q Pmt 03 Project Methodologies

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Transcript of q Pmt 03 Project Methodologies

  • 8/9/2019 q Pmt 03 Project Methodologies


    Prepared by: PDK First Prepared on: 01-02-2010 Last Modified on: 30-07-2010Quality cec!ed by:

    "opyri#t 2010 $sia Pacific %"&'

    Project Methodologies

    M.Sc. in Computing, Engineering and Technology

    Quality and Project Management for Technology



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    Topic & Structure of the lesson

    ( )electin# an appropriate Lifecycle Model

    ( Discusses *any alternati+es, for ea*ple:

    (.aterfall *etod

    ()oft/are n#ineerin# Lifecycle


    (oint $pplication De+elop*ent


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    'earning (utcomes

     $t te end of tis *odule, % sould be able to:

    ( plain te process in+ol+ed in Pro4ect )elections

    ( plain te considerations in+ol+ed in Pro4ect )elections


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    )ey Terms you must *e a*le to use

    +f you hae mastered this topic, you should *e a*le to use the follo-ing

    terms correctly in your assignments and eams/

    ( )ey Term % Project Selection

    ( )ey Term # " Cost 1enefit 2nalysis


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    Main Teaching Points

    ( Project Selection


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    Project Methodologies

    ( Microsoft Pro4ect 56( is an ecellent plannin# and scedulin# tool( o/e+er, it is a tool to be used /itin /itin te

    contet of a properly *ana#ed pro4ect *etodolo#y( Metodolo#ies elp *ana#e te uality, ti*e and costtrian#le

    ( &e selection of a pro4ect *etodolo#y is:( is a central part of te or#ani8ation9s pro4ect strate#y

    (  $n essential part of teir pro4ect standards( 't is also an essential part of your *odule assi#n*ent


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    &ypes of Pro4ect Metodolo#y

    ( &/o *ain types of *etodolo#y:

    ( Pro4ect Mana#e*ent Metodolo#ies

    ( &ese *etodolo#ies are applicable to all pro4ects/ate+er teir ob4ecti+es

    ( )yste* De+elop*ent Metodolo#ies

    ( &ese are applicable to all co*puter syste*de+elop*ent pro4ects


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    Eamples of Methodologies

    ( Four /ell !no/n *etodolo#ies:

    ( $"L "$);M&

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    (racle C2SE6MET(8

    (  $ pro4ect *ana#e*ent *etodolo#y

    (  $ssu*es tat te pro4ect is to

    ( De+elop co*puter soft/are or

    ( Purcase co*puter soft/are


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    ( )tructured )yste*s $nalysis Desi#n Metod

    (  $nalysis and desi#n sta#es of syste*s de+elop*ent


    ( Follo/s te /aterfall lifecycle( reuire*ents are preordained and +ery detailed

    ( one sta#e cannot be#in until te pre+ious sta#e is


    ( Four +olu*es of procedure

    ( "riticised for tis ri#id structure


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    ( Dyna*ic )yste*s De+elop*ent Metod

    (  $nalysis, desi#n and build sta#es

    ( used /it prototypin# soft/are and business *odels

    ( for *ore info see ///>dsd*>or#


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    ( Pro4ects '= "ontrolled n+iron*ents

    ( )uccessful and popular pro4ect *ana#e*ent


    ( ?ersion 2 it is no/ a #eneric pro4ect *ana#e*ent

    *etodolo#y- a #o+@n std

    ( 't is suitable for any type of pro4ect

    ("an be co*bined /it one of te syste* de+elop*ent*etodolo#ies


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    P9+:CE Project Management

    (  $t all ti*es /e see! to *ana#e

    ( Function

    ( &i*e

    ( esources

    ( Quality

    ( is!


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    ( Pro+ides

    ( a fleible pro4ect fra*e/or!

