PUGET SOU D WEEKLY. ARGUS Sl prLE~IEN€¦ · Only Olltcroppingll oC eMI hUB been llt work I:: t1~...

Post on 01-Aug-2020

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Transcript of PUGET SOU D WEEKLY. ARGUS Sl prLE~IEN€¦ · Only Olltcroppingll oC eMI hUB been llt work I:: t1~...



All.. ,.A"II'. 10~tlt

OI:L ItI ...·'. III


Stock I



• -AoSlJ-






Pioneer Bakery,FOHT'J'OWNSEND, w.,'.



,\11"'. toSepl. "I~pL tilOcl. to


Otllt'll tluc1 ],ft,IIIt'~'

.AroUo Ovor-lIIh.oo••


(;ellt'~ 1.01114.'8" MI".'"C.'lI.lill Clilltl~ll'~H..'Ubbor Ovor·&h.oc.

New Goods!

Shoe Findings,Rigging Leather, Eta.

A colllplt:te a.oortllll'lIt o(




ANO (;H1LI1REX'S:SOOUll d> Shoo..

oc IIIe very be;lt Ijlllllllll'8 'ntl of tiM!J.lItl'at I'ntlllrllll.

Ane! !tcp.,lrlng t!J:~utf'd II! Iblllll, .lId "'I­1~(_tl()11gllitnllh'lod.

W A fill" ~hl", o( tlte l"Itollage ot thel.ubllclJ aol!l~lt.'tl.


The Law.st Rat.s for Cash.


~Stoa:ttl._h.lp DA1&.ota.2100 Toni, 1I.n. ~UIt.I1;.;.l·U••Ao.:-lllIll,

'VI~,~"r.rl~~~~~i'i: 'lilt: DATt:S IIEIlY...

!tAo!f "'U"CI~ M'. TO...·!I. &l'Io. \'IC'roIlU.

---- --- ----An.... ,. ~ .rr~nI. '''' ..AliI(. .. :"l111 • ...... 'Ilt. .. I .. ,. ',)(. ..lk;f. to .. .. "'. .,.. "

Boot &

,Ao1\' ,.t1A.~IICl),I". 'N'II'It'IL'ib. Yll"'TOtlIAo.

---1--'- ---

Steamship Cltyaf Psnama,IBooton•• W.IL ):AHt:KY,CO.·IlU.

\\,".1, 1.t:,\l·E os 1'nE TOLt.O'l"'SO


MEA.TSeonstantly on Hand the

"Ve&eu.bl.e...AI-a, oml"tl Bee( Alld Pork. Smoked

!l1'A!" Pork 11111 Boll'lgutl l;a1l'a~t:!So

JlI.'fld CII(-'t.~. Tripe. &:c.. tte.

T. JACKM~ &; CO,


JOHN P, PETERSONMerchant Tailor,

Vefli"lo18 Di:"lohn.r~ed.

:Jf"'ro:1sh.t-. Oolloo"tocl,

Teaming of all kinds done,It Itl'lllt'n.l,t.lllnl.... n'l ~111l'3cll/ln



W HAKJi'LNGEllS: -A:-ln-

Commission Mercha.nts

r _..--- . . .

:::E,:,~:':~R:,:T:r:: I:~::iag It i. Bid ~:.:~::, ~;~';and Hound I ~:~~~:'~~~~,~,:\U:~~~~.IU, S~!~:2~~,~~,~p'iml,I.HcN (rom ""0111, in tbe Jo':.st, malt- rescr9lltiOll will h",'o ~;;IOOO bu.ihols (:r.rtory ehB Ul(lnlinK lu"eNl ...hh (earful A'!OI T Ill( 1\ .I! \11 Olt WII I 11 \'1 r \w

. . . ,-- h ,( o( wheat. thi~ 81)83011, rallldlt\" a_Kiln & iTlOrt time reJ.clltlJ the . 110.:11111+.1 .Il~e~'f(lr I..", ,'r.nll1i,~ 1>n"I:"t\-inJf inquiries as to t e prosl)ec 5 0 roof. 'rite I!:ulplo/,'~' 100511,. girl. Wtro Illjflll,. Illwkllll/ln fur IIIl!ul.-1tm,1.oI ll"tlllCli"',"niog ricbe! in this T.rritor)'. Only Olltcroppingll oC eMI hUB been llt work I:: t1~ t llnl slltilourlh ~Ior~ 10 1I0<"11111l1 rellef.

laS' "cck our P. M. wu in receipt. (ound ne.r the \Vilhoit. Slltillg~. ~lI1e ~'lC.lped Ihroll~ til\:! Wllll101\""§ llJlOU .·ort: ']'uwIUH:~nd I IH.-plt AI.

o( • letler (rom parties in tbe Clack:unILSCoullt.)._ tlteroo(30(other,"',Il,lll~bl,ILltlill'll,.n.'l1 Th~.'l/l\'e In.llltition hll~l"'f I.leen~Slate O( lo"a, complaining in bitter eigllt or lell per s K't II I Ie "IlH'5. our nil II ,M·IIn.n('nt f'l/lfhIJt. ft~ 1111" 1',," ..11

( h I d The Coslil remaius oC the immoullC 1Jcidl~ ha\'a been n..'COvered. so 111-0';:111'\'\1 fol,I.·.I~~, ",",',·"r''',.', !:!:n,"",','"",",.'.~I','~~~,,',~tenus 0 t e povert! t mt. surroun s aniln.1 di interred at. Lake L'\bi~h .~ 10 be ahllO!!t be)"ollCll"l'COgllhlou. Ulu ~ "" ,.....,. """ -- ....them where they .rc, Ilnd all willlling I o( dathlng Jell to ll.e !l]cntlllc:uIOIl ,,( ~1l~~:~~~~:r::lllt~:~~III::~rr.:~"~no~h~J: l:'::to como:o the Sound. \Vltb marlY .re two much decayed to aloW' reo ~llIry Surn'. Nella KuelJ, .·nllik SlUllolr foil "lltlcclllnllll~"t'til1tIlrh'''h'I.'I~1I111o

. I . Ii It .( I constrllctioll of the skeleton. Rlld AIIn:t. l'olter. John HI:ull:i1ard. ell- TIII!JhI IIIt1I1Ul{ht 1;"lIenal 11''''1.11111 IIflrlhotherquenell t ley WIS to now I a· \V A L' 11' I d alll..."r. In the (J.etory, UletilOOllllf\er (rotn. of ~II t'l'tIllr~.1, IIml It)· (II' 11"'1111"'1'."11'bar illm demand l,t high "agoll. In • - leue Ing las COllllonle to rllJllrle ra'th'al. r~m~::!dll~I.I;;~~I~~~i~I"If~,~~I:'::ru~~~1(.reply to which we woult.l brieOy say. deliver the opening !Lnll A. J. Du(ur. ~t:W YOUK. Aug. a.--Wnl. n. Ofllen ...... \·0 IICfflmltlotlAll(lm. for .tHlllt olle hlln

'h,' "'r"o .r. not. ill demand, anrI the antlual addre sell at the comill£ IlIetJ III tlllA ('ltv thlll 1Il0tlllll~, ...etr ill .rell ",lflcnl~ 1111,1 IIro pecullarl)" Illl.lllctlas' b ' , 0 b 8 h '" ror ('fI,J(!~ ""'1"lrlnll Ihe 111,-,;111 <-"nlfltl fn·lIl·litua.tions witb wood salariclI ano 'tllle t·.lrl egllllllllg cto er t. IIc WIIi thc I1rst Ma)'or 01 l; 1k:nJ:O, Illd Imml "nil fOlIl"flUIf IIIOCrl·I.,0I1 lit IlInlll"1

• , ' I II~ II~t I'te!ldent oflho U. 1'. It. 1t. +'.11 ..·1\....,. 111('oW who IIclllro IhtlUi 11'111 I''''nothillg to do, are !lot to bu (ounu III 'fhe Ou machillery hA5 Ilrri'Cl at n,\l.TmOln:, AuJ,:'. J._'aulC!l T. lI11lt; t1rlll~hull "'1111 llrh·ttltl r'\lOlll~ ('nllrc],.this part o( the country; but (or all Albany. And worklllOll are 8ettj,l~ it ;lultl IlJ rcJlrckllt ]lllll"iClfUlrollghout tho g~I:~rnttlall(ltli ... thl\lI.Il.~ Il illlghL atllllllOllll.lwho art! willinlr to WOItK, there ill III" It will hl! finishet.l hy the timo l'UllIllrr:13 Jllmut·I'.I·orter. !It'i,lI'ct IICrYll.."C CArTho nll\lllUlln nl ~1ll1 n"'ncrtl. a"devery 0PI)()rtulllty to t.lo wall. Our lolu, flax crul) is rOluly. OrC~lJIl p:ws tlt'h·l·th·I' hilS b.,'tm .r~trtl OUll c1ll1rgo 01 n:~ICI1:II~~~"~;;~"~:: ~:l\~~::~~ ~';,-.~]~~~:II:~waters are full o( fish oC all kind!!, tlOO 000 Ct' 0 tl r I" IIwlwlllllA'. lIull· 11 1o:1In:t.lllIl'OIISI)lrm.:)" to 1If1om~ IU"I.olj·" will l~ U'CIII"tl t)1I1~I,la tlill

. , It )"ear \)1" WIIlO. III ~ Y iJ I'ob tile tolllb o( J.\1It..'('Iln. ]Ill IllY)! III n IIQIIlltlMl wlthol1l tllClllmOC In Iho \·C:il,..'l.our !tOil ami oliml\to proouco !lupcrior li~hil1Jf nct!!. ."ltttIlWf'ut l'tJuud wllh 11\t1l tll.'t ~oL Gllrrl- 'l'UO~IA~ '1'. MI~Un. )1. D.•Cruits, and alluvial bottolll·lltlllI!l 'I'C PhiladelphiA" Tilllo~.n 1'110 mtlll ,,1111. ,luhUll)' In'llllt:llllllllll}' Jo'Me3It):'.Il!1 !~It Ihuullrln"iill!'lCetlll.read, lo produce Foran (or tJllttJIlSi\'e who ('1\11 lilt .llllll ....."ar lo a lit'. lind IIII\\' III tile SIIIW'1I1'rl$Jll, 1111l"lllrclI Uelljd ' d II ' 'th I r tl I 1'·1 SUlllll1l III XCI\' York ikllllll )·enr11I!-t0..rIU!li an I' Wit IIT1 Q rClW 10 10 then swear ~haL IIJ !SWUl'e It' a. 1O.llllu IIAI.'flllom:, AIll:'.:I.-Thc(,tlfllt'ri4jnrJ!.Iv It illllnigrnut. \Vo hln~ rich \'1'1, ulten,nrtl Hwunr thllt hi'§ Ilut 1I\\·l,lllr· hi thl' ~'Il.;;" 01 th" ]>c"'01l'l kllk"llIII lhu l:ttllleyll wllilillH ror &cttlelllcmt-II\II.1 iag "!U II. Iic,.ba!l tll~llutlllr 1I.i. n ",i~. rltlL IJ}' II e nbuil o( lite Gth n:gllllCllt ~!llethal call he obtoined rroe, or at 1\ Ile~s III the \,;Irovor lI\YC!lUl(lltiOIi III III the l~lIIdu.lou thnt the \W)!llIcrlll)\'llIjt•mall pri('e, wbero hllndreds rna", ill 0 A" "fi ,lellh.lr.. II1,t.,I.:I gN"'''ttl'':ll o( UUlle.:'~lllr~

~ regoll. SIllS III"rEOIl Ill!! 1111 Ill- fil'lug ""Ii:'o IhUlU 011 UaIIIIllON!ltrect. '.l'11/J ....~D IfAo!lllrAoC'T\:JlVa ora (0. ye.rlfl ltlvO pltJlUl~nt fIllu at· i!lhed hillicstiullmy hi" llOculillrtlllt'nt rl"'llull.llJllllr (or the kllllllg 1'\l!Jl!J t'1I11rt:1} G t'd B I F h' bl S·t~riii~it:c f~~1:7,e:;ld ;:~~~esiill~~:1 ~~:~~:ll;t, lIIay lie rlillher lie,clul'l"1. \\'I~l.:~~:ey~j:~K7 ~1111~~t121.~~I.t~IC.~,II\II~r~, en san oys _as lona C DI S,

••---- , I "" I [8 1·ltt:I'AU.:U TO )lAKY. l'r Gfo:ST8can fi.lli IIIIUly Clltcrprises that Willi Tf'rl'Uorlt'.iI. ~I·'O:I.II tll 010'11 t1.:t A:lJ: II,l,k"l'Oll! II I'kllhlll~ lIet'onllllll I.. the Ltll'>lt

• Illd. OIl l'I~VIllI Wll~ 1101 10('1;1111 IIlltll .lllly 111~lIlnn" JlI""'-t1l1 af"'lIllfln JlfIld In n."Ilay "ell to ill\'cst \fl. :1()lh. 1I1It! II'IIS l..'I"otltlllllN Ihrough 11M: :Iln, Ilftl,lnlt Illl'l t t!ll1lhllf. T"l'm~ 11I00"·nl''!.

\\'e do not wiah immi,'ranh to come fir!,.y coal carslI.ru ill ':Ouri!lC o( COli' 11l~1 "'.1111111'" tlnall)' III lht! rc\'cro&c whkh Ih<-.. ,·n"."..nl)' un 111111,1 a 101 ur nllP,.. • L' , ' fl"l'nrh l:lmh."nd C_llIIcro-. ~IIQn IIlIllto this 'I'errit.ol'Y witll the inrJell. that slrllctll)ll Ilt n.1I llma. 4~'1Il, iii) olllluOUi (or the Ullh\IlI!J. \'our )II 1011 t'lu;JhuerN fnull Whft:b I*rtI••

alllleedcd Crulll thelll to insure (or· T.comll u 110rll.Id:" \\'0 h,U'C rl'!' l'Ol'n'~I"ILIt~ut Itl the letter 100\'C r('ler",~] alii ,..,1....1fnr thclIl"!I,·".,. I I' I I ..1 1 Ii I 10 ~pe:lk~ of\'I\l'loli othcrell\'UlIlllcro. hilt I.1IirtJnl~N 0-0111 a l.1l'llln... rromptlyal

tUlle 15 IIlcre)' 1 IClr prelence Icre. Cetllly lonaCu upon IIC IT':lt IICW lnp ul It IJn'lIlllllluy IIBltlre III 1II'1lll'h tile Hw ;T~I:I~I~~n ttl Alfenl fl"r the eelelmll.Ami fOr chlll'iJ: towllrd:l tho'e who &to\'CIi CAst at our (oUllllr)'. Tile ."". w.',"I~"lly bealen, bllt 110 r,:rU{'ll-If' ~ ~ _u I'oIh'Ie&''''r,....o·''"lnle&'~l"ohlllcentertain thei eaanllasoa :1S o· stovo ~....eighs 1.000110UIIII" anJ i~ Iltf"'O'Jltl~alf.lll'lIllorlmk..,,'(]theloll1.lIll1t Any r-rl)' dMlrln... tn ,mrcba...'"CI OM 01g Ulni to uur prolperit.y ~e wllUld mrulo o( frlKKI iron, .h,·r till' lllvlit rc· ..ndlla:l~ Ol'L1.lrl't"\l. I IJCrllllttt~1 b)' UII.... Ihe.ot.'t!-ll'lIal"lIllIChlll mn nUl nllll ...·.:nllll·

\' 1_.1 "" I Ilnlhorltl toootelc.",phtlIIlOL'al- 1IIIlItwlll.llhC".\II\!nl'~ ..,<tt Itll!lnl!"tol"

~lllinly 6l\)' I- OU Ire not IICCtu:u Ieellt aUII II.l'prflv~11 patterll. Tile •.111 • • 1" lIeln:n~ro. l{II"'~I1'. lIlntk' S~II .... alii

" II' (,' 'f ' r, ' , .. ~ ,ltll.lr'!,'therJ;n:ln."':I.g:thl~ltll(llr:Ill"IIlI'- II II k..... ('01I;lllIn1l)' (tit hnnd Alerc. . lit. to lIlell.O IUiIRf!'!5 I ~ prIce 0 I III IihH'e IS ." llillll o( n:P()~ ,,( I'\'eull ~1I1(llIg 110 1I1l- )11:::1:111('« "';"l'nIlltro riot' lh'e )·tIton an.!

.ud Imlulitnous h.llill-to thus~ o( I ThOll~.nd, Ila\'C Illrl!II,lIy II~ft the ll:mr"bl,\'1Q 11..:11" lrool)!!. 'I'hc tJc(~ual .ullt nn 1II0llthly 1*)lIlenl, ~ tllal eH'r ..

.. 1._. .1' .. h rc If e " I l'i 11' b<1 k ....... II Ir liuul1)' t'I'In ha\8 a ~illjfl'" )flll'hine. rul.UUlIU llUu "oew - .. 0 a se r· UII.ck llillli IIml I),~illt,; ill .\lufltlHlll II" !U1~ ll~ 1l0W' :l lllJ,:' C "1~·1 Ie InllrJICllnll§ how hJ openll. I.... )tKblll.]iant alking ((L\'ors of IlOne "lio r I .. r' II ~UIl'1"I lll~hal'telled :U1d lit /cugth 11101'- wlnbulCl>'en rnoe.

