Quorn Mercury September 2015

Post on 11-Dec-2016

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Transcript of Quorn Mercury September 2015

All views & opinions expressed in the Quorn Mercury are those of their authors and contributors. The Quorn Mercury is not responsible for these views & opinions, and publication in the Quorn Mercury does not in any way guarantee their accuracy.


SEPTEMBER 2015 Established 1895 Number 19/211

On Monday 10th August the History Rally

Organisation visited Quorn. This event started at

Nuriootpa on Saturday 8th August and concluded the

following Saturday 15th, finishing at Murray Bridge.

The Historic Rally Association was formed in 1992 by a small group of rally enthusiasts. The group started

in Melbourne and aimed to foster the growth in classic cars and events of the “Golden” era of Australian

car rallying of the 1960’s and 1970’s. This year’s event was to celebrate and re-trace the epic 1986 event

that was held to mark the 150th anniversary of South Australia. The original event was designed to "take

in a large number of historically significant points around the State and focus on the achievements of the

early pioneers".

Approximately 2800 km of sealed and unsealed roads were covered, some being a portion of the original

route. No special car preparation is required, except for the vehicle requirements stipulated in the regu-

lations, although cars need to be reliable and in very good mechanical condition.

Sub events were added to the fun, like Speedway, Motorkhana and road events (regularity trials).

Twenty years on, the HRA now boasts a membership of over 800 from most states of Australia and has

grown to be one of the premier

rally clubs in Australia.

Dennis Baker, (not pictured)

one of the participants has

done every trip since 1989, an

amazing effort.

Bowling Club New Synthetic Turf

Bowling Club members were busy the week of 10th August in assisting with pulling up the old synthetic turf and replacing it with a new one. The previous green had been down for approximately 15 years. Boag Constructions from Adelaide had the contract to install the surface. Unfortunately the club was not successful in obtaining a grant for the project, so they have organised a loan from The Flinders Ranges Council. Bowling club ladies provided morning tea and lunch for the workers throughout the week and it has been a huge effort by the Club. On Friday night the club held a ‘hot pot’ night for tea which was very well attended. Money raised from teas goes towards bowling club improvements. The 2015/16 season begins in October.


See the team at Landmark Port Augusta-Quorn for all your Merchandise, Insurance, Livestock, Real Estate and Finance needs.

Tim Wooley 8648 6048

0427 086 020

Port Augusta 8642 4344

Quorn AutoPort PHONE 8648 6093

W/SHOP: MON-FRI 8am-5pm FUEL: MON-FRI 8.00am-5.30pm

SAT-SUN & P/HOLS 8.30am-2.30pm We stock:

Camping gear Batteries *tyres

*auto accessories *spare parts *GME UHF radios

car phone chargers *Kwik-Gas ICE *m/cycle jackets *Hats

*Andy Strapz Did you know? We will pick up your car for a service & return it. Vehicle services from $140.00


Phone 8641 1238 Fax 8642 4910

24 HR

Quorn Home Improvements


Quorn Show Shots Left; Jaquarra, Aleesha and Abraham; Rod Jarvis, Clancy the Jellybean train;

Below: Raoni, Hayley, Zara and Delma;Centre: Callan Finlay: Lions Van Anne Freebairn and Helen Procter-Brown; Kirsty and Tahli on the dodgem cars. Fortunately the rained held off for the Quorn

Annual Show held Sunday 23rd. Approximately 1000 people attended. Dr Annette Marner pre-senter of the Late Afternoon on ABC’s North and West, officially opened the Show.


Quorn Show Continued Below: The Lighthorsemen from the Barossa Light Horse His-

torical Society gave a demonstration. Ambulance volunteers Travis McDonald and Jacky Vonow with

Yvonne and Nic Bailey.

Left: Ashley Parkinson was the MC; Below: Grant, Barb, Marg and Kath enjoying

the displays/stalls at the show.






Steel, Copper, Brass & Aluminium

White Goods

Car Bodies

Trailers made to order—Some in Stock.

General Welding & Mechanical Repairs.

