnm nta nearly one in four County reaidenta in th a t age bracket, the

E l e c t i o n a B o a r d announcem ent aaid. Uaing the 1970 ceaaua u ita aource, the board eatlmataa thare a n aome 40,000 reaidenta in the county who were given the fn a c h k * to vote by the r e c e n t l v e n a c t e d Constitutional am endm ent.

Aa o f Auguat 6 , the num ber o f 18-to-21 -year-old* who had registered (either in municipal ckrka’ office* o r a t out-of-office boothssponsored by the Elections Board I to tak d 10,243.

O n June 2 2, the C o u n t y w i d e to ta l o f regiatered 18-to 21-year-olds w u 7,780. The total increaaed about 100 a week until the week o f July 12,

when m o n than 500 new registrants w in recorded in that age bracket. Almost 700 new registrant* ware reported for the week beginning July 26 , and the first week of Auguat netted aome 400 new namea.

Fair Lawn lead* the C ounty with 800 new v o ten In the 18-to-21 group n g k te red through August 6. The o ther municipalities in the to p ten are Ridgewood, 637; Paramua, 591: Teaneck, 530; Lodi, 4 9 4 ; 'R m biouck Height*, 389; Glen Rock, 3 7 8 ; Englewood, 376; H ackensack, 375; and Tenafly, 339.

F our Bergen County municipalities have regiatered

more than half o f the eUgibka in the 18-to21 category, the Board o f Electiona reported. They are Haabrouck Height*, with 389 o f 666 eligibk* registered, fo r 58.4 percent; Tenafly, 339 o f 586 fo r 57.8 percent; Ho-Ho-Ku*. 127 o f 231 for 55 percent; *nd G k n Rock, 378 o f 714 for 53 percent.

Five o ther com m unities have regiaterod more than 50 percent o f th e eligibk*. Tb*y are Ridgewood, 637 o f 1,462 for 43.6 percent; Lodi, 494 o f 1,162 for 4 2 5 percent; Englewood, 376 o f 897 for 41.9 percent; O ekknd , 246 o f 598 for 41.1 percent; and Maywood, 228 « f 563 for 40.5 percent.

The Board of Electiona reported that vo ten in the 18-to-21 category will be notified o f their ek ction district and polling station when they receive their firat sample ballots, about tw o weeka before the November general election.

Thuraday .September 23 k the last day for eligibk v o ten to regiater for the November ekction .

C a n G i a n t F o o t b a l l S t a d i u m

B e B u i l t F o r $ 1 0 0 A S e a t ?Can th* Eaat Rutherford

football stadium planned for the New York Giant* be built at * cost o f $100 * u * t l

When the Giant* Sunday night tra v d k d to th* small tow n o f Foxboro, M an., to op*n * new stadium there m any New Jeraeyana ware p n m n t for * look-*** i t a $ I00-*-**at stadium.

They mw plenty They mw that it is posaibk

to get a good fk ld fast *t * relatively inexpensive price.

If New Jersey could do what thc p ioaeen behind the B oiton Patriot football team did th* 80,000-***t stadium that many be buflt in the E u t R utharford meadow* could coat aa l l t tk a t $8 million.

Price* ao f u have ranged from $25 million to $100 million for the football stadium alone.

Tha Foxboro illuatrstion

came about aa the New Jeneyan* k charge of th* E u t R utharford development heve begun reaching final talk* with th* Gi*nU on the atadiam deal.

The Gianta are aak mg final my on the stadium plans. They ak o are dictating the term* on which they would move to the Eaat Rutherford p k n t.

The N*w Jerseyans are battling to keep their pocketa from being picked.

Strangely enough the low grade ability exhibited by the Gianta thua far h u aided the New Jen ey n eg o tk to n . The Gianta have not looked like a football team that would be widely aought by avid aporta followers.

H o w e v e r , t h e negotiation* continue - with the New York Yankeea putting on aome pressure.

The New York city government wanta to rebuild Yankee Stadium for $24 million to give the Yanks be tte r accomodations.

But the Yankees are now becoming restive. They do n ’t know whether the city ever will rebuild Yankee Stadium. They may want to come to New Jersey with the G k n ts or work out a deal to share Shea Stadium.

Meantime law suits against the East Rutherford project have definitely played a part in slowing down plans for the blgsportl com pkx.

Thus there waa more than in te ru t in the game when the G knt* wcnl to Boaton Sunday night. The stadium, for many New Jeraeyana, waa the thing.

The Foxboro stadium, 30 miles south o f Boston and 18 miles west o f Providence,

R.I., has proved a pioneering ventare that may have wide impact about the country where huge potential coats have d iscouraged the construction o f su kabk stadiums.

With private funds F o x tp ro h u been buflt for $6.2 Million at a time when it h u been eatimated that a satisfactory fk ld could no t b* put up for k « than $24 million. In New O rlu n d * * domed stadium h u been atarted at an eatimated cost o f $113 million.

F o x b o r o s o m e w h a t resem bks the propom d Eaat Rutherford Medium becauae it ia built entirely for football.

Costs have been kept dow n beceuae the 15 a cn e o a which it waa buflt w a n

(Continued on Page 1 2 )’

executive order It go** Into effect i t one*.

O ne bright thought, however.

I f thc dealer h u the car you don’t pey the aurcharge. This k because the order affects only those vehicks entering this country sftar the executive order went tato effect.

t y n i h u r s t PufcWs V a l l e yL y a lh U T f l t § ••• w • I K d N i x o n W h a c k T o y o t a ?

South Bergen distributor In L yndhun t h u b u n reporting boom ing n l u . Now aobody

When P red d ra t Nixonimpom d a 10 percent«*rcbarge on foreign imports aad reduced th e exeke tax on dom attlc product* by 7P*rc*nt he give American m otor d a a k n a $300 phi* gria o a foreign sutomobfle*.

A* th* bigg in p roducer o f foreign c a n VoBt*w«*a wfll b* moat mrlouriy h in t. Th*

knows w hat wfll happea.But T oyota, No. 2 foreign

car in America, k c a r ta k to be hurt moat.

Toyota h u baea creeping up on Volkswagaa. T h k k Hi* crucial year. T he ocean* have baea (Iliad with ttfe s

delivering .Toyota*.In L yndhun t th* big

distribution p k n t wm opened to advance the aUe* o f the Japaneie can .

It w u know n th a t P na lden t Nixon w u taking a direct •hot e t Japaa la h k economic program. Jepanem product* h*v* been flooding local m a r k e t * t o t h *

e m b a m n m ra t o f American producer*.

Now the ta b k s are being reversed. On each Toyota that com m scross the sea wfll ride * 10 percent surcharge. And in th k county it will be •old with the 7 percent excise tax. American c a n will be free o f that encumbrance.

E lim kation o f the exeke

t»x-w ldch will b* approved by Congreaa when It reconvene* a lte r Labor Dey-wfll mean a saving o f $190 to $200 on American can . The foreign can will have to pay it up.

Tha aurcharge will edd an extra $130 on Toyota* *nd Volkswagen*. Since the •urehwrg* wm impoaed by

M I N I T - E D

(E o m m e rc ia l It e a t t e rMad SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW TEN CENTS t o Copy

Yd. 51, No. 3 ^ L Y N D H U R S T . N J . A U G U S T 1 9 ,1 97 1 TELEPHONE QENEVA a- *700 Seeond-CM* poataea pad at Rutherford. N J.

-r—V . <

MOB TWO LEADERmHHmmmmfmmmmmmiiiitiiiiimtiiiiiiiiiiit

AUGUST V. 1*71


Mrs. James Sullon

Sacred Heart Church, Lyndhuret, was th* setting fo r th e afternoon wedding of M iss D yan C h ris tin a Marciniak of Lyndhurst and Jam es Louis Sutton of Clevelan d Haights, Ohio, a t foor o 'clock, Sunday. August 15, w ith Father Oa Pasquale

Jiica Shultz o fN orth Arlington was maid of honor. Bridesmaids ware Mrs. Raul King of Norwalk, Conn: M ia Danielle Livotti of Qu eans. N. Y.; Miss Camella Lapafc o f Norwich, and Karen Hutchensen, sister of the groom, of Buffalo, N. Y. AN wore sleeveless Empire gowns o f brown, chiffon with ivory lace mandarin collars and bodices and carried nosegays o f lace-encircled pink- daisy pom pom s and ivory tea roses with baby breath.

Dr. Richard Hutchensen was best man wh*e David W»lker, Cleveland, Ohio: T e r r a n c e D w y er o f C o r n w a l l - o n - H u d s o h ,

Jurca, Buffalo, and Fabian, Cleveland,

■The bride daughter of I * . and Mrs. Walter Marcki iak o f 736 Sixth Avenue, was given in marriage by her father. She wore a

o f Ivory chiffon, w ith Itodiatry.

pearl and lace bodice, neckline and cuffs. Har chapel length vail was draped over a full-length veM and long, full train. H er hair was adorned with ivory satin roses and lace and pearl leaves and she carried ivory peertized stephanotis with pink baby breath.

A dinner followed a cocktail hour a t th e Manor, West Oranga fo r 120 guests with music supplied by Walter Mack's Orchestra, tha bride’s fa ther's band.

U pon their return from a wadding trip to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, the coupta will m ake their home In Cleveland.

The bride, a graduate o f (kieen of Peeca High School, N orth Arlington, earned her BA from the College o f New Rochelle, where she majored in a rt and was a Dean's List s tu d en t. She was acommercial artist for Metro Associated Services, Madison Avenue, N.Y.C.

Mr. Sutton , son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Su tton ofCleveland, is an alumnus of Fordham Univarsity where he earned his BS and Is employed a t tha Cleveland

C la s s O f ’2 5 P la n s R e u n io nThe Eaat R utherford High

School C last o f 1946 wfll hold their 25th reunion on O ctober 23 at lhe Landm ark, R oute 20, Eaat R utherford.

Thera are a few daaematea th a t here n o t been located.

Pleaae call 487-1732 if a a y o n e k n o w s th e w h e r e a b o u ts ! o f th e following: Tefcie Konefal, Theresa (O iiri) Kudla, Thom a* Miflphy and Elinor

) Swicker.

Joan Heflich o f 58 Ridge Roed, Lyndhurst, wa* guest o f h a ao r a t a surprise birthday party Saturday

The party , in the o f friends, was

attended by fifty guests. The them e wa* a Hawaiian Luau which featured a whole

pig on the buffet

C o s z t y la N a m e dz ty lA s s t . T r e a s u r e r

Frank C. G o u ty ia has been appointed aaaaatant treasurer o f the “ Eaaex County chapter o f the National aaaociatioa o f accountants” . Ths national association of accountants is th e largest accounting association in the world, w ith 70,000 members in more than 270 chapters > rose the U.S. and abroad.

Mr. Gosztyla and his wife Janina, reside a t 157 Bergen Avenue, N orth Arlington, N J . The couple has on* c h id . Mr. Goaztyla is em ployed as the accounting s u p e rv is o r a t Taaney Engineering, Inc., which ia the oldest and largest n a i i f i e t i f i i o f e n v i r o n m e n t a l t e s t equipm ent, w ith faciitM i located in Union.

LOOK M o o n i N ew T ot

R o b e rt S u a re z T a k e s B r id e

St. Joaeph’s Church, Needham, Mass., waa the setting Saturday morning Aug. 7, o f lhe wedding of M ia E lan Marie Devine, of Needham, and Robert Peter Suarez, o f East Rutherford.

The bride, daughter o f Mr. and Mn. Joeeph M. Devine, wore an organza over taffeta g o w n tr im m e d w i t h Alencon lace. Her veil fell from a Juliet cap and die carried red roses.

M n. Georg* Colburn waa m atron of honor and the Misses Mary and Joanne Devine were bridesmaids with Mbs Felicia Suarez.

Robert Sienkiewicz served » heat man fo r t a g ro a n , aon o f Mr. aad M n. Ernest Suarez, 365 Grove Straat. Michael Hanley uA cred with Frank AacoU, Michael Derhw aaid Deaafc Maycher.

M n A u ie i hoMs a > A degree from N o r* eastern University, Boston, and la with Thousoa sad Thoaaon, Boatoa. The groom kaida a B A. degree from the same university aad ia with th* General Electric Co., W*st Lynn. Maas.

Th* aawtywads left for a .honeym oon ia Nova Scotia afte r a reception a t A e Sheraton Lexington M otor Inn , Lexington Mass.

C a r o l in e T e s t a ’s E n g a g e m e n t P la n s

Mr. aad Mrs. Joasph T*sta, 32 Stayveaant Aveaue, Lyndhurst, have aaaoaaced the aag ag saea t o f thaar daughter, CaroUae, to R obert W. Hockiag, son o f I k . aad Mis. WaiiB Hocktag o f Land eab erg, Pennsylvania.

M ia Testa II a gradaat* o f T rea to a S u te College,tea cheat ia th e aecoad grade ia the Florence Tow artup, New Jen ey , school ayat*BL_

Har fiance la in his aoiior year a t Dataware ValleyCollege, at Doyleatown

■ W an*, e couple


> ...

Mr. an d M rs. F red e rick B. W agner

Mr. and Mn. Frederick G. Wagner were married Auguat 7 at a Nuptial Mass in Queen o f Peace Church, North Arlington Rev. Paul G. Bootkoaki, brother o f the bride, officiated.

The bride, the former Annette Barbara Bootkoaki, ia the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Bootkoaki of 109 Lincoln Avenue, North Arlington, form erly Caldwell.

Mn. Nicholas Vero waa matron o f honor. Brideamaida were Miaaes Mary Duffy and Cindy Bach and Mn. John Davey. Robert Zimmermann was best msn. Ushering were Russel Prokop, Dennis Murphy, and Dana Ellefaon.

The bride wore sn organza

full length biahop aleevea. Her fingertip veil fell from a Venetian lace Cam elot cap. She carried s ball o f white miniature carnations aad daisies. All o f her s ttendants wore pink and yellow summer print gowns. The maid o f honor carried a ball o f yellow and white miniature carnation a and daisies. Each bridesmaid

Her husband is • 'carried a ball o f pink andfrom N orth white miniature carnations

snd daisies.The couple who have

returned from a wedding trip to St. Tho maa, will reaide in Palisades Park.

M n. Wagner b a public health nurse with the H s c k e n s a c k H o s p i ta l Com m unity Nursing Service, Hsckensack. Her husband ia

The ' plan to marry» , 1972.

Clinic. He will beabi studies this fall at Ohio Coll S p o r t in g

Q n b T r i p

aad beaded Ventien—lace an aaautant engineer with gown with high ~ n eck ,- New York Bell M p n i attached waistlength bib, and Co., Queens, New Yotk.

S a n d r a G r a b lo s k i W e d s

Thomas S. Keith, Jr., of Carktadt, and his bride, the former Miss Sandn L. Grabloski. o f Cape Canaveral, Fla., are living in Tituaville, Fla., after a honeym oon in the Bahamas.

Marriage vows were exchanged by the couple Friday, June 25, in Our Saviour Catholic Church, CocoaBeach, Fla. A reception followed in the church social hal.

The bride, daughter o f Mr. and Mn. E. M. Grabloski, wore an Empire A-line gown

R i c c i ' sDiner

113 Park ««e. Lyndhurst, N. J.

21130I C E C U B E S


In atm tty

Chib haM a flaking trip o n the "Miae Point Plaaaaat” on Auguat 7. Adam Warim w aa atrophy for th e bigpaet fiah caaght. h waa aa S Ib. fluke.

W* plan to attend bo th a to u r aad a party at the Brotharhood Winery oa S e p te m b e r I I . O a r rice-pre a den t, Chuck Mounts o f Lyndhurst, reports vary few tickets left.

San Carlo Restaurant

LUNCHEONS & DINNERS .P e rso n a lize d C a te n a * F o r E v e ry O ccas io n

3 M e a t * B a a q u e t Room s

6 2 0 S tay v eaaa t Ave., L yndhurst. N.J.

9 3 9 -9 0 8 3

C losed M ondays

o f organza and ChantSly lace.Miae Margaret G rabkxki

wa* maid o f honor for her sister. A nother aister, Mary, wa* bridesmaid with the grouan’a siater, M n. John Weaver. The bride’s eaters, Suaan and Sharon, were junior attendants.

James Keith aerred d beat man for his brother. T hey are sons o f Mr. and Mrs. Thom a* S. K eith, 502 Ninth Street. The bride’l brother, R o n , naheied w ith Mr. Weaver, Jamea H arrington and Donald Belanger, the bride’s cousin.

M i s s G a v e l W e d s

K i r k p a t r i c k

Mias Lorraine Gavai, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Gavel, 38 Orchard Street, Garfield, Saturday morning Aug. 7 la St. John Lutheran C hurch, Passaic became the bride o f Kevia K i r k p a t r i c k , o f Eaat Rutherfoid.

A fter a reception a t th* Blue Swan Inn, Rochelle Park, the couple le ft for a Bermuda honeym oon.

The bride wore a sata peau gown trim m ed with Veniae lac*. A m atching Camelot headdress held her *e# and d ie carried daisies and atephanotia.

M n. Richard Tantillo wm m atron o f h onor for her akter. Mrs. Henry Bernstein waa bridesmaid with M i* Doris Bruder.

Robert Chmfclewski waa best man fo r the groom , son o f Mr. and Mrs. A rthur K irkpatrick, 62 0 Paterson Avenue. Dom inick Perone u s h e re d w ith Michael K irkpatrick, the * room ’a brother.

Mn. K irkpatrick, who received a B.A. degree in art education from Glassboro State College, wa* an art teacher in C lifton. Her hud) and ia w ith Canteen Corp., Nutley.

B e t r o t h e d

Mr. and M n. Joaeph Fragano, 606 Garden St., Carlstadt, have announced the engagement o f their daughter, Carol, to Eugene Persona, a a o f Mr. M n. Eugene Panona, 156 St. Paul’a A**., Jersey Cltjr.

Mias Fragano ia with the Sun Chemical C o.. Cartatadt. Har fiance, a graduate o f St. Peter’s Cottapa, ia with the M etropolitan Life Inauranoe Co., Union C ity.

D e n n is K e ih m -En tem ^ Em p o ria

EMPORIA, KANSAS - Denais B. Keihm, who graduated fsom Lyndhurat hfch school hi th e apring o f 1971, ha* been accepted for admieaion to The College of Emporia fo r th e f a l acme at er o f the 1971-72 academic year, according to aa

Miae L inda C orinne

Mr. and M n. A nthony C oriana ot 8 G rant Street, M ariboro, Maasachuaetts have announced the engagement o f their daughter, Linda Joyce to John W. Kosarich, son of Mr. and M n. J. Kozarich 248 C ourt Avenue, Lyndhunt.

Miss Corinne a a graduate o f Boaton Collage School o f Nursing, and Mr. Kozarich a a graduate o f Boston Collage School o f Arts and Science*, Chestnut Hill, M aaachusatts. Both intend to begin graduate study in the fall.

M R S . V A N D Y K

M ia Maurefn Cheryl B randt, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Williaan Brandt, 445 Summ it Avenue, C arktadt. and Leonard William Van D yk, aon o f Mrs. John Van Dyk, 45 Vreeland .Avenue, East R utherford , and the late Mr. Van D yk, exchanged marriage vowa Saturday morning, Aug. 7, in the C ark tad t B aptist Church.

A fter - a reception a t VecchlareDo’t Restaurant, L ittle Ferry, the couple left fo r a honeym oon in the

T he b h d e wore an Empire gown o f ailk organza and aatia peau de aoie, trimmed

with Veniae lace and aeed peark. A matching C am elot headdreaa held h e r y e t and die carried roees aad gardenia*.

Miae Irene Hacker WJ* . honor maid and the bride’s deter, Janet, waa b rid earn aid with M n. Albert Haldenwaag.

Frank Schmidt waa beat mand and Thoma* KiaeUca ushered with K«*M dh_ Keaheneff.

M n. Van Dyk k a aecoad year nuning student a t Bergen Community College. Her huaband, a graduate o f ' RETS School, N utley, a a., craftsman with A .T.T., N*w York City.

by Dr. R . Marvin Schadt, Academic Dean.

Demda ia th e eon o f Mr. aad M n. Raym ond Kaflun o f 457 Poet Avenue iaL y n d h u n t, New Jersey, and plane to mafor ia Englah atThe College o f Emporia.W h i k - n high achool he participated in V anity

baakatbaU, Smart Set, Drill Team, A thletic Office Staff.

* n i a a n » a k l i l . . . » h g h a i 1 » « m i f a t h e J * * t e « n i « ^ 1

Wo Do Custom Blooding 1056 A r CO LO RS

WALLPAPf* STUOtO o r , ,



by the aaneatisMa


G in u ’s E le c t ro ly aiaC o m a I n T o d a y f o r F r e * C o n o v l t a t l o n

WYman 1-1308i t t M id la n d A v a . A r l i n g t o n ,


BEAUTY call SALONW I - M O O ^ M m .. ^ C IA L ,

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M a a , T W a , r r t T B • -wTaaa^ Wed. Sat T » •

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A S c h o o l m a t e R e m i n i s c e s A b o u t

L y n d h u r s t ’ s T e d S h o e b r i d g e

178,252 Accidents

I w u very anxious about coiieg*,: suppoae everyone ia.It « m (o ing to be • new experience fo r me. H iring been a coflege prep atudent in b ilk achool. I M t I waa ready fo r anythin* collage bad to offer. 1 waa wrong. I had to adapt to m w atudy methods, accept new Ideaa, and ganarelly keep an open mind to wrerything.

r* e always believed it im portant to m ake M endi and be accepted by a y peers.I planned to make a lo t o f M enda in college. Thia la a story abou t one o f them.

It waa the uaual sunny Septem ber d ay ,o n ly m a y M a* little warm fo r ten o ’clock in the morning. I had two minutes to get to EngUdi 101 in Gullickaon Hall, and on the s e c o n d f l o o r , y e t! Considering the tim e element and my personal dread o f being late fo r class, I waa running Uke m ad. I waa also loaded with books. Big booka.

Stumbling (the typical f r a h m an) in to Gullickaon Hall, I tripped on a step, immediately throw ing my handa on guard to regain my balance, th e la tte r action sending m y booka high in to the air. Upon catching my balance by grabbing on to a

stair railing, I watched tw o o f my heerieet booka land ihazply on th e aandled foot o f a fallow atudent, who Just happened to be deec ending the s ta in a t the time. Inatlncthreiy, 1 looked op to

B y M ike Moirigoncatch the expression on his face. He waa laughing ao hard a t my clumainees, I honestly believe he completely miaaed o u t on hia own painful experience. I realized how stupid I- m ust have looked,

One morning, one o f my frienda saw ua talking together. She asked m e how I got acquainted with him . I told her the story, confeasing snd the end that 1 d id n 't even know his name.

and 1 joined him in laughter. That w u it; the beginning o f a friendship. I t’a strange; to th ink e glance in to aomeone’a {see could start a relationship th a t m ight laat a lifetim e. We a t on Ihe s tep l and talked.

T he time wasn’t im portant anymore. It w u one o f thoee timea everyone haa th a t compete one to step o u t of routine fo r a few m inutea and d o abaolutely nothing he knows h e should b e doing.

I walked into Englkh 101 tw enty-tw o minutee late th a t day , and 1 wasn’t sorry about it. I had juat made a friend. I saw him often after t h a t We talked end joked, abou t anything and everything. There were m ore serious times, too. Time fo r dkcu ain g problema, social and personal. Time for every th ing ...T im e. Enjoy

every m inute while it lasts. There were long walka around the campus, which we uaed fo r criticizing the university aad its facilities. There were quiet timea, too. Timea that brought w ith them n o words o f the m outh ; only thoughts o f life. I knew him ; I knew little about him We d id n ’t diacuss family, background, o r anything. Those things just d idn’t com e up. I d idn ’t even know his name.

"A re you kidding? T h a t’s Teddy Shoebridge, o u r star quarterback. Boy, you are e freahman!” w a her reply to m y ignorance a t no t knowing m y friend’a name. This aort o f pu t me off w ith him . N ot that he’d really done anything wrong, b u t 1 marveled a t hia m odesty. I’d have worn a sign! When I saw him la ter on that day , I asked h im why he h ad n 't m entioned who he w a .

"Y ou d idn’t aak, and even if you had known, would it have made any difference? It waa aimple and it m ade sense. I d id n 't care w hat his name

waa, h e w a my friend.O ur frienddiip became

stronger that day. I found a person who genuinely cared abou t m e for w hat I was, not w ho; I d id n 't have to do anything special to be special. He expected me to feel the same way about him . ( I ’d have worn a sign.)

One chilly November afternoon, I w u driving in to tow n to do some flopp ing , listening to the oar radio as I drove. The station w u b r o a d c a a t i n g t h e M arah a ll-E a s t C a ro lin a University football game live from Greenville, N orth Carolina. Due to bad w eather, there w u lota o f atatic on the

station, bu t I w u able to pick out a few familiar names. I started hum m ing the fight song. I felt tears form ing, and my throat began to ache. I guess it might be paaaed o ff as school spirit; possibly pride. I parked the car. Aa I switched off the ignition, I heard the announcer a y something about Shoebridge. I smiled, seeing in my w indshield a quarterback bearing the number M14” ripping across a football field som ewhere in North Carolina. The tears were falling now , b u t these were tears o f pride. No d oubt about it.

—A-About 7:35 th a t evening, a

DC-9 jetliner exploded on a m u d d y W eal Virgin* m ountainside' one mile away from its deatination, leaving no survivors. Seventy-five people including the M tfA s I football team , faaa, aad coaches were on board. *» was Teddy.

Six m onths have p aaad since the tragedy. People a n beginning to laugh again. Things are getting back to normal, bu t there are still re m in d e n .. .the le tter man jackets, occu ional news articles, an em pty , silent f o o t b a l l stad ium still mourning tiie l o a o f her ch ild ren .. .they’re all around me.

I still take those long walka around campua. T hey mean something special to me. They bring back p le a an t memories; m em ories o f a smiling quarterback standing in tiie sunshine, waving to me...

During the period from I960 to 1968 - the laat year for which con., <ete statistics are available • mere were 178,252 traffic accident! in B ergen C ounty which produced 737 deatha and 1)9,493 injuriea.

T h ese figures were included in a ’ special report, “Highway Safety in New

Italy is called Tarvieio, and u the train departed from theatation I noticed the time was now 8 :0 0 p.m ., b u t a y watch had 7 :0 0 p.m . Soon, I learned th a t there w u another tim e change a t the border and now it ia 8 :00 p.m. Italian tim e

Tarvieio, Italy k an im portant bo ld e r tow n. It la the Italian border tow n not only o f Auatria, bu t alao o f Yugoslavia As auch, it aervea • * a n i l a p o r t a n t c o m m u n i c a t i o n ! center

A L e t t e r F r o m I t a l yA i early u 390 BjC., when

Brennua, a Gaulish general, invaded Italy and defeated a Roman arm y, to th e tim e o f Napoleon, th e people! of Burope have held a fascination fo r Italy which haa m ade har th e arena o f num eroua w an . Norm ans, the Germanic foot-eoidien, the pognerds o f Napoleon, aad the ’K ak erttd u ’ o f tha Em peror Franz-Joeef o f Aoatria-ftungary aad o th e n have fought for the poeeeaeion o f th e happy land o f Italy. N ow , even today , armies m arch through Italy ; b u t theee are the atmiea o f tonriata w ho com e to poaaea, if only briefly, th e haipptaea o f th k land.

The* m other o f the arta, Ita ly , k fo r m any people a muaeum-country where have been born th e many maaterpiecea o f antiquity , where the maaterpiecea o f b o t h C h r l i t l a n a n d humanistic culture have been preaarvad. I t k hare th a t can be found the Greek tempiaa, th e burial ground! o f the E truecana, the Roman Forum , dead d U n now given life through excavation, numerous cathedrak with glittering m o a ica , churchea filled ertth spknded marble aad sculp turea, and palaoes c o m p a t ib le t o n o n e throughout Europe and in which are contained ra u au m p i c t u r e a a n d s ta tu a , celebrated works o f art. Roman CathoUca t n the u over make theirpigrim agt so the aourcea o f th e k faith. The cradle o f Catholicism and aeat o f the Head o f the Church k at Rome where Catholics come to prey at the Tom b o f St. Peter and to venerate the place! where th a m arty n suffered. Italy 'a landscape h u a noble a ipect, do tted with orange trees in blossom , with w heat, with vinee o f gnpea, aad w ith oUvu. H er h ilk and vallaya are Uaed w ith c jrp tea treee and umbrella pines The air h u the acent o f a light bouquet o f Chianti wine, there k the hue o f warm brpwn brick c h u rc h a and medieval buOdinga, there are the cool fountains, apringi, and k k a , and there a n the

(on d o la i in the Grand Canal.The Italian livee and movea

with ease in th k land filled w ith every type o f beau ty . He k dark-haired, dark-eyed, and gesticulating, th a t is, speaking more arith h k handa than h k tongue. He k all movement and fantasy, he k nim ble and paaaionate. He k full o f vitality and k in d n ea and ganerouaity. I t k surprizing to m any th a t tiie Italia na have made numeroua m odem a c h i e v e m e n t ! . S o i l i m p r o v e m e n t , induatrial complexes, nuclear power oen ten , dams, highwaya, and * y ic ra p c n characterize the developm ent o f the last tw enty yean . M odern Italy has i new look. I t k no longer Che h o m e o f t h e m a c a r o n i - e a t i n g , guitar-pkying Italian. While he eqjoya theae rimple p le n u m , a new way o f life haa been created in h k country. Italy ranka high among the o ther European c o u n tr le e 'in prograea, governm ent. productivity , m odernization, and holda a p ro m in en t poaition o f ln~f T o e - n c e i a t h e com m on-m arket.

LEAVING AUSTRIAA few y e an ago,

unem ploym ent in Italy w u very high; however, becauae o f the vitaUty o f the Italian people which h u brought about modernization and advanced induatrializatlon w ith in th e c o u n t r y , unem ploym ent k steadily on the decline. Even though, ItaUana emigrate to o ther countrlea. TUa k accounted fo r by the very large p o p uk tion , and probably by a very long tradition. Emigration seems to be an im portant part o f th e Ita lk n way o f Ufe. Statistics show tha t in 196S more than200.000 ItaUana moved to o th e r countrlea, w ith a b o u t '38 .000 coming to the United Statea. While 200,000 Italian emigranta aeema to be a t b e t a n tia l figure, if conatant yearly, it k im portant to not? th a t each year about 182,000 Italiana re turn to their native Italy.

Tlie viait to Vienna, Auitria h u ended. The a n a a f rtrangenea , o f n ew n ea , o f

adventure m om entarily aeema to be ended, aeema to becom e a part o f the paat, a part o f th e peat th a t will long be remembered. A t th e train winds its w iy along Austrian country aide there can be aeen m en aad women cu tting the fields o f hay and w heat by hand with syclea. F u rther on in o ther field a they rake the hay and wheat by hand in to amaU pUea. Eventually, theae pOee o f w heat aad hay are carried to a central p u t o f th e field where it k piled in to hay stack a. The haystacks are aimpiy a long tree branch em bedded in to th e ground and tiie hay k packed around it. The train continuea jta journey now and again through tunnela in email h ilk . The tim e k approaching 7 :00 p jn . European tim e. Now aigne along th e track indicate th e approach o f the Auatrian-Italian border. The com pertm ent door k opened by an Austrian official, who aaka to lee my paaaport. He queationt if I have anything in m y luggage to declare u taxable item i. And then he l e g v e i c l o s i n g th e com partm ent door behind him.

A few minutea p a a and again the com partm ent door opena. T hk tim e the official entering k an Italian and having checked my paaaport, he welcomea me to Italy and atatea th a t we will c r o a the bo lder m om entarily. Soon the train begins to alow

down, and now , finaUy comea to a halt, and then a spectacular light to behold occun . The occupanta o f tha train diaembark to the platform and there k much shouting and rejoicing aad laughter and tears; for tt can be heard ‘We are home! TMa k Italy! Terra fezma - P tr a ground! Taken u p by M a enthusiasm o f hundred! o f Italian nativee, aad my own Italian too diaembarked. A ad o a the platform , I rejoiced aad stam ping m y feet declared T e rra fenna, th k k Italy!1 The ItaUana near m e, hogged me and kiaaed me bettering th a t I w u a native. I thanked them , bu t decided no t to diatilusion them , and agreed tha t I w u a native. Soon, joyfuUy we aU returned to the train. T h k b order tow n in


Are you th in k in g of sailing your h o m e? W a h ove m a n y bu y m l w h o a re in te re s te d inf buy ing a h o m e in this a r e a . O ur e x p erien ced s ta f f k re a d y to assist you in soiling o r ren ­tin g your p ro p erty .

Call us a t 5 4 6 -0 6 0 0

Didovidi Realty Broker

59 Belmont Ave. Garfield, N.J.

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S u r v i v a l .

o f t h e f i t t e s t

Buckeye Donkeyball Show!!!

C r a z i e s t S h o w O n E a r t h ! ! !Sponsored by Lyndhuret Men’s Softball League

W e d . S e p t . I , 1971 a l 8 p .m .

B e r g e n C o u n t y P a r k F ie ld ifll, L y n d h u r s t

Ticketo available Parka Dept. 250 Cleveland Ave.

Adults-advance SI.25 -at gate $1.50 Children-advance 75 cents -at gate Sl.

preceded byG I R L S ’ A L L S T A R G A M E

at 7 p.m.

tn 1949, when the American car buyer had his choice of cars like the De Soto, the Hudson

or the Studebaker, two intrepid souls bought Volkswagens.It turns out they were more farsighted than foolhardy. Because today there aren't many De Sotos, Hudsons

or Studebakers around.But there are quite a few Volkswagens. More than

three and a half million at last count.Seldom has so little come so far.


701 Riverside Ava., Lyndhuret -93 3 -8 3 8 3 ( 1 m ile sou th o f H aute 3, Riverside Ave. Exit)

It k a a u l charming town that B a ia th a heart o f d e n a pine fo K tlv These pine foresta are the out-lying ac tio n s o f th e Austria n- Vieaaa wooda. Tarvkio h u its origin ha Roman tim et, aad th a city haa many traces of Roman an tiquity . Voday, with all tta charm , with all its attachm ent to ancient Roman Timea, arith its communi­cation im portance, i t h a popular reaort for Bummer and w inter qporta. The Fuaine Lakes begin a t Tarvieio and draw many viaiton hi the summer who come to refresh themaetvea in the cool, dear w aten. The v k ito n come predom inantly from Auatria, Yugoalavk, and Italy; blit other tou rk ta have little d i f f i c u l t y d ia c o v e r in g Tarvkio. Located juat six miles outsite o f the d ty of Tarrk io I. Monte Santo di Luaari with tta cool aummer la k e s , i t s challenging mountain w ayl for the novice du n ber, a ad ha w inter tta eaay

for th e akisr, bo th

Soon, we m i r e ia Vaaice, Italy, h a t t t ta aight-tiaaa.

le n e y ,” re leaad th k week by the New Jen ey Ci tizena Highway Committee. The NJCHC’a figures alao allowed th a t o f the 178,252accidenta, 664 were fatal, 75 ,809 produced injuriea, and 102,779 produced aome form o f property damage.

The Citizens Highway C om m ittee report indicated th a t New Jen ey , arith the highest vehicle denaity per mile o f road o f any state in th e nation, h u a road aafety program which k charaterized b y “ chaos, confunon and congestion.”

Tha NJCHC found that aafety ‘)u a t doean’t hare atatua hi New Jen ey . New Jen ey 'a traffic a fe ty record k a o t ao good u to be praiaed nor ao bad i i to be condem ned. The rem it k that th k State doea relatively little to u p p ad e ita aafety rtandard t, in d too few care.”

The report, prepared by th e NJCHC’a Subcommittee on Highway Safety and Traffic Engineering, a i l that th e State’• aafety effort " h u been severely handicapped by th e lack of e ffickn t, c e n tra liz e d management. T h o u public officiak and agencies specifically given the d e c is io n -m a k in g pow er relating to highway aafety needs tend to pkee fo r too low a priority on the problem ."

The study w u particularly critical o f the fact that until now the State h u been unable to provide up-to-date statistics on accident rates and economic lo a , “altbouth aome effort now k being m a d e f o r m eaningful updating.” The laat year for w h i c h a i g n i f i c a n t county-by-county accklent analyau are available k 1968.

A little realized fact k the trem endoua economic lo a from traffic accidenta, which in th e period from 1960 to 1 9 6 7 t o t a l e d S I .403,091,840, according to William M. Brook, chairman o f th e Subcom m ittee on Highway Safety and Traffic

Newsfrom the



Registration for Story Hour at the North ArUngton Public L ib ra ry , 180 Prospect Avenue, ii now open. The program wUl differ somewhat from p a t y e an in that there will be no lim it to the num ber o f children in the

Engineering. Brooka, who k vice preaident o f a k a for H o u d a il le C onstruction M a t e r i a l s , I n c . , o f M orristown, aaid t h a fo r th k a m e 1960-67 period, the num ber o f vehicle milea traveled annually on aB New Jen ey roada mcreaaed by 4 0 % wh i l e eatim ated economic b a aoared by a “staggering'’ 135*.

O ther m em ben o f the Subcom m ittee on Highway S a f e t y a n d Tr a f f i c Engineering were: Em eat A. T . Fehberg, Director of Com m unity Relationa, Bed T e le p h o n e Laboratoriea, Murray HiU: Paul M. Hyner, Director, Traffic A Real E a t a t e , I N T E R F A C E C o rp o ra tio n , Paraippany; Robert J . N okn , P.E., Supervising Engineer, Traffic B u r e a u , New Je rsey D ep srtm en t o f Trans- portation, T renton; W. Michael Taylor, E.I.T., Traffic Engineer, John G. R eutter Associates, Camden; Lawrence F. Wagner, P.E., County Engineer, County o f Ocean, Toma River, and C u r t i s A. W in s to a , Supervisor, New Jen ey Office o f Highway Safety, Trenton.

sessions and there will be no limit to the num ber o f times a child may be enrolled.

Story Hour k for preschoolers 4-514 years old. Children muat be regiatered to enter the atory hours.

S ee ks B o o ksThe N orth ArUngton

Woman's Club h u issued an appeal for uaed booka o f any type , fiction, non-fiction, achool, children's, m udc,cookbooks, and National G eopaphic magazines. They wiU be uused for the Club’a annual fall book a a k ,sponaored bby the Education Department o f the Club.

Proceeds of the sale will go toward the O ub 'a annualschokrahip fund. P lena caU 998-2908 o r 991-8271 for pickup o f donations or drop them off at 13 Stratford Place, No. Arlington.

T o A t te n d S h o p

R earvationa have been made for members o f the North ArUngton Board o f Education to attend the annual w orkdiop o f the New Jerae y School Board’* Association The w orkdiop wiU be held October 27 through October 30 m Atlantic C ity .

A lao a t te n d in g the worfcahuo w«! t e Supt. o f Scho -k Paul Jonea and S e c i e t a r y - B u i i n e i i A d m i n i i t r a t o r D a n ie l UeGennaro.

N a e a c l O w P e t a PERSONAL

A n im a ts Inc.

"Silfk, VMoarad, DivorcedFind HopptrtMS by

m—ting w io iw nowr — _ r k c C -----f c j — ^ - iroc o m e toniKiefiTiai

collValwrtaare and Feaeai Naasane F a Anhnok

t f yaw c a n h e lp : IN T R O D U C T IO N SU N L IM IT E D

9 3 3 - 1 1 7 4 33 Ridgs Rd. No. Arlington ' **8-7902

I N D U S T R I A L H A U L A G E C O R P .

I n d u a t r i a l W a i t e R e m o v a l


9 3 3 -9 5 0 0

Another FREE NCB service for

L a n d l o r d s ,

R e n t a l A g e n t s !

P u b l i c L a w 1 9 7 1 , C h a p t e r 2 3 3 , r e q u i r e s t h a t a l l r e n t a l s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t s , b e d e p o s i t e d in a n i n t e r e s t - b e a r in g s a v in g s a c c o u n t . L a n d lo r d s a n d R e n t a l A g e n t s h a v e * ) d a y s f r o m J u n e 2 1 , 1 9 7 1 to c o m p ly w i th t h i s r e g u la t io n .

R e a l iz in g t h e m o u n t a i n s o f r e c o r d k e e p i n g , a n d t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e b u r d e n s a t t a c h e d t o t h e im p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h i s la w , N a t io n a l C o m m u n i ty B a n k c a n p r o v id e r e n t a l a g e n t s a n d l a n d l o r d s w i th t h e f o l lo w in g s e r v i c e S 'T R E E o f a n y c h a r g e s :

■ Deposit all such funds in an interest-bearing savings account, with each indtvfdual tenant’s deposit fully protected and insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

■ Compute and store (on IBM memory discs) all interest earned, by individual tenants.

■ Provide you with periodic print-out reports, of ail accounting work.

Automatically remit your administrative fees, on a regular periodic basis.

See to it that all forms, required by IRS, are properly completed and forwarded.

For any Information concerning thia FREE serviceCall, writ a or vlalt any ot our 31 off leaa In Bargan or Suaaax Counties

national Community DankT h e B a n k t o l o o k t o f o r a l l y o u r f i n a n c i a l n e e d s

M tm bw f.O.I.C.

h ■ *

GMRMrcW LeaderM M h q n l M n i

i f ^ M i o n c w N m p i t e i n i

N M aattaaO fflea 2 S I R I ^ I M L gadhan t. N J .

TaL 438 8 7 0 M 7 0 I


M l at ,N J .■ "—I--jonn 9f>no Amy DMae ■ S3Copy

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North Arlington LeaderAnd Banan S w d y Leader

157 Ridg* R o a d , - - North Artbaton.N-J.

North Aritagtoa’t O ffldd Newapaper

E# to r JohnSavtaoNewt Editor Beatifr Murphy

T d : 991 • 1839F M m• y . N lI Par Ye

Per Copy

Y O U S A I D M T !

Raid A t Kearny, N J . Suhecrtatloa $3 t o Year

lO & a ta P

Leader-Free PressOfficial Newqiaper Boroughs of Eaat Rutherfoid and Carktadt

Editor John Savino T d. 438 8100 8701

417 Second St., C a b tad t, N J .

C h a Postage Paid a t Rutherford. N.J. $2.50 per year 10 cents per copy

N a t io n a l A d n r O a m R a p r a M n u tK a

AM ERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION N a w v o r k - C h lc a t o - D a t r a l t - P N Ia d a lp M a

" - S M S ’ C » “ n ‘ y . o n e a t m e r t c h a t t a n d m o s t » r a « l> c t lv a a m a s In N a w

5r.“i v : ssSS aSsK srttSr *• ■h-"" *•___________________________ A U G U S T 19,1971___________________________

Lindsay In New JerseyFew know that the family of John V.

Lindsay m ayor of New York and a freshly mist tad Democrat, once lived in a modest b o n e ia Kearny. On Lindsay’s m other side are Naw Jersey ant, one o f whom b u i t the oM Poet Office Building.

Thia would seem to give Lindsay a nsaaiag chance a t the Democratic praddasitid nom ination, so far as New Jeney k concerned.

B u td o a i t?I t II idle to speculate on how New Jersey,

a a B atte r what Lindsay’s roots once were in Naw Jen ey . would tegaid the New York m ayor m a presidential hopeful.

B at tw o im portant developments have gleaa Lisadaay a poeition in the presidential race that cannot be overlooked.

No. I k the decision to give the tS -yearo ld i a vote.

No. 3 b the co art deciaion that enables s tudents to regbter in their college

iteani a n regarded in the lindaay a definite pluses w h e n the

Ii concerned. I t b almost certain Lindaay will have trem endous support

oa th e caa p u at. And It w il be abnoat acaptive v o t a —

D a ^ ita their proteafc about theirtadaaaadaaK*, college guy* and gab are M m b M abnoat pathetic in their way of fnRnatag the leader.

