Putting an essay together: Tips for the 5- Paragraph Theme.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Putting an essay together: Tips for the 5- Paragraph Theme.

Putting an essay


Tips for the 5-Paragraph Theme

3 parts of a basic essay?

• Introduction

– invite audience from their world into your paper

• Body

• Conclusion

– send audience back out to their world

Preparation order?

• 1st: body

• 2nd: conclusion

• 3rd: introductionNote: Step 1 (introduction); Steps 2, 3, & 4 (body Paragraphs); Steps 5 & 6 (whole essay)

Steps for preparing the body

• List subtopics (brainstorm) to support thesis.

• Narrow ideas.

• Arrange ideas in logical order.

• Develop each idea.

Steps for preparing the body

• Create a well


outline/plan before

you start composing.

What’s in a conclusion?

• Brief review of purpose (or thesis)

• Summary of main points

• Memorable remark: Leave audience thinking about what’s been said

Example conclusion:

The Best Dining Hall at UCMAs a result, I believe that the Ellis

dining hall is an outstanding place to have a meal. Even though the Todd dining hall has a lot of advantages, the Ellis dining hall is still better than the one at Todd. (1) Ellis has more salad choices compared to Todd. (2) Ellis also has fewer entree options, which prevents diners from eating too much and becoming overweight. (3) Lastly, diners can have a comfortable meal in the quieter atmosphere in Ellis. Overall, the Ellis dining hall is a great place to eat.

What’s in an introduction?

• Attention-getting “hook”--to

catch listeners’ interest– A story, a shared experience– A surprising fact, quote– Information that establishes your

authority– (Don’t overuse a question)

• Preview of the body

Example introduction:Subway vs. Quiznos

I had a part-time job at a Subway in my home country for about two years. During that time, I learned a lot about Subway’s business--from basic facts like prices, menus, and side dishes to how the sandwiches are made and how Subway is managed. I became a big fan of Subway. I also went to Quiznos often when I was back home. Since I have learned a lot about sandwich franchises, I can see some important differences between Subway and Quiznos. Clearly, Subway is superior to Quiznos.

How do you move to the next point?• Transitions

– First, next, finally

– Review + preview

– Review + question

• Before conclusion:

– In sum, in conclusion, finally


• Preparation order?

• How to prepare body?

• Content of conclusion?

• Content of introduction?

• Types of transitions between sections?

What do you do with your 1st draft?

• Revise

– Read aloud

– Change to improve/clarify: reorder, add, subtract

• Edit

– Grammar, word choices, spelling, punctuation