Qolorz(prelims with answers)

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Qolorz(prelims with answers)


Organized by : Ankush Rai Protim Biswas



The Maharashtrian town X was named for being a remount depot on a travel route through the rugged Konkan region to Gujarat via Surat. The town was famous for its splendid horses. The town gets its name from the fact that warriors used to change their horses at the town in anticipation of the difficult climb through the Konkan. This town has a very recent pop culture connection.

X shares its name with another town in Uttar Pradesh.


Ans: Badlapur


? ?

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The name is Modi. Narendra Modi.

These are some of the artworks that Nintendo pitched to try and acquire rights to make a series of video games way back in 1998. They were eventually unsuccessful and the games never saw the light of day.What were Nintendo trying to acquire the rights to?


Ans : Harry Potter


The X are fictional teenage brothers and amateur detectives. They live in the city of Bayport on Barmet Bay with their father, detective Fenton , their mother,Laura ,and their Aunt Gertrude. Frank, the older brother, is eighteen , and his younger brother Joe is seventeen. The X cases often are linked to the confidential cases their detective father is working on. He sometimes asks them for help, while at other times they stumble upon villains and incidents that are connected to his cases. X are members of an organization known as American Teens Against Crime, which assigns them to cases. The X are sometimes assisted in solving mysteries by their friends Chet Morton,Phil Cohen, Biff Hooper, Jerry Gilroy, and Tony Prito, and, less frequently, by their platonic girlfriends Callie Shaw and Iola Morton

Id X

Ans : Hardy Boys


The Friars Club is a private club in New York City which was founded in 1904 and is located at 57 East 55th Street between Park Avenue and Madison Avenue.

Frequented by celebrities in its early days, the club is credited with hosting the first unofficial ________ at a banquet back in 1910. It continued the tradition over the years and hosted the first official __________ in 1949 with singer Maurice Chevalier as the “chief guest”.

The club has the motto “We only ___________ the ones we love.”


Ans : Roast

The is of a burger founded by Doddy’s Café in Paris, France and costs $41 named Le Z. The stomach-busting meal is the brainchild of Jean-Philippe Grandin, manager of Doddy's Cafe . “We have a lot of homemade burgers on the menu, but I wanted to invent an extraordinary burger.”, Grandin told CNN. Id Z


Ans : Le Zlatan



Ans : Keywords : Ireland , Yes to Gay Rights


Time Magazine ran a cover sometime in March , 2013 with the title – “ Man, Superman, Gunman” along with the photo of a certain individual . Which individual?

Ans : Oscar Pistorious




This was a scene from the 2014 film “ The Fault In Our Stars”. In this scene Hazel and Gus ( the two main characters of the movie) visit a home cum museum now of a very famous personality . Id that person

Ans : Anne Frank

10) ID.

Ans : John Nash.


This is a list released on  May 27, 2015 by the  Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA). Yash Birla Gurjit Singh Kochar Ritika Sharma Sneh Lata Sawhney Sangita Sawhney Sayed Mohamed Masood Chaud Kauser Mohamed Masood

What is this list about?

Ans: Indians having Bank Accounts in Swiss Banks. Names released due to the anti-corruption policy of the government

12) Amul ad for what?

Ans : Demand for net neutrality / Save the internet

Minimalist poster of which Bollywood movie?


Ans : Taare Zameen Par

According to a series of Internet memes how can these be connected or “saved”?

Ned Stark from Game of Thrones The Titanic The World Trade Centre Uncle Ben from Spiderman Martha and Thomas Wayne Steven Gerrard’s slip


Ans : Things David De Gea could have saved.



Ans : Altaf Raja.