This means tha t when the Lindsay putsch

begins the college leadett will be in the van - and the cam pus follower* will jam in behind them .

They did it when it was fashionable to swallow gold fish, when it was the thing to d o to raid the g irb ' do tin t, w hen it was big timing to jam in to telephone booths and when the thing to do was to proteat the war.

Lindsay b almost certain to be taken up on the campuses on the thing - and the college kids will fall over themselves to conform . And since they will now be easily regbtered in their college towns they'll regb ter and vote.

T h b gives Lindaay a huge advantage when it come* to building crowds and to get worker*

Lindaay thus will get a tremendous helping hand out in the college town acroea the nation.

Fused with h b appeal for the big city minorities, he will make a formidable foe in any p rim ary ..

If Lindsay ventures in to a prim ary election in New Jeney h e ll have it good in Teaneck, Rutherford, Flordham Park, New Brunswick, Newark and Princeton. The eeMtg* bide wgl sea to -that.___________

However, the louder the clamor lo r Lindaay grows the stronger will becom e the move toward Senator M utki and his quiet, com fortable spped .

A primary race betw een Lindsay and Muskie in New Jen ey would be fascination.

Dear Editor:

You and your paper are tobe congratulated on printing all types o f letters in the Dialog section o f the paper. Itg i v e s e x ex y o n e equalopportunity to air their view* and opinions.

Regarding the conduct o f our President, Mac. Chierico, and others in the T axpapen Assn.. we agree that sometimes he shouts but it ia only when he feels some project or appropriation ia unjust to all of the citizens tax dollars.

1 would life to bring to everyone’s atten tion just a few o f the things the Taxpaper’s Assn. has helped bring a b o u t:

1. A Twenty Five Thousand dollar saving to the Lyndhurst Taxpayer, Penick Co. share o f paving New York Ave. through the combined effort o f Commissioner Walter Janowski and the Taxpayers Assn.

2 . A B u i l d i n g Code-Ordinance No. 1474 was revised and rewritten with the help o f Town Attorney Ralph Polito - Health Officer Peter Forte, Fire Prevention Chief Victor L in d ay and members o f the Taxpayera Assn. to protect the privacy of our one and tw o family homes.

3. We are in close contact with the new Federation o f Taxpayers Assn. which is a strong organization in the fight for a be tte r tax rate structure throughout the state o f New Jersey. Some of the things we have proposed:

1. Radar for the safety of our children on tow n streets.

2. Collection o f our own garbage.

3. A larger and better equipped police headquarters.

4 . Foot patrolm en for better protecting o f our h o m e s a n d b u s in e s s establishments.

S A School Board that W o u l d g iv e s e r io u s consideration to the “ Forty

Five-Fifteen Program as a perm anent solution to our overcrowding and where the Teacher could give more time and attention to the individual student.

- -6.. A consolidation-of-the - various insurance policies, which would give the tow n a be tte r coverage and a lower prem ium , or more value for the tax dollar.

7. A Purchasing Agent appointed within the present personnel, which would result in trem endous saving in our e x p e n d i t u r e s e a c h year. Our greatest concern is fo r the beautiful Town of Lyndhurst: We would like to be able to say that Lyndhurst ha t the most efficient hard working and dedicated town officials and employees in the St ate.

Respectfully your* G ordon Wilson

47 Kearny St 939-4627

Dear Editor:In reply to your minit-ed o f

a couple o f weeks ago 1 wish to state that CAPABLE, the group interested in thebeautification o f Lyndhurst and the improvement o f its environm ent has set up the first permanent recyclingstation fo r collection o f bottles, tin and aluminum cans and newspapers in the county . It has been inexistence for several weeks now and the location widely advertiaed. Flyers were a u p p l i e d by N atio tu l Com m unity Bank and sent to all homes and announcem enta and pictures o f the opening o f the station were printed in several issues o f this paper. In addition, Public Works C o m m i s s i o n e r Wa l t e r Janowski, who made available the collection depot at the Parks Department area, 2S0 Cleveland Ave., at several s u b s e q u e n t C om m otion meetings asked the pre as to stress to citizens the im portance and theeate o f de- poating their g la tt and

tin cans in the bins provided and this was done In the reports o f the C om m iuion meetings.

The bins are open 6 days a week from 9 a.m . to S p jn . and provision b made for deposit o f am ber, clear and

.gteen-glaaa, io r - t in and "for alum inum cans. A lto, Boy Scouts o f Lyndhurat pick up newspapert-which must be tied in convenient-to-handle bundles, fo r their ow n profit. Returns from the glass and tin collections are made to the tow ndiip for i t t beautification work.

We do hope that any citizen who has not heard before o f this collection depot will read and take advantage o f the easy m ethod o f collection o f theae products which may ba recycled, thus returning profit to the tow ndiip, reusing the glass and m etal, and keeps the ind itaoh ib lr material from cluttering up th e dumpsites in tow n. It makes the home garbage can much lighter too, to have it free o f glass containers and cans.

Bottles should be rinsed and be free o f m etal, and cans should have labels removed and tops and bo ttom s cut out and may be flattened easily by stepping on them .

Citizens, please cooperate w ith the PW Dept. Capable and thoae who try to create a cleaner more beautiful L yndhun t.

Sincerely, A member o f Capable

Editor:I notice that the L yndhunt

Board o f Education got cold feet when some parenta kicked up a fuaa becauae eighth grade kids were going to be forced to w iBl a few blocks to school. Thete were no t students protesting, they were parenta. And they w e n n o t students who got cold feet, they were members of the Board o f Education.

A nd, then , we say wa do n ’t understand w hat’s wrong with o u r youth!

L yndhunt

Editor:The o ther night a couple, a

young m an and a young w om an, tried to hitch a ride with me on Ridge Road. When 1 drove past w ithout stopping they bo th spit at me..

I’m glad now 1 didn't stop to give them a ride. I ’m sorry I d idn’t brudi them a little w ith my car, even if it waa freshly washed.

N orth Arlington.

Yea, th it b a residential area and we all have fron t and back yards bu t just like you we have a pool which takes up most o f our yard - but unlike you we purchased our hom e to allow ou r children to play and enjoy their home and neighborhood and M end. You w ant peace and q u k t. Well, there ate

—ea m m anitiea fo r you “older” folks where children are not allowed bu t my children will no t ba intim idated; by c n b b y , old grouches.

Oh, by the way, hasn’t your child been involved in street gamea w ith the rest of the kids on the blodc? You and a few other neigh b o n are the Only complain e n , and we who enjoy o u r homes ou tnum ber you greatly.

I really th ink yo u ’re jealous - our family loves and r e j e c t s one another and ou r neighbon - you aren’t living, you 're just existing. T ry pu tting a little fun in your life - Think about it!!!!

Third Street Resident

Dear Editor:I recently rented an

apartm ent in N orth Arlington which ia on the second floor o f a two-family houae. I w at surpriaed to learn that there wat only one entrance to the apartm ent - there ia no rear exit o r entrance. T hit means th a t in cate o f fire th e n is only one way o u t, through the fron t door and if the fire happens to be on the stairway, my children and I

I know in th e city where I

came from it waa a law that there had to be a fire eacape if only one entrance and exit e x i t t e d . D oe* N orth Arlington have such an ordinance or regulation? If so, it is very poorly enforced jecause many o f my n e ig h b o r s r e n t the ir apartm ent! under the tame crcum attncea. i f ao - a a d r - ordinance exiatl parhapt your local fire departm ent or perhaps even the Mayor should look in to th it m atter. Peoplet livet are a t Make and it would be best to avoid a situation where people could be trapped on the second fiOv-r apartm ent in cast o f fire.

No. Arlington Reaident

Editor:There have been a lo t of

snide rem arks about John V. L i n d s a y ' s p r e a i d e n t i a l pretentions.

Well, le t’s aee. They a y h e 'i made a m en o f New York.

But w hat have the o ther guys who w ant tn— b e -

AUGUST 19.1971

Organized C rim e?I t b nothing new O a t the c o n tra c tio n

Industry ft crooked from top to bottom .to pay bribet t get

and then must pay brfcet to aoney looae from the tretaury.L a te r leader* get th d r diaraa. The bank* get (haft H tth piece o f the action. Insurance fla f a a f t e io ta in the whole aoadid butinest

I f Rm so-called legitimate world refuaed to taka pm t ta d ie shake-down operation* die e « m p tio n would be stifled a t the source.

If legitimate contractor* refuaed to pay off than would be no payofft-

B at f t a t would prove too c o tdy . Who wants a world where th e n would be no t a w a s a t k Apparently only lhe pay o ff can • tak a the wheels tarn .

A moving, if c o rru p t world b apparently p re ferable to M aiding still.

Ttasa Rm American practice o f blaming ell ita Ms e a “organized crime” which has now becom e die code word for “Mafia” and “ La C ota Noatra” ha* been exploded.

Being o f Italian descent there was general head nodding by the conditioned public when he wat reputed to have had dealing! w ith such notorious figure* as “The B oot” Botardo and Jerry Catena- Here were repreeentativea o f th a t clouded movie4ike underworld which the public ha t learned to recognize.

But how abou t Whalen? O f Irish American deeceat, a war hero, a clean-cut, boy Mi looking al-A m erican type w ho could have m ade i t b |g ta either buaineaa or politics?

Who wa* corrupting Whalen?Johnny Kenny?What d b b io n o f the Mafia o r La Cota

N ortra came Kenny?

A ac rib ing our difficulties to an intidioua, cancerous w art like the Mafia o r whatever name you choote to cell this loetheeome underworld hierarey b a favorite American cop-ou t

B e r g e n G a m b l i n g S c a n d a l s

G i l d e d B u r k a r d t ’s L i l y

“siaent ever done? Mutkie, M c G o v e r n , J t c k t o n , Kennedy, M cCloskey-what city did they ever run?

Maybe Hubert Hum phrey will be in the running agairf and will be able to point to the fact he once w at mayor o f Minneapolis.

But th a t wai a long time ago. And it waa M inneapolis

Y ou’ve got to adm it. If you’re fab , that New York, the largest city in tha country, has the most preplexing problems. What city is in any better diape? The troub le! with New York ere the troub le! o f all d tie t.

Lindsay has done as well aa anybody can do with the C ity.

Now let'a go on to the re d issue* o f the cam paign: who can produce a program that promises peace and econom ic security?


Editor:Recently a L yndhun t

c i t i a a n c o m p l a i n e d yo u n g tten are running around M tm idpd Park in the nude.

Can he tell me what th e i uiuiiB | begins?

L yndhun t


m inded” M eynar'i

O , T h at Sunday T r a f f icI t w a a l Tom m y Longa’s bruised hed

tha* fascinated b e d fens wetching the teieca* Sunday night o f the game between th a N aw York Giants and the New England Patriot! I t w a n t the poor passing of Quarterback Tarkenton of the Giants, either.

j j d e d , It waa the long lines o f marled t ta f lk outside the new Schaefer Stadium in t a b o r o . Maas., that drew all local

complex i t traffic. How would it be handled?

The plan is-to provide parking fo r 30,000 can . But it would take h o u n to get the c an into the lota and o u t again.

What Foxboro lackt, o f courae, b rail

There w at a reported crowd o f 61 ,000 at Ota gams.

Thia ia 19,000 fewer than the crowds that taouM ba expected at the Eaat Rutherford OeM tha Mate b expected to erect for the Oiaata

T W a ware traffic lines eight miles long ftTtag to teach the stadium that b halfway • ttw aaa l o i o a and Providence.

Haw long would the traffic lines be • w j d . t h a Eg* Rutherford stadium?

Tfcat ia a big question.According to aome reporta the lines were

*° " 8 and to marled some m otorists never P * •* *** Madhim-end their tickets melted k theft hot hands

paopls parked theb cart in the oe ttab t* and w dkad four miles to the

. . T^are waa a trem endous jam getting into the field-another getting out.

Tha Mg story around the East Rutherford

T hb could be the answer in East R utherford-rail accetr. Tbe atte a cloae to the rail line*. The Pa th , the Port o f New York A uthority railroad, could whitk in and out o f the aporta com plex w tth folks coining from M anhattan, Newark, H oboken and Jen e y City.

Whether tt would be feasible to put rail tracks into the big complex i t a question. But after the Foxboro debacle there b no doubt there will not be enough apace either for parking o r driving in the complex area.

Located in the midst o f the greatest metropolian area ta the world, the East Rutherford site is alao centered in the most congested.

Traffic on Routes 3 ,46, 17 and 80, all of which would serve the site, is heavy at all times. That goes for night and day.

While the roads could carry o ff the traffic if it continued to move, they tie up into monumental tangles when there are accidents or m otor failures. These happened in Foxboro.

A re These Y o u r C h ild ren ?A couple o t Items in the news have a

dbact significance for penn ts.Not long ago an tacapee from a mental

heap I tal picked up tw o four-yearw>M and (fceft 18-year-oH companion- They eacaped

Injury on by leaping o u t o f the cer The Nationd Safety C ouncl reported that

oaw of die a oat dangerous trends in the jarrs a s of accident* haa been on moat a ln lb ta a ridden by children of « e * 12 to 14.

It b Hagai to solicit r id * on die highway

Parent* who do no t discourage children from toliciting ride* becauae of the danger* they face alao are encouraging them to break the law.

(n thia cate only the parents can give the supervbion that is needed. Youngster* should not hitch hike. It a * dangerous practice. Parents should be alert to prevent it.

Police officieb have long inveighed against the mini hike fad

For the sake o f h b family and the already tattered reputation o f New J en e y ’s political tycoona it b to be hoped that the bribery charges now pending againit form er Secretary o f State Robert Burkardt prove unfounded.

N everthdea , it cannot be dbputed that Burkardt w it the beneficiary o f a political unheavd to r which he haa received conaidarable credit but ta w h o a fashioning he contributed no t a mil.

It w at the Bergen County gambling acandal* that made it poaaible for Robert Meyner to be elected governor in 19S2 and th u t a t in m otion force* that changed the political hiatory o f the state and, at least, contributed mightily to the courae of nationd event*.

For much o f th b Burkardt unduly received connderabk

— credit w ith ” the result he entered the state a very, veiy poor man and left it a man of considerable w ed th .

The story may be w orth the relating if for no o ther reason than to illuminate for young men and women interested in entering the political world bow the tide i o f fortune and m bfortune choose with little o r no concern for merit.

After some cloudy political adventures in New York State Burkardt made hb way to W ash ing ton where he etteched himself to the N a t i o n a l D e m o c r a t i k Com m ittee This waa not difficult The Democratic position waa at it! nadir. General Elsenhower had t w i c e clobbered Adlai Stevenion and the Democrat! seemed to have been flattened forever.

When Meyner made hi* gubern*torial bid there were yawn* about the nation. M e y n e r ' t chance* of capturing the Democratic nom ination were minimal; nobody gave the Democrat, no m atter what hb name, a c h a n c e a ga i na t t h e Republican.

T hu all w at happening in 1952, the year in which Nelaon Stamler conducted hb foray into Bergen County gambling In repaym ent for what waa one o f the beat joba ever executed m the atate old guard Republicans, aided and

By Guy Savino abetted by infuriated oldguard Deroocratt, tried to put Stamler in jail or, at least, hammer him into disgrace.

The situation w at ao o d e ro m that a few new ^eperm en , with the aid of a few o ther well intentioned aoub, took an in tereit in the m atter. Lucky for Stam ler that they did. The carda were rigged againat him. He teem ed a dead duck. No lawyer o f conaquence would take h b c a a .

Fortunately for Stamler fate provided him w ith the ta is tan ce o f a young, relativdy unknow n lawyer, o f trem endoua ability, l t wa* h b brother, Joseph.

So fbm ly did the card* seem stacked againit Stamler that Augustua Studer, one of the state’s best know n figures who w at ataigned the ta ta of trying Stam ler, a t firat w at convinced he w at guilty a t charged.

The little jerry-built S t a m l e r o r g a n i z a t i o n , however, abored mightily and as the facta came ou t and were put in to the record it became evident thet Stamler waa b e in g tra d u c e d . Eventually he waa cleared.

Once the im oke had cleared it wat evident that the old l ine R epublican* and Democrat! had to go.

And the little group that ahd perarvered for Stamler now turned i t t atten tion to the gubernatorial race. Efforts were made to induce Clifford *Cate to n e k the R e p u b l i c a n no m in a tio n againit th a old line cendidate, Paul Troaat. C a a conadered , then bowed ou t. The nom ination th u i waa to go to Troast w ithout conte at. A ttention then waa dbected to the Democratic race.

The old liner! were backing Elmer Wene, the chicken farmer, for the nom ination. The candidacy o f M eyner, a nobody from Warren C ounty, thut became o f extrem e importance to the group anxiout for the defeat o f the old line Democrat!.

One reporter dashed o ff" M eyner't m ajor apeech. It w a t . a television ad d re a in which he was given the p h ra a , "Who G ot The M oney?” It was to prove the key o f hb campaign.

T h e a a me re p o r te r discovered that the New York

C ity Anti Crime C om m ittee had evidence that Troaat and o t h e r Democratic andRepublican bigwigs wereintervening for the labor czar Joey Fay.

The evidence w at given to Meyner. He refuaed to u n it. The new ^apers refuted to u n it. Tbe World Telegram was am ong th o a thatw ithheld the ito ry .

Six week! later th e J o u ra d American turned lo o a the story that New Y orken alao were involved in h d p tag Fay, In fact. Governor Thom as E.D e w e y demanded __resignation o f h b lieutenant governor.

The newspapera finally got on the T roait end o f the atory. The T roait le tter in b eh d f o f Fay waa publicized. And M eyner'i campaign fo r ' the first tim e began to heat up.

-—An enterprinng reporter then suggested that per ha pa M eyner might poin t ou t how Dewey had dbciplined h b a tto rney general. Should not Governor Driacoll do the a m e againat T roatt? The reporter finally wrote ou t a telegram for M eyner to a n d . It wa* dispatched a t night and made heed tinea in the morning,

Meyner waa nom inated by bu t a alender margin. But h it

victory substantial

The reform

o v a T roait w a t

band thenmoved in to the Republican rank*, encouraging Case to te e k th a R ep u b licannom ination fo r U.S. Senate. Which he d id. And which he w on b y a most slender

But th a t b getting ahead o f th e story.

T heb m b d o n w ith M eyner accom pUihed, th e re fo rm en moved in to o ther realm*. However, they were very much astonbhed to find that

B urkardt ha tthe g man namedbeen dispatched by the N a t i o n a l D e m o c r a t i c Com m ittee to d bect M eyner’a cam paign,

N obody o f conaequence taw Burkardt during the cam paign. N obody could point to a single incident ta which h e had proved o f vdue.

Yet a c ro a the nation it w at reported that Burkardt had

S a v i n o o n T V

G u y Savino, la y A v e n u e , L y n d h a r t t , newspaperman, is writing a le rie i o f articles fo r Tha Leader new qiaper while the Evening Newt o f Newark, fo r whfch he u New York correspondent, continues on strike.

Savino on Saturday will in te rv ie w Philip B. Hoffm an, president o f Johnson A Johnson, tn d a new member o f the Port o f New York A uthority , on New Jen ey R eport, a feature o f WOR-TV.

Tom orrow Savino wfll ta p e th e hour-long WOR-TV show “Straight Talk” which will lie shown next week. Appearing w ith Savino are Acting U.S. A ttorney H erbert Stern o f N e w a rk a n d EUot L urn bard, crime law adviaor to Governor Rockefeller o f New York and fb i t executive d becto r o f the New York State Investigation C om m hdon.


< J' ■ <1 i / ' - i i • i •

TOYOTA NUTIEY126 Washington Avt-

1 J h

V itif your local rea l t or . . . select th«

hom a you w a n t . . . Than ca ll on B oil­

ing S pr i ng s for th« b a it in h o m a

financing and m ortgage lo a m tailor- m ad e for you.

£ & a ? i o t f t e o c i a t i & n

IN » M T H M fO *B IM irweituait(H*m« O fflg ftj Pkftne (A t»•€*•♦# O H ** )

2J Perk Avanua 939 5000 615 Ridge Rood

' M ’irr# Y on tar# Derr M th A D i f t tm n ! "


O p e n i n g N e w P a r k I n P a t e r s o nGovernor William T. Cahill

w ill cut the ribbon Wednesday, Septem ber 1, opening i new p irk overlooking Patereon’s Passaic Falla and launching the G reat Falla Featival, iponaored by a citizen group seeking to reator* th e historic Falls area, area.

The 7 p jn . ribbon cutting cerem ony will begin a aeries o f entertain ment events, cultural programs, industrial exhibits that will continue through Sunday, Septem ber 5.

Highlight o f the Festival will be a “ Big Name” band concert, Saturday, Septem ber 4 , featuring juch greats as Duke Ellington, Lee Castle leading Jim m y Dorsey’s O rchestra, Tito Puente, Vaughn Monroe and Bob Eberie. The concert, the be held a t Hinchliffe Stadium* is the main fund — raiaing event o f th e Festival which will i l t* feature free events for the public such aa:

- - A d e a t h - d e f y i n g m otorcycle ride over th e Falls chasm by th e in te r nationally-fam ous Corona Brothers on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday a t 7 :30 p jn . and 9 p jn .. -A n industrial exhibit emphasizing the them e of

Paterson's role as the nation’s oldest industrial city, to be open nightly Thursday through Sunday.

-D rum and Bugle Corps com petitions, planned fo r Friday a t 7 :3 0 p jp .

-A n antique Auto Show and Flea M arket, to be held Sunday from 11 a.m . to 5 p.m.

- In addition there will be art exhibits, poetry readings, a beer garden, kiddie ridea, Indian dancing by Boy Scouts and fireworks throughout the Festival.

In addition to opening the new park a t the Falls site on Septem ber 1, th e ribbon cutting cerem ony will mark the dedication o f a new footbridge over the Falls, providing th e public w ith a new vantage point for observing the spectacular 70-foot d rop o f the Pasaaic River to the b a an below the Falls.

The footbridge replaces one that was removed more than SO years ago and is part of t h e re a to ra t io n work underway a t th e Falla Site, first selected by A lexander Hamilton in 1772 aa the birthplace o f a new American industry. •

The Passaic Falls, listed by the World Almanac as the

third mightiest east o f the Mississippi, is part o f the 9 0«cre area deaignated last year by the U.S. D epartm ent o f th e Interior aa a National Historic District.

The Great Falla C om m ittee, headed by Robert Joachim , a local florist, and Mra. Sylvia “ T i p p y ” K r u g m a n , commissioner o f the c ity ’s Board o f Public Worka, ia the outgrow th o f a small group led by Mary Ellen Kramer, wife o f the Mayor, who worked to obtain the historic d istrict designation.

The Festival ia the jo in t effort o f the original com m ittee and the G reater P a te ra o n Cham ber o f Commerce, which is seeking to prom ote the Falls aa 1 major tourist a ttraction .

Pateraon waa founded in 1792 w ith the organization in the c ity o f the Society fo r the Establishment o f Uaeful M anufactures (SUM), by A lexander Ham ilton, first secretary o f the treasury , who was convinced th a t the U nited Statea would never r e a l ly b e free and independent o f Great Britain until the nation could m anufacture goods fo r its ow n consum ption.

T he name Paterson wss selected fo r the new city

because o f the aid given by New Jersey Governor William Pateraon in securing the paaaage o f the bill granting the SUM charter. Gov. Pateraon served from, 1790 until 1793 when President Waahington appointed him a justice o f the Supreme Court o f the United States.

Situated 17 miles from New York, Paterson had become by the early 18 00’s an import and industrial center. The city became famoua for its early locomotive works, became a major cotton manufacturing center and later gained international fame as the Silk City o f the World. Paterson is known as the home o f the Colt revo’lver the gun that tamed the West, and the Wright Engine which carried Byrd' to the North Pole and Lindbergh across the Atlantic.

In addition to the Falls, the city's historic assets include s number o f mills which trace the history o f the Nation's industrial development and a system o f water raceways, some o f which were planned by Pierre Charles L’Enfant, (he architect who also de v e l o pe d p l an s for Waahington as the nation's capital.

N o S t a t e T i t l e F o r L e g i o n

Gallant bu t futile - th a t waa th e story as Lyndhurst’s Legion last to W oodkw n in th e S ta ts Cham pionship finals Tuesday.

With Nick Carter pitching great ball, L y n d h u n t won the first game in 11 innings in the climatic Borden tow n struggle The score waa 4 to 1.

But it was Lyndhurst's last gasp. In th e nightcap the tired L y n d h u n t boys lost 5 to 1. Len Rosa started and just could no t thw art the pow erful W oodkw n sluggen.

R ich Carter, who fanned 12 and shut o u t W harton 3 to 0 in L y n d h u n t's first game in th e Borden tow n frolic, was w onderful.

A fter Lan Rosa Sunday had been clobbered byBrooklawn in th e second game Carter on M onday came back and beat W harton again. This tim e th e score was 6 to 3.

Lyndhurst was then faced w ith th e jo b o f beatingBrooklawn twice to capture the state title .

O n Saturday Carter was ju s t too pow erful forW harton. The Legion had lost only one game th e 20


elim ination gam ea-and Carter had won eight o f th em .

The big N orth Arlington youngster who rejected o ffen to play in summer leagues around the country so th a t he could play fo r th e Legion did not issue a base on balls. And he h it a triple to aid his own

In th e n in th inning, with the d iu t-ou t on the line, R icky M urray, L yndhun t High ace, put a shoe high throw to th e p late to catch a W harton runner trying to score.

B ut tqr eight o f the nine inning* C arter was a trem endous pitcher. He had to do it again on Monday. And he did so.

On Sunday unbeaten Rosa r e a l ly w as c re a m e d . Brooklawn walloped o u t 12 hits to win 9 to 1.

In d ie very first inning W harton scored five runs and salted the game away.

The first four b s tte n banged o u t hits against Rosa, registering tw o singles, s double and a triple.

In the second the shaky Rosa was riieUed from the m ound. Carmine DeMarco


followed Rosa. Billy Perry took over fo r DeMarco. The relief men held Brooklawn to a single run in th e nex t seveninning*

A Haddonfield High star nam ed Bryan Jones held Lyndhurst’s po ten t batsm en harmless until tha n in th when they finally broke through fo r a ran .

Lyndhurst looked good in th e sixth by loadfag the bases. But Jones bore dow n and got ou t o f th e inning w ithou t a score.

Lyndhurst collected only five hits.

W harton qualified fo r ano ther chance a t L yndhurst by eliminating Vailsburg o f Newark. But it d idn 't do a bit o f good becauae nemeais Rich C arter waa on hand to take care o f thfeua M onday.

C u s t o m s

C o l l e c t i o n s

Collections in the ' U.S. T r e a s u ry ’s New Y oA C ustom s Region II fo r the fiscal year ending June 30 t o t a l l e d m o re t h a n $1 .17-billion, Fred R. B oyett, Regional Commiaaioner, has



tM & S 'o iV * **



i n ^ s s r i E - . , .h M flted In th i* D«p*rtm ent •worn statement by the prop

DMamtMr 31,^970, * •na w m |.ss for the y a r and has compiled In all respects with tha law* of this Stata appUcabai to lt»now, tharafora.. ^

I, Robart L. Clifford, CofnmMonar of Insurance of tha SUrta of Naw Jaraay. do hereby certify that said Company I* duly authorized, to transect tha business bf Insurance In this Stata

•fit accordance with law until May 1, 1972. Tha condition and business of said Company at tha date of ftich statement, is mown asfollowsi AdmRtBd a««ti

Total UaMlltla* li7 iM #f74 ,Special aurplua fundicapital Paw up 1 0fOoaoooGross Raid In and Contributed5 ' p ta ‘ 3 0 M 0 7UnasslgrMd Fundi Hurplu j ^ ^Surplus aa Resard.Income for the YawO H aur-m -.t. for .h e Y -y



wnton, 1971 WHEREAS, The Twin City

Flra Insuranca Company, locatad at Mln naapolls in the State of Minnesota has fliad In this Department a sworn statement by the proper officers thereof, showing Its condition on December 31, 1970, and buslnass for tha yaar and has compiled In all respacts with tha laws of this Stata applicable to Hi now.

_ STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE Trenton. May 28,1971 .M WHERESA, The American National Insuranca Company, tocatad at Qalveston In the State of Texas -----Department a «wom statement by

.proper officers thereof.the

rt L. Clifford,Commissioner of Insuranca of tha State of New Jersey, do hereby certify that said Company Is duly authorized to • transact tha buslnass of Insuranca In this Stata In accordance with law until May 1, 19727 The condition and

D d Company at tha statement, Is shown

Totei He Mimes Special surplus funds Capital Raid Up

12.357.70S3,111,9882,600,0002 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0

Gross Mid In and Contributed Surplus

500,000 UnassIgned Funds (surplus)

4.145.718Surplus as Regards Potlcyhoidars Income for the Year

4,591,148 Disbursemants for the Year

3.507,185:r e o f , i

Comm Feei 835'iv.

srt i— Clifford r of inauranca

19, 28,

IN WITNESS WHEl , . have hereunto sat hand and affixed my Official Seal, at Trenton, the day .and yeer first above written.

Robert L. Clifford Commissioner of Insuranca

Feet 838.f tDated i Aug. 19, 28, 1971

showing its Condition December 31, 1970, and buslneas for the year and has complied all respects with the laws of this

iE r * “ ’*■now’_ I, . Robert L. Clifford. Commissioner of Insurance of the

. do hereby certify that said Company Is duly authorized to transact the business of Insuranca In this State In accordance with law until May 1, 1972. The condition and biMlneM of said Company at the date of such statement, fs shown as follows.Admitted assetsToUl MekaRles « ■ * « * • » « » *Special Surplus fu n i* * 7Capital Paid Up I M 3 M " _ . 33.000,000Gross Paid In and Contributed Surplus

70,000Unass Igned Funds (•-—Surplus as Regards Income for the Year Disbursements for th /veer3*’043

(Surplus^ 14S.158.S4S

is Policy holders 205,158,574

IN WITNESS hereunto

S f f i U '^ K T o J U r • S Ms a y M . * * *"a y~ n '«

CommtoMoniTof Yn$uNmo?i F a « i 0 , 4 0 . 7 1

Datedi Aim. IS. 26. 1*71

B o n u s C o u p o n

B u d g e t D r y O e a n i n g

8 lbs. for 82.75 reg.25*. o f f w it h t h is c o u p o n

o f f e r g o o d f r o m A u g . 1 9 ’t i l A u g . 2 6

W a s h 9N S h o pR i d g e P a r k D r i v e , N o r t h A r l i n g t o n , N . J .

9 9 1 - 3 1 6 7 ( N e x t t o A & P )

repotted. This is over four percent ahead o f the S I . 13-billion reported fo r the 12 m onth period concluded June 30, 1970.

Total Cuatoma collection; a crow the country fo r fiscal year 1971 am ounted to more than $3.4 - billion, it has been a n n o u n c e d b y U.S. Commissioner o f Customs Myles J. A m brose. This is an increase o f five percent over receipts fo r fiscal 1970.

Mr. B oyett revealed that collections fo r June totalled $104.8 m illion, over IS percent ahead o f th e $90.8 million reported fo r th e same m onth o f last year. At the New ‘ York Custom house receipts fo r last m onth totalled $84.2 m illion, an advance o f m ore th an 20 percent as com pared with collections during the same m onth of 1970. An increase wss also reported by Albany,N .Y., where collections of


C a r d s O f T h a n k sFrangipane - Deeming it impossible to thank all in person we wish to take this means o f expressing our most sincere and heartfelt thanka to all our. relatives, friends and neighbors for their words of consolation, beautiful floral tributes and many spiritual bouquets at the funeral o f our husband and brother N ich o la s A. Frangipane.

Special thanks to the clergy o f Sacred Heart R.C. Church and also, to the staff of the Nazart Memorial Home, Inc., for their kind and efficient services.

Bereaved Frangipane Family

Gabriello - We take thu means o f thanking our relatives and friends for their kind sympathy and floral tributes at the funeral o f our be loved f a t her Peter Gabriello.

Our most grateful thanks to the clergy o f Mount Carmel R.C. Church and to the staff o f the Naiare Memorial Home, Inc., for their kind and efficient services.

Bereaved Gabriello Family

Surdi - Deeming it impossible to thank ail in person we wish to take this means o f expressing our most sincere and heartfelt thanks to all our relatives and friends for their words o f consolation, beautiful floral tributes and many spiritual bouquets at the funeral o f our beloved mother Annie Surdi.

Special thanks to the clergy o f Sacred Heart, R.C. Church and to the staff o f the Nazare Memorial Home, Inc., for their efficient services.

Bereaved Surdi Family

$624,700 represented an mcre;ye o f about five percent over “ ne o f last year.

Customs receipts at John F. Kennedy International Airport last month reached the $ 15.4 million level, or less than one percent ahead o f June 1970.

At Newark, Customs receipts totalled $3.5 million (down over six percent), and at Perth Amboy, N J ., the collections of $895,600 represented a decline o f 1 1 percent.

O u r M e n I n S e r v i c e •)

R ic h a r d R y d e r ' W a s O u t s t a n d in g

Army Private Richard H. R yder, 24, io n o f Mrs. Anna R yder, 433 Jeffen o n St., Carlstadt, recently was named his troop 's outstanding scout on com pletion o f eight weeks o f advanced individual training as an armor reconnaisaance specialist at the U.S. Army Armor Center, F t. K nox, Ky.

He received instruction in the use o f various kinds of weapons, maintenance o f arm or vehicles, map reading, com m unications, artillery adjustm ents, and mines and demolitions.

Pvt. Ryder received his B.A. degree in 1971 from the U n iv e rs ity o f Rutgers Newark.

A i r m a n M a l k o w s k i ' E n d s T r a i n i n g

Airman Kenneth J. Malkowski of 322 Stuyvesant A v e . , Lyndhurst, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex., /or training in accounting and finance. Airman Malkowski attended Lyndhurst High School. His wife is the former Renee Barton.

D e a f S o f t b a l le r s T o M e e t K i n g & M a t e s

The world fam ous King and His Court four-man softball t e a m wOl play the M etropolitan Deaf All-Stars on August 26 at 8 p jn . in John F. Kennedy Stadium , Harrison. The latter team is composed o f deaf players from New Y ork, New Jersey, C o n n e c t i c u t a n d Pennsylvania.

This is the first tim e in its history that the four-man team has played against a team composed entirely of deaf players.

Inform ation and tickets may be obtained by contacting Tom Cooney, 206 B ee ch Street, Kearny. C ooney, who is deaf, is spongor and manager o f the M etropolitan Deaf All Stars.

J a m e s N e w t o n D o m in i c C a s im a r o

A l A F D r i l l s C o m p le t e s B a s ic

James E. Newton, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Newton o f 49 Chestnut Street, North Arlington, is participating in a U.S. Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps field training encampment at Plattsburgh Air force Base, New Yotk.

During the encampment, he will become familiar with the life and activities on Air Force bases. His course also will include survival training, aircraf t and aircrew indoctrination, small arms training, and visits to other Air Force bases.

Cadet Newton, a 196? graduate o f Queen of Peace High School, is a member of the AFROTC unit at Rutgers University.

Airman Bednarski Completes Course

SAN ANTOfflO -A irm an Richard Bednanki, son o f Chester J. Bednarski o f 717 Third St., Lyndhurst, has completed baaic .training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been assigned to Keesler AFB, Miss. , for training in the c o m m u n i c a t i o n s f i eld. Airman Bednarski, a *1968 graduate of Queen of Psace H i g h S c h o o l , N o r t h Arlington, N.J. received his associate degree in business administration from Bergen C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e , Paramus, N.J.

Army Private Thomas Casimiro, 20, aon o f Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Casimiro, 309 Grant Ave., Lyndhuist, recently completed eight weeks o f basic training at the U.S. Army training center, Armor, Ft. Knox, Ky.

He received instruction in dril l and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, combat tactics, military courtesy, military justice first aid, and army history and traditions.

P r iv a t e D o m a n ic o T a k e s H i s B a s i c

Army private Albert J Domanico, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Domanico, 744 New York Ave., Lyndhurst. recently completed eight weeks o f basic training at the n S. Army Training Center, Ft. Campbell, Ky.

He received instruction in dril l and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, combat tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid, and army history and traditions

The 24-year-old private received a B. E. degree in Electrical Engineering from St eve ns I ns t i t u t e o f Technology, Hoboken, in 1969

His wife, Linda, lives at 651 Milton Ave., Lyndhurst.

' v • * *T h e re ’s morC to being a

good te a c h e r than a knowl­edge o f th e su b jec t.

C a r D a m a g e d ?

T I P T O P C A R W A S H48a R ID G E R O A D , N O R T H A R L IN G T O N

P r o f e s s i o n a 1 C l e a n i n g ,

C o m p o u n d in g ,P o l i s h in g a n d W a x in g o f A l l C a r s .

O f f i c i a l l y r e c o g n iz e d b y In s u r a n c e

C o m p a n ie s .

C A L L 9 9 1 - 3 6 2 9fo r ap p o in tm en t




- 4'w

i t







1 9 M Pontiac-2 •>lu», gd

dr.tin s .

$200-939-2 p jn .

H/R P/B. P/B. 2515 after 6

»/»2 TF

-M MG m ldjet. M utt sell, jo in t to colleoe. RI. H, w irt

lls. Best offer. 998-0353. ___________________R/19



Spot Cash For Your C»r o r Truck, Any Year, M ike or


Cor. Belleville Pike and

River Rd., N orth Arlington 998-4368

FOR RENTLYNO: S t o r y spsco.Heel locstlon. Immed. oee. M S-7S14.________ 1-14TF

OFFICE SPACE fo r rant. 1C ft. x 20 ft. in r u r bta. ot 701 Rldee Rd., Lynd. C a t 939-1678.,___________________ 8/26

L ynd. 4 modern rms. H !■

Z J r T S iJ S T i;..

LYND. Larfe ftora on Main S t ..a v a il.n o w .438-3120.

. - 8 /5 T F


ATTENTION - TOYS It GIFTS - PARTY PLAN Damonatrata th a n aw ait, most cam ple ta line of Toys and G ifts fo r Chrlstmat. Highest commissions! No Investment! Generous Bonus Plan for Dealers Hostesses. Call or "Santa's Parties", Avon, Conn. 06001. Tal. 1 (203) 673-3455. ALSO BOOKING PARTIES. 8/26


EARN extra m oney. pA or f u l l - t i m e , mai l i ng ft addressing envel. Sand stamped addressed envel for full details. F.R . Mails, 280 T e r r . Ava, Hasbrouck Heights, N J .

________ SERVICES_________

JOHN'S MOWER REHMR & SAW SHARPENING SHOP Re-bullt Mowers sold. All work guaranteed. Rear of; One Ridga R d , Lynd. Call

MACE A WANT AD--CALL 43S-3700 Deadline for Classified Ads

Tuesday, I0 A JL

T h e L eader w ill paU iak R um m age Sale item a I w eekaw ith o u t charge. If you do no t a e lL ----------------- ■* ■ **you aeD, you ow e ua I I J I f a r e a c h _________muat he written hy you aad received ia ear " ‘ ih e l ■■hllcatieu. L im it 1

' $186. n i c e aaked Ne automotive, boat or peta. M ease give with

h r•a, 28 ha i i

939-5541 Monday 4 p jn . Sat. all day.

Fri. i

Nylon m e * play pan, high d ia lr. Bronco horse, all steal, all Ilka new. $10 each o r best offer. 997-3042 bat 9 a jn . * 6 p jn .

8 /1 9

FOOT locker, $6 , also a baby carriage, $6 .9 9 1 -7 1 7 0 .


4 K ltch chairs, bronze to^s.

7 ' Pool Table, 2 sets • 2 * " BaNs-Cuas, cuebeN, wsRstand, 2 recks - chalk. Table cover, pill pool bottles • e tc . AH like n e w - $65 .00 - 997-2418.

SIMMONS Box Spring ft Mattress Mte naw - 9 3 3 4 1 1

FOR SA L Et LYNDHURST.Excel len t residential location, en trance hed , living

room , kitchen, 3 good size bedroom s, recreetlon room , host of extras, caH now ow ner anx ious Large store on main street, avaHable now.4 3 * 3 1 2 0 .

The Savino Agency2S1 RIDGE ROAD ^ LYNDHURST, N . JL


438-3126 - .2 1 2 1 T P

''We're As Near

As Your Telephone'

Ready Reference Business Directory

F o r G o o d s an d S e rv ic e s Y o u N e e d

W h e n Y o u N e e d Them !

e n *

gold ft beige tea t ft beck also baby baslnett 998-1194.

L IG H T H A U LIN G Will Alao Clean Attica. Cellars, A Garages.

F U G .C a l 933-6634


8 /26

G IRLS Schwinn bRie, 2 0 " , blue, gd cond. 991-4419.

8 /28

3 pc. bed a t , tingle bed , chest ft n lte table oroy»7R . b i k e w i t h t r a i n i n g wheels-S! 2. after 4 :0 0 p jn . 438-1169.

8 /28

LEGAL NOTICEC r e d i t o r s o f E u g i n i Meczydlowskl dscoassd, ar* by order of QILL C. JOB. Surrogate


H e l p F o r R i v e r

order of Q ILL C. JOB. Surrogate of Beraen County, dated July n t h , 1971 upon application of the subscriber notified to bring In their debts, damands and claims atalnst his ectate under oath, within six months from above date.

Frank Oppklo 25 Howell PI.Keerny, N.j.

- _ ^ . Executor— L. Netchert, Jr. 591 Awe. Jersey City, N J.

J e r s e y ”. t h iEMPLOYEES THEREOF.


Herbert W. Perry Township Clerk

Feei leader maryanne


A l t e r a t i o n s

A . T U R I E L L O A SONComplete Heme Improvements

Additions . Dormera •• Oarefleo . Finished Basements

and Attlee Kltoltans Modernised

Aluminum aiding A Roofing Aluminum Doors a Windows

414 Fareat Ava. Lyndhuret488-3663

C o n t r a c t o r sAl». 12. 19, 1S71Feet 18^8


TYPEWRITERS daanad 4 repaired all makas | models. Reas, prlcas. 997-2415. 10 a j n . * l p jn .

8 /19

LYNO. 4 rms. In new houae.

J190. CaR Mr . Lauretta

8 /19


CLEAN ft reliable couple wMh 3 m o. old baby needs 4

8 /19 TF


FIORE FLOOR WMXIftQ S E R V I C E S . w a s h in g , j t r t e p m ^ w a x W A j r j j miwuvm Me^suiMaRug ih em o eo ln i In

, Larry N M cacda 1ST.


K lh J b yS A L IS f t S E R V IC K


o eMTM|MLi>Hr r u n e e e e m a e B M e esee

HMMMIogegT M C T etrvutM m n

CALL 997-0M0 p o R sa svtcs o r



I U N19..

Senator Clifford P. Caae today teleaaed a le tter to E nvironm ental Protection A d m i n i a t r a t o r W illiam R ucfcaU ana in which he ■trongly urged reconuder-ation EPA’a decision to diac- continue consideration o f a demockatration river program.

The ao-caDad Modal River ooacapt wea tuggeated in the P in t Annual R eport o f the Council on EnvironmentalQuality and had been under study and review by the Environm ental P rotection Agency.

In a recent le tte r toS e n a t o r C a a e , th e Environm ental Protection Agency said: "We haveconcluded no t to puraue

4 7 8 5 d H i y j a r K e a r n y ^ N j form ally the d e m p m tn tio n

N ATO. Sidewalk Co. Special

S S T " 3 5 * - 4 ® 'WANTED TO SUV

■RING IT IN P ip art, $ .40 par hundred, rags. A lum inum , brass, copper, lead, I H U M , aad


Senator Caae aaid ha appreciated this assurance but it would not create th e aame public confidence th a t would be engendered by a form ally announced dem onetration river program.





