Quality 101: Introduction to Continuous Improvement

Post on 27-May-2015

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This interactive session is designed for those who are getting started with the continuous improvement model or have been implementing for years and need to refresh their thinking. Start your NQEC experience with a session intended to lay a solid foundation that will allow you to progress wherever you are in the process. Get your game on! Join us for this collaborative, participant-driven session designed to enhance your understanding of the continuous improvement model and pave the way to a dynamic NQEC experience

Transcript of Quality 101: Introduction to Continuous Improvement

  • 1. Get in the Game!: A Comprehensive Overview of Continuous Improvement in EducationDr. Jay Marino & Mrs. Mandy Ellis

2. Find another person with the same number on their card. Answer the following questions. Why did you attend this session? What do you hope to get out of the session? 3. Presentation Objectives Provide an overview of systemic continuous improvement and its processes and tools Provide a foundation and examples to instill a positive and collaborative educational environment in your system Learn how teamwork, collaboration and shared leadership serve as the pillars of successful continuous improvement systems4 4. http://www.dunlapcusd.net/CI/Pages/default.aspx 5. Dunlap District 323 K-12 Large Unit District Total Enrollment: 4,080 527 Employees 18 Administrators Serving an estimated 12,500 residents 62 Square Miles 8 Schools 6. Teamwork, Collaboration & Shared Leadership; the pillars of successful organizations Point B- The Desired StatePoint A- The Current StatePlan on a Page! The Road- A ContinuousImprovement Journey 7. DistrictStrategic PlanThe focus is on achieve ashared vision, and all understand their role in achieving the vision 8. Banners Pledge for Excellence M ISSIONDUNLAP GRADE SCHOOL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN RIDGEVIEW DUNLAP VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLANMISSION The D.M.S. community will create an atmosphere of academic and social growth through2010-2015 2011-2012 2010-2015 DUNLAP HIGH SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN Mission collaboration, support and communication while promoting responsible citizenship, intellectual Excellence for AllBuildMISSION a foundation that empowers diverse learners in their journey to 2010-2015 development and individual success. stMISSIONbecome successful 21 Century citizens. Engaging all learners to prepare them for the 21st Century.MISSION The Dunlap Valley Middle School community will continue the process of educating and MISSION developing diverse 21st century learners.The Ridgeview community develops lifelong learners through dedication, hard work andVisionThe Dunlap High School Community will VISION the progress of all learners to meet the enrich perseverance. Dunlap students will continuously excel The of the Grade School communityin a global society by being: challengesDunlap21st Century. V ISIONwill promote active engagement of all VISION Self-motivated members to ensureDunlap learners will continuously excel in a global the 21st century. that students have the students VISIONa global societyglobal society by skills to succeed in society by being: VISION Dunlap students will continuously excel in a by being: being: Dunlap students will continuously excel in Critical thinkersSelf-motivated learners Effective communicators Self-motivated Dunlap students Self-motivated learners in learners society by being: thinkers students will continuously excel in a global society by being: will continuously excel a global Critical Dunlap VISION Skilled collaborators Critical thinkers thinkers Critical Self-motivated learners Self-motivated learners Effective aware citizens Responsible and culturallycommunicators Dunlap students will continuously excel in a global society by being: Effective Effective communicators Critical thinkers communicators Technologically Skilled collaborators capable creators Critical thinkers Skilled collaborators Self-motivated learners Skilled Effective communicators collaborators Responsible and Effective communicators culturally aware citizens Critical thinkers Skilled collaborators Responsible and culturally aware citizens and culturally BELIEFS Technologically capable creators VALUES & aware Skilled collaboratorsResponsibleEffective communicatorscitizens Responsible and culturally aware citizens Technologically capable citizens We Technologically capable creators Responsible and culturally aware creatorsbelieve that: Skilled collaborators While all children can learn, they Technologically capable creators Technologically capable creatorsResponsible and culturally aware citizens learn at different rates and in different ways. High expectations VALUES & BELIEFS and an engaging, innovative, technological learning environment