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Quiz 6 Practice Problems

Practice problems are similar, both in difficulty and in scope, to the type of

problems you will see on the quiz. Problems marked with a ? are ‘‘for your

entertainment’’ and are not essential.


As you work through the problems listed below, you should reference sections

6.6 and 7.2 of the recommended textbook (or the equivalent section in your

alternative textbook/online resource) and your lecture notes.


• Be able to use integration to compute the work done by a variable

force in moving an object along a straight path from x = a to x = b.

Specifically, be able to solve spring problems, lifting problems, and

pumping problems.

• Be able to use integration by parts to evaluate various integrals, in-

cluding integrands involving products of functions, isolated logarithmic

functions, or isolated inverse trigonometric functions.



1. A variable force F (x) is applied in the positive x direction, as shown in

the graph below.

Find the work done by the force in moving a particle from x = 0 to

x = 9.

Spring Problems

2. A force of 20 lb is required to hold a spring stretched 5 in beyond its

natural length. How much work is done in stretching the spring from

its natural length to 7 in beyond its natural length.

3. A spring has a natural length of 2 ft. A body of 10 lb hanging on the

spring stretches it to a total length of 2.4 ft.

(a) Find the spring constant (in pounds per foot).

(b) How far beyond its natural length would a body of 50 lb stretch

the spring?

(c) How much work is required to stretch the spring from its natural

length to a length of 3 ft?


4. If the work required to stretch a spring 1 foot beyond its natural length

is 15 ft-lb, how much work is needed to stretch it 8 inches beyond its

natural length?

Lifting Problems

5. A cable that weighs 3 lb/ft is used to lift 1,000 lb of iron ore up a

mineshaft which is 450 ft deep. Find the work done.

6. A 5 lb bucket containing 10 lb of water is hanging at the end of a 30 ft

rope which weighs 1/2 lb/ft. The other end of the rope is attached to a

pulley. Assume that the rope is wound onto the pulley at a rate of 3

ft/s, causing the bucket to be lifted. Find the work done in winding

the rope onto the pulley.

7. Repeat problem 6 adding the assumption that water leaks out of the

bucket at a rate of1


8. A bag of sand originally weighing 144 lb is lifted at a constant rate. As

it rises, sand also leaks out at a constant rate. At the instant when the

bag has been lifted to a height of 18 feet, exactly half of the original

amount of sand remains. (Neglect the weight of the bag and the lifting


(a) Describe the weight of the sand as a function of x, where x is the

height of the bag above the ground.

(b) Calculate the work done in lifting the sand to the height of 18 ft

from the ground.


Pumping Problems

9. A circular swimming pool has a diameter of 10 meters. The sides are

4 meters high. And, the depth of the water is 3.5 meters. How much

work is required to pump all of the water over the side? Recall that

water weighs 9810 N/m3.

10. At Charlie’s Chocolate Factory, a tank in the shape of an inverted

circular cone having a height of 10 meters and a radius (at the top) of 6

meters is filled with chocolate pudding to a height of 2 meters. In order

to sterilize the tank, the factory needs to empty the tank. Find the

work required to empty the tank by pumping the chocolate pudding

through a hole in the top of the tank. Note: the weight density of

chocolate pudding is 12,178 N/m3.

11. The trough pictured below is 15 feet long and 4 feet wide at the top.

The ends of the trough are isosceles triangles with a height of 3 feet.

If the trough is filled to a height of 1 foot with water, find the work

required to pump all of the water over the side. Recall that water

weighs 62.4 lb/ft3.


12. The tank shown below is half full of oil which has a weight-density of

9016 N/m3.

Let x = 0 correspond to the bottom of the tank. Set up an integral

which represents the work (in joules) required to pump the oil out of

the outlet at the top which is one meter above the top of the tank. Do

not evaluate your integral.

For problems 13-22, evaluate the given integral.


∫xe4x dx


∫x2 cosx dx


∫x2 lnx dx





∫sin–1x dx


∫x sec2x dx


∫e2x cos 3x dx



∫x3 cos(x2) dx


∫ π


3x sinx dx


∫ 1


x2ex dx

23. Suppose that u and v are differentiable functions of x with

∫ 1


v du = 3

and the following functional values.

x u(x) v(x)

0 5 2

1 7 –4

Use this information to compute

∫ 1


u dv.

24. Evaluate

∫sin√x dx by first making an appropriate substitution and

then applying integration by parts.

25. Evaluate

∫(sin–1x)2 dx.

26. Find the area of the region which is enclosed by y = lnx, y = 1, and

x = e2.


