PubQuiz 1-22-15

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of PubQuiz 1-22-15


Questions from a variety of categories ranging from the academic to pop culture. Questions will be asked

and your team will have 20 seconds to confer and record your response on your team's dry erase

board. When time is called, teams will reveal their answers. After mentioning each response, the

correct answer will be revealed and teams with the correct answer will be awarded points. The team with the most points at the end of the quiz wins.

No smart phones or tablets, please. This is about what you know – not what Siri can tell you.

Current Events

Stuff that happened in the last month or so. Hope

you watch the news!

After recently pleading guilty to

charges of tax fraud, what NY Congressman resigned on January

5 th?

Michael Grimm

December 26 th of 2014 marked the 10 th

anniversary of what disaster?

2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

The death of Angalifu on December 14 th has brought the world's population of what

animal down to a mere five individuals?

Northern White Rhino

Met with outrage from certain portly radio show

hosts, what actor was revealed to be a possible choice to play the next

James Bond?

Idris Elba

On December 30 th, the first actress to win consecutive Oscars

passed away at the age of 104, what was her


Luise Rainer

On the 1st of January, what European

country adopted the Euro as official

currency, becoming the 19 th member of

the Eurozone?


Archaeologists announced the discovery of a

previously unknown Egyptian queen – what

was her name?

Khentakawess III or Khentkaus III

69 people have died in Mozambique of poisoning

due to what libation? Bonus point for knowing

the local name of the product.


Pombe, a type of millet beer

Who was awarded the Cecil B. DeMille award for Lifetime

Achievement in Film at the Golden


George Clooney

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović won a

presidential election to become the first

female president of what Eastern European



General TriviaJust answer the question :)

What is the most reactive element known to science?


How many seconds are in

24 hours?


What is a Wobbegong?

A shark

Queen Mab, Tinkerbell, and

Puck are all what?


What was the rather

philosophical name of Pugsley's

pet octopus?


In which sport might you endeavor to

abide by the Knickerbocker



What kind of food is



What brand once encouraged you

to “Obey your thirst?”


George Alan O'Dowd is the real

name of what singer?

Boy George

What is the only orchid plant that

bears edible fruit?

Vanilla orchid

In what sport would you sit in

a 'sulky'?

Harness Racing

Intermission Time!

Catch Phrases

A character will be shown and you must guess the catch phrase associated

with the character.


“Up Up and Away!”

“Sufferin' Succotash!”


“Whatchu talkin' bout,


“Danger, Will Robinson!”

“Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!”

“Make it work!”

“How you doin'?”

“By the Goddess!”

“Make it so.”

General TriviaJust answer the question :)

Adam transformed into He-Man while saying the phrase 'By the power of Grayskull' but what did his sister, Adora, say to transform into She-Ra?

“For the honor of Grayskull!”

How many gold medals did Jessie Owens win at the 1936 Olympics?


What famed and influential jazz

musician was also a noted cat-whisperer

who published a guide to toilet train your


Charles Mingus

NASA plans to launch a probe in

2018 that will do a close exploration of what celestial body?

Our Sun

What two drinks do you mix to

create a Black Velvet?

Guinness and Champagne

What do a Prime Minister, Uther Pendragon, a

librarian, a Repo Man, and a Watcher

have in common?

Characters played by

Anthony Stewart Head

According to the lyrics in “Maxwell's Silver

Hammer” Joan was quizzical and studied


Metaphysical Science

How many players are in a standard volleyball team?


What song has been recorded by The

Beatles, Aerosmith, Arctic Monkeys, The Smokin' Mojo Filters, The Supremes, and Michael Jackson?

Come Together!

Who was the British monarch with the

shortest reign? Bonus point for knowing how

long this monarch reigned.

Lady Jane Grey

9 days

Starring Rebecca Ferguson, Minnie Driver, and Debra Winger, The Red Tent mini-series aired on Lifetime on

December 7 th and 8 th. Who wrote the book it was

based on?

Anita Diamant

What day will the library's Movie Day be playing Moonrise


Saturday February 21st at


You should come!

Thanks for playing!