Phone: 8648 6044

Ah 8648 6520 Mob: 0428 447 673


Olive Oil Pickled Onions Chutneys & Relish Lemon Butter and more

Mob: 0448 658 720



PETER HATCH’S 80th birthday party was held on Saturday 29th August at the Community Hall. Over 120 friends and relatives attended from many areas of SA and from as far as Wentworth NSW. Dr Tony Lian Lloyd presented a speech about Peter’s life and involvement with the Stockyard Arena and horse events. Many thanks to all family and friends who helped make the evening a great success. Rt—Peter making his speech Below L—Peter and his daughter Jenny Litchfield Below Rt—Sue and Peter


Funds raised through the local Op-Shop have been donated recently to worthy local causes: Clock to the Kindergarten $1,000 to the Quorn Hospital and Flinders House for the

purchase of chairs $500 to the Parents & Friends Association of the Quorn

Area School.

We are working to support our community— Please support us

Good quality goods are gratefully received


Horses-in-Action—Quorn Show 2015

It was all go for Horses in Action,

and a great day was had despite

the forecast of 2 inches of rain.

There were fears it would be the

Quorn Races all over again!


Horses-in-Action—Quorn Show 2015

Above: Amanda O’Loughlin. Right: Lisa Simpson.

Left: Chloe Hilder. Below: Carina Pycroft.


Peter, Michelle and Bob

John addressing Probus members

QUORN COMBINED PROBUS CLUB Inc Our guest speaker for August was Michelle K, Diabetes Educator at Port Augusta Hospital. Michelle gave an excellent overview of Type 2 diabetes, which is apparently quite common in the older generation. Michelle described the symptoms and management of the condition. Some of the information given to us was:

Symptoms include high sugar levels, more frequent trips to the toilet, tiredness, dry mouth

Go to your GP for a blood test if worried. If your sugar level is above 11 you probably have Type 2 diabetes

Don’t need a special diet, need to eat sensibly

Large amounts of sugar in soft drinks, fruit juice and drinks like Powerade, iced coffee

Have tests for blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol every year. Have a wee test yearly to check on any changes

Have back of eyes checked every 2 years

Understand your medication and take it regularly. Type 1 diabetes is entirely different. Antibodies kill insulin makers so body doesn’t make any insulin. It usually develops in young people who get sick very quickly.

TRIP TO APPILA SPRINGS AND JAMESTOWN On 18th August 45 members of Port Augusta and Quorn Probus Clubs embarked on a trip to Appila Springs and Jamestown. The bus left on time on a very foggy morning. The mist did not lift until just before we got to Booleroo Centre. Thanks to Lyall Voigt’s excellent navigation skills we arrived at Appila Springs, the sun was shining and everyone alighted from the bus, collected chairs and proceeded to have morning tea. Once fortified the group scattered to various parts of the spring’s site to view the water and listen to the frogs. Then we boarded the bus once more and headed to Jamestown for lunch. After some misunderstandings with the Jamestown bakery lunches were finally delivered and we were deposited at a lovely park to eat lunch. Local Probus member John gave us an interesting talk about the history of the district, after which we had a look at the cannon and the story of R M Williams before touring the town in the bus. Then it was homeward bound after an entertaining and informative trip.


Fay Powell & Pauline Colliver

Appila Springs

Appila Springs

Group admiring Appila Springs

Lois Litchfield

Fay Powell

Carmel Reid

QUORN PROBUS (continued)

[Type a quote from the

document or the summary of

an interesting point. You can

position the text box

anywhere in the document.

Use the Drawing Tools tab to

change the formatting of the

pull quote text box.]

Rod & Jan Jarvis & June Cummins

Fanny Coulthard


Arden Vale Range Fox Baiting Program


All landholders and neighbours involved with the Living Flinders fox baiting program are invited to attend a social dinner to discuss the future of the

program, and learn about the projects so far.

RSVP’s essential for catering purposes: 0437287130 or arden-valerangefb@gmail.com

Living Flinders Stand at the Quorn Show The Living Flinders team enjoyed sharing stories and knowledge at the Quorn Show this year. There were over 200 visitors to the stall, with many enjoying learning more about cactus beetle (a biological control agent used to control prickly cactus in the Flinders Ranges) as well as en-quiring about plant samples they had bought with them to be identified. The winner of the “guess how many seeds” competition was Rhys Everett. Rhys guessed 1,200 Acacia victoriae seeds in the jar (the correct count was 1,223). It was great to see so many people from the local Quorn community, and to share their experiences and interest in the beautiful Flinders Ranges.

6pm, Thursday the 24th of September QUORN BOWLS CLUB Hot pot dinner, Bar open


The bronco branding event ’Doing it for Wes’ held at the stockyard arena on August 15th was a great success with over $36,000 raised for Wes Murray and Cancer Council SA.

