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An Overview of the

Methodological Approach of

Action Research


Rory O’Brien

Course: LIS3005YProfessor: Joan Cherry

Date: April 17, 1998

Table of Contents

Introduction........................................................................................................................What is Action Research?...................................................................................................

Definition.......................................................................................................................The Action Research Process..........................................................................................Principles of Action Research.........................................................................................When is Action Research used?......................................................................................Situating Action Research in a Research Paradigm.........................................................

Positivist Paradigm.....................................................................................................Interpretive Paradigm.................................................................................................Paradigm of Praxis.....................................................................................................

Evolution of Action Research.............................................................................................Origins in late 1940s.......................................................................................................Current Types of Action Research..................................................................................

Traditional Action Research.......................................................................................Contextural Action Research (Action Learning).........................................................Radical Action Research.............................................................................................Educational Action Research......................................................................................

Action Research Tools.......................................................................................................The Search Conference...................................................................................................

Role of the Action Researcher............................................................................................Ethical Considerations........................................................................................................Examples of an Action Research Project............................................................................

Case Study 1 - Development of nature tourism in the Windward Islands........................Action Research and Information Technology....................................................................

Case Study 2 - Internet-based collaborative work groups in community health..............Case Study 3 - Computer conferencing in a learning community...................................

Commentary on the need for more research................................................................Conclusion.........................................................................................................................



“If you want it done right, you may as well do it yourself.” This

aphorism may seem appropriate if you are a picky housekeeper, but

more and more people are beginning to realize it can also apply to

large corporations, community development projects, and even

national governments. Such entities exist increasingly in an

interdependent world, and are relying on Action Research as a means

of coming to grips with their constantly changing and turbulent


This paper will answer the question “What is Action Research?”, giving

an overview of its processes and principles, stating when it is

appropriate to use, and situating it within a praxis research paradigm.

The evolution of the approach will be described, including the various

kinds of action research being used today. The role of the action

researcher will be briefly mentioned, and some ethical considerations

discussed. The tools of the action researcher, particularly that of the

use of search conferences, will be explained. Finally three case

studies will be briefly described, two of which pertain to action

research projects involving information technology, a promising area

in which further research is required.


What is Action Research?


Action research is known by many other names, including

participatory research, collaborative inquiry, emancipatory research,

action learning, and contextural action research, but all are variations

on a theme. Put simply, action research is “learning by doing” - a

group of people identifies a problem, do something to resolve it, see

how successful their efforts were, and, if not satisfied, try again. While

this is the essence of the approach, there are other key attributes of

action research that differentiate it from common problem-solving

activities that we all engage in every day. A more succinct definition


"Action research...aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social science simultaneously. Thus, there is a dual commitment in action research to study a system and concurrently to collaborate with members of the system in changing it in what is together regarded as a


desirable direction. Accomplishing this twin goal requires the active collaboration of researcher and client, and thus it stresses the importance of co-learning as a primary aspect of the research process."i

What separates this type of research from general professional

practices, consulting, or daily problem-solving is the emphasis on

scientific study, which is to say the researcher studies the problem

systematically and ensures the intervention is informed by theoretical

considerations. Much of the researcher’s time is spent on refining the

methodological tools to suit the exigencies of the situation, and on

collecting, analyzing, and presenting data on an ongoing, cyclical


Several attributes separate action research from other types of

research. Primary is its focus on turning the people involved into

researchers, too - people learn best, and more willingly apply what

they have learned, when they do it themselves. It also has a social

dimension - the research takes place in real-world situations, and aims

to solve real problems. Finally, the initiating researcher, unlike in

other disciplines, makes no attempt to remain objective, but openly

acknowledges their bias to the other participants.


The Action Research Process

Stephen Kemmis has developed a simple model of the cyclical nature of the typical

action research process (Figure 1). Each cycle has four steps: plan, act, observe, reflect.

Figure 1 (from MacIsaac, 1995)ii

Gerald Susman (1983) gives a somewhat more elaborate listing. He

distinguishes five phases to be conducted within each research cycle

(Figure 2). Initially, a problem is identified and data is collected for a

more detailed diagnosis. This is followed by a collective postulation of

several possible solutions, from which a single plan of action emerges


and is implemented. Data on the results of the intervention are

collected and analyzed, and the findings are interpreted in light of how

successful the action has been. At this point, the problem is re-

assessed and the process begins another cycle. This process

continues until the problem is resolved.


