Pump November 2012

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Transcript of Pump November 2012

November 2012


The Parish Pump was started in 1979 to pro-vide a free community magazine in the parish. It began as, and still is, a joint venture, com-

bining the church magazine and village magazine. The Parish Pump is sponsored by the Parochial Church Council and Debden Parish Council. Both bodies contribute financially to the cost of running the magazine by means of a donation, received annually. It is intended that the magazine reflects all aspects of village life within the parish and provides an opportunity for ‘community’ matters to be raised. In addition to the information recorded in the magazine, our sister publication, the Debden Directory provides a host of useful contact numbers for services ranging from bus times, local plumbers, doctors and restaurants. If you do not have a copy, please contact a member of the committee.

The magazine has editors but no official reporters. Consequently, an interesting magazine depends on articles, news, etc. coming from people in the village. The closing date for submitting material is: the 5th of each month.

The editor’s job is to edit. This means fitting the material into the space available and trying to ensure there is a reasonable balance of views on controversial subjects etc. Consequently, it is not always possible to publish everything submitted and sometimes changes have to be made to the length of a contribution. ‘Non topical’ articles cannot always be published in the next issue but will appear later unless you are told otherwise. Contributions of up to 400 words have a better chance of being published in full than longer ones.

Please note that the present and past editions of the Parish Pump are now available on line on the new website www.debden.org and that any material submitted will be automatically featured on the website. If you wish to have your name and/or contact details (which must normally accompany any contributions) withheld from the printed edition and/or not to appear on the website, this must be stated at the time of submission. Copy for inclusion in the next edition should be emailed by the 5th of the month to;

editors@theparishpump.org. There is also a folder in the shop for submission of written or typed copy. The current editors of the Parish Pump, who have the sole prerogative of the editorial policy (so don’t blame anyone else) are;

Mike Fairchild editor_mike@theparishpump.org Ursula Lyons editor_ursula@theparishpump.org

Advertising rates per issue are; full page £10.00; half page £8.00; quarter page or less £6.00. Full payment in advance and an electronic copy of the ad should be sent to the Editors or Treasurer by email. Cheques should be made payable to “The Parish Pump”

The other Committee members include Chairman: Judith Forster chairman@theparishpump.org Treasurer: Alastair Donald treasurer@theparishpump.org Secretary: Marion Bamfield secretary@theparishpump.org Distribution: Caroline Burchall distribution@theparishpump.org




Reaping the rewards It’s good news all round in Debden this month. There were two pleasant surprises in store at Debden Parish Council’s meeting on October 3. Not only did three members of the community step up to the plate and agree to be co-opted on to the council but also there were no less than 19 members of the public present to witness the council get back to full strength. We haven’t seen that level of support for a very long time. It was an excellent, good humoured meeting with business-like discussion and laughter in equal measure. And just before the council meeting got under way, at an out of hours meeting next door in the village shop, volunteers discussed how to improve the services provided by this important local amenity.

To top that, no less than eight musicians in good voice took part in music night at The Plough.

In the last couple of editions of the Pump, we’ve been banging on about the good vibrations emanating from the Olympics and the hope that the ‘Olympic roar’ and the willingness of people to volunteer would spill over into everyday life in local communities. Well, maybe that was a factor, or perhaps what happened in and around the Olympic park was a reflection of the community spirit that lies in the DNA of villages like Debden.

Whatever the reason, a big ‘thank you’ to our new councillors, to those who soldiered on and kept things going during the hiatus, to the volunteers who continue to run the village shop and deserve more support for their efforts, and to the instrumentalists who, along with a log fire and good beer, made The Plough feel like the village pub again.

And all this despite the fact that it was a chilly, wet autumn evening when sitting at home watching telly might have seemed a better option. It wasn’t.

Let’s build on the legacy we’ve created and have not 19 but a crowd at the next parish council meeting. It’s on December 5 and the mood promises to be quite Christmassy (see page 4), as it will be in the pub either before the meeting or afterwards. And you can always press the ‘record’ button on the TV and, later on, tuck into the meal you bought in the village shop.

The lesson of what happened on a single evening in Debden this month is summed up by the view across the field at the back of my house. I’m watching the tractors hard at work at night with their headlights on, and I’m thinking: As you sow, so shall you reap.




Parish Council bounces back New members and big turnout at October meeting

Debden Parish Council is back to full strength after the resignations in June of the chairman, one other member and the parish clerk. In the September Parish Pump the four remaining councillors made an impassioned appeal for local residents to volunteer to serve on the council and to support it by showing an interest in council matters and attending meetings.

Although the councillors said they “did not expect a stampede” to fill the vacancies, what happened at its meeting this month was little short of that. One resident had already expressed an interest in joining but at the meeting two further residents spontaneously agreed to be co-opted, bringing the council back to full strength – a total of seven members. The three new co-opted members are Stephanie Watson, Stewart Luck and Richard Simmonds, all of whom have lived in the village for several years. Stewart Luck and Richard Simmonds previously served on the council in the

1980s and 1990s. In the absence of a parish clerk, Christine Griffin, who was clerk for several years from 1985 and also served as a councillor from 1989 to 2007 and chairman in the late 1990s, has agreed to act as temporary clerk. Cllr Andrew Tetlow was elected chairman and Cllr Roger Forster deputy chairman. The council’s appeal for support from the village did not go unheeded either. In contrast to the usual audience of three or four, 19 people turned up, requiring additional seating.

