Purpose Of Life.

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Purpose Of Life.


Your life and your Purpose!

Tahera Chaudhary chaudharyt@optusnet.com.au

Do you see how things work around you everyday?

Let’s have a closer look and see!

Universe is governed by laws.

Day is followed by the night.

Night is followed by the day.

24 hour cycle.

Day and night.Work and


Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter- Variety of seasons to enjoy, especially variety of fruits and

vegetables of different seasons.

The Earth’s exact distance from the Sun.

Keeps perfect temperature needed for human being and other lives

to exist on the earth.

Perfect survival conditions.

Seasons comes and goes on time and completes their cycle.

Beautiful splash of colours of all the seasons.

Our beautiful Planet


Think and Reflect Time!Who created us and everything?Everything in perfect design!Everything doing something meaningful and

important.Everything working for human beings survival.So what is the purpose of our life?How important we are?

-for our family? -for our elders? -for our school? -for humanity as a whole? -for our beautiful country? -for our planet?

Tiny plant comes out with all its might to give us food, wood and shade.

Yesterday the seed was in the gardener’s hand and it was like without life/dead and then, he sow it in the ground. Just gave it water and look!!! after few days the tiny plant is coming out of the soil, breaking earth with all its might. Who gave life to this dead seed? Allah, proper name for the God. ( In the bible it is written as Elohim/Ellai).

Do you know? -That the fruit God made comes in packaging

which can be eatable by humans and animals or can be recycled quickly as organic compost. No wastage and no rubbish. Even animal waste.

From one seed comes the live tree. Gives us thousands of tasty fruits and millions of

seeds in its entire life and oxygen.


Contd…Trees, gives us fruit, wood and shade.

Trees also gives us oxygen and takes carbon dioxide to keep our environment clean and healthy.

Do you know:- We enjoy God’s creation and we love it and we say “

All praise belongs to GOD, our creator and creator of the heaven and the earth in perfect order and everything working for us so we can live in peace and harmony .”


Oils from the plants: from its flowers, seeds, leaves, roots for cooking, curing disease, massage, fragrance.

Canola Oil

From Canola Plant

Olive OilFrom OliveTree


Sunflower Oil

Eucalyptus Oil

COTTON PLANTS for our cloths

Think and reflect, who is programming all this?

Everything in perfect design.Everything serving some purpose.- Even little wriggly earth worm working for

our food,- honey bees (producing more then they need). -carbon , oxygen balance and interconnected

(Plants use carbon and gives us oxygen.- perfect distance of Sun from earth, Other

wise too hot or too cold.-cow eats grass and gives us milk (more then

they need), meat, leather. -Sheep gives us wool, meat.

Honey bees makes more honey then they need! Pollination by honey bees.

More bee facts:Honey bees flying miles to make honey for us.Even its wax used for

various purposes like making

creams , candles etc.

Humble Cow Eats simple grass, and gives us

Tasty Milk, Butter, cheese, Yogurt, Meat and leather, cow manure and much more.

Water Cycle Working in a perfect system.

From egg comes the live bird. From live bird comes the lifeless egg. Who can create such a

sophisticated, colurful, flying bird from the sticky substance?

An Egg/Eggs in the bird’s Utrus.

Beautiful world, perfect design inspiring us to invent.

Minerals, stones, iron and ore, coal, petrol, metals, glass, clay for our use.

Different materials like metals, cement, sand, concrete for our Transportation, and


Petrol Comes from Underground:

Every single thing in nature doing its duty in humble way and giving benefits to us.

E.g. trees, sea, bees, cow even worm etc.

Maintaining, sustaining and creating beauty, balance, peace and harmony, without any proud and dispute.

Same way man women must work as husband wife and as a mother and father to care for our future kids and make them quality human being. And care for our environment.

Stages of human being:From young to old and returns to previous state?...?????

Do you remember when you were very very little and use to lay in your cradle or basinet or in your cot. Then you grow little big and start to crawl and slowly start to stand up and then you started to go to school..

Now look at some of us, what they are doing in their community.

Let us thank God Almighty who created the universe and created so many things in it with perfection, working in perfect balance and harmony and keeping the world running for us, working for us.

Let us ask God to help us in staying on the right path. On which we can live our lives as per his guidance and respect ourselves, our lives and respect others and others lives and help each other in doing the right and forbid the wrong. And while doing all this may God help us in staying patience and perseverant.