Road to Nhill will be screened on Friday 18th September. Road to Nhill follows the events of a lazy summer's afternoon in the town of Pyramid Hill in central Vic-toria. A carload of lady bowlers flips over on the way home from a tournament at Quambatook. Confusion escalates as word about the accident spreads around the town. No-one knows for certain who was in the car, how bad the accident is, or even where it is.

Further dates for your diary are as follows:

Fridays 16 October

13 November

11 December

Don’t forget to leave your donation to Flinders

Flicks as you enter (for a new projector and sound

equipment). We have just purchased some new

speakers which will be in place this coming film


You can book a place in advance by calling

Emily's Bistro 08 8648 6940.

Supper price to Emily's Bistro—$10.



We have had a busy couple of weeks with

SACE Information Night, Work Experience

Induction Training and Student Subject

Counselling for students in Year 11 and 12 for

next year. During Week 4 the QAS Choir participated in the 2015 Festival of Music Showcase. Our choir worked very hard with Miss Pollard in the lead up to their performances held on Tuesday 11th August and Wednesday 12th August.Two of our secondary students, Abraham and Annie, were hosts for the evening. This year’s theme was Remembrance, 100 Years of ANZAC’. The Choir gave a touching tribute to remember the diggers who fought for our freedom 100 years ago.

The R-6 students recently attended a

performance called ‘Jack Flash and the Jumping

Beanstalk.’ Through the traditional story tale

a message was woven about recycling,

reusing and reduction of wastes. The 50

minute show kept the younger students

amused. Week 6 was Science Week. All

primary students participated in the various

activities on offer. The activities had a central

theme focussing on ‘light’.

On Wednesday 5th August, some of the ladies who volunteer at the Community Op Shop on Seventh Street, came to present the Parents and Friends committee with a cheque for $500 to go towards the billabong/pond at the school garden. A number of the Year 5/6 students were involved in making up thank you cards in appreciation of their very generous donation.

Pictured Above: Caroline Walters and Carlene Voigt, presenting the cheque to Lisa Pearson, with Rebecca Lyman, Bailey, Kirsty and Tahlistorm from the Year 5/6 Class. Pictured below: Our Year 8/9 students participated in the MNSEC soccer competition at Booleroo In Week 2 of Term 3.



Richman 1186 pts; Arden 1119 pts

and Flinders 876 pts. On Thursday 13th of August, Quorn Area School finally had the opportunity to hold its annual Sports Day. The day was postponed from early in Term 1 due to some trouble with our school oval.

The weather leading up to the Sports Day wasn’t ideal but the students soldiered on and competed in all the events in great spirits. The aim of this day as always, is for students to participate and have fun whilst challenging themselves in a different sporting context. Thanks are given to all staff, students, House Captains and parents who helped with the running of the events. This made the day run smoothly and successfully.

CHAMPIONSHIP WINNERS WERE: Open Girls Tori Kaesler Open Boys Daniel Taylor U16 Girls Lacey Fraser U16 Boys Thomas Finlay U14 Girls: Meggan Finlay U14 Boys Karl Finlay U12 Girls Jayde Finlay U12 Boys Declan Finlay and Kolt Fraser U10 Girls: Mackenzie Chapman U10 Boys Joel Finlay



Quorn Book Club… NOTE: Time and venue for the next meeting:

7 p.m., Wednesday 30th September 2015 at Lois Litchfield’s North Tce residence, Quorn. Phone Sam Nester on 0456129870

Copies of the September title are also now available at the library. It is prize-winning ruby moonlight by Ali Cobby Eckermann.

The next title for discussion will be Kate Grenville’s The Secret River. Copies will be available from the library early September. (A two part mini series of this book was shown on ABC recently and the DVD is now available at the

library.) New and returning members are most welcome.

Please bring a small plate to share.

Wednesday Storytime…..Wednesday StoryTime continues fortnightly with Nancy on

9th and 23rd September

We look forward to seeing you and your littlies for a story and a

nursery rhyme singalong at 10 o’clock on these dates!


Public Library customers across South Australia now have free access to ONLINE SOFTWARE TRAINING - more than 3,000 top quality courses and 136,000 video tutorials for learning the latest commercial software, creative and busi-ness skills through lynda.com, a web-based video service. With an active (non-expired) public library card, you have course access to topics such as business management, leadership, marketing, multimedia, design, web development and more!