are critical to the Technologically capable creators students. learning success of all VALUES & BELIEFS We believe that: Students VALUES & BELIEFS must take responsibility for their own learning and achievement. We believe that: V ALUES VALUES & BELIEFS respect, open, and honestrates and in different ways. & children can learn,S learn at different communication. BELIEF they While Effective collaborationall We different ways. While all children can learn, they learn at different ratesrequires believe that: and in trust, mutual District policies High expectations andequitable and consistent implementation oflearning environment are are necessary to ensure an engaging, innovative, technological expectations. We believe that: High expectations and an engaging, innovative, technological learning environment can learn, they learn at different rates and in different ways. While all children are We believe that: We believe that: attainable, While all childrento the learning successcanall Goals they be specific, to the learning success different ways. time-bound. can learn, they learn of different rates criticaldifferent rates expectationsstudents.engaging, innovative, technological learning environment at learn, must learn at measurable,ways. in of all and an and and in differentHigh and results-oriented, critical students. While all childrenall children can learn,Students must take responsibilityin different ways. While they feedback guides improvement. Continual stakeholderlearn at different rates and for their own learning and achievement. are critical the of students. High expectations and an expectations and antheir own engaging,and achievement. learning in a safe and positiveallcriticalenvironment. Students must take responsibility for engaging, innovative, technological toare learning successare learning High expectationstechnological learning environment trust, environment open, and honest communication. High engaging, innovative,believe thatEffectiveinnovative,taught self-disciplinemutual respect, for their own learning and achievement. We and an learning should be technological learning environment are students collaboration requires Students must take responsibility critical to the learning success theall students. success of all students. and honest the learning Effective collaboration requires trust, mutual respect, open, critical to ofto learning success of all students. Effective collaboration requires trust, mutual implementation of District policies are necessary to ensure equitable and consistentrespect, open, and honest Students must take responsibility for their own learning and achievement.learningachievement. Students responsibility for their own learning and and achievement. communication. GOALS AND INDICATORS Students must take must take responsibility for their own expectations. communication. Effective ensure equitable requires and mutual respect, open, and Effective collaboration requires trust, mutual respect, open, trust,honestDistrict policies are necessary to ensure equitable and consistent implementation of District policies are necessary tocollaboration trust,and consistent implementation ofhonest communication. Goals Effective collaboration requires mutual respect, open, and honest communication. Goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound. District policies are necessary to ensure equitable and consistent implementation of expectations. communication. expectations. implementation of District policies are necessary to ensure equitable and consistent guides improvement. Continual stakeholder feedback Goals must be Goals must be specific, measurable, attainable,consistent Wilder-Waite students will achieve an 80% or higher on the District policies are necessary toexpectations. By May 2012, 100% ofimplementation of specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound. ensure equitable and results-oriented, and time-bound. Math: expectations. Goals must be specific, measurable, Continual stakeholder feedback guides improvement. attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound. expectations. end-of-the-year math assessment. Continual stakeholder feedback guides improvement. Goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound. Continual stakeholder feedback guides improvement. Goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound. Continual stakeholder feedback guides improvement. the 2011-2012 school year, 90% of Banner students will GOAL 1: By the end of GOALS GOALS Continual stakeholder feedback guides improvement. meet/exceed targets on the grade level reading comprehension assessments as GOALSValues and BeliefsSchool GoalsGoal 1: Students at Dunlap Valley Middle School will compile a writing portfolio Reading: 100% of Wilder-Waite students will achieve grade level target scores on each measured by CARS.will improve written exhibiting improvement DGS GOALS theme test. sample from skillsclass by Maystudents meetingschool year, the number of students performing toward a proficient writing language each to 1: 1 . Goal 80% of Bystthe end of each or reading Proficiency will be determined by a content appropriate rubric.end of the 2011-2012measured by the AIMS exceeding the national benchmark by spring 2012, average or above on AIMSweb fluency with increase. as school year, 100% of Banner students will GOAL 2: By theGOALSGoal 1: Goal 2: Goal 3:Web Correct Writing Sequence will participate in a service end of each school Goal 2: By the learning assessment. achieve DMS assessment. 