Consideringalternative courses

of action


Selecting a courseof action


Studying theconsequences of an



Indentifying generalfindings


Indentifying ordefining a problem

Figure 2 (adapted from Susman 1983)iii

Principles of Action Research


What gives action research its unique flavour is the set of principles

that guide the research. Winter (1989) provides a comprehensive

overview of six key principles.iv

1) Reflexive critique

An account of a situation, such as notes, transcripts or official

documents, will make implicit claims to be authoritative, i.e., it

implies that it is factual and true. Truth in a social setting,

however, is relative to the teller. The principle of reflective

critique ensures people reflect on issues and processes and

make explicit the interpretations, biases, assumptions and

concerns upon which judgments are made. In this way,

practical accounts can give rise to theoretical considerations.

2) Dialectical critique

Reality, particularly social reality, is consensually validated,

which is to say it is shared through language. Phenomena are

conceptualized in dialogue, therefore a dialectical critique is

required to understand the set of relationships both between


the phenomenon and its context, and between the elements

constituting the phenomenon. The key elements to focus

attention on are those constituent elements that are unstable,

or in opposition to one another. These are the ones that are

most likely to create changes.

3) Collaborative Resource

Participants in an action research project are co-researchers.

The principle of collaborative resource presupposes that each

person’s ideas are equally significant as potential resources for

creating interpretive categories of analysis, negotiated among

the participants. It strives to avoid the skewing of credibility

stemming from the prior status of an idea-holder. It especially

makes possible the insights gleaned from noting the

contradictions both between many viewpoints and within a

single viewpoint.

4) Risk


The change process potentially threatens all previously

established ways of doing things, thus creating psychic fears

among the practitioners. One of the more prominent fears

comes from the risk to ego stemming from open discussion of

one’s interpretations, ideas, and judgments. Initiators of action

research will use this principle to allay others’ fears and invite

participation by pointing out that they, too, will be subject to the

same process, and that whatever the outcome, learning will take


5) Plural Structure

The nature of the research embodies a multiplicity of views,

commentaries and critiques, leading to multiple possible actions

and interpretations. This plural structure of inquiry requires a

plural text for reporting. This means that there will be many

accounts made explicit, with commentaries on their

contradictions, and a range of options for action presented. A

report, therefore, acts as a support for ongoing discussion

among collaborators, rather than a final conclusion of fact.


6) Theory, Practice, Transformation

For action researchers, theory informs practice, practice refines

theory, in a continuous transformation. In any setting, people’s

actions are based on implicitly held assumptions, theories and

hypotheses, and with every observed result, theoretical

knowledge is enhanced. The two are intertwined aspects of a

single change process. It is up to the researchers to make

explicit the theoretical justifications for the actions, and to

question the bases of those justifications. The ensuing practical

applications that follow are subjected to further analysis, in a

transformative cycle that continuously alternates emphasis

between theory and practice.

When is Action Research used?

Action research is used in real situations, rather than in contrived,

experimental studies, since its primary focus is on solving real

problems. It can, however, be used by social scientists for preliminary

or pilot research, especially when the situation is too ambiguous to

frame a precise research question. Mostly, though, in accordance with

its principles, it is chosen when circumstances require flexibility, the


involvement of the people in the research, or change must take place

quickly or holistically.

It is often the case that those who apply this approach are

practitioners who wish to improve understanding of their practice,

social change activists trying to mount an action campaign, or, more

likely, academics who have been invited into an organization (or other

domain) by decision-makers aware of a problem requiring action

research, but lacking the requisite methodological knowledge to deal

with it.