You have unlimited access to the online courses from any compatible desktop or portable de-vice, whether on a library computer, at your home, business or on the go.


Learners’ Week

1- 8 September

For more details visit




Adult Fiction :

Inheritance: three stories in one volume: A Wedding at

Windaroo; Her Cattleman Boss & Claiming the

Cattleman’s Heart by Barbara Hannay

Aus Rural Romance

The RAINES of WIND CANYON: two stories in one volume: The

Wind & The Fire by Kat Martin Rural Saga


Jones - Aus Rural Romance

THE CHASE and THE SPY by Clive Cussler -

Action and Adventure

A Dictionary of MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING by Jackie


Lucia, Lucia by Adriana Trigiani

The ENGLISH SPY by Daniel Silva - Thriller

Close to Home by Pamela Cook - Aus Rural

A Time for Friends by Patricia Scanlon

The Falls by Cathryn Hein - Aus Rural Romance

The Novel Habits of Happiness: an Isabel

Dalhousie Novel by Alexander McCall Smith - Mystery

The Ends of the Earth by Robert Goddard –


Last Day in the Dynamite Factory by Annah Faulkner

a game for all the family by Sophie Hannah –


CLOSE YOUR EYES by Michael Robotham - Crime

pretty girls by Karin Slaughter - Thriller

A Time of Secrets by Deborah Burrows –

Aus War Romance

The eye of the Sheep by Sophie Laguna – Australian

The Painted Sky by Alice Campion – Aus Rural


Murder Mystery by Kerry Greenwood

UNDER THE INFLUENCE by Jacqueline Lunn

Audio Books

MAZIN GRACE by Dylan Coleman


Android Tablets for Seniors

IPad for Seniors

Facebook & Twitter For Seniors

My iPhone

The BIOLOGY of DESIRE : WHY Addiction is

not a Disease by Marc Lewis

WORLD CHEESE BOOK: tasting notes for over 750


OLD MAN’S STORY: The last thoughts of Kakadu Elder

Bill Neidjie

BETWEEN GODS a memoir by Alison Pick

Vera : my story by Vera Wasowski



Walking the FLINDERS RANGES by Warren Bonython

The POWER of BONES by Keelen Mailman – From a

troubled childhood to running a cattle station; one

woman’s heartbreaking but uplifting story of triumph

against all odds

Lonely Planet guide: ITALY


Peaceful Nature: really Relaxing Colouring Book 5

The BIG BOOK of MANDALAS Colouring Book: more

than 200 Mandala colouring pages for Inner Peace and


THAT SUGAR BOOK by Damon Gameau

DANGEROUS GAMES: Australia at the 1936 NAZI

Olympics by Larry Writer

OUTBACK HEROINES: true stories of hardship,

heartbreak and resilience by Sue Williams

And many great magazines to suit a wide

range of interests……………….

……….. SA Life

Practical Parenting

Better Homes and Gardens


Australasian Dirtbikes

Go Camping

Diabetic Living…………………….


Check us out and LIKE us on Facebook. Facebook is a great way to keep up-to-date

on upcoming events and project opportunities.


Quorn Community Landcare Group There has been a lot of local interest in the past few years about starting up a local Landcare group in Quorn….Well, it’s finally happening!! Why form a group?

To provide a place and activities for people interested in getting outdoors and learning about the local environment

Help to protect and enhance natural assets of our region Improve our ability to attract federal and state funding to

the region Link the community with projects

Who can join? Anyone! There is no age limit, Landcare is for everyone. What types of activities would this involve? There are no rules about what is a good project or activity; it depends on the interests of our group. Types of activities that we could be involved with include:

Social events – inviting guest speakers to share information that is relevant and of interest to our local community

Assisting farmers and land owners with tree planting and weed control Native seed collection Citizen Science projects – Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby monitoring, possum surveys,

bat counts, Frogwatch

INTERESTED? The first Quorn Community Landcare meeting will be held at the Quorn Area School Bush Food Garden (come in off Stokes Road) on Saturday the 26th of September at 11am. For more information, please contact Andrea Tschirner 0437287130

Quorn Community Landcare Group workshop and meeting

Come along for some native plant cutting demonstrations, bush food garden tour and lunch. WHERE? Bush Food Garden & Gazebo, Quorn Area School, off Stokes Road WHEN? 11am, Saturday 26th September WHAT? BYO drinks. Please RSVP to Andrea 0437287130 for catering purposes, or respond on the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/QuornLandcare



Come and Dine The most memorable time of the day is often around the meal table, where we can talk about the events of the day - the good and bad - and interact with family. To joke and encourage each other and get a sense of what’s happening with those we love. Even when families work together on projects it is a time to cherish.

