Quick Start Learning. Application of the DENAS 'C lassic ...

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Transcript of Quick Start Learning. Application of the DENAS 'C lassic ...

1. What are common conditions for starting DENAS-treatments?

2. What are contraindications for DENS-therapy?

3. I have pain. Where should I start?

4. I received an injury or burn. How can the device help me?

5. I have problem in an internal organ. Where should I start?

6. What else should I do? Or what can I do to improve my results?

7. I don't know the correct "Direct-Projection" treatment zone for my disease. What should I do?

8. I have an undefined complaint. I feel weakness, fatigue and drowsiness. What should I do?

9. What should be duration of 1 procedure (session) and how many procedures (sessions) I have to make?

10. How many zones can I treat within 1 session?

11. What are Segmental Zones? (Reference Appendix 1 - Segmental Zones).

12. What are Su-Jok Zones? (Reference Appendix 2 - Su-Jok Zones).

"Quickdevices. ' 1 1 0 2 ' & lassic' C ' DENAS the

of Application Learning. Start"


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John Pietras
Typewritten Text
** CONTACT JPA. our Primary USA Distributor
John Pietras
Typewritten Text

1. What are common conditions for starting DENAS-

treatments? 1. You have your own health related complaint. (Even though you may not be aware of your

professional medical diagnosis).

2. You have a relative or friend who has a health related complaint requiring attention. (It is recommended to always begin treatment during the acute phase of a chronic disease. That means: if you have a chronic disease, but it is not disturbing you at the moment, don’t start at that time. Best results are possible when you apply DENAS treatment during a period of stronger pain. In order to apply the DENAS therapy to body areas not easily reachable by yourself, you will need the assistance of someone who understands the DENAS functions and the procedures outlined herein).


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2. What are contraindications for DENS-therapy?

There are only few contraindications for DENS-treatment: - Individual intolerance of electric current - Presence of implanted heart pacemaker DENAS does not treat cancer or any malignant tumor. However, treatment can considerably decrease severe pain and improve the quality of life.

We also do not recommend the application of treatment directly on the painful area of the gall bladder (direct projection) when it is known that the gall bladder actually contains a gallstone.

Direct projection of gall bladder.

If you don’t feel pain in the kidney area, however you were diagnosed with renal calculus (nephrolith), you should not use direct projection in the kidney area.

Direct projection of the kidney.

John Pietras

3. I have pain. Where should I start? 1. Define your pain area.

2. Turn the DENAS on (or your DiaDENS instrument operating at 77 Hz, “Direct Projection”) and then press the DENAS MODE button once (so you are in "Therapy (constant) Mode".

3. Place the electrodes on the painful area.

4. Set the power level using "+" (increase) or "-" (decrease). You achieve the necessary level when you feel vibration, (a sensation of a pleasant pricking or heating in the area of application). Note that when you move the device, always keep all three electrodes in contact with the skin. It is possible to achieve complete pain relief for pain types such as: skin wounds, skin burns, back aches and “bone” aches. When you experience a pain involving internal organs (such as liver, stomach etc.) you may find it helpful to apply DENAS to the "Segmental Zones". (refer to Appendix 1 - Segmental zones).

5. Estimate results. If the pain is eliminated or reduced, stop the treatment of pain area. Usually it takes not more then 15 minutes. If pain does not reduce, increase the power level. If the painful area seems unaffected, try another zones. (refer to Su-Jok Zones – Appendix 2).



Example 1. The patient has pain in the knee. Switch to "Therapy (constant) Mode". Place device on the knee, keeping contact with the electrodes. Hold device in that position until the pain has been reduced or eliminated.

Example 2. Patient has an open wound, burn or bleeding. Don't apply directly to the injury (It should be applied to the areas immediately around the injury). The device should be moved as shown on the picture below.