By co-opting members the council avoids the cost of an election. Members will serve until elections in 2015. In taking up his

Something to mull over Everyone in Debden is invited to a special village meeting on WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 5 in the VILLAGE HALL at 7pm to enjoy mulled wine and mince pies with fellow residents and members of your newly formed Parish Council. The meeting, which will help you get into the Christmas spirit and to mull over local matters, will last one hour to allow the council meeting to start promptly at 8pm. Everyone is invited to the council meeting, opening with a 20-minute public forum and a chance to raise local issues.


position as councillor, Stewart Luck said he hoped the business of the council would be conducted in a constructive spirit. The meeting was business-like and good humoured – with a round of applause for the new members – and with a lively public forum at the start when residents were invited to question the council or make other contributions.

Minutes of the meeting, page 44, will be published on noticeboards and on the village website.

Also this month Harvest Supper 6 School welcomes troops home 7 Road Safety Week 7 Parish Church 10 History Recorders 12 Pentecostal Church 18 Shop news 20 Pre-school 21 School news 22 Tennis tournament 24 Letters 25, 34, 40 Fitness Boot Camp 25 Progressive Supper 26 Tang Ting 30 Church Xmas Fair 31 ‘Hair raising’ day 35 Footpath Warden 40 ‘Amazing’ museum 41 British Legion 42 Airport latest 43 Parish Council 44 Recycle scheme 45 Events 46 Information 47

Local war heroes remembered

This year’s Remembrance Day coincides with Armistice Day so the annual service in Debden Parish Church will have a special poignancy. The service will begin at 10.45 am on Sunday November 11. The service will commemorate not only members of the Armed Forces who lived in Debden and who lost their lives in the two World Wars but also servicemen based at Carver Barracks who died in more recent conflicts.

During the service and following the two minutes silence, wreaths will be laid by the British Legion and a representative of 101 Engineer Regiment (EOD) who will read out the names of soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

At 3pm the same day, the band of Woolwich Air Training Corps will march from Rook End Lane to the Village Hall, pausing to play outside The Plough. Everyone is invited to watch or take part in the march.

On Friday November 9 at 10.30 am pupils from Debden Primary School will attend a ceremony at the Village Hall memorial where they will place crosses for each of Debden’s fallen heroes. A Parish Council representative will lay a wreath.

More British Legion news, P42. Poppy Appeal: Oct 27— Nov 11


Harvest Supper goes off with a banger! The Village Hall was packed out for the annual Debden Church Harvest Supper. Villagers enjoyed a delicious meal of sausages, jacket potatoes and scrumptious home-made crumbles. The Rev Hilary Davey led a band of helpers and acted as quiz master for brain-teasers set by Henry and Elisabeth Blackie and Colin and Julia Magness. Harvest Festival Services were held the following day - see page 10.

simply the best ……… debden christmas party saturday 15 december

7.30 pm village hall bring your booze … bring your food … bring your dancing shoes ..!

tickets £6 on sale 1 december details in december issue



Troops get heroes welcome from School Pupils from Debden Primary School joined crowds who welcomed 300 troops from 33 Engineer Regiment, based at Carver Barracks, and members of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Search Task Force, at their homecoming parade through Saffron Walden. Children from Debden, Wimbish and other villages are pictured in the town square.

Debden backs national Road Safety Week Drivers caught speeding through Debden will have to explain their actions to children during Road Safety Week - November 19-25 - as part of a drive by Debden Community Speed Watch to make the village safer.

The Community Wheels road safety vehicle (below), manned by Police and Fire and Rescue officers, will be located at the Primary School on Tuesday November 20, 10am - 4.30pm. Officers using a speed gun will give offending drivers the choice of a fixed penalty or a chat with the Police and the children. Primary School and Debden Pre-School children will visit the mobile unit during the day and take part in road safety interactive activities.

Parents collecting their children at the end of school on November 20 are invited to visit the unit and try a driving simulator - older siblings are also invited to get tips before they ‘take to the road’. Road safety related activity will take place in the School and at Pre-school that week and a display will be staged in the village shop. Results next month.


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Dear Friends,

As I write we have just had a wonderful celebration of Harvest with a delicious Harvest Supper and a church full of children and adults, the following morning. An enormous thank you to all of you who brought harvest gifts for Jimmy’s Night Shelter and to everyone who cooked food, served, washed up, produced fascinating quizzes and helped to make the Supper such a hugely enjoyable evening.

As we begin the month of November, so we come to the time of remembrance. On 4th November, in our All Souls Service we remember those we have loved, who will always have a special place in our hearts, no matter how long ago they died. Then on 11th November we remember all those who have died in the service of this country, not only in two world wars, but in all wars since.

Re-membering means putting the parts together again, to make whole, so that what happened in the past can be re-lived again in our minds and hearts. We remember personal things, loved ones, con-versations, special times, as well as community and world-wide events; people and places. Some of those memories will be happy ones for which we can give thanks. Others may evoke feelings of deep sadness or anger. These are the memories that may need gentle healing or even forgiveness; a little time spent quietly in God’s presence may prove very worthwhile.

One of the purposes of remembering – bringing the past into the present – is to improve the future. History is littered with the same mistakes repeated through countless generations. Remembering can help us to change and do it better – and make the world a better, safer, more caring, loving place for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I think that is what the world needs, don’t you?

Please pray for those who have been bereaved this year; pray that they will be given comfort and strength for the future.

God bless you all, Hilary

I am always happy to visit, whether at home or in hospital. If you, or

someone you know, would appreciate a visit please don’t hesitate to ring me on 01799 522616


From the Church Registers

We welcome into the Church Family Sofia Heather Sayell baptised 30th September

Frederick George Lock baptised 14th October

We send our sincere and deep sympathy to Marilyn Francis and family following the death of her mother, Maud Witten

Debden Church Youth Group

will next meet on Wednesday 14th November

7 – 8.30pm in Debden Church New Room

for Winter Olympics!

