Putting Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers In Their Place.

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Putting Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers In Their Place.

Putting Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers



Misplaced Modifiers• A misplaced modifier is a modifier that

is incorrectly separated from the word or words that it describes.

• Misplaced modifiers seem to describe words that the author did not intend them to describe.

• When modifiers are misplaced, the reader may misunderstand the sentence.

• Generally, the solution is to place the modifier as close as possible to the word or words it describes.

Misplaced Modifiers

• Misplaced modifier:

Sam bought a used car from a local dealer with a smoky tailpipe.

• Corrected version:

Sam bought a used car with a smoky tailpipe from a local dealer.

Dangling Modifiers

• A modifier that starts a sentence must be followed right away by the word that it describes. Otherwise, the modifier is said to be dangling, and the sentence takes on an unintended meaning.

Dangling Modifiers

• Dangling modifier:

Sitting in the dentist’s chair, the sound of the drill made Larry sweat.

• Corrected version:

As Larry was sitting in the dentist’s chair, the sound of the drill made him sweat.

Dangling Modifiers

• Dangling modifier:

Sitting in the dentist’s chair, the sound of the drill made Larry sweat.

• Corrected version:

Sitting in the dentist’s chair, Larry sweated at the soundof the drill.

Dangling Modifiers

• Dangling modifier:

Soaring through the sky, Brenda watched the high-powered jet.

• Corrected version:

Brenda watched the high-powered jet soaring throughthe sky.

Now for some practice…

• www.webster.commnet.edu/grammar/quiz_list.htm

Go to the following website for some interactive exercises:

Scroll down to the heading “Structural Flaws” and do the exercises called “Modifier Placement” and “Modifier Placement II”.