Questionnaire Results Chart

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Questionnaire Results Chart

Questionnaire Results

We made a questionnaire to collect primary data to support our final magazine, and help us seek out our main target audience and

what they want included in it.

We asked this question early in the questionnaire to ensure we were asking the right media group.

This was our second question in the questionnaire, this helped us as we could look at the style magazine they read and if it’s the same style as ours we can views what the audience like in them.

This question helped us decide the price of our magazines and how much people are willing to pay. The average price of £2.51-£3.50 was most popular therefore we know to keep our price in this boundary.

From this question we know that multi packs don’t appeal to our audience as no-one voted for them, also that exclusive interviews are popular.

Most people voted that they buy no magazines each month, although 47% voted 1-2 magazines which indicates that we should make a magazine monthly and an occasional special edition magazine.

The highest vote was Reviews even though they were all fairly popular.

The majority of the vote was no surprisingly, this has been an effective question as we expected the majority to be yes seen as it’s a music magazine, now we can tell most people are not interested in this.

The vote was almost equal on this question, so its an equal opinion, although the majority did say no, therefore we are not going to include fashion and lifestyle.