
Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Questionnaire


The majority of the people that we questioned said that the wished for a female

protagonist, although this is a slight problem for us due to the fact that everyone in our group is

male. We will have to make the male character’s role convincing in order to sustain a realistic

character in terms of the horror genre.


We will be filming in the woods and we had this idea because it would be easier to convey the

ideological and conventional themes of horror –it also enables us to connote the isolation in the protagonist. The woods are an easy setting for

us to use, and we can use this without any problems.

Time of Day

We have decided that we will use a mixture of daytime and night time because they will enable

to us to convey different feelings in the ideological theme of horror. Darkness

semantically relates to evil, whereas light relates to aspects of good, hence showing binary

oppositions with the change in day.


We will stick to our idea of using an alone antagonist, this will enable us to show isolation

further in our opening sequence, as a mysterious antagonist will depict fear.

Web 2.0

A large percentage of people use Web 2.0 tools like Facebook and Twitter which is what we

predicted as we can market our product to a lot our product to a variety of people, as we found

out from our audience profiling research.


Our questionnaire showed us that we should choose our opening sequence to have a 15

certificate, this is because from previous research we have seen that 15 year olds fit into

our audience profiling because they are interested in the ideas of disequilibrium of horror films – so these results have been

effective for us.