publisher catalog mardeideias2013

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Is a book, e-book, audio-book and book+DVD publisher, from Brazil, that also specializes in essays and projects for children and young people.

Transcript of publisher catalog mardeideias2013

Special bookS, original ideaS

Br a z i l | ri o d e Ja n e i r o

Mar de ideiaS navegação cultural

Is a book, e-book, audio-book and book+DVD publisher, from Brazil, that also specializes in essays and projects for children and young people.

Our mission is to produce educational/recreational books always aiming at the development of free-thinking individuals. As for the adults public, we give priority to the original ideas focusing on the national titles as well as launch-ing new authors. The heart of our vision is the cultural opportunities people create each and every moment.

Our trademark is originality and innovation. We connect people to the knowl-edge in direct and creative way. Due to the increased interest in e-books, the greater part of our catalogue is available in digital form making it easier for anyone who tries to access our published content.

One can also reach us on our blog, Facebook Fan Page and Twitter.

take a look!


leonardo boff 2013

FRANCIS OF ASSISI AND FRANCIS OF ROME a new springtime in the ChurCh?author: Leonardo Boff

Leonardo Boff makes an analogy between these two symbolic figures, Francis of Assisi and Francis of Rome placing them close together. It is not only a comparison, but the assurance of a divine inspiration.

Saint Francis introduced a church which attended primarily to the needs of the poor, following Evangelion scriptures with underlying Ecological message treating everyone as brothers and sisters. This is the model of church that inspires Francis of Rome: a simple, evangelic, detached from opulence that includes ethic to look after and care for the humanity and all other living creatures on this planet.

This book is a message of love, faith and hope; it’s the wish of the faithful who long for a better church. This book is also a message to the young people today who have the responsibility of promoting the future changes: to be kind to each other, to think of social injustice as the universal malady to be fought against; to be ecological in every aspect; to act responsibly in regard of the natural resources, to uphold Jesus simplicity and involve the Lord in all projects of life.

BOOK OF ARTICLES14 x 21 cm / 72 pages

1-color paperback in 90g pólen bold

ISBN: 978-85-60458-38-7

profile Spirituality & theology

THE STRENGTH OF TENDERNESSthoughts for sympathizing, eCologiCal, equal and loving world

author: Leonardo Boff

This book contains a selection of thoughts, aspirations and reflections which the philoso-pher and theologist Leonardo Boff developed during 30 years of intellectual research of the humanity, spirituality, Universe, God, Jesus, Freedom, Earth, ecology and crisis.

There have been moments of absolute gratitude when nothing is questioned, it is the realiza-tion of the presence of God in our lives.There is a certain harmony, in the quietest of moments, the unit of all things connected to the source of everything that lives, exists and subsist.Such moments take place in one’s life. Maybe after a long cathartic process, after deep crisis, who knows, in the very heart of a lost and sinful life. God may emerge neither as a question nor as an answer to the doubtful heart but simply as a smooth and persistent presence.

Leonardo Boff

SPIRITUALITY10,5x15 cm / 112 pages

1-color paperback in 90g pólen bold

ISBN: 978-85-60458-35-6

profile Spirituality & ethic

L E O N A R D O B O F F ’ S B O O K S

PEDAGOGIC/EDUCATIVEBook + DVD(recommended for teachers)14x21 cm / 56 pages1-color paperback in 90g pólen bold ISBN: 978-85-60458-33-2

profile environMental & ethic

THE FOUR ECOLOGIESenvironmental, soCial-politiCal, mental and integral

author: Leonardo Boff

An updated reflection and new concepts about pressing ecological issues. A change of thinking and attitude to make a better world possible. Originally released on video and now available in DVD+book format.

A guideline for educators is also included; developed by Prof Romualdo Dias – UNESP Rio Claro Campus – it intends to establish group dynamics and discussion to bridge the major effects between ideas and practices on the daily basis. This proposal is made on behalf of the education of young people and adults alike help them improve the discourse between thought and attitude, and facilitate the acquisition of the knowledge not only of new concepts of environmental ecology but also of political, social, mental and integral ones.

FROM ICEBERG TO NOAH’S ARKO the birth of a planetary ethiC

author: Leonardo Boff

Articles on crisis and growth, globalization, ecology, planetary ethics, spirituality and the future of humanity.

