Q eriogonum cinereum

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Q eriogonum cinereum

Ashy-leaf Buckwheat – Eriogonum cinereum (air-ee-OG-oh-num sin-AIR-ee-um)

Family: Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family)

Native to: Coastal CA from Santa Barbara to San Pedro, including Channel Islands; bluffs & dunes along

the coast & on slopes & ridges a bit further inland.

Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 3-5 ft. mature width: 3-6 ft. Spreading semi-evergreen shrub or sub-shrub (woody & herbaceous). Plants is many-branched, with gray-green to white foliage. Leaves are 1-2 inches long, hairy beneath, with undulating edges.

Blooms/fruits: Usually blooms June to Oct. in our area, but may bloom earlier or later. Clusters of light

pink flowers on elongated flowering stems. Very showy and long-blooming. Fruits are dry capsules –

showy brown in fall.

Uses in the garden: Often used as a specimen plant because of its attractive gray-green foliage and

showy blooms. Excellent ground cover, particularly along the coast. Fine on slopes. Excellent habitat plant. Would do fine in planters and large pots. Should be used more, particularly in sandy coastal


Sensible substitute for: Non-native gray-foliage shrubs.

Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: provides nectar and pollen for native pollinators including bees, butterflies and others. Also provides cover and seeds for bird and small animal food.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun best on coast; some shade in hottest gardens

Soil Any, from sandy to clay, as long as it is well drained; any local pH

Water Very drought tolerant once established. Looks best will occasional summer water,

but let soil dry out between waterings.

Fertilizer None required

Other Tolerates seaside conditions, alkali and moderately salty soils

Management: Easy to grow in well-drained soils. Can be cut back to 6-8 inches from ground every few

years to keep it bushy.

Propagation: from seed: no treatment required by cuttings: probably, semi-softwood in spring

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 20, 24 7/3/13 © Project SOUND

Eriogonum cinereum Ashyleaf buckwheat