At tn . q an .n l Etoctk onNovember 2. 1971. the Ispal

‘ i of the Township of hurst will be requested to

the following publicMmatu vot. o

Tha Bergen County Board of Election! will heap tha C o m m i s s i o n e r o f Registration's office open for 12 houn on 10 separate days preceding the cloae of registration for the November

M M I « Mar-CM-IXSwlaai

• b p ib o b

n m ,

UI*.RUPP mlnUbRta. Custom blue f e t a l flake chrem e-tank, w orn shocks, racing mirror, A 4 •cood. Saa to appreciate. $90 ,991-3328 « /1»

OARAGE SALE, Aug. 19-20. Antiques, furniture, clothing,

' c. 1133 Morgan PI., K y . l la j n . - 4 p jn .

W ANTED: OUt u r n I t u r e - chlna-g lass-old-fashioned Rama- contents of ha uses, attics and basements. CaR Fran Wolaasky 998 3014.



HIGH school gkl «M bahysdevenings or w “Experienced. FMrty hour. CaH 991-1836.___________

MATURE WOMAN will S* with elderly or Invalid-days, nRes or weekly; alao chHdran. Very reas. Lyad. er vie. 939-7452. After 6 pjn.



KITTEN S, adorable, cuddly, aH Mack kittens, 7 wks old, looking for good homes. 438-0026, after 8,pm.___________________ (7/1S TF)


A rchery lastructlon. Hunter’s Safety Course, E q u ip m e n t, Indoor Alr-Cond. Range. Bearcat Archery, 238 Park Ave.


river concept at this tim e. R ather than concentrate our effoita on one or a few river

re have decided a effort nationwide

w o u ld produce b e tte r reauRa.”

A l t h o u g h o f f i c i a l s working on developm ent ot the program in the past had inform ed Senator Caae th a t no new legialation nor appropriations would be needed for a dem onstration river program , the "Senator aaked to be informed if thia evaluation had changed and

R i M | | l | i 4 a a h |

S5 £s"~ ssH ^ a h M 8 5

AcaasM -CPA -Tresal M Saka.li

‘Y o u r K i n d

o f B a n k ’



AAAGeneral Contractors

653-4620Asphalt - Concrete Drive­ways, Patios, W alls, Brickwork, Steps, 4 ft. long, cement finish, $50pBrstep


Msl Spain uaS^/Rnall). Sapa. Ml Na. IN HMfreaTwh seraevum IN

■SaaaelSsss-RaMI MaSdfh«.N4a'MI ISUc.


■ ■ - N a M tf OHnOUNOST IV PR

SAVINO AO EN CY:Two famRy, Lika naw. North Arlington on Lyndhurst Border- Living room, dhilna■son. with uRra --------kitchen, 2


with plenty j X a t space first floor; beeutlful t rn

^ h a f t a e a RstariNrftar

Chrk,VwM B | K M k u a i l l a a srn R ^ p a * * ! * *«** »z ssax-.


U ImMl\ m


mm .

cbb bB rBfrtodfor$17fjCNDpir ----------- ‘ ll.f ila

8 /12

(O U R 21ST Y S A t)ta BMmm. ana. xaant f a i M

7 .


> S07 Bergen Blvd. at Fair-Ridge Shopping Ctr.(Friday evenings 0-0 pm) Walk-up Window Open 3 to S pm

• 794 Ridge Roed near Union Ave. (Mondey evenings 6-4 pm) Drive-up Window Open a em-4 pm; Mondays till a pm

HASBROUCK HCIOHTB• 204 Blvd. el Washington Piece

(Mondey evenings 0-4 pm) Orlve-up Window open a:M ei I JO pm Mondays till a pm

390 Main Street at Paaaeic (Monday evenings 0-0 pm)

OHwr Offlen: Jwmt City, Ssr.ua,, UalM Cll»

Mea*.r M m t a n . SrMm anO FxMral D. . . . H hmwarw. CotmtMIm

Aito v ContractorsH I Schuyler Ava. i

K earny , N. J .998-4907





|« ( I N W M M M M M V M ME lectric ian s

l l o n s r * l ‘ n \ \ t* r

? JU vol t j wirt*

GE 8-4505 A C h a s a r & s o n

i i < I i; h i \ \ -

G la ss C o n tra c to r

ARROW GLASSS l l Schuyler Ave.

_ 4 . K earny, N . J .

998-4907 A L L TY P J5 S G L A S S



Rwdarn free. A

im ay. iI , (3 bed rms), . Maintenance

Alum ft parmastone rfor. La. lo t. 2 car ovar I detached garage. Asking

i9 ? £ s 0 7 Prh,e,p" * 0B,y• '______________8/19

BEAUTIFUL modern kltch sat In Ilka naw cond. Round table, with 4 vinyl cuA lonad swivel chalrt, chroma bam,79909 0 6 * * M” Notktng,

' ___________ 8 ^ 9


m m rBm M ihH m elM Rfefffcper CeoRswer «Sv


P ^ S r ”JTeSita.

C L E R I C A L , E D I T I N G , I



Same , ar TraiaaeHew4 Serew Operelerhun-wtM«Ts-n ru)


IN NEWARK, appointm ent.

8 /12

T h i s w a y t o

s a v e m o n e y .Masonry

vSICRITARY• fcsaisa.1wenustr!*

mwtaiY geea rWPr bms aapen



' r s r . s r

Naa*/remm u

NO I I I - , ir («*t«4—»OK)WeNfeea -Ucal Avp Appraa La el Secyzlmee

s t r c s " * "lpX*r«-Oarlk ' Mgwrae) MvekaOBer" l i W w


Mb bxbbt. BBsdBd lo work Ib am. k ltd i. Cve. o r days.

i a x ' T o W r a i cAve. ft BeHevRleTpk., Ky. N J.


, “ t t S r J f c a H" 4

IB& r v s a i 3 £ '8



9 9 8 - 7 9 0 0

D i a l c a l l s

y o u i s e l £H e re is a p o in te r o n how to aave m o n ey o n o u t-o f - s ta tc p h o n e calla :

D ia l th e m y o u rs e lf w ith o u t th c serv ices o f a n o p e ra to r .

N o m a t te r w h a t o th e r s t a t e y ou call (e x c e p t fa ra w a y A lask a a n d H a w a ii) , i t a lw ay s co s ts leas w hen y o u d ia l s ta t io n ca lls yo u rse lf.E sp ec ia lly on w eek n ig h ts a n d w eek en d s w hen sav in g s a re big.

F o r e x am p le . D u r in g w eekend b a rg a in -c a llin g tim es* , a 3 -m in u te c o a s t- to -c o a s t s ta t io n call co sts H . tO p lu s ta x — if y o u use th c serv ices o f a n o p e ra to r .B u t th e sam e call is re d u c ed e ven m o re —w ay d o w n to 7 0 t p lu s ta x

— if yo u d i a l i t y o u rse lf w ith o u t th e serv ice s o f a n o p e ra to r .

So , dia l y o u r o w n s ta t io n calls w i t h o u t a n o|M’ru lo r . A nd nave.

•l-rmii S a.nt. Iill U p.tff. HalMniay, and from 8 a.m. till S p.m. SumlNj


“Ds-lt-YoarssIF* Plumbing Nsatiag Electrical SappliisSinke, B ath Tuba, ToOato, Basina St E lac trica l Suppliee B athroom V anities m ada taorder.


East Rntherfonl Supply Ceapaay

2S4-SS0 Petereoa Ava.A. Rutherford 0BS-14B8


RAILIR6SBelleville W « aag h t I re a• Railinsa * Fir. EaeapM• W .ld ias • F^rieatfaa• Cellar Dmc. * GrtlU

Fra. IiH aniii7 S I - 5 3 4 ICall A arlta .


For Al Makes Of Stovea

6303 Sesfenlhr Ava. Waal Now York, NJ. S7S93

“ s 868-6355

T . V . Se rv iceT ele vie leu Sar-vtce

A D M I R A L— PflfftR^Us

D E G E R D O N 'S f .V .2R9-B R ld re Rd. N o rth A rS ag to a

9 9 H - 4 3 6 9

JOHN'ST.V. Service A Salas

4 3 4 - 9 1 2 0RCA . Z en ith . H itach i

a. a w. a c o lo r t .v .

n d screene, w ood sash , tab le tope, m ir- irore reeilvered, a u to glass, s to re fro n ts . H eavy duty e torm w indow s and doors. P IA up and deliver.

M & MMaeon L Brick Work

— Brick Veneer — a - Patloe — S id e w a lk * — •

Free Eatlmatea CeU Anytime

759-2572Music Instruction

Plano - O rgan A cco rd ion

A unique method created

for your enjoyment by


Composer and Arranger foi Cleff - Century . Heritage

aad Schubert Music Co. of New York City,

ADULTS may alao apply foi occasional leaeona a t your

home CALL 999-0644

SRR Chaaa A v a , L vadhare l

Statewide T.V.S ll ■a^MV Ave, Keasay

Expert Color Service• a d a e w

9 9 8 -2 8 8 5M HOC* n m e R S m a Days a WaSk


Special Sommer Rates: Color $7.95 . B ft W 45.95

RR T H O f I U K I T


CommMoners of th ." « S S "Sa Township

Jersey, ta

Joseph Qedrknes, %ru for the premises located at 943 Rld«o «oa<l. Lyndhurst, Naw Jersey.

O f f f c e r a i M i i t a n J . Prxeblefliec-pre ^nt, • Nmih S treet. North Arlington. N.J. Barbara Al i ce P r ieb lee lec* '

B ar\y. should be

I Lynany'rtttZ i. u" lclM‘ CW,‘

a Ninth n j . rNinth N.J.

Objections,mada Imi *Herbert * ofL^ndhuiDated!

Peet 07^40


suT ^ % cS 4RvT OFOOCKlT<gi WlLAfA L 10070-70

J v Order o f tha lu n f im CourtF?ANK WUPO '• th#W ”*?1 . and ••adefendent, you ere required to

anewar the elelntlff's ------ilred to

tns^" R f c r t r ai»H|_Vt on

Clerk of the Superipr Court.

tbe plelntlff’s com., on or before the 2)rd day September, l§ 7 1 . by servlnel Ruslgnole ft Bugllese. Ei plaintiff’s e t to r i^ - ‘ Branford -^ -..w /n ^ s, at' Ki i

Piece. Nflwrerk. “ It with

r. - - o1 *he Superipr Court

ThB action Is to obtain a divorce.


Au.uar»i s 10.0 s


i t r u

deD I S C O U N T F O O D S ^

Over 7,000 Everyday “Buy-Power” Prices and at

Pantry Pride All Prices Effective Wednesday Thru


* iI c e C r e a m

I'lIlV/UUABirP A N T R Y P R I D E S A V E 3 0 ‘

Over 7,000 Everyday ‘Buy-Power'' Prices and at

Pantry Pride All Prices Effective Wednesday Thru



C O U P O N G O O D THRU A U G 74 39<i i i t i i i t i f i t t f i t i f int i t i f i i i i i t i fMii i i i tMit i f i t i f i f i t innt i i i t ini i t i f i f i t i t i t i t i f i i i tMi i f t ini ini i r i t i t i r i i i f i i i t i t i1 m n n n -

-ill li 11 II III!' • i i »m i ii i m*i» Hi I in • ii • hi i« ii ii i m m


I - 3 mP A N T R Y P R I D E S A V E 3 0



f l t a l V A L U A B L E C O U P O N M i p s i I m m m j v A L U A B L E C O U P O N 'd lM lT ^ j:

N estea r » n ^ i i

S 3

m i i i u i i u i i u i i i n i m i i t ' M i i i u i i u m i i i i i m i i i r i i i i

ft V A L U A B L E C O U P O N |T |M [fi5

Yuban n n .co ffe e y y c

;iili»lll!ltl»i»l*IHtltllltl!l»l*m»l*»ttll«l»l»llltlll»ll^— ■:--------- i l l i in n u ............. .i l t e l t a l V A L U A B L E ( O U P O N ijM lM g

I N S T A N T T E A 69c!1 Nestea

I N S T A N T TEA 69cia

V A L u A B L E t O U P 0 N |ffl| M l I U A B L E C O U P O N


W I T H S U G A f i

•*'■ IF M O N 85c

m m u3 l f l f l f I f i t I f l » l f I f l f I f I f I f I f I t l V t t l f I f I l l t i V l f I f I I f f I f I f 11 „ I

111II l l l l l i l l l i l l l l l i l i i l*l*i l l i l l l l l l l l ' l l l l | l l l | iMIIIUI| l l l

IB Instant .Fe

“Pantry Pride The Store For Meat”_ I U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" YOUNG 0 % * * - •

T u rk e y s * 3 9 ' P icn icsT u rk e y s '" " "^ '" „ 4 3 c B a c o n_ | • SWIFTS, BUTTERBAU - * +

T u rk e y s ffifiSCS * 4 9 ' S a u s a g e C h ic k e n L e g s FRESH Ib. 5 9 c S p a r e R ib s C h ic k e n d s S 5 £ » 3 9 ' P o rk Sh ld r.





3 TO I U.

1 Ib pkg



4 9 '59*6 9 '5 9 '4 9 '

| V A L U A B L E C O U P O N



F ry e rs ? 2 9 c

Farm er G ra y , , 35 39

“ P o r k L o in S a l e " g s s a s m

m m

“Pantry PrideThe Store For Meat”_ I U.S.D:A.GRADE A" YOUNO •

T u rk e y s "s s io S T ’ » 3 9 ' P icn ics T u rk e y s ’"SKIS'" * 4 3 ' B a c o n. , ’ SWIFTS, BUTTERBAU . ~

T u rk e y s s j s k * 4 9 c S a u s a g e C h ic k e n L e g s FRESH Ib. 5 9 ' S p a r e R ib s C h ic k e n * 3 9 ' P o rk Sh ld r.



1 Ib.pkg



J TO 5 IB.



4 9 '5 9 '6 9 '5 9 '4 9 '


F ry e rs ? 2 9 *Farmer G r a y jr. 35 cK .h39

“ P o r k L o in S a l e ”

49c 59 69<„ r u

fe Hibs

M a rg a rin e IMPERIAL

Bologna Tom atoes RaguClorox Bleach M irac le W h ip M artinson C offee * Wesson O il






. 3 9 ' S 4 9 e

2 £ 7 7 e i 5 9 c 4 6 9 e . 5 9 c

lb $ 'con l 59

5 9 c

Luncheon M e a t °£!K * 5 9 c Turkey Roll “XZ" r 9 8 c D ial Soap "SXRSP ft 4 9 c K leenex /SSuS* 4 ^ s 9 9 cC ( a m L SAUSBURY WITH GRAVY. J Ik $ 1 3 9« # l v U H HORN J, HARDART pkq I


R r O f l / l SQUARE SANDWICH A I Ib 1 •> $ 1 0 0 □ I C U U PANTRY PRIDE 4 loavpt I

R ight G u a rd ‘"'i’""'‘"".v. 8 9 ‘


8 oi P^9? Ib 3 ©« cant

M a rg a rin e Bologna Tom atoes RaguClorox Bleach M irac le W h ip M artinson C offee - $ 159 Wesson O il ’tt" 5 9 e






3 9 ‘ 4 9 e

2 a 7 7 e 5 9 c 69c 5 9 c




half (Ib


5 9 c 9 8 c

25 49c 4.^99c

I b gi boi


Luncheon M e a t Turkey Roll Dial Soap K leenex ;SteakBeef VEAL PARMAGIANA HORN t HARDART pk9 D r n n r i so u a re san d w ich A I lb 3 $ 1 0 0D r C U U PANTRY PRIDE W loo.., |

Right G u a rd ‘Ni “ 'i:. 8 9 '


i ib $ 1 3 9pkq I



C a lif . C a n t a lo u p e s 3 9 8 c

G o ld e n R ip e B a n a n a s 12cP a s c a l C e l e r y 2 9 T o m a t o e s " Z ; * . : 2 9

S w e e t C o r n " 5 3 9 C a l i f . G r a p e s 3 9


C a lif. C a n t a lo u p e s 3 98<

G o ld en R ip e B a n a n a s 12cP a s c a l C e l e r y v : 2 9 T o m a t o e s r . . 2 9

S w e e t C o r n r r 5 3 9 C a l i f . G r a p e s 3 9

WE RESERVE THE RlGnt fO LIMIT OUANTITIR* NOr r e s p o n s ib l e fo r tVp o g r a p h ic a l er r o r s

j i r j i c T T T r a inTl\




f r o m

d a y


o n R e g u la r P a s s b o o k S a v in g s

C o m p o u n d e d Q u a r t e r l y ^ C a H for Deta ils




^ E Q U I T Y S A V I N G S•A#

1 » ^ ( I N K t A R I N l Y


N e w s O f S o u t h B e r g e n ' s B e a u t i f u l P e o p l e

Celebrate Easter Early studen t - i t East R utherfoid High School, will spend 14 day leave with her family before reporting to , naval station , tre a su re Island, San

California, fordu ty in the administrative M M H B B P m Bb ?^ f

S e a m a n A p p r e n t i c e > •G e r m a n r e c e i v e d i ' g iinstruction’s in orientation , ■ \naval history c itiseM iip , and ■ \ >*curren t events, naval tfiips, ■ . \aircraft and arm am ent, navy I J \ _ _ _jobs tn d training, self 3 | L ) i i | M k | | Lim provem ent, first ■ ■ [ . k>p hysca l training and m ilitary F J k V Wibearing and drill during her in trodination period.

The Carlstadt Wave enlisted K JE ^Navy recruiting

in Passaic, New Jersey for (3)years, and was sworn in a t the \Navy Recruiting Station , V f w .Newark, New Jen ey . She waa W h O L ^ a J R Hem ployed by the New Jersey i J I ']” T ! | ;B e l l T e l e p h o n e o f / I ( / ( / i L JR utherford , New Jersey i l l ! ! L Ubefore entering the Navy. 1 ( j ) \ l i j M

If you would like J H S S t . j . j f c U H |inform ation on how you can j \ A ibecom e a part o f the Navyteam , contact your local IN GOOD HANDS - New York Yankee coach ElstonNavy recruiter, at the post Howard leans over to give soma good advice to youngoffice, in Paaaaic, New Jersey Yankee fan A nthony Calicchil, 259 Page Avenue, Lyndhurst.or call 773-6662 for Anthony, along w ith some 1,000 o th e r local New Jerseyappointm ent. If you’re going rooters, came to aae d to rtstop Gene Michael, broadcasterto be som ething why no t Frank Messer and Howard a t the Hudaon Shopping Plaza fo rsom ething special go N ary. a Yankee-Getty Oil Company baseball perty .

L in d a C n e e G e rm an n’ ‘Ajf* ^

L ynn Grace G erm ann, command (w om en), navaldaughter o f Mr. & Mrs Oacar training oenter, Bainbridge,G erm ans, 719 F ifth S tree t, Maryland, and was graduatedC arls tad t, New Jersey , during a m ilitary review heldcom pleted ten weeks o f basic 28 July 1971. training at recruit tra in ia* The local w are , a form er

Ja yce e ’s N otes Sword’s F irst Marionette Show Meeting

Co-chairman fttflM Cook and Fraak DeLaUa were The first get together o f C o a r a d ’s M a r io n e t te scommended by D irector Joe t h e n e w l y f o r m e d p arfof a d a t Dm L taeota Carroll Car t h a t outataadhig B e r g a n - P a s s a ic - R o c k la a d Park LStrary o n Aug 6 , aad a t efforts ia o rg aaU ag aad C ounty C hapter o f SWORD **• N* la y Public Bbrary o a prom otiag tha chab ’H o a d (S in g le , Widowed OR A a g . l l .HaBy” aad accom peayiag Divorced persona over 25 Tha oa* m aa * o w entitledpicnic which wee heki a t the y e an o f age) was held Sunday " A viait w ith Zypy th*Sundance Lodge, Route 46 , evening a t tha Velvet Vamp c lo w n ” w as w ritta a ,N J . on August S th . Cock tag Lounge o f The produced aad perform ed by

During th e Auguat 3rd Rounders, R oute 17, New Hr- C onrad Woyoe. Mr.meeting, the m em benhip Jersey and was a great Wojrea w ho haa b aaaunanimoudy approved th e s u c c e ss . Mias Virginia perform ing w ith puppets fo rappropriation o f SSO w hich ia VerceUino, SWORD’S acting ovar IS yaara ia a m ember o fto be presented to the director did however express th a "Puppeteers o f A m a rk s" ,American Lagioa in support a wish th a t more m en would and ia k ao w a ia Lyadhurst |ao f th a ir w o r th w h ile a ttend th a weekly cocktailC h a m p i o n s h i p BaaebaH party . Mias VerceUino greetedprogram • those many who came aad

Prior to th e term ination o f explained SWORD’S purposesthat meeting. President A lt and goals. Matty newlaooba rendered a dyaam ic members were welcomed tota k on th a criteria dem anded SWORD aad over ISOia order to be coaaidered a persons a ttended th e party ,contributing m ember o f the SWORD ia planning a Bergen C ounty . T l k i i s JAYCEES. Ia effect, fo r the Complimentary H appy H our Association was* selected t a r good o f the com m unity, "We for mam b e n around tha a p p o ia tm e a t t o t h a w il dot** . Labor Dey w eekend. o rgan isation ’! n t f laMlag

T h a n e x t m on th ly T h e regular Sunday aad reaolatioaa coaam ittae^membership meeting w il ba pveaiag cocktail party aad get G e o rg a * A . M o a a a t t ,held oa Septem ber 7 th at ^ g a th e r wfll oontinue to ba a a a o c i a t i o a p r e a id e a t ,225 Stuyveaant Avenue, held in th e Vehret Vamp o f a a a o a a e a d th is weak.Prospective naw members are n » Rounders a t 8 :30 p a t . M oaaatt ia alao vice p redden tcordially invited to attend August 22, a complim entary aad r a s t e r . F irst Nationalaad observe the proceedings, buffet will be served at 11 S ta teB an k o f N orth Jeraay,

p . m . f o r m e m b e r s Hackensack.. . _ (non-members who arfll wWi __ ___Le g io n P a ra d e f m** .«* °>« ^ w b

O a Wad a ssday , Auguat 25, at I p jn . the first game o f the No. 2 Eaat e ra Regional Amerioaa Legion Baseball Tournam ent, wfll get under way. At 5 p jn . th e aecond game wfll be played, aad a t 8 p . m . B a r r i n g e r - •W altar-Lopinto Poet No. 139 wfll play th a State o f Dataware. On Thuraday and Friday the scheduled timee o f tha games wfll sgsin be 1,5 aad 8 p jfl . On Saturday and Sunday, game tim e will be 2 p jn . end 1 p jn . On Monday, the last day o f the tournam ent, game tim e wfll be 8 p jn .

The teems involved will represent the States o f M a ry la n d , Penniyhrania,Delaware, New Jersey,Virginia and West V irgin*; aad last bu t no t least our own Poet )3 9 .

O a Ttoaaday, Auguat 24 at 7 p m ., a banquet arfll be held • t the Elks Home, Park and Tontine Avenues, honoring thaaa beeeball teams. Anyone latareeted in being pm t of thia night may call tha Pott

Past Presidents Named By Bankers

are welcome at th e Sunday night cocktafl party and men are especially invited to attgnd and fcifci the fun.

The renowned organiat, John Emery o f Albany, N.Y., who plays nightly in the Velvet Vsm p willl be accom pan ied by local favorite, Ted Vmcent and wfll provide m uac fo r the entertakling and dancing pleaaite o f those in. attendance.



S I Z E S : V '

M I S S E S - J U N I O R S - P E T I T I S

run s u it s H O U R S :MKSSfS W e d . 10-5

T h u n . I MF r i . - 10-8

d i n a r s S o t . 10-4

646 ELM ST., KEARNY Phone: 997-2273

D irectio n !: Elm a n d S tu yvesan t A v * . 2 B lo ck t from B e lle v ille P ike


Theatre Notesby Amy

Neil Sim on's Plaza Suit* starring B u ry Nelaon and Dorothy Loudon continue! i t the Tappan Zee Piayhouae thru Sat. Au*. 21 . Thia ia Nelaon’a th ird appearance here in as many year*.

Aug. 22 The Tappan Zee Chamber Muaic Playera will present Jen De Gaetani, Mezzo soprano, Arnold Black, violin Charles Forbes, cello and Abba Bogin, piano in sekctiona from Beethoven, Schubert, and Haydn in

D M m

concert beginning a t 3 p jn .Children’s theatre will

present Jack and theB ora tiU r Tuaa. Aug. 2 C i r T T ' a jn . and 2 p jn . Begkiuing Mon. Aug. 23 th ru Sat. Aug. 28 tha award-winning Sandy Dennis will appear a t the Piayhouae in “And MiaaReardon Drinka a L ittle” . Co stars are Salome Jana * M’el Dowd.

For inform ation on any program and fo r group ratea call 914-3S8-5800.

R ecycling In Lyndhurst

H a lfp e n n y P la n s F o u r P la y s

Kearny’s H alfpenny Piayhouae will open a four-play fall season on Septem ber 20. TT*e season, conasting o f tw o recent Broadway comedies and tw o muaicala, will run through February 5.

Opening th e season September 30 will be the Kaufman and Hart com edy “Y ou C an 't Take-ft With Y ou ." t ecentty revived on Broadway. Rodgers andHamm erstein’smuaical. 'The Sound of Muaic” will play from October 28 through November 20. The third a ttraction , Woody A llen ’s com edy o n the hazards Of travel, “ Don’t Drink The Water” , will open December 2 fo r a three-week stand. A fter its regular holiday dosing , the Hslfpenny will resume with the popular pusica l “Man o f U M ancha,” to play four weeks, from January 13 through February S.

The Halfpenny expects to perform before an ever-changing audience o f at least 10,000 persons from the West Hudson- South Bergen area during the upcom ing season. In addition to performaaoM a t th e piayhouae, th e Halfpenny will tou r locally for various organizationa in the immediate area for fund-raiaing and benefit performances. —— ----------

The Halfpenny ia operated by the non-profit Producting Actors Com pany. It presents a full line o f legitimate dram a, musicals, and com edy plays throughout the year, as weB aa Children’s Theatre and echool tours.

Founded In 1963, the Com pany helped start the Hudson County Cultural Council, now in its aecond yeer o f providing e wide-range o f arts programs to the 13 municipalities in the county. The H alfpenny alao sponsors the annual Weat Hudaon Cqpimunity A rts Festival held each summer in Kearny.

T a m m y C o -S ta rs A t M a ll

DENNIS stars in tha recent Broadway hit "A nd Misa Reerdon Drinks A L ittle '' w ith SALOME JEN S and M i l DOWD a t th e Tappan Zee Playhouse in Nyack M onday, August 23 th ro u ^ i Saturday, August 28.

Building Permits Issued In Township

L y n d h u r s t ’s recycling collection ststion * s continued success due to the efforts of citizens ectively working to pro tect the

-essvironment. ---------------For the second consecutive

m o n t h C. A. P. A B L E , vice-president Mrs. Barbara Frank reports over one hundred pounds o f aluminum and five thoussnd pounds of glass deposited at the station.

Located at 2S0 Cleveland Ave. (next to th e Parks D ept.) the collection site serves as a centralized drop o ff point fo r recyclable products including colored and clear glass, aluminum, rteel, and bim etal cans, old newspapers and cardboard.

The aluminum and glass is delivered courtesy o f the Dept, o f Public Works to the Pepsi Cola Co. Redemption. Center in T eterboro , and

-M etro Glass C o . hi Jeisey City where they a te sold.WMRIEB

Before deiiverine metal cans they should be washed with tops anJ bottomsremoved.__Aluminum andbimetal pop-top cans need not have tops and bottoms removed. Glass bottles should have any metal rings removed. Newspapers andcardboard must be neatlybundled and tied.

S p o n s o r e d b y C A P A B L E . (Citizens Actively Protecting andBeautifying the Lyndhurst Environment) the recycling

collection station is open daily from 9:00 to 5:00, except Sunday.

• • •The next C.A.P.A.B.L.E.

meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 1st at 8:30 p.m. at the Parks Dept.

H o ld Up In L iq u o r S to re

Two men, one wearing a brown leather jacket and brandishing a Isiye caliber

pistol, held up the proprietor of Carroll’s Liquors, 214 Stuyvesant Ave., and made off with $500 in a downpour o f rain at 7:46 on August 3.

The two, in their late 20s or early 30s, entered the store and ordered the proprietor, Joseph WiUich, into the back room and ransacked the room and the register.

WiUich, who had oninstructions been lying on the floor, got up when he heard the men leave, ran across the street to the Lyndhurst Sports and Gun Shop, 219 Stuyvesant Ave., and phoned the police department.


Two brilliant perform ers, Tammy Crimea and Jan Sterling, are co-starring in “The Warm Peninsula” which opened yesterday at Plsyhouaa on the Mall, Paramua.

The com edy, w ritten by Joe M astaroff, ia th e story o f a plain girl b o m Minnesota and her dazzling girl M end who leads a glam orous cafe society life. T h ro u ^ i the glamorous friend, the girl from M innesota meets and fslls in love w ith s handsome young m em ber o f th e cafe society set. T ha heart o f the play ia tha to rm ent o f her love and the aadaesa that

realizes Im la only a gigolo.She rejects h im , b a t things work o u t wen whan rile meets a nice, plain guy, m uch like herself.

Tam m y Grimes created characters o a tha Broadway stage tha t caused d ram a critic Walter Karr to proclaim “Tammy Grimes is a genius. Her p io traya l o f the uniahlH tod hoyden In the title role o f “The Unsinkable Molly Brow n.” brought cheers from audiences and her first Tony Award, for

D e m o cra t A tta c k s F re e h o ld e rs

Beet Musical Actress. She w on her second Tony Award as Best Dramatic Actress ia 1970 fo r her portrayal In the revival o f N o d Coward’s “Private Lives." In addition to h sr Broadway successes she haa starred In film s and

_ o n televiaion. __________Born in New Y ork, Jan

Starling m ade h sr Stage debut in England. She m ada hsr American debu t in “Over 21” and became an immediate hit. A fter a num ber o f sncceetful starring roles o n th e stage and in films, d ie received the N ational Board o f Review Award for her role in th e m otion p icture “ Ace in the Hole” and an Academy Aerard nom ination for “ The High and th e M ighty” . She was starred m any timee on television and recently com pleted a film “Sammy Som ebody."

The stars s n supported by Theodore S o rd , Geoffrey Scott. Edith M daer, Michael Prince and fam es W hittle. D irector is Jack O 'Brien. The sets were designed b y Robert Conley.

“The Warm Pensinsuls" wiU be at the Playhouse through August 22.

These perm its have been granted by the Lyndhuist B uld ing Inspector: Above ground Redwood 12' x 20’ pool, $3,100, Mr. P e trucd , 294 Newark Avenue-

85 ’ Stockade fence, $200, Mr. Delaney, 612-Sth St.

Roffing, $370, Mr. Upinski, 373 Wilson Ave.

Alum, siding, $29S0, Mr. Coache, 3S8 Seconnd Ave.

Bank alteration interior, $ 4 5 , 0 O ti , N a t i o n a l Com m unity Bank, Ridge Rd. A Valley Brook Ave.

Closing in o f open porch A bath room , $3,600, Miss Gallagher, S49 Soils* Court.

Alum siding,Jeffery, t r

Overhanging soffit, $400, Mr. Csndia, 146 Sanford Ave.

Alum, siding, $2400, Mr. Wilczynski. 670 Ten Eyck Ave.

Sign over-hanging building, $230. Mr. av a fca n te , 129 Ridge Rd.

Replace retaining wall, concrete step, $75, Mr" Lssld, 272 Orient Way.

Augutt 23 -2B

Sandy Dennis


and Miss Reardon drinfcs a little

CWM r i w ' M usica l T im . 11 A M Si 2 PM - T h e P ix ie J u d y T ro u p e InOMJK S M tp U

Cmf now fo r reservationsN VAC K (9141 EL • SS00 N Y (212) RI §-709#Box Office open daily except Sun.

.a certainty with a-—-

MORTGAGE LOANFronTSouth Bergen Savings!

1. Find the home you want . . . new or existing.

2. Call us for a tailor-made home mortgage loan to meet your per­sonal requirements and your purse.

F&* Tke Fim l in Hme Fuuutcmg . . .

S o u t h B e r g e n S a v i n g sAnd Loan Association

9 3 9 -3 4 0 0

2 5 0 V a lle y B o u levard 2 0 W il lo w Street

W o o d -R id g e , N . J. ___________ East R u th erfo rd , N . J.

A Freeholder Candidate today voioed serious doubt over the ability o f an opponent to d e d effectively with tha com plex and growing problem s o f Bergen County em ployees. Hisconcern stem m ed from s recent Assembly vote.

R o b e r t H o l l e n b e c k , Carlatadt Councilm an andD e m o c ra t ic F ree h o ld e r candidate add that all voters should have aerious doubts about a man who wouldspeak 43 m inutes on the Assembly floor in oppod tion to a measure providing pensions for widows o f police and firem en. In May o f 1971, he mid, Thom as Costs, Assemblyman and form er Teaneck Meyor urged defeat of the bill which theAssembly then passed andsent to tha Senate.

M o r a l e o f c o u n t y e m p lo y e e s H o l le n b e c k ' ssserted, ia a t an all-time low. He characterized CoaU’s a ttitude for the Freeholder Board as “th e last straw .”

Hollenbeck blamed the cloaed door policy o f the Board o f Freeholders for the poor morale. He said that unlike the ere o f Democratic control, county employees now have no redress beyond Richard Nelson, county adm inistrator. “When D. B e n n e t t M a t u r w aa Freeholder.” he mid. T h e door waa open fo r discusrton o t any work problem with any Freeholder.” Mazur ia alao a Democratic Freehold ar

candidate said, is one o f the m etropolitan area's most im portant counties andmtfsfied employees andamong its m ost valuable

“ W h e th e r th e y ereU niform ed Em ployees or D epertm ent Heads, heconcluded, employees need to know what ia expected o f them , that they 'll beadequately paid and that their jobs have future growth potential as under theDemocratic regime.”

He cited the recant showdown w ith tha C ounty Policemen and redgnations in The Health D epartm ent as continuing reflections o f the R e p u b l i c a n m a j o r i t y ' s in e p tn a e a - in ‘peoplerelations.'

Elect Spill At ________________P T is te r C o m n iftn v “ on* of the mostr s s s i c r u i m p a n j outstsndin* athletes in the

R o u f ln r f*00~, Mrs.Meaaineo, 624 V dley Brook Ava.

Repsir A replacem ent, $960, Mr. Tuoeto, 426 Kingriand Ava.

Retaining wall sides o f d r iv e w a y A widening driveway, $1,400, Mra. Caroza, 262 Newark Ave.

OO Burner, $425, M n. C an to n , 24$ Copeland Ave.

Chain Unk fence, $425', Mr. Vaailice, 368 Ridge Rd.

New R oof, $325, Mr. Paeati, 235 New St.

Len Rosa Signs With Kentucky

All-State perform er Tim Williams o f Somerset snd Len Rosa o f Lyndhuist, New Jersey, are the latest baaeball signees fo r Eastern Kentucky Univeraity coach Jack Hiaaom.

Eight high schools players have now aigned with the Colonels fo r t h r I 9 7 J seaaon.

Williams a 3-9 , 175fb u h d a r , le d Somerset High School to the Kentucky state tournam ent the paat tw o seaaona. During high school he slso played football and waa a top-notch quarterback. W l l l i a m a th re w te n touchdow ns and ran for five m ote his senior year, gaining over 1,500 to td yard*

In the state tourney laat spring he w ss picked on the All-State team and he waa selected aa th e All-Central K e n t u c k y C o n fe re n ce ’s second baaeman. Williams com pled an 11-3 pitching recoid during hia l in t three y ean o f high school and hadbatting a v e r a g e a ___325, .3 5 0 ,- a n 3 " 4 5 0 each


Tha Carlatadt Councilman credited the Democratic Freeholder Board withintroduction o f a salary and wage achedule whom review, he term ed, 'lo n g overdue.”

B erg en C ounty , the

Frank Spill, 113 A tkins Terrace, Eaat R utherfo id , haa been elected treaaurar o f Pfiater Chem icap, Inc., Ridgefield.

He succeeds A rthur L. Bendelius, who retired recently a fter 35 years with the company. Spill joined Pfiater ki 1965 as aasistant con tro lle r and became controller in 1966.

He holds a B.S. dagreee from Fairleigh Dickinaon Univeraity aad did graduate work there and a t New York Univeraity He a a certified

accountant aad i lber o f the New Jersey

State Society o f Certified Public A ccountant

Before joining Pfister, Spill w a w ith the International accounting firm o f Peat, Marwick. Mitchell and Co.

outstanding athletee in the hiatory o f his school and we’re glad to have h im ,” said Hissom.

Rom is a righthanded p i t A v who possesses some outstanding credentials He hed sn 8-0 recoid this psst mason with a 1.35 earned run avenge.

Thia summer he pitched Bsbe Ruth League baseball and cosnpiled a 6-0 mark and a sparkling 0.34 ERA while leading hia team t a the finals o f the New Jeney State Babe Ruth tournam ent.

Mr. and M n. Lawrence B a r re t t , 37 McKenzie Avenue, East R utherford, will celebrate their 37th wedding anniversary Sunday. M n. Barrett, the form er Caroline Kleper, o f Wellington, is s paat president o f the Happy Socid Club.



i v


fi'i Church Servi cesLyndhurst


• A R T IS T m m

SAC RCO HEART R.C.CHURCHRidga Rd. 4 N*w Jtrwy Aw.


Rt. R9v. Msgr. Hanry Q. j. Back,

it 4341147

- 7:30 a.m., 9 a-m., 4>30 p.m.

Saturdays — 7.30 a.m 9 a.m., S p.m. (Sunday oPNgatlon)

Sundays — 7 a.m., a>4S a.m., 10 a.m, 11:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m. in auditorium. 12:30 p.m., 5 p.m. Miraculous Madal Novan a —

Mondays — 7:30 p.m.,follow ad by Con factions.

Rav. Norman SmMU, Paator *07 Tontlna Aw. 434-4929SUNOAY —

Summar Union Ssntesi 10 41 11, 13, 98, Aug. 1 Rav.

Rav. Jamas 0*Donwa», o.F.M.Rav. Justin Eochor, O.F.M.Rav. Joaaph M. Byrne, o.F.M.Rav. Mkftaal Jud«a, O.F.M.Rav. Chrlstophor Kannan, O.F.M.SUNDAY MASSES -

7:30 pjn. Saturday 7i00, 4 il9. 9:30, 10>49, 12

Noon and 3:30 pjn.

WEEKDAY MASSES*- 7145 a n. and 7:30 pjn. »

FIRST FRIDAYS—7*48 ajn„ n un. and 7:30

Saturdays, Evas of Holy Days and First Fridays — 2-3 p.m„ 7-4 pm.

OUR LAOY OF MT. CARMEL PARISHChurch — 149 Copal and Avanua naar RlvarsMa Avanua Ractory — 197 Klnptland Ava.. at Willow Avanua Phona: 939-1177 Rav. Edward J. Hayas, Pastor Rav. Hanry Naddao, Assistant Sunday Obligation Masaos:

Saturday 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.i Sunday 9. 9, 10, 11, and 12

Ra£UfcomwnS>m& pwachCg Sl Westminster Presbyterian Church.ST. MICHAEL'S R.C. CHURCH Rldpa Road 4 Papa Avanua Rav. La&Maus J. Wllcxawakl. PastorFr. Anthony F. Bopdtfawtcz Fr. Martin Silvar

Sunday Maaaast 7, 9, 9, 10 and 11:30 a.m.

Waakdays Mass: 7, 7:30, StOO, 7:30 p.m. Council on M Inlet riot 2nd TUESDAY

7:30 p-m. Church School

HOLY OAYS —Evos of Holy Days 7:30 pjn- 9:30, 7:49, 9:00, 10t30, 12:05 and TtSOpjn.

11:00 ajn. - Worship Sarvica 9:45 ajn. — Church School

JOHN WESLEY CHURCH Eaat Rutharford, NJ.Rav. M.C. Langstan, Paator Rov. Jack Conway, A a l Paator

IOiOO ajn. — Sunday School 11*00 ajn. — Mornlnp Worship 9:00 pjn. — Prayor Sarvica


GRACE EPISCOPAL CHAPEL 144 Bollnf Sprmps Avanua East Rutharford, NJ.Intodm Vicar — Rov. Qaorpa R. Dawaon

9i30 ajn. — Momlm Rayar Socond and Fourth Sunday

9:30 a.m. — Holy Communion Fint, Third and Fifth Sund*

O BITUARIESW illia m (R a y ) G o u r le y :W as N .A . G v ic L e a d e r .. ■ ...

AUGUST 19.1971

Evary Wsdnaaday S ojn.

waakday Masaas: July through Labor Day.

Monday 4 Tuasday 7:30 P.M. wadnaaday, Thursday 4 Friday

7:30 A.M.

Monday thm Friday aftar avanlnt Mass; Saturday, 3 to 4 P-m.

WEDNESDAY -7:30 p.m. Choir rahaaraal

1st THURSDAY —Woman Sodaly of Chrfttlan Sarvica

2nd 4 4th THURSDAY —• p.m. Tha Graduates

3rd THURSDAY - 1 p.m. Mothars

Chi Id ran 3rd SATURDAY

7 p-m. 3-F




Sunoay s m i c . at u .o o u n .S u n lty S d too lo t 11.00 m i ,WoS« e*ey EMnlno M M h, at aria pjn. -At WMck Teattmonleo Of ChrMttan k w n H aM ) At* OM i"N in e ty Can It

bundle*. Open!> Doreen Huppert

l liM M l. to *i00 K n . and •Wadw is i owning at 7:30

Tala phona: 939-7910 Church going f am Was i


Monday, 7:30 p.m. Miraculous Modal Nownai Latin chant sung atEnglfth Mass.

Tuasday, 7>30 pjn. St. Anth py Novana.

ST. MATTHEW'S EVANGELI­CAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Vaday Brook #fw. 4 Travors Pi Rov. Emast G. Llndnar, Pastor Off lea: 299 Travors Piaco Phona: 939-2134

• i l l 4 10:45 \9>19 a.m. Sunday School


ST. THOMAS ONBCOPAL CHURCHStuywait 4 Foraat Amp. Lyndhurst, N.J. rm. Coval T. i

a s ? a s a *

Th* READWtQ ROOM MTEMPORARILY It a M etWhat underiiei to d ay s

interest in (Urine healing?TUa ii a question to be

explored a t Christian Science church serricaa Sunday in a L e s so n -S e rm o n entitled “Christ Jesus."

The restoration o f sight to the m an b o n bund ia one o f th e haaUnfs o f C h M J a m

k h

“If th k G od, ha

years ago. Mr. Hagens retired In 196S sa a driver for the

' •NeStark Plaster Co. He wss a form er m em ber o f the N e t h e r l a n d s R e f o r m e d Church o f Clifton. His wife, t h * f o r m e r J u l i aBerkenbusch, died in 1963-

re three sons,

Doreen H uppert, 12, o f 526 Post Ave. Lyndhurst, died Aug. 11 s t Overlook Hospital, Summ it, o f leukemia. Doreen a tten aed Sacred HeartSchool, L yndhunt and would have entered the seventh grade this fall A parishioner o f Sacred Heart RC Church, she ws* s m ember o f Father R obert Brennan's PinkElephant Club.

