Question 2

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Question 2

• I believe our three media products work considerably well as a media package considering, that all three share similar components. The most recognizable (particularly in the short film and film poster) is the use of the dark tone, which is also present in the film poster. Therefore, the use of the dark colours both in the short film and film poster allows the audience to identify the films genre and identity. Nevertheless, the film reviews could also share its significance by the type of text and style specifically used for the reader to see.


• Despite the fact that the page of the film review is white, the pictures inside the film review magazine mean that something awful is going to happen, the way that the hit man is gazing upward and the victimized person thinking back, accentuates that something terrible is going to happen, this can be told by their outward appearances. The genuine look of the two characters proposes something is going to go down. The genuine look from the light black hooded Hitman shows he is in control and request of the circumstance where as, the exploited person in dark looking suspiciously and in fear.


• The audiences existing knowledge of archetypes within films also contributes to this as they can associate that the hooded figure that is dressed in dark grey is the bad character, costumes throughout our short film are consistent again linking to binary oppositions (levi strauss)

• An alternate segment imparted by each of the 3 media products as to the actual layout, is the use of the colour scheme.. Both the film poster and film review use the same colours , colours being black, red and white. Both the film poster and film review use all three colours. The text, the title and the background use the same colours in the colour scheme. This is to create a realistic and more of an existing product. Similarly, it could also be said the use of colours used can be related with the short film. In terms of being conventional we used the right colours for our theme and genre and looking through our research we found that the colours used specifically on each poster or film review has a specific bond with the film for example location being dark therefore relating to black.

Colours have been shared and used through out the three media products. We can see three main colours shared throughout the products

• On the off chance that we were to broaden our media package, we could take after more contemporary illustrations particularly in the commercial and advertising for the film. On such basis, such example we could use is ‘Captain America Winter Soldier’, which was released last year 2014. This campaign utilized cross media in the promotion for its film, by all means, by using social media such as twitter and Facebook to advertise its new release, this even incorporated its own marvel captain America website which was all interactive as well as informative that permitted the crowd to be exceptional with most recent news in regards to the new film. The website was very useful as well as playful, it screened short clips as well as images and most importantly had video of the main characters in an one to one discussion allowing to reach more people to be aware before the initial release of the film. This prompted the measure of viewers at the box office to be substantially high due to preparation and advertisement that was set. I would say if this course was to be taken after, the thought of viral campaign is a thought we would certainly think about in as an endeavor to build the ubiquity of our short film. Taking the fact that ‘captain America’ had a trailer released we to produced a trailer for our film in regards of a way of promoting the film gathering scenes from the film we created a trailer, which extends the product. By producing a trailer not only did it help by promoting it also allowed us to gain a better knowledge of using final cut pro.

An interactive example of expanding brand products