Published for this day vol 1 issue 8

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Transcript of Published for this day vol 1 issue 8

We have all had those days when there is not enough time to get it everything done because of all the necessary tasks and interruptions! We end the day feeling frustrated and frazzled, underappreciated and overwhelmed. Read how busy mom, Leah Clark, keeps everything in its place and her sense of humor intact.

To Whom is May Concern… <interruption...>… :I feel wholly inadequate to write a letter encouraging you to have time for yourself, your husband, your kids and your dog. We’ve had our ups and downs here <interruption...> in the Clark household. If you’re anything like me, you probably have more than 1 kid, you’re involved at church and at school, you work part-time or volunteer, you care for a <interruption.....> child and/or parent with a chronic illness, and while you only allow each child to participate in one sport/activity, you still find yourself having to be in three different places at the same time at least one night per week. I feel I’m quite imperfect <interruption......> and yet an incredibly sincere wife and mother. <procrastination> As I attempt to write this letter, here are the verses that come to mind: Ephesians 3: 14-19 “ For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” I’m praying this prayer – that God will grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit, so that, being rooted and grounded in love, you may be able to comprehend with all your fellow CDA parents and Believers what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to the fullness of God.

March 2014 Vol.1, Issue 8For This Day

My husband traveled for over ten years, so we learned to carve out alone-time any which way we could get it. We often have dates <interrup-tion...!> right in our own home. One of us will suggest meeting out on the patio for cheese and crackers while the kids are inside playing a game, reading a book <interruption...!> or watching a video. It’s best if it’s too hot or too cold for the kids to follow you out. Our youngest has been known to run outside, <interruption...!!> steal half our cheese in one handful, and run back in to get to the A/C. Or, we’ve insisted that the kids go to bed well before dark, so we could enjoy alone-time on the couch. Of course, we <interruption> do go out for the occasional date, but that often requires a little more prior planning than I have bandwidth. The most valuable bit of advice I can offer is to simply listen to each other <interruption!!> and know your spouse’s love language. My husband feels love and connection when I simply rub his back. We may not get to enjoy a whole conversa-tion or even a whole half hour, but he’ll be re-minded that I love him and care about him simply because I rubbed his shoulders. Sometimes you just need to know those short-cuts to meaningful connection. <more procrastination was needed!!> I’m blessed to have a sister who share’s the burden (pleasure?) of caring for our mom. If you are in a situation where you’re caring for someone, I can’t stress enough the need for a support system. The need for community is made so much more evident in situations like this. <interruption...!!!> You need friends and family to help with siblings when taking a child to doctor appointments or for treatment. I’m not sure I need to expound on this much. If you are dealing with the long-term care needs of a loved one, you already know that you can’t do everything without help. God bless you in being the hands and feet of Christ as you care for your loved one. Your part-time job and volunteer work, seems to just make time for itself. <interruption!!!> Either you have to work or you’re passionate about a cause that energizes you. It makes it easy to put these two things on the schedule when you have a

boss you report to or you just look forward to the next time you can take care of the animals at the shelter or share the love of Christ with an Unbe-liever. <interruption!!!!> If anything, we some-times have to reign in these two action items to prioritize our families. The work will still be wait-ing for you tomorrow no matter how late you stay today, and God gave us a first priority the moment he gave us families. Our families need our focus and attention. Kids. Kids take up a majority of time, attention and prayers. And yet, how many qual-ity interactions do we get per week? I joke that I spend more quality time with my kids in the MCC (Mobile Command Center) than I do in our home. We have a family game night at least once a month. I’ve gotten so much great advice over the years in MOPS and Mom Heart. First of all, we’re a team – in our case: team Smartclark. We need every member of the team doing their part. We each have our assigned chores. The kids vacuum, sweep, do laundry, empty the dishwasher and the boys mow at Mimi’s house. I load the dishwasher and cook half of the meals. I was blessed with a hus-band who likes to grill. We have to work together and encourage one another. Secondly, because each kid is different, we have to study our kids and try to determine their love languages. One of my kids doesn’t feel safe with my spur-of-the-moment fun and adven-ture. He prefers a routine and plan. Well, I love him, so I’ve done my best to surprise him less even though it’s not in my nature to make a schedule. One of my kids is very high energy, so it’s been a challenge to find a sport that was affordable, geared for his size his abilities, and would help burn off just a small bit of his energy. A friend and fellow mom at CDA turned me on to Cross Country. What I’m trying to say is – I keep my eyes and ears open to my kids’ struggles and ideas on how to help them overcome their struggles. I phone a friend, ask an expert, and read my Bible and pray continually on their behalf. One last piece of kid advice I’ve gotten over the years – pray for them. Pray for them to get caught when they do something wrong, pray

for wisdom on how to handle those learning op-portunities, pray for their future spouses, pray for their teachers. A right perspective on your children and their worth comes from God. He will give you wisdom. He will provide a word of encouragement through His Word or through a friend. He is the only one who knows the depravity hiding in our little darlings’ hearts and can help bring it to light, so we can help them learn to repent and fully un-derstand God’s love for them as they move along in that sanctification process. Bonus tip: I’m going to say it – turn off the TV. You don’t have time for it. It’s really just not important. If you watch it now, then not watching will afford you a windfall of “free” time to spend playing a game, spending a few moments with your spouse or reading a book with your kids. If you’ve already turned it off, then pray and ask God for guidance as you plan your week. “What is really important, Lord? What should I simply erase from my plan, so I can be free to follow as You lead me?”

Oh, the dog! I almost forgot the dog. We’ve

only had a dog for a few months. Before that, we had only rats and a rabbit. I have three kids. Each kid is in charge of all things dog

(feeding, watering, walking and poop-scooping) two days per

week. I get hump day because it seems to be the most challenging morning for the kids. They’re tired from practices that ran late the night before and a week that already feels long. We all get to cuddle and love on the dog even if it’s not our day to take care of the dog. So far, so good.

Moms in Prayer Where: Chapel at Harte House Contact individuals below for information M/W contact: Leah Clark T/Th contact: Tessa Nownes

Coram Deo Café“Encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thess. 5:11) Where: Fireside Room, Grammar Building When: 8:30-9:30am March 30 & April 1. Contact information: M/W contact: Jacque Younger T/Th contact: Donna Rector

Morning Prayer, Scripture Reading & Bible Studies, Scripture Reading and Prayer Contact: Jon Jordan Where: Room 113, grammar school building When: Monday and Tuesday, 7:40-7:50am Who: Parents, students, and faculty are all welcome. 6th & 7th grade Girls Bible Study of James Who: CDA students, 6th and 7th grade girls and friends Where: Jeff and Alicia Roy’s home Contact: Alicia Roy

Logic School Boys Bible Study When : Every Other Monday 7:00-8:00pmWhere: Jeff and Shelley Vosburg’s home Contact: Rodney Ashby

Book Club March 28, April 8 7:00pmContact: Janelle OppenheimerLocation: Crossroads Bible Church

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplica-tion, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7