QSP-577-03 Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

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Transcript of QSP-577-03 Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

  • 7/24/2019 QSP-577-03 Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure














    EffectiveDate: February


    Prepared by:


    Date: r ebruary14,2O1.4


    by: Hendra Wijaya


    6-F^N [/

    Date: tr ebruary 14, 2014

    Approved by:


    Date: February 14,2014

  • 7/24/2019 QSP-577-03 Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure


    Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

    Doc. Id No. REVISION

    QSP-577-03 0


    14-02-14 1 of 9

    PT. Borneo Mandiri Investment

    I N D E X

    1.0 Scope2.0 Personnel

    3.0 Equipment

    4.0 Detecting Media

    5.0 Safety

    6.0 Testing Procedures, General

    7.0 Surface Preparation

    8.0 Magnetisation

    9.0 Application of Detecting Medium

    10.0 Viewing and Interpretation

    11.0 Marking and Recording

    12.0 Acceptance Standards

    13.0 Reporting

    14.0 Demagnetisation

    15.0 Cleaning

    16.0 References

    Appendix I Test Techniques (typical)

  • 7/24/2019 QSP-577-03 Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure


    Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

    Doc. Id No. REVISION

    QSP-577-03 0


    14-02-14 2 of 9

    PT. Borneo Mandiri Investment

    1.0 SCOPE

    This procedure provides guidance to PT. Borneo Mandiri Investment personnel using Magnetic Particle Examination

    methods whenever compliance with API specification 6A, API specification 16A & API specification 6D.


    Personnel performing magnetic particle testing shall be qualified and certified in accordance with PT. Borneo MandiriInvestment, Operating Procedure BMI-WI-577-02 Written Practice for the Qualification and Certification of Personnel orin accordance with the American Society for Non Destruction Testing document No. SNT-TC-1A.

    Or equivalent level of certification obtained from an internationally recognized independent organization such as PCNor CSWIP.


    3.1 Whether fixed or portable, the equipment must comply with the requirements of ASTM E-709, Clause 6.

    3.2 ASME V Clause T-760 and E-70, clause 7 specifies the equipment and lighting, calibration and control tests,which should be carried out.


    Magnetic Flaw Detection Inks and Powders shall comply with the requirements of and ASTM E-709 clause 8.0.Magnetic Inks shall not be mixed unless they are of the same type and specification and supplied by the samemanufacturer. Magnetic Ink shall be discarded when it becomes discoloured or contaminated to an extent which will

    adversely affect distribution, concentration or definition. Where magnetic inks are used the solid content shall bebetween 1.2% and 2.4% by volume (colour contrast) or 0.1% and 0.4% by volume (Fluorescent).).

    5.0 SAFETY

    All Magnetic Particle Consumable shall be stored handled and distrosed of as per manufactures recommendations. Theparticular hazards to be safe-guarded against are fire (e.g. due to overheating), electric shock and toxic materials(evaporation of aerosol propellant, overheated lead contact pads giving off vapour, etc). These hazards may becompounded by use within confined spaces. Care should be taken to ensure all materials are used in accordance withthe manufacturers instructions.


    The tests will consist of the processes specified in the Test Techniques Sheet (Appendix I) and will include componentdetails, extent of examination coverage, surface preparation, magnetisation equipment, detection medium, viewing,marking and recording of the indications, demagnetisation and cleaning, followed by report on Magnetic ParticleExamination Report Form (Typical).


    7.1 All areas to be examined shall be properly prepared and cleaned and must be free of grease, loose rust, thickor loose scale, spatter and paint except where permitted by Paragraph 8.2. below. The materials used forcleaning purposes shall be compatible with the component material under test.

    7.2 Painted parts may be subjected to Magnetic Particle Examination where the paint forms a thin, coherent

    coating, tightly adhering to the surface and of a maximum thickness of 50 m. Where painted surfaces are tobe examined, the requirements of ASTM E-709 Clause 9 must be met.

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    Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

    Doc. Id No. REVISION

    QSP-577-03 0


    14-02-14 3 of 9

    PT. Borneo Mandiri Investment


    8.1 Magnetisation may be induced by any one of the under mentioned techniques provided that the levels of

    magnetism are greater than or equal to those specified in the appropriate paragraph for the method ofmagnetisation being used. Two separate examinations are to be performed in each area of interest with thelines of flux during the second examination to be applied approximately 90 to those of the first examination.All examinations shall be carried out with sufficient overlap to ensure 100% coverage of the designated area.

    Appendix 1, and will comply with the requirements of Article 7 Clause T-770 and ASTM E-709 Clauses 8 - 12and as appropriate.

    T-773 - Prod TechniqueT-774 - Coil TechniqueT-775.1 - Contact Current Flow TechniqueT-775.2 - Central Conductor TechniqueT-776 - Magnetic Flow Technique (Yoke).

    8.2 The adequacy and direction of the magnetic field shall be verified using a magnetic field indicator, with theexception of the magnetic flow (yoke) technique whereby direction only may be verified. The adequacy ofmagnetic flow equipment shall be verified using the lift test detailed in ASME V Article 7 T-762.


    9.1 The detecting medium shall be applied during magnetisation and shall cease at least 5 seconds beforemagnetisation is terminated, to allow indications to form.

    9.2 Dry Powder, when used, must be applied in such a way as to ensure no disturbance of the indications. Dry

    powder may be used on surface temperatures up to 600F.

