Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    FrootBearer Series Ministry P.O. Box 280835 Nashvil le, TN 37228Web site: www.frootbearerseries.com E-mail: joyce@frootbearerseries.com

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    The opinions exp essed in this manusc ipt a e solely the opinions of the autho and do not ep esent the opinions o thoughts of the p

    F ootBea e Cha acte on Display Se iesF ooTivitiesPuffed-up P ide

    Copy ight 2009. F ootBea e Se ies Minist y. P.O. Box 280835, Nashville, Tennessee 37228. Joyce Ann Evans. All ights ese ved

    No pa t of this book may be ep oduced, sto ed in a et ieval system, o t ansmitted by any means without the w itten pe mission of

    Sc iptu e taken f om the HOLY BIBLE,NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION . Copy ight 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by pe mission of ZondAll ights ese ved.

    ISBN: 978-1-61658-700-0


  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    Puffed-up Pride 3

    Welcome ............................................ 4

    Activity 1: Colo in .............................5

    Activity 2: Ci cle the Answe ............... 6

    Activity 3: Colo in .............................7

    Activity 4: Colo in .............................8

    Activity 5: Wo d Sea ch ...................... 9

    Activity 6: Colo in ...........................10

    Activity 7: Colo in ...........................11

    Activity 8: T ue o False? ..................12

    Activity 9: C osswo d Puzzle .............13

    Activity 10: Colo in .........................14

    Activity 11: Colo in .........................15

    Activity 12: Fill in the Blanks .............16

    Activity 13: Connect the Dots ............17

    Activity 14: Maze ..............................18

    Activity 15: Wo d Sea ch...................19

    Activity 16: T ue o False? ................20

    Activity 17: Unsc amble the Wo ds ...21

    Activity 18: Connect the Dots ............22

    Activity 19: Colo in .........................23

    Activity 20: Wo d Sea ch...................24

    Activity 21: Colo in .........................25

    Activity 22: Colo in .........................26

    Activity 23: Colo in .........................27

    Activity 24: Who Said What? .............28

    Activity 25: Who Said What? .............29

    Activity 26: What I Lea ned ...............30

    Activity 27: What I Lea ned ...............31

    Answer Key ......................................32

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    4 FrooTivities (Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Puffed-up Pride

    Dea F ootste ,

    This F ooTivities activity book is desi ned to o alon with the F ootBea e Se ies

    book, Puffed-up Pride . The fun-filled activities within this book a e cente ed a ound the

    Bible Ve se, P ove bs 16:18 (NIV).

    So, ab a box of c ayons and help the galatians gan complete the activities as all

    hea ts become ooted and ounded in gods Wo d. And p oduce F ootBea e s fo gods

    kin dom!

    Love You Much!

    Joyce Evans

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    8 FrooTivities (Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Puffed-up Pride


    FB asked Lucy to help him p actice ice skatin . But Lucy was too busy andchose to shop fo new ice skates instead. Colo the pictu e above.

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    Puffed-up Pride 9


    Shame swept FBs humble hea t as he watched Lucy skate out of si ht.Complete the Wo d Sea ch above.

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    12 FrooTivities (Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Puffed-up Pride

    TrUE Or FALSE?

    W ite T ue o False in the space next to each question below to dete mineif the events happened in the sto y.

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    16 FrooTivities (Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Puffed-up Pride


    When FB eached the b id e he hea d a beautiful son . Usin the Wo dBank below fill in the missin wo ds to the son .

    _______ loves you, if only you_______ ,

    just_____ much,____ adores____ .

    If you dont______ inside,

    please______ over, and Ill_______ .

    Then_______ know, just like____ ,

    how his_____ set you_____ .

    Word Bank

    J e sus

    f r e e

    knewlo v e h o w



    k n o w o b l i g e

    youc r o s s

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    Puffed-up Pride 19


    When FB eached Oakey, he explained why he quit the thin he loved themost. Complete the Wo d Sea ch above.

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    Puffed-up Pride 23


    FB aced ove to help Lucy while the c owd stood by lau hin . Colo thepictu e above.

  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-Up Pride FrooTivities


    Puffed-up Pride 25


    FB helped Lucy unde stand the joy inside his hea t while the two f iendshobbled home. Colo the pictu e above.