Quips and Quotes - Wildflower Quilt Guild 2017 WQG Newsletter.pdf · mend is like asking Picasso to...

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Transcript of Quips and Quotes - Wildflower Quilt Guild 2017 WQG Newsletter.pdf · mend is like asking Picasso to...

Volume 26, Issue 10

October, 2017

Quips and Quotes

Wildflower Quilt Guild Newsletter

A Note From the President

And a happy Autumn to everyone! Doesn’t it feel like

Autumn to you? What, no you say? Well, I hate to ad-

mit it, but I am surely ready for some cooler weather. I

hope I don’t grumble when we get cooler weather,

even cold weather. I have to keep thinking about the

heat that comes with the summer. Like they say, we

have three seasons, summer, January and February.

Wasn’t our guest speaker wonderful last month? It is

such a great thrill to handle quilts like that, and get a

close-up look at the pattern and the quilting. And she

did all that in a year, without blinking an eye.

Makes me think that I spend way too much time on

other activities instead of sitting at the machine sewing

and quilting.

A blast from the past - quips & quotes

We have had quite a few visitors and a few new

members these past few months at our guild meet-

ings, and I want to welcome them into our diverse

quilt guild. Our members are so talented and like to

share that knowledge readily with others.

I am looking forward to working with Stacy on our

next quilt show, so be planning on that quilt you want

to enter now. Don’t wait until next year; it will be here

before you know it! Also you could enter more than

one. Just saying.

I will leave you with this thought: Asking a quilter to

mend is like asking Picasso to paint the garage.

Happy quilting, Mary Ann

Cut 1 inch slices from French Bread

(Note: you can cut the bread the night before)

Melt 1 stick of butter

1 cup of brown sugar

Put melted butter and sugar in a 9 x 13 pan

Sprinkle a handful of chopped pecans over the sugar/

butter mixture

Put the cut bread on top of the butter/sugar mixture

Mix together:

1 Tbl. Vanilla

6 eggs

2 cups milk

Pour milk mixture over

bread/sugar in pan.

Bake in 350° oven for 30 minutes

Top with powdered sugar before serving.


from the October/November, 2002 issue of Quips & Quotes


September PROGRAM

The donation table was piled high at our September

guild meeting, thanks so much to all who donated! We

took in the following items for donation:

• 20 Chemo quilts

• 13 Project Linus quilts

• 36 Pillowcases

For Hope Pregnancy

• 2 Baby blankets

• 2 quilts

• 12 baby hats

Misc. items for Ronald McDonald House

OCTOBER Birthdays

October 7 ..........................Candice Lane

October 9 ............................... Jo Elwood

October 9 ...........................Connie Hicks

October 13 ................. Carol Ann Wadley

October 14 ................... Bonnie Woodard

October 14 ................. Tammy Ferguson

October 19 ....................... Pam Edwards

October 23 .......................... Betty Sodek

October 28 .................. Paulette Whitfield













Thanks so much to Maria Hall for her presentation “One

Pattern, Twelve Quilts” at our September guild meeting.

Maria showed how she resized and repositioned one block

to make many different and stunning quilts. You can visit

her blog by searching for Mariathequilter on Wordpress.


At our October 17th guild meeting Martha Wolfe will speak

on “The do's and don'ts of Block Swaps....How to do a Swap

Block”. Martha is a renowned art quilter who takes much of

her inspiration from photographs.



(From “Quick Quarter Quilts”)

Materials: 18 fat quarters (FQ)

Before the class:

1. Iron your fat quarters flat

2. Stack them, arranging colors

in a way that is pleasing to


3. Cut (3) 4-inch strips

on the 22’ length of each

FQ. Set aside remaining fab-


4. Stack each set of strips in the

same order (see #2)

5. Sew each stack together (1/4” seams) lengthwise, form-

ing 3 sets

At the class we will:

1. Sew the long sides of each set together, forming 3 tubes.

2. Cut the tubes (across the width of the set): Cut (9) 3½”,

Cut (5) 2¼”, Cut (3) 2’

3. Follow the chart (you’ll receive it at the class), using strip

widths indicated.

