Q2 module 1 part 2

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Q2 module 1 part 2


Root and Shoot Sytems:

Answer the ff:

In what ways are the functions of the organ systems of plants similar to those of animals?

In what ways are they different?

Flowers: Reproductive Organs How are flowers similar to the reproductive

organs of animals?

What is the function of the roots?

What will happen to the roots if the tissues were damaged? What will happen to the plant?

Models of animal and plant cells

Putting them up all together....ORGANISMS: Humans and Animals/Plants


ORGANS: Plants/Animals

TISSUES: Plants/Animals

Cells: Plants/Animals


DRAW and label the parts of a microscope.

Identify the function of each part.

(Short bond paper)(Individual)