27. Let R be the region enclosed by the graphs y = lnx, x = e, and the

x-axis (as shown below).

Find the volume of the solid that results from revolving R around the

line y = –1.

28. Let f be a differentiable function. Use integration by parts to show:

∫f(x) dx = xf(x)−

∫xf ′(x) dx.

? The Great Pyramid of King Khufu was built of limestone in Egypt over

a 20-year time period from 2580 bc to 2560 bc. Its base is a square with

side length 756 ft and its height when built was 481 ft. (It was the tallest

man-made structure in the world for more than 3800 years.) The density of

the limestone is about 150 lb/ft3.

(a) Estimate the total work done in building the pyramid.

(b) If each laborer worked 10 hours a day for 20 years, for 340 days a year,

and did 200 ft-lb/h of work in lifting the limestone blocks into place, about


how many laborers were needed to construct the pyramid?

? Find an antiderivative of f(x) = |x| that is not defined piecewise.

? Compute the integral ∫(1 + 2x2)ex





1. Here W =

∫ 9


F (x) dx and corresponds to the area under the trapezoid,

which is1

2h(b1 + b2) =


2(6 lb)(9 ft + 5 ft) = 42 ft-lb.

2. Recall from Hooke’s Law that F (x) = kx where k is the yet-to-be-

determined spring constant. We are given that F (5) = 20, and so

5k = 20 ⇒ k = 4 lb/in. The desired work done is thus

∫ 7


F (x) dx =∫ 7


4x dx = 2x2∣∣∣∣70

= 2(7)2 in-lb = 98 in-lb =49


3. (a) The 10 lb body stretches the spring 0.4 ft beyond its natural length,

and so F (0.4) = 10. Hooke’s Law dictates that 0.4k = 10⇒ k =

10/0.4 lb/ft = 25 lb/ft.

(b) Using Hooke’s Law, we need 50 = 25x⇒ x = 2 ft.

(c) If the spring stretches to 3 ft, then it is 1 ft beyond its natural

length. Thus W =

∫ 1


F (x) dx =

∫ 1


25x dx =25




4. Based on what is given and Hooke’s Law, we see that, if k is the spring

constant, then 15 =

∫ 1


F (x) dx =

∫ 1


kx dx =k



2⇒ k =

30 lb/ft. Since 8 inches is 2/3 feet, the desired work is

∫ 3/4


F (x) dx =∫ 3/4


30x dx = 15x2



= 15




ft-lb =20


5. Let x be the distance from the bottom of the shaft. Notice F (x) =

Fore(x) + Fcable(x). Certainly Fore(x) = 1000. Now, when the ore is x

feet from the bottom of the mineshaft, there is 450− x feet of rope left

to pull, which weighs 3(450− x) lb. Hence F (x) = 1000 + 3(450− x) =


2350−3x, and so the work done is

∫ 450


F (x) dx =

∫ 450


(2350−3x) dx =[2350x− 3


= (2350)(450)− 3

2(450)2 = 753, 750 ft-lb.

6. Let x be the distance that the water has been lifted. Notice F (x) =

Fbucket(x)+Fwater(x)+Frope(x). Certainly Fbucket(x) = 5 and Fwater(x) =

10. Now, when the bucket has been lifted x feet, there is 30−x feet of rope

left to pull, which weighs1

2(30−x) lb. Hence F (x) = 5+10+


2(30−x) =

30− 1

2x, and so the work done is

∫ 30


F (x) dx =

∫ 30


(30− 1


)dx =[

30x− 1


= (30)(30)− 1

4(30)2 = 675 ft-lb.

7. The only thing that changes here is Fwater(x). Since the rope is wound

onto the pulley at a rate of 3 ft/s, when the bucket has been lifted x

feet, x/3 seconds have elapsed, and sox

3· 14=


12x pounds of water

have leaked from the bucket. Thus Fwater(x) = 10 − 1

12x, and so

F (x) = 5 + 10 − 1

12x + 15 − 1

2x = 30 − 7

12x. The work done is now∫ 30


F (x) dx =

∫ 30


(30− 7


)dx =

[30x− 7


= (30)(30) −


24(30)2 =



8. (a) Let F (x) be the weight of the sand as a function of x, and let

c be the rate at which sand leaks from the bag (in lb/ft, which

is allowable since the bag is lifted at a constant rate). Then

F (x) = 144 − cx. We are given that F (18) = 72 so that 72 =

144− 18c⇒ 18c = 72⇒ c = 4. Therefore F (x) = 144− 4x.

(b) W =

∫ 18


F (x) dx =

∫ 18


(144−4x) dx = [144x− 2x2]180 = (144)(18)−

2(18)2 = 1944 ft-lb.


