
Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Questionnaires


By Elliot Stahlmann 5214

Gender: Male

Age: 19 years old

Favourite genre(s): Thriller/Action

Favourite movie: Taken 2

How do you hear about new films?

Usually through social media such as Twitter or from friends that have seen the trailer on YouTube

Do you like films with female protagonists?

I don’t really watch many films with female protagonists but if I were to see a thriller with a female protagonist, like in Lucy, I would probably be more inclined to watch it as I think it really sets the film apart from others in its genre. Most films portray girls like damsels in distress so I think it would be really interesting to see a female character take on a heroine role within a thriller

How often do you go to the cinema?

I go as often as I can and because I work part-time and go to university it means I have the money and free time to go although most of my friends watch films online on Netflix

Gender: Male

Age: 23 years old

Favourite genre(s): Comedy/Thriller

Favourite movie: The Hangover

How do you hear about new films?

I watch TV a lot so usually I see a trailer during the breaks or cast interviews on talk shows like “The Graham Norton Show” or “Alan Carr: Chatty Man”

Do you like films with female protagonists?

It’s not something that I look for in films particularly but it certainly doesn’t discourage me from watching a film. If anything I guess it would encourage me to watch a film

How often do you go to the cinema?

About 3 times a year. Nowadays I go online or watch movies on Netflix because it’s more convenient with my hectic lifestyle as afull-time student at uni. I only really go to see comedies or thrillers in cinemas because I think it’s more sociable that way

Gender: Female

Age: 18 years old

Favourite genre(s): RomCom/Drama

Favourite movie:

How do you hear about new films?

If I’m honest, I have am obsessed with YouTube so usually I see a trailer online and tell all my friends about it or drag them along with me to the cinema

Do you like films with female protagonists?

Not really, it’s conventional to see a female protagonist in a drama or romcom film so it’s quite predictable. If a female protagonist were to be starred in a horror or thriller and they weren’t just the typical damsel in distress then I would be really surprised. It might even make me start watching thrillers!

How often do you go to the cinema?

I absolutely love the cinema so I go about twice a month, if not, more. I’m always dragging my friends to the cinema with me otherwise I’ll go by myself! I don’t really like indie movies though, they’re always too predictable.

Gender: Female

Age: 20 years old

Favourite genre(s): Drama/Thriller

Favourite movie: The Shawshank Redemption

How do you hear about new films?

Most of my free time is spent on Twitter so usually I see something a friend or celebrity has retweeted or tweeted about and hear about it from there. If I find it interesting then I might search for the trailer on YouTube or look for posters on Google orFacebook/Twitter pages

Do you like films with female protagonists?

I think female protagonists are really cool. If I hear about a movie with a female protagonist like The Hunger Games then I would definitely want to watch it

How often do you go to the cinema?

I would say I go quite infrequently but I do try and go as often as possible because I really can’t stand watching movies online. I probably go about 5 times a year but it’s not something I stick to. If I have the time to go and there’s a really cool drama or thriller movie out, then I’ll go and watch it.