4. I received an injury or burn. How can the device help me? In dealing with first and many second degree burns or injuries, the DENAS system can be of very significant first-aid assistance. Consider the following pointers:

1. First, you should recognize that the DENAS device can reduce or eliminate pain for many types of injuries and wounds. (See Section 3 ).

2. Secondly, if it is possible, you should begin treatment as quickly as you can after receiving an injury or first degree burn. This will help you to eliminate manifestations of additional pain that may occur later (in a few minutes or hours).

3. If you do start treatment later, the device will help you to considerably accelerate recovery. It will reduce not only the pain but lessen the severity (swelling and blistering) of the wound or burn.

4. For example, after an individual receives a burn, redness will usually develop first along with increasing pain. In time the injured area will grow into burn blisters. Using the DENAS device within 10 to 15 minutes, after a burn episode, can considerably decrease the classical development of an injury and accelerate recovery.

5. Depending on the extent of a first degree burn injury, it is also possible to completely stop the development of pain and injury manifestation within just 10 to15 minutes! To do this, it is necessary to begin application of the DENAS treatment almost immediately after receiving a burn.

6. Time is of the essence. The prompt and speedy application of the DENAS treatment is vital in order to experience a prompt recovery. Fast responsiveness will also assist speedy recovery for many types of injuries, in addition to burns.

7. By giving immediate first-aid before professional medical help arrives, you can help lessen the severity of a third degree burn. (Prompt medical attention will be required to manage serious second and third degree burns. Professional medical assistance can help prevent scarring, disability, and deformity).


5. I have problem in internal organ. Where should I start? 1. Define area of projection (where pain is felt) of the internal organ on the skin. This area

names "DIRECT- PROJECTION of the complaint".

2. Turn the DENAS on and then press the MODE button once (so you are in "Therapy (constant) Mode").

3. Place electrodes on the area of direct projection (the area where pain is felt) of the internal organ.

4. Set up power level using "+" (increase) or "-" (decrease). You achieve the necessary level when you feel vibration, pleasant pricking or heat. You can move device keeping contact with the skin. Additionally, you may also need to apply the DENAS to the segmental zones. (refer to Appendix 1 – Segmental Zones).

5. Estimate results. If the complaint has been eliminated or reduced, stop treatment of the direct projection area. Usually it takes not more then 15 minutes. If the pain does not reduce, increase the power level. If the painful area seems unaffected, try another zone. (refer to Su-Jok Zones – Appendix 2).


Example 1. Diarrhea. Apply the device in a counter-clockwise manner around the navel using the "direct projection" of the intestinal area. This is a special technique. Move device as shown on the picture below, keeping contacts electrodes always touching the skin. The rate of movement should be about 1 inch per second.



Example 2. Constipation. Apply the device in a clockwise manner around the navel using the "direct projection" of the intestinal area. This is a special technique. Move device as shown on the picture below, keeping contacts electrodes always touching the skin. The rate of movement should be about 1 inch per second.


6. What else should I do? Or what can I do to improve my results?

1. Balance the results by applying the DENAS "Test (Dosed) Mode" on the healthy side. Note and remember: applying "Test (Dosed) Mode" you should not "move or slide" the device, you can just "shift or rock" the device from the one area to the next area as indicated below. You should stay on the general area until "end of test mode" flashes. (DiaDENS users should set their instrument to “MED” mode and (following the manual’s instructions) hold it still on the area in question. The DiaDENS will go through a Diagnosis Mode and switch to Therapy. Do not move the DiaDENS because the instrument will automatically stop Therapy in 5 to 6 minutes).


For example if patient have pain in the knee, first you should treat "direct projection" where the pain is located. When pain has been reduced, switch to "Test Mode" and treat healthy side.

2. Balance the results with universal zones (as shown below). This will work on dozed mode. You can use one of the following universal zones:

"Six Points" (trigeminal) zone. Posterior midpoint line of the body.

Paravertebral zone Feet and hands zone.


