Questions final eval

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Questions final eval


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Our film is mainly based on the Think! Adverts; the message, consequence, has the same effect on the audience as the Think! adverts leaving them with the same thoughts and reactions. The genre of our film is; documentary, drama, informative. This genre has a wide target audience, ranging from children to adults, of both sexes and all social classes. We have developed our film from the original Think! adverts by going more in depth to the story and the characters lives, making it more personal and therefore increasing the effect it will have on the audience by aiming certain aspects, i.e. sound, at their feelings and emotions. This makes the distinction clear between an advert and a short film. The magazine review mirrors the focus of the short film; this was achieved by selecting specific and vital moments in the film to give a brief insight into what the film entails. The poster again shows two important images from the film showing two different outcomes in the parallel worlds at the same stage of the story. We continued to show the parallel structure through reflecting the image, the colour theme and the writing.

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? Our film follows the path of two parallel worlds, showing the consequences of different decisions. We portray this narrative in our ancillary poster by mirroring similar images showing each consequence. This idea was inspired by the poster of the film ‘Sliding Doors’ which has a similar narrative of parallel worlds and we have developed a similar structure for our own poster. For our magazine review we have included screen shots from our film to show the viewer a bit more about our film. We chose shots of important parts of the film rather than irrelevant scenes to give them a good understanding of the film. Both the poster and the magazine review combine together to present our film and represent the message we are trying to achieve. We tried to achieve this by linking them all together; i.e. keeping the title font and style the same in all 3 tasks. We also chose to stick to a specific font for the writing on the poster and again for the statistics at the end of the film – the font we chose has documentary feel to it as it is very formal and informative.

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? We showed our film to the class and had a discussion about the good and bad aspects of the film and then got them to write down their main opinions on a post-it note for us to have and learn from. A common theme was about the steadiness of the shots, we did actually use a tripod for the majority of the shots however we struggled when it came to the movement for example in the dolly shot. We think that if we were better equipped, then the shots may be smoother and of better

quality. An aspect we were expecting to receive some criticism of was the reflections in the window of the police officers and the movement in the unit glass; however no one picked up on it until we drew their attention to it. From our audience feedback, the importance of attention to the steadiness of a shot has been reinforced and will make sure in the future that we gather all the appropriate equipment to make our desired quality of shot achievable.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? For our research, we used powerpoint presentations to present our short film analyses, this allowed this to present it clearly in an organised and simple way. We then made a poster by hand to show our analysis of magazine reviews and then took a picture of it using a digital camera to upload to our blog. This is another use of media and allowed us to be more creative in presenting our work. For the poster analysis we searched on the for an image of the poster we were analysing and then dissected it on Microsoft Word using text boxes and arrows to show what we were referring to. This was a clear and organised way of presenting and made it easy to show our development of thought. For the audience research we used a variety of methods to gather the relevant information, such as; filmed interviews, audio interviews, and electronic questionnaires. This used a variety of media methods and also allowed us to cover a wider audience by using different techniques. It also meant that we would gather different types of feedback in regards to detail, formality and depth of answer.For the planning, we used Microsoft Word for things such as the shot lists, shooting scripts, short story, etc. The storyboard was hand-drawn and then each section was photographed using a digital camera and then uploaded on to Microsoft Powerpoint to make it easier and clearer to present and use. All the files we had created for research and planning were then uploaded electronically to our blog, first uploading it to and then embedding it onto our blog using We found that slideshare was a really slow way of uploading work and sometimes caused problems; i.e. not successfully uploading a document, this took up a lot of our time and caused a lot of stress. Blogger was an interesting and fun way of presenting work as it allowed you to personalise your page, however we found it very difficult to organise as you had to put your work in order as you upload it, meaning that if one bit of work wasn’t yet completed, nothing further could be uploaded until this was done. This again took up a lot of time and caused stress. For the construction, we used a hand-held video camera, as well as a Phantom HD slow motion camera for the collision. We then loaded our rushes onto the computer and edited the footage using Final Cut Pro, the final outcome was then put on to a DVD and also on to Communication was a very important part of the success of our film; we used mobile phones to arrange times and dates and to contact each other and our actors to make

sure we are all informed on the latest plans. We also used and to keep in touch and send work from one person to the other. Any problems and queries were resolved via email which was a very helpful and convenient form of communication.