Situating Action Research in a Research Paradigm

Positivist Paradigm

The main research paradigm for the past several centuries has been

that of Logical Positivism. This paradigm is based on a number of

principles, including: a belief in an objective reality, knowledge of

which is only gained from sense data that can be directly experienced

and verified between independent observers. Phenomena are subject

to natural laws that humans discover in a logical manner through

empirical testing, using inductive and deductive hypotheses derived


from a body of scientific theory. Its methods rely heavily on

quantitative measures, with relationships among variables commonly

shown by mathematical means. Positivism, used in scientific and

applied research, has been considered by many to be the antithesis of

the principles of action research (Susman and Evered 1978, Winter


Interpretive Paradigm

Over the last half century, a new research paradigm has emerged in

the social sciences to break out of the constraints imposed by

positivism. With its emphasis on the relationship between socially-

engendered concept formation and language, it can be referred to as

the Interpretive paradigm. Containing such qualitative methodological

approaches as phenomenology, ethnography, and hermeneutics, it is

characterized by a belief in a socially constructed, subjectively-based reality, one that is

influenced by culture and history. Nonetheless it still retains the ideals of researcher

objectivity, and researcher as passive collector and expert interpreter of data.

Paradigm of Praxis


Though sharing a number of perspectives with the interpretive

paradigm, and making considerable use of its related qualitative

methodologies, there are some researchers who feel that neither it

nor the positivist paradigms are sufficient epistemological structures

under which to place action research (Lather 1986, Morley 1991).

Rather, a paradigm of Praxis is seen as where the main affinities lie.

Praxis, a term used by Aristotle, is the art of acting upon the

conditions one faces in order to change them. It deals with the

disciplines and activities predominant in the ethical and political lives

of people. Aristotle contrasted this with Theoria - those sciences and

activities that are concerned with knowing for its own sake. Both are

equally needed he thought. That knowledge is derived from practice,

and practice informed by knowledge, in an ongoing process, is a

cornerstone of action research. Action researchers also reject the

notion of researcher neutrality, understanding that the most active

researcher is often one who has most at stake in resolving a

problematic situation.

Evolution of Action Research

Origins in late 1940s


Kurt Lewin is generally considered the ‘father’ of action research. A

German social and experimental psychologist, and one of the founders

of the Gestalt school, he was concerned with social problems, and

focused on participative group processes for addressing conflict,

crises, and change, generally within organizations. Initially, he was

associated with the Center for Group Dynamics at MIT in Boston, but

soon went on to establish his own National Training Laboratories.

Lewin first coined the term ‘action research’ in his 1946 paper “Action

Research and Minority Problems”,v characterizing Action Research as

“a comparative research on the conditions and effects of various

forms of social action and research leading to social action”, using a

process of “a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of a circle of

planning, action, and fact-finding about the result of the action”.

Eric Trist, another major contributor to the field from that immediate

post-war era, was a social psychiatrist whose group at the Tavistock

Institute of Human Relations in London engaged in applied social

research, initially for the civil repatriation of German prisoners of war.

He and his colleagues tended to focus more on large-scale, multi-

organizational problems.


Both Lewin and Trist applied their research to systemic change in and

between organizations. They emphasized direct professional - client

collaboration and affirmed the role of group relations as basis for

problem-solving. Both were avid proponents of the principle that

decisions are best implemented by those who help make them.

Current Types of Action Research

By the mid-1970s, the field had evolved, revealing 4 main ‘streams’

that had emerged: traditional, contextural (action learning), radical,

and educational action research.

Traditional Action Research

Traditional Action Research stemmed from Lewin’s work within

organizations and encompasses the concepts and practices of Field

i Thomas Gilmore, Jim Krantz and Rafael Ramirez, "Action Based Modes of Inquiry and the Host-Researcher Relationship," Consultation 5.3 (Fall 1986): 161.ii Dan MacIsaac, "An Introduction to Action Research," 1995, (22/03/1998).iii Gerald I. Susman, "Action Research: A Sociotechnical Systems Perspective," ed. G. Morgan (London: Sage Publications, 1983) 102.iv Richard Winter, Learning From Experience: Principles and Practice in Action-Research (Philadelphia:

The Falmer Press, 1989) 43-67.v Kurt Lewin, "Action Research and Minority Problems," Journal of Social Issues 2 (1946): 34-46.