All of secondary school age are very welcome

Please contact Hilary on 01799 522616 if you would like to come and for more details

The Church Mice ……are thinking about bonfires on Monday 5th November at 10.30am

Come and join them in the New Room at Debden Church! For children 0 – 4 years old with a parent

Friends of Debden Church Service of Thanksgiving Sunday 4th November at 10am

Followed by Refreshments

Service of Remembrance for All Souls Sunday 4th November at 3pm in Wimbish Church

A short quiet service with a few hymns, a few words and time to remember with thanksgiving, those special people

we have loved but now see no longer


Over fifty people from Debden and several other villages in the area attended a very interesting and informative talk by Peter Walker on the development of Ordnance Survey one inch maps from the early 19th century to the present time. Peter explained how the maps, which had been originated by the Government as a military aid, over the years were improved and embellished to provide walkers, ramblers, cyclists and other members of the public with a useful tool for their pastime, whilst retaining the original military purpose for which they had been created. The talk was interspersed with amusing anecdotes and annotations that made it engaging and light hearted.

Our next event will take place on Wednesday 14th November when Gerald Lucy will deliver a talk on the geology of our local area (see opposite page). Members of the public are invited to bring samples of fossils and rocks for identification on the evening.

Finally, one of our members, Colin Magness, recently discovered on eBay this postcard showing a view of the new Rectory, the Windmill and the Pond in 1914 before the Memorial Hall was built. Colin has greatly improved the quality of the image and we thought we would share it with you.


We hope to show many more recently acquired photos at the Church Fair on December 1st, where we will have an Exhibition on past and present Places of Worship in Debden and Debden Green. We look forward to seeing you there. Elisabeth Blackie


Debden Local History Recorders Group




<> Wednesday 14th November 2012

7.30 pm

Debden Village Hall <>

Tickets £1.50 for Members

Non Members £2.50 including refreshments

available from the Village Shop

All Welcome

contact Elisabeth Blackie Tel 01799 540528

or Ursula Lyons 01799 543164


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News from Debden Pentecostal Church Dear Friends,

We were delighted to have a good many people come to the harvest thanksgiving service and join in praising God for His generous provision to us for another year. We were reminded of God’s promise from the book of Genesis that His provision will continue as long as the earth exists: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease".

With the colder winter days now upon us this is a good opportunity to invite you to our weekly coffee morning where you will be assured of a very warm welcome, a hot drink, refreshment and a chance to meet others from the village and have a chat. The doors are open from 10.30am to noon

every Wednesday and all are very welcome. If you are a parent or carer with young children please come and have a cuppa whilst your charges investigate our toy boxes!

God bless, Simon Gale


Debden Pentecostal Church Thaxted Rd

Weekly Programme

Debden Pentecostal Church


Sunday 11.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Evening Service


10.30 to 12 noon Coffee Morning

Special note

Please contact Paul Baker on 01440 710416

if you need information about the church.

Special Dates in November Billy Graham is probably the most well-known Christian evangelist and has acted as a spiritual adviser to many US presidents. Born on 7th November 1918 he grew up on a dairy farm in North Carolina and became a Christian at the age of 16. He has preached internationally the simple good news of reconciliation to God through repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour. In 2008 Billy Graham's lifetime audience was estimated to have been over 2.2 billion people.


Monday to Friday ** 08.30 – 13.30 14.00 – 16.30

Saturday 10.00 – 12.00 14.30 – 16.30

Sunday 10.00 – 12.00

Comings & goings and winter warmers We have had to say a sincere thank you and goodbye to Amie Roper, who has moved on to Uni pastures new. She has been our constant 'Saturday Girl' as well as a 'fill in' for other shifts if she could. We shall miss her and wish her very good luck. We look forward to seeing her in the

holidays; maybe behind the counter again? We welcome her replacement Daniel Clarke and hope he enjoys working in the Shop and being a member of the Shop Team.

At our recent Shop Forum for staff, it was decided to continue with the current opening hours, to give customers more chance to use the Shop, especially at the beginning of the school day and at lunchtime. The opening hours are listed below.

The Shop has been awarded a grant from Uttlesford District Council of £1,250. The money will be used to buy various items, the first of which will be a new door blind, as the current one is very definitely past its sell-by date!

As the Autumn days are now with us, our attention is turning to foods for colder weather, so look out for promotional prices on soups and other tinned foods. We are able to vary our bread order from Dorringtons on a Saturday, so please let us know if there is a particular loaf or roll that you would like to buy; loaves can also be sliced if necessary.

Could I finally ask folk to respect the Shop's reserved parking spaces. At certain times, the car park is very busy, and some of our customers are not able to park outside the Shop, which means that they may choose not to use us. Thank you for your help with this.

Have a good month – remember we have plenty of snacks for Guy Fawkes and Trick & Treat. Nina Manser SHOP OPENING HOURS

“I can think of no better “I can think of no better “I can think of no better place to receive the place to receive the place to receive the warmth and friendship warmth and friendship warmth and friendship this village has to offer” this village has to offer” this village has to offer” - a grateful Gill Lee returns to the shop, see page 25

** The Post Office is open Monday and Thursday 09.00 – 13.00


W e are now half a term into the new school year so time to up-date you on what has been happening at our village pre-school. We have record numbers of children attending our morning sessions due to the dedication of our staff who work hard to maintain a fantastic learning environment. Word has got out prompting families, including an increasing number from outside the village, to seek pre-school education in Debden. In some cases we are operating a waiting list but we try to accommodate parents’ needs as much as possible. The pre-school is regulated by Ofsted and follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework that sets the standards to ensure children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for progress through school and life. Learning is done through play and through exploring, being active and through creative and critical thinking. Our dedicated team of professionals transform our village hall into a tempting, stimulating and fun environment full of fantastic imaginative zones. These vary but examples include a restaurant, post office and green grocers, supporting this term’s topic of occupations. Positive experience Our Rising 5s group begins in January - an extra session on a Monday afternoon for children in the year before school. It helps to build confidence and independence. Children take part in activities similar to ones they will experience at school so when they start reception it is a positive and less daunting experience. Most children attending Rising 5s progress to Debden School but it is not exclusive to those destined for the village school and is designed to benefit all those who will begin reception in September.