" h' " ' 1'" ., !lr t Ie Ih'" mllllll,.{ I lstrlct on 1M' ou.chly l')lI"iul'L~1 by tlldr lJt::\"llre /e.~lIi I'(trt, TOWIIMI,d. W. T.~ollllu.ellclllg at t e ~Ig I~ t:lll IlliC I 110m, Rlltl all r~l.nrt~ rro Ilthelll con- Ih~t Ihdl' march 10 COIl1~lIlhlUplcl~ by 1-------------==--=::-:- A LAnG.: STOCK OFIll" wllh the rJf!tt:rrll1natlon to reach I firm Iha "io" lhllL the l:""1It1II~I.()sit.!l 110 m~IUI~ :UI f':'~.Y olle. 'J'llt· Czar "'Ito PEOPLE'Sthe other end wllh ha.rd, honl!8t la'l or I"at re,:tinn MO !limply 1llltllellSO. Ihon~h lll\>'l."~ IIItkln~ • &lc:H ilHJ\\' otbor Rllt.I Ill ..aru Ileahn!:-to those The tliiltnnec (rum BI!lllllirt:L: tu thl!sl! "'lUthlclh.~. I~ tl~' r"C\'Cr;;o o( lIIgnlul!. "lid GROC ERIESII 't; we eXh!lul tile ~r- u( rrieluJ· II' , II ' "10 'I O\"I'Wlk'hulu wllh:,:rl"llIt U~lll~it~~ ~irARI7U'T,I ~ -TV. nuw go t liu t .. I~ oj 1111 t!3. 1,lllUluII I.. wl,t! u\'er Ihe ~II('( t1ll1t the .LY..J.. ~Ihlp, ~Ild welcolI~e .walla thmr a~fI\'al The ship Ventus. flU" Olll lOS HlI~'I'llI~ h&\"e b"\'11 dt'CI~I\'~I~' tle.(t"at~] 011on the prollul:tl\'c tShom or 1uget e11Y'S rrOIll Hio JlIneiro \\'111'1'0 he btllh Illllka mul til.. lllllllllllgl1 1'1ibeit:llul Opposite Waahlngton HotelSound OlloortSG SfH:K. "'I 'r . '..J h ' d 'I :llIrf'IMktl(ortbepre*llltle;&~nlll Uyor

. Ill' pUllll or rell;'lIr:l. ,"'J 0 18 :I~ Y ;)1111" 'l"lIrks., h -llIJurl)'-cllj)pctclII\L T:lCOlllll \V1th .\·rtIl_"'~' ArG. 3.-SIXIN'1I IhotNllti

1'11£ SIIAII.·_'l'H:llIlll.f.nilicclIt. ip "e a curuo or 1.:00 tOilS o( I'lIitllUlll IWII t1lk~ It·tn! linin'll (rull1 Au~trl.l. A reglO( \far, llltlioubtedly the 1lI0lt power· IIllJ materilll (..,r thc~. I'. brll.nch !IIeul of f'1l:;ln~r<'lleit I.~tlll::::ht (or tlll~llll(ul e\ el' Oil the Pacific Oceall. i!l now '1 J :111'1 ;IIIOlhcr IHlUit 011 tllc lronllcr. \\ arat E.tI,uilllalt. with Adlllira.1 Udlur- r..1 roa I I~ 1',lu,ltlel'l't1 ]II'fIMbie.

h Sf I . I 'l'll\! Lnudon .. Times" oon'ltlcrs thllt• cy 011 board. 'I' e ,al I~ a W()()t, FlllI'l'I:\"I.-Tho !tt'hnOlll'r \\-. J.. Ihli l\'~k'!I work me:\lUI cltber t11tl pro.tt,..ell·cucd irolt· (rigate o( 0,1110 Ut!cue, h(l~ lx'UlI ell.rlorcl! til IOJltJ \'lItloli ot the Wlir with 11I1lI1~lljCl)' ]11tonI .ud 7.47';' horse power. lIer lumher I'urt utakol)' (M Australil. el"C:I.......1(01'l.'C' and mn-;t stlllX)lIrn n:lIllllIJlll'lol'th is :J:JJ (cct.• llrOlld\l1 lit. r~~~.. arijZ North 'tllr CUIIIUS to ."Ultt I'0rt t10l! on tile I),ut o( ](llylll or el~ tho aedrart ~fi••nd clune. lL crcw til 1.;.1 a (Ill Ill/get :-'Olllllittl IUlul IUll1ber for (1IIldt-"CIlI.'it': IhlltrPjwt'r~11:: (Itllll,l ~~Ic11u1l told 7:; of which "'0 IflllrUI'·ll. It,uie 'lle.l'cru,luhlcuflltU \\'ltlillitrlltft t:llllllgf

ll~i ~n~I~~~ea O()ll~hllCI~I;llI~1

]Ier fuil II.rllllllllCHH cUllli"ts of tu ur lIodll. hi S:llltll (·rui .... tJlllttlllllll- :;::~~:~I~I~lIo\\"expa'tL'(I. C:]helll~rcI:(UIIII. o( If!lich tl.O llru :1 iUi:h I~- il'll lIhi!, 1,llt", 1.... 1ll tOII'\ l,urthl'lI, to Ilrc...~nre tlllll;zar (l,\:11 tile more h" will 00

'0" g""', I!i'rht 1J4 poundur~, uti tIll) I II' >',' , I ( m·,IIlI.~1 tOlllllllmOll to Ills Bitt til" 1"'IllCr" I k tlill IIlII Jur It .. I jlllr t lullitlilt ur untlolllllllllull!. AtI~lrlli h:t3 Ihown t1mtIIpperdeck; /lntl on the mliitl 1l!1.\ \,oalll:tral..lI, fllIHltl!I"'I D!)tioll logo 10 IIheholditlM: rll!nol' tile IInlgllrl.u t::llnlillcen 1·illalll;,~ toml. Oil tll!~ lip' PIiKet ;;;'''1I1l11 or Bllrmrtl rnlaJt. Ita· plIlJ:1I III her Inlmh. 'rho ~IIJ::hWU mCl!_)ler tleck hl'r t.,.,11 t!·illch Ilivot ~lI1IS 1I"1IiilUI lthill SUI'I'l'i;I' t,. Iu lei IUlnbtjr 11I.~· till her /l:lrl....,nlll t..'OlllllCllltc HWlilhuliiwhich are 1l1(l1lfltCtl furu lI.mll\~t 1111' .. Burrnriliulul ("r A,lulllidc, N. S. h' n'\JrII"f tile IJ.lIllillo ulIll 1.'OlIlllIer thod.."I,. [ur,"'","u alUll,uu,llIud which II' 'I" '" II b I' Au~tr\.llIl\lIll.Vboron! the)' l"\luhl IJI'Ol'C)cll.... I" IC tlp,.ca lI11t. e l)lIgula to wllh thcll' 0llCt:ttloll'l lllo"lhl~t Ille'l'llrXscall be \rllillUd 1I0'! lU fire all II. Ilh. aon11lt1. 111.IUlu; &, (;0.• ill IIgain For till' tlllIebchlJ; l:lIlol'lllllt.1 1'1 OUI o( fhowitb thu with tilt' kocl al tho tho lihip cIlUrtered tIl CIHI'.V cual (rom Ihllll~rt· I'ltngll or Iho OOIlII'Ih.~ltrllll~, IIIl1I can litTOn!ill Clll!\illf" or o<.'iul; chll5t~. yhu lire lilly til SMI Fr:lucillult at.a.5U per til rem:lln fJuict!"O IOIl"I'1~ tlKlI'#' I~ 2 pro~-

• f I , ,.... t o( IIIIl WllllnelltAf ,)OWCI'd Illl\'!lW tolIIullern Iheur,. 0 1111". IKCtlCS IS t1 tOil .... Thc 10lal tUllll:l,!;"O clll\tf~rt!ll 111'("ml ~!tt.tr Itlttirc;;I... '"hurlllltlllOli u( inlll rrolllll.l1ulIllJ~r.:rIill Iln t'rllllcisoo Cllr thll "Pt·1t uuJing \"I("T"II\". Allg. 3.-W. P. 1"1"'1.:. n mo­gUlls un " svctiull o( th6 C1IOIII.\' S J ul)" '.!tilh, wu 7.~71 LUlli (Ir ""iL'IH 11111011 wllu h:ti llt.-ell ~lvln" "t':tl1l~ III IhlilIitie nl tho salllO IIIlllUent, lIl1d to ell- ~o the Unitell h:ill,KtI'JUl. IIIltI l'i,tH'! dly rIll' "OlIIed:a)"i &1111 brlll.clll~ lip WhAtIble thu SlIlI.h to acc01llitliflh thill her tons (or miiCcllllnllOU1f CilIl'j{d ttl lither I'"rl,,/rtt...lln bt! Ihe (t1rIllHJr,le:...IIJl!~Il_,

b d I I lJ Wtl~ fr:1111ll.'lll.tit nl)thr. Ill. 11'111114 lit!IJr lhides ClllI e IlIcl:Iorgo\..y IJurts. Tlte II11elUtJlu1cJ tOlIIl~gU nrlll~"·e"IIlIl(';I-e.] III Ihe 1lIIln·.f1l.i!..,1 to L"\()RWAIIDISO ASIl('O)IMlSSIOS BUSI·eleclriciLy. The hull u( Lhe shll) 18 110" ill that purt ....alung ehnr~en 1'l"l!\'f:!lIt 1111I1..'\lrotU IlIlItttle4 t1ohl~ mil. r n~ Ilf'\)IlIIIU)'ullendeoi to.wootl with atl iron (,1I~ing o~ .bout. ",n con ill! o( 40 v~"s/lill with a (,ui.:L~jty chid. tlllil h,'\Yu' pl:llx'Illn IIC:lblllet. AI G()(Jrl (laT ,\sntiKt:~;s woon ALWA \"8inch ill thi/·knuu, the lJ:l.ok.lIlg belug or;j,j 38!) WIlli. The hi::hust ",hllAt h'r 11M: l1'I'''t' nr "II hour he 'U:I Inl.:ell on II lid.•\I,oo,rouol''''rk.t,·nk. Sh?is full hir rigge,t .ntl ch.rt~r was .£.! 7 to l:ork...•• Pu Z~~ehl~I\I~I~~t~I;~al~:·ll~i:=~~~::~u~::TI)lOTIIY 11,\1'. Al.w.IY810S Il.\sn.Iitreads IUlIlething like all Icre of get S....Ullt.l ship \Vtld",ood !,Ulit al [11011::11 1M' h:\l.1 lII:l'Je st~IlI"JUi ~t1()rli to __callva~, lIur ClljJllcily (or coalls"ery l'llrt ~lallilkJu in 1 71 11)' If. A. rn~' hllll ..·I(. AoOI\U. IV.Krut Ihe bcillJi( ahle to Iteam o"er .\Ieigl haa just maJe the lhurte.t I. tuCUlo. .4.11);:. 3.-·nlO "'1'11Il~" .:"'.t iSltUatOOmUet'r,~ (X)IJ'tnllclt with the wiml deanl.neat!. lUll 'I,:e 011 recorJ tu Livcl'I)Oul CI',lIl1 :ota~h •• w ~/I''Clul ~.v,": At h.'I(.'.....t I Ihli Suttle Bt'tr.l\11d:. • .. d II I .. ~.e ',.1 . 1II"rulug LIM: IIIll-t· 1~"'-I"Oll" II." that 11M l.err IIro'lI SollA Wattr alld Hoot Uttr.1 he Shat. W85 COtn11lISSI011tt Ull .'e a.1 ",ulnC CI)3.!it l)Ort.• ;-. Ie lI.rrlV~tI III vl.lt\"ll :"1;:ill:lW r=-IIer (ur Ilx re.rsbroke __

14th o( AUtlll!ll••1It111 tho lirlt Ihlp L"eq)l)Ollalit wwck In Lilt tlil)'11 rr,lIn ,lIllllI t! ... 'lo::tlll ~lI.\r mill allli :tIt worlo;, \1.1. nt·fl.ISK-'IS t:"'TKrSTt:o TO 01'11e h IVh' h , I U_, .' I r ' I ,., 11 'ho I I , J ':Iu"e will n!ldve Il/"OUJllt Ion(\. a.tdlllthat i!llittetl Witt. t c I~e e.t tor· ~f ,~Ii. ena ~y: ,ower ...... I un~lll. 01 IUl't., 4'0.• It!, I' un~l'. e g It, III e~ 1I11e1ltWII.

l)Ctto fond is .IIM) 6ttf'tI "Ith ull the flllr carKo tOll hted tiC allHut ,tiu (rolll thh ~ity. I he ~~t .. \)..,,~ .. ere 1I~ __

, (.e' • dd r d I 'nll ( lar,l....t lu tltt! world. lot.'\/ clpadtr 'h'e C~T(l Ihe Inen-hIlnl~ nf PortTotnl,""nfl.atest p.t 'nlll or urll1g.. etc., ru urIton~ 0 oro an Ii lO~t II tUIl" nor- hUIIIII'L"ll ami lIn.y lnrrcl~ IlI'l' 11.1)', "hkh WOJ wm.-)'Ihlll ....t" ""....11'1: IlH"OnrK,~Jd"lInd

.... Ilich II verv IiiI'Ve c.n 1>0 "''',rke(! chilli,' dll! u5PtI III luallu( ·Iurf"". 1I,Il"' :J1I11t'~lrn)L'oI. trw-IIIt::r ...lth It Ihou .,h·.lIt"Ol ,he nlln IHr )Ollr lnlilthl I~IJ... lorI '. I I'" ~.. "Ill. II we OI!rllllnl)' ~I_I ,our t-'ro"IW".hy Ite.Tn. Jcr highest 51l~el II , Ellllel'iencod na.utic.tl nll~1l 8aY tlml ~ud k'l:t ul JllICklljl€l. Ix million t.'t!t 01 ... '''I hM" Illtenoled 10 1'0'1-'1'1\ InU. "lIlllrln,r.

klllltian houri l;. knoll howe\'f!t lie' OWIIlg' to liglH Willi I.,. off the Low~r hlllltier. tiny thotl'llllll oorrel o( It." lind delh·Ctlntl )otlr 1JOOIl~ ft)r IllIIn)" )t"llf"

ittg considcrcli quitu (ast enough. Caltfol'nia. CUlf.!tt, the" would as "1011 Illr~u "IIlOlllltn( ,hllll'~. ~ta\'t"t, II("..dlllJt'l- ..~!; a", "1II11rf'Pftre<II(l t10 all four ....ork.t'.k•• ship to Live'rl)OO1 frum '''11 Cit:, !.:21,lrllllun"'ll'lllu llwo worlo~ III/IUtr I.lraml relll!OlIlIlt/1l rrk.... CO

----... tel" o( a f11lltlofl tl"lIl1rt. 'I'I~ pol)" ro Ii ot H. L. TIBBALS.t .,Tho ~iIl of ,~rthcr Phinney. o( Francil('o II- CI'OIl1 .\f"Il',lalena. U..y. Ilk: 1"l:lbll,!Il11tnl lUllnnlltl.'l1 If) t\\'t'nly P01.t '.rown~onu, W. T,

Pert. Ludlow, filell fur prohatf'. !I,,- .•.. Bal'k ClI..!t!lllndrll A,lalllJ, built at thO!l,;i1lC1 I~r week. Two hmulted Imlljueathllpflll)"rt)' ,UlIlP~ at 'lilj.llOOl:S,ellhe~k lad t·Il!', c.le-arcd.(or,,' ',I tiny 111"11 .·i!te 1111'0\\'11 Ollt o( emplo.v.! Snn:..-MIlJ'!I1. Jnn. U~.Ilf'",.Jf\.nrll~.

In r~lati,'elt lUld (rlclltl.., III 5Ullli rrulIl . ~ flUl('llICu (NIIl ~al\allllt) With ....1] t H~~::I.lI~I~~I?~;~ Ii a par.lly1.lllg one to STEA1\[ T UG ~ar;>I;~~nJu~~t~~i.1~~~~f::.";~ .. III ..11t:!!"!O to $1/1(10. A IlIJll~jl lind lilt un tnn.ol coal, tho larj(e t carR'O ~\'tr P.s.at'lIjC1' (ronl Portlllntl.ntlllp-..~.:lIIndtiln Jnst' avontl(' ill heljucftthcd to his "IHriml I,)f allY ~acilic .COlI.:lt lJllllt I ' • A" 'I'h N L D I (lflI'U wlll"lllh f'lIltt ~1II1f11n:l1l l"IIn1",rIi t I ttie I' Smith IIlId 11 pleceo( \·flli!ltll. Iho rrelj.{ht 1,111 on tbl~ HUlIonf.n ~.sP.XATIOS._ e I IlW ID 0 N A And III b conm'l'llttll with Ihe {lIy '1'

fer. ,0 .• I (tOO Z I I "ll·r.II" . "1'," S Do'I"rlll ill Port. I.udlow 10 !lou'rt J••1lI0tllllt"tI LO the IUIIl 0 "'J~~. .CIlI4~H C I "Ill.. h- I'AlHtlnJlAt \,h.·lorla. tClIllIllI' ula\,, '1 l' G'orU'c W lI.rris I - - American flal( has becn ht.>llltt"li atIOA.,t. ~<>-u. Libby. g....... lhroll$l'htoOlympl".

I III j.(6. n 'I'" . '. 1..' 1 A' d I t' . (h • ..... '1'h4"R' !'leAm"" I"IVI' Vlctorlll at Ilonnaro 1,,[, u'~ ,1,.ru5 or thu Pirtll& ~tin- ,:--"s r, n~XI·lllCI1 Utf· "t.- ,I'" :--,"/IIoa, .111 un ~33 .m Ilotlon I) t.o I ',',.'"' h IV 11 k r I) "1 I,' 'h , '" . on Iho day Itlnl'tl.e:l. tl d.l are !t00t1

i C . t IfJeltlvoLtlltochar· fln·11 Ip ., -."' .. urt II, vtlllSU IlirepIUHlteu lIt .lllltlorl· l"III'lSt:wASlll'nWt.RYl'I.I"Tt:\\1 I. Ii Ilh h


UKI I omp'II)., a '()I',,'u," (',.r,,'"11 l'o\'~rl', Bark Norlh We t, ~bdi!lUIl, tiell Itt Wa!hillgton. the 11111&11\111 u( I~ nm_I'tI~II)' louOllllklml...., "4)"1:\0 ollir 01. tilt' .rl'ftmel or l'l'IC II ~Yf'"II n (ltH]IOlh;!I. I·." . t.. • bl I N" 'G 'II h ( 11111.11111 f'Ill'·". 11llrdlll.lCd. anllue /lnl tnUlo("m )Ie. ~or

a I (' \\' 1I1.1rrill II( \V3ihillg' 1i.. r1ltllltllttl c.llllllll. '\USt'hItM.....m e. t 1/\ • ulgator~ ,roulI WI oncu ur (rdght or Illl.""'~O 1111r.11 olll""'rti. or to

toll',,:co.r,.o '1l'hl'rln I Bill'" SAllcd Hllrkcntitlo (;rlll.l. Boberu.. wllrc1 h/l\'c 10 he aocOllntcd ill tho !tirllhlpmlllth'nlwll1l1l1'lIltotlll'lrllfh"Uf- 11. ,. ']'II)I\AI$,n errl nr)', '1111 v ..,. 'I" ,. II k () S 'r I \ ' C' .,. ,,, ". I G",'''' ".a' "'r ",,"., o-""d

l.y.",I "I,.rl",.I,,',"',".'tnn,u( Clili PI1rti u~n5L'..'"ui "!,!I' ."egu'_llcat pOllllesstr)!IO tiO. flICl'lCan ,o,erll- nl/utOIll·l'llnlllleIJU."\lo,,.'·le. ~" " .. ;xl •

v ' • ,I l K r·... rOllt lu-enl UU ow Ulcnt l'u.1.Ir~b""I)''l'UIl'.'' l'UII"t"MIuud l'on '('owIlJIelld(I.Irnia, a.re Bppuilllr'd ClljCutorli. I 1'!:,It.... I..··








l ell







C01lnl ry.


"V'VEXn..J.,.;L1ttur nud 1'1·oJ.rlt·lur.







