Questionnaire analysis

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Questionnaire analysis

Questionnaire Results and Evaluation

Male or Female?

Male Female

When gathering feedback for our questionnaire, we were very conscious that we wanted the most even split possible of males and females in order to get a variety of answers. With 21 males and 19 females answering, it gave us a nearly even split of data and therefore can use this in order to make our own work aimed at both genders by imitating the local newspapers existing.

What is your age?



0 2 4 6 8 10 12

By gathering this information, we have an idea of who the audience is and from the next question ’how often do you read your local newspaper’ we have a more narrow target audience which gives us an idea of what to include: possible stories, lexical choice and appealing headlines.

Never 2

Rarely 5

Once a month 7

Once or Twice a week 11

Everyday 15

How often do you read your local newspaper?This question helps us argue the validity of our results as the information given will only be helpful if the participants are knowledgeable on the topic area and often read the newspaper, as it gives us a more accurate idea of what we should include and what is successful and appealing to audiences.

How interesting do you find the following on your local newspaper?





As we could not put up the results for all 40 responses, we did an average rating of each feature. Upon reflection of this question, we have decided that it is very vague (it would depend on the image and whether it was suitable to the story etc.); therefore, we decided although these results are a starting guideline, a further, more specific, questionnaire.

What are you most likely to read in the local newspaper?

Tragedies Local Achievements Business EducationEnviroment Crime and Punishment Health Politics Services Adverts Other

We asked this question in order to try and gain an understanding of the most liked stories within a newspaper and what it is that readers are interested in; this will help us decide on our topic area and also our style of writing when creating our own media piece.

What are you least likely to read in your local newspaper?

TragediesLocal Accomplishments BusinessEducationEnviroment Crime and punishment HealthPolitics Services Adverts Other

Similarly to the previous question, we asked so we know which stories to avoid writing about when creating our own newspaper in order to make the story enjoyable to read.

What do you think is the most important feature of a newspaper?



Interesting Story




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

When we asked this question, the intention was to discover what readers find most important and captivating when reading. Evidently from the results, the text itself is much more important than the presentation of the text. Furthermore, a captivating headline is also clearly important to the reader.

Do you think that images are a necessity to a newspaper?

Yes 34

No 5

I don’t know 1

From this we have discovered that readers find images extremely important to a newspaper; our assumption is that this is to avoid large chunks of text and to break up the story as well as giving further insight into the topic.

What kind of language do you think is suitable for a newspaper?

Simplistic Sophisticated Formal Informal Other 0






This question gave us an idea of what kind of people read the local newspaper as well as giving us an indication of how our own work should be structured and worded. From our results, we have decided that it should mostly be formal and sophisticated; however, may vary depending on the story.

How do you think it should be set out?

Simplistic and Easy to readComplex with large blocks of textLots of images with short parahraphs of text Other

Despite our previous results, we decided that the presentation of the newspaper is vital to the appeal it holds for the reader. We found that readers want the writing and lay out to be easy to read and simple so that its easily accessible to a wider audience.