    9.3 Magnetic ink shall be allowed to flow on to the component with very little pressure, so that the particles willadhere to a flaw indication without being washed off. After inking, the component shall be allowed to drain inorder to improve the contrast of flaw indications. Magnetic ink may be used on surface temperatures up to

    135F. Contrast aids may be used where considered necessary.


    10.1 Each entire surface under examination shall be viewed before proceeding to the next stage in the testingprocedure and viewing shall be carried out after each excitation. Magnification of detail may be obtained bythe use of low-power magnifier. Care shall be taken to ensure that Magnetic indications are not disturbedafter magnetisation has stopped and before indications have been inspected and recorded.

    10.2 When viewing using colour contrast inks or powders the area under examination shall be illuminated bydaylight or artificial light to a level of not less than 500 lux.As a guide this would be achieved by using either an 80 watt fluorescent tube at a distance of approximately 1metre or a 100 watt pearl lamp at a distance of about 0.2 metres.Viewing shall be such that glare is avoided during inspection.

    10.3 When using fluorescent inks or powders, the area under examination shall be darkened and the inspection ofthe test surface shall be carried out under black light conditions. The minimum light level shall be 1000 microwatt/cm2 at a minimum of 380mm from the examination surface and shall be checked at least once during awork period.Prior to viewing at least 5 minutes shall be allowed for the black light source to warm up and for the inspectorseyes to become dark-adapted.

    10.4 The precise dimensions of an indicated flaw cannot be accurately determined, deep cracks being likely to givestronger indications than shallow cracks and all cracks having more sharply defined lines than other flawindications.

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    Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

    Doc. Id No. REVISION

    QSP-577-03 0


    14-02-14 4 of 9

    PT. Borneo Mandiri Investment


    11.1 Where necessary for repair procedures, the positions of flaws may be marked on the tested surface by amethod which will not adversely affect that surface.

    11.2 Indications shall be recorded and reported (see paragraph 13 below) according to classification.

    "Linear Indications" - indications in which the length is more than three times the width - where not able to befurther classified shall be treated as cracklike flaws;

    "Rounded indications" - indications that are circular or elliptical with a length equal to or less than three timesthe width.

    "Inclusions" (Intermittent and aligned) - shall be treated as linear indications.

    "Cracks and Cracklike Flaws" - position, size, orientation and type;

    "Non-Relevant Indications" - due to spurious effects, eg magnetic writing, changes in section, manufacturingmarks, boundaries etc. Must be stringently tested prior to confirmation as Non Relevant. Whereverpracticable, these indications shall be dressed and retested for confirmation as Non-Relevant.


    Acceptance/Rejection criteria will be as requested from the client based on the construction code and/or ClientSpecification of the items being manufactured. ; May consist of:

    - As per section of API specification 6A for surface NDE ferromagnetic materials

    - As per section of API specification 6A for weld NDE - surface

    - As per section of API specification 16A for surfaces other than pressure contact (metal to metal) sealingsurfaces:

  • 7/24/2019 QSP-577-03 Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure


    Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

    Doc. Id No. REVISION

    QSP-577-03 0


    14-02-14 5 of 9

    PT. Borneo Mandiri Investment

    - As per section of API specification 16A for pressure contact (metal to metal) sealing surfaces:

    - As per section of API specification 16A for weld NDESurface (other than visual)

    - As per para 6.3 & 6.4 of ASME BPV Code Sect. VIII Div. 1 Appendix 6,


    Only indications which have any dimension greater than 1.5mm (1/16 in.) shall be considered relevant,B. All surfaces to be examined shall be free of :1) Relevant linear indications2) Relevant rounded indications greater than 5.0 mm (3/16 in.)3) Four or more relevant rounded indications in a line separated by 1.5mm (1/16 in.) or less, edge to edge

    13.0 REPORTING

    All test carried out in accordance with this procedure shall be the subject of a written report which will be made on theappropriate form (typical).


    With some components, demagnetisation after test may be necessary but this will only be carried out where specificallyrequested by the client and included in the contract. Pre-test and Post-test demagnetisation will be carried out to one ofthe techniques detailed in Article 7 - Clause T-755 and ASTM E-709 Clause 18 and specified on the proceduressheet(s).

    15.0 CLEANINGOn completion of Magnetic Particle Examination operations, unless otherwise agreed between the contracting parties,all tested components will be cleaned to remove all traces of detecting media.


    This procedure is based upon the requirements of:

    API specification 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree EquipmentAPI specification 16A Specification for drill throughAPI specification 6D Specification for pipeline valvesASME Section V, Article 7 - Magnetic Particle ExaminationASTM E-709 - Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination

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    Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

    Doc. Id No. REVISION

    QSP-577-03 0


    14-02-14 6 of 9

    PT. Borneo Mandiri Investment

    APPENDIX ITest Techniques (Typical)

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    Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

    Doc. Id No. REVISION

    QSP-577-03 0


    14-02-14 7 of 9

    PT. Borneo Mandiri Investment

    APPENDIX ITest Techniques (CONTD)

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    Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

    Doc. Id No. REVISION

    QSP-577-03 0


    14-02-14 8 of 9

    PT. Borneo Mandiri Investment

    APPENDIX ITest Techniques (CONTD)

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    Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure

    Doc. Id No. REVISION

    QSP-577-03 0


    14-02-14 9 of 9

    APPENDIX ITest Techniques (CONTD)