Purifying the Mind

Post on 19-Oct-2014

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A lot of people mistake the mind from the brain. There is a big difference.  The mind is not the brain or any part of the body. The brain is tangible, it is physical,  it is what we see.   Visit us: http://www.meditationtoday.com.au/

Transcript of Purifying the Mind


Purifying the Mind


A lot of people mistake the mind from the brain. There is a big difference.  The mind is not the brain or any part of the body. The brain is tangible, it is physical,  it is what we see.  


The mind, on the other hand, is  intangible, it is formless, it cannot be seen. Our mind cannot be considered as part of our body. They are entirely 2 different beings. Our mind can still be busy even if our body is relaxed.


We have different types of thoughts in our mind; we have kind thoughts and evil thoughts. There are times that we cannot control our evil thoughts.   


Our actions, works and motions  are the results that emanate from our mind’s thoughts. Whatever action our body takes is all derived from our mind’s thoughts.


Just as there is a need to purify our  body, there is always a need to purify the mind.  The mind is at times  impure;  we tend to think of negative thoughts rather than positive ones.  


Oftentimes, our mind may be a victim of fear, hypocrisy, doubt, jealousy and any other negativity. Negative things usually attack our mind and even if we try to reject negative thoughts at times, we are still too weak to resist and fail.


Mind purification is an attempt to cleanse the mind of unpleasant mental defilements running under the stream of consciousness which may impair our values, thinking, attitudes and actions.  


Among the defilements are hatred, greed and delusion, and from these we

have numerous offshoots such as jealousy and avarice, cruelty and anger, arrogance and conceit, vanity, hypocrisy and other

negative thoughts.


The best 3 ways to purify the mind are as follows:

1.  Make the mind still and clear. This can be done by sitting in a comfortable posture and meditating. Make sure that you sit in a position that would be effective to you or in such a way that will change the mind attitude. Example in our daily life


2. The second means of purifying the mind is by breathing. By exhaling during meditation , the bad gases are thrown out of the body and it is said that it is not only from the body but from the mind as well. With the right way of breathing, impurities can be thrown out.


3. The third way is by the ultimate road to purification which is having the right attitude

towards life. If a person does not have

the right attitude in life, no

amount of right posture or breathing

can purify the mind.


To be aware of one’s shortcomings is the right attitude.  One who is humble and ready to say sorry when needed or one

who doesn’t  blame or judge ill of others is having the right attitude.