Public Speaking Competition Primary School

Post on 20-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Public Speaking Competition Primary School

PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION 2015SPEAKER : DORETHY NISHA (6A)SECTION 1: PREPARED SPEECHThank you chairperson. Good morning to the honourable judges, timekeeper, teachers, and friends. The topic that I am going to talk about is Happiness.

Happiness. What is happiness? According to the definition in the Websters dictionary, it is a state of well-being and satisfaction. Now, this definition seems to be too general and comprehensive. Therefore, people tend to make their own interpretations. Happiness, above all else in the world, is what people seek. All people struggle in their lives for the attainment of happiness. They want to have happiness, and want to know they have a lot of it. Happiness, like air or water, is a hard thing to grasp in ones hand. Happiness is not measurable, profitable nor tradable. It is intangible. So, how does one know if they have it? Is it just a feeling? And if someone does not feel happy, how can they go about achieving that feeling?

Some people believe that happiness exists wherever there is money. Others disagree. Happiness is not measured by material wealth. A new hand phone or the latest electronic gadget, does not equate to joyful feeling. They are status symbols that make others assume a person is happy, but they do not guarantee a happy life. The phrase, money cant buy happiness is heard is true! People who have wealth can be unhappy, just as the poor can be living on cloud nine. Possessions can be gained and lost, and with that comes fear. And fear rarely leads to happiness. Some people think that true happiness lies in the possession of knowledge, high education and social positions.

All in all, what is happiness for one person may not be so for another. Some people spend their life running after wealth; some people seek glory; while some run after knowledge and social position .To the first group of people, happiness is wealth; to the second, glory; and to the third, position. However, I believe that none of these three group of people is really happy. They all still complain at one time or another, of the heavy burdens of life although they own what they want. Does this means that happiness is an illusion or a daydream never to come true?

Life with a dose of humour is fulfilling. Comedians, compared to any other profession, live the longest because they understand that laughter adds the spice to life, just like the proverb that says laughter is the best medicine. Life requires balance. And people that understand that there is a balance to work and play, conflict and joy, are more in tune with the universe and, therefore, better able to achieve happiness. The key to happiness is the decision to actually be happy. Being happy with whom you are and what you have is a decision that has to be consciously made. Finding laughter in life is important. But at the end of the day, a person needs to make a choice about happiness. They need to agree they want it, deserve it and have it.

In conclusion, happiness dwells inside of everyone. Happiness can be extracted from the simplest and commonest things in life. One finds it when he does his work sincerely driven by a decent motive. One finds it when he opens his heart to people in sincerity, love and trust as well as when he proves to be dependable, responsible, trustworthy and cooperative. Then, that will give way to happiness.

Thank you!