4. You will alternate ripping seams and cutting in half

(Determining which strip to add is easier if you lay the

quilt on a flat surface.)

5. Leave an “offset” between whole and half pieces of fabric

to account for the seam allowance.

*You will probably have left-over fabric you can use for addi-

tional tubes

Our own guild member Linell Mikeska will teach the work-

shop on Wednesday October 18th. She will show us how to

make a beautiful Bargello quilt. The workshop will be at

Grace Presbyterian Church from 9:00 to 3:00 and the cost is

$25. Please contact Cindy Moore at br549@prodigy.net to

sign up, and see below for a picture of Lanell’s example quilt

and instructions. Looking forward to see everyone at the

workshop... You gals are such good supporters !

Mary Ann Nelson

Membership News

We had 68 members attend the September meet-

ing. Our guests this month were Barbara Elvers of Rock-

dale, Elaine Novak of Harker Heights, Patsy Parmer of

Holland and Bonnie Mitchell, Loretta Reagan, Jan Austin

and Janet Easley all from Temple. We hope to see them

all sign on as members in November when we will start

taking applications for 2018 Membership.

The door prizes this month were first, a packet

of Moda charm squares and a Farmhouse Threads pat-

tern donated by Simply Fabrics located at 6408 Gholson

Road, Waco which was won by Kay Lewis and second, a

box of Contona threads donated by The Temple Sew

and Quilt Store located at 1510 South 31st Street in Tem-

ple which was won by Carol Fischer. Congratulations to

the lucky winners and thanks again to Simply Fabric and

The Temple Sew and Quilt Store for their generous do-



Thanks again to all the folks who stepped up and

brought great food to the September meeting. The Dia-

mond Bee is signed up for the October meeting, but we

still need individuals to volunteer for the November meet-

ing. Please contact Peggy Mathis at pjma-



The proposed updated by-laws for our guild were

emailed to our members in September, and the pro-

posed changes were read at the September guild meet-

ing. Please review the changes and let us know if you

have any comments, questions, or suggestions. You can

contact Cindy Moore at br549@prodigy.net to voice your

opinions. We will vote on the new By-Laws at the Octo-

ber 17th guild meeting.

2017 - fabric manipulation challenge

This year’s annual Guild Challenge must include some

form of fabric manipulation and some purple fabric! (You

can still get fabric from Kathi Dossman, just contact her at

sonokat@aol.com.) Your challenge Quilt must measure

between 25 and 45 inches on each side, and will need to

be turned in to Kathi one week before the November

guild meeting. Everyone is welcome to participate in this

challenge, the more the merrier, and you still have time if

you haven't started your quilt yet!

The following excerpts are from an article explaining Fab-

ric Manipulation from a Tumblr post by Susanna Vesna

on 7/27/13:

Fabric Manipulation

So what IS “Fabric Manipulation”? After I have done a

little internet research … I came up with my own defini-


Fabric Manipulation (FM) involves one getting crazy and

creative with textiles, making them look like some newly

discovered material! If there was a Periodic Table of fab-

rics, FM would be similar to CREATING NEW elements

by using available ones! And this involves different tech-

niques, some of which are very familiar – embroidery and

embellishment! We got so used to these, that we don't

even think of them twice anymore!

But the world of Fabric Manipulation is much more so-

phisticated than that! Let's take a look at some basic

techniques that are involved in FM:

1. Embroidery – Here you can stick to standard folk

methods of embroidering by hand; sewing machine

would offer a more neat but obviously mechanical

style, so I would probably stick to handcraft and go

crazy with it.

2. Embellishment – you can either “stick it or stitch it”!

Nothing more simple than this technique. Just go out

and find some good beads, stones, crystals, etc.

3. Quilting – Folding and stitching different pieces of

fabric together in a particular pattern. It doesn't have

to be limited to carpets and bed covers, u know!

4. Folding, Pleating, Crunching – and other things we

learned in basic sewing! The only difference is that in

FM these are used more for creating effects of new

shapes and surfaces of the fabrics.