Theory, Group Dynamics, T-Groups, and the Clinical Model. The

growing importance of labour-management relations led to the

application of action research in the areas of Organization

Development, Quality of Working Life (QWL), Socio-technical systems

(e.g., Information Systems), and Organizational Democracy. This

traditional approach tends toward the conservative, generally

maintaining the status quo with regards to organizational power


Contextural Action Research (Action Learning)

Contextural Action Research, also sometimes referred to as Action Learning, is an

approach derived from Trist’s work on relations between organizations. It is

contextural, insofar as it entails reconstituting the structural relations

among actors in a social environment; domain-based, in that it tries to

involve all affected parties and stakeholders; holographic, as each

participant understands the working of the whole; and it stresses that

participants act as project designers and co-researchers. The concept

of organizational ecology, and the use of search conferences come out

of contextural action research, which is more of a liberal philosophy,

with social transformation occurring by consensus and normative



Radical Action Research

The Radical stream, which has its roots in Marxian ‘dialectical

materialism’ and the praxis orientations of Antonio Gramsci, has a

strong focus on emancipation and the overcoming of power

imbalances. Participatory Action Research, often found in liberationist

movements and international development circles, and Feminist

Action Research both strive for social transformation via an advocacy

process to strengthen peripheral groups in society.

Educational Action Research

A fourth stream, that of Educational Action Research, has its

foundations in the writings of John Dewey, the great American

educational philosopher of the 1920s and 30s, who believed that

professional educators should become involved in community

problem-solving. Its practitioners, not surprisingly, operate mainly out

of educational institutions, and focus on development of curriculum,

professional development, and applying learning in a social context. It

is often the case that university-based action researchers work with

primary and secondary school teachers and students on community



Action Research Tools

Action Research is more of a holistic approach to problem-solving,

rather than a single method for collecting and analyzing data. Thus, it

allows for several different research tools to be used as the project is

conducted. These various methods, which are generally common to

the qualitative research paradigm, include: keeping a research journal,

document collection and analysis, participant observation recordings,

questionnaire surveys, structured and unstructured interviews, and

case studies.

The Search Conference

Of all of the tools utilized by action researchers, the one that has been

developed exclusively to suit the needs of the action research

approach is that of the search conference, initially developed by Eric

Trist and Fred Emery at the Tavistock Institute in 1959, and first implemented for the

merger of Bristol-Siddley Aircraft Engines in 1960.

The search conference format has seen widespread development since that time, with

variations on Trist and Emery’s theme becoming known under other names due to their

promotion by individual academics and consultants. These include Dannemiller-Tyson’s


Interactive Strategic Planning, Marvin Weisbord's Future Search Conference, Dick

Axelrod's Conference Model Redesign, Harrison Owen’s Open Space, and ICA’s

Strategic Planning (Rouda 1995).

Search conferences also have been conducted for many different circumstances and

participants, including: decision-makers from several countries visioning the “Future of

Participative Democracy in the Americas”;vi practitioners and policymakers in

the field of health promotion in Ontario taking charge in an era of

cutbacks;vii and Xerox employees sorting out enterprise re-


Eric Trist sums up the process quite nicely -

" carried out in groups which are composed of the relevant stakeholders. The group meets under social island conditions for 2-3 days, sometimes as long as five. The opening sessions are concerned with elucidating the factors operating in the wider contextual environment - those producing the meta-problems and likely to affect the future. The

vi IIRM, "International Institute for Natural, Environmental & Cultural Resources Management," 26/08 1997, (24/03/1998).vii Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse, "Our Communities in a Global Economy: Under Siege and Taking Charge!" 03/06 1996, (22/3/1998).viii Ronald E. Purser and Steven Cabana, "Mobilizing Large-Scale Strategic Change: An Application of the Search Conference Method at Xerox," 19/10 1996, (12/04/1998).


content is contributed entirely by the members. The staff are facilitators only. Items are listed in the first instance without criticism in the plenary session and displayed on flip charts which surround the room. The material is discussed in greater depth in small groups and the composite picture checked out in plenary. The group next examines its own organizational setting or settings against this wider background and then proceeds to construct a picture of a desirable future. It is surprising how much agreement there often is. Only when all this has been done is consideration given to action steps..."ix

Figure 3 provides a schematic of a typical search conference.

Pre-conference process· set up Advisory Group of local representatives· agree on process design and participants· use focus groups for preparation· invitations, distribution of introductory materials

·Introductory plenary

introductions, review objectives, outline process, introduce first stage

Small group session 1SCANNING THE ISSUE

· past and present context· assess current situation· outline probable futures

·Presentation plenary

reports from small groups, discuss directions, introduce second stage

ix Eric Trist, "Referent Organizations and the Development of Inter-Organizational Domains," 39th Annual Convention of the Academy of Management (Atlanta, 9/8, 1979) 23-24.