100% of the middle school students atat least 85% on the end-of-the-year math activity byyear, all students will improve writing skills as the conclusion of the 2010-2011 school year. goal-directed reading/math interventions during 2012, 100%Dunlap High School year. will implement the district writing Writing: By May SLC By the of Wilder-Waite teachers end year, 95% of year, To maintain a professional,will develop GOAL 3:within the 2010-2011 environment byof each school our students will of students who have Goal 3: schoolBy the DGS productive environment for end of the 2011-2012 school implementing a the number remain on a satisfying school learning curriculum as measured by classroom walkthroughs and self-assessment. maintained all building/classroom expectations as measured by the To ensure 100% of the ISAT assessed students in theirthe communityone formal written assessmentas a productive partnershipbehavior managementcompletedecrease disruptive behavior, families DMS will plan classrooms. school-wide withgreen at and respectiveto classroom behavior system will increase. measured by a reduced number of reported incidences. with a success rate of 85% by the conclusion of the third term of the 2010-2011 school year. Goal 2: Using benchmark data, all Dunlap Valley Middle School students will receive To continuously improve student growth and achievement measured by our school wide writing rubric. 9. I cannot possibly do one more thing! 10. Topics for Discussion In your system, how do you set and communicate direction? Do you have a clear mission and vision? Can you recite your mission? What does it look like? 11. 1 District8 Schools200 ClassroomsDunlap School District District Leadership TeamSchool Building Building Leadership Team Professional Learning CommunityClassroom Classroom Learning Community4,000 StudentsStudent Individual Data Folder and Smart Goals 15 12. District Leadership Team The purpose of the District Leadership Team is to provide oversight and the voice of the customer during the implementation of the 3-5 year District Strategic Plan. 18 13. Key Tasks Monitor the District Strategic Plan SMART goals & Action Plans Balanced Score Card Provide Input on District Initiatives Serve as the Voice of the Customer Provide insight/perspective into: Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys Other key decisions and initiatives Participate as a Key Communicator 14. Random Acts of Improvement Aim of the OrganizationAim of the Organization Goals & MeasuresGoals & MeasuresAligned Acts of Improvement 15. Building Leadership Team Representative s from each RepresentativesBLT Grade Level Teams PLC Content Area SpecialistsDetermines communicates, and monitors Classroom or Grade Level goals and Plan on a Pagefrom each PLC including grade level and specialized teachers Determines communicates, and monitors Building goals and Plan on a PageDLTbuilding BLT, administration , and parent /teacher organizationsDetermines, communicates, and monitors district goals and Plan on a Page 16. What is a Professional Learning Community?A team with an intentional focus on learning which results incontinuous school improvement 17. The 4 Key PLC Questions 1. What do we want each students toor be able to do?knowlearned? How do we respond when students dont learn or struggle?2. How will we know they have 3.4. How do we respond to those who havealready learned? 18. Professional Learning Communities Shared values and vision Collaborative Culture Focus on outcomes Supportive and Shared Leadership Professional Practice 19. What do we want students to know? Plan Continuous ImprovementStandardize ImprovementDefine the SystemHOW do we know if they have learned it?ACTPLAN STUDY Study the ResultsWhat evidence do we have of the learning?DOTry Out Improvement TheoryAssess Current SituationAnalyze CausesHow do we respond if they dont? 20. Professional Learning Communities in Action 21. Topics for Discussion How is shared leadership fostered in your system? What organizational leadership structures exist in your system? How is the work of your mission/plan driven? 22. No one escapes continuous improvement!31 23. 32 24. Quality Tools and PDSA To Obtain SMART GoalsData Display To Track ProgressDepartment Plan on a PageSMART Goals For Each Workgroup 25. Systematic Alignment School missionClass missionStudentmission 36 26. Systematic Alignment School GoalsClass GoalsStudentGoalsI will get better at reading by October 2012. I will know this because I will score a 90% or higher on each of my reading theme tests. 