Crises make us think. Personal and collective suffering enables us to grow. Against all that we wished for, we have entered the new millennium with all the contradictions aggravated that were left to us from last century. (...)On the other hand we see a growth of the process of globalization that overcomes economic-finan-cial frontiers and opens up political, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions. Thanks to this opening, criminals who offended mankind are being put on trial in world tribunals.

Perception of the ecological alarm is also growing. We are aware that the space ship Earth has unsurpassable limits and that most of its resources are not renewable. (...) And what if she disap-pears? Based on this real eventuality, how can we contemplate the significance of our emergency within the evolutionary process? Are we to lose the principle of intelligibility, lovingness and rever-ence?

Based on this dramatic scenario, we pose the questions of a salvationist planetary ethic. At the same time we raise the question of spirituality that is indispensable for the future of mankind and for a new paradigm of civilization.

Leonardo Boff

BOOK OF ARTICLES14x21 cm / 172 pages1-color paperback in 90g offset ISBN: 978-85-60458-12-7

profile Spirituality & ethic

SPIRITUALITY – A pAth for Accomplishment author: Leonardo Boff

Human beings have more than just exteriority –the body – to take care of. They also have interiority – the psyche – whose energies they have to integrate.And they also possess the spirit – which they must cultivate. Herein lies the mystery, both human and divine. Hereforth comes spirituality which, when cultivated, gives life a radical meaning beyond this life and brings serenity and peace.

AUDIO BOOK(non-fiction) CD 14x12,5 cm / acrylic box ISBN: 978-85-60458-15-8

TIME FOR TRANSCENDENCE – the humAn being As An infinite project

author: Leonardo Boff

The human being fits into no definition, no institution and no religion. We are made in the image and resemblance of God. That is why human beings are always breaking limits, knocking down barriers, creating spaces and new possibili-ties. Only in transcendence do we feel really human, crea-tive: a project whose only proper objective is the Infinite.

AUDIO BOOK(non-fiction) CD 14x12,5 cm / acrylic box ISBN: 978-85-60458-14-1

profile Spirituality & ethic

SUN OF HOPE – Christmas, stories, poetry and symbols

author: Leonardo BoffIllustrator: Adriana Miranda

The book is an ecumenical message that Leonardo Boff offers to children, and especially to parents who need to re-learn how to care for the child Jesus present in our boys and girls.

Caring means respecting the importance of human existence, the whole community of life and the proximity of God. This is the new ecological paradigm that we need to make a part of our daily life.

SPIRITUALITY9-12 years old22,5 x 20,5 cm / 72 pages4-color paperbackin 150g couché mattISBN: 978-85-60458-02-8

THE EGG OF HOPE – the meaning of the easter feast

author: Leonardo BoffIllustrator: Adriana Mirandaback cover: Ziraldo

Leonardo Boff debuts as an author of children’s books when he offers the little ones some notions of compassion, cooperation, solidarity and generosity, whatever their belief or religion.

The story is an explanation of the Jewish Passover and the Catholic Easter, together with their principal symbols: candle-light, the egg and the little rabbit.

SPIRITUALITY6-9 years old

22,5 x 20,5 cm / 36 pages4-color paperback

in 150g couché mattISBN: 978-85-60458-21-9

profile inStructive


NOVELS16 years old & up

16 x 23 cm / 216 pages1-color paperback

in 90g offset ISBN: 978-85-60458-25-7

500 STORMSauthor: Christiana de Caldas Brito

A romance of 11 stories intertwines the lives of 8 characters, who live in Silvestre Slum, the highest hill of Santa Teresa in Rio de Janeiro. The ingredient – the rain – that nourishes and destroys at the same time, proclaims and radiates love and drama tales of such richly diversified people as Cariocas. The set-up – Brasil, 500 years of discovery, the party, the storm and the tragedy.

The writer was born in Rio de Janeiro, but has lived in Rome for 30 years. Upon winning the second place of the 1st Literature Contest EKS & Tra with her book “Ana de Jesus”, she gained public recognition and was launched on a trajectory that led her to be considered one of the most prominent exponents of Italian migration literature. 500 Storms is her first book in Brazil.


500 temporais

SMILING TO THE CAMERAauthor: Zulema Ridagraphic project: Glória Afflalo

It establishes an unsuspecting dialogue with daily life situations overflown with feelings. To communicate the urgency of time, an universal subject, Zulema Rida unveils an inconspicuous, right-to-the-point way of writing, rich with imaginary and pungent humor.