3. If you treat an internal organ, it is recommended to apply the device in the segmental zone using the Therapy mode. (refer to Appendix 1 – Segmental Zones). For example, liver problems need to be treated with Th9-Th12 zones both in front of the body and back of the body.


7. I don't know the correct "Direct-Projection" treatment zone for my disease. What should I do?

In some cases it may be difficult to define the proper area or zone for treatment. For example, you have high blood pressure or allergic disease. Special zones can be used for such conditions.

1. High blood pressure. Apply to the "MC Zone" (on the hand) in Therapy (constant) mode, low energy level: absence of sensation or minimal pricking or vibration. You can also apply to "Cervical-Collar Zone", moving the device as shown on the picture below. In Therapy mode, use a low energy level.

2. Low blood pressure. Apply to the "Cervical-Collar Zone", moving device as shown on the picture below. Therapy (constant) mode, use the mid-range comfortable energy level: pleasant pricking or vibration.

3. Neurosis, refers to any problems in the head (headache, memory impairment, chronic inflammatory process and others). Apply to the "Cervical-Collar Zone", use the mid-range comfortable energy level, moving the device as shown on the picture below (if blood pressure is OK).


4. High intracranial pressure, head traumas, giddiness, headaches, occipital neuritis. Applies "Second cervical vertebra zone". Use the mid-range comfortable energy level in Therapy mode for 3 minutes.

5. Allergic, autoimmune diseases or any inflammatory diseases. Apply the device to the "Seventh cervical vertebra zone". Use the mid-range comfortable energy level in Therapy mode for 3 minutes. You can also use "Adrenal glands zone". Use the Therapy mode, 3 minutes on each side.

6. Asthma (asphyxia), cough, deglutitive problem (disorders of swallowing), any allergic diseases. Use the mid-range comfortable energy level in Therapy mode for 3 minutes. This usually will provide good results. However in the instance of acute bronchial asthma, you should continue treatment for a longer duration until you get results.

7. Speech disorders. Use the special "Speech zones” in Therapy mode for 3 minutes on each point at the minimal power level. Also, apply the device directly on the "Tongue Zone" in therapy mode for. 2-3 minutes at the minimal power level.

8. Diseases of oral cavity, pharyngitis, laryngitis, constipation. Apply the device directly to the "Tongue Zone" in therapy mode for 2-3 minutes on minimal power level.

9. Fever, cardiovascular disorders, hypertensive crisis. Use the special "carotid arteries zone" in Therapy mode for 1-2 minutes on each side at the minimal energy level.

10. Hormonal disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases, allergic diseases, emergency conditions. Applies "Adrenal glands zone". Therapy mode, 3 minutes on each side.

11. Edema, all types of high pressure (blood, intracranial, intraocular). Apply the device to

the "Kidney Zone". Use Therapy mode at comfortable energy level.

12. Menstrual cycle disorders, hormonal disorders, small pelvis organs disorders. Apply the device to the "Suprabubic Zone". Use the Therapy or Test mode, comfortable energy range until reduce of the pain or another complain.

13. All types of chronic diseases, intoxication. Apply the device to the "Liver and Intestine Zone" (as indicated below). Use the Therapy mode for 7 minutes at the mid-range comfortable level.


8. I have an undefined complaint. I feel weakness, fatigue, and

drowsiness. What should I do?

It is usually helpful to treat the "He-Gu Zone" (right illustration below) – Apply the device for 3 minutes on the “He-Gu Zone” of each hand and on each side in the "Seventh Vertebra Zone" (left picture below) for 3 minutes each. Both zones should be treated in the Therapy mode using the mid-range comfortable energy level. Apply the full treatment for 10 days, 1 procedure per day.



