Q4 evaluation media

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Q4 evaluation media

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I used a variety of different technologies in creating my media products from a digital camera to the use of apple Mac computers. I used web 2.0 technologies to help me conduct my research; I used websites such as ‘YouTube’ to watch existing media products and listen to different types of music that I could have used in my trailer. The website ‘Google’ helped me find images of existing film posters and magazine covers, which I was able to look at and gain an understanding of how I could make my poster and magazine cover look. These helped me with my initial part of my research and lead me to find out more information about existing products on the market. The website ‘slideshare’ helped me to upload my completed products on to my blog, and made them look neatly presented and easy to read.

The technologies that came in useful when I started off doing my location recce for my main product, the use of the digital Nikon camera, helped me to be able to establish where I wanted my location to be set. I used the camera to take pictures of the different locations I had in mind and then uploaded them images on to the apple Mac computer to look through and chose the best choice for my film trailer. I put all of these images together to create my location recce, this was done so I had an understanding of where my main product would be filmed, also to help me indentify where the best location was for my filming to be set.

Another use of technology that helped me with my planning stages was the use of applications such as ‘word’ and ‘excel’ these applications enabled me to create a shooting schedule for my cast to follow which was created on ‘word’. I also created my magazine cover and film poster on ‘word’ on an apple Mac computer which allowed me to alter both my film poster and magazine cover from time to time depending on the different feedback I had been given. My pie charts were created through ‘excel’, without the use of these technologies I would not have been able to complete my planning and my main product would have therefore lacked what it needed to become the trailer I needed to create. I also used a digital Nikon camera to film my trailer, the digital camera allowed me to use a wide range of different camera angles. I used the apple Mac computers when doing the editing part of my film trailer and also when editing the images I had taken on my camera.

I used the application ‘Imovie’ to bring all my shots together and create the trailer. The features that I used on ‘imovie’ was the adjustment of the pace I wanted the clips to be at, also on ‘imovie’ I used applications which allowed me to cut clips so I didn’t have to show any mistakes I had made when filming. I was also able to change the sound that I wanted in my trailer as I could cut certain parts of music that I didn’t want the audience to hear, this made my trailer look and sound professional. I used ‘iphoto’ to edit the photos that I had taken of the character ‘grettle’ this application allowed me to change the colours that I wanted to be shown through the image I was portraying of the character. For example the image that I used on my film poster originally showed the characters eyes to be brown however through the ‘iphoto’ application I was able to adjust the eyes to look green.

In my research stages of production I used websites such as ‘facebook’ to help me gain feedback on my products through uploading my questionnaire and asking for people to fill it in. I also uploaded images of my film poster and magazine cover to gain feedback on what was good about them but also on how I could improve them. This website helped me in a major way as it was able to get the information fast, rather then taking time to print each product and waste time handing and collecting the information. Throughout creating my research and planning I have been constantly updating my blogger account, with new information and images.This account has made it easy for me to share my products with other blogger users and also my teacher and class. Without blogger I would not have been able to show the improvements that I have made to each of my products and as to how I made my final decisions. I have used a variety of different technologies in my final evaluation as I wanted to keep people interested in what I was talking about, in order to do this I have chose to use PowerPoint for some of my questions. I have also used a voiceover and images on ‘imovie’ to present other questions from the evaluation.