Pre-school is a not-for-profit charity with a management committee of parents. Because we believe that the village and the children benefit from pre-school we give our time to make sure it continues to thrive. We fund-raise to provide equipment and facilities. Since September 2010 all money raised has been shared between the pre-school and the new village hall fund. Our recently successful grant application will be spent on improving the outside area with additional storage for equipment and toys. We would like to thank all the villagers who contributed to our textiles collection on October 26th - amount raised will be in the next edition.

To apply for a place for your child or to arrange a visit to view the setting please see our website www.debdenpreschool.com Caroline Reeve on behalf of the Pre-School Committee



Dear Pump Reader,

At the time of writing we have just celebrated Harvest in the church. The church was packed with parents and friends of the school. The whole school led the service through a range of songs with actions including ‘Harvest Rock and Roll’, ‘Simple Song of Gratitude’ and ‘Change the World’, readings and prayers. Well done to all the children who sang beautifully, the speakers, recorder players, percussionists and ribbon bearers. Thank you also for the very generous Harvest Gifts which along with the churches gifts will be donated to Jimmy’s Night Shelter.

At the end of last term the governing body, parents and the whole school led by the school council carried out a review of the school’s

Singing the Harvest hymn Michaelmas Daisies Children with our Harvest display and Harvest gifts in church

‘Eat a Rainbow Every Day!’ with the Ribbon Bearers Singing ‘In the Autumn’ with Actions


Christian Values. We looked at which Christian values we felt were the most important to us as a church school and which values best reflected our distinctive Christian ethos. The Christian values that the school council, parents and the governing body thought were the most important were: LOVE and GOD’S LOVE FOR US with KINDNESS, HAPPINESS, FRIENDSHIP, ENJOYMENT, FAITH & PRAYERS, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY AND TRUST flowing from the key value of LOVE. This term in our assemblies and in classes we will be focusing on our key Christian value of LOVE and GOD’S LOVE FOR US. The whole school has contributed to a display in the school hall on, ‘What God’s Love Means to Me’.

We are very pleased to have achieved the Bronze School Games Kitemark for our commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport in 2011/12. This award replaces the Activemark Award previously awarded. This means we are able to display the ‘School Games Bronze’ logo on our letterheads and website.

Our new School Council has been elected. They are now in the process of electing a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. School Council’s first formal task will be to carry out a review of Worship with their classes which will feed into a whole school review.

Our School Council representatives. More news from the children and school in the next issue. With all good wishes

Julie Gibbons (Headteacher)



Debden Tennis Club 2012 Tournament Mixed doubles - on court and in the pub afterwards! Blessed once again with excellent weather- it is very unusual for it to rain on tournament day- we held our annual tennis tournament in perfect conditions on Saturday September 15th, writes Steph Watson.

We have a good mix of players but always seem to be a bit short of ladies so we play a mainly mixed doubles format with the odd pairing (if you will pardon the expression) made up of men only.

There were 22 players this year and we were divided into two leagues for the round robin section of the tournament followed by semi finals and then the final. The standard of tennis has got better and better over the years and there are no easy matches. The winners this year were Steph Watson and David Rose (on the right) who won in a hard fought final match against Jeanette Green and Tim Wise. David is pictured in a spectacular leap of faith, below. Pictures by Annabel Howard.

We like to look after ourselves so we had a barbecue and soft drinks during the day to keep the energy levels up and moved on to dinner, prize giving and ‘not so soft’ drinks at the Plough in the evening. The winners received a bottle of wine each and some tennis balls.

The tournament marks the end of the ‘official’ Debden tennis season but the courts remain available for anyone wishing to play throughout the winter.

This Sporting Life Look out for a new series profiling sports and other clubs in Debden.


LETTERS Thank you, Debden What a wonderfully warm welcome from both staff and customers on my return as a volunteer in the shop after a three months absence. Now I know why we chose to move here and what a good choice we made.

The past few months have been very difficult since the fatal crash in which my car was written off while I was at a standstill! The amazing support from all the official agencies at the scene and immediately after has only been matched by the overwhelming level of kindness and understanding from the villagers and neighbours from all surrounding areas who had come to know me through my stints behind the counter, and who heard or got to know what had happened! Had I not worked as a volunteer in the shop, I would not have met so many lovely people. It is to them that I want to take advantage of this opportunity and say Thank you - for it is you who have helped me find the determination to pick up where I left off.

How lucky we are that a true sense of neighbourliness prevails in this rural idyll - and what a vital resource the shop is for everyone! It is a great place for networking without even realising that you need to. I can extol the virtues of this to the max! You never know when things can change or how much these neighbours can come to mean to you. I live on the outskirts of the village so would not have easily made passing acquaintances. Of course it goes without saying, the more we use the shop, the better the range of provisions we can offer. I have often forgotten small items like coffee, tea and sugar, let alone loo-rolls, so I for one do not want to lose it. I can think of no better place to receive the warmth and friendship this village has to offer, and I am very grateful for simply putting in my two hours a week - it has given me far more in return!.

