Question 2 evaluation powerpoint

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Question 2 evaluation powerpoint

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My music magazine is aimed at older teenagers and females. However, people

who like retro music with some vintage will be most likely to buy my music magazine.


• Media texts use representations for various purposes. In this case, to discuss the representation of a certain social group.

• Representations help to create an identity for the group being represented.

• Representations can be positive and negative.

Background Information:

Stereotypical social groups featured in my piece

Here are a few examples of the social group that represent my media product. They fit with the theme of my magazine, of vintage/retro.

Billboard music magazine is very popular and so I was inspired by this music magazine to create the image of my magazine. I like how the main focus is on the female artist, due to her being covered in flowers and her hair and make up which stands out.I wanted to create a similar look in my music magazine, as I felt that this would mostly appeal to my social group of older teenagers and young females because of the extremely fashionable hair and make up. To represent these groups, I decided to have a female model wearing a red floral dress also wearing bright red lipstick. I believe this ‘look’ would more than likely attract this type of audience, especially the stereotypical female who are associated with being fixated on hair and makeup, this could perhaps be interpreted as a negative stereotype. But also, I believe the older teenagers and females who are attracted to vintage/retro genre could represent my media product.

With my music magazine being based on a particular type of genre, this has without a doubt affected the way my model would be presented in my music magazine. The model in my magazine was based on Lana Del Rey as many people associate Lana Del Rey to be the 60's 'Nancy Sinatra' of the 21st Century, displaying a vintage/retro style and this off course was the look that I wanted my model to pull off.

Here I wanted to create a Del Rey hairstyle on my model, which I thought would make the vintage/retro style more realistic, I then created the make up to be quite similar with the winged eyeliner and full lashes thus creating similarities between the two.

Maintaining the retro theme throughout the magazine was very important, as I needed people to recognise that what genre it was. Throughout my photoshoot, I tried mostly to take my pictures at low angles, as through researching retro magazines (also photoshoots with Lana Del Rey) I found that most images were taken at low angles, to show the artists authority.