9. Consider a thin circular disk of water of thickness dx that is x meters

from the bottom of the pool. Note that such a disk has to move a

distance of 4−x meters. Let dW be the work done to move this disk of

water. Then dW = h(x) dF where h(x) = 4− x and dF is the weight

of the disk. Then dF = ρ dV where ρ is the density of water and dV is

the volume of the disk. As usual, dV = A(x) dx where A(x) is the cross-

sectional area. Observe that the cross-sections are circles, and since

the pool is presumably cylindrical, we have that A(x) = π(5)2 = 25π

since the radius of the pool is 5 meters (half of the diameter). Hence

W =

∫ 3.5


h(x) dF =

∫ 3.5


(4 − x)ρ dV =

∫ 3.5


(4 − x)(9810)A(x) dx =∫ 3.5


(9810)(25π)(4− x) dx ≈ 6.0675× 106 J.

10. Consider a thin circular disk of pudding of thickness dx that is x meters

from the bottom of the tank. Note that such a disk has to move a

distance of 10− x meters. Let dW be the work done to move this disk

of pudding. Then dW = h(x) dF where h(x) = 10 − x and dF is the

weight of the disk. Then dF = ρ dV where ρ is the density of chocolate

pudding and dV is the volume of the disk. As usual, dV = A(x) dx,

where A(x) is the cross-sectional area. Observe that the cross-sections

are circles so that A(x) = π[r(x)]2 where r(x) is the radius of the

circular cross-section at a height of x meters. We can compute r(x)

from similar triangles as follows:






5⇒ r(x) =



(Draw a picture to see why.) Therefore A(x) = π






HenceW =

∫ 2


h(x) dF =

∫ 2


(10−x)ρ dV =

∫ 2


(10−x)(12,178)A(x) dx =


∫ 2




25πx2)(10− x) dx ≈ 2,484,312

25π J.

11. Consider a thin rectangular lamina of water of thickness dx that is

x feet from the bottom of the tank. Note that such a lamina has to

move a distance of 3− x feet. Let dW be the work done to move this

lamina of water. Then dW = h(x) dF where h(x) = 3 − x and dF is

the weight of the lamina. Then dF = ρ dV where ρ is the density of

water and dV is the volume of the lamina. As usual, dV = A(x) dx,

where A(x) is the cross-sectional area. Observe that the cross-sections

are rectangles so that A(x) = l(x)w(x), where l(x) and w(x) are the

length and width, respectively, of the rectangular cross-section at a

height of x feet. Observe that l(x) is a constant 15 ft. We can compute

w(x) from similar triangles as follows:




3⇒ w(x) =



(Draw a picture to see why.) Therefore A(x) = 15



)= 20x.

Hence W =

∫ 1


h(x) dF =

∫ 1


(3− x)ρ dV =

∫ 1


(3− x)(62.4)A(x) dx =∫ 1


(62.4)(20x)(3− x) dx = 1456 ft-lb.

12. Consider a thin rectangular lamina of oil of thickness dx that is x feet

from the bottom of the tank. Note that such a lamina has to move a

distance of 1+6−x = 7−x meters. Let dW be the work done to move

this lamina of oil. Then dW = h(x) dF where h(x) = 7− x and dF is

the weight of the lamina. Then dF = ρ dV where ρ is the density of oil

and dV is the volume of the lamina. As usual, dV = A(x) dx, where

A(x) is the cross-sectional area. Observe that the cross-sections are

rectangles so that A(x) = l(x)w(x), where l(x) and w(x) are the length


and width, respectively, of the rectangular cross-section at a height of

x feet. Observe that l(x) is a constant 8 m. We can compute w(x)

using circular geometry. (I know that this will be difficult to follow, so

definitely draw a picture to guide you through the following argument.)

Indeed, the long sides of the lamina are chords of the circular sides of

the tank. Let r(x) be the distance from the center of a circular side

of the tank to either end of such a chord on the same side of the tank.

(This length is the same for both ends since the segment connecting

them is a radius of the circle.) Since r(x) is merely the radius of the

circle, we see that r(x) is a constant 3 m. The perpendicular distance

from the center of the circle to the chord is 3− x meters and, by the

property of isosceles triangles, bisects the chord. By the Pythagorean


32 = (3−x)2+[w(x)




4= 9−(3−x)2 ⇒ w(x) =

√4(9− (3− x)2).