-IS FUllNISlllm \VITU A-




1"IRB811)); OFBnmr F.1Jl1Ll'


i~ 0T'o,vino-o ""

-------._...__._--~ ... ...--..-~-~--

1'JIEJ'· S UDSCHTBE .11' O.'·CE FOR Till;

Orders from all parts of the Sound

be Promptly attended to,

Its Columns arc al\\':l)'s Filled with Spic)', Condc..:nscd and

Is issLlcd el'ery FridllJ Illurnill~j nt Port TtlWll~Clltl, \\'ltshillglnll Tcrr

Terms'O·$3 per Year, in advance, • Six months, $1.50

SUbSCl,'iho at Once lut' n p:1.P('1' ihat

wilh lh

tory, l\nll is devotctl cllpecially to \.1m !Jtl~t inlerest::. of I lilt COlllllius or


To PrcscT\'c Intact its Firm ~Ioral Tone and 1I1:1l Puril), of

Thought and Expression so otten Sadly Neglected in ~Iodcrn


,lc(fcrllOll, htlnlUl, \\'Imlcolll, Sllll .JUlIlllUltl Clfttlall1.


CAS I:l. On Short Nolicc, Itt the ,Vost Rertso/laulc Prices.


John FitZIJatrick,





J. t In AT 'r"" 1]' t .'1LL KINJ)S~.lOR JrOllK01' ~OWlJSOIH JOO '

and Shoe 8tol'o


R1~IlUmION IN 1'R1C1ts

~Ir. 11011'(> will :'('1Il1l11l III I'ort 'I'OWI1­.1'1,,1 olle mouth. \\'11I gtlamlltcll all Itl~

1\·',I·k. ~I

l'I'rmllJnl\' I.. PlI. 1'11111';0 t·h"I'~I1. 1Il0rnlll/flIn,II·II·1I1nll.I'I· Ill" 1"'''loll'. 11,'\'. ~Ir. l'n\·I~.!-uh"lIlh ~h{)t)fll"t1~m,l. 1'lll' 1,,,1111(' hwltllii.

1'1"'1\( him: In 1!1'l 1·1~· ..h\ j,'rlltll dlll ....:-h. un~"",I,,)' nexI, 1,,1)1',,111:1 1111\1 .·\·,·,,1.. ;:. 11\' Ih~IN.~llIr. 1:0\'. John. 1I11c. SunLll~Y :-choul II~n~111l1.

'l'hl'r<' ...111 IJtl III)' !W'r\'\(.'13 tn tiH' .'1. E.l'ilul·d,til It ",<'I,w'k ,\. l\t., 'Hud'l"ICII II)' Ill'. )l< .1'. 11111.l'I~'m hili:: lit r~~ I'. 31 .. roy \I"\'. 1'11\ III "h·,·~.n(So·"ttlf': ~lIhl,·et·-ll""I\·lIl n( Udl/f'"n. "Ir.~~:~'~I~'~!~II:;~~l:1l III Clll'UlllkllUi \1111.·)' 011 :'1111'

8CIIO(l), will be opclltJt"1 (Ill }IOlld:l\'nest llfler 1111. Prof. J. 11.111111, 01Senttle hns IlCCCIlICd lhe utTcr of :l

JlI.lllili(lll ItS Jllll>itiull llg priucipld l IImlwillllrri"e to C(lllllllellCC hi::! dutil'SUll Moudl\j' IllMllillA'. \Vc ('OII~mt·

ulult: tho IrLlH~'l' IIlltl IlInlllll-"I'r~ "fl'-choullll:lIICrs llp0l11heir ..:Iwice (JilllI1An who suetnins Iltt' cll\'iablt: rt:.putati\lu wllicll Prof. 11:&11 hUH.

---------------~ ,~...-_ ....---......LOCAl. 1'1-:\\'''', II, """I,' " "~,,,.!"'1''',';,,,,,ll Telegraphic Summary, I

__ Ihr.l1l,.:h 111(' \ aile\' ullllt' :--1.n;:'1 rl\ "1'/ __H~:\·. ,1:0:1', H.\, 1\. pa:-tM .,r til" arl":I'rtH~ IlJ":;\~lllnllll~h ll:tl~.\i.. il· ~,H\:-.ro"', ",I" ~-n,·i,.:II(1rt"rror

l'rNl.,·trrilllll·llllrdlll{llli~ l,l:h" ', I- ill': ~I.l,.!jl Ii'., :.lld 1.:1 ~·""11cr.I'llt d(llllillillt h('n'. At cl"lll" of dawnl'I.c:~ill·at !tIIIlU', IlflN :111 r~l'.'lw~'. 1\\ 11.1\0' 1101 r"Im {:'f ""lit"l ial ('Olf"" 1101 d:,y. tIlt· Il1il1(' "111[11"'''''8 han· ill.hll\h,lUI Ihr.'" 1111111111~. dllTlh:: \\111,-10 1"'11.]"11"" (I 1011' III,," I,L, '. 1,"",,~~il'lI I.r d.I·.- t .. <l1:V:lI: \,"d,-

""".,.'·.~lI\Il:l~I"'·Il[alt~.\illlll' ........ ,'III ", "

J' . I II I II r, 1.1 ~ I' I al" ". \'1": 11,1111'"

1':,I~It'r1i :"I.,·tl'" 111,,1 l'·lrtl~· ill \'il I I ' ~ \1'1. 11.ill"~' "f IJI,~ III" II. ';1", JlI~1 ""II luiu"I' "':l~ 1;11., d "Ill. 'J III'l':lILl'",fMlrili..\Ir. 1i":1 hll~ ~Illlllli it d... ·id- tllll~hl'll 11Ii II"\\' 1"1'''1.1''11. (' 'II Ih.. 1II,'t IUlIIII\('!I'll1 -"d ~hfll" 1IIIIh l",i,w(.,Il\' ,,1(,(&':1:11 lil :ll·l. 1~1 :t('~'\Ir.I:\:II:'· lrill. alld i.. 1~""'.Ht·(·IlJl.\ill'! 111I"~1l11l'" w.. ll arm".l. ' ~-1I111ber5 \ICI'(' l.ilh.::1"ilh Ihe 101'riptllnd IIIJllllt·tlllll II, 1~ 'I'll(' ~\ll\l<;:" 111 11" ItI:aL :tPJ1~:!nllh· .. 1and .... 11U1"1 ..,1. A(t",r lh(' "II('lHlllh'rmit .Lfo(ul '-L1r liMn In li.e ~t.lll1(,. J IJ~\" 1;"lIIlol.'H'S ('~IIIl("lt \\ 1111 1:1"Il'lul lour· Ill(' ~Iriloer~ 1l('t';1l!11l dl"lOlWrallJ lindin~ .'lljll,,,,,t! tht.! full ~rllllhlll tJ~ 101II- ruUlIUllIg",. said lhllj' "'lIllld clt'an (jilt I.:\\:r)· l-hnplolt: hl.'lOH·\lll(>~" l.lrc\IIHI~ In 11l~ .Ie' ill ,!r(' cilr \fbf'rl' IIIt'll wen' nL wUl'k.e 'I' I 0 Ilim ~Il:. ISliac lIall, (If th.. Hull tIro,;. '11:1rlllrt: In I II' :-prlllJ!. It'll W f"'. ~ Th('j' marehed tu Diclll!(lll'S work!'iTllh~ ~llj(l~'II1f'llttJfr\11tbl: IUI[lpllll>::" r't,l'l l.wllo l '! \11'111 til 1\,1'l :\ladislill wll('rc • Ilululler uf lllt'll wcre al

II I 1'( 1"". IJllr 11 f,'I\' t1:!,\!' n~1l til >:II'PII,!!lh"!l th·,Ihnt "'(It \ 1'( It: l'llli ,;,,' , \Illrk, rlllli hetc nllPther I.Jloody ::.c('lLt:in!! hi:, lIlilli-tr.\' hl'fI', .\Ir. I;'''' h:, .. "1'1i'''':lI'1' 1:"I'''III'r f.11' lil'r ll'ip III wa" ('IIIH'If'll!.

1" llllrl,.1 \dtlL UI+lirilll' 11'11 I.. allalll .\lI'-lfali.1. I \ I '1'1 !1 'I ---------. .'" •. , •• ."'lll''', • II;!., 'il.- l(' ;11 Y 'l'.I~ 8.~ ] ---I!u' {,I'JI'l'IS (I hh ('.ilhl\~. ,llli IL. \\(11-,\ .'[I"I'r til !'lIn 1:.lIlI"l" .. ~1\\""l"n""JlIJlldt:lLttlk~I"lpl.ill;: 1.1 .. ()U tltJ~Krl~ J... ~'J~ll~ ]']Il(jl~l\{ l' )ll'1ll111 lht' 11111.·11, ,'k 111111"1 Illl '~"llr!' /lcr:llll"I' I,r!: ;.. .'llller. "f ,hl<; Ilmll IIOIlL lilllg-,Ili.l, ":::1\t'S a ,1"':lil"t! "t: - ~ •

"lllIl0\\' rl'("'I\e 1Il1l1t' 1~IllIlIICI':lllIr. 1'.1~-f't11rlr ..llCh Ihl~ pOll )'estcrlla; 1'1Iunt ul tr)!htLIlO'. 'I'h~ Turki:oll r<lr· .------Ull'f :l.\lelllHJIl 111lL1 !f('lllhl,llll 1:' II::. I 'I" I("'~ c"tllllnt(>t! at ,)(J.0l.1i,1. lIlld art'I I I ••meiCtlc\ IOll Illi \f.I)' It). all . r.IILCI:-CO.1C I" ,~ n partllcr " ":,'" •• sIrllllgcl.\· fllllitil'll, BIlJOsil11l force.

ali II "II!'IJlIll~ct illtlce,1 I.e 1111\'1' 1111 1 En ,,"' ... 1\ E 11IlJII'O\I'IlH'llt;; 1111\" Il',.lt:kcd the Tllrks :lml f{JlI~hl t1ll'11Irl'M'OIl to uOllht. \\'c CUll onl) Jtliu l llUl'lI "Ulllfr "" ill ('Ollll'llt;lll-:' tlh'ldl~PCl'lLtel)' \llltil ufter l1i:;ht.fall, LutWith tho 1ll!!.(1) \,.ar~1L pe~go.tlnl fricildlo ~1;:htl,)"I~.. ijCll(,C of .'Ir. T!los Drum· \\CfI' I'qmJl!eJ wilh great loss on bothof tho hippy pllir III \,"Il\~I.1tl.~ lholll Il IIIUl1d, o( tltl;; place. ISidl'l'I'IOllg ami pro~perOl~s .111(' l·ro.\I'I1~·d • "" \' \ C l' k' Iwith the ilW\'itllhlo lnlll~ of flllth[ul "" ew OI~li, J 11,(;. \1,- L11 III 19'1'T,'

A:- f'''l·llllll~l· :;a.\'!1 dmt '1'. H. ~lf'r· l'ral~ C(ll1tlllUC to "'pUIL Hu ....i.lll IIl:l.S,lal,ur rill' tile )lllsl('f. r I 'I 'I' I .,

r.I·, \11'1111'1 y "I III! • )1"1'/1'\' I, llO ~11rrt·S nf '\1'IIIHIIlIlII'dllll~, II·hil" J:I1~' PUGEl'" -, I) I (,.. Ilrcpal,il\:': In :.Ial t :.l. 1\!'W:'pl'lH:1' al !oIi:lIl~ r4'1'1I1'1 't'1Il'ldlOll 1111l','!l{'II',; '11'1 ' JI)n:p.-;:iir JIlIllt'S "II,l{ II;:, II II', 1

toria U. C., 011 the ni:;ht ur Ihe '!d' .\5turl:\, UI"';.:'''II. _. Ih' (·11l·i...1ililU". Bull. report:; IL. I duubl

J I · ' II 1 al·I'tnlf'.iIl51.,1)1l5SC (r011l11LSlt·I'f!·~trlll Ill" 'I'"", ",i" I,lll'a~ rllll llu"I)uUll elll "1 I ( I' I ' I I' . f ,., c- 1 II' IIII'st rOlll ~ .. 1.'\ I::! t rat I It'illltiOl.1 to It!st thc rt~lIlLl1"'s a 11I1 .'Iund:!)· llliile,<uill!! ill \cl 1'01'1 l;lllil' I· 'I 'I

J I \1 I:' ~ :1l"lOlilll,;; I;I\'C 1IJ!:1l11 )1'1'11 defealed,I'terllll.\' beJOU I .Ie I!rli.\·~. ',1'. ble. ~itt} .....a,; tltkerJ vir ilL hi.,'IL lidl.:D I 'j I IlH.il':..:' I:,.OUO kill ..d lUll! wOlllldt:d.

".ug U6 \\"I\S one ,OI.t:tC }r~t W 111"1 011 \\'e,11Ic811ll)·. E>..I'l'l'llitl":llt Lifltl1tllrrivetl ill B,.I.rCSl\h.mh of tlte IltCIlllJ ClJl1Slj was •• _(11r Il1l1n.\' Jellrs head ltHlll:tl!~I'oflhtJ DI'ln IllLlt',thc l'llrk \'('nlU~ 11:1" lii!ill, It::.l:-, 1\ III!. iilh, uull agralliilIudson B.w CO,'! RlTairs h"re, :lIld hel'lI 1l,l "a~!'i {IIIL fllllll J:ifl .Illlll'ri". f,'ll' Will- g'i\,(~11 ill hi!; hOllot'."..ru; Ihl! tirst GIIl'CrnOr of Uriltsh SilO i~ IOlldcd wilh r:lilr\'lttl il'lIli /tIl' All lltlt'1I1pL 10 llIUI'O :;OrtlC trailLsL:ol~lllbia. Uis dClllhg:i\'(>!'illCc:ll,iun 'l'UCOll1l\. ill \\'I\II:ul1it: fllilcd,01'l'illg' to ~lrikl'l'-:fur II rcpctilioll of Iho ul'l"luvlt'tl .... _ 1l1.j·"11 l'linb' the cllgillC fn'llllllt:(·ul'!l."nnother pionecr gOllo." OIlC is 1\11:. A. \VeVlIH\lIlh l.i 1'011 llio;. TI'(f'\l'~ illtcrfl'r,'.1 olld prC\'cIIII'11 Inrcrc..:sting News.rorcibly rClllil1llCl1 Ly such lncidenl:! coven, "'lio lu;s Ut'l'll lip t111J SU\lud, :lily (ul'Ilrer Irllul·I". .\[1111,)' Iuclililic:;as Ih1'5i' (If lila lleetiltg Chllllgt'S rctlln;e'! houw .r"~lenlll)'. til" ~\ljl.t'lslmv(> I'CIHlIlll'd wtJlk.wrou~llt by Ihe linger of lilllC,lLlld ----. Till' "l'illlci" hll~ I.ltc rlllltl l\'illg' CAllE TS AL,V.I"-l..-S TA 1']-;;1"Illc llllt!r \'llllityofplncillg'colilillclIcc \\rl ,: nre iutll'l,lt'd tD .'11'. .Jllt1ll':" fOpI·l·ial frnlll !.mu!lm Ihc Ijth: 'I'll" "'- ....-.1..""'iill 1hc ~tllbilil>' /lr earthly tltiu';!l. \\'atlOIII1, :;hNilr of \"\;LlIll cuunt,)., t',jr SIlCI'I'!'~C::' uf tit\' Turks 11:l\'c tlP~CI thc

____•• ftn'or!:. tlds \\,c..k. t',d"llll1lillll:' of BiMIIIII'ck, Idlll i."IIiOw.'1.\1:1."": ia:l'l'11'I'.--'l'hrollgh tlto: ltcli\'t,IJ l'Ugllgcd ill illtri~lI(> with

kil1dllCSIl of Mr. \\'. 11.IJo~kllll>, f)f t7.JII.I 1'l'(,.h'f'lllit .Ill". ,10llt'.·. a Ittr,!.1 HII ..~ill ill IIle expectatilill II) illlllll'lIt'elite pilot schoon or Lottie, llllW III ,"uck "f."'II(.JI"I. f;"llt', "'II~lll'lIlhJ l.1I11' lh,' tallt'r 1tI Cflll!'(>lIt tn tllf'l pa"!OIlJ.!(>:\ellh I!ll)', we Illl\'e bCf'1J flLl'Ili::.hl'J hUll """.•hlll :IU',., .t\'.. &c. Ill' HUlO",inn rcillforct,llllCulfl. Ihr,mgh\fith (h~ fllllo\\'ill~ correct rCp1lrt of :-;"1 \·iull tl'milor~' 1(1 A pn!!ilil1ll (If n.l·lile nlllllher of \·c~scl.!l plh"lllg Ta· Shipping Intelligence, \'lllLlllj,:;c 011 Iho Turkish It'ft IIlllLk.

loosh Light Uouso up IInJ dlll\'l1 llie .\II!-II ill \\'11\"'1'10 ill Ihe Pl'C!I('II('(l (If 11' ~110 IILD 11.'1 J ~J...' It J~L.I CJ:: .. I '1.' 1'1/1';SIr:dt!' hetween May ISL nlld A.. L(u~t PU1'l, THWlI:"I:lld. tile \lll~ 'rluill1)" o( lIclion 011 I'ftl"t of •IsL of this )'car: Ships, Ii:Jj bl~l'k~, ,\111:1\',11.:--,\1'11 3. tile UI'itislr GOI'OI'Ulllt'llt, \\hilt, lil(':W.ij bktncs. -IUj brig!', 2:'; schoo II HII' T~(''OIII:I. ('''lInkl., :"lLUIU.. lultt·r i:- c\'i(lcntly llllXiou!I 10 ICI lh"er.!l,!lG; slcIllllenl,1.i2j\tolulllllllLlll'l, Slrr:t~·llrlte. \\l1l!1I111';',II.:--,:1l1!t· Tlll"kl'l li;:lll it uUl, lhcir SUl'cl'!'~e:i(jl~. Of 111C l\Lol'c list, G,j \\1'1'1' for- !lilr" Lil,lli' .\1111""1'11. '1'11,\ !til'. ·llall·. hlll'ill~ lIllich 1·('lir.v('t! 11ll' (,1ll1Ill,.r3'lSId~ll, :lud 1-1 iroll \·o~!!els. Til "r. re' :-ll'l F:.\lIlltt·. Willi.III1·OIl. ~lr;OI". 1111'101 .. f th~ lIlini.!!tl')' lI( EII~lllllll.

f'UrdSf'i\'C! 1\ slil!ht illdicllliUll uf "r,'S' :"olr.lJi"plll.h. ~Iullrl~·. :"\':Jllh' .'lu. 11 ~'i IIlL,-· del'-il't':4 IIlltl"illtniu 111'1'co... t;.~. n I -II (u1'\\!tI. \\ I.ill·. ::. F. __0:- _ellt 11InMllitude 1\1111 ~rohab[o futlll',' ~I'hr "all. h. S. ;lr". Ln,U,,\\'. Ih'Utl';t1ily, shn ('(luld 11Ill',lIy "il"II·l." - l-Or the t'OlllllH.;lCI.: of ''''lIcct S\'\llili. :-:l .. I)lk"t;l.~I"I.". \1<01.1111. !1I'rnLitllllllL'lh'e cfHlIhillallllll 01'1111' I '1'110 "Toc]\'ly J.\.l·(·'ll~I" I

C:llilllrnLi, '['1'''111, l'IIrt .w.!. dlr, Il Pln!1"rorl'l 10 1'01, Tllll-.ey of till' , ~-,

}<'Iltl: A1' OI,\'~II't.\.-Oli \\'elll1('!i !111'\I:lTUI'~' I\':-Idl~ of Irel' \·ictol'y. I ~Jllf lllflrllilig II lireoccllI'I"l·d lit Olrm. 'f:l\ol'\1:I.l'lIUllicl.. ,.ow.'1 pl,"l., I • (. ::..'I' I :"1lr 1"11\'111'111', \\'1I;UI.lI"'". Nr;tl'~, I.-:t" """-,,,,~,,,,,,,-",',,.,, .10" ... ·, .I',g.pill, (CSlrU.\'lug Ill·oll.,rly 10 l Ie I '1' '" ,. ,. '-'6' ~ <..... ..Hk I. Ule .11'· Ill. .1,1' 'Ir. :-. . t, 0.:10 Ilf M<'l'rsclllttHll l'IIJ"'~.

llfllOLlllt of S:JO,OOU. Of tho 1e"!!!;I'", l'ilr II1"1':,Il'lI.•'llItll"l'. :--111 11111I. •.. .=....:.__..;:.;:;.. _the "Courier" says: .\fr. eha ,Bur. .' ·11 .Hi·l..\l"'·ll1l:tl.)', \l.l l>1\.1~",h·'-'lI1elstcr', ~ms ~:i500i .M. SIUllt,$:'UIIU; :,<:llr C C 1\·I'1.111~, 1,";.;.111. "l' :-.l".IIII." L. t. [ "1000 '-', ,., J)lll.l)I:•. :-'UlllI1l1'<1l1'.vroliuy <" .•01\'0 ll,,, j O. "v Illp' till' c:t1[rOl'llIIl. TIIIII·U. W".IIIIIIl-t.:r.Ullin's, (;:1000; V. A. 13arlllll' $:.' [UU; AllI:I\·,W"-.~1 II I.Tho!'. PrRther'l!, *800j Am. UiLh.' Su' Sellr W I. H.,tlll.'. '-;"1'11"11, ~ F.ciet,)"s, *bOO; Grnnd 1.000ge uft.:ol\t1 ~'llr. H'1!lulln.,I. t~IItICI'I, :\t.:cllh lm)'.'1'fllllp)arli', ~500j O. lh.nkc'li, 11l1ll00', Walkc!', flU\·I'. :'Il'.lit-.J I) UI:I·'\lrrl·Il~:".