Sadly, with technology, families growing up and moving away, too busy, or passed away, this no longer happens for many of us.


Do you live alone? Yes / No Is the effort of cooking a decent meal too much bother, so you opt for the easy way out and snack? Yes / No Do you ever come across a terrific recipe that when made is delicious, but you end up eating it for days? Yes / No Have family members moved away, and when you talk to them on the phone you have nothing to share because your days are

the same old routine. Once past “how are you” and the state of the weather, the conversation wanes and becomes strained. They think you are getting old because you start repeating yourself? Yes / No

Are there times when you don’t see anyone for days, and don’t have a conversation with anyone? Yes / No Do you actually get to hug someone or even touch anyone each day? (Psychologists state that you need four hugs a day for

mental wellbeing) Yes / No Do you ever have a task /chore that needs a second pair of hands for assistance (like moving furniture so that you can clean)

and there is no one around, so it never gets done? Yes / No Does your phone remain silent, except maybe for telemarketers trying to scam you out of your money? Yes / No

Do you have difficulty managing new phones and tablets and wish it were easier? Yes / No

Do you have time on your hands and feel that you’ve gone past your use by date? Yes / No

Outcome of Quiz

Friend, if you have answered “yes” to more than one of the previous questions We are able to help you.

COME & DINE: We invite you to join us for a weekly lunch time meal and chat. We’ll cook the meal for you, or you might be able to share your favourite recipe. Spend time afterwards, utilizing our reading room, or getting help with Technology issues, sharing hobbies, watching movies, Christian TV, or play cards / games. What about help in getting your much loved photos sorted into order - a trip down memory lane! Maybe you have skills you can share? We will also be able send help for that knotty problem.

Commencing in OCTOBER. Please register your interest 0458 486 277. If transport is an issue, let us know and we will pick you up.

Pastor: M. Smith, 29 First St QUORN 5433

mob: 0458 486 277 E-mail: fcfquorn@gmail.com


Quorn Barytes Plant HISTORY

Barytes was mined at Oraparinna by South Australian Barytes Ltd in 1946 and in the 1950's the company looked at installing a grinding and milling operation in the area. In 1955 the South Australian Mines Department reported on the estimated cost of pro-cessing 10,000 tons of ground and bagged barytes each year. It compared the costs of installing mills at Oraparinna, Hawker, Quorn, Port Augusta, Port Pirie and Adelaide. Several methods of mineral dressing were suggested - heavy media separation, jigging, tabling, flotation, magnetic separation. The option also existed between wet and dry grinding. The Mines Department initially selected the optimum site and methods. These were a gravity mill using jigs and a table, dry grinding of the concentrate, with the mill located at Port Augusta. The choice of site depended upon the economics of transport of ore from the mine, power, water and manpower as well as accommodation and amenities for those employed. Despite the recommendation of the mines Department, the mill was constructed at Quorn, mainly due to the closure of the railways in Quorn and the desire of the South Australian Government to give Quorn an industry. The government made sure the Quorn site met all requirements and the mill was opened at Quorn in 1956.

Submitted by Grant Filsell Plant Superintendent Sibelco Australia Limited, Quorn

Jenny Everett’s big Clysdesdale, Magpie Vale Ko-koda was in attendance at the Quorn Show. He was given new shoes by the farrier from Two Wells, Mr Theo Adriaans. Kokoda has his feet checked every six weeks and the farrier said he is a very well be-haved horse. Mr Adriaans is shown chatting with Dr Tony and Dr Xiyun Lu who now practising at Kanyaka Surgery.