Therefore A(x) = 8 ·2√

9− (3− x)2. HenceW =

∫ 3


h(x) dF =

∫ 3



x)ρ dV =

∫ 3


(7−x)(9016)A(x) dx =

∫ 3


(9016)(7−x)(16√9− (3− x)2

)dx =


∫ 3


(7− x)√6x− x2 dx J.


13. Using tabular integration

u dv SIGN

x e4x +


4e4x −


16e4x +

the answer is1

4xe4x − 1

16e4x + C.

14. Using tabular integration

u dv SIGN

x2 cosx +

2x sinx −

2 – cosx +

0 – sinx −

the answer is x2 sinx+ 2x cosx− 2 sinx+ C.

15. Note that the integral is the same as

∫(lnx)(x2) dx. Since lnx is

logarithmic and x2 is algebraic, LIATE suggests that we let u = lnx

and dv = x2 dx. Then du = (1/x)dx and v = (x3/3)dx. Hence


∫x2 lnx dx =

∫u dv = uv−

∫v du = (lnx)




3·1xdx =


3x3 lnx−1


16. Note that the integral is the same as

∫(lnx)(x–4) dx. Since lnx is

logarithmic and x–4 is algebraic, LIATE suggests that we let u = lnx

and dv = (x–4) dx. Then du = (1/x)dx and v = –(x–3/3) = –1/(3x3).



x4dx =

∫u dv = uv−

∫v du = (lnx)




)−∫ (






Note that the remaining integral above is positive. Now

∫ (1




)dx =


3x4dx = –


9x3+ C,

and so the answer is


3x3− 1

9x3+ C.

17. Use the standard trick for integrating isolated inverse trigonometric

functions (that is, multiply by 1). Let u = sin–1x and dv = dx. Then

du =1√

1− x2dx and v = x. So

∫sin–1 x dx =

∫u dv = uv−

∫v du = (sin–1x)(x)−



1− x2



To find


1− x2dx, let w = 1− x2 so that dw = –2x dx⇒ –


2dw =

x dx. Hence


1− x2dx = –




= –1

2· 2√w + C =

√1− x2 + C.

The final answer is thus

x sin–1x+√1− x2 + C.

18. Using tabular integration

u dv SIGN

x sec2x +

1 tanx −

0 ln|secx| +

the answer is x tanx− ln|secx|+ C = x tanx+ ln|cosx|+ C.


19. We use tabular integration.

u dv SIGN

e2x cos 3x +


3sin 3x −

4e2x –1

9cos 3x +

We stop at the last row since it is a constant multiple of the first. The

table tells us that

∫e2x cos 3x dx =


3e2x sin 3x+


9e2x cos 3x− 4


∫e2x cos 3x dx.



∫e2x cos 3x dx to both sides yields



∫e2x cos 3x dx =


3e2x sin 3x+


9e2x cos 3x.

Multiply both sides by 9/13 so that

∫e2x cos 3x dx =


13e2x sin 3x+


13e2x cos 3x+ C.

20. First let w = x2 so that dw = 2x dx⇒ 12dw = x dx. Hence

∫x3 cos(x2) dx =

∫x2 cos(x2) · x dx =



∫w cosw dw.


This new integral can be solved with integration by parts. Using tabular


u dv SIGN

w cosw +

1 sinw −

0 – cosw +

this new integral is w sinw + cosw. Plugging back in w = x2 and

remembering to multiply by 1/2, we find that

∫x3 cos(x2) dx =



[x2 sin(x2) + cos(x2)

]+ C.

21. Using tabular integration

u dv SIGN

3x sinx +

3 – cosx −

0 – sinx +


∫ π


3x sinx dx = [–3x cosx+ 3 sinx]π0 = –3π cosπ = 3π.

22. Using tabular integration

u dv SIGN

x2 ex +

2x ex −

2 ex +

0 ex −

∫ 1


x2ex dx =[x2ex − 2xex + 2ex

]10= (e− 2e+ 2e)− 2 = e− 2.

23. ∫ 1


u dv = uv


−∫ 1


v du = u(1)v(1)−u(0)v(0)−3 = (7)(–4)−(5)(2)−3 = –41.

24. First let w =√x. Then

dw =1

2√xdx⇒ 2

√x dw = dx⇒ 2w dw = dx


so that

∫sin√x dx = 2

∫w sinw dw.

This new integral can be solved with integration by parts. Using tabular


u dv SIGN

w sinw +

1 – cosw −

0 – sinw +

this new integral is –w cosw + sinw. Plugging back in w =√x and

remembering to multiply by 2, we find that

∫sin√x dx = –2

√x cos

√x+ 2 sin

√x+ C.