:U. ray's, ~.iOO. Olhcr l"~::,uli w('re j>IUllllllH1. 1.I'w,,,. ~'altPl.',mentiollod ill connoction with Ihu :-:Ir F'll\·lJIllc. WllllIttll·'IIl. linl111.Jle.lIlunCli uf vOI·iollS iudi,·idu:\ls. Iiall' :-:11' W:..I,'·I·. 1:"1". I ;I\llll'l.:.II. block \\'U!i hUl'llUd; I\lltl the ill::.lIl" 1',·\·.t,·t..UI'I~III. :"oc:iltJ'l

J I ,\I:lIl\',~I~"-.\I·I;. :i.anile co, ere Hit a Iil1luIJ Ill'Ujloniuli Hk lilt. 11111. :-'llllh lil. :"l I".of tho IU8:'!. lj,.llr'WlIll. '1'11"111. :\c:w II t.;trn!lI~tt!t.

:-" Ii H"ll'lrICI\ 111'111". :; III ....Bk 1).110 lIill, Billlo,·',·.\,.ClIl1h!l'llla. Tlll",'I. :;llka.:-odl HCIl"rlcr. HI't1I'c, l'\(:altle.Hl.lltl.! AlIWI\II. \0''')\',

,\lIll1\',\Ui-,\l:U II.Str DI~IJ:J(dl..\ltllm'lt'. ~.tll .1111/1.~1:l.:'t\~k, t.:"lh'llIl1, 111·...n·l'r}'.:O;:llllf>'tl, ~l.ll·till :::1111 F.

1'1.1',\1.11111.",i'tl' Ili'I'·UI'II. :'tlll.iI·lIt·. ;"·'IUl.·:0:11' ~];I~lkk, l';llll\lllll, ~·.,H!l·.

FII\orlll', WlIli.lIll·UII. l~al1, ... le."ltlcl\',\I~~-.Hq, 7.

:"'if Fll\'nrlll', Willlam·ullI. IIJl :\'1111I01.B\' 11 pri\'''I'' cmnmIlTli('lllion we HI.r.I"<I'ph l'erl.hl .... I"llIl..lIll. 11'llIvlulu

Brtl inrormetl that Hev. B. J. Sllllrp, Ilk :'ollll'lllllltlllc:QlIl, ;'ill'!dl''',:; F.or l>ullg'l"nes~. will btl utlllbltJ III I'h:&htlllli. I.,'""". So·uuJ.·.preudl ill Illlol :\1. K Church hero 011 111'1'.\1,'1'1 m_".thp. !tJCOIlU SahLiulI oJ thi~ lIlo",I, Ilkl.II"'I·!I" 1"'rl,III'. ,1"llll·ll'l. (:IIIllI,!l:

, Uk :\llti'!'·vut. :\hlolc-:. 1IIIIkl.ll)·.115 pCI' re~ulllr IlppointmCllt. \\'e • AIIl:I\'At~.:.-,\lll ~.ure lIuLhurizcd, IllHI'O\'Or, to puhlil'lh D.lkotll. :-\t1l11\l1 \I"rt-.liI\ appcJintll1('IIL for him lit Illis placi:) :o-dl )1:&1'\' 1'1I11.I'r. A,outtlt.on Sunday tl.e 19th inst, I;k 1':II"I:k T:lllJIl(·. S r.

_____• UOllald. I.lIJIJ)'. FI""·lll'trt.

:\h:. Lt-:.lI::H:n, of the liftll of Ulna :\1:11'1' 1'l'lrkd~~~~I~I;:I~I~::;~'&. L"IHllCtI, 1'0/'1. 'I'OWIl:;t'llri ClljO\S Ill. ~:III .... k 'I'.IIIIUI ..... au dlllil.l.he JiSlinCliulJ uf hll,'illJ.\' 11:'1"'11 II.. , :0;11' 1-'11\'L1ril.·. \\ i111(ttll~, :-Olla1t~.hrU .\Iasll'r of tho lirst ~Itlsoni(' •__-_

I.OtI~c in ChillI! !O<'Rtcll ,.", buJiCH' Log 11101 1'1'1~'i\'l:d IlL .Ill~ ..11llLl'.:o· lllnt uliu ::5hanghlli. _\11'. 1.1'llrlH:t1 hn:; IWt"1 hh'ltlul;. IIr:lWiu)!. li'~lIe l,tlltl IIlHI !IlhNin bu"iuCQ IIll'ort 'l\mIlI'Cnl! sevell !101L!C1'. cllnluu.u'Il, .·It·.. eill.

tC!Cll }·tllrll.-" Uiapntcir." - -----

Tile P"rlllllld .. B~c," of Aug. 1,] 01--:tSAllIl.\Tll ...(:1101\1. PII :-I(,.-Ar'l !Ill)'''. A hill of illdi('lll!(-'Ilt It"" uCel1 ~ 1 -\I

1~lIftelllcl.lI". Itrc ill l)t(I.lllt~~ fqr II tUlllld lIg'lIill!lL W. 11. N. Stilt'!! by1.1l1O~ P.ICIIl('. A JIl'lIt'l'lLl Illid I·or. tlte Grulld JUl',)' 1 f tlw I'. S, ()1",lril·t Thl~ I~ tlv' Largest and Bestc~lld 1~I:ultliun ill ~'~lelld"d tu 1I1i 1'(JurI for tl'$ti(j'illS( f.d~lll)' lll'fllr.' :-t·I'd.'11 ~1I.,..L III C,,"I,,:tUt! :-,hO\:" 1',11 I'u·I.,rt ~OI'''I!i{,lld; I hI' dll.~· fIll'll'll lid (irv\cr Ill\I'''Li~lIljOllL:ullllllittet•. ;';1'( :"o!llllli. Ctllllllrl-lllJ;~1:lIl('d I" n,'xt \\ t·.ln ....:IIl~ thl'I.;III. StillJ" ~'a,. al'r"~tl',lla"L lli.;ht, alit! i!l 2700 P.A. I Et. &I he 1'141'(; lint! furtlll·r.iI'llls ",tll", II"W 111 th~. "lOlInt\, jllil. It i"l kutl"1I Ilr ~II'II'". 111'\·· .. J.Adll'~· Mi",I·~. 11lI'} .11lI.'llIt.iU,IICI'11 lit thc \'urtUl!'> ~t'r\ll;t'~ 1111.L 1;1.1\·",r. t;II(r)' aliI I \\'atkiu.h \;hililrt'lI'~ Itt,,;l-. :-:11')0'·,1\1111 :-lUIIIll.'1"!I 0(, WI""u :--ahbalh. I w~r,' Wltlll'''I,.'')i I,efuru lltll I :1'~1I11 "\"'ry '1111111y widell I~ UtiI\' ull;·Il....1 fo,r

.1111\', lllill th. l\ctilJ1\ uf d':ll 1J0 I~ ""lUI l·:I.lllllllvill:,:' 11111....... lu lIl"lcr hl ll.al.tl,1'~.It"lO,.\I..-.'lr. :-:. I). IInl\e i~ J' I I' '1 1'l.!IlIll (,Jr Fall Ilwl Wlnler goO()~,

. . I \1\1 JI It:~!11 be rC~t111 uf l It'll' e\·i. elll'I'n~:I111 III t'"\Il, II. J.. IUlllllllurd. I1TIII:w(>:I(;n.·lItIlE\,EHEX 'EfLirE~q., al1l1 ~Ir. ELi. Brll\\/l, IlUtli ,Ii - --_.- --- 1',\:;11 t.:1l~tHulers.llll.!l Ill, J ( 17 .JII~..10111" will "·,~·h'" Ill' "very I• ee, retllrlll' rtlltl up till' .l\'altltl'll'lIlll Sail 1-'1I'II,·I.\'u nllt.! III' ~II 1.1~llllJ (.11\ !t!I'!I"nla{!1 Sleltllll:r. ,alll,::llitliUf~lllatllruit. '


Sale!T:B 1!I

COIIsigUlIlell ts.


CH"NIMI.L':; CEU:ltIIAT~O !"'1'ltl)\.:.

UIW!i--.l..l, 4·:.! lind 3,;1,

CIIASII,\I,I.'S \\'001, & HOII";~IlAm


SALMON[1\ bbls" Illllfllbls, anti Kills-or IS, ,

AI...Ol.. N'S J.>ltn·:o (o"UUI"'''''

In 2'pOIlIl'! Dud lugf'r p:ICl.:lI;.rt'"


Cutter & Co·s. GenuineO.K.• No.l&Al WmSKEY8


Port Townsend.i Portland, Ogn.Iflt 110011' the ~Olho" ~lM'h ."'.111,

For FrelghL ur l'Il"·uW·• .1\111'1)' 011 1~~lrd.

'l(I "riO 1I,'TII~·Il".()Al·U.Aif.rIlll.

The First-class steamship~


WILL l.t:,\\'E

Port Townsend for Sitka,AI:t<ka'l·crr·". /lUll WII.\' 1'\11"1".

On or abou' 'h.~'.' eM" .._ .....

lmporters, Wholcslile BIIt! BctlliJ DenIers ill

Exchange Bought and

PU/'t 1'O/L'/t/;CIII/, WaN/lil/{jtUIL 1'CI'l'itO/'V.

I,ilJCl'al Ad nlllccs ~[atle 011

The Highest Price Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Prodnee.

Coods Bought and Sold on Commission.

ROTHSOHILD & O( >,-:-c-:-:-:c::::-=---

Gnat. Bark Anita Delfinia.

3·Maslcd Schr. W. L. Beebe,

~ ~;:I~~\;I'lt" Y' ~t~\~;l~~~; 1'~lUs~~l\~'~l~:II~:~i1~lrk, will hu 1\'~I"m.tlJI", (or l1el!l~ l'(mll1lClllllh)' 11m \Jllk:cr.. or """.\0.,

1:,)1'I1-.(·IIII.I,.t n).,~\gtll"..\, '"m ~:t'. )lfl·ter.l'orl Tl.wn""lItl. Jul) Illo l~i;.

UOTIISClIIIl) &CO"Shipping and COllllui'sion


~ ~;,','.~~\t\'I~,I~~~~~,·;~I'Jr\:~u~~~~,y.t1,~;.,~:~i~ hl"I",'r. "Ill 101' ... ·III".lI~lI,h' ",r Ilcb'. CUll·Imcltlcl h)' lllll ,"ll,~'l'!l nrt'l\'W,

UU"'IlS,'lll',lJ ,t "0,••\I4!nU.•1. I'.•:~1·1I1."'. \h'.lI:r,

I'n"1 TO"·Il~,·t1Il. \ult. I, \.;;.

)lit, .fll •••Jone'i who O\'tllpl(" lilt' l'tltller

111'1 11\· Cll~IOIll-II'llI"l' hn[ltllllJ!. ,10t'~ IIOI,'S­[tI"'1 Ifl ·({lIJ tIle 1';1ll'''1~'11\ Will' liS IIUr.It'I·

[II;: ,,\·pr.l'1lOlly !ll'rl.' lo-\.'(' hl<!-llll'k ot'illll'.1'

llrti"lC~ 11))(1 lIll'k knllckc: h111 1141 I'Xllecl~ 1I11111 <l.an' of tllO lr:ul1', wlilch hi .. l·j·I"I1l\.n"l1 1;11' rcll:llJlc 11II<lll~ '11\:111111'8 onglll

to lU"llI'1.l !IIIII,------

1:1;'"I'l'll:H:'I,-('. I,:, 1', \rOOt!. F:~q,. 01

I',m II['I.'t·\'I.'ry. "'lllI·IIl'tIIIl"ll---rldlly. OllIII" 1111.oIJl. "II', WOOllhlltl){'CIi lllr-"lllIII :.: III (-'1':111\:1'\:1) f"r It (1'\\' week" :Htl'lId·lUll 11Ith(' 1111,111('0; Ofllio 111'111 or :'tl~l!cl.

," Co,. of \\I1II'h he I.' 1\ Illulllht'r.



PUGET SOUND ARGUS. TIlI~ flillOl\'llig I· IJ1.:Cll frOllllhc t:ali· Tin: IhrCf'-ml\-h',1 'h')OtH'r, W. I..fOTnl'\ .. Alto." ur July ~!I. While Ollr 11,,-,\,111'. 1Il\l! the tlu''-'l'-mll·tcil ·dlOOllt'r.rclltlcrs IJ:I\"c fn'ClllC'ntlr. for tlte pa-t I\\t) HepoTIcr.•rrln·d fl'('\'lIllr rrom S~l1

rCll.r~ !Il.'Cli ~illlll:\r it..:lIll /t1l.1 lh~ UI,l1l- Frtlllc!·l-'O. '1'110 former Il lo:ltllllg lit I'ortIIQt'~l' !'('Ill ~IT" '.-011 In'<r Frhlnr fI(. JlIll Hill lint fOl'lht'OlIllu;.t. lIIar haw lit- \!lllli.1'1II fill' X. S. Walt"', All-! Talh. I1ml

tl'rtlOOli the 111'\'<.:11111' ~tt'aillel' :O;hCWillt. tie t'(IllI1,lt'lll\' Illth·· 1"1"111'1: Imll\l' think' thl' laUl'r tll~ol" nt till' "';11111' )lOIrt tior \11'1­(.;01'\\'111 nTtl,'ell III h:tl'l.lOr 312 (l:1J~ frulli IIII'll' \Ioubl.i will be cll"IItIl\'t.1 III !";>P't'lIl- IKlIITll~. Au-Irlll!t. Htllh Ihl' .....• \e-<\'I~:I!'C

~;Ill Fr:IlIt.'l-I.'O 011 her Wl\Y 10 Alil$kll 'I'cr- Vt.'I·: "TIII~ -It:III11l'I' 01)'1111'1" 1< H' nlll ')lIICOII-ljlllt'll tu ~h:~r • HOlh·.:hlld & C.-)., otrltory, 'J'II(l troop< hll\'il1~ 1}l'C1l wITh. I'ult,'t Nlll11tl. llt't\\l'l'1I rktol'la :Illllllw tit!, Illnl'il.