    ( a set of structures and tecniues

    ( Defines( te pro4ect or#anisation structure

    ( structure and content of pro4ect plans

    ( a set of controls and reports to *onitor and control

    and correct de+iation fro* te plans( 'dentifies

    ( &e products to be produced by te pro4ect

    ( &e acti+ities needed to create te products


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    ( 'n su**ary

    ( P'=" re+ol+es around te products to be produced

    by te pro4ect

    ( 'dentification of te products tells us /at acti+ities

    are needed to create te*

    ( &e acti+ities tri##er

    ( te plannin# seuence

    ( Define te uality *easure*ents and acti+ities( 'ndicate te ti*in#s for +arious controls

    ( &e acti+ities reuired id us put to#eter a pro4ect



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    ( &e P'=" co*ponents

    1> r#anisation

    2> Plans

    3> "ontrols

    A> Products

    B> $cti+ities


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    #. P'2:

    &ere are Four le+els of plannin# in P'="

     $> Pro4ect plan

    C> )ta#e Plans

    ">Detailed Plans

    D> 'ndi+idual .or! Plans


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    #2. Project Plan

    ( Pro4ect Plan Purpose

    ( &o #i+e te Pro4ect Coard a +ie/ of total cost andti*e of pro4ect before tey co**it to lar#eependiture

    ( )o PP /ill not be in fine detail( 'n a pro4ect lastin# si *onts to a year, te plan

    *i#t identify

    ( 10-20 products needed on te /ay to te final

    syste*( eac product ta!in# /ee!s to produce>

    ( it sould be possible to see te entire tecnicalplan on one pa#e>


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    #2. Project Plan

    ( &e Pro4ect &ecnical Plan EP&P is created at te +erybe#innin# to cart te *a4or acti+ities

    ( P&P sits /it te Pro4ect esource Plan EPP to #aina !no/led#e of o+erall ti*e and total costs - to *onitoro+erall pro4ect pro#ress

    ( PP addresses uality control and confi#uration*ana#e*ent

    ( &e Pro4ect Quality Plan EPQP sets te o+erall uality

    strate#y for te pro4ect for te *a4or products


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    #1. Stage Plan

    ( "o**it*ent or esponsibility of te PM to te PC

    ( )ta#e &ecnical Plan E)&P so/s te Products, $cti+ities, and uality controls for one sta#e

    ( )&P is produced at te end of te pre+ious sta#e

    ( )ta#e esource Plan E)P su**arises te resourcesfor a sta#e

    ( )P defines te sta#e bud#et, reports actualependiture and resource usa#e

    ( )ta#e Quality Plan E)QP identifies uality criteria, test*etods, and re+ie/ #uidelines for te end of eacsta#e


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    #C. 8etailed Plans

    ( &e Detailed &ecnical Plan ED&P /ill eist in so*e

    pro4ects G brea!s do/n *a4or acti+ities

    ( D&P #i+es a furter brea!do/n of *a4or acti+ities

    ( esources and te bud#et /ill be su**arised Detailedesources Plan EDP

    ( &ere *ay be a Detailed Quality Plan EDQP


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    #8. +ndiidual

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    Some more terms

    ( Plannin#

    ( Product Cased Plannin#: focus attention on te #oal

    rater tan on process

    ( )ta#in#

    ( brea!in# a pro4ect into sta#es enables *ore effecti+e

    *ana#e*ent and control of pro4ect

    ( di+ide and conuer 


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    Planning techni>ues associated -ith Product

    1ased Planning

    ( Product Crea!do/n )tructure EPC)

    ( Product Flo/ Dia#ra*s EPFD

    ( Product Descriptions

    ( Product &ransfor*ation


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    !. Controls

    ( e#ular and for*al *onitorin# a#ainst plan is essentialto ensure: ti*eliness, cost control and uality

    ( )o*e aspects /e /ill loo! at:

     $> Mana#e*ent by ception

    C> Quality "ontrol

    ">"ontrol Meetin#s

    D>"ontrol eports

    > Quality e+ie/s

    F> nd and Mid-)ta#e $ssess*ent


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    ( &olerance: H and G li*its /itin /ic te pro4ect

    bud#et and actuals are *ana#ed by te PM

    (  $*ount of tolerance allocated on any one sta#e is

    assessed by te PC in te li#t of

    ( te plans for te sta#e,

    ( te de#ree of ris! associated /it tose plans,

    ( te criticality of tat sta#e to te successful

    co*pletion of te pro4ect, and

    ( te eperience of te PM>

    !2.Management *y Eception


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    !2.Management *y Eception

    (  $llo/s PC to focus ti*e and effort on tose *a4or

    +ariances tat are:

    ( *ost si#nificant

    ( i#er ris! and( Most critical

    ( Dele#ates autority and responsibility for *inor

    +ariances to PM tea*


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    ( Quality Plan included in te Pro4ect 'nitiation Docu*entfor outlinin# te o+erall Quality pectation and controlof te pro4ect at te outset

    ( Quality "riteria and Quality "ec!in# Metod EQ"Mare contained in te Product Description for ualitystandards and uality control a detail le+el>

    ( Quality e+ie/ use Q"M to apply to te product andQuality "riteria /ill be te base for reference>

    !1.Quality Control


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    !C. Control Meetings

    ( 2 le+els of "ontrol Meetin#s

    1> PC For*al $ssess*ent Meetin#s:

    ( Pro4ect 'nitiatin# Meetin#

    ( Mid-sta#e $ssess*ent( nd-sta#e assess*ent

    ( Pro4ect "losure Meetin#

    2> "ec!point Meetin#: re#ular ti*e dri+en *eetin#seld by PM


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    !8. Control 9eports

    ( "ec!point eports( "ec!point is a re#ular *eetin# of te pro4ect tea*

    Eusually /ee!ly

    ( Purpose is to ensure all te tea* *e*bers are

    fa*iliar /it /at te oters are doin#( "ec!point report is infor*al and *ay include te


    ( .at a+e ' done since te pre+ious *eetin#

    ( .at ' intend doin# net


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    !E. Quality 9eie-s

    ( '*portant part of P'=" *etodolo#y

    ( Pro+ides audit trail of of te uality cec!in# function

    (  $i* is to find errors, de+iations fro* standards, oro*issions /en product is clai*ed to be finised

    ( &ree pases:

    ( Preparation

    ( e+ie/

    ( Follo/ up

    ( Defined roles for participants


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    !?. End and Mid"Stage 2ssessment

    ( Meetin# bet/een PC, PM and Pro4ect $ssurance &ea*

    ( e+ie/s sta#e 4ust about to be co*pleted

    ( "an#es to te business case

    (  $ppro+e net sta#e plans( &i*in# is i*portant

    ( "lose to end of sta#e

    ( Cefore net sta#e

    ( =eeds all participants


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    ( ac )ta#e sould define:

    ( )tart I finis dates

    ( nd products to be produced

    ( esources needed to produce te end-product( )ta#e settin# sould consider:

    ( sta#e upon te co*pletion of *a4or end-product Enot

    di+ide a *a4or end product

    ( sta#e at decision about te on#oin# +iability of pro4ect( sta#e at critical points /ere +isible ti#t control is



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    1enefits of Staging

    ( nd of )ta#e $ssess*ent E)$ pro+ide discrete

    pac!a#es of /or! to be re+ie/ed by senior


    ( )$ facilitate control a#ainst pro4ect *o*entu* to

    pro#ress re#ardless of cost trou# re-appraisal of

    business case

    ( More realistic esti*ation and *onitorin# before te

    co**ence*ent of net sta#e>

    ( Monitor of pro4ect is enabled /itin and at te end of

    eac sta#e>


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    ( 't is a fleible *etodol#y, suitable to *any sape and

    si8e of pro4ect>

    ( 'ts particular stren#ts are:

    ( Definition of te roles in a pro4ect

    ( in+ol+e*ent of user at all le+el in all aspects fro*

    be#innin# to end>

    ( insistence on establisin# a +iable business case

    before any *a4or ependiture>

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    Q I $

    Question and 2ns-er Session


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    Project Methodologies

    :et Session /