Gill Lee More Letters, Page 34

‘Boot Camp’ will push you to new fitness levels “Boot Camp” is how Sarah Nichols, who recently moved to Wimbish, describes exercise classes that she is planning to run on Debden’s recreation ground on Tuesdays 9am to 10am. “This is a great outdoor class that mixes body weight exercises with strength and interval training,” she says. “The sessions are designed to push you more than you would push yourself, helping you reach new limits whatever your fitness level. No two classes are ever the same which makes each session new and exciting.”

The first session is £2 and after that either £5 a session or £20 for five sessions. For more information contact Sarah on 07912665911 or www.facebook.com/sjnbc


It’s PROGRESSIVE SUPPER time! How time flies, and it is that time of year again! For regulars, the 15th Annual Progressive supper will be held on Saturday 26th January, 2013. For those who have not come across this type of event before, the aim is to share a three course meal with other people in the village, with the costs shared equally between all taking part. We have found that a very good evening can be had for £15 per head, which includes all food and accompanying drinks.

We meet up in the Plough and you are told where you will be going for starters, and at 8pm everyone departs in differing directions. Your starter host is given a sealed envelope telling each guest where they will be going for main course and at 9pm we all set off again for the next venue. When you arrive at your main course host’s home, you will find a different set of diners.

Finally, at about 10.30pm we all move again to the final venue, usually the village hall, for puddings, cheese and biscuits and general partying. The evening does rely, of course, on everyone being willing to provide some

aspect of the catering. However, it is all scientifically worked out beforehand in response to my planning letter asking for volunteers to provide various courses! Cost of any food and drink supplied by you will be re-imbursed out of the £15 per head charge.

However, I would stress that the object of the evening is to get together and share a sociable evening amongst friends. It is not a

cordon bleu competition and if cooking is not your thing then the supermarkets are full of ready made food! It is also not always necessary for everyone to provide, or host, a course, depending on the numbers attending.

The evening is a great way for everyone to get together and for newcomers to the village to get to know their neighbours. It has grown in popularity over the years and is open to anyone in the village. If you are interested, please contact me and I will add you to my list for this year’s event. I will write to (or maybe even e mail !) those who attended last year in mid November. If you are interested, but not sure, call me and I will be happy to explain further!

Marion Bamfield, 11 Highfields Tel: 01799 540783 Secretary@ theparishpump.org

The 15th Annual Debden and Debden Green Progressive Supper

Saturday 26th January, 2013

The scene in The Plough last year



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For [ll ^_liv_ri_s.


Kathmandu nurses will help Medical Mission

Plans for the 2012 medical mission to Tang Ting are well under way. The Nepalese community have found a Nepali doctor and some nurses from Kathmandu who would like to give their help to the team. This will enable more of the adults in the region to be examined, in addition to the children, which is brilliant news. The dates that we are going are from 1st until the 19th November. Please do contact Tina Knight if you are interested in helping out. This year we are taking reading glasses with us so if you have any unwanted pairs in good condition, then please do let us know.

Forthcoming events: Diwali - 10th November Tickets are £15 each and available from nc@nighthawk.co.uk or tel: 01799 540881

Christmas party The Christmas party will be held at Carver Barracks on Wednesday 5th December. The Wimbish Army Wives Choir will perform Christmas Carols and there will be a Nepalese song and dance display.



Debden Church

Christmas Fair


December 1st

11 am – 2 pm in the church Craft Corner for children and adults

Cake stall


Christmas produce stall


Home made soup and rolls

Tea or coffee and mince pies

Mulled wine Exhibition of Debden Places of Worship Past and

Present by Debden Local History Recorders’ Group

Christmas cake competition

- a prize for the best decorated Christmas themed


Two categories -

14 and under

15 and over


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The Plough Christmas Day Menu

Starters Glass of Bubbles on arrival

Fan of Melon with smoked salmon or

Mediterranean Prawns cooked in garlic, tomatoes, herbs & fresh coriander or

Carrot & Coriander soup with warm crusty bread

Main Course

Roast Norfolk Turkey Breast with pigs in blankets, sage & chestnut stuffing or

Half Roast Crispy Duck with hoi sin & plum sauce or

8oz Fillet Steak served with a red wine sauce (£5 extra)

Fresh seasonal vegetables, roast and dauphinoise potatoes


Xmas Pudding with brandy custard or chef’s choices of the day

Selection of cheeses. Fresh ground Coffee with fresh whipped cream and petit fours

£50 per head (children under 12, £30)

10 per cent service charge on meals only

Open Boxing Day 12 till 3.30pm Menu off the chalk board Ring Margaret on 01799 541899 or e.Mail





Future of the village pond I do not claim to understand all the ecology things about a pond. To me, the most exciting thing is seeing lots of fish. I also like to see the lily pads in flower, the bull rushes and the plant life in general. Most visitors to the pond are children - they are always excited by the fish and the size of some of the fish. In my experience, if you put Tench into a pond, that is the last you will see of them until you drain it again. Tench are bottom-feeding fish and live in the mud. Perch are predatory and will eat every living thing in sight. Roach and Rudd, silver coloured fish with red fins, are attractive. Crucian carp grow to a size acceptable to our pond. I would like to see a water feature in the pond, a water fountain with a filter to help clean the water, and possibly a rockery on the far side with water cascading down, making an even more exciting feature. Water pumps cost pennies to run. The power cable could run up the ditch to the football hut. All a lot more exciting! You will naturally get insects and frogs etc because they always turn up. As for newts, I have lived here for 25 years and have never seen one yet. I notice Roger had seen them when he was, admirably, cleaning the pond wading about in the mud. Natural ponds are to be found in rural areas on farms etc. Our village pond, by the side of a busy thoroughfare, is never really going to be a totally natural pond. We have a large lake in Debden behind the church, more secluded for nature to take its course - insects, birdlife and so on. This of course is just my viewpoint. David Wilson, High Street ,Debden

