Putting It All Together: A Retailer's Perspective on Maximizing Revenue through Bronto

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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We all sign up with Bronto, committed to driving as much revenue as we can through our marketing efforts. And whether you have just become a customer or have been one for years, there are always new things to learn and new ways to maximize your ROI. Follow the journey of Reeds' Jewelers as we share our secrets to success for high conversions, greater customer retention and more money!

Transcript of Putting It All Together: A Retailer's Perspective on Maximizing Revenue through Bronto

Putting It All Together

A Retailer's Perspective on Maximizing Revenue through Bronto

What can Bronto do for you?

What can Bronto do for you?

Targeted Emails

Life Style Marketing


Leverage CRM Data

Increase Engagement

Individualized Service

Life Cycle Marketing

Use Social Media

Grow Your Email List

Increase Engagement

Healthier Email List

Tip #1: Have a Plan

A Goal and A Plan •  Decide what you want to accomplish with

Email. •  Prioritize Goals. •  Create measurable Metrics. •  Create a plan. •  Execute the plan. •  Evaluate the results. •  Repeat or Move on.

How to shorten the Learning Curve

Get a Partner

•  Account Rep and/or Marketing Strategist •  You don’t know what you don’t know •  Make them a part of goal setting and your

action plan process.

Ask Good Questions

Chase the low hanging fruit.

My favorite question: “What are the best practices that the successful companies are using in this area that we can execute easily?”

Tip #2

•  Use the resources you are paying for, ask for their advise, use their expertise, use the learning tools.

Want to be Social

Goal to monetize our Facebook

•  We were doing two contest per week •  Offered Coupons •  Offered customer the ability to sign up for our


Want to be Social

This is what we were told by our Marketing Strategist

•  There are tabs (contest & coupons) that offer an email sign up.

•  Coupons page is not clear on permission. •  Bronto web forms need to be used and

subscribers need to go onto their own list so we can monitor performance separately.

Want to be Social

We did what we were told by our Marketing Strategist

•  New Subscription Form. •  Clarified the Features and Benefits •  Set up Welcome Emails (w/coupons) •  Set up Segments/Lists


•  Oct 2010 – 2,388 Fans •  Nov 2011 – 50,193 Fans •  21,149 new unique Email addresses •  Generated 56K in revenue from Nov 2011-Feb


Tip #3

•  When they give you a solution to a problem you need to solve. Get the project completed.

(Asking for advice is not the same as taking advice)

I want more names

•  Optimized Sign up •  This was put on the list by our Marketing Strategist. •  She claimed that we would experience a

dramatic increase in email acquisition if…

I want more names

•  Optimized Sign up project started March 2011 •  Completed ½ the project moving sign up to the

top of the page July 2011


First change resulted in a lift of 50% in new unique email addresses. Result consistent over the next 6 months.

No time/No Resources/No Expertise

Re-Engagement Campaign •  Clean our List •  Improve deliverability •  Retain standing with ISP •  Win Back Customers

No time/No Resources/No Expertise


•  Starting Point 75% of our list was unengaged: had

not opened any of the last 20 emails.


•  Recovered 24.87% of non-engaged •  Reduction in email costs of sends of 56%. •  Sales from emails generated sufficient revenue

to fund cost of the sprint and campaign.

Bigger Payoff

•  Starting Point 59% of list was unengaged. •  Recovered 51% •  Increased Revenue over previous Campaign •  Reduced Email Costs 29% •  Owned Knowledge/Skill Sets

Tip #4

•  Leverage their expertise and knowledge to develop your internal assets.

This is what it comes down to

•  How you maintain your list •  How you build your email list. •  How use your email List.


1.  Listen to your Marketing Strategist, or Account Representative and leverage their knowledge.

–  Sometimes it is more effective and efficient to buy knowledge and assets.

–  Always be improving something.

–  Optimizing emails is a journey not a project.

Questions ?


Mark deCausmeaker

Director Multi-Channel Sales

Reeds Jewelers