,1r:J,\\'1I ffllill 111111 Tcrrltor}' the IlItC-1 mw< por!< UII tile :-lIlUlIll, all :Ill ullxl:lllilry to -----I~ollllt'lilost lllnrmhl~ IHlttln.!. Thein- t'JlllUOP11(hlllotlllllCtI11H Ic_lllllllyli\!H.' '1'111: '·T..IlIIll11'''I~ 1l1llhorllJ fill' 1110,

tll:~1I3lll .. ltlg IIblc to ohwlll all ""~ whl-ker -Wrl('lIIIl'I\\'CfllI thl_ port "Ill I r~\·lilri.t. It <1:ltl!llll'lIt that I'ro!. AlIlll'r,:oll. so IOllglthey w"nt wem lIIt:llhdn: 111<l w!lll;.'-. 1"'\':llI't'INI Ilmlllm Y[I·tlll'1r1 \\111 be III Ill'imll)il[al (lucol Ill(' !'ortl:Lntli<Chnolc,

IlJll:ljlilll: tht: !;.l\,crlllllcut I,ullllill:':-' \'n~ 1\':l.IIluc.,j 10 Ican: !lete 1I00ul :-:"lllt'UI~r h1U tI\'l.'Cpled 11m prOlllrlliflll m:llillfo himCJI,~llJy thu IroollQ, :11111 Illt.lr ddt'!' :-oltlm I-I, ttllllllUglll111~Ihe IIlle, :Ultl~11C wiJIlJl> tlll'(llnC th('ro !I1111 ltlkl) hoM o(lbc 1111l\'ct

.lill'l; Inlllrlll\'1! 1..,'1Ij11. ThOlle utllll'~l. {.'I11\- (0110\\1'11 loy the I<lalll"" ~Icy. We Ihlllk IL nlJout lillie fur ~·ml' Dry Goods Clothl'ngf\lrll[n. !lint he would Oil h'ItITll of 111~ ----•••---- 1't\llIrt'leut Il'1lehcr 10 Ink~ thu Tt'rrltorlnl , ,

Is IIHlI"Huof 'l'II01l1l1.jl ll. COU\·it'tl'll til,·· I , k II B t d\·tll1l1" Ill/ltl from !l.I,IIl", lat.,· 1't>".,'~41'l1l lll\l't:i r, 11111 Ill:! '" /I ~lIl·I.1.'~·, 00 S an Sh~I tll~ hlll'lI lor Ille 1.~)1711Iry hl'l"ugl't! to Ihe 1l1111',!t'r ~f HaXI\'1' ,Ill 1:"':1011, I.'-t - --- Sh' Ch dl oes,

I I I I I I 'II. ,\Iilr"',. 111\' :"'llpn'lll1' (ourt Hl!Il'lllt'tl II\(' Ih'!\l1 order uf 111" War Ilt'l)(Jttm{'llt III Ip an eryII III, I Alka ~O,\' 11" \ :Ull't: ;: 11'('11 ~l.. :-;, I 11. jlJdjllllt'llt Ill' tll\' l~'lIrl 1Jt.!uw, It 111'111' Iw-. 1'\"'llnl 10 Ille 1'1.'1'111\'1) lIIulhl' 11'1\11'1' Ofl - IIlIIlf.. rim "'11 til Illli! ClllllC IlIO ton.) 1011"0.' ",' T b d C'

I I r ,.. II , \.OWl'" 1111' ,Inl\' 01 thcJwII,:;,'Ufll,I.IU-t,·lt'lj ,III' \'l"I:\[ 1111 tilt' I'lldlit' It w·t~,I'·l'n"·llfll'tl 0 acco an 19ars:ul\l 011 I Ie I uor 0 thu u;l ·room 11m I. • .." •

I', ' A I IflJhxlll1(1l1ll'rllrlyforlil;cxl'Clllllm, llntrllclIrcloIO:Il.Wl){M.1 {I'1.(dl ftll,t'ClllllllolLlquors '

W.ll1' Ilotll':\\'c \I' 1(')1 1"('IIIIl'''I\'t. , "t II'I'C, • - ••:lrc:tOOlltOlletlloIHllIllllllll:lllc :lll"1I[;:t, ltl~n lllllltt'rlll ~III1lC II"ubl, hi \'[1'11' 01 !'I)()J! ... Xallllhn,,~oal; ~~J10 [h~. HclIllI~_ ,

Ih{,~lIlUIlI1ll1In' prm'llllrt· wllit'h I""uh,..1 h'\l11 HI\~' coat; 2;100 II,'. Sc:ut1c \'(1:11; H d/lml the whit. < 'Jllly 1111ll1wr :~h'l1It ~tl. 11 III lilt' 11!.(\'tlIl.;1I1 !II'\lI,V!t'lloll. 1111,'1111'1' III' :!IOO II Itucky llllllllltoliu ":,UlI; :!r;OO • ar ware,call e:t;:II)' lJiJ IllluglllCd the SIIU,IUI'II., 1'1l'lwI~1 >:lI!l;'r lilc exln'IIIU 11t'11ll[tr 01 Ihll law 1tJ~, (.;oo,nlly 1.'O:l[: :.!UUO llJ~. M,Jllllt lJlI\- Crockery, StatIonery, Etc.Ihc Uttler Is fnr fre)m 1111,t1~allt. rllt: or I.ot. n~ we lUlllflr'tll1l11 :I "troll" I'llilrl IJ10 1.'0:11.~llg~lf""t nct mat' pro\'okcllO"lllill,'" Whkh, 11'111 W tll:lII\. ttlobt:tlll (rOIIl flu\', '''''rrf a ---- _

,·,\,l 1.0111.1' ('n.l III Ill;> elllh'o c11"lrll\'Clou 01 l.~lIllllltllHtiC)ll l)f 11\< ~"IlII'U\'~ 1\, iUl 'l'i'-lllJ_IIIl' \llilh"lIt1lc<~ III,: (,;01'11111 n~ndll" flU' t I Ill' • I I III "I

~;'~:I::::l:I;,:;I::~I~I:~)I~~'I(,:II:;ll:,:~:I:~I:,,:r~.:,~;;I'U~::<t ~:: P::~:lJ~~::~I~ I;!~':::~:I I'orl~. Ii}'

)'cnr>l h:t\'c I)('4'U ,tctll{'tIIlJJ ~lllllll\ltllL~ 1111,1 ~I. Udkllla: I'Mt Tll\I'U"I'llll-lkv••1.

lIn'l1ol\'gt,tllll~1111 tht'Y 1111111.110 \'h'hIIU":llltlllwlfi" "n... E. Funt. I:, )0'[_111'1'.

hllU::lllllllolIl" J'('(lnlrNlln Iln'jlll.l. Ilun nlu, II, IIltlli'tIl.l:. 1':.1', WW1.I.::lpl. ~l.

'lllU1'I't:l1.il more lliun likely. :ttlll we look Willie, ::'c:mle-H, H, 'l'llum~", ,I. C.furwlInl t .. our lIeJtit He\\:1 flo'llli lilt: hullil Wnlker. C, Wlllli'rUIll! nimH)'. E.:-:, 11111'­

\\Uh '10 Illth, lIusil'lr. 'I'lli' ""rnln \. 1'1'1[. 'I'll',' :Illd l!l"l elilhln'll, ,\Ir:', ,\. ~ltl·

C<J11l1ll:t1ll1('t1 hy l.'1I]11. ,I. W. WItHI'. II hllt'ln rill. ltrl.1 ~~ ill Ille ,:It'l'r'l;:,e, 'I':l'~'lU:l­)lr••JlIm{'~ Wny""n ..llilli I,h'ct'. l~ t;hld ,\Il~. 1."llrl,11 fUII[ ~Ill,. lIull l~ III flJe:<ll't'r-

J.:lIg'lIlc('r, 'l'lIklll~ Illlllt !l('I"1', the l:Ol" :t::". 01)'1\\1'111-)11'<, I'. \\'11I~·"'r. :\Ir<,

\\111 Ull SlIml:t)', I' . .\1., prlll"'Hll',1 01L III'r 10""1"1', ami )11', 1:11l,lnll'r, /'ul"t[:wol-I·;.

I'o)'age. ~1. I~ -I :ItI,11 ImU:,. ,I. )I[rl'llell Iltlll fllliI_

".1'. (;, II. UIII, C. Pert's. :lllli ;, III III...

<ICI't":I:;~~"_' •• _


A Duteh Wedding.

The ltnclent Dut~h 101tle" of Albanand th~ MohMWk "11.110)' proepered amlabllrd~hlilit. lJaviu1il'fcIII wa.nllthe ItIy oujoyt:ll their Roohlt ploaaurea, YThe:~'though not maoy flud very Rlmple, helpedthem to cheerfully endure privation a dk.opt .them in tho bondl of II. commo~ ~c,llll hfe,. In.tbe country fllwlJie"IlA tbe!Ived quite dlstRnt from cecil other, ,tl.lted~thuy had nu time ror ClUll, Inl!.....edd!nJ(:l .....ere colebrMtlld with a gener IhelirtloC8s. II

The l~w rl'Qulred thllt the bllnDR Rhouldbe pubilRhed un Ihree IUCctllRlve SuudIn chu.rch .. That .....ll~ to en.uro agRi~;~lIIarrylllg In ~Il.Rte aod re~otinK at leia_ur~, Ind to give. ~pportu[l1ty fnr anl' ooeto InterpoiIU legltlwllte oIJjl!(ltioua tu tbtllarrloge, e

At:'?r Ihe u.otice bud been once re.d,the friends 01 tht! eogllged Coople Ullultl .celol.Jrllll'd tile ellgagument by a dall YScverMI dll.nCeA r\lllo\\'cd thll lJllurlllgC cdthe .....edding ftlillivilieKcoutiolJod for ibr~edlll'K. Whull Ihe groom hltd pro)H38edltn,1 beon 8c~eph'd, 1~1l made hlR IntendedI.l pr.ellellt ot SOIllC kind. gonerall}' a pairof Silver lJhoo·buckle8, t.r .lee'lu'OuttIlD.or aanujf·box. Dialllulld riogl were nottheD ullknowo, I;ut, III a general tblngtl!c Dutch lov~r did 1I0t l'rEliluut one t~lua,lady love: 1I0lh lit! aml.ho preferredtu Invosl Ihe monellu a farm

I~eing J)lIt~h tlley were Ob&lillllte In ad.hcrlllq' to lh~1l engagemenl. When tbey8l!t the weddlllg day, it WllS '0 extraor_dlllHrJ obslfLCle tllat could (lUi off tbelllsrrillgo. Clergymen .....ere oot abun.~al1t, lind, therefore, the Domino Wall DO.t!tlcd lltJyerftl tillY' beforu Ihe apllOltlledtime. He wu ellllectOO to be on h.udmil) or .bine, .Uu..... or Ice, floods alldtempest.s, notwilllllt8ndillg. An umullngRtOl'y 01 Il uovel marria~6 lIIu.tratt:ll tbhDutch pcrllistellc~"

A JuunK J)ulcillulin and hi, Intentledwere Ilnxiously uWllitlllg tilt! wl..'fldingdHoy. Thf!Y re.ide<! ou the north Ride ufTuwhcuick Creek. Mild the clergymanlived Oil the .oulh .ide. Now uallll.llyTowhelliek Cre"k WlI.tt a deQ1~re woll:IJchllved lI!rCIlOl, but the night 11re;iotll toIhe wed(hng a allverl: Itorm cluled it torhe, swell, fuam IIl1tl rl'Ct. Wilen thot.lominc lIrrlvud al the lKluth IllUlk.near thu'PllOloted bour, Tomlleull.1k 'tI'llS IWI"IS'"ab e.

Itil Iloep. rallid current ..... IUI Indlffercntto tho weddins hour, IIml the clergymwl.....1lII turniug hit hOr81'1l htlatl to rulurDwhen Ihe yoictl' of Ii IIIIlU Iud womtl~cril.'d, "/:itop I"

They ""t!re thOle of tha woom andbride, who entreated the domille to crOllthe creek.

"Staud vcre you be, lind I will mikeyou lllllll lIud wlfu!" crio:d theAccoullllO­dliing mlnlRter.

Dr tIlill time. friendK and gue"tA h"dgatheretl; tlltl dumlue relld Iho lUarrillgoInvice, re'l)()osl!' were tIIRde acrOd thouolMy crl.'elk, alld the t""lliu were wadI!onll flesh.

The young couplestarted to leave,whellthtl dumine cried out:

"Stop, dco, tllJ' JOllll'f friend., VOllIIlO'ment, if 'OU pll!llilc. You can't tou thelIutldelfJ IlC!'OBl the oreek, but you canleave them at Ihe l:Ir.t houae billow. Telltlew It b Domine IJulIlClwoteu'l marriagefee. ll.ud I will call and get It."

'fhen, hiddiDg Ihe II1Ippy couple good­uy, he mounted hla 1I0rie Mnd rorie home.

Tlie Food of AutS!.

The food of auts conllillt" or iOlOCla­grellt oumbera of wblch they deurol-orbonel. hooey-dew and frllit; indeed,lCarccl, any aohllal or IWCClt lullnlncecomei urniu to them. Somll .peciet1­luch, (or lustllnlJll, IL~ the .mall brownKllrdan ant-sKend Im.lleR io ~ercb of.phidC8, The .nt theu taps lheaphh geetly wllh her ulltenm..., and tbcIphll tsmill a drOll (lr Iweot fluid, whichtbe ant drink.. Sometime. the aot.lITenbuild covered Willi lip to and oyor Ihoaphlde~, whlch1 OIOrIlO\'er, tboy pratcetfrom the atl'Ckl or other iOlectl, OurEoglish anti do Dot L'O!lect pro,uioo forthe wlnter-lodiCd, their f,lOd Is not of Ii

l1atUfO wbich ",ould admit ofthh. SomelOutlaern llpeelel, bowe,or collect gratD,nccaaionally io cODslderable qUllOtitiee,Moreover. tltough our EDgU.l1l1.ntacsnoDtbe e"ld exactl)· til IRy up IltorBl, someat leut tlo take Itepi to proYlde Ihem·.elvel wilh food in tbe future. Tbe1mall ,ellow meadow lot (will" flacv.),(or in.tance, !iyea prlncll"Uy un tbehoney.dew or eerlala allhidt. wblch lucktllo roOtll of gra88. The anta collect tbeaphides in tlte ne,t, not only "'Iwhlllgo'er them themteln,,,, bat Il8 I blVlI beeDable to "ti.fy 11l1101f, even oyer tbelregg'-Iln ICt ""blch one I. much temptt::.'fIto refer to forethought, Rnd whloh IIIluellll e_ac impliea _ degree of prudencelupertor to Ihat of lIOm"a""agt.'8,-P~u·lar 8e1enu 6Ionlh{¥.

IltON 1:1" O"""-A~'N~,':""l'~II~.~,,:-:.:::re fllw )lbyli.dIns who dll not recomDlllnd lroD ID amultitude tJf dll!ClUes. Anll eepec:ially inchioroili. :MaDy he.ltb reforme,:, ADdhyjllieuilltll lIull 0PPOAed thlR practIce, de­dllduS' there wu 4ulte eoou,ICh iron IngrILln, wheu we did oot remove It all blour procflljJ ,,( Krlnding.

It ia plealllot to tee thlll vieW' comIngup among acientlflc Ilhy.lcitlns. A writerin a .~rench medical jouIDlII.ay., that theordinllry prcparation, of iroll are not ab·IOrUed in tiny IlIrge qUllntity lalo theblood when given as II medicine, and thlltI Ilreferaltio modi of "euing thia mineralII III breal.i mllde rrom suoh grl\in.8 ~ luek.nnwn to contllill II.n Ibundlnce or It.

Tbcrftour of 0111.8 and wbeat, when ootbolted too clOleIJ, are better tbnn purefine flGur-And cont/lln8 more irOI.l.

AN' Amerlcaa .ir-uwk!! conlp.nl red·ceo 111 fl.'Ceived an ordt!r frulu Eaglinfor .'!50,OOO worth of brake. U'l1.Je placed00 tllree bUlldn'd locomotive. lad ODUIhOusalid can.

A WOIlUUl'!! IltLlld.

__ a

nul,. l\ liIUr. 10ft...'hUll lhllll:.:'111111' '(lr \f"~rlnlt the rostl,. rillcAbde f\lr tllrthll: tilt dulnty f,",h '"11) tb,' !wIlt· M thllS('8!Oh ('Ill ,}l,ule f'lr tbe loh'n I'rl'!'url' 01 I..I~~(ltlll!: llr,ll1rll f';llIlolI). rBI.lpc to j'll.f,

IIJ' 11I1'''''I\'lbl' 1'~llrh 01 lInl.:H- whl!~.IIcl ..<,nrt ,ll,"n hf lh,: r"'~"h thntolChL)I..d! r.\r I "prl!.!''' f"r 11,,' hid' _I I'l'!'(And ullllcr tbe ro,", II. Ihorll til- hl,'-A I1llnl: .,..h1tlllhil lloneH .nPlIuet ,tin

HilA bUl:bt hi. hon;> t UfllUtlO et\Ju.l ......L furKlll or hlllU lJi!IIUly ~I)<'I!.

AlUI1II1ke It too ncar I bind I,l 11>1"1u"lnll of oulJ II d,lnly thlll~.

MillIe for eue aud the IIllmOll1. -Ill/:.

Hill,' I IUDhurllo:d. uel'ful ttllDe,"" \l'blell toe lIo:Ult I)f Ihe rlt!~d)' ,I:nc:'I'" which the)' turo "'bollln'", II'.-ned

worth0(. worn_II', hl\lld \lU thlt ...eM)' tarth:M&de lor bullltl!. for llUoothlor.: o'l"r"Ile helrtil of thoot! II'ho .retalnl n.rd wre;!thde lor bonett work eaeh !la7,.'01 drlvlllg tile Ihl&doll'l of !tfl.' a""I.v:YOj boldinit' tile "cup of1l'alOr" to ..ItWho. lalnt and Ihlrtty, for l\\Ie('"r ellll;)llldo (or ludtn~ the Ilmld on:YClr bltulng all It m..,. reAt UpOll;:'Ihde to bfo won lJ,. .. loyal belrl,Who In Itt lIOOr ...111 bur I pII.rt:Made to be ('\uped b~' aloJl1 bin,!.Whl('h rbooAetb tile bel~ ID:ttl the lind.Worth-OJ t10ullle III "ehrllL In Ir£tlld,1'M, usdullLlnd thlt ('nn nuer Jl::raw <lld,

-JllI..,,,r·, Jrt-.I:fll'


lmltt, he ,be,llt up,m !\llother Inlln. who 1")'ou will oblige IIlIl b~' rcturning to thol Be,'ond the .Jorda.n.IIPP"m'll 1(1 hf'j1Il'f'llill~. H!hMt di~tl\nce 1It'lll you have hltu!y ,occupied: Your ~. ---.- ,(rum 111m Tllitl ullm wn~ 'lllitc /'OUII/{: little hchclne of Ilb,luctlon hl\~ fttlled, 110('1 Mr..lSd~ll ~(errH~, lit tnu A~erJcIlD.Ex­lll~ {·ye" \\"'re ht'l\\'~·. Mid thc only lirsUlf.' I would inform \"1l11 thftl you witlllf> underIpl,onUlou 10 Pulesunl'. seHdll trom ROlruI,IPI}l,'ndRhoc (til hi~ farc WRilll Illng-hllirl'll gnard the reml\fndcrnf tllc rill'!, An\' I\t- ~"IIY It).. to thu L?Jl~loll t!th',ueum. II. vcrlUll,u-tal'h,' f!ult drilllill'd flVer his mouth. tempt to l:SCllpe might lie Iltltn{le,1 '\'ith 1~I,tt'reStlng' Je6CrlptIOll of tho country. or

Till' two lllen e"chllngl'll I(lok., whir'lI serious resllllll. I wltnetlled your vii. G.llellJ. beyonu. the JUrJllo-lL rog~ollt'll,l limt they lYerc n"t lrll\'elers IIcd· luioy from the pllltlilrlU," Illtherto only !ltHe.kuown. Tho ,tol.