5. Appliqué – this technique involves “sticking or stitch-

ing” fabric pieces cut out in specific shapes on to a

garment. You may remember those from your child-

hood! All the cute little elephants, flowers, mush-

rooms and so on that your mum and granny would

decorate your dresses with! Well, at least mine did!

6. Fabric Painting – Oh, I can tell you so much about

this, having learned silk-painting for a couple of

years. This is like a whole new world of art! Imagine

wearing a real painting as a dress, and I'm not talking

about prints of classic world-class artistry that Dolce

& Gabana used in their previous collections. I'm talk-

ing about your own unique drawing, hand-painted.

Doesn't get more real than that!

7. Layering – Using different fabrics, creating 3D effects

and shapes, whether stitching them on or sticking. I

haven't been practicing this, so cannot tell you all the

intricate details, but you can get a better idea by re-

search and some good literature!

8. Cutting Out, Engraving – Latest catwalk trends

showed a lot of Laser Cutting technique in use, creat-

ing beautiful symmetrical filigree-like patterns, wheth-

er on leather or normal fabrics.

So the other definition of FM is turning fantasy into reality!

Sounds cliché, but it's true! One may recreate existing

shapes and items, by using materials like rope, plastic,

metal, glass, or something more unusual, thus giving the

old story a fresh breath and showing it in a new light!

The last thing you need to remember is that there is ab-

solutely no right or wrong in the case of FM! Yes, you

need to look after your quality and not use anything haz-

ardous that may catch fire and burn down your studio!

You need to let your imagination and creativity run wild

and free. Learn the basics, but don't make them your

strict standards! Don't make it perfect and it will be per-


Susanna Vesna

Three Quilting Tips


October 4th is our next We Care Bee and you are ALL

invited. We meet at Grace Presbyterian Church from 9:00

to 3:00 and all we ask is that you pay $5 for the room. At

this Bee we work only on donation projects, so whether

you're a quilter or pillowcase maker or baby hat knitter

you are welcome. And don't forget that we supply quilt

batting for all your donation quilts, so you can always stop

by and pick some up.

Last month 8 ambitious ladies learned how to free motion

quilt, which we know will lead to many more self-quilted

projects! This month we are having another fun challenge

called the “Ugly Backing” challenge. You can choose from

a selection of beauty challenged backing fabric and come

up with a beautiful front to go with your back.

Whether you want to work on this donation project or

bring one of your own, we hope to see everyone on the

first Wednesday. Please contact Lisa Martin at lisamar-

tin@hotmail.com for more information.

Some examples of our “ugly” backing.


To help press out stubborn fabric creas-

es or folds such as the center fold, mix a

few drops of white vinegar with distilled

water. Use a cotton

swab to moisten the

crease with the mix-

ture before pressing.



Use a little rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball to clean your

scissors blades and rotary cutter blades.



If you accidentally get machine oil on your quilt top,

work some dry cornstarch into the spots to absorb the

oil. Then, brush the cornstarch away with a soft, clean


If you get blood on

your quilt, it will

come out easily by

rubbing a dab of

shampoo on it.

Then rinse with cold


Other News

The slate for the WQG 2018 Board of Directors will be pre-

sented at the October guild meeting, and voted on at the

November meeting. At the moment all positions have volun-

teers, but if you would like to run for any position please

contact Cindy Moore at br549@prodigy.com to have your

name added to the list.

2018 Board of Directors

OCTOBER Block of the Month - Domino 12½ ” block

September block of the month winners !

We had a whopping 80 blocks turned in for

the BOM in September, more than would fit on

the display board!

Don't they look pretty?

The three winners of blocks were:

• Kay Lewis

• Tammy Ferguson

• Reeneea Schraeder.

Quilt Show Update

Cut 24 – 6” squares of 100% cotton fabric (selvages re-

moved). Stack Charm Squares by offsetting each layer by ¼

turn – (this makes it easier for us to distribute the squares).

Put the Charm Squares in a Ziploc bag with your name it,

drop the bag off at the Charm Square table before the start

of the guild meeting and remember to pick your bag up at the

end of the guild meeting. You will have a wonderful variety of

6” fabric squares to work with.