Small group session 2DESIRED FUTURES

· long-range visions· alternative / preferred futures

· Presentation plenary reports, review progress, introduction to third stage

Small group session 3OPTIONS FOR CHANGE

· constraints and opportunities· possible futures

·Presentation plenary

reports, define strategic tasks / actions, select key tasks, form task groups

Task Group sessions TASK GROUP MEETINGS

Final plenaryTask Group reports, discuss future contacts, create new Advisory Group

Post-conference process

· report distributed· follow-up contacts· Advisory Group facilitates meetings of Task Groups· feedback on proposed actions· further search conferences· widen network· continuing evaluation of outcomes

Figure 3 - Search Conference (adapted from The ABL Group, 1997)x

Role of the Action Researcher

Upon invitation into a domain, the outside researcher’s role is to

implement the Action Research method in such a manner as to

produce a mutually agreeable outcome for all participants, with the

process being maintained by them afterwards. To accomplish this, it

x ABL Group, Future Search Process Design (Toronto: York University, 1997).


may necessitate the adoption of many different roles at various stages

of the process, including those of

planner leader

catalyzer facilitator

teacher designer

listener observer

synthesizer reporter

The main role, however, is to nurture local leaders to the point where

they can take responsibility for the process. This point is reached they

understand the methods and are able to carry on when the initiating

researcher leaves.

In many Action Research situations, the hired researcher’s role is

primarily to take the time to facilitate dialogue and foster reflective

analysis among the participants, provide them with periodic reports,

and write a final report when the researcher’s involvement has ended.

Ethical Considerations

Because action research is carried out in real-world circumstances,

and involves close and open communication among the people


involved, the researchers must pay close attention to ethical

considerations in the conduct of their work. Richard Winter (1996) lists

a number of principles:

· “Make sure that the relevant persons, committees

and authorities have been consulted, and that the

principles guiding the work are accepted in

advance by all.

· All participants must be allowed to influence the work,

and the wishes of those who do not wish to

participate must be respected.

· The development of the work must remain visible and

open to suggestions from others.

· Permission must be obtained before making

observations or examining documents produced for

other purposes.

· Descriptions of others’ work and points of view must

be negotiated with those concerned before being


· The researcher must accept responsibility for

maintaining confidentiality.”xi

xi Richard Winter, "Some Principles and Procedures for the Conduct of Action Research," in New Directions in Action Research, ed. Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt (London: Falmer Press, 1996) 16-17.


To this might be added several more points:

· Decisions made about the direction of the research and the

probable outcomes are collective

· Researchers are explicit about the nature of the research process

from the beginning, including all personal biases and interests

· There is equal access to information generated by the process for

all participants

· The outside researcher and the initial design team must create a

process that maximizes the opportunities for involvement of all


Examples of an Action Research Project

Case Study 1 - Development of nature tourism in the Windward Islands

To better illustrate how action research can proceed, an example is in

order. Like many action research projects, it is situationally unique,

but there are elements in the methods used that can be used by other

researchers in different circumstances. The following is an account


taken from the writings of one of the researchers involved (Franklin


In 1991, an action research process was initiated to explore how

nature tourism could be instituted on each of the four Windward

Islands in the Caribbean - St. Lucia, Grenada, Dominica, and St.

Vincent. The government took the lead, for environmental

conservation, community-based development, and national economic

development purposes. Realizing that the consultation process had to

involve many stakeholders, including representatives of several

government ministries, environmental and heritage groups,

community organizations, women’s and youth groups, farmers’

cooperatives, and private business, an action research approach was

seen as appropriate.

Two action researchers from York University in Toronto, with prior

experience in the region, were hired to implement the project, with a

majority of the funding coming from the Canadian International

Development Agency. Multi-stakeholder national advisory councils

were formed, and national project coordinators selected as local

project liaisons. Their first main task was to organize a search

conference on each island.


The search conferences took place, the outcome of which was a set of

recommendations and/or action plans for the carrying out of a number

of nature tourism-oriented sub-projects at the local community level.

At this point, extended advisory groups were formed on several of the

islands, and national awareness activities and community sub-projects

were implemented in some cases.