9. What should be duration of 1 procedure (session) and how many procedures (sessions) I have to make?

Ordinarily, we don’t set limitations for duration of a single session. In this case you should continue treatment until you see improvement. It normally requires approximately 5 minutes for lesser disorders. Larger problem conditions will require about 15-40 minutes with an additional 20 minutes for balancing results (see Part F). If you are dealing with very severe level disorders (such as an attack of bronchial asthma or attack of radiculitis, etc), 1 to 1.5 hours may be needed for proper treatment. After reducing or eliminating symptoms of an acute attack, you should continue treatment everyday for 40-50 minutes per session for a period of 7 to 10 days. When you treat any chronic disease, you should plan for a full course of treatment. That means you should arrange for about 10 to 12 sessions, where each daily session will require about 40 to 50 minutes duration.


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10. How many zones can I treat within 1 session? It is usually sufficient to treat 2-4 zones per session. For example, if you treat a zone and get satisfactory results from it, (the elimination or reduction of pain), just balance the result with 1 or 2 universal zones. In this case, you would have applied treatment to 3 or 4 zones.

If you find that you cannot get satisfactory results from a zone within 20 minutes (except severe conditions like an attack of bronchial asthma) go to another zone related to your affected organ.

For example, you have pain in the stomach area. First of all you place the electrodes to the area of direct- projection (where pain is felt) over the stomach on the skin. If you do not experience satisfactory results within 20 minutes, start to treat Segmental Zone Th7 - Th9. (refer to Appendix 1 – Segmental Zones).

Segmental zone application will use either the therapy (constant) or test (dozed) mode. If this still does not yield satisfactory results, start to treat Su-Jok zones of the stomach using the therapy (constant) mode for about 5 minutes (refer to Su-Jok Zones – Appendix 2).

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11. Appendix 1. What Are Segmental Zones?

The Segmental Zones are recommended for many disorders. Treatments in the appropriate Segmental Zone should use the Therapy (constant) mode or Test (dosed) mode at the mid-range comfortable energy level. Ordinarily treatments should be applied for 10 minutes in each zone. Segmental Zones are listed below by complaint, symptom, condition and disease.

Complaints, symptoms, conditions and diseases Segmental zone

- Headache, dizziness, cerebral edema, arterial hypotension; - Noise and ringing in the ears, deaf-mutism, speech disorders (aphonia, dysarthria, aphasia); - Eye diseases; - Pain and edema of mucous membrane in throat and nose, chronic rhinitis (coryza), disorders relating to sense of smell, nasal haemorrhages; - Tension of occipital muscles, torticollis, tension and poor mobility of the spine muscles, pain in the shoulder area, paralysis of the upper limbs; - Mental diseases, neurasthenia, hysteria.


- Headache, dizziness, cerebral edema, arterial hypotension; - Noise and ringing in the ears, speech disorders (dysarthria, aphasia), pharyngitis, laryngitis, disorders relating to sense of smell; - Face edema, tension of occipital muscles, headache in the back of the head, torticollis, pain in the shoulder area, in the back, in the small of the back, paralysis of upper extremities; - Pain and edema of mucous membrane in throat, chronic rhinitis (coryza), sense of smell disorders, nasal haemorrhages; - Eye diseases; - Mental diseases, neurasthenia, maniacal conditions.


- Migraine and other head aches, dizziness, poor memory, asthenia, hyperhydrosis; - Feeling of tension in the spine, spasm of muscles in the neck and back (contracture), tension of muscles in the back of the head, pain in the area of scapula, pains in the knee, pain in joints, paralysis of upper extremities; - Sensation of heart palpitation (tachycardia); - Bronchitis, bronchial asthma; - Susceptibility to catarrhal illnesses, coughing, rhinitis, pleurisy, influenza; - Neurasthenia, psychoses, hysteria, fear, anxiety.


- Pain and muscle tension in the area of the back, small of the back, shoulder, back of the head, torticollis, intercostal neuralgia; - Cold, cough, bronchitis; - Urticaria fever; - Decreasing or absence of skin sensitivity in the shoulder and bend of elbow.