Dates to note The Police will be available in the Village Shop between

10.30 and 11.30 on: 25 October, 2 November, 7 December Local MP Surgery:

You can meet Sir Alan Haselhurst, MP for Saffron Walden, on

Friday 9th November

THAXTED, Guild Hall, 5.45 – 6.30 pm

SAFFRON WALDEN, The Old Armoury, 3 Museum St. 7 pm — 7.45 pm






Environ Construction Sharon Thaxted Road Debden Contact: Ron Chapman 01799 543864 Saffron Walden 07957220322

Karen’s hair raising day!

Karen Alexander and I went to Duxford Imperial War Museum where I had a flight in a Tiger Moth bi-plane, writes Vic Gunn. We saw a film crew shooting the Jedward’s pop duo (not quite my taste, I might add). They were making a film, ‘Jedwards Adventure’ which will be shown on CBeebies later this month. I asked them if Karen could have her photo taken with them. This is the result!


Open Every Day except Thursday

Debden Pre-School

For 2 to 5 years old Debden Memorial Hall


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Debden needs a Footpath Warden

Do you fancy a voluntary job that’s good for the community, good for the countryside and keeps you healthy! Look no further. Debden needs a Footpath Warden to follow in the footsteps (literally) of Pat Hemmings who is retiring from the post. Pat took over from Patrice Sauzier three years ago.

Pat makes sure the 50 or so footpaths in Debden and Debden Green are kept clear and safe. She liaises with the county rights-of-way officer who ensures paths are cut once or twice a year and that bridges and signs are maintained. There are volunteers to help with the work - and enjoy the exercise - and Pat says the job is not too time consuming.

One of the ideas from the Pump readers’ survey was to organise walks around the village. The walks, the footpath maps and volunteers exist, so how about a walking group with a new Footpath Warden to lead the way? Interested? Contact Roger Forster: (SW 541 409), rforster@lenze.co.uk

Foul deeds I have recently had to start walking our rescue collie cross dog Bartie and would like to thank everyone who keeps the footpaths, both on and adjoining their properties, so nicely cut.

Because of my arthritic ankle I have to be selective where I walk and the route I have found the best for me is along the side of Gary Moule’s house and down Peter Grave’s field. Both Gary and Peter do a marvellous job of making sure that the footpath is well maintained as do residents of The Close, High Street and most of Thaxted Road. I am sure other routes are also well maintained. I also like the footpath up to Rowney Wood, where Peter has recently cut the ditch, giving a nice wide level surface on which to walk.

What really makes me cross is the number of people who walk their dogs on footpaths and allow them to foul and then leave it there for others to tread in. Do they not realise that although they are public footpaths they are actually someone’s property?

I wonder how the culprits would feel if the people that have their land fouled were to take their dogs and allow them to foul on their gardens and for it to be left.

Please be a responsible owner and clear up after your pooch.

Janet A Pearson, 1 Patmore Cottages


An “amazing” tour of Brooklands museum Maureen Woolner won the star prize of a family day out at Brooklands museum in the Big Debden Raffle this summer. Her grandson Alex, 15, sums up their day out in this extract of his report – the museum has asked to use some of Alex’s report in its advertising.

“Brooklands museum is an extreme engineering feat, the 2.7 mile long banked circuit was completed in just nine months of work, and with no modern equipment to speak of it was an impressive achievement. But it’s not just about the extreme engineering, it’s the history of the place and it’s really quite amazing… Rob Burton [museum tour guide] impressed us with his seemingly infinite knowledge of aeronautic and automotive history through the ages, but also of the planes and the cars themselves. He told us of the planes that are well connected with our area, particularly with the Eagle Squadron who were based within Debden… We returned to the huge hanger we had previously visited where the old planes stand majestically. The hanger did not just contain things like a replica of the world’s biggest bi-plane; it also contained bombs that were extremely valuable to us during the war. My particular favourite was the bouncing bomb developed by Barnes Wallace. It also contained a Harrier jump-jet which I was able to sit in the cockpit of with a guide who introduced me to the control system, and believe me it isn’t easy to fly!!! The old London bus museum contained buses as far back as the horse-drawn carriages of old which I was privileged enough to board… The next activity was the highlight of the trip. The Concorde experience. It took us through the development stages of the jet and finally took us up to Mach 2.… The day was rounded up nicely with a trip home in a Bentley. I would like to say a big thanks to Stewart, Jummy and Pete who not only made this trip possible but special. A final thank you to the volunteers of the Brooklands museum for their hospitality.” - Alex, would you like to be a reporter for the Pump?! Ed.

Pete Woolner and Alex next to a Hurricane under repair. The aircraft was flown by the Eagles Squadron from RAF Debden - squadron insignia is to the lower right of the picture.


Debden Legion changes at the top Michael Barton, Chairman/Vice-Chairman of the Debden Branch Royal British Legion for more than ten years, has retired. He has been succeeded as Chairman by Colonel (Retd) Roger Burgess OBE who lives in Thaxted.

In his closing message at the AGM on September 26, Michael Barton said Roger Burgess was an excellent choice to carry on the good work of the branch, assisted by officers and members who had supported him so well in the past. Michael said that in his time in office the Legion had lost several good friends who had served the Branch with dedication. He said he had initiated the format for the village Armistice Day ceremony and worked with the church to make introduction of the service more manageable.