Media Releases from Rowan Ramsay Federal Member for Grey

NEW SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM FOR GREY Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey MP encourages community groups to apply for funding under the Stronger Communities Program announced in this year’s Budget which will deliver $150,000 per year for two years to fund small capital projects delivering social benefits. “This is an exciting opportunity for local communities to work with me to identify potential pro-jects which will contribute to our community’s long term vibrancy and viability,” Mr Ramsey said. “I invite incorporated not-for-profit and local government organisations to apply for funding by completing a project proposal. “A proposal of no more than 500 words outlining the project with rough costings and benefits to local communities is all we require initially. Projects will be then prioritised by a community con-sultation committee and those applicants selected will be invited to lodge a full application. “Groups can apply for funding of at least $5,000 and up to a maximum of $20,000 and must provide matching cash or in-kind funding on at least a dollar for dollar basis. “The community consultation committee will then identify projects which are a priority and en-sure this funding delivers the best possible outcomes for our community. “I encourage potential applicants to contact my office on 1300 301742 to discuss projects which meet the eligibility criteria.” Completed forms are due by 5pm on 11th September. Mr Ramsey said the applications would be assessed against the Program Guidelines by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development to ensure approved projects represent value for money. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the Stronger Communities Program guidelines and the Frequently Asked Questions which are available on the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development’s website http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/SCP

QUORN MERCURY Items of interest would be appreciated -

including photos with details and names included.

Items submitted for publication must be

accompanied by name and contact details.

May now be submitted by email—address below:



Kev The Small Jobs Bloke BLD LIC# 233581

Paving - Stone work - Decking - Fencing

General House Repairs

Kevin Woolford

PH: 0429011212


Wholeness Healing

Stress Management

Sharon Hooper Relaxation Therapist

Ph: 0429197290 www.hibiscusdreaming.com


70th Anniversary End WW2 ‘Trackers’ Visit

Recently a ‘Trackers’ group visited Quorn and were catered for

dinner at night by the Quorn Netball Club. The event is the fourth Trackers Run and this year they travelled from Adelaide to Alice Springs, from August 9th-29th. The event is held every 5 years, with the first occurring in 1995 as part of ‘Australia Remembers’ to remember the end of WW2. Many of the original participants are on this 2015 run, and driving the same vehicles that participated in 1995.

The Trackers included a number of veterans who journeyed from

Adelaide to Alice to Darwin via the roads used during WW2, in WW2 vehicles. Pictured right: Doug Draegar


Quorn Amateur

Swimming Club

Annual General


Monday 14th












PH/FAX 08 86486419 OR

EMAIL vic@flindersranges.com


Classified Adverts

Chris Bowden 8648 6536


Once again this year after a very successful 2014 we are taking part in THE FLINDERS RANGES A BRUSH WITH ART.

Locally sponsored by the Quorn Caravan Park. We are exhibiting new work by local artists and some Adelaide artist with connection to the Flinders. Genuine aboriginal carvings by local artist Garry Parker. Brochures outling the fourteen exhibitions taking part are available from the visitor information centre and outback colours gallery. For more information phone Sue on: 0428699674

Gallery 86486765 AH 86486157


Pichi Richi Park is seeking someone who is looking for casual work .(approximately 4-8 hours per week) mainly weekends Has a great work ethic Would like to work at a great location

with great training and friendly staff.

No experience Required. If you would like to see the job description, please contact Jess at

Pichi Richi Park Phone: 86486898

Email: stay@pichirichipark.com.au

FOR SALE Small bales Wheaten hay, shedded

$6 a bale Chaff $15 bag — bring used bags. Peter Hatch: Phone 0400864867 AH 86486157


Pichi Richi Park is seeking someone who is looking for flexible work. (approximately 10 hours per week)

Has great standards in cleaning Would like to work at a great location with flexible days/hours

If you would like to see the job description, please contact Jess at

Pichi Richi Park Phone: 86486898

Email: stay@pichirichipark.com.au


Published—First Friday monthly, except January, at Quorn, South Australia 5433.

Postal Address—PO Box 367, Quorn, SA 5433.


Next Issue’s (October 2015) Deadlines—

1. Handwritten materials, major advert roughs, and pictures for scanning: 4.30pm Wednesday 23rd September 2015, at the Visitor Information Centre Quorn Railway Station.

2. Submitted articles/items are preferred as an email attachment using Word or Publisher.

3. Classified Adverts: on the form provided, by 4.30pm Friday 25th September 2015 at the Visitor Information Centre. Must be paid for when sub-mitted, or won’t be published.

4. Photocopy-ready materials: 4.30pm Friday 25th September 2015 at the Visitor Information Centre, Quorn.

5. Publication: Friday morning 2nd October 2015.

Guidelines for Photocopy-ready Materials—on white A4 paper with 2cm margins all round; mini-mum of 11-point type. If less than half a page, please use full page width. Don’t use staples!