- Diseases of the spinal cord and brain; - Disorders of mobility in the area of neck, muscle tension in back of the head; - Pain in the area of external surface of shoulder, scapula, chest, in the area of waist, abdomen, lumbodynia, pain in sacrum and the back; - Frequent coughing, chronic tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma; - Nosebleeds, nausea, vomiting; - Mental disorders, neurasthenia, nightmares.


- Headache; - Ailments concerning neck pain, pain in the scapula, shoulders or back; - Coughing, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma; - Pain in the area of heart, feeling of tightness in the chest, pericarditis; - Hiccupping, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains.


- Headache, dizziness, poor memory; - Delay in speech development and decelerated growth in children; - Muscle tension in the back and spine; - Pain in the back and chest, intercostal neuralgia, pain in spine and muscle cramp in the back (cramp); - Coughing, dyspnoea, bronchitis, bronchial asthma; - Heart palpitation, arrhythmia; - Vomiting, poor appetite, anorexia, chronic enteritis; - Neurasthenia, feeling of fear, anxiety, hysteria.



- Tension at the back of the head, back and neck pain, limited spinal mobility, of muscle cramp in the back, intercostal neuralgia; - Inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tract (acute respiratory diseases), coughing, breathlessness, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy; - Heart palpitation, pericarditis, pain in the heart area, pain in the back and heart; - Belching, hiccupping, nausea, dysphagia, borborygmus, spasm of esophagus, stomach pain, dyspepsia, pancreatitis; - Hypersplenism (enlarged spleen); - Hair loss; - Acute conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, sty.


- Neurogenic vomiting, increased hyperhidrosis, nettle-rash; - Anaemia, nose, intestinal and uterine bleedings; - Back pain and lumbago, intercostal neuralgia, intervertebral muscle cramp (spasm of muscles along the spine); - Coughing, breathlessness, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, Pleurisy. - Hiccupping, nausea, vomiting, borborygmi, poor appetite, stomach pain, discomfort in the stomach (gastric dyspepsia), cholecystitis; - Diabetes mellitus; - Pain in abdomen, back pain and lumbago, urinary tract infections.


- Back pain and lumbago; - Mucous discharges from the nose, nosebleeds, coughing, pleurisy; - Pain in the chest, hypochondrium and pain in the heart area; - Anorexia, dyspepsia (vomiting, diarrhoea, decreased peristalsis, irregular stool, constipation, wind, borborygmus, spasm of oesophagus and stomach, pain in stomach), chronic gastritis, diseases of stomach and liver; - Poor night vision, conjunctivitis, atrophy of the optic nerve, cataract, retinitis; - Hysteria, psychosis, phobia (fear).


- Stomach pain, waist, back, contracture and disorders of mobility in the spine, intercostal neuralgia; - Painful coughing, pleurisy; - Arterial hypertension; - Reduction or loss of appetite (anorexia), nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, borborygmi, pain and heaviness in stomach, diarrhoea, spasms of oesophagus and stomach spasms, narrowing of oesophagus, pains in stomach, jaundiced skin, gall-bladder and liver dysfunction, cholecystitis, hepatitis; - Diseases of the kidneys; - Poor vision; - Asthenic conditions, phobias (alarm and fear).


- Back pain, weakness of the limbs, anasarca (widespread swellings), nettle- rash; - Dyspepsia, belching, wind, poor appetite and exhaustion, vomiting blood, diarrhoea, jaundice, stomach pain, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, pain in the intestine, enterocolitis, haemorrhoids, rectal prolapse in children, intestinal bleeding, jaundice; - Psychosis, epilepsy, seizures in children;


- Abdominal pain, back and spine; - Abdominal pain and borborygmi, constipation, wind, pain in epigastric area, vomiting, vomiting in babies, exhaustion (hypotrophy and lag of physical development); - Gastritis, stomach ulcer, enterocolitis, functional disturbances of liver, hepatitis, pancreatitis, enlarged liver (hepatomegaly); - Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly).

Th1 2-L1





- Neurasthenia. men; in function sexual

of Disturbance - parametritis; endometritis, mastitis, dysfunction, Lactation nephritis; bladder), urinary the of sphincter

of weakness bladder, urinary of (atony incontinence enuresis, Nocturnal spleen); and liver

hepatosplenomegaly dysentery, (colitis), intestine large of diseases (enteritis), intestine small of diseases diarrhoea, distension, abdominal borborygmus,

dyspepsia, stomach, the in spasms and pain spasmodic Dysphagia, limbs; lower of swelling back, the of small

and spine the around tension muscle back, lower the of contracture and Pain



- Headache, dizziness, ringing in ears; - Pain and tension in back and waist, feeling of tension in spine muscles, pain in thigh, paralysis of lower extremities, lumbago; - Diseases with tendency to bleedings, nosebleeds; - Vomiting, diarrhoea, melena, stool with blood, gastralgia, intestinal colic (pain in intestine), intestinal diseases (of small and large intestine), haemorrhoids; - Urinal incontinence, prolonged urination, nocturnal enuresis, haematuria (blood in urine), anuria, nephritis; - Anasarca (widespread swellings); - Diabetes mellitus; - Glaucoma; - Endometritis, adnexitis, disorders of menstrual function and other gynaecological diseases; - Diseases of male genitalia; - Sleep disorders, weakness.


- Anorexia, weakness; - Pain in lower back; - Inflammation of the navel area in children; - Enterocolitis, rectal prolapse, haemorrhoids; - Diseases of pelvic organs, cystitis


- Hypertension; - Pain in lower back and in pelvic area, pain in the external surface of knee joint, paralysis and disturbances of sensitivity of lower extremities, lumbago; - Diarrhoea, intestinal colic, borborygmi, abdominal distension, constipation, rectal prolapse, enterocolitis, enteritis, colitis, haemorrhoid; - Urinary incontinence, cystitis, nephritis; - Disturbance of the menstrual cycle and other gynaecological diseases; - Diseases of male genitalia.


- Arterial hypertension; - Paralysis of lower extremities, lower back pain; - Urinary incontinence of urine, delay in urination, anuria, haematuria, cystitis, nephritis; - Borborygmus, diarrhoea, constipation, enteritis, colitis, rectal prolapse, haemorrhoid.


- Abdominal pain, sacrum and hip joint pain, lumbago; - Intestinal colic, diarrhoea, constipation, enterocolitis; - Gynaecological diseases.


- Pain in the sacrum, waist, spine, feeling of weakness in knee joint, pain in joints; - Wind, constipation, diarrhoea, enterocolitis; - Disturbance of urination, incontinence of urine, heavy urination, cystitis, anuria, pyelonephritis; - Diabetes insipidus; - Labour pains, endometritis, swelling of genitals, disturbance of menstrual cycle; - Diseases of male genitalia.


- Pain in the area of small of the back, sciatica, pain in spinal column; - Intestinal colic, diarrhoea, enteritis, enterocolitis, haemorrhoids, dysentery; - Cystitis; - Disturbance of menstrual cycle.


- Pain in the area of the back and small of the back, sacrococcygeal pains, pain in buttocks, in waist, muscles tension of spine, paralysis of legs; - Anaemia; - Constipation, anal dysfunction, faecal incontinence, rectal prolapse, haemorrhoids; - Urinary dysfunction, cystalgia, cystitis, pain in urethra, insufficient kidney function; - Disturbance of menstrual cycle, endometritis; - Diseases of male genitalia.


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12. Appendix 2. What Are Su-Jok Zones? In order to apply treatment to the Su-Jok Zone, you should know affected or painful organ. Then find the area corresponding to this organ on the picture and place electrodes on this area. Use the Therapy mode for 3-5 minutes. The energy level should be minimal (absence of sensation) or comfortable (you feel vibration, pleasant pricking or heat).

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John Pietras
Typewritten Text
John Pietras
Typewritten Text