Doreen wss the daughter o f Raym ond and G ertrude Howell H appart, the riater o f

John now serving with the U.S. Navy in Waahinton D.C.

and the granddaughter o f Mrs. Henry (Aurise) HoweU.

Funeral services were conducted a t the Waldo J. IppoUtio Funeral Home Saturday, with a Mass following s t SacredHeart Church.

Michael MaddaloneMichael B. M addalone Sr.,

63, o f 264 Newark Ave., Lyndhurst died Aug. 10 at C la ra M aass Hospital, Belleville.

A retired truck driver, Mr. M addalone had worked for Breyer’s Ice Cream Co. fo r 35 yean . He waa a m ember o f the National Dairy Products Local 680 . He was born in Newark, and came to Lyndhurst 30 years ago.

Surviving are his w ife, the form er Jean D iL asdo; tw o sons, John and Michael J r. and a daughter Marilyn all o f L yndhurst; tw o brothers, James o f Iselin and John o f M ontclair; a sister, Mrs. Mildred Russomanna o fNewark, and one grandchild

The funeral w u from the Na za r e Funeral HomeSaturday, w ith Mass a t Sacred Heart R.C. Church.

William M. “R ay” Gourley, a N orth ArUngton civic leader o f the mid-1940’s, died August 5, 1971, a t his home in San Jose, California, a t the age o f 61 .

Mr. Gourley resigned from the N ortlf Arlington in 1948 to move to Boston, Mass., where he had been assigned by the Philco Corporation. He Waa later traiuferred to Philadelphia office and lived in Jenkinstow n, Pa. When Philco merged with Ford M otor Co., he was traniferred to the San Jose p lant and has lived there fo r the past three years.

Mr. Gourley in 1942 was appointed by then Mayor Alexander Allan to the N orth ArUngton Board o f Health. In 1945, he was elected to the Board o f Education, a n d . in 1947 to the Council. Among o ther affiliations in N orth ArUngton, he belonged to the

Masonic Lodgs thsrs.He is survived by his wife,

M n. Elsie Hannah Gourley o f San Jose, a son R obert -of Killingworth, Conn., aad a daughter, Mrs. Janet Grayson Sanders o f San Joaa. Mr. G ourley waa born in Kaamy and lived there until th e late 1930's. His stepm other, Mrs. Marion G ourley survives him and Uves s t th s family home in Bayard Avenue, Kaam y. Alao surviving sre tw o b r o th e r s , G eo rg * o f Philadelphia and Robert o f KenvHta, N J . and fo u r M a n , Mias A aa G ourley o t Jersey C ity, Mrs. Elizabeth Bridges o f K aaih ro rth , Mrs. May Morrison o f M orristown aad M n. Robert H araaa o f Wanaqu*.

Funeral service* war* held a t Weal Valley Preebyterian C hurch, San J o n , w h a n Mr. G ourley was a a active m ember o f th* coqpagation .

Mrs. Frank Perry

Mrs. Joan (R ado) Perry, 280 H oboken R oad, East R utherfo id , died Aug. 2 at St. Mary’s H o v ita l, Passaic, following s lengthy illness. She w sf 55 years old.

A housewife, M n. Perry wss bom in Totowa. She had lived in East R utherford for 45 years and was a

parishioner o f St. Joaeph's R .C Church.

Surviving s n h e r hnaband, Frank, tw o s o u Michael and Frank; a t hom e; a daughter, Mrs. Dennis (Marlene) W illo u g h b y , o f Baat R utharford ; tw o b ro k e ts , V incent R ado, o f Moonacfcie, and William R ado, o f Miami. Fla., ssid tw o grand c h id ran.

contains this

a i l10 a.m. —n a.m. —ia.m. — PraocAlng Sorvlca


SUNOAY —9:00 pjn. Holy Communion 9s90 a.m. Holy Communion.

Church School11:00 Km. Holy Communion,

lat 4 3rd Sunday Morning Prayor, Snd 4 4th

Sunday 1st MONOAY

8:00 p.m. Vaatiy TUESDAY —

3:30 P.M. Brown laa

Health w ith Key k> the Scriptures by Maty Raker Eddy relates asch haaNag to t o d a y t ia m a a is - Oae citation statee: H j* I - rm , k h pti t l t gs o f ■ a a a ad woaaaa, - to fohow in some degree the example o f the Master hy the dam onatratioa o f T ruth aad Life, o f health a ad hoHncas.”

Services t t Fkat C hurch o f Christ Scientist, Cor. Lincoln K Eaat Pierrepon t A m , begin a t 11 a m . Everyone ia

10:90 im . Morning Prayor,StMdyt 434-9942 Homo: 934-0744




7KM p.m. Boy SoouB THURSOAY-

4»4S pm. Family Choir 7:30 p.m. San lor Choir

7:04 p.m. CuBSdOMta SATUROAY

9iBQ p.m. Alcoholics

HOLYyipous 'f OAYS —

Guoat Preacher*

Arie HagansArie Hagens. 77, o f 702

Garden Street. C trb tad t. died Aug. 6 at MontclairC o m m u n i t y H o s p i ta l foSowiag e b rief fllneea.

He came to the United Statee 56 y e an ago from the Netherlands, settling in Wellington fo r 33 y ean b e fo n moving to Osrlstadt 23

A nthony, o f Carlstadt; Crine, o f M ooaachie, aad A rthur o f California: a daughter, Mra. S.P.(Laaa) Keivit, o f Paaerfc; nine g n a d d tld re n sad oa* greet gnodchild .

M a r y a n n M i d t g a r d

M u M aryana Midtgard, 3 7 , o f 226 Oakwood Ave., K eeray, d M Friday ia St. M k h a* lt H capital, Newark.

A Maaa waa o ffe n d Monday la St. S tephen’! Church after th* funeral from thc Condon Funeral Home, 684 Kearny Av*., Kaam y.

Bom in Newark, Mrs. Midtgard saaided in K aam y fo r 12 yeera. She waa a ■ em ber o f th* G oidm H*art Chapter o t Deborah aad the Unoofat School PTA.

She ia survived by her h u s b a a d , A lfred; four ch ld m n . Alfred J^C atharise, Joeeph e ad M aryann, a l . a t borne, har m other, Mrs. Olga Marflak o f K e a a y ; har father. Jo h a Marflak Sr. ot B a* Orange, ead a brother, •Joha Marflak J r. o f Kearny.

North ArlingtonOUM»t OF PEACE CHURCH

“ * - gleeThome, J. Tenby,

. IN . _ Rev.JematJ.arMy

F!R«T BAPTIST CHURCH OF ARUttOTOSt*** weernyAvei.Keem y . i e j . Tne Nee. Roeert E. I M m ,

Z X Z o - 19 ^C J J J J . , - I . Franldin

CMtnen arathen Penny houm -M O R M H R *ee.** i-o iasu 4 , nS f o t M V i 7iSD


Svcea sso r T a C o ll in s M e m o ria l253

201 • 939-3000N J.

l*ia* a jn . ia me AndMorken Greyer, T a f MMy Oey - 7iS* pjn. Ml* wtn

(TIMM man ettend tuan their Tkunaar 7iS0 pjn.MpV Dap pBSgatton]H.lr Deyei 7.so. *,' i * ta* u n , *T . Pa u l 's ep isc o p a l I t naan. Si ao, 7|S0 pjn. ch urch

t aaaat Airenee en* Verk Roe*a oth I . i , . Nortti ArHneton, NJ.O* ina Tha a ^ ftade I i

1 at « *jn . aoth motnen r ° ‘ -

.WP ’"'IHWII w,w O p a a to at ,tni|.rsglMai IRop chPd and td roooNo R* etor^ * * * * * 991-3137owaawMructkm. p i r s t p R e SBYTER i AfCONFESSIONS- CHURCH

o# * * * *****m a - TtortR Arlington. NJ.

• P- L. ond awnlnps aflar Phpna: 991-34447,90 Hanry C. Kioutaor. PBator

Worship Sorvtaao-9 ft 1 1 ajn.

BURK Funeral Home

BIRECTWJo h n L Burl: — P au l K o n arsk i

52 R id g a R o a d Lyn d h u rs t , N . J .

----------- - * t 3 f - 0 4 9 0

- !* * * '* » S a a d a y SM M M * o f V o tjh V , Sunday. August 22.

u m a a M i c h u r c h

D e p e n d a b l e S e r v i c e S i n c e 1 9 2 9

NAZAREM e m o r i a l H o m e I n c .

JO S C m M. NAZARE, H er.

403 Ridge Roed Lyndhuret, N J .416-7272

IWflad Wonfcip Service 10

f c n m by th* Rev. Jerry “ * SHEEPISH


East RutherfordT *± &

CarlstadtCARLTON h il l m k th o ch*t CHURCH

R n- l e t .•<** *J». — tonday School 11 too un . - ChurcA lento.

Sun*ttr — Pint

IMMANUCL CHURCH■«t Rutherfoid, NJ.Tfce Rev. RMetH< atwn,*•»* ajn. - In n s* Sctwol •■It t-m. an* l*,aa u . - 0«««h iervleee

CHRIST MCTHOOIST CHURCH aoWns Iprtnat Aee. en* Mem SL lew Ruttwrtetd, NJ.HAS-JONQ k m . Pe«or. *"•* •J"- - taornlnr worst, sorvicas

1I>*B e-m. — Ctnpch School

LUTHERAN StU Roi"” ' * lS * V T l" IAN

PAROW Funeral Home


186 Ridge Rd.


a _ ” 13 .996-7666

North Arlington

Rga. Wlilam Doxaay, Mlnlatar SUNOAY —

9*IS ajn. — Church School- Worship Sarvica

Fadouohlp — SundayEwrdng

* * * * " » - Thursday

Waldo J. IppolitoFgggral Ngag

4 2 5 R id g e R o ed Lyn d h u rst , N . J .

4 3 8 -46 6 4





■ - . - ' V .


R o u te 9 4 , S u ts a x P r o f n s io n a l B ldg. 1 / 4 M ila N o rth o f V arnon V alley

8 2 7 4 1 8 7


5 8 3 K earny A v en u e 9 8 1 -0 1 0 1

suaaax—- ■ in n S f f .

7 5 M ain S tr e e t A d jacen t to T e le p h o n e Co.

8 7 5 -4 1 4 2Bldg.


C o r n e r o n S p o r t s

T lrt mow ridiculous resotiort to th i injury th s t hM put J o r N a n it* on S t sidtlines w u th* cry th i t N sm ith diould no t h i r e ttc k ltd Mike Lucci when the b i t boy was runrrinj back the fumble in the Jet-Detroit game last week.

Wh«t «ort o f n o n tn a a ii professions! football d«*enertting into?

We HOW ha re p la toon football where there are offensive and d i f lM ln ttam a, bo th aided and abetted by specialty

The gama haa becom e so stereotyped th a t a quarterback is wppoM d to d rop back in to a pocket and throw ptsaea. Now aad then h e m ay paaa the ball off.

But blocking?H t a r n s , not And tackling?O, g o * no!What tn u am p it to sat before the youth o f the country!

Instead o f p ity ing h k h u r t o u t t p ltyc r is supposed to perform only t certain num ber o f dutiet. Otherwise, lie ie free to go tn d sit o n t h t bench tn d talk things over with the coach.

•V DOTTIESAs Lyndhurst p r tp tn s to host the American Legion

regionti to u m sm tn t t h t local Legion poet’s n tm e Barringer W tlk tr Lopinto taeum ts more significance. . . .It was just rix ye trs sgo th i t t h t n i n e was Barringer W alker and the team was battling ita way through the New Jersey tournam ent . . .L yndhun t h id ig tin w on the Bergen County cham pionship tn d seemed on the w ty o f the s t i t i tournam ent when Westfield b linked • Lyndhurst 1 to 0. . . .But L y d n h o n t came back with fierce determ ination, took on Wood lawn and romped 11 to 2. . • -And the s tar o f the game was a long, lean, handsom e young kid named F rin k Lopinto w ho g a v t.th t Lyndhurst team poke and b tltn c e from h i t left fieid potitlon . . . Battling ou t three hits, Lopinto p u t on t m trvelous txh fc ition o f clutch h it t in g .. . .Shortly sfterw srd Lopinto left for the M irines in d in V eitnam , trying to help an injured Marine, he was fatally

■A tragic episode. . . And the Legionjpened its name so th a t still another

I : youngster w ho had lost hie life fighting for hisc ould be em braced. . . .The Legion poet that ish I t tournam ent k h o # B irring er (W orld W trl)

(World W trlD tn d Lopinto (V iatM m

B d h tt Jo in s H a c k e n sa c k F flW fe w M e x ico T o u rn e y

W M i L y n d h u n t's Legion

to w a rd dm

t h a a a t io a a l

y t t r by t h t A saabcaa Legion s band o f Hackaaaack players

th a M rip tt o f tha

chib.Eight o f th t

p ity a n w o rt th a uniform s o f Hack m a ck High School in t h t last aau o n . That team won 26 o f 32 g tm tt , betting L y a d h a n t twice.

Babai’s N orth Arlington d a b won 22 g tm as in th e laat

—a ttao a aad -aimost p trfo rm ad ' t m irade by o iu b n g Union I t

Th* Greater N tw srk I n s t i l lwaak w ta a l i a a y Bahai, a c t - lo u n m n e n t pAchtr fo r N orth A r U o t T S a C o a o iH fa c k ta a ra h B i t t g h School, n a a t t f b Trwadad Naw Mexico fo r theth e h a * « p ---------------------- f c w n w p a t . A t M

liaaaay had p tq rad fo r th e " P o r t , th e t o u t waa N orth A rhaggoaC oania Mack confident a ad to o * . H a

Under tournam ent rules t h t c h f p to a A ip t ta m froai t d t t r ic t m ay pick play a n b o m its ow n laagaato fiU o u t t b i ro ttar.

winds u p August 26.

Who was aippoeea to tackle Mucci once he had scooped t i t t i l n M r •

W ttb Ewbank?There waa nobody betw een Mucci and the goal posts b u t

Namath. Waa Namath supposed to se t like s traffic cop and w are Mucci on?

The fact is N sm ath, w ho makea, perhaps, four such tacklee a year, w ent about hia business like G rsndm s Moses from Allamuchy. He go t in the middle of the D etroit biockeit and th tn cou ldn 't m ake up his mind w hether to tackle o r body check Mucci.By the time he had m ade up his mind Mucci wm going past like an elephant.

Now a well coordinated athlete would have fallen com pactly to absorb the force o f the fell. A fter all, Namath had three years o f high school footbsll, four y e a n of collage football and six y e a n o f professional football. The guy ought to know how to tackle and fall.

Instead Namath waa knocked heels over tee kettle and go t hia knee wrenched ou t o f jo in t.

It w u to o bad. Nam ath is an exciting player and a fine quarterback. But he symbolizes what is wrong with die sport. A refusal to p u t ou t 100% fo r very good pay.

O N T H E IR O F F T IM ETo the average sport fan the pro footballers spend their

days and nights paying a tten tio n to the game th a t is providing them quite handaom ely with the coffee and doughnuts.

Hah!The sports w riten m ight d o some pieces on how little

tim e the footballen actually apend preparing themselves or keeping in shape.

They m ight tell about th e jobs to which the players report even during the playing season. Few members o f the Giants football te « n , for inatance, do not have jobs that keep them occupied during th e season.

On t Monday after a game they can be seen tooUing off with the ir b rie f cases on their w ay to their jobs.

N obody is sgainat players working. But they are paid doggone good m oney to play football. A man can’t play his beat if he ia no t in diape. And it is obvious that too many players are depending u p o n their skills and tech n q u es instead o f their physical readiness to play the game.

T h a n k s F o r C a n c e r D r i v e T o p p i n g G o a l

David Rees, Crusade D irector fo r the Bergen C ounty U nit o f the American Cancer Society, announced th a t th e goal o f $200,000 for B trgaa County th it year h ia been aurpaaaed. This is more th an h a t ever been donated b y f l i t k ih tb itin ta o f the coun ty , tn d Mr. Rees says, “From th a bo ttom o f my heart I thank each and every one o f y o u .”

Thanka alao to every single volunteer w orker who helped m a k e t h i s s p l e n d i d achievement possible. Every ro rker did his o r her u tm ost.

i s w here luckier than o th m so no names are m entioned.

“ Again, thank you Bergen C om ity.”

• n, ft . r r . j - ■ rir —H k m oat v a lu ab le f ix t i r e

i a Ik* recep tio n o ff ic e is a p re tty n c s p t io n ts t .

As any coach w01 tell you the hardest guys to control on the high school and football teama are die stata. They always consider themselves entitled to special consideration. The pro teams are compoaed entirely o f boys who hsve had eight yean , including their high school and college careers, o f psmpering. Any w onder a p ro coach juat ughs and hopes fo r the best

W IL L F A N S T A K E I T ?The Fran T arkenton case baldly points up the dangerous

waters into which professional football is floundering. His talk about "w e” asked for s loan from the Giants had an amazing ring abou t it.

"We” indeed!When T arkenton goes ou t on the field does he separate

from "we” o r j s his whole business set-up running the teamwith him?

And when th e fans cheer - and be t on the G iants - do they know w ho his lawyers and accountants are? And business associates?

T hey’re no t listed on the scorecards. A t lesat not yet!This whole situation is im portant for New Jersey. The

state is com m itting Itself to build a S200 million complex in. the meadows to accom odate the Giants football team. This means th a t a huge chunk o f the m ost valuable real estate in the m etropolitan area is going to be gobbled up for the glory and profits o f the Fran T arkentons o f a m ysterious business called profeaaional football.

Tarkenton A Co. m ay provide a few interesting h o u n of free time in fron t o f a tube for the average Joe and Mary But are they w orth 7S0 acres o f the m ost expensive tu rf in the m etropolitan area?

L y n d h u rs t S o ftb a ll Leag u eWell, i t’s all over in the

Men's Softball League this year with Lynw ood Studios repeating ss Tow n Champs. Lynwood w ound up w ith 24 pts. on a 12-2 record. Imperial Photo was second

w ith a 10-2-1 record and 21 pta. Serpy’s w u th ird w ith 17 pts. and Valley Brook Liquors - who finished in a tie with Town Houae for fourth place - took 4 th place by virtue o f their 8-S playoff

game w ith Town Houae. Then followed Nutley Pet Shop, Mickey’s Cleaners and Unico.

Imperial Photo coasting along with only one loaa tn d t tie rm into trouble on consecutive nights laat w ttk . On F rid ty night they lost to VtUey Brook by a score of S-2. This win however waa later awarded to Imperial becauae Valley Brook h id used an ineligible player. On th e following Monday Imperial Photo lost to Town House by a score o f 11-7. Imperial, playing w ithout their pitcher Frank G tU antt had Mickey Wiercinski doing the pitching. Mickey had '3 hits th i t night to incretse h it le tg u e leading batting average. Mickey has been forced to do the pitching due to the injury to Bobby D o t t m e y e r a n d t h e mysterious sbscence of Gallente. Town House w u led by Bobby Bryne who had 3 hits and Kevin Jonea who had 2 hits. Tony Sera belli, B ob L e v i n t h a l , Bob D ottm eyer and Tony B otjii t i l had 2 h its fo r the losers.

With Imperial Photo ttk ing their second Io n tlo n g w ith t tie, Lynwood Studios - who were 10-2 i t the tim e - knew that all they had to do w li win their lis t 2 gtm ea and they would b i tow n champa

V ,On T hurtd ty night - Don

Mulliney tn d " C ip tt ia ” John C u rn td tie combined to pitch t 2 hit ahutout over M lc k ty l C letners. Pitcher Dean Bedsworth got b o th hits - one off Mullaney aad one o ff C ttrneck i. M ulliney p it ch id the first S in n in p tn d C ztrnecki th e nex t tw o. Tom Di M tggio, Steve M tn o a t t a d M ulliney led t h t w inn trt w ith 2 h its i p i t c t u o a t o f Di Mtggio's h itt w u I trem endous 2 run home run to d t tp center field.

On F rid ty night, M ulliney ctm e right b ic k to wrap up th t ch tm piond iip with I strong g tm t ig iin s t Serpy’s. Lynwood w on - 6-3. John G ish h id 2 h its tlong with M ikt Esprin fo r the loaert. One of Gash's hits w u a 2 run hom a run . Dennis Sparta tn d John C ttrn eck i had tw o hits apiece fo r the winner a. Ron Kiat had a 2 run homa run fe r Lynwood.

Next week starts tha playoffs. Valley Brook took 4 th place by virtue o f th tk 8-5 playoff victory «g«fa«* Town House. T ippy Cula6ne8i had 3 hita fo r th e winners. Ia the playoffs the first place team - Lynw ood - plays t h t 3rd p ltc t te tm Serpy’s o a t p m t . The 2nd p h c t t u r n Im pcriil Photo p lty s 4th p ltc t VtUey Brook o n t g tm t tn d the w innen p ity 2 o u t o f 3 fo r the tow n chim pionihip .

W C U T S H O R T i

( r i b Q C > i dLs t e a k v * can I ISHOULDER (STEA K ) FOR i





FOB MAtSING 1 POT TINGBeef Short Ribs SKuck Pot Roatt .8 9 *D i m

J I 1

M onghm ta d M cM taat, la tter tw o ( ro t

__ B u c k e y e . ------

Donkeyball Game

F o r th e flrst tljn c l n over twenty-Sve y e a n L y n d h u n t will ba tha m a t o f a D oakavhtll game. Tha g tm t will - £ t p ity td by the m s a S r t o f th a L yn d h u n t

a d form er

■ S S S S i i & S u a i r c k M



its kind la tha e o a a try .T h t |M S w > start a t 1 :3 0

P.M. o a Septem ber 1 at a t th t Wm. F . GaBaghtr Field on Rivar Road.

T i e k e t t a a d o th e r inform ation oonctm ing th t (M ae can b t had by calling th t D tp irtm en t o f P u b i t 438-0060. Advance sales save you m oney-tdutts i t g t t t SI.SO td v in ce a t Park S I . 2 3 - C h i l d n n - g t t t S l-tdvtnce-75 cents., P r e c e e d i n g t h e Donkeyball game i t 7 :30 PM t fir i’s softball g tm t will be p l t y e d b e t w e e n t h e L y ad h u n t V.F.W. te tm tn d t strong vWUng girli te tm , from B erg n fiild , N J .

Santuccio At Football Clinic

S t l r i to r t L. S tn tuccio Jr ., son o f M r. tn d M n. S tntuccio o f 265 Rivtrvtew Avenue, N orth A rlington, is itt in d in g t on t-w tek football clinic i t B o r d i a t o w n M il i ta ry Institute.

Santuccio i t t tn d a Q u e e n o f P ttc e High School where he p ltV td fred im tn football tn d Will be I c tn d id ite for C oich B urnet' Irith this fill.

H tid ing th t clinic It >M I1 foo t b ill c o tch , Rax W alktr, whp i i being u n i te d by coachat from seven o th tr public, p tro ch ltl tn d prep schoole in the state.




R o m o u r o w n p o l lu t io n - f r e e

d e e p a r te s i a n w e lls


C O R N 1 0 5 9 cSNtiTPeachesCRISPPascal Celery,FRESHGreen PeppersCALIFORNIA SWEETPlumsCALIFORNIABartlett PearsFIRM LARGE SIZETomatoes


LEGS5 9 ?3 5 s


7 9 *


(FROZEN) GO VT GRADE "K ' LARGERoasting Chicken5 6 lbs.


m m m . iFrtsh Brisket ■ fNICR cut ■

* 9 9 *■FIRST CUT

* 1 2 * J

4 9 ?A M * P A t M O R I ’



Groceries W hy P ay M o n t




e&EAV MOUNTAINA r t e s i a n W a t e rCrystal clean...and rich in nature’s healthful minerals. Use it for every drinking and cooking purpose.

1 0 0 % P u r e

e N o F l u o r l d a a

e N o C h l o r i n e

e N o D e t e r g e n t s

e N o S a l t s A d d e d

MOW IM OME-WAY NO-DEPOSIT BOTTLESFor th o G rea t M ountain D ealer

n e a r you p h o n e


ingesFLORIDA SEEDLESSLimes b *•■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I Health & Heauty A id s i

S J 6 9





TOOTH . BRU SH ES IWKKKI^(>eneral M rrrhandiiictSHOP-RITE 5-HOLE 300 SHEET

IHOP-RITf W.I,DrinkALL VARlCTlfSRagu Sauces




4 £99°TT 59c

■ ■ i f rozen h ood S a r in # i

SHOP-RITE 4 4 «NSpaghettiFACIAL Tissue 4c OFF LASELKleenex 3 4.49*

4 ham Q Q Caf 200 9 9


conts ™


WIRE SOUND *C o m p o s i t i o n B o o k s „«>COMPLETE WITH THERMAL SOTTlfLunch Kits eoth■ ■ W n O ur Ice ( ream D ep t.M


3 9 *

29*$ 1 9 9

l / n O ur D airy DeptMPHILADELPHIA


I Sea food Sa iin n & l



FREEZER QUEEN 5■ ■ ■ l l l r l i r o l n i n i D ept A TAYLOR S MIOGET

I '"1 -Ib Itll

IHaktry Dept.I SHOPRITE r e g u la r th in sanow ich



''' SHip.it Mnnnt.im flrtpsi.m W . i t P t '


Odor ............. Mb ob jec tio na b le odorC olo r 7.0 — APHA P lotlRum

C o M t S tandard Tosto -. NO ob foctionoM o too to

M ocnoshMR...... ..........Tota l C hrom ium - N itro to s

11.00 0.00 12 20

T u rb id ity 2 .00 MckOOR U nits p H .......... - IO J O

S u lfa tes .....................Phosphotcs (Ortho)


*■ T X T "C M oridos ..M....^rt...i

FlOUrldOS ..................- 60.00

0.00M on fonoso . 0.00 C o p p o r......H y p oo

Total D lssolvod Solids ______ 360 00

C o lc iM R ___ 1 K MSodium — :. S3 3b

Totol H ardnest 236.00 or U Crains



\p p e t i ie r D ep t.tffTY DO MESTIC


n x m m M d . u r s

Towards tha purchase ofo n * 8-oz Container

1AB9 { MFG.

Longacre Saladj( T u n a - C h i c k e n o r H a m )| W ITH T H IS

C O U PO N ______Coupon |ood •« •«» She# Rlt# Supermarket9 SAVE 15

Limit One coupon per family Coispon eapiret Aug 21.1971


I ' M i i i m u . i i L ' . i . ' i

Towards the purchase of OAB a box of Economy Sita (75 ft.)Reynolds Wrap

•0 9 E 8

Catspan etplret Amu 21.1 Cewa** |aa« at enf Shep Rite Super mt. het

Pricat allactiva thru S»t . Aufutl 21. 1971 r«t«ryt tht right lo limit quanlltln. Nol ropontlbM tor typographical trrart

S H O P R I T E o f L y n d h u r s t

V a lle y B ro o k a n d D e l a f ie ld A v e n u e s




POLICE BLOTTERby A m y D iv in e


4 :10 PM G u y Sytama Stuyvesant A re cune into headquarter! to report h it home broken into. M ining was cadi - $22 5.00 and B O O In pennies. Det Lt. Golembieski i> investigating.

10:10 PM Notified Joseph Krautseider, o f Peoples Trust Co that the alarm was sounding. Car No. 56 Ptl McSweeney and Ptl Jankowski reported building secured.


4 :44 AM Rtceived a call from Mrs Valvano, 341 Sanford Ave requesting aid for husband Louis. 63, who was having difficulty breathing. Family phyacian not available. Ptl Downey and Ptl Hittinger conveyed man to West Hudson Hosp la amb.

8:05 AM Dr. Killeen requested amb to convey M n. Elizabeth Rust 284 Travers to Clara Maass Hosp.

9 :00 AM Notified kennels to pick up stray dog in am b garage.

4 :28 PM Alan Finchley 608 NJ Ave called to report while his 71 Toyota was parked in front o f his home someone tampered with his car.

6:45 PM Mrs F. Korski Ridge Rd called to report she thought someone tried to gain entrance to the house. No entry made.

10:27 PM Mrs. C. Thom as 337 Lincoln Ave called to report tha t her husband was having a heart a ttack . Det Car No. 54 Ptl Checki and Ptl Sobolewski, also 1st Aiders Capt Friedrichs and crew, who conveyed m an to H ackensack Hosp.

11:44 PM Received a call from the telephone operator reporting a m an suffering a heart a ttack a t 213 Tontine Ave. Ptl Checki and Sobolewski with 1st Aider Reilly. Officers reported R oy Hennig, 54, D.O.A.


12:34 AM Wells Fargo called to report the alarm sounding at the Bhse Ribbon Tire Service, Riverside Ave. Ptl G abriello aad Mileski reported building secure.

5 :54 AM Alarm sounding at the D iscount Canter, 137 Ridge Road. Ptl G iam m etta and Downey detailed, reported the store

12:21 PM Mr. Geovanni Alfanso o f 123 Forest Ave reports hia company car. Public Service, damaged during the night by unknown vehicle which left th e a n a .

3 :12 PM Mra Macbcinski 722 Kingsland Ave reports her son Teddy received a laceration to his noee, boy taken to Clara Maass Hoq>.

10:05 PM M n Evans 763 Ten Eyck Ave reports her dog s truck b y a h it and run vehicle. Unable to contact veterinarian.

11:49 PM Mr. Amorelli o f 249 C o p d aad Ave reported his n h ic le damaged while it waa parked o a N J Ava.

3 :19 PM Received num eroua calls o f w in s dow n in fron t o f 129 Copeland A n P.S. notified.

» / l / 7 »

3:30 PM Received num erous calls o f flooding and trees dow n, contacted lam es Currie Supr street dap t, ha will have craw oa t.” -■ ■ V. "fr V .8 :08 PM Received a call abou t the noise coming from die Y outh Center 464 Valleybrook Ave. Off. Francis and Caabegrant responded and spoke to Larry Souza o f 710

Lincoln S t. ia charge. Officers found amplifiers loud and the youths uncooperative. Lt Schreckenstein also responded and instructed the you ths to lower the amplifier*

8:18 PM Received m aay calla o f hosnee being w ithout lights. P.S. notified. v

«/2 /71- mwm . ' * ** ' *

7:25 AM Jeraey City PD reports recovering a 1963 Chav owned by Mr Saverinin 4 30 Lake Ava.

8:10 AM Mrs. Aulenback o f 400 Rutherford Ave reports e strange M a ia her yard, Ptl Checki aad Gtaagemaeo brought in to Hq Kevin W. Monroe age 23 o f Behnar N J . R eported adeaiag o n 11/11/70 Parents notified.

8:30 AM CAA A uto body reports entry to t h a t building a t 403 Riverside Ave, Ptl Settem brino and Troncone naponded aad ow ner repasts cadi from aoda m achine, oaa Smith C orona adding aiachine and 4 buffing machinea taken. Det Geary raepoaded aad to o k over inveetigation.

11:15 AM Patricia E lbadlry 432 Fern Ave reports tape deck *— | h e r vehicle w h le parked in fron t o f her hom e.

L y n d h u rs t(Continued from Page 1)

yeard ia o n New York Avenue, esked “Where Is the petition signed by s majority o f reeidents against walks? Is this Dem ocracy?”

Jsnowski replied, ‘The only thing I can say is that some times citizens don’t want things we do for beeuty snd im provem ent.”

Four ordinances were introduced and wOl have public hearing on August 26. Three m sy be found in full in the August 12 issue o f the Leader- They provide fo r c iv l e m e r g e n c i e s , in c lu d in g proclam ation o f a curfew if ne ce a a a r y ; ru l e a and regulations fo r bike riders; an ordinance to prohib it parking e f vehiclea on posted lands; also to regulate hours during which gm stations may work on mechanical maintenance o f trucks published today.

(We recom m end th a t all bike owners and parents o f small children w ho ride bikee d ip the ordinance, read the regulationa and instruct their youngsters on the safety rules contained th e n in ) .

Bisnchi Brothers of Lyndhurst won the street improvem ent award with its loweet o f tw o bids, a t $10,388-

Mario R izzo appeared for the second consecutive time a t the meeting to aak for reconad era tion o f Domenick N otte aa tax aaaeaaor. He said an aaaeaaor d iouid h a w s beea a t static by Ju ly 1 to answer questions on asaeam enta poeed by local taxpayera aad threatened a taxpayers suit. He reated hia n q u e a t that appointm ent o f aseeeeor be taken ou t o f th e Sands o f ths Fiance D irector and placed in th e general realm o f the entire board.

Action on reconstruction o f the CAP building was postponed an ce fou r votes are required o n ordin ence fo r spending m oney aad Curcio si>d Co —

seemed Boston would ba abandoned.

Efforts to b u ld a new, costly stadium in Boston were rejected ao fewer than 29 times. Finally it waa decided by private sources tha t th e field would be taken ou t o f B oston.

Ironically, 1970 proved to be a yeer in which the Patroita made m oney fo r the fsa t time.

W ith the im petua o f a naw field building intereet the Patriots began ealUng aeaaona tickets. According to report! 45 ,000 w e n eold • in brecea o f 10, one for each hom e game.

Unlike New Jeraey, which propose! to bufld a stadium wtth revenue bond m oney, the Foxboro stadium waa built on money raiaed by public subscription.

Tha field wi Schaefer Stadium when Schaefer Brewing p u t t l million in to the b u id in g fund.

As o ther concessions were rented ou t th e m oney was poured in to the construction fund. Aa a result Foxboro cam e in to being wtth little o r no pre saun on the tax treasury

O ther teama have their eyee on th e deal • the C olts o f B a l t im o n , Vikinga o f Minneaota and the B ean of Chicago all need homea and would like to emulate Foxboro.

H e a vy B u ild in g R e p o rte d In L y n d h u rs t M ead o w lan d

was nam ed FEES:

Commissioner Peter F . Curcio, D irector of the D epartm ent o f Public Affairs haa released building departm ent fifures fo the first half o f 1971 sa com pared to th e same period of 1970. It is interacting to no te th a t the estim ated conetruction coats

for the firat half 1971 ia m o ts than double the firat V4 o f 1970, which indicatea the grow th o f Lyndhurst, eapeciaUy in the Meadow Lan da, and d tould help in keeping a stable tax s tn ic tu n for L yndhunt.

In additioa to the regular w ork covered by these statistics, the building departm ent haa form ulated m any projects such as state-local cooperative houeing inspection program o f state aid to our com m unity, a parking lo t for approxim ately 100 c an on state highway departm ent property along R utherford Avenue between Park Avenue and Livingston Avenue, a new road from Newark Avenue to Polito Avenue to relieve the heavy traffic on Valley Brook Avenue, survey ing o f swimming pools to make thasn safe, painting o f house num bers on curbs, recommendationa fo r up-dating o f toning ord in an cea and securing a you th c a t e r and aiding o u r teenager! in dancea and activities.Permita issued from January to June 1970.PERMITS 245ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION: $1041 ,260.00

$4,053.00 4 1


Permits issued from January to June.1971.










•:o .70

5 26

12 I I

2-2CAR 25 10 13










3 0 M o th ers A tta c k P la nThirty m others o f Franklin

S c h o o l ch ild re n have s u b m i t t e d a petition protesting the plan o f the Board o f Education to place second graders in Franklin School on part time.

The following petition was subm itted to th e board:

We req u ea t anothermeeting w ith th e Board to diacuas th ii m atter. If ihe Board doea n o t wiah to meet w ith ua, to diow th e Board how strongly we feel and to achieve o u r goal, we in tend to Boycott Franklin School and picket The Board o fEducation.

G ia n t(Continued from P a * 1)

donated. The coat waa. reduced, to o , because the parktag lo t o f th e adjacent Bay State harneea track will serve the football stadium .

O a tha credit side o f tha venture ia th e fact th e design made It poaafels to b u ld tha stadium in juat 372 working d a y s

Since i t was built for fo o th a l th s ( ta d iu a wfll aaet 54,329 a l o * th e tfdeVaaa. Total capacity ia 61 £ 4 3 .

The B ait R utherfoid stadium ia geared fo r 80,000 spec ta ton . I t , to o , would have only sideline seats.

Coata ware k ep t la bound! at Foxboro b y installing back typa

aa d iestadium restauran t, press box, d ressing room s aad tha officea a n still ia oom ph te

Aa th a raven uea begin piling la the stadium wfll


O F K f A N N Y

i n t r o d u c e s

T h e F o r e i g n M o n e y “ t i p - p a c k

The Foxboro ad v ea tu n is far different from th a t ia thia a n a . Tha Boetoa P etri have beea oaa o f the w a n t te a au ta th a Amarfc Football League. Whea the AFL merged w ith I National Football League Boston d idn’t do any batter. A ttendance fell o ff and It

Two-tone looks good...and isButter Brown's naw two-tone

tlip-on tayt a lot for your boy.

There's tha lively look of

two-tone leather, a ttrap

and broad toe. Really the

thing for hit naw flare*.

And thare't a durable sole

and heel that tpeakt

out on quality and

long wear.


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The convenient way to do your tipping while abroad

W hether you're heading for Barcelona or Bangkok, London e r lu ­cerne, tipping doormen, cabbies, paying bus fare! con be a real p ro ­blem W you're Ming American currency. Fint National Bank a t Kea rny h o i sMved the problem with another fine vacation service. It's called the "Tip-Pock". If i a cellophane envelope that contain! approxim ately ten doMare o f foreign currency of Ihe country you're viiiting. The packet o h o contain! hint! on tipping a n d o conversion tab le to keep qn accur­a te record of doMan exchanged.

Pin t N otional Bank ii making Tip-Packi" available for any country in the world, le t u i know your destination and we'll have the "Tip- Pack" ready for you.

Tip-Pecks" a re g rea t for supplementing your trave len checks In carrying cosh overseas.

So, don 't travel ab ro ad with American dollars. Take o tip from First N ational Bank and ask for details on your "Tip-Pack".

Pick up your travelers checks when you stop for your "Tip-Pack

run MTimi u nA N D I P U ’ . r ( Q M P A N Y O f K E A K N Y

K CANNY OfVKN: K earny e n d M id la n d A v en u es BAST NNWANK OfMCNt N o rth 4 th St. a t th e h rM fe

SOUTH M ANNY OPPICC: Centred A va. O p p o s ite W ea te rn electric MONTH ANUNOTON O PPICI * 0 0 N idge N eed


V .


T o w n s h i p O f L y n d h u r s t

1 9 7 1 R e v a l u a t i o n


D I R E C T O R G A S HPursuant to an order issued by tho Borgon County

Board of Taxation, a revaluation off all land and buildings in tho Township has boon undortakon.

As tho low responsible bidder, Associated Surveys of Wayne, New Jersey, a nationally known and respected professional firm was engaged by the board of Commis­sioners to do the necessary work.

Contained in the following pages are the findings of the professional appraisers. The listings and figures have not boon accepted as yet and are subject to change.

In any case, when the final figures are accepted, they will be used for the 1972 tax year.

Further notice and enlightenment will be forthcom­ing in the next few days. Times and methods of tax­payer appointments will be released for those who wish to discuss their appraised value.

T h o m a s J . G ash D ire c to r , D ep artm en t R even u e and F in a n ce


• l l p C n , M M l i M k a....__ * ■sortie Am.MCoawa w, ftw*MM Aw. A ftre»•B E Cl— .*-. i


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I AaatAMi»i V n l 114 toM Aw.• f c to tlk nkilft■)! QMtoBoftw• l-W A i Mwl. towiw, ttBMMAas.M • ^ l . l l h M H L M i . l l l k l iA n .it-a . ii i».mi MkAw.

Ml « « f c n l e d k W w « i Ms.M-M BoaMMACiian to wi nli.ltBftwMMMa.It lkie N A* ln,l iliy i> i i.M IW IwAIC^,17 HmMw AICm M A w.It JAst.tCakM wAhM LlltM An.19 MoyO»»ftMg<o.tos, Mthak Mo.t tII U L A .te U te ^ M » f > t w.■ Ms j t i— t, I t t Nik Awe.t t Auto i |A.Bwa.fts IMM* Are.M>A N iMi CBw i. IMM* Are.M4 ftatawAMdyPIMotoatlMCiertAw.t t NMdl.«JMflllMt.M«^lffCMtA«l.t t •ssmsP.AMawABtiiiMi.IBBCoortAao.V lttCretAo.t t Q ak iA t MwaMmwa, ttl Cmrt Are.M M M lllk M ln M ,m ta r t« n .t t MnAA4k«n7CiMtto.ti wte*»t***^L iiscwhaw.tt-A Boa^M AMreikyBeydw. 1T4ftreMM Are.tt-t liiiii HnklaM,lf»twwHi Aw.tt-C L > ML. A C Vf aM, I t tNiwMs Are.tt-0 ■share A Bwe AomM, IM ftwMM Aw.tt-t AagatoA■waiiMlaaa. lilftawMM Are,t t Isms#. A hnmtwhl, IttMwnlis Are.M CfrM V. A Caaifts t MwA, IM MreMM Are,t t Mods Bftw h. 144 Wrew&s Are8 SS' X t S s S S f l H T U *l-A OaaMs A J*ttsCe¥Mto,tftreMM AVA AiMr BriM MpAl ftrersiM Are.

PwMABooawftMaaeaaawOUM'MrfcrMAw M» A Mia MgpaW. 114 M mtM Are IMaws C A Idea M. Mamoa. IU M nM A *


sn* Ssc sra•O.MO M.SM M.IM

M,Mt! ! SII,Mt

4t,IMU SM.MtIt.M t ie,MtB


tI tllt t




II JM tMM4*Mt 71,ltt14. MO M.MtI MM M,MtIt.Mt 41.4MM.Mt M.TMn.tet tM «lt.Mt m jm


8 S

BawwalB fteasMeV.BewLttlBvlMi8jwf>BMpomTbmor

11700 4t,7M11. MO 41,OM11,IM M.MtIt.M t M.Mt 17.000 M.4M M.Mt M.Mt 13. I * tl.4M

S S ; ; S . Su .M t t M t i

t 1 M M n.toot 9.900 19.3M

ll.M t U .M ts s a s

iti t17









OWNER p r o p e r t y a ddressMm P. A Mae &aay. T Raemy ft.

...........t s n z , .h w » .**4Stan*».R :

T. tielsdl, I lf toAa Are. A re*. MBtrenMs Are.


M tt

..tH a S *- **1*IBSftwMds Are

M.Mi«M*lMB«*sftodAre. ' K M A M w M A e.Mr.1 NrkAre. A taim iM A w .

A AtcA A Jewas A*., Mak Are. NenrABMHMN,IINMAre. t iH i Ma kaM lots te*.4t trek Are.IomIi Im MI laki bM., 77 ftark Are.A—e ARi—nMsi»i, IM Uke Are.OwAs P. A A Bamky Beat* A. 111 toM Are. Mw A Me* Bs Cos* 110 toM Are. MwAMwyBoCoareRaemyft.Mywoat A CeMw M Malgk, M Raemy A. tools A VOrese Misn. M Roomy ft. towh MMa, 54 Raamy ft Mam J. A Mm M. oXaaaar, 1CBffatd A MalaaOatoaM, M Kaamy ft.Mkotd A Mo Bo Com 44 Noway ft.Mali. A ft.AAsH A MftaM Ktokaar, M Roway ft.VBe J. A Tkorem R. Manwe, M Roomy ft. Vfc ato UhMMm, M Kiamy ft.M^k A Mui t wia. MRserey ft.Meek A Mto Moon, M Roamy ft. hmA tk A tMm Aaa CMariw.M Km ftspkoa A Bs>*o TwWA, M K •arerMB. A VfcfMaLU NodCaaMBwisfBo* tokarta A Ms w as Mreftft. 17 Av ^naM Are.