To maintain the process, regional project meetings were held, where

project coordinators and key advisory members shared experiences,

conducted self-evaluations and developed plans for maintaining the

process (e.g., fundraising). One of the more valuable tools for building

a sense of community was the use of a videocamera to create a

documentary video of a local project.


The outcomes varied.xii In St. Vincent the research project was highly

successful, with several viable local developments instituted. Grenada

and St. Lucia showed mixed outcomes, and Dominica was the least

successful, the process curtailed by the government soon after the

search conference took place. The main difference in the outcomes, it

xii Beth Franklin, personal communication - an account of the outcomes has not yet been published (Toronto/York University, 10/2, 1998).


1. ABL Group. Future Search Process Design. Toronto: York University, 1997.

2. Boog, Ben, et al. Theory and Practice of Action Research - With Special Reference to the Netherlands. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilbury University Press, 1996.

3. Chisholm, Rupert, and Max Elden. "Features of Emerging Action Research." Human Relations 46.2 (1993): 275-98.

4. Comstock, Don, and Sally Fox. "Computer Conferencing in a Learning Community: Opportunities and Obstacles." November 1995. (14/04/1998).

5. Elden, Max, and Rupert Chisholm. "Emerging Varieties of Action Research: Introduction to the Special Issue." Human Relations 46.2 (1993): 121-42.

6. Emery, Fred E., and Eric L. Trist. "The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments." Human Relations 18 (1965): 21-32.

7. Fals-Borda, Orlando. "Evolution and Convergence in Participatory Action-Research." A World of Communities: Participatory Research Perspectives. Ed. James Frideres. Toronto: Captus University Publications, 1992. 14-19.


was felt, was in the willingness of the key government personnel to

“let go” and allow the process to be jointly controlled by all

participants. There is always a risk that this kind of research will

empower stakeholders, and change existing power relations, the

threat of which is too much for some decision-makers, but if given the

8. Franklin, Beth. . An accounting of the outcomes has not yet been published. Toronto/York University, 10/2. 1998.

9. ---. "Grassroots Initiatives in Sustainability: A Caribbean Example." Human Society & The Natural World: Perspectives on Sustainable Futures. Ed. D Bell and R. Keil. Toronto: York University, 1994. 1-10.

10. ---, and David Morley. "Contextural Searching: An Application of Action Learning Principles." Discovering Common Ground. Ed. M. Weisbord. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 1992. 229-46.

11. Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 1970.

12. Gilmore, Thomas, Jim Krantz, and Rafael Ramirez. "Action Based Modes of Inquiry and the Host-Researcher Relationship." Consultation 5.3: 160-76.

13. Greenwood, Davydd, William Foote Whyte, and Ira Harkavy. "Participatory Action Research as a Process and as a Goal." Human Relations 46.2 (1993): 175-92.

14. Hall, Budd L. "From Margins to Centre? The Development and Purpose of Participatory Research." American Sociologist Winter 1992: 15-28.

15. Hollingsworth, Sandra (ed.). International Action Research: A Casebook for Educational Reform. London: The Falmer Press, 1997.

16. IIRM. "International Institute for Natural, Environmental & Cultural Resources Management." 26/08 1997. (24/03/1998).


opportunity, there are many things that a collaborative group of

citizens can accomplish that might not be possible otherwise.

It is time now to turn to some further examples in an area in need of

more research, that of the use of information technology as a

17. Jones, Sue. "Choosing Action Research." Organizational Analysis and Development: A Social Construction of Organizational Behaviour. Ed. Ian Mangham. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1986. 23-45.

18. Kock Jr., Nereu F. "Myths in Organisational Action Research: Reflections on a Study of Computer-Supported Process Redesign Groups." Organizations & Society 4.9 (1997): 65-91.

19. Lather, Patti. "Research as Praxis." Harvard Educational Review 56.3 (1986): 257-77.

20. Lau, Francis, and Robert Hayward. "Structuration of Internet-Based Collaborative Work Groups Through Action Research." 2/5 1997. (11/4/1998).

21. Lewin, Kurt. "Action Research and Minority Problems." Journal of Social Issues 2 (1946): 34-46.

22. MacIsaac, Dan. "An Introduction to Action Research." 1995. (22/03/1998).

23. Morgan, Gareth, and Raphael Ramirez. "Action Learning: A Holographic Metaphor for Guiding Social Change." Toronto, April. 1983. York University Action Learning Group.