Conditions—no material will be published that is not accompanied by the writer’s name and either address or ’phone number, but not on the work.


1. Subscriptions: $30 for 12 months.

2. Major Ads:

Single Year Discount

Full page $30 $250 $80 Half page $ 15 $ 130 $ 35 Quarter p. $ 8 $ 75 $ 13 Eighth p. $ 5 $ 50 $ 5

3. Classifieds: $1 per line or part-line on the form provided at the Visitor Information Centre, Quorn.

Contacts: Coming Events—Jillian Wilson, VIC, 8648 6419 News in Brief— Peter on 8648 6768 or


The Quorn Mercury 4th Sept 2015

Quorn Newsagency

& Gift Store

Hours: Monday — Friday 8am—5.30pm Saturday & Sunday 8.30—2.30pm

Stationery, Papers and Magazines Giftware, Quilts, Embroidery, Haberdashery

and more Call in and see Alan and Leslee


Lotto Keno and


Painting & Decorating

P.W. & S. Holtham

Quorn SA Phone (08) 8648 6428 Mobile 0428486428 Lic No. BLD172180


Quorn Book Club meets at

7.00pm on the 4th

Wednesday of each month

next meeting September

30th at Lois Litchfield’s

North Terrace residence.

Spit Roast

at Emily’s Bistro every


Powell Gardens Working

Bee—2nd Sunday and 4th

Thursday of the month

Men’ Breakfast

Quorn Men’s Shed

Thursday 3rd and 17th

Story Time at the Quorn

Library 10am

Local Produce and Craft market Sunday 27th SA with Cosi

PRR Special Channel 9

Sunday 20th September




Quorn, Hawker & Cradock Events and Services

A Brush with Art A painters exhibition inspired by the Flinders Ranges colours from 5th September until 5th October. Mixed exhibition by local artists at Outback Colours Gallery. Pichi Richi Railway Afghan Express 5th & 19th departing 10.30am from Pt Augusta Barwell Bull 13th departing 10.30am from Quorn Railway Station Explorer 6th, 27th & 29th departing 10.30am from the Quorn Railway Station Flinders Flicks

Friday 18th at Emily's Bistro

cost is supper $10 and

donation to Flinders Flicks

The Road to Nhill.

Riddells Creek Trail Horse

Riding Club of Victoria will

visit our region for horse

back riding from 24th till




Aerobics/Walking Exercise

Monday and Thursday

Badminton—Tuesday nights

Line dancing—Tuesday nights

Probus—1st Tuesday of the month

Women’s Fellowship—2nd

Wednesday of the month

Pilates - Wednesday morning

Yoga—Thursday nights

Craft Group— 1st & 3rd Friday of

the month

Justice of the Peace service is at

the library each Thursday afternoon

from 2pm to 4pm


Quilting Group—Friday fortnightly

Community Group—Tuesday


Friendship Group—3rd


Development Board—3rd Tuesday

of the month

For all new events or changes to events, please contact the Flinders Ranges Visitor

Information Centre, website www.flindersranges.com

Phone: 8648 6419, Email: vic@frc.sa.gov.au


Health Calendar

Service referral request for Allied Health is 1800 003 307


Physiotherapist 17

Community Mental Health Worker

Speech Pathologist 2


Diabetes Education 16

Occupational Therapist 16

Podiatrist 16

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service 28

Child Youth Health Nurse book on 8642 3201

Antenatal Clinic— as needed, please contact midwife at the

hospital 86487888.


Anglican Church St Matthews

Service Monthly. Please check board for times.

3rd Sunday of month combine with Uniting Church.

Catholic Church

Church of the Immaculate Conception

Sunday Mass 8.30am Weekday Mass (W-S) 9.00am

Flinders Christian Fellowship Sunday Service Weekly 10.00am Bible Study Tuesday 12:30pm

Uniting Church

Sunday Service Weekly 10.00am 2nd Sunday of month 5pm 3rd Sunday with Anglicans (alternate months)

Rainfall (mm) Month J F M A M J J A S O N D YTD 2014 18.4 47.7 2.0 96.2 63.4 33.0 22.0 9.8 22.8 0.2 13.2 13.6 342.3 2015 63.4 1.6 0.0 137.2 20.6 51.2 34.0 34.2 342.2

Quorn’s average annual rainfall is 330mm.

The peas are


Sturt Desert Peas south of Roxby Downs—photo by Helen Procter Brown.