Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Good Morning Ever



• Puddling of soil is one of the most common farm operations in paddy growing area.

• The best quality and high yielding variations of paddy crop respond well to good quality pudding.

• Puddling usually refer to the churning of the soil the presence of excess water by means of a puddler or any other implement for that purpose.

• The main purpose of the puddling is to reduce percolation of nutrient and water, to kill weeds by decomposing and to facilitate the transplanting of paddy seedlings by making the soil softer and smooth.

• Paddling is down in a standing water of 5 to 10cm depth in the field which has already received one ploughing by the mould board plotgh.

• In the absence of a puddler, an indigenous plough is used as a puddler by most farmers.

Before the field is ready to be transplanted, it should be puddled and then leveled by means of a pata (planker) or leveler.

If there is excess water, it should be drained off.

The most desirable soil conditions at the time transplanting appears to be one having semi-pervious hard pan covered with approximately 10 to 15 cm dense mud and very litter free water on the surface.

According to the power source, puddlers are classified as:

Hard operated puddlers.Animal dawn puddlers.

Tractor drawn puddlers.

Puddling of small plots or tiny land patch is mostly done by human labor using spade or wooden frame fitted with pointed pegs or long nails.

Such plots are not large enough to permit use of other power sources for puggling operations.

Animal drawn puddlers

Animal drawn puddlers are mostly used in this country.

The indigenous plough is the most popular implement used as a puddler in the paddy growing areas, Though it does not the job effectively.

Some farmers use the peg tooth harrow for puddling paddy fields.

None of these implement is as effective as the rotating blade type puddlers available in the country.

Open blade type The open blade type implement of this group is commonly used for south India.

It consists of series of steel or cost iron blades fastened to a cast iron hub at an angle.

The number of cast iron hubs may be two or more. There hubs revolve on a steel shaft to which the wooden beam and operator’s seat are attached.

o Sometimes these of implement is generally a walking type.

o The effective width of the puddler varies between 0.9 and 1.2m.

o The action of these implement is much better than the other

animal drawn puddlers in use.

o Besides these implements, animal for puddling operators.

Animal drawn harrow cum puddler developed at PAC

(Ludhiana is a Versatile machine)

It is used for puddling as well as dry seedbed preparation

It saves 66 percent labor time and about 60 percent on

cost of puddling as compared to the conventional method

of puddling by indigenous plough.


Gage angle ADJ lever




Transport wheel


Notched disc

Shovel Schematic diagram of animal drawn harrow cum puddler

Open blade puddler

Animal drawn helical blade puddler copy


Wooden bearing

Wooden frame

Helical blade




In general, there are four main classes of tractor drawn puddles

Power puddlers

Tine tiller,

Rotating blade puddler,

Disk harrow,

Power rotary tiller

Among these implements the disk harrow and power rotary tiller are in greater use.

The latter is operated by a filed tractor which is equipped with a cage wheels to reduce the sinkage of the wheels in the field.

Due to large and heavier disks, this implement gives very good performance.

Schematic diagram of tractor mounted rotary puddlers

Pentnagar Agricultural University

The tractor mounted puddler developed by the scientists of Pentnagar Agricultural University has provide to a successful machine in terms of saving


Cost Of Operation Providing Extra Rice Yields.

The power rotary tillers are commonly used in most Asian Countries.

These puddlers have now become popular in the rice growing belt of India.

Thank you