Quiz 2

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Quiz 2



Mayank Agarwal


Inspiration for which famous scene of which movie???

Block’s Chess game with Death The Seventh Seal (1957) by Ingmar Bergman

2.At the UN Security Council in 1957, the Indian politician X talked for nearly eight hours defending India's position on Kashmir. X collapsed from exhaustion partway through and had to be hospitalized. He returned later and continued for another hour while a doctor monitored his blood pressure. To date, X’s speech is the longest ever delivered in the United Nations Security Council. The transcript of the speech is on the UN website and it runs to 160 pages.

Who is X????

V.K.Krishna Menon

3. When I first started at Google, my main job was to wait for the UPS man. My dad and I were pretty much the only ones who showed up before 11AM, so we became the de facto receptionists for a while.

When we moved to Mountain View in the summer of 1999, I switched to full-time. I interviewed a lot of people. Fewer of them were online back then, though of course it's hard to tell sometimes. Eventually, I returned to part-time consulting and spent a lot of time watching ducks in a pond near our office. Fascinating, but ultimately unfulfilling.

Now my office is on the third floor. I take the elevator these days, since I injured my right leg last year. There are more like me at Google now, but many of them are very small compare to me. When I stands outside the Google cafe, I love getting attention from all the passers-by. They even know my name! And there's barbecue on the patio every day during the summer. Life is good.


“YOSHKA” the Google dog

4. He was born on 5th May 1822. He had 3 natural talents:

horsemanship, facility with foreign languages and fornication. He was a coward, who would flee from danger if there was any way to do so. He threw himself into the social life that the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons offered. He was sent to India and he became a hero after surviving the ensuing debacle by a mixture of sheer luck and unstinting cowardice. After defending the Piper’s fort ,over the next 60 years or so he was involved in many 19th century military conflicts, always in spite of best efforts to evade his duty. He survived some of the worst military disasters like the First Anglo-Afghan War, Charge of the Light Brigade, the Siege of Cawnpore, Battle of the Little Bighorn, Battle of Isandlwana, always coming out with more heroic laurels. He died in 1915.


“Sir Harry Paget Flashman” from “Flashman” series of novels

5.Recently a team led by Professor Nasser Peyghambarian, of Arizona University have developed a technique that can make following scenes of Star Wars possible in real life:1. "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope

*static* Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."―Leia Organa's message to Obi Wan Kenobi

2. "I can't watch any more."―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Which Technique ??????????????

Moving 3D hologram with movements close to real time


Parody of whom?????

Quentin Tarantino

7. Connect

8.What is written under the blue box????????

yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam / यो�गः� कर्म�सु क�शलर्म�


Parody of what????



Other photographs related to which famous photograph??????

“Migrant Mother”(1936)

11. Connect

George Lucas


What are these ?????

Venus Figurines• Venus of Willendorf• Venus of Lespugue• Venus of Roumanie• Mal’ta Venus• Venus of Dolni Vestonice

13. Connect

La Dolce Vita1. Trevi Fountain where this famous scene was shot.2. Pure Magic’s Tagline is “La Dolce Vita”3. Fedrico Fellini4. Anita Ekberg lead actress in the movie