Afcuj 1 S miuHui* I'JZZ Z *" AWaB.<hawtowaM, Itt^wesMAw. hesdt, W. AUsadiw A A MrewiA, M ftwywwm A m i A A Mat A Toaipla, M ftayreaaa* Are. AAwt A. MW. t t ftoyresow Are/

O V A Aaals Mn ft., 4t ftapreaaw ArerA.BACW'ttftoyreiwtAre._ .. Mw A A Bi Ii At. M .......

MolACXaawreTtiireyreremAre.Ba*M A V. BaM. M fteyreswtf Are.Mol A A Ukorto Safaa.fi ftaywsaM Are.An twwft, MtUM AreAMAkAA "

M M A AB. taww Ml toko Aw. AMyBOadMilldoAvo,Mw A A. Ao Mens, l i t take Are. AytoAM.Mtww.imoM Are. tofaR. A AA-ftrew, Mttako Are. ArtkwR-AlMAwo^MPMtAre. IMn Mi Al a ia lwk MAAAre.Mw J. Mw, 41 M i Are MeMelkMaNA MM* Are. *H< siM A MWAikAo.Aso^i A ».A.BsBsakasA M Itort Are. Vk#WaA. A Aaak CwasM. M twk Are. toi<AB>A«Miii>niitMMAre. fiA>md A. CVMslP. lewss PMk Aw.

ONwMMwQBC IM M Are.MmMIBM A Btoae A. BAa. tM MM Are. M M C A Mw A. a K IM toM Are. MwC ft. A B.Bariafe«w, l i t MM Are. MW. A IMmtTtoZTlM toM Are.Chw A AtwM. MajMa. ft, MtMy Are. MaACAIftM»A.lMl^ i. l i t My Are. Mw J. A MaMtoBeMewsTlIt Jay Are. M M . i t AJ ttoywr. 110 My Are. BI 11. Ill My Are.MMi A CMreA « . M M ,1» My Aw.

MkMr Are.MwAA

AMJ AS S l l M g

A tMaA ftaNsi IM CsaH Are.

Moo fiiioi M 1MAs«t Are. toWLA IOAIAM IMPMt Aw.Milm ltw.BreAyCo.tw.. IMM* Aw.L Brikw A A Mwreao, IM Itok Aw. Mwl.AU.1M Aw. M m M pkM ,M ,lM IM M .Ml*ad A MwMOreA. 147 AreftkwoaCHporeMsa. IM f t w M . ftwwol IModsw M MaUo, Mt. t7 CmK Are- Mw A Mwaiw A. Maa. I t t Cwr* Are. ftWW«« IMoMw Ma WtolM, Mt, SI CMrt Are. f tM d M iAa Ma MaMs. t4t. 7 Crert Are OtaM P. A Mwy A MiW Mt Csart Are.MNr A toaaBareMa R O C M t.Mw A Raw

I. «7»iiiflU^JRi^reiw M A Maaa, IM toM Are. e A AMo PsMlo. IM My Are.m A A twoM AstokssM, IM Jay AreA Borkaw Maagsreea. It4 toM Are.

MMMaM. A MaMKartaay. ISltoMAwr t e r i ' . r * .UMreCwdwofe, 111 Stvywwaw fa.

k P. A Mare C. MM, l i t Sl ' oMo, 11T*

11. IM T 7 t M.tM1S.1M 11,4M M.SMIS. IM 17,908 M.Mt11. IA It. MB IS.Mt lt.Mt U.Mt 11.MB M.1M IB.1M 1B.1MS »M.SM 11.MO M.TM 11,MB U.Mt”3IMMM.MBU.Mtlt.Mt


74,41 14,11 It, 71 It.ft

11.Mt IMM It.Mt lt.Mt M.Mt U.7M II,MB




IAMB M.IM It.Mt IMM ll.Mt 17, IBB IAMB M.1BB IS.1M IAMB M,IMH, 1001S.7M IT,MB It,MB IT.MB IT.MB IAMB It. MB 11.9M M.4M 19, Mt 19.4M M.MB 10, MBi£mb


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s BsM.MB M.MB . MJMU.Mt It.Mt 1T.!MIM L1TB.4M



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IS.Mt IS,M0 1S.4M 11.400

» S13,500IMMI1.7M


ll,Mt 4.4M

14, IM 1S.9M 11.7M lT,Mt M.Mt 14,OM 19.0M 17,M0 M.9M17JMM.TM


IlMf MJM Sl.SM M.IM M.Mt IT.Mt U.M0 u.Mt It,MB tAMt


1S.M0 14, MO11 .MB

S.MI 11, Ml IT,Ml t.TBI S.ttl


Mt IS JM 1T.9MM0 41 JM M.IM— t t . t r

14.0M AMB






M.0M 1I.7M 14,M0 IAMB 11.4M

IMM M.MB 14. IM M.MB 17,tM M.IM M.Mt M.MB



M.IM 1S.9MU.Mt 4.4M


>7.4IS. ft I7.ti 17,91TAMt ITI.Mt M7.MBlt.Mt AMB -------• I.MB M.TM17.9M IS.Mt



IA4M M.SM 1AM0 I4.M0 M.M0 14 900 IAMB 1T.SBB


S iS ‘J S n S




C * * * * * P R O P E R T Y A D D R E S SI I m M n I , 141 iNww w l Ad.* > h W i *■ SaaaMW

Mb WaM. 148 My Aw. lAAP. A ! < * » >,M b , l k % A »

M*MAAMaT Orfaaa. IS li^ A w ,* ft

4 taa lM M k lM to A n .■ I M ai B. Qn M m M, I SA Jay Am .


1 0 -

•»» *•!>» Aw.

MM A fcM N tSaM . A.. II IM^Mm Aw .

S i t t J J S T J f t S S S t :M*aM. > f a n Mbiaa. M Aw.

t t g j e w a e a a c f e ^

s sLkNM tm.J-4C.1am»rnIIMjrtw *m.» w w U lw M tM iii itg | >i n ilii Aw. My n .j A-AMxo.art n uiMa^N.AwM M . A M A . M M I I S 1AN.

M sS fe « « ^B•o■•2

* Ataaa.« ItanMMl Am. 4iM v.Sllkv»iwM A »t.

. !• k^N N M Aw. t A—a . 108 Sh.y ■■■■■> A—

S & w a » « t e s f -MaartA ATm n l M I k M W l A««.s s ? : 5 p ? = ^* — I M w iCm M m A I I . ___AtMaA. A SfrtMAL Un . 888 Ub* Am. NMAAILA S iln aJr ., IMUh»A«*CbaataA S Nm niiA , 888 Mln Aw.AA. A A M M n y A A OMmnU. S it Mb* Am.« ....taMMi. A ALA. I ^ r , l»1 I M M . Am fetayA Am m N ^ A m ATlMUMfrta*Am . MMS A A V W hw , 109 U rtg.t.i Am LA A L On.. A A*.. I IS IW ^ lw Am M A f t i M U k IIT^ w Am ■k M C A L M w . m iM ^ tM A M Marta A A taBM. I » IMavNw Am iw ^ iA i C— m . . IH IM m m Am . CamOt. lK.</*AhpMlH. ISttMpMMi Am . MaartAlMpwba A, ISIIM v m Am n.atA..a m.m . m t o r i *...AbHaM. A A Maab*. SSI M A m BattM K. Kafb. 817 SM Am .AMart A A. Nariwi, SSS IM Am .ArtaMa TaaMa Am . SSI law rt Am Artba A A SyfaM *. I H 148 « n M w t Am . BaaM A. A Ma AA. MtoaartaBa. 140 SAaywaa* Am . BabartS AMm m M mn. is*Si Ca r t Ct. Im. A ^ A n . ISA ft MrtBWMAIBBB, 111 Aw m .S. A S.. S. A AA

Maab|*VaaAyb. l4AStartaS. l y Mma MAw Aa’*, 888I Or Vm M CartabM. SS4 SM Am MM A Mary MartiaAa. 888 SMAw fbaaw i. A IM a AMaMtya. SSS SM Am Oba. Hmmy A Ua AAaWa. SS4 M Am A m h CarvAa. 1ST brta»rtaa Am A*aa*8. A AAatBrt Carta. 1*1 M m m Am .AM AM. SB AW » UM r t i a A , mIN m TM Am . AalC. Caw. aflyirtbart. Marta Saaaa 0MBaaAMa».S44Sa*aMAw.MaraMB AAAayUrt 848 tac—4 A w AaM A M« I mIih I, SAB 1ia*< Am MAm A AAAaaaAal AAaCartby SSI h a r t Am M iM A Aa«A|i Whkaaa, SM S ta rt Am .AMI A A SaaMa A. Caaaba ir SAB b M Am .A. AAac Iaba. S*1 SM Am .OM*»aM Aaa. S*ayaS«* SMAw CAaata AjVicta*ia Art*. STB SM Am Mart* B.MMaaaa. 874 SM Am BaMa w7 Wirt*. STB SaaaM Am .VMaat J: A AAary BMw. 1*1 BrtaAaM Am

8 OrtrtM Awry, SAB Maw Tat* Am.^ M * li A. Oaaty. S*S Naw Tab Am . >Cap„ SSS Maw Vart Am aM VaAabfc. Maw Yatb Am .SKftsasji?

■ M » , SS* Mlw ba*.» . ISA Iaba Am 1. 101 AaMAM Am

|M A .c /.N * Aywa. IBS BtlaAiM Am A Artw Braaca, 109 BaMAaM Am.

M a i l fl. la Ala**. 800 SM Aw * “ 4AAA.BMwa.SBI*

i A Carta* >47 S.4A A BaOMtaA*. IS4U 4 4 « « ■ •# . St, I S O ______

CMrt*fcA*aM.i. Mrtl. S44 BaMMaA Am .


Maab A AaaM M m,»NagbA . A A . . .b r t . a A A r t f a a .rt,r t i a . AS.MA Myw.l_____________^ rta fl . A f atAa* j r t , 888Brtb*ri*.A Bn . AMart A laaMVaaa, II AMA*MAm Aafl*iA<VM 1 Mn li, IA BrtaAaM Am In ^BCr t* . lOBaMAaM Aw.

f **0M *S AMAaM Am .A Irtb a T4rt,aa. SB BrtrtlaM Am AMa b AjMMArta. SB ArtMrtA Aaa^

MapbAAAa*Baaaa,SSAMUiA!fMA' ^*»A »i.A <iMi r l n i .S IM.Ar tA Nrtaa Aa4aaaa. 4A BaMAaM Am .Atbtay A Mi; 1 ly 4T BrtaArtA AmM a W A Ja tM b m BrtaAaM Am **—*' **?!"• »»»m*a^aam.Awta M^bMiSi i.ASBrtrtltMAM




BLOCK LOT11.888 SAABBS.48B 17,88818.188 10,888

S.S8B7.188 14,188A88B 11,888A4A» IASBBAA8BA 888 ISABA

18.888 80,000US.788 41.500l l '! 2 11,888

44,aaB15.488 SB 888

SA48B SA88B870.780 S1AABBsosooIS.ABB 19ABB

o w n e r ^ h o p e r t v ADDRESS1MSJB

A JaaapMaa Marfa, SAS iaba Aa*.». A M a r t i i. AMaara, SSI, ta b Am .

IMa A AHaary A Alatv Mbaar, 4B IMagrtaa A MatbM A A MmI M. Tiaaa, S* IMaaataa Am .

a A AtrtMrtto AA. TtaMl SS M M * Am . •cta*. SA IMayrtaa Am . M .IArtgMAM .

_ Mat, SB UaMartia Am .MaAM. A Itaa BiWj 14 I* IM art* Am .Mata A MaabM AaMabacb, ABB BatbaHaA Am . BatMa i. A&tbaMa IA Wa, ABA BalbartaA Am . iaba B. A HaMa Swaarta. ABB BrtbaMM Am



si. ABB Vjm


S.VBB . SB.400 »•

11*000 SI 8, SBB SSABBB

I Miaa i.ABaA>AAaa « A, I MMartli H

W t L a n a ja rMba W. A Baaaatart Catbatw, 7*aSafrtta M. •Maty i. Kabrt, N.T. KaMia. 4SB Mb Am ABabM A AAaaflMa, AS7 AM Am .MnaaB. A Abal AMBabaa, ASS Mb Am AMata A AfBa, 419 Alb Am

iaba A A MM «L Srtafrf. 41S At* Am .AA N. BOf i A. J. A N. KaaaaOy/41 S Mb Am . • M a A A Ami AMaaaa, IA BaMAaM Am VbMaat 1. A L YabaatM. 14 BrtrtlilA Am M M A Nrta Ctata. IS Artafcl^Aaa. MbaW. Ma n a , IB Oil BaM Aaa.MfcM. A BAaa Ma 1 . SS B1MO1M Am. BaaOA Saarta MaMMwaM, SA BaMAaM Am MbbMiaa, SB ArtaAaM Am.BBawOi. A MBaNlai. 416 Mb Am .Sbaaw A A MaabaM IMaOag, 411 Mb Am. W a a A AaBa ■0^iii.4S4 * 4 Am Babat W. A MbrtM SaaaMr. 41* Im Am Startu j. A Aaa J. WMa. 41B*M Am SrtMa A Babaa AMya. 4SB Mb A>Maw A A SajMa B. Tartrtaa. S l i

AalC. A Mae A. ■ Mart, 30 U*CMB. A AMrti. Naaay, SI Mb BJAAAU.AVCrCawaB.SSI*Ctrtai A lABw Ba UHa. S9 MAa ^ ___AMbwl A MavAaaaM. 4SI Stb Ma AMtM A. A MaMa A Baa Aim, 410 ltaM Aw. AMartA A iawM-BSaba, 417 S«MAm . CbarttO A Aflwa A HM. 4IBSMAw. Startyi. AAAay ‘AaAMyMM, 40 A

‘r a

Aaaca 0. Maya. S* BaMAaM Aw SrtaNMb, A A ta«a A Mabn. 4BB SM Am .IA. A A Bavla, i. A L Nyaa. 411 SM Am .Haary i A Mart C MaalwA A.. AM* Am Maara J. A Alart VaaMM A., Al* SM Am . AtaaM C. A Ataa Md, A7 lab rtA Al Baartbh A I aaa Mat B»ai^a a. 40 May MkbM A. A CCataMaa, SI UMfMaAL OaaaMi ACrtbaHaaV Taaby, SSUMfMaW. AkbaM A A Aaaaa M. MhbaA, SS MMyrtta M.* bM. A AagaM SaaMaBa. 41$ Iaba Am .

M. A AbAaaaaa AatMaa. 411 Iaba Am . w A Aaa Maatrta, 410 Mba Am .

MtabMB A A AatMUi..417Uba Am . Artbwy 0 A Aw iim A Bariart, 4IS MM Aw MbM J A iayca BtmarAairi. 409 Iaba Am AaMaa A Aaaa Sbaaw, 407 Iaba Aw. iaAa A Aaa KaaMa, 40S Iaba Aw Mba A Iwaitta Kama, 401 Mba Aw.Baww A Sawrt Aaari. S09 Mb* Aa<


Mlrtad A A AaMta fl. Awarta, 414 IaAa Aw. tt H. A MaBya Martaa. 418 Mba Am r t VattafM, 4SB Iaba Aw

•tCata.. 41S SM Aw a KM. 4 ‘Maapb M A Baaaa Kki. 4SS SM Aw.

Mhbtlat A Mataaal AMrtt. 411 SM A« J aba A iMhb fmhi. 419 SM Aw.Marta A AAart Cartara. 417 SM Aw Srtpbaa A BatMa «MM«a. 4B9 SM Aw •waa A Mart Baba» 114 BalallaM A

Marty A A AA Miaaab A.. IBB BaMAaM Aw. »«M»A MaMM AArtat. I l l BalallaM Aw Am * A A AM. Mawy, 114 BrtaAaM Aw. MMaal i. A M BbcMa. ISA BaMAaM Aw Viawati AMMM.4BBSMAW Tawaabrt rt lyaMwtrt. 1 OaatVadBmt.4l4SMSMAw.

Z S X i i l S S X l SSL»» ^:.V .V S «W ? a-'» r-J—— .4H411M1. ■n - i i i i A w M t a*—P*J * » •— » I k _ . «IJ M t a

• s a f / j s s a f i j s i * *2 f c V > * S 5 * # A l 5 ! s>0Aw.MIMartA OaMMaa SMa. 4BB SM Aw. i. A ^a*, L U Btalle, M Maaart*. 4BA SM Am iabai. A Mrtw A. «MIMA. 40B SM A ^ MMa A AaialaMwaa. 411 IM AwArtBwABaaa,41*lMAJTArtatO A SayM* Ana. 4H SM Am

MM A A ApaaAAaaaaba, 4SBSM Aw 0 i. A Catrt L BaBa Aaw I t / h

;rT H SA.ABB , ,II^OB IS. SBB 17, IBB ,


IO,St9 17.SOB IA M B 19.4BB'.4BB 0AM

S Jti


S Si t s


9.BBBIABBBIA0BB11.9B811,00011.00011,000I0.A0B: «aa

10.4BB10.400 10.AB010.400 10400’J *IS.S00


I S. 71 A.M A.M



iaSbItH B





MSAAB0« .a>0,4BB 44.9BB SA700 St. IBB SI.SBB SASBB 10,400 IS ABB

1S.70011 r

41.7BB 11, SBB



S S17.4BB


.188 11 .TAB

.008 10.088 SA7BB



11.088 11.000 11,988 9,888 9408

14,100 A.000 A IBB7.7887.788


9J8B14.488 •4,48814.488




18.788 I S.BBB

SAS8818.9008,88819.88881.78881.888 80.408 11.S8B S7.48B5.700

SI,ABB IS.180 11,188 18,188 tl,488 11.888 1S.SOO 14,000 10.100

80.780 81,100 *1,108 8,788

14.800 15,880 84,108 80,888 10.500 18,188 IS. 400 14.100, tABBBl 14,101 ll.SM 18,701 81,401 8A70 80,40 80/ ~ 19.1saj

I4A88 80,188 4AIB8»»98A SB. ABB 40.4884.M8 50.788 *5,888


* *** SMA a c ^ - 4 M J | l » . fc-448 laaMAwUfjsii’ir ”* *

msjS sSr.!.--’---8 SMAw.

M AiliiAlaaBaiai.t. 5 1 1 5 1 4 ____js r iifis

i * CMfcrf 1 Wu*m. tn tmi IU,.Wyl41W . t r , . , | tM lfc H .I*—****— y»«—«. w w >.VMwalAUmTSSmSlkS

18.48818.488 10 8814.187 ISA8817.188 80.588 14.888


SO! 188 18,88814.88810.888 11.788 A888




: i a i i i a £ 5


• L O C K L O T O W N E R P R O P E R T Y A D D R E S S ■.INMAn .

dSBr&Semi B L O C K L O T



V M a a t * U m FwrraM. 393 Nm Yarii Am . ly n M r M l t y Carp. *7 7 N aw Yarii Am .

* A C H w t w N » , 573 M w Yarii Am .b C a r ta », 171 Nm YarA Am .

* C M m M. >mh Iw , M l N m Ya*k Am . M M M A Mh aAitA AaaaAa, 557 N m Yarii Am . Wm Km m m *. 541 Nm » Vatfc Am . O a ria M P A A F O a lf. S M N m Ti A A m .UaaaM A 0 StaaAavk*. 535 Nm Ya*A Am . C A M c A U . 0 * Dm W i , A Sariaa, N tw Yark Am C • m k Mm ,O D w W i , A M m ,N m Yw I i Am . Fata* I A Marcy ta c t, 511 Nm VatA Am . M M lA M a ria C a W a , I M W m t l t n . h W « h n * , IM U fa y a rta M U M r f O « I M ( S O H M , 4 M M A M . Jm m I A J w m PCm U v^ M M A m .MMato M St Q irm a ln , 443 3*4 Am .Haa*y J A V M arta McOfcaM 4 4 t 3*4 Am .■■akalA P A U m m J McNm m , 453 3*4 Am . Harry 0 4 V w M in T k r M . I U J m m H. N w r d i A Sana l a w d r i , lS9ianaaM PI W H m I A SAMayCaMi, 131 Jh u m m H J M N A A I v W P H t f f w , IN J « m m N m OaM pU o A b M * . 445 SaaaM Am .M m A C aM U Nm, 441 S a n M Am .MkAaal A I m M u r i i i , 457 3*4 Am .U m m 4 A A I M I m | K m W ., 453 Snd Am . Uaaard F A W V I m , 451 3 *4 Am .M m A A M m Attar4a. 447 S M Am .M i l J. A Im AarkAaAa*. 443 Snd Am .M l I A M m l I f t M w it . 4 3 * S M A m Ja M A Mm m m Savarini, 430 U U Am .VMcaat A UcyCavaMa, 433 U U Am .AAkAM T A I m im v C ^ w d , 434 U W Am la y W A JaaapAina S Wri«lH. 434 U W A m Myrtla * f t r t t S r i w i t o , 443 la iw Am Patrick A A Am I Om M , 444 U U Am m n Wm D A M w y I WNtoHf. 444 U Im Am .M m m A I M m MwMaay, 450 U U Am .Na*MMa M A U M . M M A , 454 U U Am .MMm M U k . 453 U ka Am .Ha*riat CritaM, 441 3*4 Am .M ty A Patricia 4 M i r t i , 454 TAM Am .M arti* A MM4m 4 Cm n M m , 451 TAM Am . fc»»M i A Chariatta Km w , 447 3*4 Am .AMaaav A M y » C .M la, 443 3rd Am ArtAa* O Trawariial. 4433*4 Am .P*aak J A M m A lw % ir , 434 3*4 Am .CAariaa J l a M i, 433 3*4 Am .ArtAa* J A T McUwaAM, 431 I 4 m Am .W Mam J A O t r t r M i Ia l . 435 U U Am .M i A Om u I M m , 437 U U Am .U m 0 1 0 A M I M m . 439 U Im A m Hi im m J. A N M M m A T Im m m M U M A M M * T im m , 441 U M l M ataU , 497 U U Ammm,M w a M M A A M ataaaawM . 4 *4 U U Am .M M W A I M Ayraa, 501 U h * Am .M M « A A A M M m m . 503 U U Am .

T, 505 U h * Am


F aa lJS rA A M J Z a A a a A y ,M 7 U U A .W I M H A U m . A laad ia . 504 U U A . _ M m J f t A Am « V M i, 511 U U A m n m , T M m A A K M i i i A Q u if f , 513 U U Am . V M M t A A M M m M , 515 U U Am u m M m A M r Tm m M . 517 U U Am m m M m A A Bwte M Sm m , 537 U U Am m m

• Im A •I

M l J A D P WAtak, 404 5 * Am .Many I A J M a to . 444 S * Am M A O . I M i < » r , 400 54* Am .

I A M U i A M i m , 443 54 i Am X A U cy CaaMr, S M SlA Am .

M m V A A M yC C M m , 504 S * Am . U m m W A Aatty 4 I M m , 500 M M Am . O m m 4 A S M U A M M , 513 N A Am . JaaaaA A A M C d M k b , 31 U U yarta Pt I m A M f t M , 33 U U i i m P t F M l A Nw m m Oweele. 34 U U m i h H AwgMt A AAm MaacaM, 403 4M Am .

» 0 A M m * M PaUaria, 404 4Hi A m i A M > W N * U , 4 « 0 « * M .

BLOCK 30-39

■ A A M ary Nandi, 503 StA Am .A M M A. A A M y A t Om m Am , 447 SA Am M M C A Mary A N m M , 445 5 A Am Harry H. A U m V. M M , 441 5 * Am . CaMaariM NCCUrk. 407 SlA Am .Z M a k A A PainM N M ta*. 413 S H « mA M A A Anna I . Wa 44 U U i Wi H.M » a *d I A M M T Swad lU w M . 43 U Uaarti F t. AOaad A O artrM a McaiacA, 40 U U yarta Pt. f c M 4 A AAm WaaataM, M U M m N.AM a A M a r ia lta Krafcar, 454 M rtfiarM d Am .

W aM * A Maria L M aaMa, 444 f t M U i Am .Ca M af Vm WUMa M , 443 0 ir iM *M 4 Am M A * M a r i, 470 AariaarMd Am .M a r A M a p A M i ScMari. 473 MrtAa*M 4 Am . W N m I - A M M m , 474 Am M * M 4 Am . Haary A Mary T. M M , 474 Am M * M 4 Am Nk M *4 A A Maria A Cariar 47« A H U M Am Ca ra M * A iayca Mala, 4 Jacla iii N.

** “ ahfalte,5194Mi Am .,Am Uaria, 51 7M A A m „

F A M f N p M ^ a a M , 5 15 4 * Am . M M » 4 A A AP. M a a tM fa l, S l l 4rii Am .Jaaa^A W A Anna C K aaaU w M , 507 4Mi Am ., Ha»»y • A AaAa S U Aaak, 503 4 * Am .,SM U T CaM , 444 4Mi Am ..Oaaraa A Mary HawAa*. 495 Stetfc Am ., M M U , 491 M i Am .,M m A UcMa NarwM, 407 4<A Am .,M m C A Jm C K a U U a M y, 433 4Hi Am ., M u A featyn I . Cannae. 33 laU ya tta PI.A M a S. A U rtia A O riyW w .k i 13 UUyaWa PI

-• a A. A CaraaM Aadaracca, 14 U U yatta PI. Iar A Ja w MacPI»a«Mn. 13 U fayarta PI.

M 1M 3M 310 4)0 S30 6M 730 I •M 9M 10M 11 •M IS30 13 .M * l t 1 14M j J J ' 15 •30 14N30

I t t * 1 7 - ,II

•va O w lm O a m M w 530 lw th a rM 4 Ava.Anma C JaAnttM, 534 AwtkarM4 Am 1«yli l i S*an4al. 530 AuHtarfar4 Ava ~ M r i i Graaan. 533 RwiHarfard Am

a Aarata i AntM ny Aar am 534 turKarftx J Ava arkk V 5ctina«4a» 533 IwtKarfarrf Am

THanMM A U n Haia, 543 A u«W ar4 Ama Parawian, 544 Awriia*la*4 Ava apfc 6 * ^ 543 Au«kerM 4 Am .'

I l l ■M wMal J A Pfancat MwrpKy SSI Siallt Am .. CHariat A lawn* Stwliinaf 544 6th Ava Oawial A Garoidma > Aafkvi. S4S 44» Am M fcarM. Zm.ma.MMn, 543 4tA Am ;K a rif A AutA I WaAar. 539 *«A Am .,0a*M a * Pa*a 537 4tK AvaA4aM J A CKaria* O a iM M ii. S3S4«AAm .

7MOO J 33.300

10.300 13,400

5,000 333.400 33

14,400 33.000

400 13.300 33,300 m400 13,300 31,900 j j

4.400 34,900 J.11.400 34,300 H

4,300 10.900

13.500 34.000

I I . M 0 I3 .1 M 34,3009 .3 M I3 .S M 33,4009 300 I3 .S M 33,400

13,300 13,700 34,0 M

I1 .S M 10.400 S I.400I I 300 1S.7M S3.9M13.300 10 400 S3 70011.4M 10.4M 31 4001 1 .4M 11.S M 33 90011.400 13.400 34,0 M11,010 11 700 S3 4 MI I 400 1 1 400 S3. M 01 3 .9 M I7 .9 M 31.M 073 400 33.100 140,9007 I .0 M 144.400 S4S.4M10 400 17.4M 34 40010. M 0 13400 SS.4MI0 .3 M 14 to o 75 40010.500 13.300 33,MM10.SM 17,I M S7.4M10.SM 11.I M SI 40010 500 IS.MO SS.4M

O W N E R P R O P E R T Y A O O R E S SA M y A Am 4 M m A U M P A Marian M

iU 2 M « M IM . SIS AM Am ..

l a n o ' w IK P YSViJE

w P t, N. Ca*.

OaMrt N A M M A Aaaala. 1 Many A M M p U a SaaiAaM, 34 M a M A M a N L C a a r ia A . ia L .M a p A Jr., A IM a M SArtA Am ..M m H. Aaaa, 533 4«A Am ..M a A J A O N U a f. 533 4*A Am ,AkAa*4 0 A 0 A Van O U M , 540 SArtA U s Oaarfa J. A AM . CanKaa i , 543 4 * Am KariMriaa A M a p A S. ZaM , 544 4fA Am KatM rina A M a p A S. M a t . 543 4*A Am . M A arid i U M n a . 17 19 N4aa M .• j n M n F A S M N a M a ~ 3 7 N 4 fa M .. T M a A N aM a, 39 0M§a M ..ANra4 A Ob m ScAUa, 31 M4»a M . ftaah U aa M ., 33 IM »a M .O m * M S A M ia A t Cavadim. 35 M a a M Wm A KatAryn AMwaAaa. 37 « 4 a a U Oart A A N M M A U M m . 39 M « a l4 .AaaaaAa U parta, 41 I M M .A IM 4 A IM a ftAAM7sS3 StA Am A IM 4 A A MAaR T. Curtte. 551 SlA Am. Marian K. A MaUnriA K Waraar, 549 SlA Am . M A A M paAAM F. OaOMgaria, 547 SlA Am. Im J. A Am i L K irn a l ia nAi. 545 StA Am •M ry A A M m * O m m . 341 SlA Am . f a w i l r ii P. A A m WiAmimi. 539 SlA Am. W a n w M A D a M i A U M , 533 SlA Am .,

•art A I M A WNaiMnaky. S31 SlA Am . m U U Oatay. 531 M tA Am

M a li A S M U AaMv, 33 M m N.■ a m L A M M **4 J. OaaaOi, 44 M M Pt Praak A Maria WaM. 50 M i a n PI V W . Ar iM ia m , 54 JacUan n OAmt A Maria Scan, 530 SlA Am M a * J. A A M y A U a fa rM , S34 SlA Am.M 4 0 A Oeem Ua 1 S M M . 540 SlA Am .. MkAaal A M M ra4 540 SlA Am ,NcAa*4 A Ma. »a.a l MaaaAaM, 550 SlA Am Prank A M m yaia l MkAalAii A., 553 SlA Am Am T A T Ca., Taa Or^.. S S A M A A m OaaM A A Am F. Om m . 45 N 4 fa Id Maria Oaajriaraa. SS M a M .Carm aAa A l to , 500 U U Am ,TKamnt A AUMrad K im l a a , 504 U ka A m TM4bm A M ary H M M , 304 U U Am .. M H . A IW anca N. O Am *. S10 U ka Ava Wm. M. A OaMlAy 4. la id , 313 U U Am. U A art A Jaanna M a , S14 U U Am MaaAari. I dan amka, 533 U U Am IHaal V. A TMa C M m U . S34 U ka Am W m A I , C F. A M M OriNMA. S34 U U A m , U n A H M , 534 U U A m .M m A Maria V a M , S M U U Am ,P*aaA A CaaAariaa la M a ra kl. 340 U U Am , M m W Uriaw M , 543 U U Am ,Piaak FaWk, 340 U U Am ,ArtAarM. A SMriay OaaMaartaa, 103 Mdaa Id A a A l a M Manlana.lOS Ndaa Id . TAaadan A A m 0a*aa*4a. 113 IB a a Ad. Tkudara A A m O iM a .d i, H S . M j a N , M a A I M 4 a . SSI TM d Am , Car,I M A AUa KraaaaMAy, 547 3*d Am , A a a M F A M N a r i i l i . 545 3*4 Am ,Fa iq a d * A Cancarta MaMna, 543 M Am , CAm M J. T*m . 541 3*d Am , M k A M a p M S a n a l M , 335 3*d Am la r iM M A Oraca TAaMaa. 539 3*4 Am . la lpA A OaM V laadldna, S3S3*d Am “ * N A PM a la * | . 533 3 ^ Am .

V A M aria V

« A C U M SMMa*. S13 3*4 Am .

WMMm N f t laAriMar, S09 3*d Am .M *m I A U m W Paata: SOS 3rd Am . W M A M a r y U H k . N 1 TAM Am .M w a A P n ............M m . 300 Sad Am .TAaadaM A VIm m m m la a a ia t, 304 3rd Am . A M Or ld i r a, 5003rd Am .M m A Am U aaaaM , 513 TAM Am . l a w A M M M FMeaala. 314 TAM Am . SaaM A Am U U m , S13 3*d Am .M a A Am U U m . 530 3*4 Am .M m J A Fafriria YaaaaWd. 533 3*4 Am f t apkan A UMm F w yM a a rM . 534 TAM Am U m m P A Aalriwatla CM a , 33§3a4 Am . MAaOaatU, 331 3*4 Am .M a p A A A Oralya SMwkAi. 530 3*4 Am . 0U 4 y* M NaMa 533 3*4 Am .M a p A J A M ary U f la , 5343 rd Am .M A A A I Mararta, 343 3*4 Am .M M A Aaan VanaraM, 544 3*4 Am .■m i l N alaA 544 TAM Am .

Id N H a tM . SS3 3rd Am M U m M . 133 Mdaa I d * U M Mdaa Id

a M i n e 13913CAa*M A Ma a a n M aaaala, 143 Mdaa Id .. O A O S p aM , M M , O a a n a , SS3 3m Am . PAMp A Carmala C a a p id a w , 551 ?nd Am Orta A W Im m Jee M k 544 3nd Am Aa«aa» A SaraAM F a a M , S43 3 M Am .S A H M U , V A 0 Mararta. M l 3 M Am . McAard C A U U A a M m , 537 3 M A m A m S A Am AaaaAM, S31 333 Satand Am W M M A M ary Traacy, 339 S a c M Am .Mm m N. A A a la a 0. Paataa. f t , 335 3 M Am . MMaadOaOa, S I9 3nd Am . U a M d l M A a M . SIS 3nd Am

m M O ^ mM . 311 Sad Am Ma, 309 Snd Am i. 303 Sad Am .

a VaM . M l 3 M Am .I CAiappa, ISO Mdaa I d r A M m lanrtaa. l S3 Md»a Ad

■ b m A U mM O M m , I M M d ta ld M M. A l a r tM OaMawaa, 414 3 M Am . OaaaM P. A CaM w N. OaAriaL 414 S M Am . Daaaald J. A Om m M. ZaM, 411 S M Am . N a l M A A M y A NAcA, 433 S M Am .Oaaraa P. A OaM Oandaakin a i, 434 3 M Am Ca n a a a C A Anrta A. ZariAa, 4 M Sad AU AI TAm 4i *i J. A AaaaaAlaC N l i t 433 Snd Am W I M I AM A M ta a a M Am . T U m A V M m N Anna A K d y i

» [ya d A a M l, Sacand Am .m .A 4 4 S M A m .

Vbaeeal A la a iM CalaAeM. 443 SM A m .PMak A CArirtUa, 453 M a r Ya*k Am . ftaaat O. A Adaia Falwni, 444 Nm Ya*k Am . IM r ia t SAM4 i . 445 Nm Ya*k Am .M an ara l Tm m M . 443 Naw Yarii Am ■ m Marina, 437 Naw Yarii Am Paaw Oaataa Oamaala, 433 Maw Ya*k Am Oaaraa I A NUria McOavta, 431 Naw Ya*k Am AalpA A *4aria Maria n . 433 Naw Yarii Am Carm aAa A U m U na, M e, 433 Naw Ya*k Am laaA 4 A Mmmm U i m , J r , 419 Nm Yarii Am MaaalJ A M CaaM ft.. 413 Nm Yarii Am

411 Nm Ya*k Am I, 140 M d*a Id

CalariM CmM. 133 Mdoa M. Ca*JaaapAI. A 0a*a«Ay OaaaM U. f t , I M Kdaa Id Mmm J. A M Datriria, 413 3*4 Am laa ina liA a rta A , 414 3*4 Am . iamaa A M a*fa*a l U aa, 411 TAMAvaawa * M W A VMaaaabavAn. 433 3*4 Am

A A AaaaU Scmm . 434 3*4 Am .

U n n y A Anlanarta Cafirta, 440 3*d Am Pnm k A laa tfK a laAartaM . 443 T>wd Am Oaa.ga A Iv r i i Uavaky, 131 Swmmrt Am fd w o .d i A la i t y Praaman. 137 Swmmil Ava CmdyM CaraNa. 443 Snd Am Jaaaph A U Lalwwa. 441 Snd Am Jaaaph A Ida Paaaia. 435 Sacand Am .N A C A Baanar JaAntan, 431 3nd Am .Am aU A AUa Ownrmna. 67V Snd Am waimm J A Da.aiKfr W Hu«Kat 6SS Snd Ava banal T A Valanda ShaaA..d«a. 413 3nd Ava Ha*AartS A Grata OwfAahni 413 A Sacand Am THaadara P A laaa larnarda. 411 3nd Am SH Fata* A N d Ukrainian Chunk lidg a laad W l ADaretAyO ueete le. S r . lM K d e a ld . TwlMOilCa I 0 0 K ‘

Antkany T A S. M etU im kilaid


30.10010.100 9.400

13.30019.40013.30015.30015.300 IS. 100 IS .ItO 39 30013.30014.400

40,000 10,100 9,500

10. IM

9 .0 M9 .M 0

i t s

15.300 I0 .0 M9 .0 M9.300 9,000

I4 .0 M9.SM

*3 0 0

I4 .S M13,900I0 .4 M


13.7M13.400 13.7M 13.70034.30011.300 S4.S0017.300 I4 .4 M 14.4M14.40014.400

SS.400 14 400 14 300 14 4 M 14 400 14 400 11 300

'T w

141.10041,000M .00 030.300

S3.3M34.40013.400 30.00033.400 34.3M 17,700 I3 .0 M

11.900IS .4M13.900

33,340I7 .7 M

\ r z ,


3,70033.400 S3.1M 33,300 33,700 M .00 0 M ,N0


35.10037.900 S4.4M34.10031.90035.300 34 .7M 31,50035.30033.900 M .30 034.300 37 .3M39.10037.00040.300 M .1 M35.30053.000 34.400

34.300 M .300

1 1 .IM10.900 15.1W 13,700 13.3M34.900 I7 .1 M3,100


: : s13.900 14.5M


• 3.M 33.M U.0*

13.40014.400 M .3 M

73.700M .SI33.3133.40031.900M .0 MM .7 M

33.700 33,0 M 33.000 30,100 30900 M .7 M M .90 0 33,300

33.740 33 00039.400 33,700 34.30033.4M33.400



S7.3M47.300 33.4M39.400 S9.0M43.300 S7.3M37.400 SI.0M 37.00033.30034.300 37.90033.300 M.SM

S3.3M 41,900 31.SM 30,300

MOM4S.7M30.400 33,30044.400

37 .3M I 7,400 34.300 31 500 I ! 700 47 400 17 000 17 700 SO 400 37 900

34.70033.400 34 90039.400 34 400 37.90041.700 33.00034.70033.400 34 100

34 too43 300 33 300 S3 100 37.3M 31 300Eiampi35 900 33100 34,700 31.S M

vi-f''*11 •

ma»-**•«• '1*4m


•LOCK LOTV 4*7 S*7 4*7 7*7 **7 9*7 M*7 11*7 11*7 1337 1437 1937 1437 1737 1037 It37 1037 *1



CMaMMhw.414 tab An .S t t B H S E r■^MdCIT.HNAAaHAA H^<Wfc>iaM >UbA

a a s a s ;l> |M 4ll«aW a»7M *«i M ft J fcOihn, 4*3 n+4 Am Im* SmNmn, 419 M Aw*M»M»,417MAw Im «m *.4UM A h V>fk ( J A Jw> Mmriii*i. *11 M Am *mc«mO A AmmA Mti. II3 0W».M

AMfaTwW INMmNNUymW B x M M M | « U IrvMf F A Mm* P*»m *04 SH> Aot OmmmA A Am* Qmm*I*. 410 M Am OmMmm A W«m !■««•*• 41? J*H Av* MhHm*Nrn,4I4MAm AMMAMMc OMi.tliS* Am.

. P.AAfMCbNi4«tabAN.s s r a s w s f c tM mA A M Ii I .A ...VImm Bm M i, 4* Am. • m m «.AAm V .C M M 4 M A n . M M J. A M. Nni. t l l 4A An > * . f J.AAA.difc. IMAM In . • M A A U C * .4 »A A A m M h A A IiM i,W M A » .*M t.AI M tAM>IWMAw.M«MP.AAMIC.01Im ,«MMAm .MAM^«Mrfi,M»MAwttayllMMlMlMAN.IiimI IA,IM44Am.AMM A A MJL Mmm* A At. 4M 4* Am. taAM A A A A m , IS SmM AmmM. Mm m >.M* 9* Am M h I.AAA “MMmI. A'«A I

l«|Mi A. WIm>. *Mm ULAMMM m IISIAAm.Cl Mil A AMAM A. Mrffc. 411 Ml Am . AMmm A AmM i M M , 4A9 MA Am .Mk AIm MmAm.M IM I M Mm I A U il M M 4 M p M■AMJ ACm Ii A N M k !n a ^ iM

BLOCK 40-49MmOOMC*. IM AM. SMm Aa A AM A*IM* A AmM* A* Um, MOOv ' ‘IMM A A Mm IMM*.. 411 W m A A M « h I i «M A |>lA L ftM M It,«M I U*A MMAAM M ^^M A

MMi ' a Am iM| A. Cm M IM Im m a .a m m i i m .m m■ 4 i O M t M » M M A » JmM A .A M m I .IM * 4 M L ■m m J.AMm AAiM .IM M A M A 4 mm4U m.MSMAm M A M fiM k M M M . M H iT.A ImmA IM m.W M A m.AAm A. AmA. I ll M Am.s f t M a s a s r * 'M m A A Im MmMA* 117 IMA Am. Im M A. A MM* A- M m m . 4IS M Am WmmM A M AM AmA All M Am.MAasistsssrM A I»Mh M— Ii. IM M M ill M M NM M .TM AM M A m.AM mm A Jmm Cm M 71* M M U Am AmA *«M |, 7M M M mI Am.

AmmAAMmCMMkWAAmMA M 1 .A lM « iM k A ,7 M A A M rf< CmmATmM TMAAmMAm OMMmA.ACmAMmAAmA'.TMIMmIm M A RM I A 4 » 7IS AM.iAm < Am CAM A AMm. LAA AM.7M M>.*.iCl

1415 14

S5at«!5 P R S * - TE—K__________Im CmAi. M M C M M M1—M A Mm P. A M A M *,M Im m M A m Hi 1 Ii 1 MmH.714M AmS & a m S K ^ m a a

Im A M mM M 4 I A M « m I*m A M m M pM . 49 OriM W*y A*Amm a IJA. c^ ta . 719 MIA Am An - i1 .A A IM .m M A M Mm A Mm M mMTTSS M Am .