ACID CHRONICLES16 years old & up14x21 cm / 44 pages4-color paperbackin 170g couché mattISBN: 978-85-60458-34-9

profile fiction


THE ALLIGATOR THAT ATE THE NIGHTauthors: Leão Zagury & Tania Zaguryillustrator: Rafael Doria

The tale of a high-spirited boy, bustling with energy, who does not like his bedtime. And to solve his predicament, he befriends an alligator. The illustrations of Rafael Doria, who is a professor and plastic artist, provided drawings for this entertaining story.

Tania Zagury is a philosopher and a writer. Leão Zagury is an endocrinologist. Together they wrote the story inspired by the challenges of raising their children. Reading to young kids is an essential task and the family plays the main role in acquainting a child with this indispensable pastime.

FICTION8-10 years old15,5x23 cm / 64 pages4-color paperbackin 120g couché mattISBN: 978-85-60458-37-0


profile education

THE BOY AND CACO THE MONKEYauthors: Leão Zagury & Tania Zaguryillustrator: Rafael Doria

It is a sweet little story of a close friendship .The text stimulates learning of the first words essential for competent literacy. The illustrations by Rafael Doria, who is a professor and plastic artist, combines movement and action in the balanced and colorful proportion.

FICTION6-7 years old

(recommended for developing literacy)

21x14 cm / 16 pages4-color paperback

in 120g couché mattISBN: 978-85-60458-36-3

TWO HOUSES AND ONE BACKPACKauthor: Sonia Mendesillustrator: Jana Magalhães

This is the strange story of Clara, a girl who endures the separation of her parents and is filled with confused sentiments and doubts about what is to become of her life.

This book is for the whole family: boys and girls, father and mother, grandfather and grandmother. That is why it comes with a foldout with hints for the parents and children who need to understand their feelings better and to know how to deal with this new and delicate moment.

PSYCHOLOGICAL 6-9 years old22,5 x 20,5 cm / 36 pages4-color paperbackin 150g couché mattISBN: 978-85-60458-03-5

profile inStructive

FREDIFISH – PRINCE OF THE SEASauthor and illustrator: Luzia de Moraesback cover: Leonardo Boff

Fredi is a fish who lives on the bottom of the sea and accepts the challenge of an important adventure to save the marine environment and consequently the entire planet at the request of King Neptune.

The author’s idea is to make the “FrediFish Collection” an instrument to raise aware-ness in schools and homes as regards the importance of preserving water.

ENVIRONMENTAL7-11 years old

(with CD of the story and music) 22,5 x 20,5 cm / 32 pages

4-color paperback in 115g couché matte

ISBN: 978-85-60458-05-9

ROOTS – the memories of emmanuel, a frenCh boy

author: Leny Werneck

This is the first infant-juvenile novel in the France-Brazil Year by renowned author Leny Werneck, who writes children’s stories in both countries.

The book is the story of Emmanuel, a clever, helpful, mischievous and sweet boy. He lives in Paris but his family is made up of people who come from many different places (even from Brazil).

NOVELS8-10 years old13 x 18 cm / 152 pages 1-color paperback in 70g chamois ISBN: 978-85-60458-07-3

FLOODauthor: Olivia RabacovIllustrator: Weberson Santiago

This is the story in poetry of Dudu, a boy who lives protected from the world until he discov-ers his great loneliness.

Designed for children and youngsters, the book enchants readers of all ages with a timeless story that has force and beauty together in the text and illustrations.

POETRY6-7 years old

(recommended for developing literacy)

18x14 cm / 36 pages4-color paperback

in 170g couché matteISBN: 978-85-60458-08-0

profile poetry

profile novelS

FICTION9 -12 years old16x22 cm / 20 pages4-color paperback in 150g couché matteISBN: 978-85-60458-16-5

THE MYSTERIOUS BACKPACKauthor: Zulema RidaIllustrator: Marcellus Schnell

The tale of mystery about Dimitri’s backpack which he carries everywhere with him has begun with the arrival of a new student : Diogo Valente or Diogo “Zero” as he was nicknamed on the first day at school.