37 27. Planon-aPage 28. Ground Rules created by StudentsClassroom Mission StatementClassroom & Student SMART GoalsDunlap Grade SchoolQuality Tools & PDSA used regularlyClassroom Meetings Facilitated by StudentsClassroom Learning CommunitiesClassroom Data CenterStudent-led ConferencesStudent Data Folders 29. Old School Ground Rules41 30. Classroom Ground Rules 31. Ground Rules created by StudentsClassroom Mission StatementClassroom & Student SMART GoalsDunlap Grade SchoolQuality Tools & PDSA used regularlyClassroom Meetings Facilitated by StudentsClassroom Learning CommunitiesClassroom Data CenterStudent-led ConferencesStudent Data Folders 32. Ground Rules created by StudentsClassroom Mission StatementClassroom & Student SMART GoalsDunlap Grade SchoolQuality Tools & PDSA used regularlyClassroom Meetings Facilitated by StudentsClassroom Learning CommunitiesClassroom Data CenterStudent-led ConferencesStudent Data Folders 33. SMART Goals SMART is an acronym for: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-Bound SMART goals define the desired state and a provide basis for how the measurement of success will occur. 48 34. Ground Rules created by StudentsClassroom Mission StatementClassroom & Student SMART GoalsDunlap Grade SchoolQuality Tools & PDSA used regularlyClassroom Meetings Facilitated by StudentsClassroom Learning CommunitiesClassroom Data CenterStudent-led ConferencesStudent Data Folders 35. School-Wide Data Center 36. Classroom Data CenterDistrict Plan-on-a PageSchool Plan-on-a PageClassroom Plan-on-a PageClassroom SMART Goals monitored on a frequent and ongoing basis aligned to building goalsClassroom Ground Rules 52 37. Ground Rules created by StudentsClassroom Mission StatementClassroom & Student SMART GoalsDunlap Grade SchoolQuality Tools & PDSA used regularlyClassroom Meetings Facilitated by StudentsClassroom Learning CommunitiesClassroom Data CenterStudent-led ConferencesStudent Data Folders 38. Student Data Folders Utilized by students to organize their continuous improvement tools Allows students and teachers an avenue to track student progress. Students set individual goals that often correspond to the classroom SMART goal. Data Folders will also include I Can Statements for Standards Based Report Cards 54 39. Ground Rules created by StudentsClassroom Mission StatementClassroom & Student SMART GoalsDunlap Grade SchoolQuality Tools & PDSA used regularlyClassroom Meetings Facilitated by StudentsClassroom Learning CommunitiesClassroom Data CenterStudent-led ConferencesStudent Data Folders 40. Student Led Conferences 41. Student Led Conferences Introductions Review of Data Binder Review of Class Goals/Data Center Review of Behavior Reflection Goal Setting Parent Input Teacher Input Conference Reflection 58 42. Ground Rules created by StudentsClassroom Mission StatementClassroom & Student SMART GoalsDunlap Grade SchoolQuality Tools & PDSA used regularlyClassroom Meetings Facilitated by StudentsClassroom Learning CommunitiesClassroom Data CenterStudent-led ConferencesStudent Data Folders 43. Class Meetings Students realize the classroom is as much theirs as it is the teachers Empowers students to become collaborative and problem solvers Promote personal growth and leadership skills 44. Class Meeting Agenda Flow Chart Meeting Leader: ___________________ Date: ____________Destination (Mission Statement) I am going to review our mission statement.Rules of the Road (Ground Rules)I am going to review our classroom ground rules.Are We There Yet? (Data Board)Lets visit the progress we have made on our journey to continuous improvement.Pit Stop (Plus/Delta Chart)It is time to check in and see what systems are working well and where we might need a tune up.On the Road Again (Close Meeting) Travelers, its time to get back on the road again! 45. Ground Rules created by StudentsClassroom Mission StatementClassroom & Student SMART GoalsDunlap Grade SchoolQuality Tools & PDSA used regularlyClassroom Meetings Facilitated by StudentsClassroom Learning CommunitiesClassroom Data CenterStudent-led ConferencesStudent Data Folders 46. Quality Tools 47. Quality Tools 48. Force Field Analysis Goal: To implement a continuous improvement approach in my system (classroom, school, district,) Driving ForcesRestraining Forces(What will help drive this change)(What will hinder or obstruct progress?) 49. Systems Alignment District Plan on Page Goals School Improvement Plan Goals PLC SMART Goal (aligned to SIP goals)PDSA to Drive Improvements Classroom Data Center SMART Goals and Student SMART goals in data folders 50. http://www.dunlapcusd.net/CI/Pages/default.aspx 51. Contact Us: Jay Marino jmarino@dunlapcusd.net http://www.jaymarino.me Mandy Ellis mellis@dunlapcusd.net On twitter @mandyeellis District Web Site: http://www.dunalpcusd.net