> U d |■ Al Ml W ill I A..K1m m ■AtA lA liU M i i! .4 1 |m MA AC A MmMm I. lMt A.. M M M I

u 0 8 T M £ » W El i m IMM S1.IMlljM I4.7M *7,7M11,9M 9.9M tl.MI


.ta asMJR SMM

_____---- „ ---------- J^IWMam.

11.SM 1SJM11,MO IS.7M1I.SM 14, M011.300 I4.9M1I.M0 1SJM11.309 I4.9M

11.70033 M0 31 JM17.SM MJMS1.9M IMM13.700 31 JM14.9AA 13. IM14,908 MJM•J4.9MI4.9M SS.7M

MJMI4.SM 11.Ml14.908 M,*MIS.4M 31. IMU M 17 JMll.SM 13.9M14. IM 11.0M17.1M 19.4MI9.0M n.M*I4.0M I7JMI4.0M 1*.4MI4.0M I0JM14,30* 1I.9M19.0M M.IM14.9M 14.4MI9.9M19. M0 1AIMIAJM 4I9.3M14. IMIS. Ml 1I4.9MI0.AM IS.MA31.7M14.900 1A9MM.MO <*JMMJM 14JM14.0M 17, IMMJM 1S.9MMJM tI7.3MI4.0M M9M14 M0 IAJM14AM19.3M MJMI4.4M MJMIIM0 I4.SMI4.3M MJM



p r o p e r t y a d o r e s s l£ T £ S P ¥ 8 * «I4.9M S4.SM M.IMsis ss as9.9M 17,9“ ------------J*M J .AMmtV*M.7SSM*Am ♦*MB» A I I 1I1MlAiM. 7S1 M* Am M m A Mr M mM , 7*7 MM Am. ii*M A Mmm Um*. TtS ImM Am.M« nil A. A Am—i t MMM. 719 l«M Am . WmM A Um M mm, 7M ImM Am . A M A M M N M M A m . A M A M M M ,M M M A m . VMM A M M * UMf*. 43 Smmm* Am N M L C M . 91 SmmmH Am .U*n V A AmmAm A Mi 110 Svxnirt Anmn OMmImMmIIOMMAm.Um A A Un AMd. 711 ImA* Am

t A MAAri I AA*rtet, 714 ImM Am

la>m V. A AAary Mnatti, 71S UM Am.M b V. A AU*y Omm* . UM Am AAmmMt J. A JmmAm* IUfM. 7*4 UM Am Tm A Am i BmiM . 7MUM Am.W > A S. StyMCMk. 744 ImM Am A m i W. A Jmm AM, 7M ImM Am. Mm*Wi A MfM«M l iAiiA, 101 0H*M Aw AmmMmm CmIMmm, I AS OHM Wmv Am2mw A A M Mm, C A m 111 OriM Wm? j Amm M Mm. OMM WmvCm M


4,400 *4.910S.S00 IS. 900

*4,110 *AM019.900 *9,410*1,910 M, 11010.000 29,400•9.300 14.90011.100 34,00010,410 14,70014,111 M.9A0

3,700*1,711 M.10013.100 41JM14,*00 *4,711

! } « n m i i *14,911 17,490 IMM17JM I7JM

I*. 114 SmmM Am . m ,7N714MAm

■ 4A A A M A A M A J-A A IM ! M M h i Mi M i ,>/»1Mi4 i. 114II MmmJ.AN I I II .71SWMAm.

>■■■ Amm. TMMAm.

AMW.AAm I.M M ICJ. MM A........ 119 OMM WMAm^T t A Wm !■ fM*nAi. 1*1 OMMWm> M m M , 1 M 0 M MMM A All 1 Ii ....... ..Nmmv A AmM t ImImI A 749 *M Am. Maph A W*Ma M M . 7M IM Am . JmM A M m M nATMMAm. A M A A PtjMi OAiM. 7*1 IM M Am m A M M m CM*, Ac. 717 lad Am .

A M J . A Mmm m M i, 719 M M Am . AA*qr A Ucy A J PImM m. 711 lad Am «mM> a Am M W . 7AS ImM Am. M > A A IMyWM 141 Im M Am.Amm J. A Cm M T. CMm , 700 SmM Am . M m m V M 1 S 4 M M M MMAAQW h O.VM, IM M mAAm. A A P. MM*. I. A C SMmmmmA, 710 IM Am . A m A Amm C A* NM, 714 ImM Am . MM iA InipAAi MiijU I.7141MAm. M M A Iu i I mA i i l n T A I M M - AMm C A Mm m J. Um 714 SmM Am .Amv T. A RM L CmM. 71* SmM Am .JMm J. A MmMmCappMM. 7*0 Ml Am . m a a a J i m ---- --

MmMM A IM U M , 749 M TM Am. Mm M i l l l .TSAMmtTMAm. M LAM M M *AA,7M M TM A m.

M M AM M A mAmM T V M T mA M ■ A M M A A N k IM T M M m A M iM MMm , 719 Mm» TmA M .

g ^ g j g s s r -


MMA ACA M A I M f M 0m . 3T7«M « . A AMy SmmMA SIS Wm M M J. A M* A. A M . *17 «

J - M jTa Mmt- m A M m , *19 W M Am.^M9AAw_Aia

S KS SS BLOCK 5 0 -I.M0 17,310 S1.SI0

IAJM IS,400I4JM M.79M17,490 11JM19,300 *1,9*11SJ99- SIAM1S.7M S3.3M9JM 19.4Mn® xrx1A9M SI,*M

3 1


- AUGUST 19, 1971




pA.A ImUCm 4 MUh Nm Aw.

p a iw s a K t - - * -Lwi.W iM .6l .IM I iO m Aw .

M A I M i l f c a i M l l l M A w .Aapat Aiaaalaypla, V I taA Am Mm m A 11,1, ii Ml

S S 1S S S 3 f r - fciaAa 4 In ijAi 9 I I O N * Am

c^ tSSrtrrwAri**i.AMa—J










w.\v ,ffi!a rtW tV aNiM A IM r • M i i L A M i l i a i

aSA im SSTiho r : 'd s a s a s i vsxB

P R O P E R T Y A O O R E S S kaAM b, IW h i i nNaarylAA I M C M i « I ^ K n t o .

s g K B ^ s a■7

JfeStMaMli AAamaM A iaaaSA“ *JAAaMaml_______________ .-X & tta»Ti5SSr*!r

§ & £ e8: ntrss-*A A a* * .1 7 4 taA a ilMI

tATSXem i 1 as as as I « IN » « M

i i . i« h i m


•, IMCm i Am.

J M H i A I « M M i . N t K J H WAarN. A A m M .

S £ !. : £ k E S sv „ S ;S ^ ? S £ £ e _ ^

MAPAA ■ t a T S S f U l M m An , QmwAAmIV ---------

^ s s g b i s t s a t M« « £ £ = ! ? * ! MaAP.ANMM.tan.HIM N & i U I A L M A k M i UaAMMlaAaMa. ittS.MS] A ta r i i4*_yAa«a-M .l»J M m C A IAm i. Mata. m l A t a iA MaapAt a AS—aa. aT*L A A. C m t a lA— T. I M . II* PaaAariy t a i l TaaaAlaaAljaM.iH.PA. A wJ C-M siwMfcrCeMe, H I Wal AAail.AMMtaT.CwMA.1

S S S3SM jn 19, Mt

1 taar A ■AafcaMAM

K a«CMAi AAIM B M * /C A Ita M M « N . nw attaw .lM M A M . iaaaaW. A Aaaiiiih aaAlM tadi Am . Awartwa M m Ita . M A Ca t A m t a A A M k M lf a r tM A n .ArAwr W. Aariana, 144 T.aAi Ava.

A a n i .A ta . C — t «W >ya Awat Aaa AaaaA A A A»Ai 11 Iw taa..Mi fra A m« i '■W M ^ .A t tL O A A a y iX a A ^ n ^■M AA^uiM AfiAiMAaa t a w A y H w . ISI v S y lA A a .

AaaMI 1 A CaaA A Aaa* l i t MAa AA. Am Am i i IP. A A a J M P » A r > A iManP.AAAataTaiy. I l l ¥ah , «A Aaa. NUMAAgmMaanAlMtaMAM

a M S s L ■ ■ ■iaAKplVMAIMMMaAn.MtaAaalA. A AaaaaT. AaaM , 174Wtataa Am. (atahiACMAblpM aakintM mAM N M A i.A lta A ita V lM 1 M b r M . Am AaaM 9. A BaaAy i t a , IM MAy AA. Am M M A A JaAaaaaC Aaa. IM M Im AA. Am 1 A M . A P S A !.< ■ ., IM VaAyAA Am Jaaaal. A Mia MMAin, M»¥aAyAA Am AaAaui. A A w A A m w A I4AW AIM Am taaaAM. A ItayS. > AaMaa, IM M A . AA. Am N A M A M — A A J » I M I > A ||H A m SMaAayi. A AtaryP. KaAmaASMIyaAaMlAM. M h a A I A A I i i i % I H » iA i l M i

NM UM kataA A a.,M lIpaA i i.Mi UaaaMAPaalaitatay.MSIaaA.aM Am . OA|ia all J AMMA JM»»ait W7AaaMart A Oi Aiw J A AMy AS AaaaaAA SMlyaA.ialJaaaataiA I IMA US lyAiaM A...laiaMa AAaaM 9M tya Aaa. Am

iataaiir ACanAAAMA WAw Am. ItaaMCAMhpMMaaMa., IMNmAm

SIs iM



■AMPAAaA. 171 VdbyAA Am,HaaaP A May Cla^ta. IMVritayM Am,


laaA taMA WAImAMAm,Ai IiiM AA<«faafcai.MH|Al H A i .

rjjLaa< A J llm.A. S ljaA w l tarilAMPPtaiaa.miaaA.iil A i IMtalfc A AlflaataJPAIpaAiiiMl Am

AtaaaBAMaaaaaMa* A»mS5mAm. tlSIAaaa. ■> I Ataaaa. Mt faa.l A..Ai ill. A l pA11 fi MMA MACaart Am. Aaaaai A MiAi An iH.HA Cn I Am MaanrAMM^AAibtllCaari Am ^tafiA U A IA lM C M lA M f■ataAa 9 AaAaaanMM, 1 l i Caart Am


AaapA9. A t a ta a ta a ta IIP iar Am. Ma^da M A AAhaAa Ntaflk Ml lay Am laaM A AtapaMf A AAav, SM iaf Am. % AAaa IA MaaariA Caarim H4 Jay Am. ' laaia ri A Mjaiii Pi iliiit IMtayAM 4a|.A O w A ^ W % Aml

s o *

BLOCK 60-69

ii «nis

....... H

its as s

Aritaa A 9AMA*1 taA r. M ta rita Am MAaAAMri. ! ■ . I l l faaAa Am .Aritaa ¥ A Mm SAmAm MH 114 Vaatta Am AAaaaArMAAaHMaytaH.16ltaMr.pt

v a AAAMtaalaahM MS Tama* PL U t t t f l M l I taAtata.Ai t i i.iy itaM M a

Aalal A A A tarii 171 TmmmPiMa .a . A t a a fataafc. 171 Tmmt»H. A A tM a a m r .in ta N a N .

gSMfab s.tL-;SSsaAAar A ItataAraa.aa. MS ImmmPI-t M ari A 4AA A .. 141 taaariPt A. A tataaa taritaaraa, VaAa AraaA Ara.Marry A iaaaa Aatay. IW w A i At. Am . iaAa A Waa*PlMaAr. MS VaAay Ai Am Ma A A a M a a a v M A A y M A a . S a tfV A A aa A ata a U M V A rM A M M Aal A MarteMCtaata, 144 M b a Am B a M a a W H a A

AaAAl A M.iaai.iPWa, lM¥MmA4 Am .. > A . | I A A . p . a » i i i A. TH Vriii.taA m .. IM a a lA A ta.ta. Ma A. OAOAayAA Aa.. IjaA iA A ^a A i. M i AA.AAAm . t a a M a a l l a < ta |A taaa ta 'a W A rfnaaM A a iPAA MMAaAia. CA A|i WnA. S it A i | him . Am . Atay A W aA *17 Aayaaaaat Am .,m tsatZSsiZpxr*-■laariA AA AmA , A M a^a .ll* Aafinaai A i iaaapAA Mi UAiMA.iAMSl ta.Maa> Am . iA aiMl A Aaa Mai A IM A ^ M A y aa ri >.a.s e n



II. M 14,M I4.M


: ;s


IIM 1X41

1MM IA«MI l M I LAM1 U A M.IM 4MMIS.PM IA4M A M MlIM --------IS.'


11,IM IA.MAft*




M M M.AM1.4M M.4M

14. SM IA.M414,1M 11. IM

4,SM 11.4M 4.4M

IS.SM 14,AM 11.Mi 11.*M li.TM


17 JMz x1S.7M

M.4Mli.M i1S.1M



\4.9m 11.Mi M.H11'.MO 14.TM AM

a s11. M i 14. Mi


IAAM17./MlAMi17. IM 1S.7M







M m O » . i ^ > AmWMM*m 4mm<M 149 M» Am

OwM CO«Ni»di MITwohH W w i t i i * a 6 l iiH.M0 4. ML 0 C*MM V. Im S M N Ti m O im A rw h . »-

0 ML A to — ill NL Mmi, Sit TmvNailiAA AM*AIM*m.IKTwinU ^ *.910Tr«mnP1

WtToMmOOOMr. ttt TamM Am .;* *>* Rwwi. m » y ,..,K Am,

<■*—*■»« * Oh i M4*l*. M» k y w iw t Am.AM M « .U M Ptm*. Ml C m 7 « m . jto* L A CM » nw**iw. I t# Siwrm*^ Am. y * * ' * © Rm«M. 191 Wiri m .,1 Am-

— T» O W h Mi ll i e , m iMyv w n An Am.MlMVaMmM Am ». US VMMy M Am

" 1 1 *■"** **• M m M . Aw.

'■WI 4 C— I | IM mMm . IM Tim m R.MM* f»i IM T m n HOmM P A 4M« k M . I t l T m n *NM J. A dm* I RM— 1.174 Timn *HmryO A Cm I Kwni, 171 Tr RmR A - -----

0*T 119 T*«M* AmOmMM TM. M9 TmM Am.OMM. A DiwA, Ri. 1 , M« Mr Am.MmM A. A Mm M NM m. MO 4ay Am.

Pt* A Mfa> MO Cm* Am.

Wm. A A MC. ATlmma J. A Jh m _VMfA.AMB»T.0Ml*.9MCmrtAm.


•Mm, n t Mr Am.a | A »-------»■—i4aMR. A 4m*t. Omm. 1I4 4*«4M. '


I M M o M n , IM, SM Rm m i M m ISIM M M , m fc T.„ n MM v l A D

M P . A R « f I Im |» , 114 Tm Nm AmJn a L A tn w O O IR R tlO T i ’ * PMarP. A li

i. A MMM 4. Mmm, IMmIm A y t M t n . i i , 117 v J M A Am. i AMM S M *b. ST 1 ¥dbr 0*. Am. MM*k,M0)O7VdbrM

atacSssr1M R 4. A M M C * .M .> 174 M

HaM RI. Rm*. 110 MT 'm h Am AmN h M.. 111.110 M m IA

010 VMM* M Am.

M0 A MM* MOM. I l l IM m . . Am WMm C AMm MA SmM. ll71>M*pMM Am

N > i ■ i i t i 0 11 »M R ,»W UMmHii Am.

* NmORMi, Ml lNApH« Am.


M m M SM rJfO t________Mm A worm*. IM M rM R . Am IMm* A My M m , M0 IM ^ iw Am.


>1.90011.10011.70011.70011.700 H700 t.TOO 0,700 0.400

I4.IM its**.100 i s. too17.400 14,10010.000 11,10014.100 1S.70014.400 is. loo

n j



1S.9M 19,100 IS, M0


m S10.000If,40014.900 11.100 11.400 11.100 11,10011.90014.00019.00014.000

M.00019.000 91.700 9X10011.90090.000 90.10019.900 >4.900

O 97.000 IS. 100io.rm90.000 9.900

t o19.000 10,700

li:X Dig

10, IM IS.M0

is mo


I9.7M 1S.9M 19. M011.900 11.7M 14.9M11.900 19JM 90,100

I4.0M 1.0M

14.101 14.70111.101

L O T9-A

90.900 10,10017.900 91.9M M.000


5 S & & s s x p m r i ? *M I. IMtMt. 944 VWUr Ml M*Om M Cmmw, 9M M k Ml AmAmMnt C. A CMwM* Odb, 990 MMr •* . Am. PM%AM*OMmw,9f

W m AmM h M .....■MM.9MVMMrNt.Am.


s H S41.400 M. 90041.400 IS,$00m o o10.0M 1S.0M? : . «11.400 10.900

14,100 91,IM11.700 17.10014.4M 10.90010. IM M.0M11.0M 14.900II.IM 19.00019.900 44.M*10.0M 97,700M,0M 44.0M94, M0 07.0M

M 10 M M A A AMOM 10 SaaMO. IMM, 949 Ml*• » N M A 4 M M M M .U IW M M .OO 11 O M M C h M li» ,9 S 9 W m lM! ! H TMmm 4A h3m 6 Mm . 9 M M A 4 .M 19 A A M M lm M ,1 1 1 M iM2 JJ j—f * y * IM w M t»iii >. 9MIMMMMAm.40 99 R J A. A CmwoW MMM. 9M IMwjMa* Am.40 M TwmOM I*. 19« IM p li i Am40 17 M m A O. A 4wOA AUR m , 991 Ii09 M AaOtn P. A M M . OM m m , 1“00 10 MoowMlAMHiRLMM.mu£ !? RM C A A M M t tM.aiM .r, 1______ , ____2 *1 M r k W .A M N lf a M ^ m U M m iA m .40 91 OOMiOAOmlriO. IMmiM, 9MU • ‘40 99 I M 4 .A M "m i i H i i a _M IS M m 7 A Jm m ih K.Tm h , 914 U

s s s s A a ^ a g S f c r

BLOCK 70 -79MMAOm Om M m.M IR m R. CMM* A VMM A Mm m , IM Pta* It.








14, IM I1.9M •WM 10.9M

14.9M17,0Mt o

M.SM 41.SM 14c MO




HO. IM 900, IM19.7M M 4M•4.0M M.4MIO.OM M.9MH.4M M.7M19.0M MOM11JM n.MO

I4.7M 11 .M0 I9.9M

IIJM 14. M0 I1.M0


11. M0 •9 M 0 99, SM


$ 294.4MM.4M97.0M94,4MM.7M

* Pm* ii hRi i . M7 PM, S>. M0 V M i .m PM* StK i i R M M f _____________

PMl 4. A OwMm 0* WUml 191 PM* SI.•*»mm AC.OarnvMSMPImSt. *»m i l IM i tNmM , 191 PM St M I A MapfcMMiaR.M7PMSl

KwM*. c/*S«M OMC*.. 949 VaMm M Am UM A Mmi - Mla PMM M„ 9M VrfnRA Am. MpMMm H M w AmX 9M V*0*r Ml Am 4mm A P l M l ^ MU, 91S V M M Am.NMm* A PNw.*« SpM. 190 IM— Am.JMMa. R. A Mmmm* MMm. MO IM fM i Am. NM tO. A 4*r«*P UfAM. IM UvMfMm Am MMM VIjRmh IM u m m Am N d A 4m* IM M , IOiIm^Mm Am *mm A RMi OM*Q», M0 IMMawm Am TImmm A C M n A Vmmmt. 174 UMfiHw Am. OmiMIM. RMM k M. MmM M 0U M M A m .

Hr. M0 IMN«*im Am.

4m « I. A DmMm a. 0mm, IM IM«m * Am. A-0. A V. MMM. SM*. M l IM M m M . tMfMw 4. A CMmiiii POMaw. 9M TmMm Am. V M m l . O MwA.U«*h*M,>OMTM Am.> * m U *1 tfMMm! Nm TmA Am. **Nm* A iMu M, Wh iM H M , 944 M*m TmA Am. Rm«M PwA. 940 Mw YM Am MAmmt A Mmm , i MM, >S9 Mmr TmA Am CNMmMm M. A 1 C«*M, 9M M*w TmO Am. Hmtt 4 N M Nri.il,., 940 M o VM Am N mjMA. A M M A. C M *, 944 M*w VmO A**. U* S OAm*i, 9M M « TM Am A M L IM . 171 M M M Am. AMm tA A ^ M R M * . 17S MMMM Am. f m ^ A A N M A M M 1790MAM Am TwmOiM d l p A .n l, Mw YmA Am *-•■ NMfc A C*., M*« T*A A OMAah

• .O N V d b rM M

S S 7S 74 1 M ?! M


“ -\411VMrii4maMM.RMti.4UVM MmvRMMMM, 414 V« . ____MM A. A AmapMm C M Pm, 410 V M r Ml Am MM R. A MMM AmM* 4t_ 911 UmM Am. CMfmw AmMrC*.. 4M VMMvliA Am.Nm C A OM VM, 919 M M Am. M M P .A M a C M I I S M M A m . M»iMrM 917 MmaMAm.

Ml M M Am. K 971 Rot Am.

N f M A M M M m M I Nm Am Am * CaM, M IM tA m .M A A M m C— , 9M0taMtAm M M M ARm R M M m IM O W M M O M > A A MmmmCmMMmt. 909 W M Am. M y A A O M M M n M IOW M iAii. M m M A R w Rim.9M0Nm iM». M S . A U M I S M 9 M W M M <MMiM A Iii iMIi i O tldHi, MOW—♦ Am. M A. A O M fa ir . 9M W M Am.

7 MM

VMiMih 4. A Mm , MMM. 914 ANm A .M M W. A SmM RL M M S10 Wmm Am. M m MM*. M . 0M VMM M Am.MMirf A Ciwlt 0nMlii.,4il V M r M Am. RiM m A MnpRl M | l III, M . 9*1 O m l Am M M P . A Mm* PMOM 9M Am I i,9 W 0 m iM .

M J. S Am* ML A I ______ ■»A A^ml Om M m, 0M Nm Am.Ml. A MMr A OMM 417 M* Am.1. A T m * OMOb. 419 Pm» Am.►4. A AMmmO SMM*. 0M Nm Am.

IA N M W m M M O M M M .m 4. Vm*. 9M IMM Am.

M A IM m Urn, Ml Nm Am.

S B A s r a a a a s f i r»m ~ m » U . n i M . 1 .

MMmM 4. A MMM* A. M#Mm*. 919 UmM Am. Nhmi4. A SmM PMM, 910 IMM Am M M A M h M ln r ,9 l4 M b A m .MMM A MMMM M M , 91* IMM Am M M OL A OMM* M A 9M 910IMM Am

agjg»5‘Vissigssfi!— .l‘A ° » r ' g * » » o 2 n r * -




19, IM 17, IM

I0,4M10M0II.IM H IM 19. IM II.IM 11. IM 11. IM 11. IM I1.1M II. IM 11, IM 11, IM




S S9S.9M14,7M



11. SM 11,900

11.RM 11,M 0 1S.0M '4,000

IS,M0 II.IM 11,900 II.IM M.4M I9.9M

? n s11.9Mt o

19.900I M M

S T S17,0M

t o14.7MIS.M14.41

17.9M 17. IM H.0M 14,900 99.9M 17.1M 94,7M 99.9M M.1M


t o90 SOI


'0.S00 14.0M 94.SM17,0110,9110.SC 11.OM

I9,9M 99, OM 9A.4M

t o t o t o


r s

4m !tB49.7M

M.9M M.IM 40,0M 90JM

5 W 5 5 S•o,;99,70097.SM90.9MM.IMM, —99,0M

h X % a s4,91. _



•SB19.4M19. IMuSm


14, IM •JM

14 14,4M 0.M0

1S.4M MM

IO.OM 11, IM 44.0M 11.IM

UOM 10!SM7JM 14, MO

u!3o m !tC1S.4MIS.0M1S.0M


I9.1M 19, IM 14.9M

5JSI7.9M 'MM I0.0M 14M0 19,IM 19, IM •MM 1S.4M IS.4M


mjm97.7M 90JM

n a91.IM 17 JM 97.4M I0.0M 19,4M M.9M 19.0M




41.9M M9M1 U „ 10.9M m .mo90.0M 17, IM IO.OM

19, M0 M.4M 94.9M 41.4M 91, SM

ta loiSo sis























































i S ’l S i S M l « W

s \ sssssssx m z*.J* M wNMlI I I I wiiAm.}* M w f c a , 1)1 I m M .i » iii i i n i

• A Mb On., 4SlVMby ■*. Am

k iteSfcx..

-O CK 8 0 3 9

I • i

i .illII!ifI'

• Ii i1VA114IX




hm*0*>vc_______f=&SZ2X&SX2?“~M O b M i , lS71»90raMA«« C M M iiW illM M .lllf tM iA M , M m A M M Cm Il SM SM I m Am . Umbm ML Bi MSOTAbmm Am .TImmM A MmN Ob Im , AM N «— M. M Mm* SM Ow Am . .....I w i l i f c J i MiiIiii.SMCMm I n

M 7 * M R ^ ^ T am.

Nmm, IIS VmI m Ml Am . ■ ■ •N h .IR lM h rM .A M .

SaArasamS. A Km m A I M MT VaMay Ml Am . B H M A M n lM O N V A fM L A M . M M A I m M U p* , N 1 V * v1AAm. • M r A I M , 90S Omm Aaa. N M B tN M lW CkM A M .MUm I A A Im N* U Mb, 9M Omm Am .S A CM li In Mimi ■> M lC b ii Am

M O M v M te O . M N b M Am.A A INm i i A M»pw|. 504 Vaftvy M. Am .

N mi A .N M B AHi n l i pl H W I M w tA M AmmO A M m M OmmM m , M b Ml Am.Ci i ll i A I miiIi » i■ Im , 515W b ffc i Am . UIRIMartl.SMVaMBiAM.Mm M N M h I. SS* 5*4 VaMy Ml R t M r T l b n A , S M S M V d m * A M A M i M l W M i Am CaaaM « C M A UMMIMaA t l 5 Am b Am law A IM* SgMa. **» M l Am .AmMmmt M laM , 51* Im M Am .N p M A M f A ..............AMNbAAM*

NwMe A AMww SflNH, SI 1 Owe Am .WWiiii A J. HryMfaaNydi. 534 VaMay I* Am M b m A J. tbyMaayiA. SM VaMay NA. Am . > » |ib i a r t i . MM 0mm Am .M mm A L Im M A P. M b . 541 VaMay Ml Am Tm m A KaMb MspM, 544 VaMay *Hl Am . lUvmy Mlw A b vMiMMt Carp., 544 VaMay Ml Am I m m Mm. 550 VaMay ArA Am . laaigiPaiM. S59 VaMay AA. Am MMmbA UmM.A A M m . 554 VaMay Ml Am . JaaapA A RM AA CaM Jr.. SSS SSS U M Am . M i Jr. A RM M. C M , 549 551 UmmI Am M b Im ., 547 Uwd Am .MbmM Ir. A Par4 S. MmwS. 514 OraM Am .AmImM A AimM w AMN, M6 Owe Am . AIM M tcA P M A m SOAIm MAm .Jvhn O. A M i l Al Mi m mIm , 510 Im n I Am . JaM J. A CwM b I. Min liMi, 514 la M Am AAmMm A MOb 0 M b . 514 ImmI Am .A n- OlaiNR. ISO ImwI Am .M l A Sm M Im m , Ml Oiw Am .

t, SV Otmm Am .Am.I, S45 0mm Am

VlliW.A Mam AA. MaMa’, 519 Pan. Am 517 N n Am . Im ., 597 M Am .517 h n Am M., ISSMmAm .JbbmbP.A AngabOallv. SIOPbtmAm Mmmv A UMb TattMg, M9 Pam Am .Om m A MMb M M 507 b * Am 1m m VIm m . 505 Mm Am . « M n b l M i A l k , N t M M .JmmMm A I M M Im m n . S44 Omm Am . Cim Mm A AnpaM Sm m S40 Omm Am .C M m I. A MM M u Jr.. 554 Om Am AaNaay W. A UMhm C M m m , SM Omm Am . AmMmm A AM U i Im m SSO Omm Am .CM mh J. A OmA Vb* . ISO Omm Am .

KSte ttSSrJWfctttJaaapA A NmaN bN M *. » 7 AMNam Am . NmMh J.A Ammm P. IM » . SSI M M m Am Ammm M N M SSS MMNm Am . Jm m P .A M i O .M M S S 7M M m M

■ A A C M M N. CMy, SM MMMm Am . < A IM i AU M A,S4SM A i iiAm .

‘ I.S47MM Am .

I b i iMi A 5Mb CmMmmm, SSS 0mm Am . M A A Mtory CMpja, SS4 Omm Am M A J m H m Oi m Am .

VImcmiI. A Mm I A , 544 NJ. Am .Ammm A Jbmmb Im M , 571 N. A Am N M , A A A OMm , 574 N. A Am .

Watoar J. A Mm m iiI Vm m , SSO NJ. Am . Imaal A Mary VMi, 141 Mpal4.Itmm( A Mara Vat*. M m M Mbm AAary Pm m , 147 MaaM.NaM AitarpMa.lm..3MM4gal4■m, 5S1 Nm Am .

i. 579 Mm Am .•, 571 Nth Am .

mA.MMi, 571 Nm Am .Ibbbbbib A A May Hm m , 547 Mmm Am . lyb A Matty A M , 545 M m Am . m A S M O mm, S4I MNMm Am .

5SS B4S.SS0 19,SM

i sS B »:5SZ.40Ci f17,AM *7.900


= 5 z ; - a s BLOCK



14. IM 19, IMI9.4M 14JM19.1M 17, MOm


7JM 11 JM7M* ; MJM


w i Vs,iXi7.0M 11 JMISJM

IMM |10.4M •I 1A7M14,0M9 ? S | 40. MO M.SMas 11 JM

I4.SM19.4M ISJMI.4M 14.7107JM 10JM

11 JM7M A9M7.0M 1SJMi l S I.SM

i IIJMI4.SM19.4M SA7M7.0M


mS M.AM9JMM.SM 17, IM5.SM14.SM 94,OM

IM M17.4M

ft*IM M 19.4M Ml4M 17, IM MJM 57.M0 44.M0 14.4M *9,5M 50. AM M.1M 17JM II,4M 1S.9M SMM5 2

I.4M 14,400. _ 1I,S00( f I I1 0 0 S IS MB *

P R O P E R T Y A D D R E S S01— V. M y 0 i,M B ||M l Am .NN Cmm M M lA l CmmmI. M . MS R * a M A OML A b M n R . l f c w i % i M r ^apsasitBKtSMwbyAC N i i i mMi , IM A M M. Om Om Cb m SMMI M m MmM A j.fcp aapAM .5f» M b Jmbb,

-JM M SNmtMmv Am .NMOA A lb ib l i Ai.SOAMMiMMy Am

i-AL M w i n j m X v m J sm MBMmm Am . J.ALVM m M A A V .M 4 M M mM JMiANlil.Blb.MOMM>!. A n AmN m A M A mmnA IR O n m M .M mm /. A C M M A ImM *•* AmOwy A I M> N mbN , SMOMiiMMi.i PMAAAMM4F. ------- —


r |9

II,AM 11,SM SMM mmII.SM 14,700 SASM I !II,MS S9.M0 41,M0 IJ11,MO 19 100 4A4M „9.5M IS, AM M.4M ”IMM S4.7M M.OM ZTIM UM IV IM M IM

19.100 ^

9 0 - 9 9»Mim | A M bI ONMm AM M mum K • mmmMM. A Mmm M M b, 974 0m m Am . M .pmAQM i 'bMA SM Mm m St.M mIi M M b. A, SSS Am m I i.AmOmmv A A Mmt M M m, M4 M m Si .Vm ARmc/m A. IM»irM, IM M imm 5»MMi I m A M l M A A H I NM iBik AmmM A CmAi Mm l it 544 N imbi ll. M M A MmM T M mMc, MO M mmmI*.

N mIAMAMAmmNAMAHAOM»AmMmmt A Mmn 1. NM M , STS M M M M A A M l i f>i ii ill. SAAOMllMlk W m AMm N M 5 4 7 0 M N .

d A NM M RM. SM OmUmS Ft

- • M A M R a L A M tM A M U M IN N .J. A O. Kmmm, M. Mmm mm A Ac.. 410 Hmw Y mk Am. J. A C, A RmIbM, 4M Mm VMi M .M . A A MMa Mb m Sll Nmmm R.AmMmMM M bmN. S I IM mmm R.M O . AAm m |i Obi ir t i i i , 910 N mbbM.AbAmhi A AmbM KmmmmI*. 995 Ammm II.M m A.VbmM mmMt, 411 MSNm M .UmmM «m MCm. M , SM R^> MMm M m,994NM*MM I M A I m M S M N m M.Am mI 9. A N t |M t O. b a b f t l I M M I M M i r Cm. M , 9M R M M.NM O.. NM M b * . 114 MM M.I M A JmbmM N m m 919 R M IA AmUmmv A M y A M M 490Mm TM M .

“ M i M M M M M A m. b. aA n m TM Am

JmmA A Miry CM . AM Mw YmA Am 1T. CaMMdb, b*., Mnpfl.t, ObbMIhImCNOIbc.. 919 MmbM

Hi NmMmM. 917 M M f t Ibwimci A KmH* DmmmM. 219 AvMmR.A. A A ImM*. A Imm. 495 MMm Am . DmmmBA A Nm AAbmmh . 4SI M M A m . IM M C. A OMmm KmmmwbU. 499 MMMm Am . Im A AAmm J. I bM imIm , 491 M M A m .MaryJ. M M m , 491 A

d A Mary J. Immm, 911 hWm. A S. M s. A C Om U, 911 Obtj b A Ma AmiR, 914 litw ii PI.A M M. A A M A. 0b«4n. 910 N PMb A AfMM Pa ip ara, AM Naw VarA Am .AntaMM PbimmIm, 444 Naw Yarfc Am .PmmA A N M C M k Mn 444 Naw VaHi Am NM M A. ObmmMb, 4S9 Naw YarA Am M A P«tfkM M. M»Bim «r 454 Naw YmA Am . AMiaMb laiNla. 109 SmmimB Am .J. A O . I. A I. M hM, 915 SwmmmM Am .LAI. VaM, A A M. U«ka •*«., 915 SwmnMt Am .

' a MMM. 919 SwmM Am .A MAar ANrW. Ac.. M3 SmmmmM Am .L MbOM , 455 ABM Am

' “ miIm.,451 MMMAm . b,9MItv«nmM mtA . 9m Vmm«PI

r, 9M Irving Pt.990M .914 Irving PI.

CarMlwB A Hmmm Ib MaMa. AM M M Am . aA laM B.CAMtoRB.4MM

«C. VaM. MMbOM, Ml M b Am .•C VaM. NMbOM. AM AANm Am .

a Am .____________ _j MOaiM A VAmmm iBaaMaMl. 9M R M M OmmmM A MMSMapaA 9M M M M M CihwiIb, AM M m m U

B A MMHb OibMb 4I5M mim Si .B ImbMib. 495 M m S'ISM mmmmU

imm Miaa pi 497 Abbbibm It.______ A M M m I .M art I. A b b a A. NmvbHi. 497 AbbbmU UbbM A CbHmM M 0m m , 949 A M MM laaoarM A CbHwiM N O mm* MBImvAm SMtpaM laAba CanipBBy 404 AaaniMM li Vktar A MMMI TImpbmm. AM AaaBM St.J M I. A MM T MtSHm , 410 M im ii M.Anpab A lacy P M b , 414 Ab m St M IA W M M m N 345 MbmMNm Am JaaapKl A PaMM ZaMi 90S I M mMm Am . Rbw mA A. A Mm M. MaMaMra, 940 HaiiMaiM Am . Jm A MarbC. I m AM. 979 N aiM a Am . CbmmM A SmbMbb CamaaaM. 977 HarrMplM Am M art P. A Marparat J. Km m . Ml Naifbptaw Am . M ^ b y AMMpA A Imm OMm . C. OvMwy W MBi'im iii Am . ViBcaNt A MMbb I M , AM VaMay SrA. Am AAmmM A M M MBaMb. 904991 MpaM. LyMlbMl aalty Caip . 9M 999 MM M UmIMM M i Carp M l M M M Tmmmm A Nimm IM smm IM Mpa M.

kA A AM VaaMMlpAB. 944 Mpa M.4 MOy Carp . 974RM M.

lySaaA. 554 VaMay M A •Y SbmA, VaAay AA. Am . i, Am., VaMay mA. Am .

, » t%aa.fi** A HarryAAAarrfl M9M hbM A M A I M J A A AvmM. 944 OaaiM A TaraM MbrwM, 4S0 T MtoleeM. 4M baeMMM St. JbbmA A laay A

la>S5*Ax S ? Y oVaE7.SM 7.SM

IM M IM.SM 11ASS0. 17.SM S9.1M 5A.MSVIA7M 10.7M



S4.9M 44.7M 45, IM47.ST *

I4.IM 97, IMf t * f t * f t * f t *

SAMS 43, IM9.M0 10.900

17,M0 97.9M 17,MO 97.0M M.7M 97,TM• 900 M.9M

91.TM 55.7M 90.9M 40.1M90.9M 40. IM

97.4M M.9M 44. M0 J9.9M

44,7M 44.7M

as5.9M M.OM MM SAMS ASM 41.4M l,4M 49.M0

n . »AMO M.TM I.SM 47, JM 4.7M 51,MO

M.3M 99, IM M.9M 97.9M 39. TM. S9.9M

M.OM 94. M093. IM 54,500

9S.W0 30. MO 34 SM

99.M0 9I.5M 49,OM 94.4M M.4M 94.3M 3I.9M 91.IM 99,OM 49.9M50 400 40.3M 49.0M 33 500

99.7M M.3M 55.300 19, TOO 50,100 94.5M M.1M 94,0M 9I.SM 30,900 S.7M

41.100 93,400 M.OM 33, M» 9I.9M 91.9M 13,500 49.7M 4S.3M 31,900



•L O C K LOT p r o p e r t y a d d r e s str ie

OT PROPERTY a d o r e s s

BLOCK 100-109

C*Mkw A. SA P. Amm. W. Ml VMMMA Am. W . U m M J M . M NmImi VW M*M ■h,IMNh<hih > Ii .Mm * MfaSayM. Mt Mm*vm Am w rfr.C M U km iM ^ iib .Nmbm A IM* OmiW. 174 MaMtogM Am. P.fti.HMhkAak,17IIMviM*M.




**.•00S s f f l i r c^ n S M S S c rAIM I. A Rm*mm A. Oawtay, f 10 OHM Way


*7.700 »•**1,000 »•**1.700 »•*


M b tO A to . ■a.44}M ht0A Aw* hvtAAn.

N M * A A A W h M 0*, 1 M m St. Um A M M m m O M V ^ M .A m Mi MM 0M 0*. Aw C M •# On IhmJHmM. M0 VMM 0*. Am. lATNA^k— . f t tM O M r M 011 lOi ■ t t iM<M.l*,li0MM*tM.

A V. 1 AaafMaa*. M A llt M m M. M » 7 .A M ( M M M ,l l t tM ¥ A i0 i C M M M SmmORmh . 0Mo> M- AWAwPk ■iiO iIw h A Mm M M n . W M i r O i Am .Oi ul*lH 0. A »«■ II OmOihOi .OM VMMMA Am . OmM A IMm M AmW 004 ¥dM A*. Am .AMI A IMm M «MaM. 004 Vdhv AA. Am.Iiiii R M A 0M W b AA. AmVM*at J. A AMm L Im m m , 044 VaM*y OHl Am .V Mm m *, V a Iw m M . Ik., 041 VAy M AwM * A MU Mi M iii. OW W brO A Am . M fi.M M M ».0N VM *|0A Am .MAM A A I. «L IAMmt. 0M VMM 0*. Am.M m A A Im MiH»iit M w M AmMdCMiOMMbfML AmM M t t M M r t t MMmM A Mm» OMaM. 004 VMM 0*. Am

. . . . . . .M m A A MMMf, 4M VMMOfk Aml


w S10.0M 00,1 M It. 700

t 3 B

10. M07^M

M JM 11.400 10, M0t n e11,10011.70017.M0I T SIM MI4.M0Tl.AMI SJM M.MOM.IM





S 3

M m A M m Om M -M I M mmO Am . Mm OM M . 111 Nm M Am .Mm S. A OMM A. VMm M. I l l MmmO MryA MMi CmmH. 117 N w t Am . Mm i A Mm m M A . 110 NmM Am . J * w p * .A M » tC M H m M M Am . “ “ ‘ M l (Mm * Way

.. • A.. C MM. 141 OHM WayS. 0«Mmm . A OOMm, Jr. Ml MmmHi Am

S i S X S ' M0 M A MaMM r AIM. MS OMM Way A*MA M «M n O'4AM OMM mmO Am-Cm.

» * . fca s n S » « & W MCM M W AM m * V.AP.lOm M , 107 M a t Am .

41JM { J14.000 ’•*

MiLlllO M W*|MmiM*. MO OH—l Wa»

.*»'tsssabsrA M A J. A Mm , M l OHM Way T M M rf b a iiM l OiMtWay VI* iii l f o im , I. I M i , 7M VMM Ml Am M rf A HMm C*p», H I MmmHi Am ■ M tJ. A M aaM J .M m .MI MaiarA Am AMQm MmmM*Iu . i l f l M A Am . M*pkC. r *M*M. M mmO Am .OmmO A Imm AmmI, M l Vm OaMa M. ru MiOl A Mi H.M7VMi0mmM.M M f. A A M. M M m , M t Vm OaMa A. OM wA M . Mill il. MOVm Om m Oi .Jm P A N M M M M O V m On m K. AwSwy A MmM Rmm, 171 Vm 0m m St.



17 JM7. M0 •*J.MO P

1mm* A Am M m , M l N v M Am . AaMiO. A Iw .Ii O M n. M0 IM M Am . Mak A A M M a te , 170 N, M Am MAO. A MM M*Mil , 174 A m A Am .

3 s5 $£ BLOCK 110-119

U m A OX M m. 7 l t M C M f.A V .M 7 H IU .A M .M A A M0AI <0i n lO .OWVaAyM Am . AaaM OMC Am «*. Ml. 7M VMMy Mk Am MiiiihOMmm. 1.MiM*0. Ml OHM Way W n i S *i..i,I .A H U O ito W ., Ui.OHMMCay..OMW *y U IO m M C m M M i Am . MAAaCM MdblM OM *.W7NJ Am M A M M a A f a t M M y A a .Ma*H L A M A yN May, 071M M y Am. OMyKaMk, 071 M M a Am.A M A V*MMa M M i 007 M M y Am M m L A MmM T. UM . 0M Mmt M y Am CMM A AMy V M A A . M t Mm M . AmCii a h i Al i»fcHMiPH«l007IMaM**7 Wmmrnrn OMM 001 M » Jmm, A m ^

AMM. A Mrti «!■■» i Hn. 040 M Jaay Am

M.M0 0AM0 11,0M M.M0

m .w11. TM I IJ M M.MO ! !!



MAm Ma ICAW.d OMmI*. I. M0 OHm> Way Mm A MMM MmM W i AMi WayOMM A Amm MM M0 OHM MmAOUMm m MC*. Mm aJT"’'M* MAbmmmMMO «•, V*fl*y AA. Am. OmMCmmmMm 7M VeM,MA Am.V Mm o m AMM A Ml. 707 «Ay MA Am. AktoAaMMMV*UaiAtiiM,VabyMMwl A Im* ......... VMM MA AmAA1.A0MmHAV.A7 A t m m t m a MmAMMAAM.SMUmM Ah

11. TM 0JM71. M0 140. M0


I t S 2 3MJM 17 JM




H1. A Mmm A NmNa. Ml Vm 0a*M Sl. V 'A N m A M h NIVm M iSi.