Before Zero’s arrival, nobody ever noticed Dimitri nor his backpack. But Zero did, but so what? Zero might have overreacted a little, spreading rumors and silly suspicions through school’s corridors concerning the backpack contents to the point that he himself became delirious with curiosity on the account of a quaint-looking newspaper sticking out from the backpack’s pocket.

‘’Hush! There’s some mischief at work here’’, Zero would repeat incessantly.

OH! LELÉauthor: Zulema RidaIllustrator: Marcellus Schnell

Oh, dear ! Alvo was sheared ! They cut his beautiful wavy fur ! Alvo is a fuzzy dog… or was one… After shearing, good-bye curls ! He was naked and so ashamed of the way he looked that he hid under the bed where he lay feeling sorry for himself. To add insult to injury, they even put a goofy bow tie around his neck.

‘’My, oh, my! Now I look like any ordinary dog! How can I go for a walk looking the way I do? I do not want anyone to see me this ugly! I’m going to spend the rest of my days hiding ! I will never go for another walk ! ’’

FICTION6 -9 years old

16x22 cm / 24 pages4-color paperback

in 150g couché matteISBN: 978-85-60458-


today’S collection

VEGETABLE CLOCKauthor: Zulema RidaIllustrator: Marcellus Schnell

Thiago Maio has flaming-red hair. Caio Santeiro has straight blond hair like an angel in the rain. Marco Mil’s hair is short and black.

Well, this is nothing’s new here, just like the 5th grade students, there are boys with spiky hair, straight or curly one, like they say –to each his own !

CAT WINGauthor: Zulema RidaIllustrator: Marcellus Schnell

Some people say animals cannot speak… Others believe every animal in the world learn to speak since a very young age. Is it possible that cats communicate in “Catspeak”? Dogs converse in “Barkish”? And birds chirp in “Birdese”?

Wow! Some believe animals speak “Animalish”.

It is hard to imagine a caravan of camels walking for days on end through a desert where it doesn’t rain, where there are no trees, no water or grass, only sand and no one would say a single word. Not even a comment such as “Gee! How unbearably hot it is!!!”

No, that is impossible to believe!

FICTION9 -12 years old

16x22 cm / 20 pages4-color paperback

in 150g couché matteISBN: 978-85-60458-19-6

FICTION6 -9 years old16x22 cm / 28 pages4-color paperback in 150g couché matteISBN: 978-85-60458-18-9

FICTION6 -9 years old16x22 cm / 20 pages4-color paperback in 150g couché matteISBN: 978-85-60458-23-3

THE JAPANESE DOGauthor: Zulema RidaIllustrator: Marcellus Schnell

Luca enjoys walking by the river.One day when he was watching the ducks goose stepping like soldiers on a parade he heard someone shouting:“Hey there boy! Stay away from the water! This river is dangerous!” Luca turned around to see who was shouting .There was no one behind him ... Well… No one except the auburn, shaggy dog with huge green eyes.

THE X’Sauthor: Zulema RidaIllustrator: Marcellus Schnell

8 year old John is famous for his ability to fix anything: rebind tattered books; repair broken toys among other much more complex things and invent fantastic accessories for bicycles.His friends could hardly wait to see his new amazing inventions.When it came Tina’s time, the youngest sister of John, she waited anxiously for her bike upgrade, she imagined her first ride filled with festive parade music and crowd cheering... but, but, but the day she was waiting for so eagerly was marred by a heavy rain.

FICTION9 -12 years old

16x22 cm / 24 pages4-color paperback

in 150g couché matteISBN: 978-85-60458-24-0

today’S collection

FROM THENCE IT CAME ?author: Leonardo BoffIllustrator: Adriana Miranda

SCIENCE FOR CHILDRENThe origin of Cosmos to children from 8 years old that involves several areas of knowledge, such as science, physics, theology and philosophy.

THE WHITE GIRL AND THE BLACK SPOTauthor: Christiana de Caldas BritoIllustrator: Marco Miscia

NOVELS FOR CHILDRENThe story of a girl who lives alone till the moment she finds and befriends a black spot on the 36th page of the book she was Reading. But her opinionated parents want her to steer clear of their friendship as they find it a little strange. How will it all end, then ?


BOOK OF ARTICLESArticles of reflection upon urgent and topical issue : the survival of human race in the endangered world.

C O M I N G S O O N :

MAR de IDEIAS navegação culturaltel.: (55+21) 3681-6550 |

twitter: @mardeideias

Publisher: Daniella Riet |