Question 2 lesson 3

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Transcript of Question 2 lesson 3

G322 Media Studies

What do these terms mean



What are the three different types of productions companies?

What is Media Ownership?


Horizontal Integration – Complementary businesses. In relation to film this means one large company owning several other companies in different media.

What film companies does this apply to?


The issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice;

The importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing;

The technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange;

The significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences;

The importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences;

The issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions;

The ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.

Identifying audiences using appropriate demographic/profile models

Topics for Exam

A - Higher managerial administrative + professional.

B - Intermediate managerial, administrative + professional

C1 - Supervisory or clerical + junior managerial, administrative + professional.

C2 - Skilled Manual.

D - Semi skilled and unskilled manual.

E - Casual labourers, state pensioner, the unemployed.

Measurement of Social Grade


Touch of Frost - C1 + C2

Tricia + Jeremy Kyle - E


Working in twos using google video find me an example of an advert that fits certain social grouping. C1+C2 are very similar.

15 minutes to find this information.


Below are the various age categories.







Pre-family (18-25)

Young family (25-44)

Mature family (45 -65)

Retired (65+)

What does an age group mean?

Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs

This was created by Austrian Psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1954.

It is a way to categorize a person in terms of what they need from life.

Advertisers still use this to aim at a specific audience.

There are five primary needs.


Food, drink, sleep, sex, relief from pain.

Physiological Needs

Security, Protection, freedom from danger.

Safety Needs

Friends, companions, family, being part of a group.

Love and belonging

Respect, confidence, admiration, self-confidence, self worth, self acceptance.

Esteem Needs

Full fill ones potential, develop ones potential, do what one is best suited to do, discover truth, create beauty, produce order, promote justice.

Self Actualisation

Was created by Vance Packard in 1957

Slightly modified version of Maslows initial theory.

Eight Hidden Needs

Emotional Security

Reassurance of worth

Ego gratification

Creative outlets

Love Objects

Sense of power

Eight Hidden Needs

Sense of Roots

Sense of immortality

Eight Hidden Needs

This theory was created by Young and Rubicam.

The theory is based on the needs of the individual.

Also called the Cross Cultural Consumer Charaterisation

Rubicams Four Cs

The Explorer Need for change, discovery and want to be different.

The Aspirer Look at how others view them, try products for the visual looks and focus on their status.

The Succeeder Strong goals and tend to be responsible. They have an aggressive attitude to life as they look for control.

The Reformer Intellectual and are tolerant. They don’t buy products just because they’re new. Their core is enlightenment.

The Mainstream Fit in with the changes of society. Stick with value for money, what they know and save money. They strive for security.

The Struggler Have the ‘You Only Live Once’ approach. They focus on the present and tend not to work hard or have any valuable skills.

They consume alcohol, junk food and focus on brand choices. They seek escape.

The resigned The older generation with unchanging values. Stick to what they’re familiar with and tend not to change with society as they

stick with older and more nostalgic values. They aim to survive.

My audience would be Mainstream due to the fact that they want a secure life. They save money but still partake in some social activities such as going to the cinema and eating at restaurants, but only with friends.

Rubicam Four Cs

The ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.


How important is technological convergence for institutions and audiences within a media area which you have studied?

Candidates focus on one of the following media areas though you may make reference to other media where relevant to your answer.

• Film • Music • Newspapers • Radio • Magazines • Video games.

Exam Question