24. Morley, David. "Resource Analysis as Action Research." Resource Analysis Research in Developing Countries. Ed. Paul F. Wilkinson and William C. Found. Toronto: York University, 1991. 1-16.

25. Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse. "Our Communities in a Global Economy: Under Siege and Taking Charge!" 03/06 1996. (22/3/1998).


potentially powerful adjunct to action research processes.

Action Research and Information Technology

26. Purser, Ronald E., and Steven Cabana. "Mobilizing Large-Scale Strategic Change: An Application of the Search Conference Method at Xerox." 19/10 1996. (12/04/1998).

27. Revans, Reginald. The Origins and Growth of Action Learning. Bromly, England: Chartwell Bratt, 1982.

28. Rouda, Robert H. "Background and Theory for Large Scale Organizational Change Methods." 1995. (14/04/1998).

29. ---, and Mitchell E. Kusy Jr. "MANAGING CHANGE WITH LARGE-SCALE, REAL-TIME INTERVENTIONS." 1995. (14/04/1998).

30. Susman, Gerald I. "Action Research: A Sociotechnical Systems Perspective." Ed. G. Morgan. London: Sage Publications, 1983. 95-113.

31. ---, and Roger D. Evered. "An Assessment of the Scientific Merits of Action Research." Administrative Science Quarterly 23 (December 1978): 582-603.

32. Tesch, Renata. Qualitative Research: Analysis Types and Software Tools. New York: The Falmer Press, 1990.

33. Trist, Eric. "A Concept of Organizational Ecology." Australian Journal of Management 2.2: 161-75.

34. ---. "Intervention Strategies for Interorganizational Domains." Human Systems Development: Perspectives on People and Organizations. Ed. Robert Tannenbaum and et al. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985. 167-97.


In the past ten years or so, there has been a marked increase in the

number of organizations that are making use of information

technology and computer mediated communications. This has led to a

number of convergences between information systems and action

research. In some cases, it has been a matter of managers of

corporate networks employing action research techniques to facilitate

large-scale changes to their information systems. In others, it has

been a question of community-based action research projects making

use of computer communications to broaden participation.

35. ---. "New Directions of Hope." Regional Studies 13 (1979): 439-51.

36. ---. "Referent Organizations and the Development of Inter-Organizational Domains." 39th Annual Convention of the Academy of Management. Atlanta, 9/8. 1979.

37. Weisbord, Marvin (ed.). Discovering Common Ground: How Future Search Conferences Bring People Together To Achieve Breakthrough Innovation, Empowerment, Shared Vision, and Collaborative Action. San Francisco: Berret-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1992.

38. Winter, Richard. Action-Research and the Nature of Social Inquiry: Professional Innovation and Educational Work. Aldershot, England: Gower Publishing Company, 1987.

39. ---. Learning From Experience: Principles and Practice in Action-Research. Philadelphia: The Falmer Press, 1989.

40. ---. "Some Principles and Procedures for the Conduct of Action Research." New Directions in Action Research. Ed. Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt. London: Falmer Press, 1996. 13-27.

41. Zuber-Skerritt, Ortrun. New Directions in Action Research. London: The Falmer Press, 1996.


Much of the action research carried out over the past 40 years has

been conducted in local settings with the participants meeting face-to-

face with “real-time” dialogue. The emergence of the Internet has led

to an explosion of asynchronous and aspatial group communication in

the form of e-mail and computer conferences, and recently, v-mail and

video conferencing. While there have been numerous attempts to use

this new technology in assisting group learning, both within

organizations and among groups in the community [this author has

been involved with a dozen or more projects of this kind in the

nonprofit sector in Canada alone], there is a dearth of published

studies on the use of action research methods in such projects Lau

and Hayward (1997), in a recent review of the literature, found that

most research on group support systems to date has been in short-

term, experimental situations using quantitative methods.. There are

a few examples, though, of longitudinal studies in naturalistic settings

using qualitative methods; of those that did use action research, none

studied the use and effects of communication systems in groups and


Case Study 2 - Internet-based collaborative work groups in community



Lau and Hayward (1997) used an action research approach in a study

of their own to explore the structuration of Internet-based

collaborative work groups. Over a two year period, the researchers

participated as facilitators in three action research cycles of problem-

solving among approximately 15 instructors and project staff, and 25

health professionals from various regions striving to make a transition

to a more community-based health program. The aim was to explore

how Internet-based communications would influence their evolution

into a virtual collaborative workgroup.

