Question 1Question 1 In what famous play does a ghost demand the title character investigate "murder...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Question 1Question 1 In what famous play does a ghost demand the title character investigate "murder...

Round ?

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Question 1

In what famous play does a ghost demand the title

character investigate "murder most foul" and seek revenge on the character’s usurping


Question 2

What comic character created in the 1930's is known as the "friendly ghost"?

Question 3

Children know that to call up this ghost all you have to do is stand in front of a mirror and say her name 3 times.

Question 4

What is the name of the green blob of a ghost that becomes the mascot for the Ghostbusters?

Question 5

What is the catch phrase of Haley Joel Osment's character in The Sixth Sense? 

Question 6

Which Stephens College Building is purportedly home to the ghost of a young woman mourning the wounded Civil War soldier she nursed back to health? 

Question 7

Name three of the four Hogwarts house ghosts in Harry Potter.

For an extra point identify the house that each ghost belongs to.

Question 8

A 2005 Gallup poll found what percentage of Americans believe in ghosts?

A. 17%B. 32%C. 51%D. 86%

Question 9

In this classic game, the only defense against ghosts is to chomp a “power pellet.”

Question 10

This mansion in St. Louis is said to be one of the most haunted buildings in the United States. There are said to be apparition sightings, glasses flying off the bar, pianos playing by themselves, etc. The mansion is now open as a restaurant and bed and breakfast.


1.“Hamlet” or “King Hamlet”2.Casper3.Bloody Mary4.Slimer5.“I see dead people”6. Senior Hall (The bell tower)7.Gryffindor - Nearly Headless Nick (Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-

Porpington), Hufflepuff - the Fat Friar, Ravenclaw - The Gray Lady (Helena Ravenclaw), Slytherin - The Bloody

8.Pac Man or Ms. Pac Man9.Lemp Mansion