Question 4 evaluation

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Question 4 evaluation

Who would be the audience for your media product?

What is a target audience?

A target audience is a specific group of people within a target market that a product or marketing message of a product is aimed at

Target audiences can also be niche group who all have a similar factor for example age, gender, ethnicity

Within the media industry a target audience is the group of people who you product is aimed at, normally identified by age, gender or people with similar interests

Target Audience for Social Realism Films

I have researched the target audience for similar films to mine:

Ill Mannors-The target audience for Ill Manors are teenagers aged 15-34 year olds. They re most likely going to be in socio economic groups B, C2, D and E. This is because the movie involves a lot of violence and gang nature attracting the young adults and teenagers. 

Adulthood -The movie shows everyday life and struggle of London’s teenagers. The movie is aimed at mostly at males aged 15-20, that like to watch movies that reflect every day issues.

My Target Audience- Age Restrictions

One of the areas that will restrict our audience audience would be due to rating of films. Our film will therefore have to be rated 18 as we have explicit scenes in our film including the use of:


Sexual Relations

And other inappropriate topics

My Target Audience-Reality of Social Realism Films

We are aware that lots of people who are younger than 18 can expose themselves to these type of films, however we will not promote our film to anyone under 18 because of the ratings system

My Target Audience- Not only social realism lovers

We also aim to target women who would not necessarily normally be interested in social realism films, as in our film the three main characters are women, which is challenging the genre.

Overall our target audience would be male and females between 18-30

Audience Research

I did some market research into my target audience by putting a rough cut of my opening on social networking sites to get feedback. I got a very good response with both girls and boys between 18-30 enjoying it. However as expected younger people also enjoyed it but as explained previously my target audience needs to start at 18

Other possible audience interests

Although our film is a social realist film, our sub genre is neo noir and therefore would expect people who enjoy that genre of film to also be interested

We also finally believe our film would appeal to a film literate audience who enjoy watching all types of films

Here is the type of people we would think to be interested in our film: