PWG-DQ Experience and Requests

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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PWG-DQ Experience and Requests. Status of:. Muon based – analysis Central barrel - analysis. R. Arnaldi March 7 th 2012. Outline. 5 PAGs in PWG-DQ:. Jpsi2ee : J/  in the electron decay channel Jpsi2mumu : J/  in the dimuon decay channel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of PWG-DQ Experience and Requests


PWG-DQ Experience and Requests

R. Arnaldi March 7th 2012

• Muon based – analysis

• Central barrel - analysis

Status of:


• 5 PAGs in PWG-DQ:


Many analysis on-going both on the 2010 and 2011 pp and PbPb data

Jpsi2ee: J/ in the electron decay channelJpsi2mumu: J/ in the dimuon decay channelLMee: Low mass in the electron decay channelLMmumu: Low mass in the dimuon decay channelUpsilon2mumu: in the dimuon decay channel

2 published papers, 5 in preparation, based on 2010 data


MUON analysis: PbPb2011

Analysis of 2011PbPb data are based both on (Muon) AODs and ESDs Several analysis done in parallel and results compared no discrepancy

Thanks for the special PbPb LHC11h pass1_MUON reconstruction!!!

5 days to have the full 2011 PbPb data ready for analysis (immediately after data taking)! Analysis are now proceeding very fast in view of the Hard Probes conference

Muon AOD size extremely small ~70Gb for all the PbPb 2011 useful for all Muon based analysis (134 runs)

Focus on PbPb 2011 in view of the incoming Hard Probes conference


MUON Analysis: PbPb2011 (2)PbPb analysis are now based on AOD083


Percentile V0M

Hint of a rise for very central collisions (due to the chosen centrality anchor run) solved with the new OADB (commit of 24/2/2012)

To follow the centrality improvement, we will ask for a reprocessing of the AODs



Embedding soon needed also for the low mass analysis and for studies

Checks on going

Pure J/ signal is embedded in a MB PbPb event (J. Castillo, C. Suire) crucial ingredient to evaluate A x eff for the J/ RAA result (see arXiv:1202.1383)


Embedding (2)Some check plots: Centrality, Z vertex position and J/ peak are correctly reproduced in the embedding


Analysis toolsPWG/muon/AliMuonTrackCuts and AliMuonPairCuts classes used in several muon/dimuon analysis (D.Stocco)

Allow to apply a standard set of cuts on muon tracks or muon pairs.

As an example:

• -4 < < -2.5• 2 < abs <10 degree

• Match trigger (All pT/Low pT/High pT)

• p x DCA cut tuned period by period using the OADB

• …

Effects of PDCA cut.Important in the region!


Central barrel analysis: ppJpsi2ee, LM2ee

• Using already ESDs (mainly) and AODs• AOD analysis fully validated by comparing the results• Displaced J/ analysis in pp is entirely done on filtered AODs (very

small size sample)


Central Barrel analysis: PbPb

No special request for the moment: filtering is not significantly reducing file size

Analysis feasible on both ESD and AODs

Plan to join the lego trains, as it was done in the past, (after updating the dielectron framework)



Effort to finalize analysis in view of the incoming conferences (Hard Probes)

Stable analysis framework. Tools prepared for 2010 analysis can be adapted to 2011

Almost all analysis can be run on ESD or AODs

No major requests to the Offline

Fast Pass1 muon-devoted reconstruction was extremely useful!!!