IdtmtAlty thrown tOl.:tthcl'. hut n1Pll who The rll!lcala did out reply. but wilh! lowing Are tl16 mon llllpllrtallt portlolllwer,' well nC'l"llintcl'1 with ellch !llher, dngge(lllullenn"!l~ lhopped into the IICUI. of hl.i account:

A"HIIl 'llc rir·t-!lll·lltinnl·" "n(' 100lked !lnd two hrnkCllIcn Aruwd with rcvolvers. The better KCqtlRlnted I 1.ll'Como with!,t tI.t' ,,1,1 1':""'lI~I'r. wh""lj !lulul had. were pll\Ct.ld over t'hem. Ih" ('ollntr~- Clilil. uf Iho. ~ordll.ll. tho moredrolJIIl'.t "II hi" IortH.,r. IllIlI "'ho IlpPcllred A phylilciltn,who\\'llR tl pll.SllCnger ontht' l:tlll lUllHzed lit ItK fertility IUlJ oliluml

I t'l!llI dt"PIII;l:': 1111" II g"/ld ilIIlOlh"r. I tmin. lIUendecllo ,\Ir, BJtdrlitrc IHlt.I his re·',lIrCI';I, Tbc. sccnery everywhere~l'ein~ tlli.i 'thlllllllll l1lotlone<1 tl) the rlllUgllter, Iliid iu dUll tinlc thef recovcTl.'\llllmoll ...tlll!Gi,I~IKI hlllR Is )llcturelK1~e nnilIolh(·r. whll straighlent...... up. f1ml Ihe next frnm the l'lfectil of the ch\orol;JrOl. Iheltuutul. I be fore~ls and cultivated

:UOOlCl}t the :''''lIin occupied Ihe lIawe When )lnh,'1 loultl'fl Ullnn the bllle. IleldlJ. the. Rreen 'lIl1eys aUlI gru!!y~lI.t, c)'cd llllln,ijhl.1 rl-'COglli.-:CtI Jared Ahknlt, III !lt~)I~Ci'. rl.1mlll(~. one of .the p:lrk scenery

.. )~ h~ n~'lliv ~Ieep~" 8~kcd the YOllng- I'ejedcli lover. Ills confl.'ilerllte, Hunlock, "I fo.n";lulld. I he hl.IIR In ~lIny put.s lifec~t' IIhe did nut know, The mllll who Wlloil wult,wOf'Illed,butbc811lolithllJthel'illlroalllO

"rau can't tell lI.uythi ng About the old waiting !lCllr thc slnrion fllr tbc llbduct-I deu8e f(lr~tll of IlIrgt! f1uu ~Id tr~s, RIIChthe u,ldpel·... \\'ll~ the reply. "lie lonka liS illl::' pUrl)' nt"'t'r fell intI' lhe clutches of It.! nrc lIot elllc"!hcrc seutl IU tllli jll;ulod

IllOUg11 Ii.: w:u ..1,·eJllllg like :\lmphcIIII the IHo\\'; but It is certllin thai the prilld- alit! .povCrtY·ll!nokell. I~lld. The upperhim..elf, "'hen h.: 1lI11)' bo watching 1111 pnlllud hill ell.ger I\s~istllnt SIIW the ioside portion ,.of, \\udy 'flhl~ l8 c"l!ed "cl(r'lm one corner of hi. e)'e. Wl.l. cao't of II penitcDtill.ry. Akbdllr -I. ~" the grecn-:tnt! Its sar·:\!f()rd to wilit lIluch 10llKer, clso the gUllIe It "'lIS Hick DIl\'i~' hOllcl that held the d~lIs lind orch~rds. as well u u. 110.1111will be up. Tho girl is ItJUod fI!>leep." hell rnpe wbite llurdock tugged ut \t,flOII 01 gnss. comlnne to r~nd1!r It achllrwlIlg

uYe~, \'cs, yOll could jerk her frolll the his sigilli that iDcrcn...~ Iho sreed nl' Ihe p~ac~..Hul Wady AJlun liurp~~C8 tllllscat :Iud 'not di~turh her !tluwbers. ho't trilln, thus etrccth'ely pre,elJtlllg tho vII. 1: .bls In rcllpt.'?t. til cliltlYlI.tlon ant.l,he a beauty I" Illin!!' c8ClIl)(l. be.IUty, becau,e, 1t.lllarger,llnd the foulI-

"A perfecI houri!" C)'rus Hlldcllftil )lrofferl"d Conductor tSHU ""hlcb reed Ih cOI~loUR strelllll arc"Of eour.esbe doesn't kntlw thlLt you're Dick 11 halldtiOlllll check for his llerviceR: ilt. it much lugher level III tho mountains,

00 the train." • but it was refuiled, llnd the rewllrd thllt Am JCllllleh il lIUllr ~hll bellel of this"Certainly lIot, Don't yOll rccollect he f10ully Ilccepted waR the band of his wad)',fllld tbe fou~llllnll and IltreAma

thll.t she wll81"Ieep when wo ooRrded tile 10\'cl)' lhrougb pll.ueoger. tlo\\,tog among tho ol!ve lreeR uud walnutcar Dt Unmne,I" gro.vea there mako thl. o~o of lilc WOIt

hlf she knew I WIU 111:re, she'd keep Ilelighl(ul \'flUeY8in S~nll,her eyee widl" open lind 1)()6t the old gen- Origin of the Military StllUle. At one r'llCe ou tllla wady laaw 811.lemall.whoyctreaIRiDa.lbelie.e.int\corrCRpoudeatoftheArm.allft orchard a uaullll111 e~tcnt, ill wb.ich tllerQblisRful ignorAnce of the fact th"t I hlwe Nac!J Oaltttt glvC8 tbe following account were at lell~t eIght ~lllllsof rrull Ireell-".,d, 10" to hi, child. If he knew me f the flf(. illve, aprlcol, qUinCe. plum,o the origin of the military salute: I I d I",ou do. llurdock, he'd pl1lJ the roll of 'W' I· I , ' b .emo~,IlpP e, an t Ie po11legrllnl~1e gro"· .•.

Throngh l'u8St't1ger8. nr~'niu" heC(lrc I should wed hill Mubcl." • It lin tie ll:lt lew yeai'll, amollJoC t e lag Side b)' Ill.de. The v.1l1ley 18 full 01.. , "n"ld, 'nd··"'" ,n,••,.d th, many changes which llave been intro· milIa, flour-mills, of WIHCh I coutltod

"\\'htre Are you aolng, Dick~" <:\.'1 duced loto the'"rm" i81hllt of the RDlute. IJo b I f h"IJack to chllt ..... itb. IDY through pits· young' mlln clliled Burdock. "But I sfly. Why the uld.tilile hOlllJrtu ."Iule Wlta ~ ut twent)', ut 1I0t III 0 t em we~e

lCugerll." lefa to work. I hll.ye tbe bottle-llhall 1 1I1.lo1i8hed, uo one kno"'R; bllt it is an 10- In worklnfl order; lIud oot unlj on thuAnd Dick Davis, the cnlldutlllr,left the use it 110..... 1 Wh,,1 do YO\lRay?" turestiuK fllCt, llnd one probRl1ly unknowa !Jut Ollll1~y ~lblilr lJ~reaml u .well, tile

mAil cor. und enlered tilt' IOWl/gll coach "We lire not th~re ~'etr' aid tbe other. 10 moAt of our readen,that Ihe (lId alllutl.', lI.um,ber ot rlllae,1 ~11l1 auqmslW onu.at!achcd to the train. lookiul{ out (If the "dndo'" upon the IitRr- which con8isted of tho hllnd being brought l'(lr Ifl9t1lnCe, Oil the hne of Ibe Zerka, or

CI".ing Ibe dnor hc "1'1 ked &trllij.(ht to lit earth. into Il borizontal Ilf'Hition oYer the eye- :lfI~bok, ~ c",OU:,tetl IJC,t,W, t.nbet~denty nndtln old IIllln fCllted in the C!inler of the "We muat he vcrJ near. The road hrow8,hau very(lldorigin,dlltloj.(,in rltct, f urtY

hrUlll .I)Ur-ml Hi' III us a ver~'

Cllr. llIa hlllr lind ~lIJd were ,,~white all wh~re Morley iR wahill,ll is one mile Ihls from the commencement of the hilltory of 0'" t lit \\Iere In uperat all,ano\\', but there Wal no CIlJ\\IS' fect on bla .ide of tbe town. There! look I there is Ihe Euglish Nllvy. Ita origio is found In All )'et I ha\'c only rererred to the reotorcbllad nor ""rinkleR on hi. cheeks. 1:lis the clump at' trw he told UR about. 1'he the touroamentll of Ibe Middle Agell,lInd ~ion of JOblll .Ajlun, of the mountalnll ofoyes flul11ld wilh the ligbt of iust~· man· road Ii three miles from this poiot. We Willi Illl follo\\'s: Afler the Queeo of GileRd. Hut the grellt pillteau which1I00d, Ibougb his IUlirwoulltindjc'slethllt musl work now," llcauly WIUl cnthrooed. the lmlghtll who .tretehcR CllJt\\'ud frulII the lake of TI-be bild croiiiOO the bonudllrie. of bis "Wh"'t if tbe old fcl1(lw ia Rh"lOmingl" were to tAke pllrt ill IllC 'Ilorts of the IlCrilUl to the I.rjll.h, n.nd Koulh 10 DrlltlIree·8COre J'earl. "I'll uSC the hHondkerchlef t8'uti.~INIJI da)' marched PIllt the t.lul. 011 which Ilhe (Edrel) Mll.1 OcnlRh, 18 one van natural

U(l8UllleCt whell the Ille.... oL·(HCcd COli· "All rigllt." alit. llud IL~ lllcy (l1l!Sod thoy llhieldod whent lIeld, Somo portions or Ihi8 (l18-ductor drO)lllcd iuto the 8t'llol ber,)rQ biOi, The youngest of the purty no" r088 and their oyell from thu ra18 of her bellutj. lellU aro rocky. but thcse furnl8h excel·and lellning forward, made II renllirk In walked up the able to the further end of Such WIlS the vcr)' InterCltiIlg origin or leot Jlllnure; the &Oil, huwever, ilJ for IheII low tone of voice. This remArk clluBed the colcll. the old Illliute, and it it "questiou 1Il0st pllrt tulerllhly freo from IltOllllll,navis to rni8B hia bead, an,l gnze lit Iho He ClIst a quick but 8crlltlnizill~ look wnrlhy tht' attOlltion of our lIIi1itllr)' IIU. Ilod tht IIlo .....OIan haa no exculKl for turD'bcl\utifui fllce of II girl who .Iept III II III the white,l11lired mlln who, t.lcaplte hi, tIJOr!ticlI, why .1I0uld oot the old Illlllte, Ing II crouked furrow. 'l'h08O who IreMit beildo the .....hhe·belmled (l!UilCnger. ~u8picluns, hnd fnllcn IIs1ecp. For three JlOi:Iseluin~ lluch lln origin, lind l1saocill.ted flllllilittr (lilly I"llh lhu couulry ",'c"t uf

llSllelleep' like a child," Lbe conductlJr succl:.uive dlly' he and his doughter hlld with (lur urlllY frum tile "ory ellrlieet tho Jordan will Ilerhll.]l~ hllrt.ll}' IJuliovoAid, admiring the face, ant.l wi8hing per· beeu 00 the train, and d\lrinS' the time limCll, be restored' It i~ dliticllit to di8' me when I slute thllt on the Htlurallh..pl that bo could enjo)' Rucn Illilulliocr. Ibe falher had Ilept but little. HilChild'. cover to wbllt IlurpollC it WlI8 e\'er abol. Illrliull I Ill...·" A('~U ill the plowed fioldll

"She alwaJs .Ieeplllbilt \\"8y," rt!A))ond. ohjcction. to the sleeping cOIJcbes bfld iahcd. Tho Prlncllllli Jlllttuf Ihe ofllcer·. forrowl Il mile And a mile and a Illllf in00 the p&88enger, with II smlle; "llGJ be\:n IIstcned tn, and th" twain Illld Got slIlute, kiuing the hitt l)l'the.word,llllte contilluoul lel1$th, llnd lllIatrBight IS ooewhcn sha wakcuhe IstU Ire.1I as n ro.e.'· lJuitted the througb pll'SCllgClr ear. 111.0 from the ~liddle A¥eil. Wheu til.., could 1)rIlW a IlUO.

"YulJr dllughler has Cflm\lIIoy, I ~," Tbel wen! traveling to one of the larg. CruRltdert werll on thClr march tu the In AClIorching for Biblical IHee I haveubtlerved Davi., glUlcingat the remllinder Cit ritle" iu 'ILII elllt, wbere thej ho])Cd to lIull City, tho knlghta were in tho dllily followed tip trle wholo line of the Zerkluf the ear, wllo Rlr~l1l'etl to IJe .1L't!111IIg Jwell uutiI death should lear them Ilpftrt custom of IlIAnting their long two-haudet:l frolll its mnUlh tt> 118 snurce, and lOudIlttuatlly. .nd call Cl\ch from the ","orlll. swords ullril!lht 10 the b'1'ound. therelJy the vRlley Jlrett)" 6xtf'llslvely cultiva.ted,"Y~i aro thoy goln~ throught" Cyrull Uadcllffe-for luch wall the forming II. emu, .od before these they It being lIiJ:ty·flve or IltiVOlltJ mlle8 In"Olt, 1"; 11000 b,u through pas8Cager. tather', nllme-Wlli a bankernf eminence IJerforlueli their morning dcvoliolUl. On length Iu Cllpllcitie. fire great, bcelluatl

are IIdllliuetl til tl1ll1 CUl\Ch. TheYllre OI,t in a city fll.r west of the AlleJ:hllniC8. HiR nil military ocelUilJllS thlly kluod the the IlUl1ply or wall~r iR Ibundant, andClllllnluolcluive fllllow-iravelel'i, I Illouid wealth was the "Opoll lCillme" into the !liltl of their IwurJ. in takeu of thllir ovcry Icrll could 1,0 rClLChed by irrigatingilly." higllest ~ociety of the IlInd, but he Wll.lI devulion tu the caUAe of the Crnst, and clnallJ. Thcre nre alrelld, a multitude

"Theyare nolo" replIed the old man. D(lt pulrt'd up "'Itb the pride that lIgen- tblR cullom WlU perpetuatet.l Iner the of f"rmll io thl. valley, Ind tbe wheat"Mr. Dayls, I do Dot like my traveling t:rall \' found 'wlth ricbes. lining no Cru.aderl were cumbered among tile crop thl! year iR good. Willi rtgllrd tocomp.nloul, ,. and tbelptllkllr', voice waif rclltt1ve8, uve his daugbter, he tb:ed the thinglor the 'l'ut, Rnd when the relilf' the cllnlll, ju.t referred to, the pruseollowered. greAt 10v(I of bill helUt upon her, aod it ioUi origlo uf tne alii lite WlU forgotten. culti'lltQrl o{ tbe lund Sll' thllt they dig

'I'he conductor looked surprlsed. WILlI a luve vuter than bis wealth, deeJXlr 00 new ones, lind the Arllbs III thllt

~\~~~r{~i::p~ar~~l~~' ~~~~lf~~;llCl1t th~u~hl~:eua~ return to Ibe 8{!ene ill tbo DoN PKI>I~o'a lsDlII'Jo'ICUNOX TO ETI· ~~~~ed 71:~~:' ;~Iil~~e ~owonht~\'ee hi~:dd~conTertation the conductor a[l\l IU8 pas- throngh car. moving lit tbe rate of twenty- Q.UE1'TE.-Dom P~C6'11 Indifferenco 10 lI1aoy unused eanulll, a few of whlcb eaolOOKer blld uebllogell nftUltll, IiOU were Itlveo llllle. ao hour. the rul~ (If pllillee ctiquotte, during hill l>e trAted tn a dl!tltucc of fI.e or teothus eubled IQ call each olber Properll' The mall at the end of the car glided st81 iu UerJio, horrided the Oerman miles. The8C rOllllllnll show that io Dn·

,,[ can .careely explain," 1I'1tR tho pM. towalll 1111 ,Icllm, the old gentleman. caurllel'll. He appeared at the 1'.:mprou· cient. tlll!e~ there 1I'as .. perfaet syslemaenl!ler'a repll' ·'TIll.'re ia Aman In the Hi, movelnentll were watched by tho 81- reception wearing 8 bllCk. crlnat iDatcad ofirrtgalloo, by which not only tho bol­iourth seat frum the .tove, whom, unac· aocillu whonl btl had leCt In the leat. of the regullLtlon while ucci.tie, which, lUI toi'll IlInd wu bruught UDder cultivation,countably, I do not Ilk-e. He bolrded \Vheu he nl&UlCd bolide bi. victim he tile Cologne Qilldt, observe», "18 ludl,· btll iD somtl eWMll eveD the foot-hill.Ule train at Uomne" and 1 have cluabt drew a b.lnukerchief [rom bll hoIum.' pon.able Bveo at the White 1{0UiC in tbelllaelvllll, \VlItJn tho prelMlDt rllrlDlnihim looking ukanco at mYllelf and Tbeo tbe faint odur of chloroform be- Waahlogtun." Kaiser WillIam and hla want to utilize a new piece of ground, allMabel. Tbeu t11e rello", who .ppeln to clme proYaleot, Aod tbe handkerchief ~:t~rLd: ii~:~~ l~y r~~~~lJ~~c~t ';:d::': th~y ha\·tJ to do II to clear out Md re-be aaleep tbree .eats behind hlro OD the "as held under CyrlJe ltedcllffe'l oostrlls. I' pair on\! of thelO, old C&lIals. BOllIe o,f

I Id f h I I h b II villi hut thll Brllzilian tour At 1I'flII not In. b 1 1 bit h '·lllf I0111101 til. eo t e R s e U COli gil tl Whil. ,hi, WliS boinU' dnoe tbe blue. .. t e.~ canll. s ex II .uc I.. u cnif:.