The first phase was taken up with defining expectations, providing the

technology and developing the customized workgroup system.

Feedback from participants noted that shorter and more spaced

training sessions, with instructions more focused on specific projects

would have been more helpful. The next phase saw the full

deployment of the system, and the main lesson learned was that the

steepness of the learning curve was severely underestimated, with

frustrations only minimally satisfied by a great deal of technical

support provided by telephone. The final cycle saw the stabilization of

the system and the emergence of the virtual groups

The researchers found that those who used the system interactively

were more likely to establish projects that were collaborative in


nature, and that the lack of high quality information on community

healthcare online was a drawback. The participants reported learning

a great deal from the initiative.

The interpretations of the study suggest that role clarity, relationship

building, information sharing, resource support, and experiential

learning are important aspects in virtual group development. There

was also a sense that more research was needed on how group

support systems can help groups interact with their external

environment, as well as on how to enhance the process of learning by

group members.

Case Study 3 - Computer conferencing in a learning community

Comstock and Fox (1995) have written about their experiences in

integrating computer conferencing into a learning community for mid-

career working adults attending a Graduate Management Program at

Antioch University in Seattle. From 1992 to 1995, the researchers and

their students made use of a dial-up computer conferencing system

called Caucus to augment learning outside of monthly classroom

weekends. Their findings relate to establishing boundaries to

interaction, creating a caring community, and building collaborative



Boundary setting was a matter of both defined membership, i.e.,

access to particular conferences, and actual participation. The

architecture of the online environment was equated to that of a

house, in which locked rooms allowed for privacy, but hampered

interaction. They suggest some software design changes that would

provide more cues and flexibility to improve access and usage.

Relationships in a caring community were fostered by caring talk,

personal conversations and story telling. Over time, expressions of

personal concern for other participants increased, exemplifying a

more tightly-knit group. Playful conversations of a personal nature

also improved group relations, as did stories of events in individuals’

lives. These processes provided the support and induced the trust

needed to sustain the more in-depth collaborative learning taking


Students were expected to use the system for collaborative learning

using three forms of conversation - dialogue, discussion and critical

reflection. Dialogues were enjoined as a result of attempts to relate

classroom lessons to personal situations at work, with a better

understanding provided by multiple opinions. Discussions,

distinguished by the goal of making a group decision or taking an


action, required a fair degree of moderation, insofar as participants

found it difficult to reach closure. The process of reflecting critically on

ideas was also difficult - participants rarely took the time to analyze

postings, preferring a more immediate, and more superficial,

conversational style.

The authors conclude with four recommendations: 1) be clear about

the purpose of the computer conference and expectations for use; 2)

develop incentives for widespread and continuous participation; 3) pay

attention to affects of the software on the way the system is used for

learning; and 4) teach members of the community how to translate

face-to-face collaborative processes to the on-line environment.

Commentary on the need for more research

The characteristics of the new information technologies, especially

that of computer conferencing, to allow group communications to take

place outside of the bounds of time and space have the potential to be

well suited to action research. Projects that traditionally have been

limited to local, real-time interactions, such as in the case of search

conferences, now have the possibility of being conducted online, with

the promise of larger-sized groups, more reflexivity, greater


geographic reach, and for a longer period of sustained interaction.

The current state of the software architecture, though, does not seem

to be sufficient to induce the focused collaboration required. Perhaps

this will remain the case until cyberspace becomes as elaborate in

contextual cues as our current socio-physical environment. Whatever

the eventual outcome of online developments, it is certain that action

research and information technologies will continue to converge, and

we must be prepared to use action research techniques to better

understand and utilize this convergence..


This paper has presented an overview of action research as a

methodological approach to solving social problems. The principles

and procedures of this type of research, and epistemological

underpinnings, were described, along with the evolution of the

practice. Details of a search conference and other tools were given,

as was an indication of the roles and ethics involved in the research.

The case studies gave concrete examples of projects, particularly in

the relatively new area of social deployment of information

technologies. Further action research is needed to explore the

potential for developing computer-mediated communications in a way

that will enhance human interactions.

