Pycnogenol for Menstrual Discomfort

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Transcript of Pycnogenol for Menstrual Discomfort

  • 8/12/2019 Pycnogenol for Menstrual Discomfort


    Menstrual Discomfort

    L O O K , F E E L A N D L I V E B E T T E R

  • 8/12/2019 Pycnogenol for Menstrual Discomfort

    2/5I Horphag Research-Geneva, SwitzerlandI Horphag Research Asia-Shanghai, ChinaI Natural Health Science-Hoboken NJ, USAI www.pycnogenol.comI HORPHAGI

    Pycnogenol inhibits prostaglandins and is

    anti-inflammatorye stan ar reg men or ysmenorr oea are over

    e counter non-ster o a ant n ammatory rugsNSAID) such as ibuprofen. These medications reduce

    enstrua pa n e c ent y an qu te rap y. However,

    ese pa n- ers ave s e e ects caus ng gastr c

    problems and other more serious complications, par-

    cu ar y w en t ey are ta en n g quant t es as t s

    yp ca n ysmenorr oea. A c n ca stu y as s own

    hat consumption of Pycnogenolnon-selectively in-

    ts COXenzymes, w c are nvo ve n synt es s o

    pro- n ammatory prostagan ns ur ng t e menstru-

    l period. Already after a single dose of Pycnogenolot COX-1 an COX-2 enzymes are s gn cant y n-

    te n umans y 22.5% an 14.7%, respect ve y

    [Schfer et al., 2006].

    urt ermore, Pycnogeno was s own to ower t e

    nflammatory master switch (NF-kB) in humans af-

    er ve ays o cont nuous consumpt on y 15.8%

    Grmm et a ., 2006 . NF- B tr ggers t e generat on o

    ssentially all pro-inflammatory mediators. This pro-

    es t e as s or t e rat ona e to use Pycnogenoo natura y mo erate n ammatory processes an

    pa n sensat on nvo ve n menstruat on. A t ona y,

    Pycnogeno supports t e woun ea ng process

    and stabilises capillaries which will help to speed-up

    t e recovery o t e en ometr um.

    Japanese gynaecologists discovered

    Pycnogenol soothes menstrual painTwo Japanese gynaeco og sts teste Pycnogeno or

    lowering menstrual pain in an open, uncontrolled

    exp oratory tr a . T rty n ne women w t ysmen-orr oea or en ometr os s were treate w t 30 mg

    ost women of child-bearing age experience a variety of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle that

    ay e imite to mi er iscom ort suc as rom t e pre-menstrua syn rome or exten to serious men-

    trual pain which seriously affects quality of life. The complete replacement of tissue lining the uterine

    avity, the endometrium, during the menstrual period represents a wound healing process and involves

    n ammatory processes.

    he inflammation is initiated by prostaglandins developing during menstruation which causes uterine

    ontractions an pain. Some women experience menstrua pain eve s w ic severe y inter ere wit ai y

    unctions and affects quality of life. In medical terminology this is known as dysmenorrhoea.

    e preva ence o ysmenorr oea is ig est in a o escent women, wit estimates ranging rom 20% to

    90% epen ing on t e iagnosis stan ar s app ie Frenc , 2005 . For women ysmenorr oea is t e most

    ommon reason for absence from work.




    Pycnogenol for Menstrual Discomfort

  • 8/12/2019 Pycnogenol for Menstrual Discomfort

    3/5I Horphag Research-Geneva, SwitzerlandI Horphag Research Asia-Shanghai, ChinaI Natural Health Science-Hoboken NJ, USAI www.pycnogenol.comI HORPHAGI

    ycnogeno a y start ng seven ays e ore men-

    truation. Both abdominal pain and cramping were

    oun to e mprove n t e ma or ty o women

    Ko ama & Suzu , 1999 . T ese n t a n ngs ave

    prompted further research of benefits of Pycnogenol

    or menstrua scom ort.

    Pycnogenol relieves menstrual pain

    c n ca tr a n Japan nvest gate 47 women w o

    were agnose av ng symptoms o ysmenorr oea.

    heir pain sensation and use of pain medication was

    ecor e t roug out t e tr a , w c covere t reeomp ete menstrua cyc es. T e rst, pre-treatment

    enstrual cycle served for establishing baseline pain

    eve an ana gesc use. Drect y a ter comp et on o

    e pre-treatment cyc e women too Pycnogeno

    very day until completion of two further menstrual

    yc es.

    he results showed that women had significantly

    ess a om na pa n w en t ey a starte ta ng

    ycnogeno t ree wee s e ore t e r per o . T e pa nelief was even more pronounced during the following

    per o , w t t e pa n score re uce y 36% compare

    o pre-treatment. T e num er o ays ur ng w c

    women experienced menstrual pain was likewise low-

    re rom average pre-treatment 3.9 ays to 3.6 an

    3.3 ays n t e rst an secon per o , respect ve y.

    omen required less pain medication during their

    enstrua per o w en t ey too Pycnogeno

    Multi-centre field study with Pycnogenol

    for menstrual painFour osp ta s n Japan nvest gate a tota num er o

    116 women su er ng rom menstrua pa n n a mu t -

    entre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled

    as on Suzu et a ., 2007 . T e rst two pre-treat-

    ment menstrua cyc es were ut se or esta s ng

    base-line values for pain sensation and analgesic

    me cat on use. Dur ng t e o ow ng 2 menstrua

    yc es women were ran om y ass gne to groups

    receiving daily regimens of Pycnogenolor placebo.

    T erea ter, reg men was scont nue to nvest gatet e recurrence o symptoms.

    Treatment w t Pycnogeno owere pa n ur ng

    menstruation, which was reflected by a significantre uct on o pa n me cat on use . T e num er o

    pa n u ays ue to ysmenorr oea was ecrease

    from average 2.1 days prior to treatment to 1.3, 1.3

    n 1.2 ays urng t e consecut ve menstrua cyc es,

    respect ve y. D scont nuat on oes not cause an m-

    mediate relapse as pain levels and pain medication

    use not ncrease. As n prev ous stu es on ys-

    menorr oea t e pa n re e eve ops gra ua y ur ng

    supplementation with Pycnogenol

    Menstrual Discomfort

    Pycnogenol Placebo Di scont inue

    baseline(cycle 1+2)

    cycle 3 cycle 4 cycle 5






    Women required less pain medication duringmenstruation





    menstrual cycle

    1. cycle 2. cycle

    high pain

    low pain

    Pycnogenolgradually decreases menstrual pain



  • 8/12/2019 Pycnogenol for Menstrual Discomfort

    4/5I Horphag Research-Geneva, SwitzerlandI Horphag Research Asia-Shanghai, ChinaI Natural Health Science-Hoboken NJ, USAI www.pycnogenol.comI HORPHAGI


    ndometriosis is a condition involving the tissue that

    overs t e uter ne cav ty en ometr um , w c s

    e ur ng menstruat on. In en ometr os s t s t s-

    ue has movedoutside the uterus and grown else-

    w ere n t e o y. T e most common p aces w t -

    sp ace en ometr um are t e ovar es, t e ov ucts,

    he uterine wall, lining of the pelvis andeven the blad-

    er an ntest nes. How t e en ometr a ce s reac

    t er organs rema nsun nown. T e sp ace t ssue

    behaves like uterine endometrium in responding to

    emont y cyc e. B ee ng occurs ut ce s cannotx t t e o y, an pa n u n ammat onerupts. In ev-

    ry cycle the growths adds extra tissue and for this

    eason en ometr os ssymptoms ten to get worse

    ver t me.

    Stan ar treatment nvo ves NSAIDs or pa n re e . In

    ore a vance cases surgery scons ere t e est

    reatment option. Hormonal treatment is commonly

    pp e ortreatment o en ometr os s. Ora contra-

    ept ves oc t e e ects o natura ormones onen-dometrial growth, which can make endometriosis less

    pa n u . T e most e ect vetreatment s ac eve w t

    e synt et c pept e Leuprore n w c oc s oes-

    rogenproduction. Leuprorelin cannot be taken orally

    n t ere ore an a ong- ast ng epot s n ecte un-

    er t e s n. T e sa vantage o Leuprore n s t e

    nterruption of menses andwomen cannot get preg-

    ant. T e treatment s m te to 6 mont s ecause

    t e r s orosteoporos s an a ter scont nuat on a

    elapse is very likely.

    Pycnogenolis helpful for women with

    endometriosise poss ty o mprov ng en ometr os s w t

    ycnogeno was nvest gate n acomparat ve c n ca

    tudy with 58 women receiving either Pycnogenolor

    euprore n Ko ama et a ., 007 . A women a un-

    ergone surg ca treatment o en ometr os s w t n

    6months prior to participation. They suffered recur-

    ent mo erate to severe en ometr os s an re useurt er surgery.

    Treatment w t Pycnogeno gra ua y ecrease men-

    strual pain from initial severepain to moderate pain

    t tr a en . T e pa nscore was owere s gn cant y

    y 33% ur ng t e treatment per o . Leuprore nsup-

    pressed menstruation during treatment.Pycnogenol

    was e ect ve or s ow y utstea y ecreas ng pe v c

    pa n rom n t a severe to mo erate pa n. Leuprore n

    wassignificantly more effective; however, adramatic

    re apse occurre w t n 24 wee sa ter o gate s-

    ont nuat on.

    A spec c ant gen CA-125 s s e rom n ame en-

    ometr omas nto t e oo stream an serum CA-125

    is considered a good marker for evaluation of the se-

    ver ty o a vance en ometros s. Pycnogeno gn -

    ant y owere serum CA-125 n cat ng a re uct on

    fendometrioma size. Lowering of CA-125 was dra-mat ca y more e ectve w t Leuprore n, owever, va -

    ues a most returne to ase ne a ter scont nuaton.

    As expecte Leuprore n rast ca y owere womens

    estrogen eve . In contrast, over t ew o e treatment

    period Pycnogenol did not influence womens oes-

    trogen eve .

    Menstrual Discomfort

    Pycnogenol Leuprorelin Discontinued

    0 4 12 48 weeks24




    Pycnogenollowers pelvic pain in endometriosis

  • 8/12/2019 Pycnogenol for Menstrual Discomfort

    5/5I Horphag Research-Geneva, SwitzerlandI Horphag Research Asia-Shanghai, ChinaI Natural Health Science-Hoboken NJ, USAI www.pycnogenol.comI HORPHAGI

    n conc us on, Pycnogeno s s gn cant y e ect ve or mprov ng en ometr os s, t oug t snot as e ect ve as oes-

    rogen-inhibition with Leuprorelin. The advantage of Pycnogenolisthe absence of severe side effects. Interestingly,

    ve women w t en ometr os s ta ng Pycnogeno e t t e stu y ecause t ey ecame pregnant.

    he application of Pycnogenolfor dysmenorrhoea and endometriosis is patented (US patent6,372,266.).

    Referencesrench L. Dysmenorrhea.Am Fam Phys 71: 285-291, 2005.

    Grimm T, C ovanova Z, Muc ova J et a .In i ition o NF- B activation an MMP-9 secretion y p asma o uman vo unteers

    fter ingestion of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol ). J Inflamm 3: 1-15, 2006.

    Ko ama T, Suzu i N, T e treatment o gynaeco ogica isor ers wit Pycnogeno Eur Bu Drug Res 7 2 : 30-32, 1999.

    Ko ama T, Suzu i N, Ohno S et al. Analgesic efficacy French L. Dysmenorrhea. Am Fam Phys 71: 285-291, 2005.

    Grimm T, C ovanova Z, Muc ova J et a . In i ition o NF- B activation an MMP-9 secretion y p asma o uman vo unteers

    fter ingestion of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol ). J Inflamm 3: 1-15, 2006.

    Ko ama T, Suzu i N,T e treatment o gynaeco ogica isor ers wit Pycnogeno . Eur Bu Drug Res 7 2 : 30-32, 1999.

    Ko ama T, Suzu i N,O no S et a . Ana gesic e icacy o Pycnogeno in ysmenorr ea. An open c inica tria. J Repro Me

    9 10 : 828-832, 2004.

    Ko ama T, Herai K, Inoue M.Effect of French maritime pine bark extract on endometriosis as compared with Leuprorelin ac-

    tate. J Rep Me , in print, 2007.

    chfer A, Chovanova Z, Muchova J et al.Inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 activity by plasma of human volunteers after ingestion

    Frenc maritime pine ar extract Pycnogeno . Biome & P armacot er 60: 5-9, 2006.

    uzuki N, Uebaba K, Kohama T et al. Effect of Pycnogenol, French Maritime Pine Bark Extract, on Dysmenorrhea: a multi-

    enter, ran omize , ou e- in , p ace o-contro e stu y. J Repro Me , in print 2007.

    Menstrual Discomfort

    C n ca researc suggests Pycnogeno prov es s gn cant ene ts or women v ng w t

    menstrua scom ort:

    Soothing of pain during the menstrual period

    Natural anti-inflammatory activity

    Less pa n me cat on s requre

    Less ays w t menstrua pa n

    Improvement of endometriosis

    Oestrogen levels remain unaffected