Roger Burgess served in the 9th/12th Royal Lancers for 31 years, part of that time as 2 i/c of Carver Barracks. He settled in Thaxted after leaving the Army in 1997. In 1999 he joined the Foreign Office as a Queen’s messenger responsible for the delivery of Diplomatic Bags across the world. Between 2003 and 2007 he commanded Cambridgeshire army Cadets on a voluntary basis. He joined the Legion in 1997 and transferred to Debden in 2010, since then serving as Vice-Chairman.

Chris Hamill was elected Vice-Chairman. Poppy Appeal organiser, Stewart Luck, was re-elected. Once again, after so many years of sterling service to the branch, Chris Griffin accepted the position of Secretary/Treasurer.

Forthcoming Events Debden Royal British Legion

Poppy Appeal The house to house collection will start on Saturday 27th October and finish after Armistice Day on the 11th November. Church Service The Remembrance Service will commence at 10.45am on Sunday 11th November 2012 and once again we expect representatives from Carver Barracks and the Air Cadets to attend. Carol Service C Group Carol Service will be at Thaxted Church 3.30pm Sunday 9th December featuring the Military Wives Choir from Carver Barracks, the Bardfield Brass Band and trumpet fanfares by Cambridgeshire Cadets. The Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff will attend. We hope both members and Debden villagers will attend

Roger Burgess, Chris Griffin, Chris Hamill and Michael Barton



Round About Open Invitation: On Wednesday 28th November, Radwinter WI will be holding a "Flowers for Christmas" evening, with well-known local demonstrator Mrs Margaret Caton. Several displays will be raffled, and seasonal refreshments will be enjoyed during the evening. We'd be delighted to have some visitors from Debden! Do please let us know that you plan to come along by calling Judith on 01799 599563, or by emailing kentho@btinternet.com so that we have some idea of numbers. Time: 7.30pm. Venue: Radwinter Village Hall. There is ample parking just behind the hall, but you may like to bring a torch to supplement the lighting in the car park.

SPORTS HALL Henham & Ugley Sports and Community Hall at Henham Primary School is available for hire evenings, weekends and school holidays. Suitable for netball, badminton, basketball, 5-a-side football, clubs and many other activities. Onsite parking, changing rooms and toilet facilities. Reasonable rates. Please contact the Bookings Clerk on 850423 for further details.

U-turns and battle of the slogans Speculation that the Government could perform a U-turn on its opposition to a second runway at Stansted Airport has been fuelled by the appointment of Sir Howard Davies, a former director general of the CBI, to head an independent commission to look at all options for UK airport expansion. That appears to have been reinforced by David Cameron’s decision to replace transport secretary Justine Greening, who opposes a third runway at Heathrow, with Patrick McLoughlin, a former junior transport minister.

Meanwhile, in a battle of the slogans, London Mayor Boris Johnson has labelled the setting up of the commission as “fudgarama”, while Stop Stansted Expansion has also invented a new word - ”bonkeramus” - and attributed it to Boris for his suggestion that major expansion should take place at Stansted. SSE says Boris has neither the knowledge nor the authority to pronounce on airports policy outside of London.

In a reminder about aircraft noise, SSE says the best way to register a noisy aircraft to the Stansted Airport noise complaints unit is via the SSE website: www.stopstanstedexpansion.com/noise_complaint_form.asp




Cllr Andrew Tetlow was elected Chairman and Cllr Roger Forster, Vice Chairman.

Co-option of new Council members

Stephanie Watson, Stewart Luck and Richard Simmonds were co-opted.

The Chairman welcomed them to the Council.

Public Forum

Mr. Roger Burgess, Chairman of Debden British Legion, invited the Chairman of the Council to attend the Remembrance Service on 11th November and lay the wreath. He also requested permission for an RAF band to march through the village in the afternoon.

Mr Mike Fairchild, Speedwatch Co-ordinator, gave an update on Speedwatch sessions by the group. A flashing vehicle activated sign would cost in the region of £5,000 and it is unlikely that funding would be available at present. The group will be taking part in Road Safety Week in November.

Other residents reported the condition of the byway at Hamperden End, potholes on the Walden Road and Slaughterhouse Lane, Debden Green, and issues at Fox cross roads. The Council will contact the relevant authorities regarding these matters.

Budget/Precept for 2013/14

The budget has been drawn up and will be circulated to Councillors in advance of the next meeting as the Precept needs to be set and UDC advised by 21st December.

Recreation Ground - Trees and Hedges

Some work has already been carried out on trees and the Ash trees near the pavilion should be removed during October. The hedge on the northern side will be cut back by 3/4ft and reduced in height.

Flower Tubs

A number of tubs have been replaced. A carer is sought for new tubs at Debden Green. A list will be compiled giving the location of all containers and the people caring for them.

Road sign at the Fox corner

The Council is still awaiting information from ECC on a new type of sign. The Council would prefer to have the old (white) sign reinstated.


New Bench

The Council is extremely grateful to the Bridgefoot Gospel Hall Trust for kindly donating a wooden bench which will be placed on the recreation ground.

Keep Fit Classes for Adults

Following a request from a personal trainer in Wimbish, permission was given for classes to be held on the recreation ground on Tuesday and Friday mornings, the situation will be reviewed after six months.

Footpath Warden

The Council was sorry to learn of the resignation of Pat Hemmings and thanked her for all her time and efforts over several years.

Parish Council Meetings.

In future, meetings will be held every two months, instead of monthly. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 5th December, 8.00pm in the Memorial Hall.