*,«*0. ObAmMI a Ml. 11S Vm Omm St MfcC*|p M , 117 Vm 0m St.MAO toaa A.OMaJllAlkaaA Am


J. A C. Mm m , L Omm , SSI Vm A hi*yk A Smm OiaMln, IM Vm OwmSi MM A toM OMM. C A M. SAM. 117 Vm A

A M A A 9. M m MO MmbMi WM£Ua=SSC3.*S2lL,S 5 S S £ £ » B 5 S S £*Am 7. A A IAm . MO MMtMaWay

S 3



inh iinmh iininn*i nu i

i nitsinininu iinm




MA A M* OAkMM, SH Vm OaM S«.

s s t t t t s u & s & r

jxsm ssvM i ss ss as7.0M 7,MO






s i x






M.M.._. I SJM 1.SM





l-At M»-AM ArM



8 3S7.SMS1.SM

HIM SI JMss: ssS 3 . S 3


r , 347,100M.IMM.TMS 3






M.tM1S.4Mss:S 3It.MO

3 S 3 s s :47.SMM.SM4.SM


>. aa, vaa3 S 3 ■*“ « ■

S 3S 3S 3H a na i mS 3S 3U Mi i «S 3S 3S 3S 3S 3» .««


RLQCK LOT ,l-t l-C

OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESSfete* A ft ft ft A J. M « m , 14 Mv» W L t l M n , R . f t r h l K I ( ^ . | |M

Mb—ft ft M m A. m m MIMm MM Aw. W M f t N N M m i ^ b ,TmM.» W ft toatoAfa MMmhM. SM M.iwlAi M>.

ft lw k> C ^ HI Bwi<A fc». fajny pwi.iawldft hntntoy, IH I ^ i Am Mm 1AlUa S*aaaa*. SM Im tf t Aw.IM A iM j y y M t Am.McMal ft hNMNl, SSS iwwlA Am. HMH*OiftMM|a.RMMAN.!«■■»* A M bMm * *rtiph ii Am.Imm M*MmM (mMI A SarM Car*.. ■«* MmMm X Mmi* A P**ri ImMA«tfc*ay 1A Rmm«C*m , 111 Mm Am.Umm4f Mmi, 11* Mm Am.M M A A MwiMHtoMMMf, l i t Mm Am.MW 7. A Am— A Mho, 111 Mm Am.WMMm t A VMM 0. Vafcary, IM M*a Am.Tr.- M al i f M m. My Am.M ft waaf. ISO Mm Am.MfcartA MMNbHM. IMM|*Am.McUpimri, IM My* Am MMraA CM M M n, 140 Mm Am.Aripfc A Mgl— Nrmi A, 144 Mm Am.W A OmbMm MtAw. 1A4 M*a Am AbImm 0. A AMry C. AM*ala. ISOMf* Am MbmmA MtmAm Wm*m*», ItlMf* Am.

• 1ft Mm SfcaraM, 154 AIm— ft Hmry M ft IMMa* Am.A M ft IMrii MwwA, 1 St Mm Am.MAa M mlIM Mm Am.M—U1 ft I m «X M i«i, Sll WMm M. MmAMMm U>HSI*MIm>Am My w a l l f M A MM»i. SM WW*w Am.

AMmM» V. A WM m v A O r . __ _ _ _

iM m ft m T m i Ii, Us a M m m ft A M m m SI • A AlMftAfcdyMAMhr.SII Ai MiMay AMmAbpb, SIS A M M M — A M p JIfA

m Aft Mfcfc9. Aw*. SWMM.i <

Mm W A fcNMM B m. 117 « mMM m . MpfcRA A MalAifci. IIIM A M M IM |M .54 j AKmm>M Am

M pbA M ilM *A .SIIM rtfcM .' ■m R M i.IH M M i M.MfcartM. ft MM A Snmb, S14 MliMl Am. M A A M h jh M 814 AmMm, Cmm

M m IA M n A A A A A M IA M . MIAJmnM M L 110 Mmm Am AMMM J. A Ib— UMm. 111 Mmi Am OmbmI A Mm m M s, 110 Mm Am 0. A P. MM L A I M mm. I ll M Am jM phlASaM fc ■AAMrlLt

f t l M l— MM. IM Mmm Am.VA I. M M AAA CbMAbibhI. IMfcM Am M m IA M mL M A IA M A mS B a & W W t t S t i -Maa— A A A—C-MpB. 140 Mmm Am M m O AtotMaAVaeMa*. IMPmmAm M M I MM. IM M A m Ih iM i H U M H i. I A M A m Mm M. ft RM Nmb% 104 M M .AmM I. ft C MmiAM. 100 Mmm Am MA ft ft MMM V. MfcfcM 171 Mmm Am Ml ft CMfcwtn AWh b . 471 M n> Am M U « M te % IT1M**M MM A MM* . 100 Ma Am

M«l C. A MMm C. Un*. 1SI M* Am Mwb—S. A S»M AimimmTToO Me* Am AMMAAMriala—a* 14TMm Am IMm A A M mMoN * . 141M** Am MtMMMatfc. 143M«*Am JM T . A Mm CanM 141 Mm Am Mm m A MMM. lit fc f Mh— . » y in i »■■. « » » ■ * ;■ __i-a^Waum MfcM, ISI Ma* Am.Mar—atf ta—fcA 117 M(* Am M A M y V. Mmri 1M Mm M.A—toay A AMAm Mimmi, 117 Ma Am Mm A Amm V. M M . 11S Mfa M*.A—Ii A MySfc M. Pa—Mi. 111M* MIM A M U m CMMM. 107 M*a M. M k M A A M n 101 10AM** Am V. A J. Cm m Hm, 470 MmM M. CaMCA MMMaMM.ATlM—'MaM. M M I«.4400MMAm OmiMAI. A A A— Otari*. 444 AmMA Am. AM Jl Omm, 441 AMS.


Mb. A A A A A C VMM 117 Mm * Am. M*fc A A MhW* A. U SpM. 11S MmM A M A M b M I P A b IAm.« E b a A Im« M. MM. AM M U * Am Mh» A Mm fcSMM ^ y

BLOCK 120-129

I. MO 10,000 ".000 S0.4M l.t*>.Mt M.MO C




,S00 44,tOO |*4t00 S1.M0 „

45.400 JS47.400 5«*•!?? 114IM

1*S 1SS



M.TM 41,0MMJM A4M M.4M11.4M AIM ll.Mt11.Mt A40t It.SMM.TM 4. SOt M.OMM.OM 11,0M M.AMM.4M lt.Mt M.IM41.0M MMt Tt.TMAOM S. M0

44.700 MJM 4I.SMIS.M0 10. too M.MOIS.IM M.SMIS.IM' 1A.0M 17M011 M • 7,000 M.4MIO.MO ll.Mt M.IM

m!«C m XIS.IM IS.0M 11.IM11.7M 1*700 M.4M11,TM M.000 M.7M1I.TM ll.Mt M.tMII.7M ll.Mt M.tM11,TM II.7M

IS.IMIS.Mt a s

11.700 IIJM M.IMll.Mt n.too M.AMll.Mt M. see M.MOll.Mt I7.7M M.AMt.TOt 11. IM 11.M014.900 It.SM 34.4M

1A0M M.MOM.MtM.SM IS, 400

11.0M 11 SM M.SMii!mo

11,Mt M.AMM.S00 41,AM

AM AMt.100 IS.IM 17,M07,Mt 1t,7M M.AMt.SM AMt 11.7M

IS.AM 17 JM SI,M0ll.Mt ll.Mt

5 S14,4M ll,MtM.OM M.Mt M.TM14.4M M.SOO M.tMM.Mt 11,M0 SMM1S.SM M.Mt 4S.4MIS.Mt M.MO 4T.4Ml7,Mt


M.Mt M.tM14,Mt M.MO 47.M0l7,Mt It,M0 $ S M.MOM.7Mlt,4M 14,000 33,400ll.Mt IIJM SS.AMSftMt 1S7.S00 M0.0Mlt.MtSI.4M

01 JM M.MOM.4M I7.M0

13,000 0JM M.SMM.TM ll.Mt M.4MIS.SM M.OM 47. SMM.Mt. 11.IM IS.AM

IO.MO M.AMM.Mt 10, Mt M.OMlt.4M ll.Mt ll.AMM.OM 13.400 17.4MM.tM M.tM S7.4MI0.4M 11.000 Sl.SM14,000 14.400 Sl.SMll.Mt M.MO M.tMM.tM M.MO M.MO14.000 It,*00 M.AM1S.AM 10.M0 SI.M0M.MO ll.Mt M.MO10.4M AMt It.SMM.Mt ll.Mt M.OMI7,4M MJM M.tM11.sot MJM IS.SM11.SM IS.OM M.SMIt.Mt h im M.OM1S.Mt IMM lS.MO10.100 ll.Mt ll.AMlt.Mt 11,SMIt.Mt IS.SM IS.SM11.SM M.OM M.IMll.Mt ISOM M1M11.100 IA4M M.TMI1.M0 M.AM M.M011.S00 It.MO: i S


11.SM 17.4M M.TM10, IM M.OM 31. IM1S.S00 MJM 11,MtIS.Mt 17,IM M.AMIMM I0.0M SI,MOll.Mt M.tM 34. MO1I.7M lt.OM13,300 t.too M.MtI7.0M ll.Mt 1A.M0

ll.Mt lt.OM14700 M.OM Sl.SMM.Mt M.AM M.MOIS.M0 MJM 41. SMM.Mt 15,400 M.SM

It.SM M.TMll.Mt Sl.SM MAMIt.Mt ll.Mt MAMIt.Mt M.TMM.MO




PROPERTY ador ess,171 Mm Am.

" - M 1*4»•*?? IM



1SJM 1*7 ,0M MJM 117







MMaAaA. A AbM—l.SfciAM. 174 Mm Am mS—I. A AmmMMM . 170 MM Am.M* allA Mil nl ilpMMp, Mm. A AwMA Am .entufenteePM A IJ-M M k tf MyNwMAAMMAC

», J#.. 10* Mra Am.4 A AN ______ _

_ — P.AffcytfcAMfla. IMMmAm. Jaaafk A Aa—CaMala, 11 * Mm Am.Mm ||J.AN.Mm U, 110 Mm Am.

— Mm A Aa— AA. HarM, ISO Mm Am AS. MM. 140Mm Am A J. Mm**M A C. OMM. 14* Mm Am

: ? s s s9 8 ' S 3

ArMr A. A Jam UbIm, 1- VMbAMbmOMAIMMmAm.■m KM, ISI Pm AmH*m M A A C. AL M M . 1M Pm Am .Oaaraa K. A AAary M mm;, 15* Mu Am J*MF. A AmI|mCbBmmMb. IOOPm Am .Maa*h J. A Mm WBMMwka. 1*4 Mtm Am . •afcart ft A Mbm J. Carry. 171 Mm Am .MmmW f. A A OaM fcluM, 17* Mm Am ■aMlpk J. A NaMa fcpaMM. 170 Mm Am .Mraay Cfcy Mat. MfcM Warn, M M * Am . M m A IihM ii, 177 MM M.Jafca A NNBMMMNBMa, 171 MM M.Mb* A A AaaM MmaMe, 171 MM Am .Om m A A CbmI WaN. A., 171 MM Am .NkfcM I. A A—iM Jt„ 107 MM Am .MMI V. A AAaMM CbtMm. IM MM M .Ivmm I Mm O A OfcM S. MmtmM, 1*1MM Am . 0—r*a P. A I— J. CfcAafc. 1 St MM Am . TIm m P. A MmmMl AA. MIM. 1S7 PMt Am . PMak A A OmmM. SMMAbmI. IM MM Am . JwMWbM , ISIMmAm .KalfcaM A M—aa AAMaiiura, IM MM Am.W. Wb§m A I. A MbMi. IM Mm M . iHpkm A Maiala Wl ilnM»<n. 148 Mm Am. Many A VmMTmAm, 141 MM M .A M A AAmbm * M. SaaaMfcM. )»t MM Am UmM A VM SMMfci 1M Mm M .Am—UaAiifcN, IMMmAm .AIm A A IfceMW L AAaM—, 111 MM M. Ia—M> P.AAAaryWaM. 117 MM Am .IM b A P. A M pm*1.1M M M .Amm— A A MaafcMfcC Mbm , 111 Mm Am WAm. A Mmm—y A. NaN, 11t Mm Am .VkM A U«a Mm A m, 117 MM Am .DmmM A Amm— M M . 107 MM Am .OmmM A M m Mmm, IM Mm Am OmmmmA AMCa— , 10* Mm Am.Maary Mai A MmM»* SMmbA 101 M A m MaNty J. A AAmmO. mmm, IM Pm Am . ha* A SmOy MM— , M4 Pm M.Wm A AAbmmiI WM—mb. M* Pm Am OaaiM A AMb *— A. SMm m , 100 Pam Am . Otte C. A A— MfWaaa, 1M Pm Am .CIibMi A ImmMb Pal. 1117am Am .SMaby A A WaaOa O a M M i, 114 Pm Am . MMdi J. A MartM MMy, 110 Pm Am M b M K IIIP m Aw .M m A A M y O. VmMmM . **0 Pm AM. C M m A. OaaU. 1*1 Pm Am .A*m W. A Cl—AM* AA. HmmMt m , IM Pm Am . Mm AL KafcbMH. IM Pm Am O.AO.A A0MBMyar.il* Pm Am AAary AL PMMbbbm , M4 Pm Am .

‘ ‘ mV. A M — AAM ra, M* Pam Am . i, 144 Pm Am .

laaMpfcA A Aa—SplM.t JafcM I. A AAMty P. lafcl.aiM, M7 P*M Am Kaaaafca A Clfc.rta. P—afcaMil. M* P*M Am. •mmmW. A A—I. AaaMt,MI Mm Am. Oaar*a N. HAM. M., 117 NM Am WMam W. A AUry OaM*. A.. MS P*M Am. CfcaaM i. A Am—A. WawMA 11* Mm Am. M*. A A MaM A AM*. S. Cm . ISIMmAm. OOm AA. M«m, **t MM Am.Jm M.AMMmAA WM. MS MM Am AmyC.lMB*, IMMmAm.

MnlilAMA US Mm Am.‘ ‘ A Cb—Mb AL0MM.ilMmm, Mt MM Am.

m A AAaryMMda—,M»A. A URm A. Caaaray, MA M A M m M * ^ Ml MM Av.

Jmb V a M U — , IMMAm.MM A A Mm M. PbM, M* M K PmbAAAMiBHMM.MOMAm MfcM A M*mA 110 Mm Am.OeMaM A Mb OapwaM, 114 M Am AbmbmA SaaMatM Maa, 110 MM Am. KmmmIm HMahfcar, 11A MM Am.0*ar*a A Oaralfcy ABmMM. Ml M Am. NaiyW.M— ,H4MAm.Abb—J. A Mary Mmm, IM Mm Am.My A A NhafcaM IM—ar, IM MM Am.Ai. A JaaMfc P. MMr7lM PBM M.Oar—M M*r H4 Mat Am.MMIpfc A A MtaaMM, M0 Mm Am.Mfcari A A A OaaM Mt MM M. lacy J OMrfMM, M4MM Am.Mm Orafcriak, MOMmM.TIn.Mr* J A J t AMB. *S4 MM Am MMM L ft Mfcfc OL NafcaiM, MO MM M. Am m ft CMm CBNaaaaa, M4 M M.

PMrfV. ft AbbmJ. A—aAN7SMfraaM A AmbM A ONaaNAMMw Am.Obmm A fca— IbnA 444 WM*mt Am. AbMbbb A Ma MNfcaMa,Ml MM. MaawM ACaaiM ObmM. 44t M »■ SbmIbC ft AaaaaAMaC MaMa, SIS Mmm Am

TfcaiMn A Amm MAar, M0 PamM Am

WWMa A AAary/.MM. 444 MS*.MMM M. A Aaai U b , 4M M M. PmMMM C ft MM A M Ml Oak M. MAMSMm, 4M OBfc M.Im M. A Aa— RbbM, 4M ObA M.JM A. ft Mm S. MMaaM, IM MnM Am.* ‘ a J. ft Mm Mm Haai. Ml M—I Am.


: s


Abb— A. ft A—S. Afca, Ml Am bM M. Ifcaa— ft AAm SmMmbm, 4M MryMaM Am. AMart LAA R—fc—ia. Mt Par*M Am.TImbmL A Maiaa Mnl.M, M0 PaMM Am. Im m AMb HA.M m i .M I M M NMMm A Mar to Mmm, 1 f* Mbm Am JaM A. A Vama AA HaaaM. IM ParM Am

mIbAA M M nMM.

»A AMMytolBBaBM.111 MM Am MraaMaMry. 1IAM*MAm.I V M M AMy. I l l M M Am .

I. A MaMa 7. OayMaJM Pm M Am iANiIi . MimMm. MOPaaaM Am

a ppr a ised valueLAND BLOG. TOTALlAMt IMM MJM10,MO ll.Mt IS.AMC L S i l S L SM.MO 7,Mt 13 SM13.M0 1A.3M M.SM13, MO It.SM SS.IMll.Mt M.MO 17.AM11.TM IS.OM 1A.7Mll.Mt It.lM MMOIS.AM 17,IM Sl.SM" S » S



STJMIS,MO 11,MtM.tM M.tMIO.MO M,Mt M.MO10,Mt M.tM 1S.7M10,MO M.SM 1S.SM10,OM IS.OM M.MtIO.MO 1SJM M.IMlt.Mt 1A.0M M.MOIO.MO M.OM MJMIO.MO M.Mt 1S.7MIO.MO IS.Mt MJMItJM ll.Mt 11.7MIO.MO IIJM ll.MtIO.MO It,AM ll.AMIO.MO M.SM 17,Ml10, Mt 1S.M0 M.MtIO.MO 1S.7M M.SMIO.MO IMM M.7Mlt.OM IS.Mt M.TM10, too MJM M.AMlO.OM IS.Mt M.Mti t s 11.7MIS.SM M.SMM.IMIO.MO lAMt 17.7M10,MO IS,MO M.OMMJM IMM M.tMll.Mt M.Mt 34, IMll.Mt 1A1M M.OMIS,MO M.tM 1T.M0IIJM 1S.4M 17, TMIS.IM IS.Mt M,M011,IM IS.SM M.AMIS.IM M.TM *7,0Mll.SM 1S.7M IS.MO11.SM 14,4M SS.MO

17, MO M.TM11.IM IIJM. M.IMll.SM 1IJM IS.OM11, IM ll.SM ll.AMII.IM MM M.tMII,IM 11.M0 M.MO11,IM M.MO 1T.M0IS.IM A.7M M.MOIS.OM ll.SM M.IM11.4M ll.AM M.Mt11.4M II.MO lS.MO

11.MO M.MO11,OM IS.AM 17,AMM.OM 1I.7M M.TM13.4M IS.MO M.MOIS,MO M.AM AS.MtM.IM 33,OM M.IM11.M0 13. MO M.4M70, SM M.SMSt.SM IMM 41.SMM.MO MJM 41,AM11.IM ll.AM M.Mt


! ! :» U S10,400 1S.0MI0.4M 14,AMI0.4M IS,AMI0.4M I0.M0

’::s i is .is i is

10.4MII.M0 IS.0M


* s t e 'i& iS f t K f c J5 s r r iS S s fe :g » } '

BLOCK 1 4 S -W ------


M 9 HM * MIM 19I M IA-AIA *I M rIM 9RI M 91I M S9IM 9 *IM *4I M 99IM *4IM 9714* 99149 2 *149 90I M 91IM 99149 99IM 94IM '* *I M 1 'I M 9IM 9I M 4I M *I M AI M tIM 9I M ♦IM 10IM 11IM 19I M 14-AI M 14-9I M IS-AI M IAI M 19I M 19I M I *IM 90<M 91I M 92I M 29-AI M 94IM 94I M 97I M 29IM 2 *I M 90IM 91IM 92149 1149 9149 4149 9149 A14 * ' 7149 9149 *149 IA149 11145 12149 19149 14149 19145 1*IM 17149 1*149 9 9 ,149 21149 99IM 99I M 1IM 2IM 9I M 4IM tIM AIM 7IM 9147 1147 9147 9147 4147 9147 A147 7147 9147 ♦147 10147 I I147 19147 19147 14147 19147 94I M 1I M 9I M 9I M 4I M 9IM AI M 7I M , •IM •I M 90I M 11IM 19IM 19I M 14IM 19I M 14I M 19I M 19I M 19I M149 ■ 1I M 9I M 9I M 4IM •I M AI M 7I M 9IM *I M 10I M I II M 19I M 19I M 14I M 19I M 1*I M 17I M 19I M 1*I M 90I M 91I M 99I M 99I M 94I M 99I M * 9

B L O C Kis# i« 1

[ T V A D D R E S S jssrsssemtI M M 91 M O

lo ta A M a ta , A t M m , 999 Mm * Am .A f a A ) w l . !■■!» i. iM. 999 M p l i Aaa,M a y M w t . 991 Atapla Am .W a A l i u p K i n > » C M . 94» >U»>t A w .M m A AM yPvtaM *. 94 719^1* Am . ta a b J . A ItaaaaaM aA. P ta*, 949 M m I i Am. t a p 9 -« W M M M . t a n . Jr.7949A*M e Am . CaaaM A A N m A i I . PW tar, 941 N M ^ A m J m m i J. A A im I M m n r , S l i i t a r t A« i. AAktaal J. * JaaapAMa M m m N , 914 Waart Am . Rayal A f h w 9 ii i lA . 919 Waart Am .AMltai I . • U b I . Ow M m m m , 994 W M rt Am . I m M W . A t a t a M M , 391 W «Ht A«*. AnpaM A Am * Carnival, 994 Maple Am . M m V .A M m m t R. AA - w i , 940 ( t a b Am PMRp A A m Atary Si Mh i , 949 Maala Am .PM9p A l a w taM rta . AAaal* A m .IM m AO earae JaaaaeA. 349 AMpA. Am .Jeeep* A » K ih a l alt a a . 999 M apl* Am .W M ar A M a a Krtaky. IS * Maple Am JaaapA A ---------------- *

iS U m i I M A m ., 3S7 KM pAaM Am .

la A M Ktare, 99S K t a t a a i A< . . . . a l a w . 999 KMp A a n fA m

Ota a ia A Awpataa t o w . ltiap ilM .4 Am .9 iw a r i L A taeernarteOatam. 991 K k M M A** la y A MarpM ai O v a im aaw. 94 * KMpaMM Am SafvM er. A lap M a PaCarta, 947 KlapaMai Am . A w fM l A Nancy N atan, 949 KMpaMM Am .Paal OaMaa.I, 949 K lapAaai Am .C i i M h la a ...... 999 KMpaMM Am .O aali J. A JaaaaN 9. t a n , 999 W M rt Am .JaaMa A t a D a ta . 994 Waart Am laaria A M A pa t A. SA t a i , 919 N n l* St.W A a n 9. A H ata i J. Olrfc. 990 10A*S»U rta O A t. S n IP M ft .S iaa liy T. A Derartav A. KaaMwaM. 994 1aMA9t. W9Raaa.KMa«.99*t*atfc9t C W a i l . A A m I I i m . 7 VaaBycltCi M arparatM . M i m r , 971 O m m Am O ta w AL A UaanM ivm m m m n. 979 Ctaaa Am . t a t A A Cataa, Sr., 979 O m A m SanaaM A J. laaaaana 999 O m m Am .Oaarpa J. A A nrtara F raa* 997 Ctaaa Am . lorry A J. A la . 5*1 Ctaaa Am M m Im m , 999 O m m Am .Prank A C. Navarra, 411 KlaapAMi Am Om m Aaaa, 419 U npetoM Am .N ew t*n W. A A. CarrMaa, 407 KMpaMM Am . I t a M C Am I, 409 K M M laM Am .- • -



i 9 I4 C_________ I ____ 1 * 9 1 9 0 _______laa 9. A I M m Mm o M H , 999 O m m Am .9 * m M P. A AAtaa A . 9 A *e M M k 9 M OaaM Am Jaaap* A A C a M 9. Ma*. 9 M O m m Am .W aAw A I m w AM taO yw . 904 C taM A m .M a ta ri 1 1 U a M a AraAan, 904 Ctaaa A m Paal SAatar, M 9 CAaaa Am .A ^ ta a y P. C la rra M e I . ta p a .9 1 9 M * 9*. AayM aai J. A M ala. NM . . * , 99990.9#.M m. A W a a ia SlypaAM aM , 9 M 9 M A 9 *PtalW. A ta a iWaa Vaaay. 99 P B pM *9 t Prank A V k ta M NaAeAnv. S199tkSt. A M *a a l*0 w e a ly « a k . i l7 0 c *a * M P l

WaAar A W a M a N rth a w ta , 997 OcMvAa P t VfaAar A OaaaeviaM Rwecfc, 999 OtfavM PI.“ * rtC A C .IA a yn n r4 >99 0c»avMH

M a, 999 OMM “

JaaapA A. A AM AM. A m m m . 991 KM pA aM At la ta r tP . A C N M in P ’aak. S I 7 * l apAaai A M . BaaMM A N a M A m m b b , *1 9 KM aAaM A m .E^sawrSirCm A m A t a t a a C ^ . , 9 0 1 U M A M Am . M m V A J m m C ^ ta j^ ta a , 919 A A f c .

P. O a tag ta r A P. A N.W. JA9*.. 949 AaBAMAir ----------AMRJP*. M i w t t ____

Aa i a a l A MaaaerH C m m . 949 l aMa Caarf le a k 0 . A I i 1 ipfch.a 1art.„ .lafc, 940 l aAaa Caart IM M a -H w M a * c /a W. Aaaap*. 991 ta fca A i. AAataaA L A JmmM M. NapRa, 997 Setae Caart JMahM 0 . A A ta y Cr*nM. 999 Setae C *ort I A M m I . A Abm A a a a , S9* SaAa. Cawrt

a A M . t a rtra.N Wtai. 947 KkapAe 11 A m -

14.10119,99019.400 1 7 M * 91 .9 M 11,M0 114AA I9 .4 M11.900 19.9M14.900

9.5M19.40010.900 90 .4 M

9,700 *1 ,4 M 19, M 0 10, I M

9 9 .9 M 90,0 M it 100 90 .9M 94,9 M 9A .9M 19.9M 9 f ,M 0 19.0M

17 TOO 19 .M 4 41,MO 19.9M

14.7M I9 .7 M 10.9M 19,I M 11 .M 0 99.9M 14.4M 19 .9M 19, I M 14.9M I9 .9 M 14.7M 10.4M

17,600I9 .9 M IX 0 M 19.9M 19.9M 14, M 0 14,700 11,900 9 1 .9M 49 .4M

,**9L_9 9 9 K M M

N K M pA an i Am . IM y h M A a a .

KannaAtO. AtanaWWpaAaA.VfcpMM PaM*. 949 KM piJaM I Naaary i . A MaaM 9taM , P. 9laA N ea p* A C T *— *— *•— EM J a t a A l

1 5 0 - 1 5 9Pate A NpAAe A. MMaAM 994 l aAaa C art PWMa J. A Mm AM M -Ita4 . 9 M 9aAM Caaart M b m , M t* S M SeAna Caart Start I . A AMj m M J - * ^ M m . 999 MApa AA

S S ^ ta S T o ’w ta lM M M . 991 9*9 M *p e *4 . WRi 11 ■ M l ila , 999 RMpt M . laaap* A Am . A i A ta M 9r.. 9A9 « t a M

aatfcStAaaAa* A¥atat o f c A o J ^ M C lM li l i . 9A IK P i.A N .P M A A A .A .O *4 k .U AaAa A . Nm m , 999 KMaAi M M M AaAM A A. la M * * 9 k . , «•N A a M A . A Aana C. UAana. 494 Paaa Am IA m m A A A M m 9aaaaa. 9AA O m m Am I taaaaM V. A t a W a M a , 4 *9 P ioa Am . M A , A M a r M a M ^ t a i A M .

wSSaaAL A ALC. » a a * A i * m P*pa Am Paaak A A fd ta . 449 Aaaa Am .PaM OmMA, 444 Pape Am Jaaap*A. ta A ta M , 4 M Aapa Am .■ A w *^ J. A AAaAp O a ta l, 4A4 Pm Am . AM*any J. A I t Am m . 9 M ta pa Am AMart P taM ta, 9 M Papa Am Jaaap* 9. A K. CaMnaM. 9 M Aaaa Am .O M A . A OartaC AtapaAt. 9 l9 A *a a Am . AaM any* V O n AaaM. 114PapaAM.Pm m Ai J. A A- A. Caaaa* 914 Aapa Am .

H ,1 M94.9M97,M 0 97 ,4M

91,900 91,9 M

99,100M.N094 .9 M


9,M 0 94, I M 99.9M 91,M0 99.9M 97, I M 4S .4M 99 .9M 44. I M 94,9 M 91,9 M54.700 99,I M 41.9M 99,4 M 29 .9M 9 I .9 M

19,M0 99,0 M 94,0 M 99.9M 99,MO 97,A M 94.9M93,MO 94,100 99.9M94,MO 99.9M 94,IM 94 .4M 94, I M 94,9 M 94,A M 94. I M 99.4M 99 .7M 99.9M

4,400 10,909 14.M 0A 400 10.9M 14.7M

900 9 M14,000 I4 .9 M 29.2M15,900 9A .2M 41,90019,700 91 .I M 94,9 M19,700 29,0 M 94.7M19.700 1 * ,0 M 91,70010,900 1A *09 21.7M10,900 19, MO 94 .7M10400 19.4M 99 .M 010,900 20,500 91,9 M14,000 27,4 M 49 .4M99,900 92 .9M 55.90011^100 29,A M 94,M O11,900 24, SM 9S.SM

14.1M 29,OM99,900 4 1 ,I M

10,909 14.7M 25,MO10,990 19.2M 94, I M10,*00 14.4M 97,9 M10, to o 2S.2M11,900 19.4M 2A.M011,900 14, I M 2 5 9 M72,100 49, SM A4.AM14,900 1S.7M M O M12.400 11,9 M 29,M O12,990 99 .9M 91.9M12.4M I9 .4 M10,M 0 19 .M 9 29,SM10,400 I I . 9 M 99 .M 910,909 19.M 0 94.9M10,909 19 4 M 94 .9M19,900 14. t M 25.9M10.M 9 IS .M O 9A.9M10*00 1S.1M 1 * 0 M10.4M 21,J M 92. I M19,990 17,9 M 92,9 M14.900 22.SM 97.9 M10,900 21 .9M 99. I M17,900 19.1M 99.7M19,400 20.2M 90,MO11,400 12.9M 99.7M11,4 M 12.9M 99,9M

* ,9 M 91.9 M11,M 0 94 .9M 9A.9M10, MO 14.9M 97. I M11,900 14.9M 9A99010,A M I9 .7 M 9 * ,9 M19.709 I9 .7 M 9S.4M19.4M 21.OM 99 4 M19.4M 1*4 0 9 91,99019,400 17,SM 9 * .M 012.4M 14,490 94.9M19.4M 19.9M 99.9M19,109 25.2M 44, MO14, I M » * * o o 40, SM1A900 91,MO 4 * 1 * 9

24 .4M 99,7 M14,900 99 .9M 97,9 M14,990 7*,000 40.9MI4 .9 M 27.2M 41,S M14.9M 94, I M M .4 M99 .9M 109.9M I4 9 .9 M14. M 0 9A.9M M .9 M19.900 74 700 99,9 M19.9M 24.MO M .1 M19,490 19,9 M 99.4M11.9M 1A.M0 29, IM14.9M 19.9M 94.9M1S.S99 I7 .7 M 99.9M11.9M 14.0M 99.9M11.999 M .M O11;9M 19.4M 94.9M

BLOCK 1*1 1*1 1*1 191 1*1 1*1 1*1 191 1*1 1*1 1*1 1*1 199





1 OWNER PROPERTY ADORESSJm * m J. A M M ANCaaaA* 9 1 * P*p» Am .M m m A W. A H a a ta A a *M , *9 9 Papa Am Haatart C A Om m MaAar, » 9 9 * p a t a .CMaad A M ta l AAaaharp. 999 Papa A ra

* A AartaanU, 9 *4 * * 4 ta p * Am “ aaA, 99 0 4 4 0 ta p a Am .

a T . A A i * SaMta^ 9 M ta p e Am ■N a ta l* NayaaaMn, 999 ta p * Am .M m A JanaaM M M a. 99A ta p * Am . ....... . 909 Malpa M .W Mtaa AAUaaaMN. AiaAraw, 4 *9 Oaa— A » Pm Am M A U A m Wtoa. 909 C M m Am . t a p M iC A M ay A. Aaaa, 9M O m m Am . OaMp a A CaaaAna L l A w ain , 494 ta a a t A P ra n f* Mary Akart, 4 M Para* Am .

j 5}o b l S??¥8W !E

la w * A AnnlwppM ra, 4 94 m n l. A A A a r fl Paata AAaM A Am m aaaaaM, 1

192192A 2



a A. A C fcaitaM 9* m . 904 IWaM Am .9m « L A AMAm 4 A AhaMa, 9 M Paaaat Am . Pranch A A ta n a M. Caaata, 914 Paraat Am . CtaaMaO. A AAcal. O wttawMi, 914 Paraal Am . Paal N . A P a aA y R. ParrnM, 999 Paraat Am . 9t*n l*yF . A M a i . SaUaaM. 994 Parart Am Aa a M I Awnatraaap, 999 Paraat Am .Jaaap* A A Data Vaapa, 994 Paraal Am Sa ta M S .A A ta ryS . ScAm t m . 999 Paraat Am . Aa*art A. A la a taP . M a c* 944 ParMt Am 9«A m IJ tM .u p^94 A r a J M t ta a ^ ^

. _____. . 9 9Mp*RA.Oaarpa A I. taaaaaMp, 449 M ap . R i.JaaapAi A. A LA . Oa AAaai, 4 * 4 RlApa M AnArM A Marta Impariala, 479 RMpa U AnAma A A9m M Im parM a, MApa t i .Pm 4 M *M A * Awpar, 9 9 f tapa Am .AlaaaMar A L Oray, 997 ta a a Am t a S. A A i t * V. OraWaM, 991 Pap* Am .Ja m a A N. Pacanta, 949 ta pa Am .Oaarpa P. A AP. Anon a, 941 tapa Am .TawnaMp ml IvrM tarM , Papa Am ApwM Da Cmm, 599 Papa Am .Janartn A A. M a r 920 ta pa Am .Prank V . A Hata* M. M aatar, 999 Papa Am . T tM M . J. A Rwt* M. kU an, 929 Papa Am U a M a rt A HaaalrAia Naaaa, 991 ta p a Am . J a ta l. A AnpaM I laa *y , 917 ta pa Am . An ttany A Pamay R. PaMAntawka. 919 Papa Am . A J . A PaAria ta fca M a a lct, 911 Aapa A m .Ora A Am m . UnataraK. M 9 t a a Am Oaarpa A. A C attarina O d ta , 901 Aapa Am Ja m a 9. Twnaar A M arparal N. Twmar, 4*9 Papa Pm m A CHrtatMaCananta, 4*1 Papa Am Ra lp * A. A Ita ra M Palta, 4 9 * ta pa Am . SaKaMr a A Maria CaaHia , 491 Pap* Am . Jaaap* I . A MMpMarAi Cai*M , 447 Papa Am . Hatat Kataa, 449 Pap* Am .PaapM k 9. A AAarta Mardaatt* Jr.. 441 Papa Am Cartawa, R *M *. Prai Caa 1M i , 4 9 * Papa Am. AfRRairi P. A P.J. O a A a jkp A.. 294 Paaa Am. Antaiany A Ma ..a*aw ., » IW u m m Am.WRRan. A OraM H ktay. 4 9 * Part Am .AnAraw A M aa a ra t HwAacta, 492 Paal Am . RatacrA 1. A Olarta M. ta tty . 4 9 * Paat Am . AaaaRa StaRati, 499 Aaat Am .PWtra A ta a Mariwawl. 449 Paal Am .Aattaay P. A CatfcaHna MpaaOa, 4 4 * Aaat Am . JafcnS. A M M NaapMaAA, 449 Aaat Am .A A M . C*yla, RiaiRaRay, 49Qtaai Am SAvM A CamaaM CAapwM*, 499 Paal Am . la ta A PaaA Oaaatta, <------------

1941941941*4I M194

194I M154194 -154I M

IM ' »

,900 99.1M 199

O M 99.990,9 M 99,909

91,19097700 77 400

79,9 M 97,A M 29.5 M



M O It ,M O 99. I M * * *

12,* 74 400 M9I

9 9 .7M9 I .9 M97.9M

M l Om m Am . ta M M a, 449 O r*M A m .

M a ta a a t. A C J . M partaaJr., 4 9 * Pan lacy M M M * 491 Paraal Am .AaMaaay A A (carta, M 7 Pa. M l Am . WRRaaa A C. Nah a. 449 Paraal Am . O a nM R .A O . AAriaM, 449 ParMt Am

L 9a9*a, 9 t a i i tp l .P t J. A N R. AaApal, 4 M O m m Am .

‘ 9 Ctaaa A mA n * J. i

OararAa A A. 0 A 9tap tan A J. 9 h *a , 910 Paat Am Aayaaaai A PMaMaaa Q-AapaAa, 914 Paat Am . Ja ta A AaataaaMa PapaAa, 919 Paal Am .AMAm J. A Anna M. CacM. 929 Paal Am taynaaaiP . A 0 ir t i a ia N appu l. 9 9 * taat Am 9Am m A A taAarta ta p a ia , 999 taa t Am .

Paanria 0. A UMan A Wyaina, 9 M PMi Am Pa ia A a A A VIctaaM MaAata, 9 M Aaat Am . OaaaaAiP. A AaaatM A ta ta ta , M 9 Part Am V U M M a k , t a A M .VM M M at a * 9S9 Aaat Am .

9aa«M ToMAaT449 M ia * R i.Ataaaa Aal9 aaraM. 4 9 lM in * A i AAm m * M O a a M a . M ip a R A ■ N a ta l* A J. K a paaa ,9 ll Paraat Am . SaapM A A A AA CaMaM. M 7 9aa*at Av I t i l l i M l, 9 A 9m m M Am .RAary BMaMa, 9 M t a a t A m .

A M aa ri A A A t VMna. 99 * t a a t Am . J a ta l. A N. Am * 999 Raraat Am O iarpa A AA AaMana, 919 RaMat Am Oaarpa A M. t a M ara., AaA. RaMat Am . Ja ta L A A K ta M . ta A M a i ta p M a ABaata, * 09 Paaat Am .AaaM A N. AaMaaM, 9 M Aaaaat Am . A *— >4 A J a ta Jaw tanh i. M l ParaM A .

i A A ta rtta 9A m* . 449 OaaM A « T A M art* CaAvaata. 4 M Ora

a Carata, 9 M t a * A m ._ ^ » , 9 l 9 t a * M

Jaaap* A M a ta Aaaaaaya, *1 4 Para Am Ja ta A CanMWa A ta d . 9 9 * Para Am laaAaR. RMawa. 9 M Para Am .Aaaitaaay A ta n a A ta apaaAa 9anaa, 999 Para Ava Ob i PwM c W arM Jaraav O v, C Aaa Am Ata y Am m m C am pta l. 4 j 7 * « Am* - ---------- “ a, 499 N M Am .

r ,4 9 l A n t Am ta , 447 N a A m

i StaptanM RaM a* M 9 N a i Am j * A ta.aaca Ptara, 441 A m Am.

A P. A AArtaa A M rta a aa .y , 4 > t N m A m ta r ta 9tryaaM. 499 N m Am 1,4 9 9 P M Aw*.

Maraarat A C ta r Am ta n ira a ta , 4 ■ a n A M M . 9 *9

• A Aaaa AnpkwaA, 9 M ta n Am . I A AaaRy AwplaaR, 9 M ARMmn AvaManaanaRaaa, 570 ta a Am U wm A Ma* Carin*. 974 t a Am . to n * A AAm 9 M M a . 9 M t a t a . Naaar* »Nn.aaM Nm m , t a 409 M ipa ta tM aar* ANmartai Ham*, ta . M ip a R * ✓ 9A w ari A AAaawMn 0aA*n*y. 419 M ipa N

Janaaa A Cancarta OatJha. 4 1 * RMpa A i. AMMa J A 9 m m IppaNa. 479 M ipa Aani * A Data a a M ann* 149 N M Am

'.A M ta U M . 997 N m Am L A A “ -

Oaarpa A ta a * t imr Ak m m 52* Nat Av* Anna HRN rta l , 599 P M ta * .WRRaaa A J. CampAaR. 914 N m Am .“ “ ACtaaA - ■ *--------

n A N a a

19,91I9 ,«ll.M

19,A M 19 AAA


5 : S19,190 94 49 919, I M 11400 23.7 M19,100 14.9M 29.AMI9 .9 M 9 9 .IM 43 .3M

\ i m n a S «19,990 99, I M 39 .9M19.9M I0 .7 M 34, tOO

J 9 .9 M

M j S

1 *4 0 0 I M 9 9la a a p I 12.900 % 3

11.9M 14.9M 2 A 9 MI2 .0 M 19,IM 99, I M

2 * ,S M14,900 14.7M14.9M 24.9M 3*. AMI I . 4 M 17.7M 99, I M11.400 29 .2M 94.A M11,400 90 .9M 91 .9M11,400 1* 100 27,S M14 .9M 90 .4M 4S.2M12 900 M .A M 94 .M 9

19.7M 17 .5MU .R M 14,9 M 29 .7M

* , * M 9 4 .7 M

1A 9 M9 9 .IM 99 .9M99,OM 4 9 .9 M

14,RM 22,4 M 97,9 M14,909 91,S M 44 .3 MI4 .9 M * ,S M 23 .9M19, A M 99, I M 43 .7 M19.7M 19.9M 31.M O14, AM I9 .9 M 33. A M14.9M 1A.7M 91.SMU .R M I4 .9 M19.900 53 .7M 73 .9M* .9 M A S M I4 .9 M

19.909 19.9M 94 .M 09 I .9 M 19,A M 94 .9M12.2M A I M M .9 M29.2M 23 .9MH .9 M M .O M IS .M O* ,9 M I9 .4 M 29 .9 M

IS .9 M I9 .9 M 29 .0MI5 .9 M 7 * 700 4 4 .4 M24.MO 4 *7 0 0 71,A MCsampt 19.700 m

iM tn p l19.000 3 T tS

IS .MO M .M O 7 *5 0 015,200 1*.7M 94.M O10.RM 11 to o 22 .7 M1 I . I M 19.9M 9 4 .M 010.9M 12. I M 22,M O15.2M M .9 M 2 *.S MI5 .2 M 12. A M 29,OM15.9M 7 * 600 41 R M15,200 17,IM 32 .9M11.500 lA .A M 99. I MIS .2 M 22.4M 37.AM17,SM I1 .9 M 2 9 .9 MI0 .9 M 14,790 25.50010.9M 11.I M 2 I .9 M19.1M M .A M 2 * .7 M13, IM 34,MW 47 .M 014.0M 17, AM 31.AM14.0M M ,O M 29.99a11,OM IA, IM I 27, IM11.4M 19.900 31.O MI1 .4 M 1$,4M 2A.RM14.9M 14.M 9 9 I .7 M11,400 14.7M 24, I M1 I.4 M M .M O 94 .9M12.9M 24,M O 97.RM10.9M I1 .9 M 9 I .4 M11.4M 29. I M 99,S M12. A M 1 * 9 M 29. R M11400 15.0M 24 .9 M11,900 14.7M 2 * .A M11.990 I9 .9 M 2 9 .7 MI I . 9 M 12. I M 29 .3 M21,SM 2 * .9 M S0.9M11,4 M IS .9M 7 * 7 * 011 400 11300 24.7MI4 .9 M 19.2M 93.O Ml* .0 M 97,999 S9.9M10, IM I9 .9 M 93 .4M19, I M 19. AM 23 .7M19. I M 1A.9M 9A .M 910.199 19400 22 .7MIA 1 9 9 19.1M D I MIS.MO 19.9M 92. I M7.7M I9 .7 M 21.4 M

IA A99 19491 90,90914.9M 19.9M 30 .3MI4 .9 M IA .9 M 91,709I I . 4 M 14499 9 * 4 * 911,4 M IA 1 9 9 24.SM14.9M 19.9M 99, I MIS .9 M

t o S 9 I .9 MIS .9 M 2 *,A M10.9M 1S.4M 1*,1 M10,9 M 1S.7M 2 *.S M10.9M 19.909 29 .3Mlt , 4 M l * ,4 M99 49 9 I9 .9 M 30 .3Ml* .9 M l t , * M99. IM 30, IM19 MO 19 .M 9I * , AM 91,99910. OM 2S .9M 9S.9M10.4M 10.4MIS .9M 99 .9M 99, I M

IS .M 9 91 ,I M1S.9M 7* NO 4 4 .9 M14. I M 49 .9 M 9 * ,1 MI M M 99.9M 4A.9M

S.9M 5 MO11490 I9 .9 M l l .A M2 I .7 M 92 .9M S9.7M1S.4M M .1 M A4.9M

I.9 M 1.9M2.2M 2 .2 M

12. AM 27 .4M14499 97 .9 M 41,O M14.9M 32. I M 4A .1MI1 .9 M 27.O M 3A.2MI1 .9 M 32.AM 44 .9 M14,9 M 21 .9M 3S .9MI4 .9 M I9 .1 M 34,O M11.MO 14 500 2A .1M11,900 I I . 9 M 99.A M1 I.9 M M .A M 7 *0 0 011409 14.4M 9 A 9 MI9 ,9 M 1*.1 M11 400 1 * .4 MM .O M 39 .9MI2 .9 M 14.2 M 3A.SM11.400 17 400 2 9 .9 M11,400 I3 .9 M 34 .4M14.999 IS .4 M M .9 M11.709 19 .M 9 22.A M11.4M 1S.7M 27. I M14.990 14.999 9 A 9 MM .O M M .4 M 2 * .2 M14.990 I9 4 M 29.2 M9.9M • M O 19. I M

1S.9W 29 OM M .2 MM .3 M

9 4 .M 0 42. I MI9 .9 M 21.7 M M .M OM .O M M .4 M 44.400I9 .7 M IS .9 M 2 A 4 MI9 .9 M IS 70019.999 94.9M 4 7 4 0 0I9 .4 M 1 I.9 M 2 2 .3M19.7 M lA .A M 99.30011.IM 12.9M 23.A M10.4 M 92 .9M 79 .9M2A.2M 2.2M 94.4 MI2 .9 M 13. MO 9A.7M* 4 , * M A4.AM

t , I M t.O M 19. I MI9 .9 M 1* AM 27 .9 M29 .9M 77,O M 10A.9M14,SM 13.000 27 .9M14.909 13 2 M 2 * MM1 I.7 M 22 TOO 34.4MI4 .9 M 14 5M 2 * 3 M11,499 17.OM 29 .4M11.409 / IS .1 M 9A.5M19.990 15 AM 2 * 0 M19.900 19.9M 29 .M 919. A M 11 SM 94. I M9,M O 11 *0 0 24, R M* ,9 M 19.209 27.9M9.9M 17. A M 2 * 5 M

11.490 IA 9 0 9 2S .2M



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A tei| A A t e ^ M t t y i M • * w i s e r i M ^ t e w i w .