October .......................................................... green

November ..................................................... stripes

December ........................................................ blue

It's time to sign up for the 2018 Quilter’s Pal gift exchange! If

you want to participate in this fun and exciting exchange, you

will get the form from Lisa Martin at the October meeting and

fill it out with all your details, then turn it back in at the No-

vember guild meeting. Then at the December meeting you

will choose your Quilter’s Secret Pal from Lisa, and you will

receive the information form that your Pal filled out.

Starting in January you will be expected to bring your Pal a

small gift to each guild meeting, and you will receive a gift

from the member who has you as their Pal. If you can't at-

tend a meeting at some point, it's a good idea to send your

gift with a friend, so your Pal isn't sad about not receiving

anything, and have your friend pick up your gift.

Thanks so much to Jan Rogers, who is retiring from this po-

sition after four years, and I'm looking forward to knowing

ALL your secrets throughout the year!!!

Lisa Martin

Charm Squares

Remember to offset your

charm squares by 1/4 turn


The 2017 Quilt Show is now behind us. We are pleased

with our financial results (see below) and are already

looking forward to the 2019 show. We have booked the

Mayborn Center for July 19th and 20th for our

Show. Please mark those dates on your calendar and

start planning new quilts.

Our Quilt Show Director for the 2019 show is Stacy Cla-

dy (pending the Board of Directors vote)! She will do an

excellent job and I know we will all be behind her getting

things done. Stacy's co-chairman will be Mary Ann Ev-

erett. Thank you, ladies, for stepping up and supporting

our guild.

I want to thank everyone for all the work you did for us at

our show. There was a lot of work ahead of time having

things ready and it showed because our set-up and

show days ran very smoothly. I am so appreciative of all

the support you gave myself and Mary Ann throughout

this entire process. One thing I have learned about

working toward a goal such as a quilt show - new friend-

ships are made and strengthened. I so appreciate all of

you and have enjoyed getting to know you much bet-

ter. Thank you for your help and support.

Charlotte Massey

2017 WQG Quilt Show

Income/Expense Statement

Total Income ................................ $11,360.67

Total Expenses .............................. $8,560.39

Show Profit ..................................... $2,800.28

Quilter Pals

President .......................................... Mary Ann Everett

1st Vice President ............................Mary Anne Nelson

2nd Vice President .............................. Patty Emmerling

Secretary ............................................ Mary ann Everett

Treasurer ............................................. Barbara McCart

Co-Treasurer........................................... Janice Forney

Parliamentarian .............................................................

Membership .................................................. Jill Stelow

Community Service .............................. Bev Crocker

Mentorship Program .................... Charlotte Massey

Sunshine & Shadows .................... MaryAnn Everett

Yearbook/Bee Keeper ......................... Cindy Moore

Communications ......................................... Lisa Martin

Facebook Page ............................... Emily Dossman

Newsletter/Website ............................. Carol Fischer

Public Relations/Historian ....................... Lisa Martin

Activities ................................................... Kathy Jordan

Birthday Fabric .................................. Sandy Meeker

Block of the Month .............................. Kathy Jordan

Challenge/Round Robin ................... Kathi Dossman

Charm Squares ................................... Ferral Quiroz

Quilter Pals .................... Jan Rogers/Glenda Sager

UFO Challenge ............ Dovie Fowler/Pam Edwards

Facilities .................................................. Peggy Mathis

Hospitality .......................................... Peggy Mathis

Librarian ............................................. Janice Forney

Christmas Party ......................... Mary Anne Everett

Quilt Show ......... Charlotte Massey/Mary Anne Everett


organization dedicated to promoting the art of quilting

and providing an opportunity for sharing ideas and

learning new techniques.

• WQG MEETINGS are held the third Tuesday of each

month at First United Methodist Church in Temple.

• MEMBERSHIP is open to anyone interested in quilts

or quilting. Annual dues are $30.00, with special rates

for Juniors. Members receive the guild’s newsletter,

have use of the lending library, attend monthly meet-

ings and special events and enjoy many other opportu-


• SUBMISSIONS to the newsletter are due the Friday

after the monthly meeting. Send submissions to: lisamartinaz@hotmail.com