25. FIRST SOLUTION: Use the standard trick for integrating isolated

inverse trigonometric functions (that is, multiply by 1). Let u =

(sin–1x)2 and dv = dx. Then du = (2 sin–1x/√1− x2) dx and v = x. So

∫(sin–1x)2 dx =

∫u dv = uv−

∫v du = (sin–1x)2(x)−


(2 sin–1x√1− x2



Now observe that the new integral


(2 sin–1x√1− x2

)dx =

∫sin–1x · –2x√

1− x2dx

has as its integrand the product of two functions, one which we straight-

forward to differentiate (sin–1x) and one which is straightforward to

integrate (–2x/√1− x2). In particular, if we let w = 1 − x2, then

dw = –2x dx, and so

∫–2x√1− x2

dx =

∫1√wdw = 2

√w + C = 2

√1− x2 + C.

Therefore, to integrate sin–1x·(–2x)/√1− x2, we can let u′ = sin–1x and

dv′ = –2x/√1− x2 dx. Then du′ = (1/

√1− x2) dx and v′ = 2

√1− x2.


∫sin–1x · –2x√

1− x2dx =

∫u′ dv′ = u′v′ −

∫v′ du′

= (sin–1x)(2√1− x2)−

∫ (2√1− x2

)( 1√1− x2


= 2√1− x2(sin–1x)− 2

∫dx = 2

√1− x2(sin–1x)− 2x+ C.

Putting everything together, we find that

∫(sin–1x)2 dx = x(sin–1x)2 + 2

√1− x2(sin–1x)− 2x+ C.

SECOND SOLUTION: Let w = sin–1x. Then sinw = x⇒ cosw dw =

dx so that


∫(sin–1x)2 dx =

∫w2 cosw dw.

This new integral can be solved with integration by parts. Using tabular


u dv SIGN

w2 cosw +

2w sinw −

2 – cosw +

0 – sinw −

this new integral is now w2 sinw + 2w cosw− 2 sinw. Plugging back in

w = sin–1x, we find that

∫(sin–1x)2 dx = (sin–1x)2 sin(sin–1x) + 2 sin–1x cos(sin–1x)− 2 sin(sin–1x) + C

= x(sin–1x)2 + 2√1− x2(sin–1x)− 2x+ C.

26. This is simply

∫ e2


(lnx− 1) dx. (This is because lnx = 1 when x = e

and the graph of y = lnx is increasing.) Now use the standard trick for

integrating isolated logarithmic functions (that is, multiply by 1). Let

u = lnx− 1 and dv = dx. Then du =1

xdx and v = x. So


∫ e2


(lnx− 1) dx =

∫ e2


u dv

= uv

∣∣∣∣∣e2e −∫ e2


v du

= (lnx− 1)x

∣∣∣∣∣e2e −∫ e2


x · 1xdx

= (ln e2 − 1)e2 − (ln e− 1)e−∫ e2



= (2− 1)e2 − (1− 1)e− (e2 − e)

= e2 − e2 + e = e.

27. Since R is not touching the axis of revolution, we use washer method.

Also, since the axis of revolution is horizontal, we integrate with respect

to x. So dV = A(x) dx where A(x) = π[r2(x)]2−π[r1(x)]2. Here r2(x) =

lnx+ 1 and r1(x) = 1 so that A(x) = π[(lnx+ 1)2 − 12] = π[(lnx)2 +

2 lnx+1−1]. Hence V =

∫ e


dV =

∫ e


A(x) dx = π

∫ e


[(lnx)2+2 lnx] dx.

We already established earlier that an antiderivative of lnx is x lnx−x.To find one for (lnx)2, first let w = lnx so that ew = x⇒ ew dw = dx.

We now have

∫(lnx)2 dx =

∫w2ew dw.

This new integral can be solved with integration by parts. Using tabular



u dv SIGN

w2 ew +

2w ew −

2 ew +

0 ew −

This new integral is w2ew − 2wew + 2ew. Plugging back in w = lnx we

find that

∫(lnx)2 dx = (lnx)2elnx−2 lnxelnx+2elnx+C = x(lnx)2−2x lnx+2x+C.

Hence, the volume is

π[x(lnx)2 − 2x lnx+ 2x+ 2x lnx− 2x]e1 = [x(lnx)2]e1 = πe.

28. Because f is differentiable, we can let u = f(x) and dv = dx. Then

du = f ′(x) dx and v = x. Hence

∫f(x) dx =

∫u dv = uv −

∫v du = xf(x)−

∫xf ′(x) dx.

(This is a generalization of the technique we use to integrate logarithmic

and inverse trigonometric functions.)