Quarter 2 News Presentation

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Quarter 2 News Presentation. International. Where: Haiti & Nepalese military base in Mirebalais , Haiti When: Saturday, October 30 th Who: U.N. engineers, a spokeswoman, and the people of Haiti - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Quarter 2 News Presentation

Quarter 2 News Presentation

International Where: Haiti & Nepalese military base in Mirebalais, Haiti When: Saturday, October 30th Who: U.N. engineers, a spokeswoman, and the people of Haiti What: The death toll for the cholera outbreak in Haiti has gone up to 337. Cholera is a

bacterial disease which is spread through contaminated water and causes severe diarrhea, dehydration, and death within hours if left untreated. In addition, the number of cholera cases in Haiti has gone up to 4,764 according to U.N. spokeswoman.

Why: U.N. researchers suspected that the outbreak is caused by a sewage leak from a nearby Nepalese Military base in Mirebalais, Haiti. U.N. engineers concluded that the leak was not from the septic tanks in the base, but instead from a soak pit for the kitchen and shower areas, and after all 710 Nepalese soldiers tested negative for cholera, suspicions by the U.N. were dropped.

Significance: The significance of this story lies in the fact that cholera is a prominent killer in areas such as Haiti were sanitation is very poor and medical aid is scarce. In this story, the U.N. concludes that no cause for the cholera outbreak was found, but research will continue. This is unfortunate because who knows how many more unfortunate Haitians will die between now and when the source of the outbreak is found and stopped.

National Where: Wyoming When: Sunday, October 31st Who: Search teams, Wyoming National guard, Fremont county sheriff’s office, and the

Bucklin family What: A plane carrying the Bucklin family took off from Jackson Hole, Wyoming airport on

Monday bound for Riverton Wyoming, and then St. Paul, Minnesota, but crashed on the way. Why: Investigators have yet to discover the reason for the crash, but weather is suspected.

In addition the plane itself and the Bucklin family have yet to be found. Search parties including the Wyoming national guard and Fremont county sheriff’s office have spent the last 6 days searching in the Wyoming mountains around Ganite peak during “blizzard-like conditions” at an elevation of about 13,000 feet. Prayer services have been held since for searchers and for the family.

Significance: The significance of this story is that all the members of the search teams risk their lives to try and find the Bucklin family, since searchers have almost been snowed in by the “blizzard-like” conditions multiple times, but were luckily rescued by the Wyoming national guard’s Blackhawk helicopter. The sad reality is that his three sons ranging from ages 12-14 might be dead while still being so young. This is definitely a sad time for family members and friends of the Bucklin family.

State Where: San Francisco, California When: Saturday, October 30th Who: Chancellor Charles Reed, Robert Turnage, & Chris Chavez What: Chancellor Charles Reed is calling for a midyear tuition hike by 5% and another

10% by fall of 2011 for the California State University (CSU) system. University trustees are going to meet in Long Beach next month to vote on the issue. Chris Chavez, president of the California State Student Association realizes that “CSU is hurting students by doing this”.

Why: With the struggling economy Robert Turnage, CSU budget chancellor explains how “Last year we did not serve out students well” since many courses were eliminated from the system due to lack of funding and recognizes the need for increased tuition to compensate for decreased state funding

Significance: At the meeting, Charles Reed is going to ask for increased state funding to avoid the tuition hike, but if lawmakers refuse, then the tuition hike will likely be in effect by spring of 2011. If lawmakers refuse to grant more funs to the CSU system, then students will suffer due to higher tuitions, and if the CSU system doesn’t hike tuitions, then students will still to suffer due to a lack of offered courses.

Local Where: San Mateo, California When: Sunday, October 31st Who: Mahmoud Saeidah, Eid Ayesh, What: Both 28 year old men were arrested last Wednesday and are due back

in court on Wednesday, November 3rd on several charges of possessing and selling marijuana and other controlled substances out of a smoke shop on 37th avenue.

Why: After three months of investigating the shop, police officers finally raided the shop and seized 4 ounces of marijuana, $10,000 dollars cash, about 200 total Vicodin and Xanax pills, and a loaded .45 caliber handgun.

Significance: Although marijuana wasn’t the only drug they were selling, this story is still a good example of the dangerous drug businesses that exist. If marijuana were to be federally legalized and regulated, then all of these illegal drug industries would cease to exist and thus would eliminate a lot of crime similar to the crime in this story.

Election 2010 Where: Cleveland, Ohio When: Sunday, October 31st Who: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, & the democratic party What: Obama encouraged democrats to get out and vote on Sunday during a rally at

Cleveland State University. Obama and Biden have claimed that the democrats want to move the country forward while the republicans want to return to previous policies, culpable for the economic recession. Furthermore, he claimed that in order for policies in support of middle-class Americans to continue, the democrats must remain in power. Obama closed by saying that if everyone supports the democratic candidates on Tuesday, “we will win”.

Why: The democrats are projected to lose seats on Tuesday and possibly their house majority. In an attempt to keep his party in power, President Obama gave his last campaign speech for the upcoming elections on Sunday in hopes of motivating the democrats to “knock on their neighbors doors” and make sure that every democrat casts a vote on Tuesday.

Significance: This is significant for two reasons. The first is that Obama is an example of how politicians often make statements about their competitors that may not be entirely true, for instance “…the republicans want to return to previous policies responsible for the recession”. The second reason is one which is up for debate, but who knows what changes might be in store for the country if the republicans do regain the house majority on Tuesday.

Political Cartoon

International QuestionWhat is cholera and how many Haitians have

died from it?A. A fungal infection that makes your skin itchy

and 500 deathsB. A parasite that causes balding and 277 deathsC. A bacterial disease that causes severe diarrhea

and dehydration, and 337 deathsD. A malignant tumor which originates in the ear

lobe and 450


National QuestionWhere was the Bucklin’s plane ultimately going

to stop and what was the name of the peak where searchers began looking?A. Jacksonville, Florida & Crater PeakB. St. Paul, Minnesota & Ganite PeakC. Hayward, California & Razor PeakD. Austin, Texas & Snow Peak


State QuestionIf lawmakers do not give more money to the

CSU system, by fall of 2011 tuitions might go up by what total percentage? A. 10%B. 25%C. 15%D. 5%


Local QuestionHow old were the two men arrested and how

much money in cash was seized by law enforcement?A. 27 years old and $5,000B. 32 years old and $8,000C. 34 years old and $3,000D. 28 years old and $10,000


Election 2010 QuestionWhere did the rally on Sunday take place and

what was Obama’s rationale for why we should side with the democrats in the upcoming election?A. Cleveland State University & because the

democrats will “move the country forward”B. MCHS & because the democrats will donate

money to public schoolsC. San Diego State University & because they will

lower taxesD. Humboldt State University & because they have

more money than the republicans