Quarterly Dementia Newsletter– Summer

Post on 29-Nov-2021

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Transcript of Quarterly Dementia Newsletter– Summer

‘Dementia Care, let’s get it right’

Dementia Education Team Update

Following their re-deployment on Willow Ward at Charlton Lane, Kim, Sam and Tina have returned to the office and commented “it’s been such a

full-on experience but has been a privilege to be able to help and put some of the skills we teach into practice to support people with dementia and

their families. Now we’re on a steep learning curve adapting our training to online delivery until normal service resumes”

One Day Dementia Training

In this one day dementia multi-agency training

course, participants will examine dementia and

the changing brain; consider different types of de-

mentia and symptoms; gain an understanding of

the principles of person-centred care and how to

approach and communicate with people living

with dementia.

Our dementia training programme is open to all

health, social care and wider public services staff

in Gloucestershire, including those in the voluntary

and independent sector, and people who are caring

for a person with dementia.

STOP PRESS: Due to COVID 19 restrictions on

face-to-face training, we are currently delivering the One Day workshop on-line as two half days via

Microsoft Teams

Dates for Dementia Link Worker (DLW) & Dementia Lead (DL)

Programme 2020 / 2021

Cohort 1: Nearly half the participants of February 2020 cohort who

were unable to continue due to Covid 19 are currently

doing on-line training via Microsoft Teams to complete

the course. The rest have opted for the opportunity to

join the face to face training to complete at a later date

Cohort 2: 30th September to 2

nd December – this course is now

fully booked but we are taking applications for 2021 (dates to be

confirmed soon)

Cotswold Friends Activities Newsletter

Please see attached the first issue of

Activities Newsletter

Dementia and Driving

See attached from Managing

Memory for further


Online session for family & friends

who are caring for someone with de-

mentia and who lives in Gloucester-

shire is now available.

Please see attached.

Also attached are joining

Instructions for the on-line sessions

and Managing Memory

Internal Referral Form

Managing Memory


ONLINE Introduction

to Dementia Dementia Board Game:

A playful approach to a serious issue

This game can be purchased at cost price of £30.00

(within Gloucestershire). For all enquiries please contact

Lena Maller at: Lena.Maller@fdean.gcsx.gov.uk

For further information please go to the Dementia Education Training Website for Gloucestershire: www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/extra/dementiatraining

Quarterly Dementia Newsletter– Summer (Created and edited by the Dementia Education Team)

G Gloucestershire Carers Hub: online monthly support sessions

Now available: see attached information.