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m its s s

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< A ft RAHa A. Cwwlw. S*1 RAW* Aw. *Aawa<ft AwiiRi uprfR .SITRAAwAw Aaawft >AIA«AAOii-.SH WRhw Aw AAaMLAAwA.7M Aaywwat Aw.Uhk A ft Attoa VtowJft 744 Awywww Aw. RARaai ft CalRaftoa toww, SM RAAaa Aw. JaRa ft Aaali toaR*. SAtNAaa Aw.JawaRft JaaaaNtoatoM.SMRRhaa Aw.Aaaa ft iaaa toaa, SI* Ahta Aw.AtofAA. ft AApy Saaato.SIAMAaa Aw.Aaak A ft toaa ttomaaaa. SS4 RRai Aw Rtowrd N. ft «ww lft A*. SSt ARWa Aw. Haary L ft SyMa Aaat. SS* WflAaa Aw.AaaaR T. A Mary Raaftai, SS6 RAAaa Aw.Aaaa ft ft A. RaAtTSMMAw Aw.taalt Alt Want«y 34** RLftCCaaw, A..SS* a ft L Raarw. SS61 ~ * A ft P. Rata. SMMal'toAjkto AaaW 11 ft Aaatti

RAwwd W ft RtoawP* Aatoaay. SM RMaaa Aw AAtoaaf A CaAwtoa RatAriWyft S*S RAAaaa Aw. Jatoi I. ft CatRartoa ft RtoAR. SM RAaaa Aw AaaR.ft ARnMaAta.4tt RAAaa Aw. AAMMal A VWto AwaaaaAt, 74S <Apw Aw. Maary i. A Aaa torin n. 74T OaaAw JaRaR.AR tUnt CAnlai, TM CRaw Aw. Jala ft ft Ran RArti Hpt. TSS fRwa Aw

.RtTIAiAn Aw.Owriaa ft AUh Araft SM ItorAa* An M«ftktoaRaaa.ASAUhaAw





OWNER aft* PROPERTY address

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M. ft>k A. ft An—ftN ft Mary Mpa IH ft——ft ft—. W r n f t i i f t Mary MMar. Mtta.ak Am OaWaift f t M Cam**. SMM— —I l A—. ftaa*M ft Ma Ml. SM ftaaaaMft Am Praa* ft ft. Ipw*. 7»S Own Am M»a Aft»i. ^ MC |>.7WOaa ft—. AaaL hftr. XT M t. 41ft Mmcay A—

rfCAC.CiJtft ftOAwft. SSTiaaaaay A M ft ft ObmMm Ataft. Aaaatay ft—.Aaaa I Marti*. SS) ftMMf An.

■4 Ad Aaaa Paka. 310 Maatay A—_ Mlft Mkal OCaaaa*. SM IMrftay A—. MhkaM A ft CaMya Cattafc. 37ft IMi ft.y Am. OaataMO A ftark*—AAasaaraM. 374 HarWkty Am Wftl Mftaaa laai*Mirta.. 171 M.ftag A- MartVft MvaMkai.MlM*aA-. S**aMy J ft C S MaaaaaM 4M Maftaa A-. ftwMaw * j t lft— M 4MHarftay ft— O i i i l a f t Aaftaf c M i M . 4 U l b f c | M HaaryftCfeM.OMfb'ftMAw •Mll ft ft OMMaa—r. TM Oaa A—.Maw Jft ftaaaft »■■■■■. 77% tta« Aw. PkaffttMM »7>TCMa*»i taalft ft IflftNiay. Aaafta OaMi ft O Mailn, 7*1 Ckaaa ft—.AWaMft IA Maa M MM*. *70 Maar-ft A—. Anftar j ft Ms Ifca—y. S71 Maaaa—A A—Maayk ft Mn Mhaa. Sft7 Mmm—Il Aw.Mary ftaaa. SM ftMaa—ft ft—.

Maftftat .MMIft Mnl __Aaaaia ft StaMay AfMaaa, *M faaft St NaraMMft Saaaat ftaaftt. Ml Maft ft.k. 411 PM* PMaaI.4MMIIL Syaaa. *10 Omm Aw LW.Omm A-

takart Jft ft ftaMaay ft ■Marta ft Aatataatta Ca**. *74 laaft ft. O n H » ft Sa— TayAar *7ft t<

Any* ft taaftaa Caaay. *11 IftM It M* ft • Oft- M laftarta. *M IM* St.Aaa* A ft MmCMlfti, *lt IMS IMa L ft IfMa ItaMara. *1* Ift* *Mary Aaakta, *14 IftM StAaaaykT ft kail MaAil, *11 MM ft- a n L ft MMaa fttaaaa. *lft laaft It.Matt— ft Ika—w ftwna. 41* fa^w< A—Aaaa T 0M«. 4S1 KayriaMl A- Mary t ftaa 4M MiaaMaM ft—»yta I■-■■4.1, «4fra>H..<ft—Sa-Aaa ft Afta laaawaii, *47 ft,*** St ftMaa J. ft A*a HaaaaftarMa, *11 Mit SMaMaa* Maral Maarrafti. *IS ftyM h Ckarfca W ft Alary Staa*M. AlOOftft C ft ft CartaM. M ft C Uai*ai4. ASS M M a V f t Vbtana Par—. *M O m m A««

►. M f t C laM ftarft. IM* *ar. Ma f t f t baa *1 * O m m f t— T ft* Vaaa*.*l4 0M«aAaa * ft Mary MMalni. tlOOarAw Arttwri ft UhMMm* 44* Km—MaO Am Vaa Marta OMJ—aa. 4S0 KtnftianA A—A*ar ft Mary ftMayfea 4S4 r....la.< An WMaai ft S na Mawaa 4SB tfi**aMrM Am VMcaai A A ^ UMatck. 4*3 «.*yala*4 A.« fc.Ha.4C AMMWT AM... *j»7* fc lawa ft Halaa Fw*anaf *1] Sa—at* St •MraM ft Myvn* Baack *l7W-M*St ianp* Cartair. tlS 7* St AaM** Malaat S*4 ft Carat Aaa NMaar. *M *14 CMaMaa I ft Oaary Mwan * I • (rtt V< fMMal I ft Kalftanaa A 0>v« *1* ftatrt* It MIllH ft V«MtaM OMaaay *11 Mi St N«a M Ocfcay *M tf* b Aa»ale Ut.« t)0 Om m A«•M>« Mar aaa, 4)4 tar* Hf t May C Ciaaraa *14 ftyMfc St Car lUaaaHtO ft MaiaataaM *]7 *t* St

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MO 10, MO S1.SM SI.4M I4.0M SA.SM SMO 11 MO S

M.OM M.OM Tft. AMll.OM 31.IM 01.1M11.OM SI.MO 01. IMll.OM SMM 41. MO1S.4M I0.TM M.1MIS.SM M.OM fi:SIS. MO HAMIS.SM M.SM 31.SMIS.4M M.SM Sl.MOIS.4M I7.«M M.4M13.MO IS. Mft SA.4MIS.SM M.OM 37)00I34M IO.OM M.SM13 MO 17. IM SO.SM13.3M M.OM M.MOIS.SM MOM M.OMIS.SM SS.SMIS.SM M.OM M.IMIS.SM M.ftM MSM10, MO IS.SM 1S.4M4.SM 4.SMM.OM S4.M0 S4.M0ll.OM M.Mft M.ftM11, ftM M.TM MSMIS.ftM H.ftM M.ftMM.IM M.TM 41. ftMll.SM M.SM M.AMll.Mft M.AM IT.ftMll.SM ll.OM 1T.IM1T.TM M.OM Sl.TMM.OM M.ftMMOM 14.TM M.AMIS.SM M.OM M1M13.SM M.SM IT.SMIS.SM IS.OM 17. IMIS.SM IS.TM MOMll.SM M.IM SI,AM11,SM lO.SM M7Mll.SM II.IM SMMll.SM M.SM IMMIS.TM 14. IM IT.ftMIS.TM DM0 17.SMIS.TM M.TM M.AMM.SM M.TM M.MOMftf ::s SI.AMII.IM M.OMIIM IO.OM ll.SMll.OM M.ftM MMOll.OM H.AMII.AM M.4M 01,OM11,OM IS.4M K4M11 MO M.TM M.TMll.OM MSM H.SM11. IM IS.SM ST.MO11, IM IS.SM M.4M11. IM IMM SS.OM11. IM ll.TM 17.SM11. IM M.TM ll.SMll.SM IT.SM M.AMI4.1M MOM13.1M SO, Mft HAM1S.IM M.SM 41. AMll.TM II.IM IMMI4.SM M.4M MOM11. IM 17.4M M.SMTM TMM.SM MSMM.OM IS.SM S0.IMM.ftM M.ftM 44.AMM.OM S7.SM OMMM.ftM UM 41.MOM.SM ll.SM 4*M0MJM * ll.TM 44. SMM.SM M.SM 41. TMM.SM M.AM 41. IMM.ftM M.SM 4S.SMM.ftM S4.1M SOkIMM.ftM 17Mft 41. AMSftftM 4MMM.OM M.SM 4ft SMM.ftM 4$ MOM.OM MSM 4S.4MM.TM MSMM.ftM 31 MO Oft MOMJM M.OM 43.AMM.ftM Sl.TM M.SMM.ftM SI.OM M.TMM.SM M.AM M.IM•O.OM 1I.SM M.SMll.SM M.MO MMft.TM ll.OM I0.TM•-7M II.IM M.ftMft.TM M.MO M.ftM0M0 13.IM M.IM• MO M.AM M.SMM.MO M7M M.SMM.ftM M.IM 43. OMM.SM M.IM 43.0M13 3M 1T.0M MSM• OM ll.OM M.SMft, MO 0.0M M.SM• AM ll.TM MSMft. AM ll.OM ll.SMSS liSt M.ftMM.SMM.ftM M.OM ST.SMM.3M M.IM M.OMM.ftM 1T.0M M.TMM.OM M.MO M.AMM.OM ISOM M.OMM.4M . 43 4MM.IM M.SM* SI.AMM.ftM M.OM 41.TMM.SM IMM M.4M13.MO SMM 44.IMM.SM M.4M M.OMS. MO AIM11*00 n 7M 4S.AMll.OM M.SM 4S.4Mll.OM >0 SM S3.4Mll.OM M IMII 300 M.SM SI SM14 IM IS.AM M.TMll.SM D.3M 33.7MMOM M.OM M.OMll.OM ll.OM 34. AMIS.IM IS IM M.SMlO.SM M.AM10. IM MlTM* 30 AMM.SM 17.MO 43 TMOSM It 'OO 3S.0MOSM I7.0M ST.SMM.OM 37. SM11 OM II.0M 33 OMIS SM M.TM M 300D SM 3S.0MDOM 34.3M 30 3M14 MO IS.SM 37 TOO-


> ft. * MM. f. Mfth, Ml OM ft. m «W SOI IMilM, OM MO OMm Am.taMr ft ftna AyaMaa. *44 OMaa A—. iMtyft ft. ft Mam, Waar4a. MO Omm Am Mary «Mal, ft Mm. C «*aa4ai *S* Omm Am Maa* ft AMftaa OtM—, *S1 Omm Am. ftataaft *aya>ai law*. 14ftMr* W.MmI ft MpUa Bmmm. 4M POM ft.Mlft i i Pi in*. 410 7M ft.Haary J. ft SarMi V. VraaMaM. *SS TM ft. iaaa** 0. ft Apaaa 1 0aa4ar, MS 7M St.Maa ft tocy W phiH. *S07M».Mft O Haaayaa.r UMaa*y.*417MftMaMa4akW.*M7MftIftaaMi f . ft AMaM AhimM. ASS TM ft.Mfta 0. ft Ow*thyC. OarMani, AM IMM ft.7ft V..T. Sr.ft M MA.m.MOyMI.ti.

_ __ ... -------- 1*. OM U * ft.Mfc* 0. ft OwMky C OwmMh. Mk ft. ft iMMwat ftM .

1 0 9 «Ml ft T ThaaMaaa.ft ft.ftP.fMk*.41

f t Mlayaa. 4M I w m i w Am .

'*• II ft.ft OlMaftaa.Ma.'ftV'loia.»0« 14 M*SftftrtftvC ft* ‘ *B L O C K 2 0 0 - 2 0 9 *

Mftyftft ___MikaalW ft Jaata. OaMatlt. 7Q7 ft M. St. . . . . . . |>|| fcAjffti.7isftai>Mft.


■ Nllili Ol in n.711 BMMl • ft Maal AftaaM MS 7A ft AMm ft f t M MftMa. T07 la—at* ft. MayMftiMft jli .TIITMft Mb mm ftaa MMMM. 471 IMmAm MMaali. ft —fta IftM. 4M Mwaa. ftM MMftMMOM 4AT Iftaaaaa Aaa » a ftM* M ft Hm*. 441 Iftaa-i A—.Mt- MMMm* MT M.ai.. ft-O a k f t f t M a a ftO aM t. TM f t . f t %mmmm Am .OMaa ft MMtavw OMakaaMi OM ft laaaaa. AmMm m ft ftaa OMft. Mft M-aM ftftaa. MaajftMa 0 hi fti. TM hafM A—.Mykia ft MayCa aaaraa., 710 fcwaft ft Ak* ft Mu Mary Mariaaa, TOl SiMft ftftattP ft ftaMaft. laywati. Ill kataaar Am. Aaa* f. ft Oartfta ftatkaaaM. TM SaM ft. fteaMMa ft Meaftaa M Maafta. TftT Mft ft. Oak.kftMi.i * i. TMMfc ft. fcaitMAft *aaaI MrMakaa, 710Mkft ftwftMl" • Mar ImjaaMl, TM ItwiaM ft. WMaS.H.ihl.TMd—AM Taa—aftM af latMkatal. Ikaaaa Am.MMa* KalaaM, 4M Tkaawa A—Vft V OaaaMM, C ft J Mykatti, 444 Ikaraa. Am ■MMft kiafc.Qw



laaaft. ft Mkwy Kaat. IkaaMt Am. Maa'ft. ft «Mry Mat. 4M Ikaataa Am.Oa—MT. ft Alary A OMay. 44 tea ft Mary Oaaakt, 470 ftaa ftM. Ma. ftniwwM. t/a ft. ft Mart f. ft Ma* M Saaaar, «• naaa A—.AnayMai kaM.441 l a a Am- WaaM ft Maa NaM. 4M Imm Am.AMryft Aafttay A CkaM, 4M Ikiaa Am. Aaaayk A MM ftaaft. 4M Ikiaiat Am.MmM ft 4mnm MMM. 7*5 Mk ft •MaMkka. TIOMkft.M. aaa Mt i A. ft Ma* M. MaM. Ttt ftMk ft. Anaak ft. ft MMM AAmMv. 7M Aft ft. ftayfta* ft CaftatMt Maaaa, TSTMft ft.•Marl W. ft MA tarry. 407 Mkaa Am M aalA j^^tarry, 40S OMaaaA—Mka i. ft CaftarMa ft Cafkayi 40T Oka ft—' Jaaaak ft AaMMatM iaaa«a. 4M Mhaa Am. (May A. ft IkMa A <MMaar. 441 Mai Am. ftMak ft ftMa Mary OMyatakavp. 471 Mkaa Am Artkar A. ft Uratta j. Mm. 440 IMkaa Am. NaaaM 0. ft AftaaM IMda. MT ftfta* Am. Caa*aa ft Maacy OatM. 44S WMaa A—.MaaMa Mftr fttaat. Ml OMaaa Aa* NMaA.ft JaaaakMaT. AMM. 4S0 OMaa Am. Oa—r4 ft f*M ftaa. 4SS ftfta* Am.Mary ft MaAa CaMraaa,AikaAftlMftaM. laaac44T WOaaa Am.» ta a » s S a B S v » - ^ .Mtarl ft Aaaa OrMa. 7M Omm Am:Aa*k ft ft ftaft ftMa. 4M Oftaa* Am.M* 0 ft Martaaaa t fteaMa. 4M ftftaa Am. MkaaM «. ft IMmM ka*. 40S Mkaa Am. taal ft iataykiat IMyMa, 444 Mtaa* Am AMy V MMM.4S0 Mkaa Am MytaMMTft VMa* M MMmmt. 4M ftftaaa Am. Mialay t ft OaaaaMaa ftaiaataft. Ml OMaa Am.

SZtl*5!2lS£,we£lt2.OWftaM ft Maryarat liatkari 401 OMaaa Am Aftkaal ft ft A CataMaaa. 4M Mkaa Am. kait Mkary. 4M Mfttaa Am ftapftaa C ft AMm laanM. 741 Aft ft.IMrry Maaaa*. 747** ft * ‘ ‘ V TS1 Aft It.

IttM ft SyMa Oappa. MS MM a Am taarfC ft Aakanaa0. OarkarMiTsOI MatMay Am. ftayata ft Safta MMttta. 40S H*Mat Am.Aaaa OtMaaa, Ml MarMay AmMill il.iMft Halaa Tartar*.. APT IM.Mag AmAfta ft Oarka-lytaa. 4M tMtftat Am.Mkkaal ft Im ktaaMa. 470 Maftaa Aaa.SMM OaiaaAaar, 47S Mfta Am.JMtaa ft ft MMM CaMM, 471 IMMm Am. MftMa I ft ftarfta MMar A.. 4SS Maft*a Am. JaaaykO ft Aftt*M OMkk. 4S1 Miftaa Am. ■•kart P. ft Cfcarln a M 0*May, 7*0 Omm Am. Aft* ft ft AMrpaial M. laaky. >11 Omm Am A ft ft Maa aaa. ft W. ft L Paata*. 7MOmm Am. AMm ft MaM Sarati. 7M Omm ft—Aaka ft ftaa* HarMya. 774 Omm Am.Oakart A ft Maaaa lakaaMr. 444 IMiM| Am. MaaarM ItafMaa 4M Mtftaa Am Oaataa ft Uftaa Jaaaka. 4S* <MMaa Am Maftaa ft tatrak V AM*—*a, 4*1 Warftaa Am. 9 Jaaa*k ft ftaaaarC OnacaA. 4M HaMay Am ftftaaarf 7 ft Oaiat*r MkM.470IMaftai Am MfcM ft ftaakatk Caaaa. 471 Har41 ay Am Mai C ft Aaa L OaaaaM. 47A Harftay MMM*. C ft OMayM t OarMaa 4MM StaaMay T ft Staakawna I Ta*Mw S ft Aaaa f totrawM. 4 ftaraartl P ft Mary H (MaraM ft *aaa MaaMa*. SM AMart I ft Ot«a Maatfca., SOI tatar A ft Mayklaa Maa*. SM Harftay A—I A laaa. A A. ft I Valwaawa, 7*3 AIT Haary ft MMry laarft.. 7*7 ftai* ft «ftcM4l ft Mary 1 fawai 771 ft.M. ft ‘ ‘ I .•SM—tara ft A M 1a4aMr 77) f t . * f t . I I > ,TlMraaa A AaaaaeO'ftnea 777SNMiSi> I H - M L f Mat. ft t Shrtem 4*) MmnmH Am MaW f ft Hala* S MataM 4MS Maaa—* Aa? • * • ■MniarO ft Mao** Saray 4A) taaaa'.a» A— • ■ a I * t -

u S14,ftM14.0MI4.0M17.4M 14, ftM I0.4M II.IM 10. OM IO.OM14, IM 14.0M M.SM IS.4M15.M0 14.4M M.SM

DIM13)00I0.4MM.IMIS.TMT.OM•a s


I0.4M M.OM tl.MO I.4M I.4M II. MO 10.M0 I1.0M

0.101 0.101 ft. 701


. isI0.SMIS.1M II.IM HIM 11.OM


11.001 11.1* III* II.IK

*M~ 101400I4.7M 10.SM I ft. ftM1S.1M II. IM IT.ftM11.100 IS.1M IftTM II.ftMM.IM 1S.IM M.TM IS.ftM lO.SM M.SM II.SM


H.«M 11. ftMr a1S.SM 14.4M M.IM MOM 3S.7M SI.MO 44, IMM.SM 17.SM II. MO M.IM 1S.SM lO.SM I*. MO I7.0M M.OM M.IM IS.O' ’SMM 4S.4M

11.TM ll.TM M.TM M.OM IS.TM S4.0M 13.M0 IS.4M10, SM M.SM S7.SM M.IM» 341, SM11. IM


17. IM IS. AM!mElO.SM 10. TM ll.SM ll.SM I1.4M 1JM IS.SMM.SMii!tm11.0M

1S.II IT n 11.TI

'ASM.or*n.0M 0.0M11 .OM IT.SM

SS.IM 11. OM ll.SM





0>M l *.*000 400 IS.MO1044 H.OM 0 IM O.IOO*71 400 M.OOftIS.SOO
















































PROPERTY AODReSSOWNER M Uy w i * #■»> fti . I. 477Mm A Swto k. ¥Mw»., 47S M .W—>y Lt MMial».471 IHHrrt AmimmMI. Ht^rin Ji n ■Mm 1 * Ataft A. tndl Jk 4M Mi^ « . s i5 » o iS S 5 5■mmM C * tMW. Mk, 4*11MUrX itorr M . U M H M t t b p N N JMMlIk

• MS Omm Aw.iW K s S te a a r :MwUKMmIOHm Ammm A SapM A*. aNmm. « M n U i c .



OwMa A «Wm T. OaMto. 4M U m D Awa ^ A t t i « 5 ? £ = S £ :& V « lS S ?a ,i= S ,r}q*« j»piirt. amnmi.m Aw *«*■■» A Cto., .j,, 4M3 N.wwSt Aw<**!*.» CnmM 7 Matow, 71I Mtk ft.

» g — »—« I f t . » W Immmt lm.2 2 «*■». »**• ****** *1 " ■liiil.m

Bmi NMaai, *3* 9mm ir AwtkM X A taw I _____IMlUlUMT.MMH,7l*Mkk. PM» A hw Mt-.i, 7M WA,». MMMw H A ftkaf A W«w, 71* MNt p.

«■ * Mar. MmM. 739 MM ft T*MAWaiwrCM 737MM*MMAm O. A Mi A MaaMta. 73* HA*, tr MMaM J. AtowM**. 733 NMt ft.CM L A Awn hAw. 737 MM ft MM A Mary «nw i3., 741 SMk ft. fcMACMlMM,’4IMhft. ftaapkto NvMmN. 747 NM. ft. M pi.AftMMMN.7MM I.ft MM CMaiiftitli. 7*1 MM ft *Ma TaMPMMw.79SPM.ft Mtii.AMmtlM.MHi. 7**WMft. Party Wmpp. 747 MM ft MMm P Kart 7** MA. ft Mm M. A SaaM Mmm. 771 NAk ft MMwriP. AlMaA9MaaA 773 WMft.

“ k. 731 AAk ftWtoAaUM.3MftMk.S33A IM* A A MMM Imm. *31 Mwy Aw ftto V. A AMM M Cmm. 31* Mmm Pm.srftii tsisk H P H i t k.Ai| *•*Mmm Aw MMa. M7 Mwy Awtoka A A MnftrNAM< A AmmiM _____ ___Oama A M *m ftMM. *01 Mwy Aw MA VMi... , 7*4 StoM ft 1A C. WdUr A A. A A OwghMsi. 733 StoM ft • W. A MAft* M. «mm> 77* «iM ft.

----------- I. 774 Stolk fti, 773 A*H> ft . t lft IMM ft.Mmm* J A C UP*. 743 ftaMft MmmHm . A Mmm A AkQMl 743 StoM ft Mmm* J AMCUary. 7*4Stott,ft A ftMM. 3. Mmm. ftftMi, 7*4 fiat*, ft » V. A A CmMUmi, 7444M ft

*3 WM

J CmMAm. 7 kktok. 744 3MAM KaMrariry, 743 Stott, ft to Imm. 733 SaM ft i. A Mrii Pm. i|M, 733 StoM ft A A MmM Pmmmm. 4tk ftJ.ASm A MM, 733 Stoik A Putin. 734 Sfttkft

I MmPMM ScMtori. 714 Stolk ft MM J. A Oaralky ftftt, 714 AM. St to* A A Mto ftyMA. 710 StoM ft.BPmmMA A NmMMmT. fervto. 7“Mm C A Uk A. Mimm, *93 * ftyw* J A MMnM I Nmm. 91 Mary A AHmm, 334 Smmnmt Aw.CmmmM A A Mwy BmM, 393 Smwmw Am.Mar I Mmm. 731 Pip* MWMAm S. A CMk Aktatt. 744-707 ftip* MMft.«tft W,HilPd3M|..3M>MAmi MMn Me. TPk^tb.ftwt MMnM. 731 MM*34.Aapa*P. A SMy SmmTtS Mf* M. CftftMHwrM. A C ftmMw, 737 AMU AMmMw 3 A OmmMw Mmw.T* ftipe ■ AM*i.SM.747M|*W Wmmm A A ttoton WMi, 793 Mif*M NsIm H. McKmim. 797 A *M

333334 39

MM JAM MmwI. 794 R Mm A Ammm PaA, 733 NIM ft.Mwy AmHmmi. 79# MM ft.Hmmm 4 A Mm M Mmm. 744 MM ft. SwmM A A Mary U Mm. 744 AMi ft CM A AMMw 9ak*raMrt. 744 MM ft. tftary S A AiaftPU*. 743 MM ft CkwtM A IMMcy Twpara. 740 MM ft Mm AMMM* A IMI Ca 733 PMi ft NaM A ftMMa NtwaatoA 734 MM ft a. SwMm. C ItoM. t Mkwy. SMM ft MM A A CwM* UM*. S0*rMAPac*.Uak A 34m* AmM. S13 MM Mat*AMry A IMmMm AyckaMw, *14 NM P. lAMAtoato. A CwaM, 933 NM P.AmMim A A AMpwat Sw4aM S33NMR. 34wM ATkaM M M , S34NMP PMMM A aImm MahA, *33 NA P.3mm A Mary CmmMm. 333 PwA R.AMrtM J A AmUm ft** 934 NM P ■AMmM AAftiMfctiuZMMM 933 NM P.t r r P A AMrtoM Mawtt, *44 N* P« 3 w * A H m M k l H M HAaM A AMMM At la«M 993 NM R.WM 3 A Amm 3mmw. 334 NM P.Mmm A A N*mmmM IBmMm, 3*4 NM R AMwt M A Mai ftww, 341 Pm* P. _ AM3toJA IftMto M Oatoa. 433 3Mb* N2 3 a SSvTSiSC. m e^a a<Mmm A MmMm. 443 Mpa M WHm N A NMM A Nway. 449 ftp* A‘ AmMmw A Am* ft MmmA MaTt AmAMmmLAM

11.0 M IS.MM S A 0MI S J M 19.MM


11.MM S A S MH .0 M 9 A 7 M a a* M M I4 .9 M* .4 M IA S M 33.MM* M M 1.SM M A M•■AM 1AMM M I M

II.M M IA M M n .m• l/M M 9 I .9 M 33 .3 M11,MM I7 .3 M M M M11.MM 11, I M 3 A 1 M11,000 1 A 4 M 3 * .4 M10 .4M H I M M .7 M11, S M 14. M 0 39 0 M11.I M 14.M 0 9 IM MIA S M M A M M M M1S.4M 19. A M 33, MM1S.7M I7 .4 M S 1 .IMIS. 700 IA M M M I MI I M M I IM M11M 0 M M M S IM MI9 .S M 1M.MM 33.SM11,MM 34,A M ' 3S.MM11 M M 14.1M 37, I MII .M M 1 4 ,*M M .M M1 1 M 0 IA M M 34, A M1 I .0 M IA M M 17 .4 MII.M M M M M 9*.4MI1 .M M 33 .4 M 94 ,4MII.M M 33, I M 99. I M11.AM 1A.4M M 9 MI3 .4 M 17.4M 39.AM13.3M 11.7 M 34,M MIA S M I7 .7 M M .M MH A M 10.4M 33.0M13,M O IA M M 3 I.9 MII .O M I4 .4 M 3*. A M11.9M I7 .S M M A M1M.4MM 1S.9M M .A MSSMM IA S M SA.3MII.M M IA M M M .M M11 M M 33. S M M .S MII.M M I7.M M M M MA 9 M IA M M IA S M

19.9M 19.4M UMp* ,1 M IA S M 93.4M* ,1 M IA M M 33.MM0 . IM IA M M 33. I M

11 M M IS.MM HIM19.SM IA M M SS.7MI4 .3 M S A 4M M * M14.SM I9.M M 3 * .9 M11.S M I4 .4 M M .M MII.M M IA M M M .7 MII.M M M I M SI .MMI4 .9 M 1A 4 M M M MI9 .4 M IA M M M 3 M14,A M 19.9M 1 A 1 M14.0M I9 .4 M M S M10.3M IA M M M 3 M10,300 13. A M 33. *0 010.9M 11 M M 33, I M10,900 IA S M M .M Ml# .9 M 13.9M 33.0M10400 I4 .3 M M .M M10.4M 15,I M 99.9M10.4M II.M M 33. I M31,S M 31.9 M 43.7M1S.3M 39. I M SASMI3 .9 M M . I M 39, A MIA S M 13*00 94 .4M13.3M 13.7M 35 *0 0I0 .0 M 14,3 M 9*,S M1A.3M 14.700 33,* M13.MM 13.7M M .7 MII.M M IS A M M .A M11,I M IS .7 M M O MII.M M 1S.M0 M A M11.I M 14. I M 3S.SM11,S M IA M M 3S.1M13,S M 1M.1M 33.400I3 .M M 19.MM 31 A MIA S M 19.MM SA SM11.700 14.400 SASMI1 .7 M I1 .S M 23,00011 700 II .M M 33 .4M11.7MM II.M M 33,A MI1 .7 W I9 M M 37.3MI1 .7 M IA S M 37 .4M11.700 I0 .5 M 33 .3M14.9M 1 I.3 M 39.7M19.9M 30,900 33.4M13.3M S1.1M SS.3M13.900 IA M M 35.3 M1S.SM 14.9M 37.MM13.400 IA S M M A MI4 .4 M 34 .3M M .7 M14.900 33.3M 47.100IA S M S IM M 34.3 M19.400 19. A M 31.MM19.400 IA M M 34, I MI9 .9 M IA 7 M 33,* M14,000 MMM 33,3 M10 .4M 13. I M 33 .9M10.4M 1A A M 94.0M1*,SM 33.9 M 43,AM

A M A MIM .AM I1.M M 33.SMIM .9M 13 300 33,70010.900 1S.0M 33,400IA 9 M 39.9MIA S M I4 .4 M 34.7MIM .SM 1S.3M 39,SMIA S M 19.9M M . A MIA S M 1S.MM 34.0 MIA S M I9 . IM M S M1 A M 0 14.9M 3 A 4 M11.SM M . IM 39 .4M11.9M II.M M 33.3 M11 .9M IA M M 34.30034,000 IM .4 M I3 3 .4 MM .A MAm m m

4* 700 laaaw t

70. SMkaB M t

30.A M IA M M tySoM .A M IS, 400 34.9MM .A M 19.9M M .S MM .A M A A M M .S MM .A M 41.A M

IA M M 9 I.9 MM M M 7 A 9 M

33.MM IS .4 M M A M34.S M IA M M 49.4MM M M •A A M 4 A 4 M14. I M 700 IA M MII.M M 1A.7M 97.4MI4 .S M 19.9M M .A MI1 .7 M M . IM 99.MM13.3M M .7 M 97.MM13.SM 13.0M M .9 M13.3M IA M M 3S.3M

i t s I I . 4 M M .* M11.7 M 34,A M

IA S M I I . 3 M 33.SM13.SM 13.1M M M MIS .9 M 17, I M 3A 4 M10.7M AM M M M M39.MM 49 .7 M 70 70015.900 34 .M 0I4 .9 M M . IM 35,40014 .M 0 33.MM 37.7MMI9 .9 M 33.700 M .M OI9 .9 M 14.MM M .S MIA S M IM .AM M .M M19.1M 19 3 M M S M13 100 M .A M 34 MO1 3 .IM IA M M M M M13.I M IA 4 M 37, TMIS .1 M I4 .9 M 3 * 4 0 *1 I.S M 14 MM 37.9MIA S M M .M M M .M *IA S M M .M M M .M *IM .AM


B S S S95.SM

19 300 M .4 M M .M MI4.M M M .4 M M .4 MI7 .9 M M A M MMI i17.MM91.MM A A M 99 9M19.MM 31 M 0 M .4 MM A M 33.7M 99.9MM .O M 43.4M 54 4 M



3334 37 33

OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESSAMn • A 3MM CMM 997 Mmm Am MAM W A Cw«M V9mM«, S99 9mmmm Aw AAm I AmmmMU. 933 3mmm Aw MMJANMaw CMwmm, 943 Sm m Aw Mmm af Ammm CMMto, S3* Smmmw AwNipk a a 3r#Ssrs»3 s z z t:ai£2s=rs/iisrr.taA «3,’Sati% ,ir

£ £ t fS L S L ’S t n , >B L O C K 2 1 0 - 2 1 9


Mm AAA.____ ...Ami Mm O. A Awagy O mM. 11? KtoM.nd A Mto i A MM A 3wM 913 Apft^M Na # A. A AMy MM 933 Ma ‘ “AmA 3 A MMMy MaacM 939 «Vbtok • A Nrry. A Me 3Ma MCMklM* JSmMkL*"AmMib* A A ftMa M AMwin. 943 AtoM|„ d Aw. A A A \MaM3, M ft Mato. 344 ftaM* fca. M tol AnMfMfawM Jr, IM MphM Aw Mm A A UtoaMl AmamSMMSiMAw. MMa BI PB». 334 MaMlwM Aw. WMAaMNMtyCwp.. AV483 3MmM AAmm A Amm WMmI 4#74#9 Mp* Ai.•AM A A MmMwM M Al 1 M4p* Ad.AtoMM A AmpM* Sew*. 413 413 3Ma* A4 Mm A JmmMm* SanMto. M4p* M. a A MMiA CaMiM. SSTNrk P.

MmMM NMmm. 943 MA P.HMryl AMMM AMmw. Ml MA P CwmM* A raiwMa A. PgAMtoa. 933 MA R.MMi A Am AmM, 937 Ml A.AMMaA A Ammm Mmm. 939 MA P.OM. A ANary SiMaM. St7 Mt P towpk A A Mmm A OtoH. 939 MAP.NwaU A Nrwky MaA 911 MA P TMy #m.Mmm 913 MA P.Aapato A MmC BmmcmN A.. 919 MAP.WaNar A Mto MNNwpk, 911 MA P.WMMm A ABw AMmm. 9#7 MA P MMAmm A AwMm Maka. 333 AMi P.NkkaM A AMpAM NkMna, Ml MA R ■MmM 3. A AMry A WMMM. 413 7M ft NMry OwMr. 4M SawaM ft 3kkaM 3. A Mm V OMMaw, 4M MMpa M.An il ftkaaMr, Mt A4p* M.Mmm A ftkaMar. MIMa M Hbmv A Aaacw SdMeAwTMA M4m M.Mm A A MmmM A Siwm AI3 HapMaM Aw SaMa KmMm, At A A AMmMA. 414 A&pAaM Aw. iM*pk A Aw.lh Nikw. 413 KmptoaM £a MMartA MaryAAakfttoM.41S4tkft.AaftA A A Bakw C AMM. 417 4M ft AMilit 3. A AwtMl Moa.4l«4M*t AM W. A A NMry MM A . A31 4M ft AmmAAMmIMmA., 43*4M ft.MiM A BtoabaM OatowMi. 43* 4M ft Mka 3. A OwtrvM Maraiwa. *31 4M ft OmiIm A AMM CaHw*. *3* 4M ft MMM T A ftftrtop 0. Stoat* A.. 43* 4M ft toM A Wtoatoa'Atok*. L Ptoawto. Ml 4M ft. Amm* 3. A Awk KM*. MS 4M ft.MMa 3 NmMmm. Al* Im Cych Aw A A T. A C AM ftaywk. 41S Tm 3ydi Aw AHiM 3. A AMy 3. Cwtan*. 411 Tm lyck Aw i IMraM L A T*M* A ftMM. «0* Tm lycft Aw Mkkaay 9* A MMaM M SMto 4*4 AMw 3d OaMM watkan lac.. 444 4MM4p* A4 AraOiC*. Jmm Am*. 440444 AMM W N A My t Mmm. 494 499 ft4p* M. tom A Maato MtaM. 434 A4p* M Aw* A A PmmMM WMMmwM. 430 3Me* M SmmMt A Cmmmm Atom, 419 M4p* M.MM A Am* MMkpa, 414 AMp* M Mrtnlai A Mmmwii MM.Ui »T> AMp* M TM AmMm OM C* . 700 AMp* M.Mtkar AAA VaAary, 4M Tm lyM Aw Tk. iMn MA. 410 Tm 9yM Aw.Mka A A Man CM aM. 413 Tm tycfc Aw MM A A Maria AaMwawcMr. 7*1 4M ft Ammm A A VWkto Pawpwt, 70* NaM. ft. ftawl A NtrMa MMakwpw, 707 4tk ft Mrtto 3 OaNy A W CarmA. 7M NarM ft Vktw A. A MaaM Mtoito. 713 4M ft MtMny A Mto OMa. 717 41k ft atoyi • SaaawMiMM. 731 4M ft OaaM li i C HaatoM. 793 4M ft Amm 7. A Amm Owyar 7374th ft Ammm 0 A MMm Om«M. 7*1 4M ft MkkaM A SapkM MbimmA. /IJ 4tk ft Mmm A Maw C Map*. 73* 4M ft AMM A. A Aaaa AM M»MarP. 743 MaM. ft Ckariw A A AM MMm. 74* 4M ft Mm A Atmw A Am. 74* 4M ft ftitk W.toaaitM.. 7SI 4M ft StapkwM I. MImIM, 411 (Mm Aw.SMmM W. A lawtM C MMM. *M Uatoa Aw AMaAAMMMwOMaawtta. 7S3 AMp* Ai.TMmm AO. A AAm 3. Duffy 743 AMM Ai HMty AIMmM. 7M ftif*Ai.“ a • A Mini SmMA A . 740 AMp* MmO A Maan ftMM A . 740 BMa* A i W Ca af P.A. 734 AMp* Ai ------- TIMfipeiiAMw* A Mb K. AMM. 710 730 AM**719 AMp* AwM Carp.. 719 ftia* M tokn A AawMOMaMa.7IOftSp*M ftMtowAAair, 4M Tm 3yrA Aw

AbmmA A Ammm AyM. M3 Im AyM Aw Aaka MAI am Maapa. 4M Tm AyM Aw Batoi A IMa TMra. 4M Im Sdi Aw MMM A A MMai K. AMMari. PM 9M Aw TMmm. A A AMrpawt laaaaM. 711 fti ft M*pk A CaaatMMM Ammm. 713 3M ft. CMtoar A A NaM AwkMMto. 717 3M ft; toka A to«M 0 TMmmM. 71* *fi ft j WmAm A 0 CMmMM. 7J7 IWft WmaM A SMaiW... M Am. 731 TMift AntoM StawMu 739 Sri ft.*M # %*Mty MAaaAa. 737 Sli ft.TMmm I. AMmm. 737 3MI*AaMAM PbmmM. 743 Sri ft.Akfiwi A A AaM IMMa. 74* SM ft. toM Altowto. 43* Uatoa Aw WMM A AMy MwaM 74A 4M ft MMato A HaL. AM A . 439 Uatoa Aw MMM N. A AaM A. ftaal. 7M 4M ft. H**-* Mm3 AatfttoaMj. 7334Mft AaM A MmM AatoMki. 7*4 Martk ft NmMm A a 3. kaMii*M. 794 Mw«tk ft AMM A MatMrM ftwaMM. 733 NaM. ft AMm A Baaaar Mfyaacft. 794 NarM ft.AMry Mato 733 4M ft.•Mari*, a TMrwaA AMaMw. 7I44Mft. Oaatw A AMry AMaaaft. 719 4M ft Mm A M I V 'm«m. 71#4Mft fta*at A. A AMai A. tolpl, 3M 4M ft. AMari T A AMry T CaaMiy «#A4M ft AM A AMry l.toaH, 4M 4M ft HMp 3. A AMry At OtoM. AM Mb ft toak A a laato* t TawM 413 4M ft Mkar* A A MaMw TmmM MI Mkift AMwia VtotariaOMar/MSIAA#ft.AMtoMA a VaMI. ftf ttMlMft MPMrt • a Mipirto A «MM. 411 SMM ft AMAaMy AMMM A.. A ft AaMiM.419 Mkift ftMM A MM A AMmi.;A AMSAtoift ftaaM C a MMMm A SMM. 4«7 Ikki ft SM aCMyftMpMAM^fc.


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' « h AAA1Iih m ,TMAUA Sw S U M m A M lTSIIw M W * w l A A A M k ik M M M .

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s r r j . : * ?GUWff. A 9. A MmUMWw TSSMSwkM

M W .A 4A T N «W U A »a w w I a asW m a v m a wA«Mm taw. TM Mij * 1 1 A i.MMAIw RAiwI.THMmM IMMjWM i > il 11, TM RmMmS Aw.

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