"h b' d 1 b I· b •• • Attonhhed aod somewhtll chagrlnec1, the tl 1 r d od Io t e l&JOe t ng, an e leve t ere .. e!ed man left hi, .eat, llDd came IIp the . h uet.'flng lilt 0 ten wou er lOW t e, ••• h . 1 d Kllller gue dircetiolll to bll coac man 'f to d h th A b ' IIa CODDcet 011 "",lWelIO t e partlel. 0 I IIIe till he palRet:I lila coof<.derlLte, !lnd pea,pc 0 . uy, w ,e er rA I o,r Ie I·

t th· k h 1 ~ ., to drive back. to the palace, wben a h Id h ,. " th I hno WLllt ,ou to In t llot ICl.r ulcm, Rtood l>e3ide tbe .Ieeplng air!. In, cou "vo uUI em, uoll t ey.NoYe" in m, IIfa, Illld 1 hue paued I 0- " drOlbke rapidly drove up, lind Ii .tout, &Nured me repeatedly that neither lheythrough the wild tribellof tbeAmlzonion 'Shall I ~Olll tbe. othl:!rt' asked the elderly man in a gray ovtlrcoatt crying, Dor thclr futbof'll had anllhlng to do witb'fILlle" bave I feared man, Over IIlere yOUllg m&l11n a ~bllll)frlill ho gllnced at "Sire I Sire I" alighted, and IprinJeing their construction.liet tbo 001, jewel to whieb I cliog," and tbe three re~.lnIDg Jl~u..engerl who were to the Imperial clrrlSKC, helped tbe Ocr· I hMVe ulimined the Jordan vaileyhe oodded to"ard the ahllnbering girl. uleep In thell relptroll\'e Itl"t.. man Emprella out. The Emperor W\I- tbrougbout 11& whole utent with .pccial"Sbe it the tole creature through wfiOfe "N~! tbey'l! not awaken I" ,,!IUI tho re- Ham foUowed, and ou reacbiDM Dum reference tl') it. being Irrl8~ted from the,.eim tuD' my blood, and 'OU mURt ply. ..Now gtve lIHbel II tilt-not too PClIro'l apartmentl the lalter Ilpologizt.'tl .'orJan itself; and ram coovinced tb.tkDo. that .be i. t.leMr 10 Illt." much I . for bia apparentl1 rude conduct by I8Y' the pruject i. very fouibl,. Every

"Certainly, Mr. RldcUlre," .aid Davis, Tbe chlororormed h~ndkercblef, wl.th. Ing ho hAd gone to l'rofClsor Belmholr. lIlJuare mile not now Irrigated could beI'Your entire solicitude ia for her." dra~n from blr. HRJchlre, w~ appl~cd without preyl(lual,8Culng hil watch to walered t'r(nn tlle Jordln, and the eJ:-

"Euctl, l" 10 bll dMogbtet, who uncul~lClollRly In· llt!rl\n time, llnd .. disell8.lon 00 phy.i- pen8C foradttm aDd canala would I>e"1)0 you kno" thelll two fellow. 1" haled tb!! powerful Il1tr8tlll:UC. ulogical opUee bad so much Intereat for lImMli comp'fl,od with the large number"I do Dot. never law theUl beforo iu A mOmollt lIter till) agent or TII.lalny him thllt ho oYul'1tayed hi. time. The of ,lluaro mUM of uluable IIllld that

aU mlHre." "'a. reetored to hb bollOrn, aud wltb 110 Brlzillau /lIJYerelgn had 00 de8he to ,lee would thull be made produotive. If weConductor Davil thougbt II momenl. look III) aDd down tbe cllr tho eldest WlIoO the bllornleK.Rnt) parade.groundl of Ber- rockon the ulley at IIxty mlloa in length"¥ourldf and dlugllter can llYoid lifted Mabel from the 8"'t. lin, IJut the tlnl'lenhy, the art galterlea, and I'rom twO or three 10 Ris: miteR 10

them by takiog up quartl.'rt in Ihe fUI'. IlWe mUlt IJc nllllr tile rllll.l!. Hing the .clentiflc lnitillltions, And above "", width, wo &hould havo 180 aquare mile',,"rd ear. I wute yo" thllt you will not tbe eo,pneer down to a",wer time, the valllcc lIbmr,., uDtlerwent blR careflll or land 1I8 fertile .. lay pr.lrie. aodI", regarded u intrndef'll, snd tbat tbe &c. Ql1lck I" lu.pectioll. which, at "'enty or t1l'enty-f1Ye bushel.CQQlmoolltioD. winaot IloCk comfort." 'Tbese wonll were IT\llKen to tht: yOllng ller acre, would produce betweeo 2,000,·

1-- L1WAI, DlIll,ICAt, 10l'foRANclC.-DurlogBut the plUeogtr gtntl, declined the ml'0IWhocllught thlll>ell rope Mud Illl{ged the trl.1 of tilt: celebrated. DeaveDworth 000 and 3.000,000 bUlhelll or wheat. If

:~d:rlr.r'jo~~:~,lli~s:~: ~~~6h;0:~~ at '!C~~:~lt~lhe uclaimed, "I t .cernll baby cuo, i~ which two women claim :~ ~~~~~~~~~It::~:::~~el:~~~~t',:t p'1i~~•.•• I I·' I . the allme Child, 0111 of tne lawyen\in the 'Ul:t::n p acO( 10 lor t lflt purpol8. to haye cauHht >lnme"'here. The Irlllll II pie who CUltlVlltO the .011 there at pre.·

Arter a few more word~ OaTla left tho increll8ing ItI .peed." courae of hi. remarkl, pointed II the out Ih'" there all the yeMr rouod, andcoacn and )l'sted ioto tile Olpreell car, The fll.ce of the ,"aD who bel{1 :\llll)fl painting of 8010mon ordering the child be.idea the ruinl of a dozen in)rlOrtant

I b to be8eyered in hMlve. aDd divided be· ,--'f'f lere ! IOtIn a!Jpeale.d to ~orget hi. pas- iD 1111 anna .udder-Iy grow pale. townR alollg tlte line uf the foot·hill.aeogerllIl a fOnVel'iRllOII wltl:! the wei. "Jerk it witb all your might!" he crletl tWCtlD the two womell. Hi, Scriptural .how HUH the vallol baA been inhabitedIlII1~r. (0 bls corlfederate. Icnowlet.lge being Imall, he Illuded to b, civilized people at lOme dille lu the

'l'bo door had hantll closed 00 the con. Tbe mall obeyed 80d tILe rope .mlppcd Pilato iD.teiKIof Solomon. The oJlpolllng put.ductar·. form when the min neareRt tIle it! twain ~ counsel. supposing he knew all about it, If we go louth of the Zerk. 1I'e flndl\Me .!lowed .ign. of animntion. He "The )'1" i. up, lam afraid. There! Inltlllltil jumped 10 hil feel, anc called the Juzer region, whlcb the childreu, od hi h-> d I k I ~ him 11 (001, anu .ald Ihat the order wasurn I o;.u an 00 e( up the dimly We'Ttl Jlused the rOlld. 11 aeems 10 IDO b C of Hcul>en and the children of QlLd ooce1I11bted a.i.le, not rorb'1lttlng to 101 hll that we're goiDll at tbe rattl o( forty mile. 1 ICRllr and not Pilau. AlU:r a heated C3'oted as 11 tine JlllIIture·,Ilwund [or tbeireYlll reat on the old lrnyeler and III. an !lour." dllcu"lon tbll' IBreed to loue It to the catHe (NumlJ. :IlIIIL), .till aoouDdlng indallgbter. lie " ... I haodsame man. "\-eij, BfL, of them!" .!lid hll oomrade Judf:,~. Ill. honor decided that botb the wbeat-t1eldl and covered with nUllllllOuallllOUt lhl~J.ftv& yeArs .0J age, IInll ahove ,betweeo hil leeth. . attorneys weretalklnK upon uubject for· f1ook. ll.nd herdl of the llcdouln. Athl.lnlCunant crop or Sl!lrl, aubLrn ",big. At that momeDt the door bet.orc them elgo to Iheir knowledge, arul, poiuting to Khurbet &r there II a large platelu ell'­keta, shDne • I,,!r or mild Mile eyes. l,wUDgopcn, aod coDductor DllVIHtepl'ed the pllinting, .f11d It waR lotended to rep- teDdlng nortb I1.lld eut adiltance of three

Not noe man In 11 humlrt,1 ""(lulu hl\'e ioto tho coatb. reBent Herod, an\l oot PlIllte nr CN,ar. mile., perhaJII, aDd In thll pllteau I. thec}IOICn bim (er II. rlllClIl. I Tile blu(l-eJed Willi Illutened to place 'I'lle law Jeri canliderfd the matter .ettlL-el w.ter.shed belwetln the Zerka on tbe eait

fie wu well, ahlllJlt Ib,-lIil,., dre'sed. Mlbel in lhe &Cat front wblelt be Ill4t.I Mod proceeded. wilh tim cue. Ilod wad,s Keferoin and lIeslJan on thethere"l1 a h.lIll80OIC dHllllllRl plu all lifted her without being lCeo by tbe con- we.t lod lOuth. 1'l!e regioD I••tuddedhit botoDl, IDd a erl.' t, ,I n0l: "II hi. ductor. Uut iu this he failed. TIlE lale t Invtfllig lor give. Jeru.a- with ruio.. and amoD" them I think Ih.nd. "lhlDt!emca:' a:aid null, clilmll, aud 10m 8,000 Christians, 111.Ot.1(J Jew>!, and IIR alJle to Identlr'&Olue of the cit Ie, 01'

Alla.lew hi. glll.e to fel ,rr. 11''''11 Lhe I\t 'he hwe :imc Jisplll)'ioJoi Ii revolver, 1:),000 !l[ohamm~ao.. the tribe of lhuL



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Journal of Commerce.

MITCHELL WAGON'S,•.y.uno........." •• "all h.." r.

AMERiCANn..-........... t_ ""''''1_ ..._ .....",,·r .IK......

Water, Water,-oa-


PIPE...-aN I :brClI"C.t.,. .... laIOnllatloll 10

........OA.JII' •••• CO.... CllIlbm.. Ik.. ••• ,.,....,

IT • .,.T8 TNIM ALl. I

m OBIAl'IlIT. m lilT.n.. taly 00_011. ..... PI,.,

&ul11 IAJeI. ltallcl 1A,rr-v..&ulI,~..... wltllu oriJUlJ .......




---HAS THE---



'WEEKLY cu:aomCLE CLUB Aa.TU:A n.h .rIa' ,:1 ".".,_•..... ,....•11 "1"11.1Ie( 10.t t~. ' ...r'.,•..........lflt ..

I7Poata4la trM 011 DaD, aDd _ ..kJ,. .ul _ to. C1ttb Ill"" be _, '" 1M U-.~

1..4 tor a lpeclau. CotJ7. &11 PoetaMtera Ac-tailiad __, b1 potlI.l ~.~ ltUtr CII' to, Upfttao to 01lU. D. lou•• 00.. 8&a FtuletlOO

... lfIIlellOO, .a, 30, lIn.Wa. the QIldlnipt4 Wbole.aJ. Grocers,

lake plhlarelD "Illultlq lb' iaenued. d.muel for BO..II1'. PrtIllIWII Yeut Powd.r,ud of w.\ltytug to tbe 1t1l.1'tJ oU.futloa,hll by tbil lIruel:W.UmlA, PICk I: CO.,IDlUep1u1 , Co.,Boot. luellrlOa, 1:I"0Il • EIlJ".Wd.a, WllIppI16CO.• Joa.. t (10.,H... Bf'OI., •• EUDlUl t <:0.,Taber. Hullir • Co.. I.ctaal, .clhm. Ce.J." Pib I: Co., 7. Daaul I: Co.,J . .A.. roll''' I: Co., .. I: C........11.••wtoa Bm. I: co" Ti1bDau I: Bodel,e.tU. Brot., .A.JbeJ\ JIau. I: Co.,nH. JluI.ap, W. 'W. DodJt I: co.•• roe\otr I: Ct., _

••1Id. I: Co., IBootll I: Co.,MUllk.. 15rot., AUlD " LnriI.

k,lllMatG. Ponluil.




The Cuttl) af ehlllan.

A HORIUBI•• 1~M'IIlIUluT.-The Per·IlauKO",rnmcllt InOlcta" terrlbh~ puollh.IIUlDt upon robber. who Il.re captured h,tbe .uthoritlel. Barbaroul CXI>edl~nt'

are rel()rtud to 10 ortlt!r to (rlKhltln them(rom their lIIl!gltillillte cIllling. Of fiftJwho WOrtl roetlntl, cMptl,lred, twenty. threehall tltelr Ihro"" cut. Othul'l wore eru·clOed, belll~ 1l11lled to the wall of tbe\Own bJ their h..nd. Knd (eel, lind thenlen to perllh .Iowl, of IlIh.u~tlon alld.tarntwn. Otlt('ft again wero hurledalive in pit. of brlck·work. 10 which theJwere I'lltt!d erect, wltb tbelr head' jUltaOO'e grCluod. Pioloned and 111l"OO, therobben wllrc Illaced In thele .hort, opeacolumDl of brick-work; .nd. whitepiliter, not unlike Illuter·of.p..r1., Walthen !'Oured neck deep o'er their lIodlc.,around which it Jet luto the hardo81 ofItcne. In tbelr dJiog hnuN the mlse,.­blemea were bubl,oLl.IJ llI·treated.ootheir npoted and deflloJeleu hcllds. bythe rahble and the williery of Shiru.Dttpite tbe adoption ur tbell! frightfulIl1tUIUel for the puollhment of highwlyrobbery, Ille crime i. or conltant oc:cur·renee, tfIJNlClallrlo Southern Pel'll.. and.uecp' III tbe mOllt biUer wealher In WiD-

r,l\. per.oOl lIod elfllCll of tra..eleflIZ"e 10 collllaat peril.

The StellpclS !Lilt! Oaselorfeutral Asill,

The .teppe Ire the bottom' of InclentteU wblch ooce rolled over a large pot·tlon or lilt (uotineot of Atill., lIId wbich•• beo Iwept b)' UnrOllL, rile In tUlnult·\lOUI .avtll, DOL of water, but of laud.the parlic1t1 or _bleb rul,ibt be likenedw.pr.y, !Jut that tbo)' burn like .parksDC lire. The terror inlpired by thl.'!e.tOrlD5 illllucb u tu deler even tbe moel~ ..enturou. mlrehaall (rom l.n.vcnlogthe IWPP"I in lummer, uoleiS umdtr thomOlt pt Ing DctcUitJ. The upeet,.ben co,.ered wha 'DOW, I, detCribed .~

.tt.ngel)' "dul and oppressive, exhib­iting \be up.n~ of tbe ocellD witboutit. lUIiuu.t1oo, and the IOlitude of theArctiC regiuol l't'itbOlll Ulelr lublimitJ.Woe to the \flnl!e, who it oYerukcn by• 100W .turw lu the llAr:Jll-; hi. duulII i.Ine,itable, Iud the bodies of troop!'wblch bllVe euayed the })triloa. tuk ofm.rchlng acron tho ltepPH in wiaterhue bee" overtakeD aDd o\'erwhelnlaedby a ttropeat of 100W. OrealJ u are tbeIteppct i.ll winter, ..heir upeet in .priagit DOt whhout a certain beauty. Thengell&t1on i. rapid, aDd tbeJ are dolhedwith IbDft vi,llI ({reeD J1:r.." intenpenedwith .culet popp1tlt "i1d tulip&. ,Jello..larlrlpun. aeruluml. aDd manJ IUDd" ofcruclferoua and lejil:ulDinool plaDtl. Theouee of central A.i, aaord a .ulkiogcontralt to tUe lurrounuioK delOlatlon.Ilod lbocitie. which 10 lIut &ttl .prangup 10 tbele fuored lpotl aboundffi iotlftlrythiog that could grll.tlfy the helrtof80 Alhltle. Eveo In their decay theypotlleU attrllctiooa ...·bich CJ:cite the.~tbudum of trll,eltr., and Bokbara,llalkh, Khohl", ~lllDllrcllod, Kbhll IlndTlUlbkolUI aro .till wlollratcd for theirbllJbllog t1rOalUlI, bulJbllng fouotalo ..delightful Rllrdens .nd doop umbrllgoou.gro,el. The OaIM ar~ Tery curcCully cui·tinted. Watcrnlelonl IU'6 grown overuUOIi ..e urcu. andlfford thltlnOlltgrate·ful 11IcvltltlHn to the often overpow~ring

beat; t'rultll of 1'Irl()ul kind. are rltilled10 Kreat perfuctioo. and tobaccn of theHDeal 'lull', i. produl:ti" 10 lUCia ..I"uu·ducts 1O!6 to place tbl$ neceuary of lifefor lUI AailtlC lI'hhin the reach of thepoorett hdl.. idual. The 8lU'Jeo" :\(r.Schu,ler laJ" con.tilute the bcllutJ ofthi. laad. The luug row. of poplltr andelw IreeI, the nue,anI" aDd llie darkColI.ge of tbe pomegrao..le. lIaalport Doeat 0000 In tbe Illaiu, of Lombardy or thelOulh of FNoca. In the early pring thacitln and their Yic:init, a,. ooe m....... ofwhite BOO plok _itll the bloom uf lll·mODi!. polc:b. cberry. apple. Ipricot andplum lIf4!I, wblcb perfume the air formiles around. Thett l"rdeDJ are tbe ra·..c)rite ""orr. of the people in .ummer,ud well tbe, may be, (Ot onwbere arefrulr. mure .buadllDl. aod or lOme 'fl.rieti" ao...·berc~ are the, better. Theap'ricor. lind nectarines It will be IIDpot.Ilble to lurpat" Peacbc.,lhoogh smallerIn liu, are .aid to potIt't. a higher f1.",orWill the ben of .Eogland. The largeblue plam. of 80kbua are celebtatlldOftt tb. wbole of Alia. Tbere are tnCOOIIDon cuhlntiun len vuiede- or mel·OGI. In Ullt bot climltte tbe, .re coo·.idered particularl, whaltlOtoe. aDd 10.ummcr form one \If the priocipal uti·CIN of food. AD IICre ur l.od properlJprepartJ "ill produce. 10 ordinlrJ JeI,.,from '.0 tl.I thrt'e thOUIllOd, and In~,eart double 'bat ~ultDtlt,.-NtIIl Qtlar­urlN Jla"o.iM.-------


rtJitWHID ow Till uarlCOQ.u

BeltCommerclal Paper

.... CO_...A'••

A. Complete Lin of Jobbera' Prioe..

And a Genoral Beview of aUGoocll sold Ln thts 'Market.

" )flllCU~T "ILL I.t.VI.IIItlCR )IOU THAlliTUIl"lUt;. ur 1H11'''I'IK BY IIIBIliCMI.

ISO rolt TUiB VALo....u:JQuauJ..

ruml of SUb.crlpUoo., • 85.00 ptr Yea,.

.......plll .,..1... Jr.' •• "'.1I111'l"II••.

• , lourn,l et C,III1l.rCl '11"11'''1''1 c ..• .. .,....v •.,." .



burgh could baadle hi. 11001 and ti"enwitb impunitJ. No aoimal "ill (ail 10telpood to killdneu aDd uniform RoodtruhDeli1. Aad l!IVeclAII1 will the no­ble borMI relpl'Ct .ad codde In andfaithfulIJ Ilene a muter whodulJ kind!,with him. We h...-o ounel..-el lakea.Iplrited .Morgan mare wblcb b"d beeorudelJ hanJred .nd become eltlffl, Qa­maollfrOlblo tbrougll hlUlh trustmen!,lDd, b,.ppeallog to her lotclllgeoeeaudretpeetiag her aeed., 10 three weeks'tilllll mlde bar entlrtl, ..fo and reliableror "Ife aod children. aod all who wouldtreat her kindly and band Ie ber gently,.ad "e have. lIner lI,e yeara, IN!t!n tbelatlle mue !'eIume he: old Ylclou, hnblttwbeo again under tbo coatrol of one whortlOrl«! to arbitnry or brutal tmatmeDt.Always appeal to the IJeUer 10lti.llctl oftbe hGtlO, lhe mu:e, tlu,! ox. the cow. uwell ... the dug and other domutic &01·mils••nd thcy will Dover become !Iciuu.or uowaDllgCable.

"----)(£.'uoo II to be wid thllt Ir .he doctn't

take care of her thieve' on the Mexlclaborder our goyeroment will t!lKe ureor thcm fur ber.