The problem of clutter – and the solution! My wife labels me a hoarder. I prefer to think of myself as a conserver of items that will come in useful one day. When I’m persuaded to offload stuff at the council recycling centre, my conservation instinct sometimes gets the better of me and I may bring someone else’s junk home. I say ‘junk’ but I’m talking about new lengths of timber (kindling wood at least), a pretty teapot in the shape of a cottage (nice planter), and a skinny walking stick (almost cer-tainly a Chaplin original). So I was delighted to see that one of the suggestions in our Pump readers’ survey was a village ‘free cycle’ scheme where, to quote the group that now operates this idea on a global scale, it “matches people who have things they want to get rid of with people who can use them”. As a bonus, it’s environmentally friendly, encourages us to de-clutter (toys, prams, bikes, granny’s hand-knitted pullover?) and promotes community involvement. So, how about it? Is there someone – or a group – in the village who would like to set up Debden Freecycle? I’ll even donate my teapot. Mike Fairchild



Thursdays: Mothers and Toddlers 10-12noon Memorial Hall 2nd Friday of each month: Second Friday Club—8pm onwards at The Plough If you planning to hold an event in the village in 2012/2013 please check against dates above to avoid clashes and give your dates (even provisional) to the editors and they will be posted on the website calendar.

Fri Nov 9 Remembrance wreaths and crosses

Village Hall memorial 10.30am


Sat Nov 10 Diwali Sibbards Farm 7.30pm - 11pm


Sun Nov 11

Remembrance Day Service ATC march

Parish Church 10.45am Rook End Lane/The Plough 3pm

p5 p5

Wed Nov 14 Recorders talk: Rocks/Fossils

Village Hall 7.30pm p13

Tue Nov 20 Road Safety Week demo

School 10am -4.30pm


Sat Dec 1 Debden Church Christmas Fair

Debden Church11am - 2pm


Wed Dec 5 Village Meeting - Mulled wine Council Meeting

Village Hall 7pm Village Hall 8pm

p4 p4

Wed Dec 5 Tang Ting Christmas party

Carver Barracks p30

Sat Dec 15 Debden Christmas Party

Village Hall 7.30pm p6

Sat Jan 26 2013 Progressive Supper

Homes and Village Hall


Poppy Appeal Oct 26 - Nov 11



Essex Police 101 NEW non emergency (15p per call) Neighbourhood Police 07779 085615 Hospitals Addenbrooke’s, Cambridge ……………………… ...... 01223 245151 Princess Alexandra, Harlow ……………………… ...... 01279 444455 Doctors Newport………………....01799 540696 Thaxted……………… ....01371 830213 Saffron Walden: Borough Lane……......... 01799 524224 Gold Street…….. ........... 01799 525235 TEDS (out of hours)....... 01371877410 Dentists (Saffron Walden) Church Street…….. ....... 01799 528555 High Street……..…........ 01799 521357 Hill Street……...… ......... 01799 528209 London Road……….…..01799 523194 New Road…………........ 01799 521265 NHS Radwinter Road Hospital ……….…………………..0800 7833396 Churches St Mary the Virgin & All Saints Rev Hilary Davey ........... 01799 522616 Pentecostal Church Paul Baker……………… 01440 710416 Debden Shop 01799 541348 Karen Roper (manager) 01799 541634 Footpaths Pat Hemmings ………... 01799 541308 Village Hall Hire Tony Hudson …………. 01799 541577 pref. email;…. tonyhudson07@aol.com Schools Debden Primary ……… 01799 540302 Pre school …………….. 07845 101809 Newport Free Grammar.. 01799 540237 SW County High …….. 01799 513030 Friends ………………… 01799 525351

Transport Train times …………….. 08457 484950 Ticket booking………… 0800 566566 Stansted Airport…………01279 680500 Noise Complaints……….0800 243788 Village link buses 5 & 3...08457 000333

Debden Clubs Football (Eddie Minet)…. 07766 970296 Tennis (Roger Forster) ... 01799 541409 Table tennis (Jim Watson) “ 540721 Badminton (Richard Simmonds) 541084 Karen Howarth School of Dancing ........................................ 01279 651535 Building Services Watson and Woolner ...... 01799 541846 RA Gunn 07708 493432 Plumber G MacSwan 07877 193292 Plumber C Wolff.............. 01799 543679 County Councillor Simon Walsh ………… email:simon.walsh@essex.gov.uk District Councillor Tina Knight …………….. 01799 540881 Parish Council Members Andrew Tetlow ………….01799 541502 (Chairman) Roger Forster ………….. 01799 541409 (Open Spaces) April Gardner ……………01799 542288 (Play Area and Parish Pump) Stephen Jasper ………...01799 543141 (Localism Bill) Stephanie Watson …… 01799 540721 Stewart Luck …………. 01799 540866 Richard Simmonds ….. 01799 541084

In response to readers’ requests for more information, here is a list of telephone numbers that may be useful. Please inform the editors if any are out of date or incorrect.

Debden Shop and Post Office opening hours, p20.




4th November : Fourth Sunday before Advent

10am Friends of Debden Church Service of Thanksgiving

3pm Service of Remembrance for All Souls


9.30am Family Service 10.50am Remembrance Service

10.50am Remembrance Service

18th November : Second Sunday before Advent

9.30am Holy Communion 11am Matins

25th November : Christ the King

9.30am Matins 11am Holy Communion

2nd December : Advent Sunday

9.30am Holy Communion 11am Christingle Service

PRIEST-IN-CHARGE : Rev. Hilary Davey (01799) 522616 CHURCHWARDENS : Micka Brown (01799) 540395 Nina Manser (01799)


PCC SECRETARY : Tony Vernon (01371) 830801 website : www.debden.org