Public Relation. While NAWS has no specific position on Facebook. NA as a whole has a clearly...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Public Relation. While NAWS has no specific position on Facebook. NA as a whole has a clearly...

Social Networking and NA

Public Relation

What does NAWS Say??


While NAWS has no specific position on Facebook. NA as a whole has a clearly defined outline for the use of Internet technologies in the Public Relations Handbook.

What does the PR handbook Say?

The PR Handbook Says

If a member has used NA’s name on a personal website, then it is especially important not to use pictures of any members on that site, just as an area or region would not post members’ pictures and contact information on its website. The use of members’ pictures in association with NA falls outside the principle of anonymity. If pictures are used on a personal site, the NA name should not be used, for the reasons described above.

The PR Handbook Says

In an effort to keep private information out of the public’s view, message boards or chat rooms used for online meetings or service-related discussions should be made as private as possible. That way, the public cannot view the history or post to these forums.

The PR Handbook Says

Personal websites can further protect members’ anonymity by using words like “recovery” instead of specifically stating that they are members of Narcotics Anonymous.

The Traditions and Concepts

2.1 – Much reference is made to the ownership of content and the use of that content once you post it. The licence to use that content is retracted when you delete the page, unless the content has been shared with others and they have not deleted it. 

The problem with Section 2 which is titled “Sharing Your Content and Information” is that the very nature of social media, especially with Facebook, is viral. With the way Facebook content is spread, and the fact that it is possible that some of the content might find its way on to non-Facebook pages, it’s possible that they will have “licence” to use the content in perpetuity or until the internet is shut down.

What does this mean?

Facebook keeps all of our information forever. Every single click we make inside Facebook is recorded and kept.

4.1 – This section speaks to the requirement of providing “real names and information” and specifically, this line item states “you will not . . . create an account for anyone else other than yourself without permission.” 

Section 4 which is titled “Registration and Account Security” clearly limits and controls the type and nature of registration and who can register. It is clear that one has either a “personal” page or a “Community or Official” page. (See 12 – titled “Special Provisions Applicable to Pages” and Pages Terms item 1 and 3.) It is important to note that there is only one setting for a Community or Official page and that is “everyone”. (See comment on 10.1 and 10.3)

What does this mean?

You cannot create a “Community or Official” page without allowing everyone to see it. That means everyone.


5.7 – This section is about privacy and consent and states that we will need to get consent for everyone whose information we collect and also that we will have to have a stated privacy policy which also needs to be administered.

Section 5 which is titled “Protecting Other People’s Rights” brings the responsibility, and liability, for privacy and dissemination of information to the party that administers the Page that is created. This could become an onerous and time consuming task which would have to be taken on by the administrative body of the fellowship.

What does this mean?

It is the responsibility of the people who administer Facebook pages to protect the anonymity of their members. Facebook does not enable a way for users to remain anonymous.

“Basically if you don’t want your users Anonymity to be broken, don’t add them to your group/event/page etc”


Section 10.1 and 10.3 speaks to advertising and the relationship of the name/profile/page to commercial, sponsored or related content and it’s use by Facebook which is subject to the privacy limits set by the “account holder”.

Section 10 which is titled “Special Provisions Applicable to Advertisers” gives Facebook the right, “subject to the limits you place” to associate and use your name and profile in any way they choose. They also clearly state that “we may not always identify paid services and communications as such”. When you take this section into account and read it with section 12 and the Pages Terms, you understand that we would not have any ability to place limitations of any sort on our posted content or our name and profile.

What does this mean?

Having a profile/event/group on Facebook means that there is an affiliation to that, for advertising uses. These affiliations will be used for advertising.

Attraction Rather than Promotion

Section 12 which is titled “Special Provisions Applicable to Pages” is the key to providing Facebook with consent. In effect, when a Page is created or administered on Facebook, that constitutes agreement the Pages Terms. The Pages Terms, specifically item 1 and 3, states; “Pages are special profiles that may only be used to promote a business or other commercial, political, or charitable organization or endeavour (including non-profit organizations, political campaigns, bands, and celebrities) and “Pages can only post content and information under the ‘everyone’ setting.”

What does this mean?

Facebook Pages/ Events are a promotional tool that may be used for free, by users, to promote.

Tradition 6

Tradition Six "An N.A. group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the N.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property or prestige divert us from our primary purpose" in the Sixth edition of the Basic Text, contains the following passage “To endorse is to sanction, approve or recommend. Endorsements can be either direct or implied. We see direct endorsements everyday in T.V. commercials. An implied endorsement is one that is not specifically stated. Many other organizations wish to ride on the N.A. name. To allow them to do so would be an implied endorsement and a violation of this Tradition.” For those who state “I am not an NA group”, well, here is a passage from IP No. 2 “The NA member chosen to speak at a meeting needs to be someone who is working and living the NA program of recovery, which is the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.”



We do NOT associate our pictures and contact information with the Narcotics Anonymous name. We do not post them in the same place.


We protect NA from the Internal and External forces that seek to destroy us.