Une killd I'br l~rQltn r.tnllJ'.Tilt! 01 her n... lIunetllatnl Altlma,••

Th 1.lnllllenl~~lf'l)' Ihl' "on'lI'r ofliwo ..orl'l. Tllcir cd''-'CI~ .re lttlll'l leN bnlllr,....Io1,.. I Mit

The" hlt_ Llnh.." .. 1 I. ror Ih.. hlltnllnr.uull!. '1 ..Ill t1rl\-e HheuUUIII.u•• 'lot:IKIInl.nnd Se:lr.. lJtllt rrom Ihe I,..ll'rn; r,,,'1". 1.lIu\.111I..-0. t hllllllalll•. l.ot'k,lll"-. IOUI ", 11< h, a,"lmflljl l'lIl1lnl!f1ll1 t'rtll'llon~: 1I e"111wI" I)O!I~

rN)1I1 f'rt11('n hlnd~ 1111\1 ~r. nntl Ihc 'tfll~ll ~rlUlclllntl "I trlll~ or \·ellomoll~ nlll' lit I: 1111.111..(111(':1 1II1'.'lttlljlfll, nl1ll I\Uel'lnleli Ililln ur ,'nlr,.kind, When 11J1'li11l~M l'I'lIl>oC~ tl'-'l'ur. II ill tileIIlt....1 1,"11'011 ",lIled)- ('nrlll-''OII''I'I!.1 101 hl'ulthe Injured 1_1'(.lI_ Tho I'ClllftUr l.luhllclIll.Ilill'l! wlltl jot'n"Itl ~m....·)' rorlOl"\' Ihmu. lonlh.u<'ht ••~t"l:-I l'n·...I~,r.nllhtl lind ."lI"llr"'kT~~\I~~~~i:\~:1t I. tltll Ii 11111111111 or nUllll'n)ui

• "llIlIlanallo:ne.Jetr. CO.. hHI_.MI\''!''1~73'1 Ihllll( II III)' tllIl)' 10 In(.mn lOll Ihll' i

hi'·., lIutl·notl 'nlleh ..lIh ~"'ont!n It..., 1111I1I'\}'I'I'If.. A row 1)l'Il'le;l; or t;olnillur I.lrthnen, h".(Inlltl Ihe ",-urk r.,r lOt!. I Il;j.\~ 11II11 " J'rP.tl(1'011\ fhC"l' _1'I'~llInlC.loellrhl)I"U S ·I.tnrll'r(~II)' well. The Llnllllent m,,,1I1 I., 1'Il1l1~pUetl"lIrlll, Ut;!'tJ!olIiX 1II1'/WS:'

The Jlfoor lit lnl1JelrluJ. 11 11I11'ltll1Jlc, 11111IlItlldy,ll lol'heup, alld tl\-ery llulllly 8houltlh:t.\"Ollho Whllol·enl..,lr 1.lnlllll'lIl_

TIl" "elluwC'enlAut' l,hlhttI"UII"nllnpll'tl10 lilt! IIlUMll 1U1I~1 ....,fonlli .11(1 UI'.h 1)1'1101"1;I'11

unll 1I1lhllrtlli, It hltll IlI'rr01'U1l'1l IlIIlrtl "'t"'d~r.rul eurc•• III 1111'1"0 )-I'!lINl, or "1111\'111. IImln.wlnd1f.It~. tl'U,ll'Ilel, '.''-1'11)'. pntl 1tt"lIel"lllJAllll'IlI~,lh.1I nn 01 her 1\'lIlfitlt'llll csl.'r....'-'e.Kmd .."Ilatillcr"-'ftl eJllfChllll"n ")-Orll:

, ".:\'er)· n..-nl"r ~~e:o~rk~~~:l:rr~i,~.~i:ile(clllltUr 1,11I11I1l'1I11t Irllli. '1' .. ''(IIIp-IJo:r lithetil..., Irtlf'lt1l'll'r Q4Ctlln onr "'rthto,._

"I!_ 3C~1(!'1I. ,"upl. "tlam••:._ N."I~. S .Y.")•. J·II,l"'~"IlIII.l·'~'."."I.hli S'"",\1,11"1' "I. vl.IS, 8111It.!'tlll_t:...~I.hi~,~, \'."The ht... r ptl mn_ of Ihlll '.!llhllent .... t'tIr.

rlt'l''!tllnd l'l'lcrlnllry f(UI'K"'MIlli, .1'10 1I~('tI'••""nnll)' ll~lnft' "JlIle hnlllll'lIl. It hl'll!. lCttl1~wnull 101 .n<l \'011 IlI·II. 1'0:11I(>\ .-11 ~.·ell1nll'" 1111(£Ito "'urll' IUllllllll {lr .Ioth"... IInllllnll,. 10 1Ii,­IIIl'Tll. hn:r'Ull'n, '1'OI.'k1tl'u!t".·I... .ih.·t'I..N115enl\n.llhl ....·lllI\ hll( htl~,. urUlillc.

\\'11111 II furrlcr "lll 11111 'In lnr t!tJ clio (,:cutaurI,Inlm*"11 will (Ionl II lnllhlj( I.......

Tlll'III' 1.ltlhnO:lIu 1l1'e ""Ill to), till dl'llle ...Ihrmll(h"l1l '11ll \',,"nll'l'. 1'h,,\' I..·•• .'III-l'lilllell11)' lhe l'rtI/lrll'lo""'.lIn. It I~jlll lIt lloIll'll"('1IIn In) Illrrlllr or pll)tllclltll .. 1111 d I~lI lu Ie••them.

L1LOOrtllOrr 01 .r. It H~ .t Co".. IJXY S..... Sow \·urll.




HUN T &. LE4RNE0,.A.G:::mNT&.

TW, Beer Ie of Extra QualityAmi will be 110111 In IllY pAckage to

suit the Il1ule.ron. Town...ml. ~t"J 18, 1--'71.









WhotCY.le and n~tan. "1





1JI1 'G' A~O MElll(;ll'ES

Purl. 'roW""llltcnd. "\V. '.1'_





lmillCI ~ES.


AND 'fnU ·Sr.S;

Patent Medicine. ot all Kind..







Large As.ortmont.





And III ArtIcles lIsed for tho

Quick Sale•• Small Profltl

W f'l't'5Crlptloll!J clrerull, (.'Om-

pOlillded. 4Jy





Cigars, Tobacco

At C. C. Bartlett's.





A'r 1'11&

CIGAns. &<.:., 40.



IUE1'IERAL IWholc~nle Bnd Hct.'llllx3Ienlll



pour 'rOWN EXD, w. T.

Taylor's Sulky Rakes,MOLINE PLOWS,


Honse and Sbip Carpenter's Tools,SHIP CHANDLERY,





Boots and Shoes,


LX Q 'U 0 R. S,




LARCE STOCK OF SHEET MUSIC,Agent for the P6pular Sing r S 'Wing Machine.

PiauOt. Orgalll, Sewing MII~ililles lold on imlallrlleutt-a liberal dilcount (or cub,

Address W. G, JAlJfIESON, ProprietorOf lb. LARGEST JEWELIW AND MUSIC E.lIronwM .orlb DC ••• V....i'N,


IMPLE~ENTS ID1),y GOODSOf all KInds. 1,

Mitchell's Farm Wagons

L0""70s1; Prj,coe


Sweepstake Threshers,


Gold and Sliver Watches and Chains, Jewelry, Silverware.Also ARent for tbe Celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLES, tbe lest 18 tbe worll-perlect fit (naranleed,

OU,1· Prices al'e Lower t1Utn £tit?! Rctctit StOl'e on the Coast.'VatchellLnd Jewrelry careCull,· rep.ired and "arranted. FIRST Cus, WOU:WEY emploled.


.... .Jewelry, Music and Art Emporium

Occupying two Fire-proof Brick stores, corn er:nrl onCOInIn rcial and Mill Str ets, SEATTLE, W. T.



Ship Wright and Caulker"''''TERnat:t:r,

1"ort '.co'\\'u80nd. 'v. T. 11

Wt:IN; f',\)U:-i GIIOI'SU.Ttl. Art of .&dffrtlslnro

S,UaIDI' Tweut, !lilts.

TII(' timc 'h.~ l'ClIn~ ",!It'll :l. knl \d· To·d3~··" (li~pll.trh,s ~i\'(' 311 nC'o

tdge c'( this art ill JIl el,!:{'llfinl r:lrt f1r\Cllullt or ~~htj,,~ LC1u':et.1 tlte ,;ooP'"the elluo"li<m of C\'er~' hIlSiIH'S.'l "Hltl. find JJl(llIlI\~ 011 \\ C-l(H' CIUl1n~Tolle Sl1ccfuJul ill husino!!!! Iht.!!grOlll1dS ,.Iu.'ro Ih.<.' IllduUl ".CI~lIt:'Fllould UIlIIl'fstR"d IIOW 10 Bd\'Nti~o. f(moll .Jflscph 1'11111 /uillJllllll. \\ ClJll',It illlll'lt ollly IH'CeSSIIr.'" ill ordl'r In or q.U,ipc llll tilt' Inll.illll~ PfOll IIl~CCiIlUltrate fhe truth of thi:: sllltf'lllrlll, !I. !ll!-!IJlfies a Ino~f(ulto III the ~Cl,to caUlltlelUictO 10 tile 1ll0~t SIiCCtls-1 Perce 1:ll1gu.~(' IUlll is gil'l'lI 10 Ihil~(uIIllQrcb.nt llill 1II.llu(lIcturors of IHl.rti(Oular pllt'c llll 'C'{'OUllt O( till'

an\, I.rge cit)·, or IIllIII 'I'illag-e, ill tIle ,:trent lakcs thnt arc forll~('d all Ol'frUnited ..,latC's, "be)' know just the Ca~I"5 groundll, Ire Iltcral~r (.'()\"1"bat to say to tho puhlic, WhOI.1 to ered .·uil m~qnel.Ur~ ~t C~rl~lIl sea·g~' it. how to SIT it allli thel1lel!Jul1l II'" of the ypar. \\ elpe IS lUlul1ledto'emplol"in saTing ii, 1Iu',' hl"e in Sho~hollec count.v, I. 1'.,011 themade the same careful study ·o( thi. ,"IA~e roatl Icadillg (rom Lewi Ion toall of any Olhcr branch of tllcir hllsl· ~:er~e <;it)', or Oro Fill? l'hhi Jlra­ne s. Tbcrdon't insertll, single beg' Irl,e I~ lhstant (rom LeWiston SC~,Clltygarl), little ad. in an obscure corner IIl1les soUth'CUlIt, Illll from llereeo( lamo paper, out o( (lIl'or to the ~'itl, sixteen mile! lvest. Kal~1ilLh

publisher to support a part)' argall, 1108 to the "'t·.!It of It fo\ltteen mllos.Inll thell ~tldelLl'or to lI1a~e the pru. Tho ~V~ipc ~5 a. InrJ.l'o tract of IlrRirioprielor of the paj)Cr senSible of ~ht' co.ntlmlll" 600 acres of le\·.e landnluo o( their pAtronlgPo, b)' gro\vhng 1}'lIIg on top of the 1II0Ulltllltl., and"hen asked to pll1 for the advertise- presenls a ,'er, pre ttl' appearance Iltmen!, and ",owmg tbat it Ilcver dill thi, time of tho )'cnr. Just IIOW theth,m Iny ~ood but wns just. put ill bloom of the clmas plant gil'c, it alloutof chlnt,.. 'Tbey are not content ~niqno look and mlt.~cs it very ~ltrac·with In old ltale Idvertisemellt tllln tn'e to rel'5OflS pl!SIIIJ: onr It III th:lLTCpelt.a the same 01..1 atory at allle~ monnlnlllOll~ country; (or thol Ill)

AClnll o( the year, offering tile samc liule ex:pect to fill~ a plAcc ill thobargliol, and tbe same lull upplyof moulltallls so plell.~l1l1t;'_ tl) tho eye.good. "just recci,ed"at all Limes o( On the CRlIInill grollll~l15 (oulld numthe year -when their stocks havt) crOlIS frosh wntcr sJlrmg's, and all therun so lo~ that thoy are scarcely able north side, rUllning lIorth\l'lLrd, is I~to fill tile ordlll1l o( a eillgle custom- Illlallstrl'lI.111 of the same nalllO, drlLill­er II whell their houles are fillel.! ing the whole prltirie nnl.! runl1inj.{wi'th tbe moelo leuon,ble Ind aUriC' into Oro Fino creek. ILlld thence toti.,e commoditiel, They never allow the south folk of Clcar",ater ri\'(~r.

the public to remain in ignorance of These springs and lit reams make it"the (.ct that tbey have ... good thilli desirable plaoe (or camping. Gell·to &ell. Thel know how to ,uke erally in July of eaoh y~ar, the In·t~ejr oon'tao~ appell, in a manner di nl all gather their families alldthat will prove attractive, Tbp.l. are binds of hones .nd lIlo~'e ouL to thealway.!l deviling ne.... and strl"ing camas ground Inll remalO there frummethods (or pre..oting tbeir warel two to (our w.eks, bll ily enga,l.Cedto the pltblio notice, by the use of all the while digging camas. 'I'hoprinteu'ink. They are Il"ays care- tquaws do all the work, .... hile the(ulto Idvertise ,.,Illt thoy havo-not I.on horse race, gamble, etc., just 15

"hat the, hd last winter, nor what it hest suits them. The elevatiotl ofJenks, or Drown, or Smitb, or somo Woipa is about U,OOO felt, COllSU'aile else bas 1101'1'. The.1 advertise t(ueuLiy the soa,onsare lnte. NOlloufhonestly at well 15 Jib.rall" and tho cereals CAll bo raisod thero SIIU\lcltheir CUltom.,.. learn to belie\'e the (ully as the, hue Ilottime to IIIlLture,promise. publioll m.de through tbo owing lothe elevation A11I.I peouliaritylIe"lpapers, Tbeir adl'erloiselnenta of the atmosphere. The In..1ialls, af­are Itudied .....ith ioterelt by nery loer hafing prepareJ their call1as andcae "ho expeoll to become a pur, the other necessitie.!l, leal'e the Cam­chuer. u ground (Of' Bitler Root vallcy hv

It ill as imfOrtant that. man abollt lohe Lola trail, which interseots tl eto engage In mercantile pUMluits Lewiston stago rOAd at tbat poillt."­lIhould know how to a9urtiae,18 to Portland II Bee."lenow bow to bUl judioiously, or to ----.----lell lLlo .. living profit.-IlCbioago A MV.CIIAS'ICA.L HORsK.-The Ge·Specimen." noviL IlColltinonlol1 8I\)'S: Ii An in,

----_____ ~ellious gentlemln of nt'rliu, lIerf<'red6rich Getzsoh, !Ins inyented abOrlll. The unim,,1 ill made of iron,

ICtbe newcollosailltatue o( liberty and thellllltive power, illslltad o( !Je­to be erected in Ne" York harbor ing ilo OIVII legs, is derivod from thecould depend 00 one oCthe Pennsyl. legs of the rider. The ;rou·hotSe, asvania gu wells to keep the great the Berlin plLI)Qr'. call him, showedtoreb burning whicb it "ill hold in ofT bis paces tbe otber day in the gar­its rigbt blnd , tbe lublime elfeclo dell o( Hagen'. SUlIlmer TbelLtre, inwould o"e u mucb to oature as to the presence of the leadiug mechlLlli·arlo. olalll and jcmrnAlisll at the German

Tbe Bradford "New Eral1llitl': The Cl p tal. The CO'lcftrn i d<lscrlbed 81immenae vein of gaa lUI struck 011 cUlIiSllling of It. couple DC ""eoIE, twothe ni,h, or October 4th, at a depth meters hiA'llj betwfJen ttum, I filldlloC 810 (eeL, anel Will 10 stroug a8 10 itself the hor~e,' UpOIl which mouutsrender further drilling imlJOS ible. the rider. 'I hj IlLtler move8 hi,legllThe "ell i, aboulo two miles (rom la(ter the English faltllion of riding.'Bradford, on the Bruce Hodgers' (this m~flns, we preliume, that be(arOl, Ruolling (rom the well are rilel and (alhl in hil aadl.!le) and thotwo·inch pipe&, attached to which thing goes along as a quiok troltingare three IrIS jell o( the same size, horle. Tbe road mtt.kel 110 differencetbe gil be.lching fortb (rom thele -ilo il .Il the pme whether tbe rna­pipet with luch terrifio rUlh and chine gocIl{eudy Ol'er the atolle8 ornoise as to render conferutiou move, Iwiftly OYt:r the hard hifChpitched in the ortlinary tOlle, inaulli- roAd-and the (acultv "ith which thehie (or fully one'~\lrth or a mile It range Iteed tumed rouud oorll' rta"'l' and tbe roar can be beard five exoitell admiration of all heholdor._or 1111. mile.awlY. Herr Netzscb boliO\-C8 tlllLt his invCII

The blaze (rom elch o( the three tion will be of great use to partenpipes i, leot bl the force of the gil "lid others for tho clLrryillg' of liglilto • height 0 itom t"011ty-6.,e to loads, Ind he hn cOIIJicieut hOIJOS(art,. feet, the helt being 10 intenllc that it M'ilI be highly "I)pree:ated byas to melt the Ili0W entirely a"ly for the numerous c1lLiSef ..... :10 are (oud of• dillint orat lealt one bundred ~eet, lalldle exercise but ar" d~lltitllte ofand.lso ke.ping tbe ground so warm the wherswitb to buy and malutain.Iuring all the cold weetber o( the horses o( flesh and blood; he conternwloter, lohlt grass, Ita"berry vines r1latc5, too. ilJ applioation to thtland other plantl rna)' grow. In d:-awing of cabs alld other ~rriagP3.

manT' places, where the cro"d or I is nen CllIICt,lh·.ble that in this in·~iJlbt.see,. hue'" rn thtl ground, it "',mtiou we hne tho chsrgor of the11 very dust)·. (uture. All ani mil that UUClIliot eat

The light iliO Itrong tbat. a ne"l- and Cln nolo die woul.l be o( illtlliti­paper may b. reid hall I mile 'Wlly, Illable value ill warflLre. We arclIot'III \erydark Ilit(htll the illumination told how a Ulall uf f10lih and blood i.il! I;raull. The light8 has (r 'quelltl)' a.1pected to sUPl>ort thu lutiguo ofheen aeen in Oct-an, Sal"mallca, llMI muvill8, by rilillil in his IltirrllVs, aolher town. twent)' mile, awa,.. oreature or iroll, or if it be })i)slilJie

ILu keel) it guing ill all)' place I~ sThfJ "el~rn (armers alld !tpeeula flat than Herlin, a city, which, a'J

tora have dllCOvered iu the Crimean e\'erybotl)" knows, iii ali level IS •~..r, tbat DO olle naUOIl can perilla· billiard·table.nendy beuefilo by the llli furtune ofj ---...,...-_-...,...--anotber, The immt>llse fortunes LasHos July 31.-Lettera dl's-which "ere uPf'cted to l,e made out cribing the outrlLlCCI at KlLYarlll arc(}f tbe Ru 5O·Turki h "Ir b)' tlip. tousillK much indIgnation. The ac·fluctuation I of tbe lOarhrs hne c .unts though exnggerated are bepro~ed '0 be merit cutli" ill :-:=p:lill. Ilevel! to he true. Tho Greek Guv.Thtl Chicago II Tribunel! "II.\·S .. that erllll1ent "JIll dilliclIlty restraiulltbe WIU ha" utterly fail('d tit Crtllt\O ThcS8(·hon8 (rom ritlillg before timthe d~lOand (or lhe pr''flllct u( the Kin"JlIlIl is armed.\VeIL tha~ "as eJ.lll'ctcd." I .----I "The ~'ootlight," Ii 1I0W the.tricil

A gloyerlctoryil1oLee tablitobed paper, ha~ jUlt millie il4i 'PIJearanel'., Alibllllu.Orf'gou, ,m San F'raocisco,